Using method overriding to support object subtypes

In some cases, we may need to implement different versions of the same native method to reflect different subtypes of a particular control class. To achieve this, we can use method overriding with RegisterUserFunc and reroute our test flow dynamically. For example, suppose that Application Under Test (AUT) uses different types of input controls, such as a password (encrypted) field, specially formatted fields for ID, date, and email, or even just for text, as opposed to numeric only data. In such cases, we might wish to use specific code to validate the input data or even (in a very advanced implementation) to generate it randomly.

Let us take, for example, two input fields (WebEdit) having different class HTML native attributes. We will write a custom version of the WebEdit_Set method (actually a delegate) that will reroute the function to execute a specific piece of code for the given element class.

Getting ready

From the File menu, navigate to New | Function Library or use the Alt + Shift + N shortcut. Name the new function library as Web_RegFunc.vbs.

In an external HTML editor, create an HTML file and name it WebEdit_Subtype.html. Write the following HTML code and save the file:

    <title>AdvancedQTP - Overriding TO Methods Example
    <div><span role="label">Username:</span><input class="normal" type="text" name="username"></input></div>
    <div><span role="label">Password:</span><input class="pwd" type="password" name="password"></input></div>
    <div><span role="label">Email:</span><input class="normal" type="text" name="email"></input></div>
    <div><span role="label">Tel:</span><input class="not_defined" type="text" name="tel"></input></div>

Open the file in Internet Explorer and add the four input fields to the local OR. At the end of every stage, do save the test.

How to do it...

Perform the following steps:

  1. In the function library, we will write the following code:
    Function WebEdit_SetEx(obj, str)
        'Reroute the flow based on the obj class
        Select case lcase(obj.GetTOProperty("class"))
            Case "normal"
                print "Regular input"
                obj.set str
            Case "pwd", "enc"
                print "Password input"
            case else
                print "N/A - Assuming regular input"
                obj.set str
        End Select
    End Function
  2. In Action, we will write our code as usual:
    RegisterUserFunc "WebEdit", "Set", "WebEdit_SetEx"
    with Browser("AdvancedQTP - Overriding").Page("AdvancedQTP - Overriding")
        .WebEdit("username").Set "Username"
        .WebEdit("password").Set "Password123"
        .WebEdit("email").Set "[email protected]"
        .WebEdit("tel").Set "(01) 23 456 789"
    End with
    UnregisterUserFunc "WebEdit", "Set"

The flow has rerouted behind the scenes, as explained in the previous recipes. The print log in the Output pane, for the four input fields defined in our HTML page, are:

Regular input

Password input

Regular input

N/A - Assuming regular input

How it works...

The WebEdit_Set method was overridden in a different way. While entering the function, the code checks the type of control that invoked the method (the sender) by retrieving the value of its class attribute. According to the result of this inquiry, the function enters the piece of code that was written to handle the specific control subtype. In the case of the Password field, the SetSecure method is invoked instead of Set, to enter the value. In this case, we could have also used the Crypt.Encrypt method with Set, as follows:

Function WebEdit_SetEx(obj, str)
    'Reroute the flow based on the obj class
    Select case lcase(obj.GetTOProperty("class"))
        Case "normal"
            print "Regular input"
            obj.set str
        Case "pwd", "enc"
            print "Password input"
            obj.set Crypt.Encrypt(str)            
        case else
            print "N/A - Assuming regular input"
            obj.set str
    End Select
End Function

There's more...

Another possible application of RegisterUserFunc is to have several versions of a method to support different requirements. The specific custom method to use should be selected during runtime from any Action or function, by calling RegisterUserFunc and UnregisterUserFunc. This may cover cases where we are required to support the following:

  • Different versions of the testware framework
  • Different configurations of AUT
  • The behavior of a TO with context-dependent or dynamically changing behavior

However, if we do change the method registrations during runtime, then we must be extremely cautious, as it may have an impact on the test results. A good practice to meet this risk would be to implement a tracking mechanism, for instance, with a GlobalDictionary object (refer to Chapter 1, Data-driven Tests) from which you would be able to retrieve any class and method, which are the current effective and registered custom methods. Accordingly, it would be possible to validate that the correct method is registered within a given context.

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