Using SQL queries programmatically

In the previous recipe, we discussed how to use a UFT DB checkpoint. Here, we will show you how to execute a SQL statement using VBScript code.

Getting ready

We will use the function library DB_Func.vbs as in the previous recipe Establishing and closing a database connection.

How to do it...

In our custom class DB_Handler, we will add a new private m_oRecordset field to hold the results of our query and a new method executeSQLQuery(SQLQuery), which, of course, accepts a string with a valid SQL query as the argument:

Private m_oRecordset

function executeSQLQuery(SQLQuery)
    Set m_oRecordset = m_oDBConnection.Execute(SQLQuery)
End Function

Additionally, in our Action1 datasheet, we would call the executeSQLQuery(SQLQuery) method by passing our SQL string as the argument:

call oDBHandler.executeSQLQuery(SQLQuery)

As mentioned earlier, the method would store the returned Recordset in the m_oRecordset field. Then, we will be able to perform operations with these data, such as making comparison between the expected and actual results.

How it works...

With our oDBHandler object already initialized and having an open DB connection, as shown in the previous recipe, we call the executeSQLQuery member function passing our SQL query string as the parameter. Inside the m_oRecordset method, member field is assigned the result of the Execute method of the ADODB.Connection object.

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