Downloading a file using XMLHttp

This recipe will show you how to download a file using the XMLHttp object, which we have seen in action in the Checking whether page links are broken recipe. Here we will expand on a theme and see how to synchronize our script using the onreadystatechange event handler to report on the progress of our download. The code includes the required modifications, and is the same as the one I used in a project a few years ago.

Getting ready

From the File menu, navigate to New | Function Library or use the Alt + Shift + N shortcut. Name the new function library as Web_Download.vbs. To use the AutoItX COM object, go to to download and install AutoIt. This is absolutely necessary in order to ensure that the code given here will work properly with regard to the notifications display.

How to do it...

This recipe will demonstrate how to download the last build JAR file from a remote build machine and deploy it to the local machine. This is very useful to automate daily build updates and trigger automated tests to check the new build for sanity. Please take note that this solution comprises several components and is quite complex to grasp:

  • The Http class, which handles the download operation
  • The StateChangeHandler class, which listens to the onreadystatechange event and handles notifications about the progress
  • The AutoIt class, which is a utility wrapper for the AutoItX COM object
  • The App_GetLastBuild class, which controls the whole process

Proceed with the following steps:

  1. First, we will define the following constants in the function library (of course, it would be better that at least some of these values be stored as Environment variables):
    const S_OK = 0
    const APP_PATH = "C:Program FilesMyApp"
    const DOWNLOAD_PATH = "C:Documents and SettingsadminMy DocumentsDownloads"
    const BUILD_PATH = ""
    const TMP_JAR = "App-1.0.0-build1.jar"
    const APP_JAR = "App.jar"
    const RES_ZIP = ""


    The preceding values are for illustration purposes only.

  2. The next step is to write the Http class to handle the download process. The process is explained as follows:
    • First we will define the fields:
      class Http
          Public m_objXMLHttp'The XMLHttp objectPrivate m_objHandler 'Stores a reference to the handler of the event onreadystatechange
          Private m_strLocalfilename 'Name of local filename
          Private m_strUrl 'Address of download location
    • Next, we will write the initialization and termination subroutines for the class:
      private sub class_initialize
              Handler = new StateChangeHandler
              Handler.Http = Me
              XML = createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
          end sub
          private sub class_terminate
              Handler = Nothing
              XML = Nothing
          end sub
    • Then, we will write the properties for the class that will provide access to the fields. Note especially the XMLHttp property, which is used to assign the XMLHttp object to the m_objXMLHttp field and also to set the StateChangeHandler object to the object's onreadystatechange event.
      public property get XML
              set XML = m_objXML
          end property
          private property let XML(byref objXML)
              set m_objXML = objXML
              if typename(objXML) <> "Nothing" then _
                      m_objXML.onreadystatechange = Handler
          end property
    • Other properties of the class are quite trivial, just being accessors to the fields:
      public property get LocalFilename
              LocalFilename = m_strLocalfilename
          end property
          private property let LocalFilename(byval strFilename)
              m_strLocalfilename = strFilename
          end property
          public property get Filename
              Filename = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFileName(Localfilename)
          end property
          public property get URL
              URL = m_strUrl
          end property
          private property let URL(byval strUrl)
              m_strUrl = strUrl
          end property
          private property get Handler
              set Handler = m_objHandler
          end property
          private property let Handler(byref objHandler)
              set m_objHandler = objHandler
          end property
    • The DownBinFile method handles the process as shown in the following code:
      public function DownBinFile(byval strURL, byval strDownloadPath)
              const adTypeBinary = 1
              const adModeReadWrite = 3
                const adSaveCreateOverwrite = 2
                dim arrTmp, oStream, intStatus, FSO, strInfo
              arrTmp = Split(strURL, "/")
              URL = strURL
              LocalFilename = strDownloadPath & Unescape(arrTmp(UBound(arrTmp)))
              if"GET", strURL, false) = S_OK then
                  set oStream = createobject("ADODB.Stream")
                  with oStream
                      .type = adTypeBinary
                      .mode = adModeReadWrite
                      do Until XML.readyState = 4
                          Wscript.Sleep 500
                      .write XML.responseBody
                      .SaveToFile LocalFilename, adSaveCreateOverwrite
                      strInfo = "Download of file '" & strURL & "' finished with "
                      set FSO = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
                      if FSO.FileExists(LocalFilename) then
                          strInfo = strInfo & "success."
                          DownBinFile = 0
                          strInfo = strInfo & "failure."
                          DownBinFile = 1
                      end if
                      with oAutoIt.Object
                          .ToolTip strInfo, 1100, 1000
                          .Sleep 7000
                      end with
                    end with 'ADODB.Stream
                    set oStream = Nothing
                  strInfo = "Send download command to server failed" & vbNewLine & XML.statusText
                  with oAutoIt.Object
                      call .ToolTip(strInfo, 1100, 1000)
                      .Sleep 7000
                      call .ToolTip("")
                  end with
                  exit function
              end if
          end function
      end class
  3. The Http class here refers to StateChangeHandler, which in turn uses the AutoItX COM object to display a notification to inform about the progress of the download process.

    The Exec method is defined as Public Default so that it is automatically triggered when the object is referenced. As an instance of this object is assigned to the onreadystatechange event of the Http request object, every time readystate changes, this function is performed to display the updated data on the download process in the notification area on the taskbar.

    class StateChangeHandler
        public m_objHttp
        public default function Exec()
            dim strInfo, intDelay
            intDelay = 0
            strInfo = "State changed: " & Http.XML.readyState & vbNewLine & "Downloading file: " & Http.Filename
            Select Case Http.XML.readyState
                Case "3"
                    strInfo = strInfo & vbNewLine & "Please wait..."
                Case "4"
                    strInfo = strInfo & vbNewLine & "Finished. Total " & len(Http.XML.responseBody)512 & "KB downloaded."
                    intDelay = 1500
                Case else
            End Select
            'with AutoIt
            with oAutoIt.Object
                .ToolTip strInfo, 1100, 1000
                 .Sleep 500+intDelay
             end with
        end function
        public property get Http
            set Http = m_objHttp
        end property
        public property let Http(byval objHttp)
            set m_objHttp = objHttp
        end property    
    end class
  4. The AutoItX COM object is wrapped by the AutoIt class for easier use:
    class AutoIt
        private m_oAutoIt
        public default property Get Object
            set Object = m_oAutoIt
        end property
        private property let Object(byval AutoItX)
            set m_oAutoIt = AutoItX
        end property
        private sub class_initialize
            Object = createobject("AutoItX3.Control")
        end sub
        private sub class_terminate
            Object = Nothing
        end sub
    end class
  5. Finally, the next App_GetLastBuild class controls the whole process. The whole process is explained as follows:
    • First, we define the fields as follows:
      class App_GetLastBuild
          private oHttp
          private Status
          private FSO
          private FoldersToDelete 'Local folders to delete'
          private ResourcesZIP
          private OrigJar
          private DestJar
          private BuildPath
          private ExtractPath
    • Then, we define a method that will assign these fields the value:
      public function SetArgs()
              FoldersToDelete = Array(APP_PATH & "images", APP_PATH & "properties", APP_PATH & "wizards")
              ResourcesZIP = RES_ZIP
              OrigJar = TMP_JAR
              DestJar = APP_JAR
              ExtractPath = APP_PATH
              BuildPath = BUILD_PATH
          end function
    • Next, we define the Exec method as default; a method that will control the whole process:
      public default function Exec()
              call SetArgs()
              '1) Delete local folders
              '2) Download resources zip
              Status = oHttp.DownBinFile(BUILD_PATH & ResourcesZIP, DOWNLOAD_PATH)
              if Status <> 0 then exit function
              'Extract the resources
              call ExtractZipFile(DOWNLOAD_PATH & ResourcesZIP, APP_PATH)
              'Delete resources zip
              FSO.DeleteFile(DOWNLOAD_PATH & ResourcesZIP)
              '3) Delete main GUI jar
              FSO.DeleteFile(APP_PATH & "lib" & DestJar)
              '4) Download the updated GUI jar
              Status = oHttp.DownBinFile(BUILD_PATH & OrigJar, DOWNLOAD_PATH)
              if Status <> 0 then exit function
              'Copy the updated GUI jar
              call FSO.CopyFile(DOWNLOAD_PATH & OrigJar, APP_PATH & "lib", true)
              'Rename GUI jar
              call FSO.MoveFile(APP_PATH & "lib" & OrigJar, APP_PATH & "lib" & DestJar)
              'Delete the downloaded GUI jar
              FSO.DeleteFile(DOWNLOAD_PATH & OrigJar)
          end function
    • We then define the method to delete folders (for cleanup purposes before downloading):
      public function DeleteFolders(byval arrFolders)
              dim ix
              for ix = 0 To UBound(arrFolders)
                  if FSO.FolderExists(arrFolders(ix)) then
                      FSO.DeleteFile(arrFolders(ix) & "*.*")
                  end if
          end function
    • Next, we define a method to uncompress a ZIP file:
      public function ExtractZipFile(byval strZIPFile, byval strExtractToPath)
              dim objShellApp
              dim WsShell
              dim objZippedFiles
              set objShellApp = createobject("Shell.Application")
              set WsShell = createobject("Wscript.Shell")
              set objZippedFiles = objShellApp.NameSpace(strZIPFile).items
              'Free Objects
              set objZippedFiles = Nothing
              set objShellApp = Nothing
          end function
    • Then we define the initialization and termination subroutines:
      private sub class_initialize
              set FSO = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
              set oHttp = new Http
          end sub
          private sub class_terminate
              set FSO = Nothing
              set oHttp = Nothing
          end sub
      end class
  6. In Action1, the following code will launch the download process:
    dim oAutoIt
    dim oDownload
    set oAutoIt = new AutoIt
    set oDownload = new App_GetLastBuild
    set oDownload = Nothing
    Set oAutoIt = nothing

How it works...

As mentioned in the previous section, the solution involves a complex architecture using VBScript classes and several COM objects (AutoItX, FileSystemObject, ADODB.Stream, and so on). A detailed explanation of this architecture is provided here.

Let us start with the main process in Action1 and then delve into the intricacies of our more complex architecture. The first step involves the instantiation of two of our custom classes, namely, AutoIt and App_GetLastBuild. After our objects are already loaded and initialized, we call objDownload.Exec, which triggers and controls the whole download scenario. In this method we do the following:

  • Initialize the class fields.
  • Delete the local folders.
  • Download the binary resources file. We check if the returned status is OK; if it is otherwise, we exit the function.
  • After the download process ends, we extract the contents of the ZIP file to the application path, and then delete the ZIP file.

We then start the process for the main JAR file as follows:

  • Delete the old file.
  • Download the JAR file. We check if the returned status is OK; if it is otherwise, we exit the function.
  • After the download process ends, we copy the file to the target location and rename it (assuming the last build main JAR file always carries the same name, regardless of the version).

Now, let us examine what happens behind the scenes after the two classes are instantiated, as mentioned in this section.

The AutoIt class automatically instantiates the AutoItX.Control object through its Private Sub Class_Initialize subroutine. The App_GetLastBuild class, through its own Sub Class_Initialize, automatically creates these objects, namely, a Scripting.FileSystemObject object and an instance of our Http custom class.

Let us take a close look at the Sub Class_Initialize of the Http class:

    private sub class_initialize
        Handler = new StateChangeHandler
        Handler.Http = Me
        XML = createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    end sub

Here we can see a strange thing. Our Http object creates an instance of the StateChangeHandler class and immediately assigns the Http property of the Handler object a reference to itself )Handler.Http = me). That is, the parent object (Http) has a reference to the child object (StateChangeHandler) and the latter has a reference to the parent object stored in its Http property. The purpose of this seemingly strange design is to enable interoperability between both objects.

Finally, an instance of XMLHttp is created. As seen in our recipe, on checking for broken links, this object provides the services we need to manage communication with a web server through the HTTP protocol. Here, however, there is something extra because we want to notify the end user about the progress of the download. Let us take a closer look at the way this instantiation is handled:

private property let XML(byref objXML)
        set m_objXML = objXML
        if typename(objXML) <> "Nothing" then _
                m_objXML.onreadystatechange = Handler
    end property

We pass the XMLHttp object created in our Sub Class_Initialize subroutine and check if it is a real object (which it always should be because of the way we have designed our code). Then, we implicitly assign our handler's default method to the XMLHttp event onreadystatechange. Recall that a public default function in a VBScript class is executed whenever an object instance of the class is referenced without explicitly calling a method or property using the dot operator. This way, whenever the readystate property of the XMLHttp object changes, the default Exec method of the StateChangeHandler object is automatically executed, and a notification about the status of the process is displayed using the AutoIt COM object. Just one thing is missing from our code, a check of the Http status after XMLHttp.send and later on.

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