Handling pop-up dialogs

It is common to encounter pop-up dialogs that open up while using software applications. Mostly, these are application modals, which mean that no further operations can be performed within the application context until the dialog is closed. Some can be system modals, meaning that no further operations can be performed on the machine until the dialog is closed. Quite often, these dialogs offer various options presented as buttons, such as OK, Approve, Submit, Apply, Cancel, Ignore, and Retry. This variety needs to be managed in a very accurate fashion, as the choice made affects the rest of the test flow substantially. Moreover, sometimes another pop-up dialog may show up as a direct result of a given choice. Such an event may be delayed a bit, for example, due to server-side validation, and hence it is of utmost importance to detect it in a reliable yet efficient way.

The basic problem with pop-up dialogs is that, quite often, their appearance is unexpected. For instance, if there is some script error as a result of a bug, then a dialog will appear, but our script would not know how to handle it unless we put that logic or intelligence into the code. If we fail to do so, then our script will make a futile attempt to continue the normal flow, and hence, precious time and resources would be lost. On the other hand, in such a case, we would like our script to detect such an error dialog and report that a problem may have been found. Perhaps we would like to exit that specific action or test, or even halt the whole run session.

One way of handling unexpected pop-up dialogs is using the UFT built-in recovery scenario feature. However, in my view, this practice is not recommended due to performance issues and implementation complexity. Hence, it will not be covered here. Instead, we will suggest a generic technique that is very simple to implement and can be custom tailored to any specific requirement that may arise.

Getting ready

From the File menu, navigate to New | Function Library or use the Alt + Shift + N shortcut. Name the new function library Web_Functions.vbs.

How to do it...

If we refrain from using the recovery scenario feature as I recommended, then the question remains, how can we have any pop-up dialog appearance covered with the least amount of code? If we take the risk of such dialogs too seriously, then we may end up with our code cluttered with If-Then-End If statements, just to check that our application context is normal and no pop-up dialog is opened.

The approach I will advocate here assumes that the risk of unexpected pop-up dialogs (for instance, due to bugs) for a mature application is minimal. So instead of listening to pop-up dialogs all the time (as is the case for a recovery scenario), we will check if there is a pop-up dialog open, just in case an operation fails. For example, if we try to click on an object on a web page while a pop-up dialog is open, a runtime error will be thrown by UFT. To prevent a UFT pop-up dialog from opening and hence pausing the run session, we will catch the error inside our code. After the pop-up dialog is handled (closed), our test will continue, stop, or reroute the flow according to the analysis of the situation. Here, we shall assume that the dialog is not consequential to the flow, and that just closing it solves the problem.

To implement our solution, we need to do two basic things:

  • Write one generic function, DialogHandler(), which can detect and handle any open dialog.
  • Catch an error in certain methods (where the presence of a pop-up dialog would affect the flow) and invoke the dialogHandler() method. Here we will be using the RegisterUserFunc technique explained in detail in Chapter 4, Method Overriding.

We will then write the following method to handle any pop-up dialog in our library Web_Functions.vbs function:

Function handleDialog()
    Dim sMessageText
    'A popup dialog can be directly accessed but in some cases its parent Browser may be required
    'For instance: Browser("micclass:=Browser").Dialog("regexpwndclass:=#32770")
    With Dialog("regexpwndclass:=#32770")        
        'Check if a Dialog exists
        If .Exist(0) Then
            'Focus on the Dialog
            'Get the static text
            sMessageText= .Static("regexpwndtitle:=.+").GetTOProperty("text")
            'Click on the OK button (can be parameterized in case of need)
            'Check again to verify that the Dialog was closed
            If not .Exist(0) Then
                Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "handleDialog", "Dialog with message '" & sMessageText & "' was closed."
                Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "handleDialog", "Dialog with message '" & sMessageText & "' was not closed."
            End If
            'No dialog was found so we return true             
        End If
    End With    
End Function

As an example, we will write the following overriding method in our Web_RegisteredFunctions.vbs function library:

Function WebEdit_Set(obj, text)
    On error resume next    
    obj.set text    
    if err.number <> 0 then
        'If there's a dialog open that is handled then retry.
        if handleDialog() then
            obj.set text    
            Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "WebEdit_Set", "An error occurred while attempting to set " & text & " to the input. No dialog found or dialog could not be handled properly."
            'Stop the run session (or handle otherwise)
        End if        
    End if
End Function

Of course, here we assume that closing the dialog is a good enough solution, but this may not be the case. If a script error caused the browser to open a pop-up dialog, then it may reopen. In such a case, a more sophisticated scheme would be required, which is out of the scope of this basic recipe. Another thing that is worth noting is that if the HandleDialog() method does not find any dialog open, it is up to the calling function or action to check for other possible problems that caused the error. As mentioned earlier, the modal dialog may be implemented as a Div element, so the inline descriptive programming-based description would not fit.


The previous function serves only as an example of how to implement the approach outlined in this recipe. Of course, the same logic should be implemented for each operation (click, double-click, and so on) that can be blocked by a pop-up dialog.

We will register the previous WebEdit_Set method before starting the test flow and unregister it at the end of the flow (refer to Chapter 4, Method Overriding):

RegisterUserFunc "WebEdit", "Set", "WebEdit_Set"

'Test Flow goes here...

UnregisterUserFunc "WebEdit", "Set"

How it works...

The HandleDialog() function uses a generic description to identify a dialog and close an open one. Of course, this is a simplified version and may need to be expanded. For instance, to make the function able to also handle application modal pop-up dialogs built on web Div elements with JavaScript, one should add suitable working code with a matching description. In addition, the function is built on the assumption that there is an OK button to close the dialog. This, however, may not be the case, and dialogs with more than a single button would require a more elaborate method.

The overriding WebEdit_Set(obj, text) method is an example of how to achieve the effect of detecting an obstructing open modal dialog. First, we disable the automatic runtime mechanism for error handling with On Error Resume Next. Next, we try to perform the operation on the input field. If the operation fails, the error is trapped and HandleDialog() is invoked.

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