Checking whether page links are broken

Links are the most essential elements on a web page, as they are the connection between different sections on a page, other pages, and external pages. A link must lead to a valid Uniform Resource Locator (URL). If it leads to a non-existing or otherwise unavailable page, then it will be marked as broken.

A link that is a permanent element of a page is also called a permalink. Such a link is expected to always appear on a web page, and it will always lead to the same URL. Such a link is easy to map, either with OR, or using descriptive programming. However, in many web applications, links lead to dynamically generated pages, such as customer information, search results, and so on. Needless to say, their href attribute is also dynamically built, based on data that is known only during runtime. On a search results page, such as those generated by Google and other search engines, even the number of links may vary. This is also true for billing information and call details pages, which the web interface of mobile operators displays to customers.

Testing links is one of the very basic tasks that automation can tackle very efficiently, and hence, you need to free the manual tester to perform other tasks. In this recipe, we will see a very simple method to check that links on a page are not broken.

Getting ready

From the File menu on the UFT home page, navigate to New | Function Library, or use the Alt + Shift + N shortcut. Name the new function library as Web_Functions.vbs.

How to do it...

The seemingly obvious approach would be to get the collection of links on the page first, and then retrieve the value of the href attribute for each link and click on the href value. After the target page loads, check the URL and compare it to the original value taken from href. Basically, this is more or less what a manual tester would do. However, this process does not only check if a link is broken, but also checks if it is valid. This process is quite tedious and does not take into account the fact that in many cases, the value of href does not predict what would be the target URL. For example, the widespread usage of TinyURL!™ and redirections makes this approach impractical. Another complication is that some links load the target page on the same window and even the same tab, while others do it in a separate tab or window. While using a link is an essential part of the business flow, it is logical to actually open the new page (or navigate to the page on a new tab/window). After the target page loads, the test script can manipulate its elements and hence, continue the test flow as planned.

If, however, we just need to check that the links are not broken, then it is possible to do it using an instance of MSXML2.XmlHttp. In the following example, we will declare a global variable for this object and write four functions in Web_RegisteredFunctions.vbs:

  • DisposeXMLHttp(): This function removes the reference to the global oXMLHttp variable
  • InitXMLHttp(): This function creates an instance of XMLHttp, and then sets a reference to oXMLHttp
  • GetLinks(URL): This function retrieves all the links on a web page using a Description object
  • CheckLink(strHref): This function checks if a given link is broken or not

The code is as follows:

Dim oXMLHttp

Function disposeXMLHttp()
    Set oXMLHttp = Nothing
End Function

Function initXMLHttp()
    Set oXMLHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XmlHttp")
End Function
function getLinks(oPage)
    Dim oAllLinks, oDesc 
    Set oDesc = Description.Create
    oDesc("html tag").value = "a|A"
    oDesc("html tag").regularexpression = true
    Set oAllLinks = oPage.ChildObjects(oDesc)    
    set getLinks = oAllLinks
End function

Function checkLink(URL)        
    If lcase(typename(oXMLHttp)) <> "xmlhttp" Then    
    End If
    if"GET", URL, false) = 0 then
        On error resume next
        If oXMLHttp.Status<>200 Then
            reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Check Link", "Link " & URL & " is broken: " & oXMLHttp.Status
            reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Check Link", "Link " & URL & " is OK"
        End If
    End if
End Function

We then run Action1 with the following lines of code:

Dim i, j, oPage, oAllLinks, regex, sHref

call initXMLHttp()
'We build a filter to exclude links that are not "real", direct links but email, section and share links, 
Set regex = new RegExp
regex.pattern = "mailto:|#|share=(facebook|google-plus|linkedin|twitter|email)"
regex.ignorecase = true = true

Set oPage = Browser("name:=.+").Page("title:=.+")

set oAllLinks = getLinks(oPage)
print "Total number of links: " & oAllLinks.count
For i = 0 to oAllLinks.count-1
    If oAllLinks(i).Exist(0) Then    
        On error resume next

        If not regex.test(sHref) Then        
            print j & ": " & sHref
            call checkLink(sHref)
            reporter.ReportNote i & " - " & sHref & " is a mailto, section or share link."
        End if
        If err.number <> 0 Then
            reporter.ReportEvent micWarning, "Check Link", "Error: " & err.number & " - Description: " & err.description
        End If
        On error goto 0
        reporter.ReportEvent micWarning, "Check Link", oAllLinks(i).GetTOProperty("href") & " does not exist."
    End If
print "Total number of processed links: " & j


How it works...

In the function library, we declared objXMLHttp as a variable of global scope. The InitXMLHttp() and DisposeXMLHttp()functions take care of creating and disposing the instance of the MSXML2.XmlHttp class. The GetLinks(objPage) function uses a Description object to retrieve the collection of all links from a page with a regular expression (HTML a or A tag). This collection is returned by the GetLinks(objPage) function to the calling action, where, for each item (link) in the collection, it retrieves and passes the href attribute to the CheckLink(strHref) function. The latter method checks the link by opening a connection to the URL given by strHref and waiting for a HTTP response to the send command. If the target URL is available, then the status of the HTTP response should be 200. We also check if there is some error during the process, with On Error Resume Next as a precaution. (It is important to keep in mind that this may not work together with UFT's out-of-the-box settings for error handling, by navigating to Test | Settings | Run. This will work perfectly; using this setting, proceed to the next step). This is done because sometimes, a link that is retrieved at the start of the process may not be available when we actually wish to execute the checkpoint, as is the case with sliders and galleries with changing content.

There's more...

It is possible to further analyze the returned status with a Select Case decision structure to report exactly what the problem is (404=Page not found, 500=Internal Server Error, and so on).

See also

For technical documentation of the open method of the XMLHTTPRequest object used in this recipe, please refer to

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