List of figures and tables


1.1. Satisfaction cycle  6

2.1. Root causes of customer failures  42

6.1. Variable map: CEQ and University A items  112

6.2. Fit (mean square): CEQ and University A items  113

6.3. Scale mean score relationships: CEQ and University A 113

7.1. 7.1 Evaluation mode trends  126

8.1. Unit evaluation online access complaints 2005–2008  137

8.2. Unit evaluation online response rates 2005–2008  140

9.1. The student feedback/action cycle  145

9.2. Student satisfaction, by faculty, with availability of Internet, UCE, 1996–2007  146

9.3. Student perceptions of usefulness and promptness of feedback, UCE, 1996–2007  147

9.4. Student perceptions of ease of locating books on shelves, UCE, 1996–2007  150


2.1. Different types of student feedback collected by HEIs  31

3.1. Malaysia's higher education performance relative to other selected countries in 2008  52

6.1. Core CEQ items considered in this analysis  103

6.2. Institution-specific TQI items  106

7.1. Number of units evaluated, 2007–2008  125

7.2. Response rates, 2006–2008  126

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