Death of the monolith

The PSS application was performing well, successfully supporting all business requirements as well as the expected service levels. The system had no issues in scaling with the organic growth of the business in the initial years.

The business has seen tremendous growth over a period of time. The fleet size increased significantly, and new destinations got added to the network. As a result of this rapid growth, the number of bookings has gone up, resulting in a steep increase in transaction volumes, up to 200 - to 500 - fold of what was originally estimated.

Pain points

The rapid growth of the business eventually put the application under pressure. Odd stability issues and performance issues surfaced. New application releases started breaking the working code. Moreover, the cost of change and the speed of delivery started impacting the business operations profoundly.

An end-to-end architecture review was ordered, and it exposed the weaknesses of the system as well as the root causes of many failures, which were as follows:

  • Stability: The stability issues are primarily due to stuck threads, which limit the application server's capability to accept more transactions. The stuck threads are mainly due to database table locks. Memory issues are another contributor to the stability issues. There were also issues in certain resource intensive operations that were impacting the whole application.
  • Outages: The outage window increased largely because of the increase in server startup time. The root cause of this issue boiled down to the large size of the EAR. Message pile up during any outage windows causes heavy usage of the application immediately after an outage window. Since everything is packaged in a single EAR, any small application code change resulted in full redeployment. The complexity of the zero downtime deployment model described earlier, together with the server startup times increased both the number of outages and their duration.
  • Agility: The complexity of the code also increased considerably over time, partially due to the lack of discipline in implementing the changes. As a result, changes became harder to implement. Also, the impact analysis became too complex to perform. As a result, inaccurate impact analysis often led to fixes that broke the working code. The application build time went up severely, from a few minutes to hours, causing unacceptable drops in development productivity. The increase in build time also led to difficulty in build automation, and eventually stopped continuous integration (CI) and unit testing.

Stop gap fix

Performance issues were partially addressed by applying the Y-axis scale method in the scale cube, as described in Chapter 1, Demystifying Microservices. The all-encompassing EAR is deployed into multiple disjoint clusters. A software proxy was installed to selectively route the traffic to designated clusters as shown in the following diagram:

Stop gap fix

This helped BrownField's IT to scale the application servers. Therefore, the stability issues were controlled. However, this soon resulted in a bottleneck at the database level. Oracle's Real Application Cluster (RAC) was implemented as a solution to this problem at the database layer.

This new scaling model reduced the stability issues, but at a premium of increased complexity and cost of ownership. The technology debt also increased over a period of time, leading to a state where a complete rewrite was the only option for reducing this technology debt.


Although the application was well-architected, there was a clear segregation between the functional components. They were loosely coupled, programmed to interfaces, with access through standards-based interfaces, and had a rich domain model.

The obvious question is, how come such a well-architected application failed to live up to the expectations? What else could the architects have done?

It is important to understand what went wrong over a period of time. In the context of this book, it is also important to understand how microservices can avoid the recurrence of these scenarios. We will examine some of these scenarios in the subsequent sections.

Shared data

Almost all functional modules require reference data such as the airline's details, airplane details, a list of airports and cities, countries, currencies, and so on. For example, fare is calculated based on the point of origin (city), a flight is between an origin and a destination (airports), check-in is at the origin airport (airport), and so on. In some functions, the reference data is a part of the information model, whereas in some other functions, it is used for validation purposes.

Much of this reference data is neither fully static nor fully dynamic. Addition of a country, city, airport, or the like could happen when the airline introduces new routes. Aircraft reference data could change when the airline purchases a new aircraft, or changes an existing airplane's seat configuration.

One of the common usage scenarios of reference data is to filter the operational data based on certain reference data. For instance, say a user wishes to see all the flights to a country. In this case, the flow of events could be as follows: find all the cities in the selected country, then all airports in the cities, and then fire a request to get all the flights to the list of resulting airports identified in that country.

The architects considered multiple approaches when designing the system. Separating the reference data as an independent subsystem like other subsystems was one of the options considered, but this could lead to performance issues. The team took the decision to follow an exception approach for handling reference data as compared to other transactions. Considering the nature of the query patterns discussed earlier, the approach was to use the reference data as a shared library.

In this case, the subsystems were allowed to access the reference data directly using pass-by-reference semantic data instead of going through the EJB interfaces. This also meant that irrespective of the subsystems, hibernate entities could use the reference data as a part of their entity relationships:

Shared data

As depicted in the preceding diagram, the Booking entity in the reservation subsystem is allowed to use the reference data entities, in this case Airport, as part of their relationships.

Single database

Though enough segregation was enforced at the middle tier, all functions pointed to a single database, even to the same database schema. The single schema approach opened a plethora of issues.

Native queries

The Hibernate framework provides a good abstraction over the underlying databases. It generates efficient SQL statements, in most of the cases targeting the database using specific dialects. However, sometimes, writing native JDBC SQLs offers better performance and resource efficiency. In some cases, using native database functions gives an even better performance.

The single database approach worked well at the beginning. But over a period of time, it opened up a loophole for the developers by connecting database tables owned by different subsystems. Native JDBC SQL was a good vehicle for doing this.

The following diagram shows an example of connecting two tables owned by two subsystems using a native JDBC SQL:

Native queries

As shown in the preceding diagram, the Accounting component requires all booking records for a day, for a given city, from the Booking component to process the day-end billing. The subsystem-based design enforces Accounting to make a service call to Booking to get all booking records for a given city. Assume this results in N booking records. Now, for each booking record, Accounting has to execute a database call to find the applicable rules based on the fare code attached to each booking record. This could result in N+1 JDBC calls, which is inefficient. Workarounds, such as batch queries or parallel and batch executions, are available, but this would lead to increased coding efforts and higher complexity. The developers tackled this issue with a native JDBC query as an easy-to-implement shortcut. Essentially, this approach could reduce the number of calls from N+1 to a single database call, with minimal coding efforts.

This habit continued with many JDBC native queries connecting tables across multiple components and subsystems. This resulted not only in tightly coupled components, but also led to undocumented, hard-to-detect code.

Stored procedures

Another issue that surfaced as a result of the use of a single database was the use of complex stored procedures. Some of the complex data-centric logic written at the middle layer was not performing well, causing slow response, memory issues, and thread-blocking issues.

In order to address this problem, the developers took the decision to move some of the complex business logic from the middle tier to the database tier by implementing the logic directly within the stored procedures. This decision resulted in better performance of some of the transactions, and removed some of the stability issues. More and more procedures were added over a period of time. However, this eventually broke the application's modularity.

Domain boundaries

Though the domain boundaries were well established, all the components were packaged as a single EAR file. Since all the components were set to run on a single container, there was no stopping the developers referencing objects across these boundaries. Over a period of time, the project teams changed, delivery pressure increased, and the complexity grew tremendously. The developers started looking for quick solutions rather than the right ones. Slowly, but steadily, the modular nature of the application went away.

As depicted in the following diagram, hibernate relationships were created across subsystem boundaries:

Domain boundaries
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