Best practices and principals

As we have learned from the first chapter, microservices are a lightweight style of implementing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). On top of that, microservices are not strictly defined, which gives you the flexibility of developing microservices the way you want and according to need. At the same time, you need to make sure that you follow a few of the standard practices and principals to make your job easier and implement microservices-based architecture successfully.

Nanoservice (not recommended), size, and monolithic

Each microservice in your project should be small in size and perform one functionality or feature (for example, user management), independently enough to perform the function on its own.

The following two quotes from Mike Gancarz (a member that designed the X windows system), which defines one of the paramount precepts of UNIX philosophy, suits the microservice paradigm as well:

"Small is beautiful."

"Make each program do one thing well."

Now, how to define the size, in today's age, when you have a framework (for example Finangle) that reduces the lines of code (LOC)? In addition, many modern languages, such as Python and Erlang, are less verbose. This makes it difficult to decide whether you want to make this code microservice or not.

Apparently, you may implement a microservice for a small number of LOC, that is actually not a microservice but a nanoservice.

Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz defined nanoservice as follows:

"Nanoservice is an antipattern where a service is too fine-grained. A nanoservice is a service whose overhead (communications, maintenance, and so on) outweighs its utility."

Therefore, it always makes sense to design microservices based on functionality. Domain driven design makes it easier to define functionality at a domain level.

As discussed previously, the size of your project is a key factor when deciding whether to implement microservices or determining the number of microservices you want to have for your project. In a simple and small project, it makes sense to use monolithic architecture. For example, based on the domain design that we learned in Chapter 3, Domain-Driven Design you would get a clear understanding of your functional requirements and it makes facts available to draw the boundaries between various functionalities or features. For example, in the sample project (OTRS) we have implemented, it is very easy to develop the same project using monolithic design; provided you don't want to expose the APIs to the customer, or you don't want to use it as SaaS, or there are plenty of similar parameters that you want to evaluate before making a call.

You can migrate the monolithic project to microservices design later, when the need arises. Therefore, it is important that you should develop the monolithic project in modular fashion and have the loose coupling at every level and layer, and ensure there are predefined contact points and boundaries between different functionalities and features. In addition, your data source, such as DB, should be designed accordingly. Even if you are not planning to migrate to a microservices-based system, it would make bug fixes and enhancement easier to implement.

Paying attention to the previous points will mitigate any possible difficulties you may encounter when you migrate to microservices.

Generally, large or complex projects should be developed using microservices-based architecture, due to the many advantages it provides, as discussed in previous chapters.

Even I recommended developing your initial project as monolithic; once you gain a better understanding of project functionalities and project complexity, then you can migrate it to microservices. Ideally, a developed initial prototype should give you the functional boundaries that will enable you to make the right choice.

Continuous integration and deployment

You must have a continuous integration and deployment process in place. It gives you an edge to deliver changes faster and detect bugs early. Therefore, each service should have its own integration and deployment process. In addition, it must be automated. There are many tools available, such as Teamcity, Jenkins, and so on, that are used widely. It helps you to automate the build process—which catches build failure early, especially when you integrate your changes with mainline.

You can also integrate your tests with each automated integration and deployment process. Integration Testing tests the interactions of different parts of the system, like between two interfaces (API provider and consumer), or among different components or modules in a system, such as between DAO and database, and so on. Integration testing is important as it tests the interfaces between the modules. Individual modules are first tested in isolation. Then, integration testing is performed to check the combined behavior and validate that requirements are implemented correctly. Therefore, in microservices, integration testing is a key tool to validate the APIs. We will cover more about it in the next section.

Finally, you can see the update mainline changes on your DIT machine where this process deploys the build.

The process does not end here; you can make a container, like docker and hand it over to your WebOps team, or have a separate process that delivers to a configured location or deploy to a WebOps stage environment. From here it could be deployed directly to your production system once approved by the designated authority.

System/end-to-end test automation

Testing is a very important part of any product and service delivery. You do not want to deliver buggy applications to customers. Earlier, at the time when the waterfall model was popular, an organization used to take one to six months or more for the testing stage before delivering to the customer. In recent years, after agile process became popular, more emphasis is given to automation. Similar to prior point testing, automation is also mandatory.

Whether you follow Test Driven Development (TDD) or not, we must have system or end-to-end test automation in place. It's very important to test your business scenarios and that is also the case with end-to-end testing that may start from your REST call to database checks, or from UI app to database checks.

Also, it is important to test your APIs if you have public APIs.

Doing this makes sure that any change does not break any of the functionality and ensures seamless, bug-free production delivery. As discussed in the last section, each module is tested in isolation using unit testing to check everything is working as expected, then integration testing is performed among different modules to check the expected combined behavior and validate the requirements, whether implemented correctly or not. After integration tests, functional tests are executed that validate the functional and feature requirements.

So, if unit testing makes sure individual modules are working fine in isolation, integration testing makes sure that interaction among different modules works as expected. If unit tests are working fine, it implies that the chances of integration test failure is greatly reduced. Similarly, integration testing ensures that functional testing is likely to be successful.


It is presumed that one always keeps all types of tests updated, whether these are unit-level tests or end-to-end test scenarios.

Self-monitoring and logging

Microservices should provide service information about itself and the state of the various resources it depends on. Service information represents the statistics such as the average, minimum, and maximum time to process a request, the number of successful and failed requests, being able to track a request, memory usage, and so on.

Adrian Cockcroft highlighted a few practices, which are very important for monitoring the microservices, in Glue Conference (Glue Con) 2015. Most of them are valid for any monitoring system:

  • Spend more time working on code that analyzes the meaning of metrics than code that collects, moves, stores, and displays metrics.

    This helps to not only increase the productivity, but also provides important parameters to fine-tune the microservices and increase the system efficiency. The idea is to develop more analysis tools rather than developing more monitoring tools.

  • The metric to display latency needs to be less than the human attention span. That means less than 10 seconds, according to Adrian.
  • Validate that your measurement system has enough accuracy and precision. Collect histograms of response time.
  • Accurate data makes decision making faster and allows you to fine-tune till precision level. He also suggests that the best graph to show the response time is a histogram.
  • Monitoring systems need to be more available and scalable than the systems being monitored.
  • The statement says it all: you cannot rely on a system which itself is not stable or available 24/7.
  • Optimize for distributed, ephemeral, cloud native, containerized microservices.
  • Fit metrics to models to understand relationships.

Monitoring is a key component of microservice architecture. You may have a dozen to thousands of microservices (true for a big enterprise's large project) based on project size. Even for scaling and high availability, organizations create a clustered or load-balanced pool/pod for each microservice, even separate pools for each microservice based on versions. Ultimately, it increases the number of resources you need to monitor, including each microservice instance. In addition, it is important that you should have a process in place so that whenever something goes wrong, you know it immediately, or better, receive a warning notification in advance before something goes wrong. Therefore, effective and efficient monitoring is crucial for building and using the microservice architecture. Netflix uses security monitoring using tools like Netflix Atlas (real-time operational monitoring which processes 1.2 billion metrics), Security Monkey (for monitoring security on AWS-based environments), Scumblr (intelligence gathering tool) and FIDO (for analyzing events and automated incident reporting).

Logging is another important aspect for microservices that should not be ignored. Having effective logging makes all the difference. As there could be 10 or more microservices, managing logging is a huge task.

For our sample project, we have used MDC logging, which is sufficient, in a way, for individual microservice logging. However, we also need logging for an entire system, or central logging. We also need aggregated statistics of logs. There are tools that do the job, like Loggly or Logspout.


A request and generated correlated events gives you an overall view of the request. For tracing of any event and request, it is important to associate the event and request with service ID and request ID respectively. You can also associate the content of the event, such as message, severity, class name, and so on, to service ID.

A separate data store for each microservice

If you remember, the most important characteristics of microservices you can find out about is the way microservices run in isolation from other microservices, most commonly as standalone applications.

Abiding by this rule, it is recommended that you not use the same database, or any other data store across multiple microservices. In large projects, you may have different teams working on the same project, and you want the flexibility to choose the database for each microservice that best suits the microservice.

Now, this also brings some challenges.

For instance, the following is relevant to teams who may be working on different microservices within the same project, if that project shares the same database structure. There is a possibility that a change in one microservice may impact the other microservices model. In such cases, change in one may affect the dependent microservice, so you also need to change the dependent model structure.

To resolve this issue, microservices should be developed based on an API-driven platform. Each microservice would expose its APIs, which could be consumed by the other microservices. Therefore, you also need to develop the APIs, which is required for the integration of different microservices.

Similarly, due to different data stores, actual project data is also spread across multiple data stores and it makes data management more complicated, because the separate storage systems can more easily get out of sync or become inconsistent, and foreign keys can change unexpectedly. To resolve such an issue, you need to use Master Data Management (MDM) tools. MDM tools operate in the background and fix inconsistencies if they find any. For the OTRS sample example, it might check every database that stores booking request IDs, to verify that the same IDs exist in all of them (in other words, that there aren't any missing or extra IDs in any one database). MDM tools available in the market include Informatica, IBM MDM Advance Edition, Oracle Siebel UCM, Postgres (master streaming replication), mariadb (master/master configuration), and so on.

If none of the existing products suit your requirements, or you are not interested in any proprietary product, then you can write your own. Presently, API-driven development and platform reduce such complexities; therefore, it is important that microservices should be developed along with an API platform.

Transaction boundaries

We have gone through domain driven design concepts in Chapter 3, Domain-Driven Design. Please review this if you have not grasped it thoroughly, as it gives you an understanding of the state vertically. Since we are focusing on microservices-based design, the result is that we have a system of systems, where each microservice represents a system. In this environment, finding the state of a whole system at any given point in time is very challenging. If you are familiar with distributed applications, then you may be comfortable in such an environment, with respect to state.

It is very important to have transaction boundaries in place that describe which microservice owns a message at any given time. You need a way or process that can participate in transactions, transacted routes and error handlers, idempotent consumers, and compensating actions. It is not an easy task to ensure transactional behavior across heterogeneous systems, but there are tools available that do the job for you.

For example, Camel has great transactional capabilities that help developers easily create services with transactional behavior.

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