Multi-layer perceptrons

As we can see, one simple example in which the patterns are not linearly separable has led us to more and more issue using the perceptron architecture. That need led to the application of multilayer perceptrons. In Chapter 1, Getting Started with Neural Networks we dealt with the fact that the natural neural network is structured in layers as well, and each layer captures pieces of information from a specific environment. In artificial neural networks, layers of neurons act in this way, by extracting and abstracting information from data, transforming them into another dimension or shape.

In the XOR example, we found the solution to be the addition of a third component that would make possible a linear separation. But there remained a few questions regarding how that third component would be computed. Now let's consider the same solution as a two-layer perceptron:

Multi-layer perceptrons

Now we have three neurons instead of just one, but in the output the information transferred by the previous layer is transformed into another dimension or shape, whereby it would be theoretically possible to establish a linear boundary on those data points. However, the question on finding the weights for the first layer remains unanswered, or can we apply the same training rule to neurons other than the output? We are going to deal with this issue in the Generalized delta rule section.

MLP properties

Multi-layer perceptrons can have any number of layers and also any number of neurons in each layer. The activation functions may be different on any layer. An MLP network is usually composed of at least two layers, one for the output and one hidden layer.


There are also some references that consider the input layer as the nodes that collect input data; therefore, for those cases, the MLP is considered to have at least three layers. For the purpose of this book, let's consider the input layer as a special type of layer which has no weights, and as the effective layers, that is, those enabled to be trained, we'll consider the hidden and output layers.

A hidden layer is called that because it actually hides its outputs from the external world. Hidden layers can be connected in series in any number, thus forming a deep neural network. However, the more layers a neural network has, the slower would be both training and running, and according to mathematical foundations, a neural network with one or two hidden layers at most may learn as well as deep neural networks with dozens of hidden layers. But it depends on several factors.


It is really recommended for the activation functions to be nonlinear in the hidden layers, especially if in the output layer the activation function is linear. According to linear algebra, having a linear activation function in all layers is equivalent to having only one output layer, provided that the additional variables introduced by the layers would be mere linear combinations of the previous ones or the inputs. Usually, activation functions such as hyperbolic tangent or sigmoid are used, because they are derivable.

MLP weights

In an MLP feedforward network, one particular neuron i receives data from a neuron j of the previous layer and forwards its output to a neuron k of the next layer:

MLP weights

The mathematical description of a neural network is recursive:

MLP weights

Here, yo is the network output (should we have multiple outputs, we can replace yo with Y, representing a vector); fo is the activation function of the output; l is the number of hidden layers; nhi is the number of neurons in the hidden layer i; wi is the weight connecting the i th neuron of the last hidden layer to the output; fi is the activation function of the neuron i; and bi is the bias of the neuron i. It can be seen that this equation gets larger as the number of layers increases. In the last summing operation, there will be the inputs xi.

Recurrent MLP

The neurons on an MLP may feed signals not only to neurons in the next layers (feedforward network), but also to neurons in the same or previous layers (feedback or recurrent). This behavior allows the neural network to maintain state on some data sequence, and this feature is especially exploited when dealing with time series or handwriting recognition. Recurrent networks are usually harder to train, and eventually the computer may run out of memory while executing them. In addition, there are recurrent network architectures better than MLPs, such as Elman, Hopfield, Echo state, Bidirectional RNNs (recurrent neural networks). But we are not going to dive deep into these architectures, because this book focuses on the simplest applications for those who have minimal experience in programming. However, we recommend good literature on recurrent networks for those who are interested in it.

Coding an MLP

Bringing these concepts into the OOP point of view, we can review the classes already designed so far:

Coding an MLP

One can see that the neural network structure is hierarchical. A neural network is composed of layers that are composed of neurons. In the MLP architecture, there are three types of layers: input, hidden, and output. So suppose that in Java, we would like to define a neural network consisting of three inputs, one output (linear activation function) and one hidden layer (sigmoid function) containing five neurons. The resulting code would be as follows:

int numberOfInputs=3;
int numberOfOutputs=1;
int[] numberOfHiddenNeurons={5};
Linear outputAcFnc = new Linear(1.0);
Sigmoid hiddenAcFnc = new Sigmoid(1.0);
NeuralNet neuralnet = new NeuralNet(numberOfInputs, numberOfOutputs, numberOfHiddenNeurons, hiddenAcFnc, outputAcFnc);
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