The NeuralLayer class

In this class we are going to group the neurons that are aligned in the same layer. Also, there is a need to define links between layers, since one layer forwards values to another. So the class will have the following properties:

public abstract class NeuralLayer {
  protected int numberOfNeuronsInLayer;
  private ArrayList<Neuron> neuron;
  protected IActivationFunction activationFnc;
  protected NeuralLayer previousLayer;
  protected NeuralLayer nextLayer;
  protected ArrayList<Double> input;
  protected ArrayList<Double> output;
  protected int numberOfInputs;

Note that this class is abstract, the layer classes that can be instantiated are InputLayer, HiddenLayer, and OutputLayer. In order to create one layer, one must use one of these classes' constructors that work quite similar:

public InputLayer(int numberofinputs);
public HiddenLayer(int numberofneurons,IActivationFunction iaf,
int numberofinputs);
public OutputLayer(int numberofneurons,IActivationFunction iaf,
int numberofinputs);

Layers are initialized and calculated as well as the neurons, they also implement the methods init() and calc(). The signature protected guarantees that only the subclasses can call or override these methods:

protected void init(){
  for(int i=0;i<numberOfNeuronsInLayer;i++){
    catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException iobe){
      neuron.add(new Neuron(numberOfInputs,activationFnc));
protected void calc(){
  for(int i=0;i<numberOfNeuronsInLayer;i++){
     catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException iobe){
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