Best practices for arguments

The signatures of functions and methods are the guardians of code integrity. They drive its usage and build its API. Besides the naming rules that we have seen previously, special care has to be taken for arguments. This can be done through three simple rules:

  • Build arguments by iterative design
  • Trust the arguments and your tests
  • Use *args and **kwargs magic arguments carefully

Building arguments by iterative design

Having a fixed and well-defined list of arguments for each function makes the code more robust. But this can't be done in the first version, so arguments have to be built by iterative design. They should reflect the precise use cases the element was created for, and evolve accordingly.

For instance, when some arguments are appended, they should have default values wherever possible, to avoid any regression:

class Service:  # version 1
    def _query(self, query, type):

    def execute(self, query):
        self._query(query, 'EXECUTE')

>>> Service().execute('my query')

import logging

class Service(object):  # version 2
    def _query(self, query, type, logger):

    def execute(self, query,
        self._query(query, 'EXECUTE', logger)

>>> Service().execute('my query')    # old-style call
>>> Service().execute('my query', logging.warning)

When the argument of a public element has to be changed, a deprecation process is to be used, which is presented later in this section.

Trust the arguments and your tests

Given the dynamic typing nature of Python, some developers use assertions at the top of their functions and methods to make sure the arguments have proper content:

def division(dividend, divisor):
    assert isinstance(dividend, (int, float))
    assert isinstance(divisor, (int, float))
    return dividend / divisor

>>> division(2, 4)
>>> division(2, None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<input>", line 3, in division

This is often done by developers who are used to static typing and feel that something is missing in Python.

This way of checking arguments is a part of the Design by Contract (DbC, see programming style, where preconditions are checked before the code is actually run.

The two main problems with this approach are:

  • DbC's code explains how it should be used, making it less readable
  • This can make it slower, since the assertions are made on each call

The latter can be avoided with the "-O" option of the interpreter. In that case, all assertions are removed from the code before the byte code is created, so that the checking is lost.

In any case, assertions have to be done carefully, and should not be used to bend Python to a statically typed language. The only use case for this is to protect the code from being called nonsensically.

A healthy Test-Driven Development style provides a robust base code in most cases. Here, the functional and unit tests validate all the use cases the code is created for.

When code in a library is used by external elements, making assertions can be useful, as the incoming data might break things up or even create damage. This happens for code that deals with databases or the filesystem.

Another approach to this is fuzz testing (, where random pieces of data are sent to the program to detect its weaknesses. When a new defect is found, the code can be fixed to take care of that, together with a new test.

Let's take care that a code base, which follows the TDD approach, evolves in the right direction, and gets increasingly robust, since it is tuned every time a new failure occurs. When it is done in the right way, the list of assertions in the tests becomes similar in some way to the list of pre-conditions.

Using *args and **kwargs magic arguments carefully

The *args and **kwargs arguments can break the robustness of a function or method. They make the signature fuzzy, and the code often starts to build a small argument parser where it should not:

def fuzzy_thing(**kwargs):

    if 'do_this' in kwargs:
        print('ok i did')

    if 'do_that' in kwargs:
        print('that is done')

    print('errr... ok')

>>> fuzzy_thing(do_this=1)
ok i did
errr... ok
>>> fuzzy_thing(do_that=1)
that is done
errr... ok
>>> fuzzy_thing(hahaha=1)
errr... ok

If the argument list gets long and complex, it is tempting to add magic arguments. But this is more a sign of a weak function or method that should be broken into pieces or refactored.

When *args is used to deal with a sequence of elements that are treated the same way in the function, asking for a unique container argument, such as an iterator, is better:

def sum(*args):  # okay
    total = 0
    for arg in args:
        total += arg
    return total

def sum(sequence):  # better!
    total = 0
    for arg in sequence:
        total += arg
    return total

For **kwargs, the same rule applies. It is better to fix the named arguments to make the method's signature meaningful:

def make_sentence(**kwargs):
    noun = kwargs.get('noun', 'Bill')
    verb = kwargs.get('verb', 'is')
    adj = kwargs.get('adjective', 'happy')
    return '%s %s %s' % (noun, verb, adj)

def make_sentence(noun='Bill', verb='is', adjective='happy'):
    return '%s %s %s' % (noun, verb, adjective)

Another interesting approach is to create a container class that groups several related arguments to provide an execution context. This structure differs from *args or **kwargs because it can provide internals that work over the values and can evolve independently. The code that uses it as an argument will not have to deal with its internals.

For instance, a web request passed on to a function is often represented by an instance of a class. This class is in charge of holding the data passed by the web server:

def log_request(request):  # version 1
    print(request.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'No referer'))

def log_request(request):  # version 2
    print(request.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'No referer'))
    print(request.get('HTTP_HOST', 'No host'))

Magic arguments cannot be avoided sometimes, especially in meta-programming. For instance, they are indispensable in the creation of decorators that work on functions with any kind of signature. More globally, anywhere where working with unknown data that just traverses the function, the magic arguments are great:

import logging

def log(**context):'Context is:
' % str(context))
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