Chapter 4. Choosing Good Names

Most of the standard library was built keeping usability in mind. For instance, working with built-in types is done naturally and was designed to be easy to use. Python, in this case, can be compared to the pseudocode you might think about when working on a program. Most of the code can be read out loud. For instance, this snippet should be understandable by anyone:

my_list = []

if 'd' not in my_list:

This is one of the reasons why writing Python is so easy when compared to other languages. When you are writing a program, the flow of your thoughts is quickly translated into lines of code.

This chapter focuses on the best practices for writing code that is easy to understand and use, through:

  • The usage of naming conventions, described in PEP 8
  • The set of naming best practices
  • The short summary of popular tools that allow you to check for compliance with styling guides

PEP 8 and naming best practices

PEP 8 ( provides a style guide for writing Python code. Besides some basic rules such as space indentation, maximum line length, and other details concerning the code layout, PEP 8 also provides a section on naming conventions that most of the codebases follow.

This section provides a quick summary of this PEP, and adds to it a naming best-practice guide for each kind of element. You should still consider reading of PEP 8 document as mandatory.

Why and when to follow PEP 8?

If you are creating a new software package that is intended to be open-sourced, then the answer is simple: always. PEP 8 is de facto the standard code style for most of the open source software in Python. If you want to accept any collaboration from other programmers, then you should definitely stick to PEP 8, even if you have different views on the best code style guidelines. Doing so has the benefit of making it a lot easier for other developers to jump straight into your project. Code will be easier to read for newcomers because it will be consistent in style with most of the other Python open source packages.

Also, starting with full PEP 8 compliance saves you time and trouble in the future. If you want to release your code to the public, you will eventually face suggestions from fellow programmers to switch to PEP 8. Arguments as to whether it is really necessary to do so for a particular project tend to be never-ending flame wars that are impossible to win. This is the sad truth, but you may eventually be forced to be consistent with this style guide in order to not lose contributors.

Also, restyling of the whole project's codebase, if it is in a mature state of development, might require a tremendous amount of work. In some cases, such restyling might require changing almost every line of code. While most of the changes can be automated (indentation, newlines, and trailing whitespaces), such massive code overhaul usually introduces a lot of conflicts in every version control workflow that is based on branching. It is also very hard to review so many changes at once. These are the reasons why many open source projects have a rule that style fixing changes should always be included in separate pull/merge requests or patches that do not affect any feature or bug.

Beyond PEP 8 – team-specific style guidelines

Despite providing a comprehensive set of style guidelines, PEP 8 still leaves some freedom for the developers. Especially in terms of nested data literals and multiline function calls that require long lists of arguments. Some teams may decide that they require additional styling rules and the best option is to formalize them in some kind of document that is available for every team member.

Also, in some situations, it may be impossible, or economically infeasible, to be strictly consistent with PEP 8 in some old projects that had no style guide defined. Such projects will still benefit from formalization of the actual coding conventions even if they do not reflect the official set of PEP 8 rules. Remember, what is more important than consistency with PEP 8 is consistency within the project. If rules are formalized and available as a reference for every programmer, then it is way easier to keep consistency within a project and organization.

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