Talking with JavaScript

If we take into account the enormous amount of JavaScript code and libraries that exist, and are still being developed, it is very important that we have a simple way to use JavaScript code from within Dart applications, in particular to get access from Dart to the JavaScript code that is running in the same web page. The earliest attempts used window.postMessage, and then a package called js was built. Because of the huge importance of this topic, the Dart team now has provided us with a core library, dart:js, to interoperate with JavaScript. This provides better performance, reduces the size of the compiled JavaScript file, and makes it also easier to use. Once dart:js is ready, the package js has been rewritten to use dart:js under the covers.

How to do it...

Take a look at the project js_interop, as explained in the following steps:

  1. To start using dart:js in our project, we have to import it in our code:
    import 'dart:js';
  2. In js_interop.html, we declare a Dart script, and the JavaScript program js_interop.dart will look into the code of interact.js:
    <script type="application/dart" src="js_interop.dart"></script>
    <script type="application/javascript" src="interact.js"></script>
  3. The interact.js file contains the following code: a variable jsvar, a class Person with the properties name and gender, and the methods greeting and sayHello:
    var jsvar = "I want Dart";
    function Person(name, gender) { = name;
      this.gender = gender;
      this.greeting = function(otherPerson) {
        alert('I greet you ' +;
    Person.prototype.sayHello = function () {
      alert ('hello, I am ' + );
  4. First, we get the contents of a JavaScript variable:
     var dart = context['jsvar'];
     print(dart);  // I want Dart
  5. Then, we make a Person object:
    var pers1 = new JsObject(context['Person'], ['An', 'female']);
    var pers2 = new JsObject(context['Person'], ['John', 'male']);
  6. We access and set the properties using the following code:
      print(pers1['name']); // An
      print(pers2['gender']); // male
      pers2['gender'] = 'female';
      print(pers2['gender']); // female
  7. We call the methods on the Person object:
      pers1.callMethod('sayHello', []); 
      pers2.callMethod('greeting', [pers1]); 

    The preceding steps display alert windows with the messages hello, I am An and I greet you An.

  8. Now we get the global object in JavaScript (normally a window) via context, and display an alert window with callMethod:
      context.callMethod('alert', ['Hello from Dart!']);
  9. Use jsify to create a JavaScript object and array:
      var jsMap = new JsObject.jsify({'a': 1, 'b': 2});
      print(jsMap); // [object Object]
      var jsArray = new JsObject.jsify([1, 2, 3]);
      print(jsArray); // [1, 2, 3]

How it works...

The dart:js library provides Dart access to JavaScript objects in web applications, not in server applications. More specifically, it exposes wrapped or proxy versions of any JavaScript objects you access. This enables Dart to safely sandbox JavaScript away and prevents its problems from leaking into the Dart application. You can get and set properties and call JavaScript functions and methods on JavaScript objects, while conversions between Dart and JavaScript are taken care of as far as possible. At this moment, the bridge is not fully bidirectional; JavaScript has no access to Dart objects, but it can call Dart functions.


Inclusion of the script tag in the HTML <script src="packages/browser/interop.js"></script> code is no longer needed.

The main type of object is JsObject with which we can reach out to JavaScript objects; in other words, we create a Dart proxy object to the JavaScript object. To get the global object in JavaScript (which is mostly window), use the top-level getter function context; this is used in step 8. However, context is also used to get the values of JavaScript variables, as shown in step 4.

You can create JavaScript objects as shown in step 5. Use the JsObject() constructor. This takes the name of a JavaScript constructor function and the list of arguments that it needs as arguments. As shown in step 6, we can use the [] index operator to get the value of properties and []= to set them; instead of a numerical index, we use the property name string as the key. The seventh and eighth step demonstrate that we can call a JavaScript method on an object with callMethod, taking the name of the method and the list of its arguments as parameters. Finally, in step 9, we see that JsObject.jsify turns a Dart map into a JavaScript object using the keys as properties; the same method also turns a Dart list into a JavaScript array.

There's more...

To be able to compare, we will now show the same code but rewritten with the js package. In js_interop2.html, we have the same JavaScript, but running together with the Dart script js_interop2.dart. We add the js package to our pubspec.yaml file as js:any, and let pub get do its magic. To make the package available to our Dart script, we add the following code to js_interop2.dart:

import 'package:js/js.dart' as js; 

Rewriting the Dart code from js_interop.dart gets us the following output:

void main() {
  // getting a variable:
  var dart = js.context['jsvar'];
  print(dart); // I want Dart
  // making objects:
  var pers1 = new js.Proxy(js.context.Person, ['An', 'female']);
  var pers2 = new js.Proxy(js.context.Person, ['John', 'male']);
// accessing and setting properties:
  print(; // prints the whole object: [An, female] = 'Melissa'; // change name property
  print(; // Melissa
// calling methods:; // window: hello, I am Melissa; // window: I greet you Melissa
  // getting the global object in JavaScript via context
  js.context.alert('Hello from Dart via JavaScript'),
  // using jsify:
  var jsMap ={'a': 1,'b': 2});
  print(jsMap); // [object Object]
  var jsArray = js.array([1, 2, 3]);
  print(jsArray); // [1, 2, 3]

The syntax is a bit easier than dart:js but because the names in the js package cannot be minified since it uses dart:mirrors and noSuchMethod, using this library can result in a noticeable increase in code size when compiled to JavaScript. If this is a big disadvantage for you, use dart:js instead. We use the js package in the next recipe to talk to the Google Visualizations API.

See also

  • See the Using JavaScript libraries recipes for more information on how to use JavaScript libraries
  • A small library that makes it easy to call Dart from Javascript is available at, it's a thin layer around dart:js.
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