Using custom attributes and template conditionals

In this recipe, we will explore two polymer.dart features:

  • Custom attributes: Like HTML attributes for normal tags, these are attributes for your Polymer component, and they can be changed in the code
  • Template conditionals: The UI can be controlled by declarative conditions of the form <template if={{condition}}></template>, where a condition is an expression involving observed or published variables

You can find the code in the project custom_attrib.

How to do it...

In this example, we simulate an oven, with the temperature as its attribute. We show the temperature in a textual form, and also test the temperature to display an appropriate message, as shown in the following screenshot:

How to do it...

Custom attributes and template conditionals

  1. The script starts with webindex.html, where a component with the name pol-oven is imported through the following line:
    <link rel="import"href="pol_oven.html">

    This component is used three times on the page:

    <pol-oven temperature="210"></pol-oven>
    <pol-oven temperature="500"></pol-oven>
    <pol-oven temperature="3000"></pol-oven>

    From this code, we know that the component is defined in pol_oven.html, and the code behind it is in a file named pol_oven.dart. For a discussion of the other tags, see the first recipe.

  2. The code for pol-oven is defined in pol_oven.dart:
    classPoloven extends PolymerElement {
      @published int temperature = 0;
      Poloven.created() : super.created() {  }
  3. The structure of the component is outlined in pol_oven.html:
    <link rel="import"href="packages/polymer/polymer.html">
    <polymer-element name="pol-oven">
    <p>The oven is heated to {{temperature}} degrees Celsius.  </p>
    <template if="{{temperature > 400}}">
    <p>This is too hot. </p>
    <template if="{{temperature > 1000}}">
    <p>We will burn here. </p>
    <script type="application/dart" src="pol_oven.dart"></script>

How it works...

In step 1, we see that the same component, pol-oven, can be used multiple times on the same page; each occurrence being a different instance of the component. Of course, a combination of different components is also possible, each time the component contains its attribute temperature with a different value.

In step 2, it is shown that a custom attribute must be annotated with @published; this means that it is not merely displayed (and updated when changed, indicated with @observable), but is also an attribute to be used in the polymer tag.

Finally, in step 3, we see that the attribute values are displayed, but also that a piece of the UI code is displayed whether the evaluated condition is true or false. If the attribute value changes in the code, the conditional templates are automatically re-evaluated, possibly changing the UI.

See also

  • Refer to the Binding to a checkbox recipe in this chapter for another example
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