Creating a view

In this recipe, we isolate the code for the filters from previous recipe in its own component: search_job in the folder libcomponent. You can follow along with the code in the project angular_view.

How to do it...

The change we make in this recipe is transparent to the user; the web page stays the same, but the project code is refactored.

  1. In our main web page angular-view.html, the <div id="filters"> section is now replaced by the HTML code for the component. Have a look at the following code:
  2. In the constructor of JobListingController, the following code is added:
       for (var company in companies) {
            companyFilterMap[company] = false;
  3. The behavior of the component is coded in search_job_component.dart as follows:
    import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
        selector: 'search-job',
        templateUrl: 'packages/angular_view/component/search_job_component.html',
        publishAs: 'cmp')
    class SearchJobComponent {
      Map<String, bool> _companyFilterMap;
      List<String> _companies;
      String typeFilter = "";
      Map<String, bool> get companyFilterMap => _companyFilterMap;
      void set companyFilterMap(values) {
        _companyFilterMap = values;
        _companies = companyFilterMap.keys.toList();
      List<String> get companies => _companies;
      void clearFilters() {
        _companyFilterMap.keys.forEach((f) => _companyFilterMap[f] = false);
        typeFilter = "";
  4. The structure of the filter component is now coded in search_job_component.html as follows:
    <div id="filters">
         <label for="type-filter">Filter jobs by type</label>
    <input id="type-filter" type="text"                          ng-model="cmp.typeFilter" value=" ">
          Filter jobs by company: <span
    ng-repeat="company in cmp.companies"> <label> <input type="checkbox"                                             ng-model="cmp.companyFilterMap[company]">{{company}}
        <input type="button" value="Clear Filters"

How it works...

In step 1, we see that the main web page is now greatly simplified; instead of containing all of the markup to set up the search and filter views, it now just contains the reference to the component search_job. This component has two attributes, whose values must be set by ctrl, our JobListingController. Step 2 shows the code to set companyFilterMap. The two filter attributes are declared in step 3 as @NgTwoWay. Indeed the user must be able to set them, and we want to be able to clear them in code in clearFilters(). The component template code in step 4 is not changed.

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