Storing data in MySQL

MySQL is undeniably the most popular open source SQL database. Dart can talk to MySQL using the pub package sqljocky by James Ots ( In this section, we will demonstrate how to use this driver step by step. You can see it in action in the using_mysql project.

Getting ready

  • To get the database software, download and install the MySQL Community Server installer from This is straightforward. However, if you need any help with the installation, visit
  • Run the MySQL database system by starting mysqld on a command prompt from the bin folder of the MySQL installation. We need to create a database and table to store data. The easiest way is to start the MySQL Workbench program, make a connection, and then click on the button Create a new schema in the connected server, name it jobsdb, and click on apply.
  • Select the schema by double-clicking on it, and then clicking on the button on the right to the previous button Create a new table in the active schema. Name the table jobs, and create the dbKey, type, salary, company, posted and open columns; dbKey is the primary key. To import the driver to your application, add sqljocky to pubspec.yaml and save it. A pub get command is then done automatically.

How to do it...

The application starts with using_mysql.dart, where a JobStore object is created, the database is opened, records are written to the jobs table, and then these records are retrieved, as shown in the following code:

import 'job.dart';
import 'jobstore_mysql.dart';

Job job;
JobStore js;

void main() {
  js = new JobStore();
  // 1- create some jobs:
  job = new Job("Web Developer", 7500, "Google", new;;
  job = new Job("Software Engineer", 5500, "Microsoft", new;;
  job = new Job("Tester", 4500, "Mozilla", new;;
  // 2- opening the database:;
  // 3- storing data in database:
  // 4- retrieving and displaying data from database:

After running the preceding code, we can verify that the insertions succeeded in MySQL Workbench in the jobs table:

How to do it...

The readData method reads the data from the jobs table and prints it to the console:

dbKey: 1, type : Web Developer, salary: 7500, company: Google, posted: 2014-07-02 14:34:12.000, open: 1

dbKey: 2, type : Software Engineer, salary: 5500, company: Microsoft, posted: 2014-07-02 14:34:12.000, open: 1

dbKey: 3, type : Tester, salary: 4500, company: Mozilla, posted: 2014-07-02 14:34:12.000, open: 1

After the first run, readData will not show any output because it gets executed before the insertions in the database are complete; verify the output through a second run.

The interaction with MySQL through sqljocky takes place in the JobStore class in jobstore_mysql.dart:

import 'package:sqljocky/sqljocky.dart';
import 'package:options_file/options_file.dart';
import 'job.dart';

ConnectionPool pool;

class JobStore {
  final List<Job> jobs = new List();
  Job job;
  // 5- opening a connection to the database:
  open() {
    pool = getPool(new OptionsFile('connection.options'));
  ConnectionPool getPool(OptionsFile options) {
    String user = options.getString('user'),
    String password = options.getString('password'),
    int port = options.getInt('port', 3306);
    String db = options.getString('db'),
    String host = options.getString('host', 'localhost'),
    return new ConnectionPool(host: host, port: port, user: user, password: password, db: db);
  storeData() {
  for (job in jobs) {

// 6- inserting a record in a table:
insert(Job job) {
var jobMap = job.toMap();
pool.prepare('insert into jobs (dbKey, type, salary, company, posted, open) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)').then((query) {
  var params = new List();
  return query.execute(params);
  }).then((_) {

readData() {
  pool.query('select * from jobs').then((results) {

processJob(results) {
  results.forEach((row) {
  print('dbKey: ${row.dbKey}, type : ${row.type}, ' 'salary: ${row.salary}, company: ${}, ' 'posted: ${row.posted}, open: ${}'),

// 7- updating a record in a table:
update(Job job) {
  var jobMap = job.toMap();
pool.prepare('update jobs set type = ?, salary = ?, company = ?, posted = ?, open = ? where dbKey = ?').then((query) {
  var params = new List();
  return query.execute(params);
  }).then((_) {

// 8- deleting a record in a table:
delete(Job job) {
  var jobMap = job.toMap();
  pool.prepare('delete from jobs where dbKey = ?').then((query) {
  var params = new List();
  return query.execute(params);
  }).then((_) {

How it works...

The connection information for the database is stored in the connection.options file. In the fifth comment, a connection to the database is opened by calling getPool, which returns a ConnectionPool object that maintains a pool of database connections. The getPool option takes as argument an OptionsFile object, from the options_file package, and reads the information from connection.options:

# connection.options to define how to connect to a mysql db
password=?????  # substitute your password here
# port defaults to 3306
# host defaults to localhost

All interactions with the database work via queries. If there is a free connection in ConnectionPool when queries are executed, it will be used; otherwise, the query is queued until there is a free connection. As we can see in readData, a select query is made via pool.query(selectStr);. This returns a Future object, so the processing of the results takes place in the then section. This can be done using the following code:

results.forEach((row) {
print('dbKey: ${row.dbKey}, type : ${row.type}, …'),

The preceding line can also be written as follows:

results.forEach((row) {
print('dbKey: ${row[0]}, type : ${row[1]}, …'),

Insert, update, and delete queries (coded in the methods with the same name) have to first go through the prepare stage and then the execute stage. Let's see a few examples. For insert, this query becomes as follows (refer to the sixth comment):

pool.prepare('insert into jobs (dbKey, type, salary, company, posted, open) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)').then((query) {})

An insert query on a table that contains an autoincrement field will return the value of that field in ${result.insertId}. For update, this query becomes as follows (refer to the seventh comment):

pool.prepare('update jobs set type = ?, salary = ?, company = ?, posted = ?, open = ? where dbKey = ?').then((query) {}

The query for delete is as follows (refer to comment 8):

pool.prepare('delete from jobs where dbKey = ?').then((query) {}

The ? character represents values to be substituted in the SQL string. These values are placed in the specified order in the params list, which is given as an argument to query.execute. A query with multiple parameter sets can be executed with query.executeMulti(). If you need a number of queries to be executed as a whole (or all or none succeed), use the Transaction class from sqljocky in the following format:

pool.startTransaction().then((trans) {
trans.query('...').then((result) {
trans.commit().then(() {...});

There's more...

The complete API documents can be found at

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