The pure Python PyFPDF library is a lightweight way to create PDFs including maps. Because the PDF format is a widely used standard, PDFs are commonly used to distribute maps. You can install it via PyPI as fpdf. The official name of the software is PyFPDF because it is a part of the PHP language module called fpdf. This module uses a concept called a cell to layout items at specific locations on a page. As a quick example, we'll import our hancock.png image created from the PIL example into a PDF called map.pdf to create a simple PDF map. The map will have the header text at the top that says Hancock County Boundary, followed by the map image:

>>> import fpdf
>>> # PDF constructor:
>>> # Portrait, millimeter units, A4 page size
>>> pdf=fpdf.FPDF("P", "mm", "A4")
>>> # create a new page
>>> pdf.add_page()
>>> # Set font: arial, bold, size 20
>>> pdf.set_font('Arial','B',20)
>>> # Layout cell: 160 x 25mm, title, no border, centered
>>> pdf.cell(160,25,'Hancock County Boundary',  
>>> border=0, align="C")
>>> # Write the image specifying the size
>>> pdf.image("hancock.png",25,50,110,160)
>>> # Save the file: filename, F = to file System
>>> pdf.output('map.pdf','F')

If you open the PDF file named map.pdf in Adobe Acrobat Reader or another PDF reader such as SumatraPDF, you'll see that the image is now centered on an A4 page. Geospatial products are often included as part of larger reports, and the PyFPDF module simplifies automatically generating reports as PDFs.

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