Web services

Geospatial web services allow users to perform data discovery, data visualization, and data access across the web. Web services are usually accessed by applications based on user input such as zooming an online map or searching a data catalogue. The most common protocols are the Web Map Service (WMS) that returns a rendered map image and Web Feature Service (WFS) that typically returns GML, which was mentioned in this chapter's introduction. Many WFS services can also return KML, JSON, zipped shapefiles, and other formats. These services are called through HTTP GET requests. The following URL is an example of a WMS GET request, which returns a map image of the world that is 640 pixels wide and 400 pixels tall and an EPSG code of 900913:


Web services are rapidly evolving. The Open GIS Consortium is adding new standards for sensor networks and other geospatial contexts. Representational State Transfer (REST) services are also commonly used. REST services use simple URLs to make the requesting of data very easy to implement in nearly any programming language by tailoring URL parameters and their values accordingly. Nearly every programming language has robust HTTP client libraries capable of using the REST services. The REST services can return many types of data including images, XML, or JSON. There is no overarching geospatial REST standard yet, but the OGC has been working on one for quite some time. Esri has created a working implementation that is currently widely used. The following URL is an example of an Esri geospatial REST service that would return KML based on a weather radar image layer. You can add this URL to Google Earth as a network link or you can download it as compressed KML (KMZ) in a browser to import to another program:



You can find tutorials on the myriad of OGC services here:


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