What does an issue look like?

As we have discussed, an issue in JIRA can be anything in the real world to represent a problem domain. It can be a software bug, a help desk ticket, or a customer request. But, what does an issue look like in JIRA? How does JIRA achieve this level of flexibility and still present it in a consistent manner?

Let's first take a look at an issue in JIRA. The following screenshot shows a typical example of an issue and breaks it down into more digestible sections, followed by an explanation of each of the highlighted sections in a table. This view is often called the Issue Summary or the View Issue page:

What does an issue look like?

These sections are described in the following table:



Project / Issue Key

It shows the project the issue belongs to. The issue key is the unique identifier of the current issue. This section acts as a breadcrumb for easy navigation.

Issue Summary

It is a brief summary of the issue.

Issue View Options

These are the various view options for the issue. The options include XML, Excel, and Word.

Issue Operations

These are the operations that users can perform on the issue, such as edit, assign, and comment. These are covered in the later sections of this chapter.

Workflow Options

These are the workflow transitions available. Workflow will be covered in Chapter 6, Workflows and Business Processes.

Issue Details / Attributes

This section lists the issue fields such as issue type and priority. Custom fields are also displayed in this section. Fields will be covered in Chapter 4, Field Management.

User Fields

This section is specific for user-type fields such as assignee and reporter. Fields will be covered in Chapter 4, Field Management.

Date Fields

This section is specific for date-type fields such as Create and Due date. Fields will be covered in Chapter 4, Field Management.

Vote / Watch Issue

These are the options that allow users to vote and watch an issue.


These list all the attachments on an issue.


These list all the comments that are visible to the current user.

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