Chapter 2. Project Management

JIRA initially started off as a bug tracking system, helping software development teams to better track and manage their projects. Over the years, JIRA has improved on its features to add support for Scrum and Kanban through the GreenHopper add-on, enabling projects to be managed via both the traditional waterfall model and newer agile methodologies.

In this chapter, we will first start with a high-level view of the overall hierarchy on how data is structured in JIRA. We will then take a look at the various user interfaces that JIRA has for working with projects, both as an administrator and an everyday user. We will also introduce permissions for the first time in the context of projects, and will expand on this in later chapters.

By the end of this chapter, you will have learned:

  • How JIRA structures contents
  • Different user interfaces for project management in JIRA
  • How to create new projects in JIRA
  • How to manage and configure a project
  • How to manage components and versions

The JIRA hierarchy

Like most other information systems, JIRA organizes its data in a hierarchical structure. At the lowest level, we have fields, which are used to hold raw information. Then we have issues, which are like a unit of work to be performed. An issue will belong to one project, which defines the context of the issue. Finally, we have project categories, which logically group similar projects together. We will discuss each of these levels in the following sections:

The JIRA hierarchy

Project category

Project category is a logical grouping for projects, usually of similar nature. Project category is optional. Projects do not have to belong to any category in JIRA. When a project does not belong to any category, it is considered uncategorized. The category itself does not contain any information, as we will see later in this chapter and later chapters. Project categories can be a helpful way to organize all you projects in JIRA, especially when you have many of them.


In JIRA, a project is a collection of issues. Projects provide the background context for issues by letting users know where issues should be raised. A project also defines various 'rules' and 'boundaries' for its issues, such as who will have permission to view the issues, and notifiy recipients when changes are made against an issue.

It is important to remember that projects are not limited software development projects that need to deliver a product. They can be anything logical, such as the following:

  • Company department or team
  • Software development projects
  • Products or systems
  • A risk register


Issues represent work to be performed. From a functional perspective, an issue is the base unit for JIRA. Users create issues and assign them to other people to be worked on. Project leaders can generate reports on issues to see how everything is tracking. In a sense, you can say JIRA is issue-centric.

We will be looking at issues in more details in Chapter 3, Issue Management. For now, you just need to remember three things:

  • An issue has to belong to one and only one project
  • There can be many different types of issues
  • An issue contains many fields that hold values for the issue


Fields are the most basic unit of data in JIRA. They hold data for issues and give meaning to them. Fields in JIRA can be broadly categorized into two distinctive categories, namely system fields and custom fields. They come in many different forms, such as text fields, drop-down lists, and user pickers. Fields and their related topics are discussed in more depth in Chapter 4, Field Management. For now, you just need to remember three things:

  • Fields hold values for issues
  • Fields can have behaviors (hidden or mandatory)
  • Fields can have a view and structure (text field or drop-down list)
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