

3D chart layout, rotating, 291

3D effects, applying to pictures, 207

3D models

inserting and modifying, 263269, 272273

magnifying, 268

motion patterns, 269

rotating, 268



designing for, 349

issues, 426427

Accessibility Checker, 423, 425

Accessibility group, Format tool, 204

accessible content, 625

Account page, Backstage view, 2223, 25

account settings, displaying, 25


accessing and using, 622

undoing, 91


defined, 625

displaying and removing, 100

managing, 584587, 598

Adjust group, Format tool, 203

advanced options, managing, 565566

aligning objects, 342, 345

alignment, configuring, 115116, 125126, 178, 181

All Markup view, 625

alt text

defined, 625

pictures, 215216, 240

tables, 178179

videos, 212

Alt+function key, 616

Alt+Shift+function key, 616

animated 3D models, 266

antonyms, displaying, 103

app settings, managing, 13, 565

app window

elements, 67, 1015

maximizing, 20

personalizing appearance, 2425

apps, availability, 8, 100

Arrange All command, 59

Arrange group, Format tool, 204

arrows on buttons, 12

artistic effects, applying, 132, 210

aspect ratio, 625

attribute, 625

attribution, pictures, 213215

Author document, 451

AutoCorrect feature, 141, 400, 404, 556557, 625

AutoFormat As You Type page, 141

AutoRecover information, saving, 560

AutoSave function

turning off, 561

using, 65

AutoShape feature, 625

AVERAGE function, 173

axes, charts, 286, 288, 291


background color, table element, 193. See also colors

background watermark, inserting, 309314, 327


defined, 625

removing from pictures, 208209

and themes, 2425

Backstage view

Account page, 2223

Feedback page, 31

using, 10, 13


defined, 625

displaying markup, 367

bar chart, 277, 625

bar tab, applying, 125

bibliographies, compiling, 470477, 482

bibliography, 625

blog, 625

BMP (bitmap) files, 200

bold text, formatting, 131


defined, 625

inserting, 444449, 478

Border Lines dialog box, 141

borders, 189, 192, 625

bpp (bits per pixel), 200

brightness, adjusting for pictures, 210

browsing options, documents, 50, 52

building blocks

customizing, 538541, 545

defined, 625

inserting, 329

using, 319322

bulleted lists

customizing, 139

formatting, 137138

sorting, 139


arrows, 12

sizes, 15, 18


calculations, adding to table cells, 180181

Capitalize Each Word, 133

caption, 625

case of text

changing, 133

and character formatting, 135

category axis, 625

cell address, 625

Cell tab, Table Properties, 178


addresses, 173

aligning text, 181

calculations, 180181

defined, 625

inserting, 184

merging, 184

ranges, 173

selecting, 181

splitting, 185

Center tab, 124125

character codes, inserting, 605

character formatting

applying, 128135, 155156, 610

and case of text, 135

defined, 625

removing, 134

tables, 189

character spacing, 135, 626. See also spacing

character style, 626

characters. See also fonts; hidden characters; nonprinting characters

deleting, 91

moving to, 51

chart area, 285, 291, 626

chart elements

adding, 289290

availability, 286287

changing, 287

Format pane, 295

options, 288

repositioning, 291

Chart Filters button, 279

Chart Styles group, 292, 294

chart title, 286, 288, 292

charts. See also Excel worksheets

changing types, 280

changing worksheet areas, 284

colors, 292, 294

components, 285

creating, 280, 296297

data labels, 286, 567

effects, 294

error bars, 286

features, 276279

fill color, 294

filtering, 284

formatting, 291295, 299

gridlines, 286

legend, 286287

lines, 287

modifying, 298299

Quick Layouts, 287289

resizing, 290

selecting for editing, 282

templates, 281

trendline, 287

types, 277

up/down bars, 287

using colors, 284

WordArt styles, 294295

Chat button, 391

chevron, 626

citation, 626

citing sources, 470476

clarity and conciseness issues, 403, 405408, 410

Click and Type, 626

clip art, 626


cutting and copying text, 87

defined, 626

pane, 90

pasting content, 88

using, 85

closing documents, 6172, 78

cloud storage

connecting to, 26

information, 7

locations, 64

coauthoring documents, 389393, 626


configuring options, 554

defined, 626

tools, 14

color theme, changing, 25

colors. See also background color; font color; recoloring

applying to comments, 360361

tracked changes, 363

using with charts, 284, 292, 294

column breaks

defined, 626

inserting, 162, 167

column chart, 277, 626

Column tab, Table Properties, 178

column widths, changing, 163

columnar text, formatting, 162

columns. See also tabbed lists

breaking manually, 165

changing indentation, 167

defined, 626

formatting, 192, 194

formatting in tables, 178

hyphenating content, 166

indenting text, 164

inserting vertical lines between, 163

justifying paragraphs, 162

justifying text, 166

laying out text, 165

resizing, 166, 182

selecting in tables, 182

tables, 179

white space within lines, 164

Columns dialog box, opening, 161

combining documents, 373378

combo chart, 277


Backstage view, 13

in lists, 16

comments. See also markup; tracked changes

activating for editing, 370

applying colors, 360361

defined, 626

deleting, 371

inserting, 358361

moving among, 370

resolving, 371

responding, 370

reviewing and responding, 369371

comparing documents, 373378

Compatibility Checker, 423, 425

[Compatibility Mode], Word versions, 71

Compatibility Options, Advanced page, 572

Compress Pictures dialog box, 211

content, structuring manually, 155

content changes, controlling, 378389

contextual tab, 626

Continuous section break, 418

contrast, adjusting for pictures, 210

copies of documents, saving, 64


formatting, 609

formatting from shapes, 232

formatting of pictures, 211

formatting to text, 134

and moving text, 85

and moving text and graphics, 604

text, 90, 106107

and viewing text formats, 610

Corrections gallery, pictures, 210

COUNT function, 173

cover page, inserting and modifying, 319, 323

cropping pictures, 205206

cross-reference entry, 626

cross-references, inserting, 478

CSS (cascading style sheets), 222

Ctrl key. See keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl+Alt+function key, 616

Ctrl+function key, 615

Ctrl+Shift+function key, 615


defined, 626

moving, 51

custom themes, creating and managing, 531532, 544. See also themes

cutting and copying text, 8586

cutting text, 87

cycle diagram, 248, 626


data, switching across axes, 283

data labels, charts, 286, 288

data markers, charts, 285, 291, 626

data point, 626

data series, 626

data source

choosing and refining, 494503, 519

defined, 626

mail merge process, 494503

data tables, charts, 288, 292

Date and Time dialog box, 451

date and time field, adding, 452453

decimal tab, 124125

Decrease Indent button, 121

default local folder, changing, 561

default Word options, changing, 548549, 595

deleting. See also removing

characters, 91

comments, 371

custom themes, 153

endnotes, 456

footers, 319

footnotes, 456

graphics, 603

headers, 319

table elements, 175, 185

tables, 185

text, 91, 106107, 603

demoting, defined, 626

design templates, previewing, 42. See also templates

Design tool

equations, 234

SmartArt graphics, 254

desktop publishing, 626

destination file, 627

diagram shapes

entering text, 253

reshaping, 259

resizing, 259

diagrams. See also picture diagrams

creating, 248253, 270

modifying, 254259, 271

picture placeholders, 262263

Text pane, 248250

using, 627

dialog box launcher, 10, 12, 627

dialog boxes, keyboard shortcuts, 617618

dictating text into documents, 83


adding, 101102

displaying definitions, 9899

managing, 410411

digital signature, 627

Display For Review options, 627

display options, managing, 554, 568

.docm format, 68

Document Formatting gallery, 143

Document Inspector, 422425, 627

document markup, displaying and reviewing, 395396

document parts, inserting, 329

document property field, inserting, 453

document setting sections, managing, 565

document statistics, displaying, 102

document themes, changing, 149153, 158. See also custom themes; themes


changing areas, 5051

coauthoring, 389393

comparing and combining, 373378, 396

comparing and merging, 396

creating, 3842, 74

displaying, 6, 15, 59

displaying views, 5359, 7576

formats, 68

importing, 80

managing, 13

marking as final, 428

marking up, 394

moving around, 4852, 7475, 607608

opening, 4448, 7475

printing and previewing, 602

printing and sending, 429435, 439

Protected View, 46

reviewing, 602

saving and closing, 6172, 78

saving copies, 64

sharing, 24

switching views, 57

.docx format, 6869

.dotm format, 68

.dotx format, 68

Down Arrow, cursor movement, 51

draft saving frequency, changing, 561

Draft view, 53, 55, 58, 627

drag-and-drop editing, 627

dragging, 627

Draw Table feature, using, 170, 177

drawing canvas

defined, 627

shapes, 224

drawing object, 627

drop caps, defined, 627

drop caps, formatting, 136


edit boxes, using in dialog boxes, 618


and displaying file properties, 6061

file properties, 77

and formatting pictures, 202203

PDF files in Word, 48

pictures, 204, 239240

Editor pane, 401, 404

effects, changing for shapes, 258

electronic distribution, preparing documents, 422425, 428, 438


mail merge process, 492493

sending documents by, 432, 434435

embed codes, video content, 212

embedded object, 627

embedding fonts, 560561

Encrypted option, 384


defined, 627

deleting, 456

inserting and modifying, 454456, 479480

keyboard shortcuts, 603

entering text, 8081, 106

envelopes, generating, 510514, 520521


building, 237, 242243

Design tool, 234

formatting, 235

inserting, 233, 236

reformatting, 237

saving, 238

error bars, charts, 286, 288

error indicators, 400

errors, correcting, 94

Even Page section break, 418

Excel worksheets. See also charts; worksheet area

inserting charts, 280

inserting content, 171

linking to Word, 278

opening linked charts, 283

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 627


feedback, providing, 2832, 36

field name, 627


defined, 627

displaying information, 450453, 479

working with, 612613

file formats

defined, 627

saving documents, 68

file name, 7

file properties, displaying and editing, 6061, 77. See also properties

file saving options, managing, 559561. See also saving

files, saving to OneDrive, 6667. See also online files

Fill Effects, 304

filtering, 628

final document, marking, 428

finding and replacing content, 50, 93, 9596, 108, 600601, 622

First Line indent, applying, 120122


pictures, 205

shapes, 227

font color, changing, 132. See also colors

Font dialog box, character formatting, 130, 134

font effect, 628

Font group, character formatting, 129

font size

changing, 131

defined, 628

font style, 628

fonts. See also characters

changing, 131, 609

defined, 628

embedding, 560

resizing, 609

saving, 560


defined, 628

deleting, 319

inserting, 316318, 328


defined, 628

deleting, 456

inserting and modifying, 454456, 479480

keyboard shortcuts, 603

Format Axis options, 293

Format tab, SmartArt graphics, 255

Format tool, pictures, 203204


charts, 291295, 299

copying, 609

copying for pictures, 211

copying from shapes, 232

copying to text, 134

defined, 628

equations, 235

options, 12

page background, 302, 327

page numbers, 318

pictures, 239240

shapes, 228229

stopping automation, 558

tables, 196

formatting commands, repeating, 134

formula, 628

Formula dialog box, 173

Fraction gallery, 234

frames, applying to pictures, 207

function key tasks, 613616

functions, using with tables, 173



defined, 628

and panes, 621622

scrolling content, 12

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) files, 200

glows, applying to pictures, 207

Go To tab, 50, 52

Go To What list, 52

grammar checker, 400401, 405408, 410

graphic formats, 200


copying and moving, 604

defined, 628

deleting, 603

selecting, 605

grayscale, 628

Grid And Guides dialog box, 342

grid settings, changing, 346

Grid Tables, 187


charts, 286, 289, 292

defined, 628

displaying and hiding, 345

gridlines, displaying and hiding, 56, 59

group buttons, 18

grouping, 628

groups, 10, 628


handles, shapes, 226

hands-free typing, 628

hanging indent, creating, 122

hard copy, 628

hard page break, 417

header row, tables, 187, 192. See also rows


defined, 628

deleting, 319

inserting, 316318, 328

help, getting, 2832, 36, 622623

hidden characters, 124. See also characters

hidden text, including in printed documents, 417

hierarchy diagram, 248, 628

highlighting text, 133

Home page, disabling, 38

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 629

hyperlink, 628

hyperlinking to resources, 448449

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 629

hyphenating content, 166, 629



defined, 629

inserting and formatting, 220222, 241

Image Size And Quality, 567

images. See pictures


content from online files, 82

documents, 80

text, 81, 106

Increase Indent button, 121

indent marker, 629


changing in columns, 167

tables, 178


lists, 139

and outdenting paragraphs, 121122

indents, configuring, 120122

index entry, 629

index entry field, 629


creating and modifying, 463469, 481

defined, 629

inking, 629

inline position, pictures, 199


3D models, 265266

background watermarks, 309314, 327328

bookmarks, 478

building blocks, inserting, 329

character codes, 605

charts from Excel, 280

comments, 358361

cover page, 319

cross-references, 444449, 478

document parts, 329

document property field, 453

equations, 233, 236

footers, 328

and formatting icons, 220222, 241

headers, 328

merge fields, 504507, 519

and modifying 3D models, 263269, 272273

and modifying cover pages, 323

and modifying endnotes, 454456, 479480

and modifying footnotes, 454456, 479480

page break, 419421

page numbers, 328

picture diagrams, 261262

pictures, 198200, 239

screenshots, 216219, 240

section break, 421

special characters, 604605

symbols, 230231

text boxes, 320, 324325

installing Office tools, 100

instructions, formats, 1617

italic text, formatting, 131


JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) files, 201

justifying, defined, 629


keyboard focus, changing, 620621

keyboard shortcuts

actions, 622

aligning paragraphs, 611

Alt+function key, 616

Alt+Shift+function key, 616

applying character formats, 610

Backstage view, 619

bold text, 131

case options for text, 133

character codes, 605

common tasks, 599600

copying formatting, 609

copying text and graphics, 604

Ctrl+Alt+function key, 616

Ctrl+function key, 615

Ctrl+Shift+function key, 615

cursor movement, 51

customizing, 624

cutting text, 87

date and time field, 453

defined, 629

deleting text and graphics, 603

diagrams, 252

dialog boxes, 617619

edit boxes in dialog boxes, 618

endnotes, 603

extending selections, 606

fields, 612613

finding and replacing content, 622

finding and replacing text, 600

Font dialog box, 134

footnotes, 603

formatting commands, 134

function key tasks, 613614

galleries and panes, 621622

Go To tab, 52

Help window, 622623

inserting characters in tables, 609

italic text, 131

Language bar, 613

line spacing, 611

mail merges, 612

moving around tables, 608

moving content in tables, 609

moving text and graphics, 604

moving through documents, 607608

Open and Save As dialog boxes, 619

Outline view, 337, 601602

panes and galleries, 621622

paragraph marks, 126

paragraph styles, 611612

pasting content, 88

printing and previewing documents, 602

promoting list items, 257

Read Mode, 602

redisplaying ribbon, 22

references, 603

removing character formatting, 134

Results page, Navigation pane, 94

reviewing documents, 602

ribbon, 619

ribbon tabs, 21

Save As and Open dialog boxes, 619

saving documents, 64

selecting all content, 87

selecting text and graphics, 605, 607

Shift+function key, 614

special characters, 604605

structural characters, 126

switching views, 601

tables, 621

tracked changes, 362

underlined text, 131

undoing actions, 91

viewing and copying text formats, 610

webpages, 603

windows, 617


Label function, using, 514516


disappearance, 18

mail merge process, 489492, 520521

landscape orientation, 412, 629

Language bar, using, 613


changing for Translator tool, 103

grammar checker, 401

managing options, 562565

layout, controlling, 437

Layout Options, Advanced page, 571

Left Arrow, cursor movement, 51

Left indent, applying, 114, 120121

Left tab, 124125


charts, 286287, 289, 291

defined, 629

letters, mail merge process, 488489

Level 1 through Level 9, outlines, 147148

line break character, 124

line breaks

defined, 629

inserting, 124, 126

line chart, 277, 629

line graph, 629

line spacing, setting, 116117, 611


charts, 287, 289

moving to, 51

selecting, 87

linked charts, opening, 282283

linked object, 629


defined, 629

enabling features, 553

list diagram, 248, 629

List Tables, 187

lists. See also tabbed lists

creating and modifying, 137141, 156157

example, 15

indentation, 139

levels, 138

Live Preview, 553, 629

location list, displaying options, 47

locking content, 391

lowercase text, 133, 135


macro, defined, 629

magnification, changing, 20, 56, 58

mail merge process

data source, 494503, 519

defined, 629

email messages, 492493

labels, 489492

letters, 488489

performing, 612

refreshing data, 504

starting, 487, 518

understanding, 486487, 518

Mailing Address box, advanced options, 570

mailing labels, generating, 514516

main document, 629

manual page break, 629


defined, 629

setting, 413, 415416

markup. See also comments; tracked changes

defined, 629

displaying, 364369

markup views, 630

Math AutoCorrect options, 409

matrix diagram, 248, 630

MAX function, 173

merge, previewing and completing, 507509, 520

merge fields

defined, 630

inserting, 504507, 519

merging documents, 373378, 396

Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, 71

MIN function, 173

Mini Toolbar

character formatting, 129

enabling and disabling, 552

More button, 12

Mouse mode, 1920


and copying text, 85

cursor, 51

groups of shapes, 232

and modifying shapes, 225228

pictures, 200, 239

text, 89, 106107

Multilevel List button, 138


Navigation pane

defined, 630

managing content, 332333

outlines, 148

Results page, 94

search box, 9192

using, 52, 57

nested table, 349350, 630

Next Page section break, 418

No Markup view, 630

nonprinting characters, displaying and hiding, 59. See also characters

Normal template, 40

number style, customizing, 140

numbered lists, formatting, 137138



aligning, 345

anchoring, 344

arranging, 338347, 352353

defined, 630

displaying and hiding, 347

moving, 346

positioning, 343344

selecting, 343

stacking order, 347

wrapping, 344

Odd Page section break, 418

Office 365 subscription, managing, 26

Office and Office 365, 89

Office and Word options, managing, 550552. See also Word Options dialog box

Office intelligent services, enabling, 553

Office Online, 8

Office shapes, converting icons, 222. See also shapes

Office theme, 151

Office tools, installing, 100

Office updates, managing, 27

OneDrive files, AutoSaving, 559

OneDrive storage. See also storage locations

connecting to, 24

saving files to, 6667

online files, importing content, 82. See also files

Online Pictures feature, 213

Open dialog box, using, 619


documents, 4448

PDF files, 48

orientation, 412, 417, 630

Original view, 630

orphan, 417, 630

outdenting and indenting paragraphs, 121122

outline levels, managing, 147148

Outline Tools group, 336

Outline view, 53, 55, 58, 334337, 351, 601602, 630

Outlook, using, 432, 435


page background, formatting, 302309, 327

page break, inserting, 419421

Page Down, cursor movement, 51

page layout

controlling with tables, 348350, 353

previewing and adjusting, 411417, 437

page numbers

formatting, 318

inserting, 328

Page Setup dialog box, 413414

Page Up, cursor movement, 51

palette, 630

panes and galleries, accessing and using, 621622

paper size, 413

paragraph, 630

paragraph formatting

alignment, 115116

applying, 114115, 154, 417418

borders and shading, 123

defined, 630

indenting and outdenting, 122

indents, 120122

left indent, 114

vertical spacing, 116120

paragraph marks, displaying and hiding, 126

paragraph spacing, 116118

paragraph styles

applying, 611612

defined, 630


aligning, 611

converting to bulleted/numbered lists, 138

indenting and outdenting, 121122

justifying in columns, 162

moving to, 51

selecting, 87

passwords, using, 384389

Paste Function list, 173

Paste options, 8889

pasting content, 567

path, 630

PDF (Portable Document Format), 48, 6972, 433, 630

pen, 630

photos. See pictures

picture diagrams. See also diagrams

creating, 260263, 272

defined, 630

inserting, 261262

Picture Styles group, Format tool, 204, 207


alt text, 215, 240

artistic effects, 210

attribution, 213214

brightness, 210

compressing, 211

contrast, 210

copying formatting, 211

Corrections gallery, 210

cropping, 205206

defined, 630

discarding changes, 211

editing and formatting, 202203, 239240

flipping, 205

Format tool, 203204

framing and styling, 207

inserting, 198200, 239

moving, 200, 239

positioning, 202

recoloring, 203, 209

removing backgrounds, 208

resizing, 201, 239

rotating, 205

selecting for editing, 204

sharpness, 210

text wrapping, 202

pie chart, 277, 290, 630

pinning documents, 46

Plain Tables, 187

Plain Text format, 69

Play 3D group, 266

plot area, charts, 285, 291, 630

PNG (Portable Network Graphic) files, 201

point, 630

pointing to, 630

portrait orientation, 412, 631

Position gallery, 338

Position tab, 341

post, 631


and adjusting page layout, 411417, 437

and completing merge, 507509, 520

Print Layout view, 53, 631

printed documents, hidden text, 417


options, 569

and previewing documents, 602

and sending documents, 429435, 439

procedures, adapting, 1617

process diagram, 248, 631

promoting, 631

proofing options, managing, 555558

Proofing page, 557558

properties. See also file properties

displaying, 60

tables, 178

Protected View, opening documents, 46

pull quote, 631

Punctuation Conventions, 401

pyramid diagram, 248, 631


query, 631

Quick Access Toolbar

customizing, 572577, 595596

defined, 631

transferring customizations, 578579

using, 7

Quick Layouts, charts, 287289

Quick Parts. See building blocks

Quick Parts gallery, 539

Quick Tables, inserting, 190191, 631. See also tables


Read Mode view, 53, 602, 631

Read-Only, 4647, 60, 428, 631

recent documents, opening, 45, 568

recoloring. See also colors

icons, 222

pictures, 203, 209

record, 631

reference and research tools, using, 109

reference mark, 631

reference tables, 461

references, keyboard shortcuts, 603

refreshing data, mail merge process, 504

relationship diagram, 248, 631

Remix 3D online library, 264

removing. See also deleting

character formatting, 134

page break, 421

read-only protection, 428

section break, 421

shapes from SmartArt graphics, 256

tab stops, 126

watermarks, 314

Replace function, 94, 96


columns, 166

diagram shapes, 259

fonts, 609

icons, 222

pictures, 201, 239

shapes, 227

table columns, 182

table rows, 183

tables, 183

windows, 56

restricting actions, 379384

Results page, Navigation pane, 9192, 94

reviewing documents, 602

Revisions pane, 366, 368369, 631


of commands, 10

customizing, 580584, 597

defined, 631

display options, 7

displaying tabs, 21

hiding, 19, 21

navigating, 620

optimizing for touch interaction, 22

redisplaying, 2122

using, 6, 15, 1822

width, 18

Rich Text Format (.rtf), 69

Right Arrow, cursor movement, 51

right indent, applying, 120, 125

right tab, 124

rotate handles, pictures, 199

Rotate Objects menu, 227


3D chart layout, 291

3D models, 268

icons, 222

pictures, 205

shapes, 227

Row tab, Table Properties, 178179

rows. See also header row; total row

inserting, 183184

ranges, 173174

resizing, 183

selecting in tables, 182

.rtf format, 69

rulers, displaying and hiding, 56, 59, 121


saturation, 631

Save As dialog box, 63

Save section, Advanced page, 570

saving. See also file saving options

AutoRecover information, 560

and closing documents, 6172, 78

copies of documents, 64

documents, 600

equations, 238

files to OneDrive, 6667

fonts, 560

style sets, 530

scalable vector graphic (SVG), 631

screen clipping, 631

screen resolution, changing, 20

screen space, adjusting, 56

screenshots, inserting, 216219, 240

ScreenTips, 11, 16, 250, 533, 569, 631

scroll arrows, 18

scroll buttons, 12

search box, Navigation pane, 9192

searching content, 9396

section break, 418419, 421, 631

security options, managing, 598


content, 87

defined, 631

shapes for editing, 226

text, 84, 8687

text and graphics, 605606

selection area, 84, 631

Selection pane, displaying, 343

selections, extending, 606

sentences, selecting, 86

series axis, 632

settings, managing, 2227, 35

shading, applying to tables, 189

shadows, applying to pictures, 207

shapes. See also Office shapes; SmartArt graphics

adding text, 225

adding to SmartArt graphics, 255256

applying colors and effects, 259

availability, 223

changing, 228

changing effects, 258

changing hierarchy, 257

copying formatting, 232

creating, 224

cropping pictures to, 206

drawing and modifying, 223224, 242

flipping, 227

formatting, 228229

formatting text, 229

grouping and moving, 232

handles, 226

moving and modifying, 225228

moving in SmartArt graphics, 256

removing from SmartArt graphics, 256

resizing, 227

rotating, 227

selecting for editing, 226

Text Box margins, 225

ungrouping, 233

WordArt text effects, 259

Share pane, 390, 432433

SharePoint library, 632

SharePoint Online files, AutoSaving, 559

SharePoint sites, connecting to, 24

sharing documents, 24

sharpness, adjusting for pictures, 210

Shift+function key, 614

shortcuts, viewing, 15

Simple Markup view, 368, 632

Size group, Format tool, 204

size handles, pictures, 198199

sizing handle, 632

Smart Lookup pane, 98

SmartArt graphics. See also shapes

adding shapes, 255256

changing layouts, 257

color schemes, 258

defined, 632

diagrams, 248250, 252

Design tool, 254

Format tab, 255

hierarchy of shapes, 257

moving shapes, 256

removing shapes, 256

resetting defaults, 258

soft page break, 417, 632

soft returns, 124


bulleted lists, 139

data in tables, 181

source file, 632

sources, citing, 470477, 482

spacing, adjusting for paragraphs, 119120. See also character spacing

special characters, inserting, 604605

spelling issues, checking, 373, 405408, 410

Spike, 632


table cells, 185

windows into panes, 59

spreadsheet content, inserting, 171

stack, 632

Start screen, disabling, 38

starting Word, 45, 34

status bar

defined, 632

indicator, 632

specifying items, 22

using, 6, 1415

storage locations, connection to, 2526. See also OneDrive storage

Strikethrough button, 132

structuring content, 155

Style area, 58

style area pane, 55, 632

style sets, saving, 530


applying, 142143, 146, 157158

creating and modifying, 524531, 543

defined, 632

linking, 528

Styles gallery, 146, 524, 529

Styles pane, using, 144145

subentry, 632

subscript characters, 132

SUM function, 173

superscript characters, 132

SVG (scalable vector graphics), 201, 222, 631

switching document views, 57


equations, 236

inserting, 230231

synonyms, displaying, 99100, 103, 109


tab characters, inserting, 126

tab leaders, 126, 632

tab stops

defined, 632

setting, 124, 126

tabbed lists. See also columns; lists

converting to tables, 180

creating, 167169, 194195

defined, 632

table elements, background color, 193

table of authorities, 461, 632

table of contents

creating and modifying, 456463

defined, 632

table of figures, 461, 632

Table Properties dialog box, 179

table styles

applying, 192

defined, 633

Table Styles gallery, 187

tables. See also Quick Tables

Alt Text tab, 178179

borders, 189, 192

cells and rows, 173174

character formatting, 189

controlling page layout, 348350, 353

creating, 170, 175176

defined, 632

deleting, 185

deleting elements, 175, 185

drawing, 177

entering data, 177

features, 169, 172

formatting, 186188, 192, 196

functions and formulas, 173

header and total rows, 187, 192

inserting characters, 609

inserting from shared documents, 177

layout options, 178

merging and splitting cells, 174

moving around, 608

moving content, 609

navigating, 180

navigating and working in, 621

nesting, 349350

presenting information, 195196

resizing, 174, 183

selecting columns, 182

selecting text and graphics, 607

shading, 189

sorting data, 181

tables of contents, creating and modifying, 456463, 480

tabs. See also tool tabs

active and inactive, 10

defined, 632

Tabs dialog box, opening, 126

target, 633

Tell Me feature, 30

templates. See also design templates

availability, 3839

basing documents on, 4243

charts, 281

clearing searches, 43

contents, 4041

creating and attaching, 533537, 544

defined, 633

removing search filters, 43


adding to shapes, 225

aligning in table cells, 181

changing case, 133

copying, 90, 106107

copying and moving, 604

copying formatting, 134

cutting and copying, 8587

deleting, 91, 106107, 603

dictating into documents, 83

entering, 8081, 106

entering for diagrams, 251

entering in tabbed lists, 168

entering into diagram shapes, 253

finding and replacing, 108

formatting on shapes, 229

formatting options, 131132

formatting while typing, 141

highlighting, 133

importing, 81, 106

justifying in columns, 166

laying out in columns, 165

moving, 89, 106107

moving and copying, 85

replacing, 9697

searching, 94

selecting, 84, 8687, 605

translating, 103104

Text Box margins, shapes, 225

text boxes

defined, 633

inserting, 320, 324325

text effects, applying, 130131

text entries, changing automatically, 558

text errors, locating and correcting, 400411, 436

text formats, viewing and copying, 610

Text pane, diagrams, 248250

text wrapping

defined, 633

pictures, 202

tables, 178

themes. See also custom themes; document themes

and backgrounds, 24

defined, 633

thesaurus, defined, 633

Thesaurus pane, 99, 103

thumbnails, defined, 633

tick-mark, 633

time and date field, adding, 452453

title bar, 67

titles, charts, 292

tOGGLE cASE, 133

tool tabs, 1011, 633. See also tabs

tooltips, 11, 16, 250, 533, 569, 631

total row, tables, 187, 192. See also rows

touch interaction, 22

Touch mode, 1920

touchscreen devices, 15

tracked changes, 361364, 371373. See also comments; markup

Translator tool, 100101, 103104, 109

trendline, charts, 287, 289

Trust Center options, configuring, 587594, 598

.txt format, 69


underlined text, formatting, 131

undoing actions, 91

Unencrypted option, 385

updates, managing, 27

up/down bars, charts, 289

uppercase text, 133, 135

URLs, formatting as hyperlinks, 448

user badge, 391

user identification, changing, 553

user information, 7

user interface

app window elements, 67, 1015

documents, 6

features, 3, 5

transferring customizations, 578

working in, 34


value axis, 633

vector graphic, 633

versions of documents, comparing, 377378

vertical spacing, configuring, 116120

video content, adding to documents, 212

View Shortcuts toolbar, 15, 54, 633

View tab, 54

viewing documents, 600


defined, 633

displaying, 5359

switching, 601

vlog, 633

Vocabulary Choice, 403, 407


watermarks, 309314, 327

web browser, 633

Web Layout view, 53, 633


defined, 633

keyboard shortcuts, 603

white space, showing and hiding, 54, 57

widow, 417, 633

wildcard character, 633

window management, 7


keyboard shortcuts, 617

resizing, 56

splitting into panes, 59


[Compatibility Mode], 71

starting, 45, 34

suggesting changes to, 32

word definitions, displaying, 98, 101, 103, 109

Word file formats, 68

Word Home page, enabling and disabling, 553

Word Online, 8, 634

Word Options dialog box. See also Office and Word options

opening, 27, 548549

Save page, 559

word processing, 3, 634

word wrap, 634


applying, 130

defined, 634

styles for charts, 294295

text effects for shapes, 259


moving to, 51

selecting, 86

worksheet area, changing for charts, 284. See also Excel worksheets

worksheet data, selecting for editing, 283


x-axis, 634

.xml format, 68, 627

.xps format, 6970, 433


y-axis, 634

YouTube, connecting to, 24


z-axis, 634

zoom controls, using, 58

Zoom Level button, 56

zoom slider and button, 15

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