Chapter 20. Serving HTTP

When a browser (or any other web client) requests a page from a server, the server may return either static or dynamic content. Serving dynamic content involves server-side web programs generating and delivering content on the fly, often based on information stored in a database.

In the prehistory of the web, the standard for server-side programming was CGI (Common Gateway Interface), which required the server to run a separate program each time a client requested dynamic content. Process startup time, interpreter initialization, connection to databases, and script initialization add up to measurable overhead. Thus, CGI did not scale up well.

Nowadays, web servers support many server-specific ways to reduce overhead, serving dynamic content from processes that can serve for several hits rather than starting up a new CGI process per hit. Therefore, we do not cover CGI in this book. To maintain existing CGI programs, or port them to more modern approaches, consult the online docs for the standard library modules cgi and http.cookies.1

HTTP has become even more fundamental to distributed systems design with the emergence of systems based on microservices, offering as it does a convenient way to transport between processes the JSON content that is frequently used. There are now thousands of publicly available HTTP data APIs on the Internet. While HTTP’s principles remain almost unchanged since its inception in the mid-1990s, it has been significantly enhanced over the years to extend its capabilities. For a more thorough grounding with excellent reference materials we recommend O’Reilly’s HTTP: The Definitive Guide.


Python’s Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) is the standard by which all modern Python web development frameworks interface with underlying web servers or gateways. WSGI is not meant for direct use by your application programs; rather, you code your programs using any one of several higher-abstraction frameworks, and the framework, in turn, uses WSGI to talk to the web server.

You need to care about the details of WSGI only if you’re implementing the WSGI interface for a web server that doesn’t already provide it (should any such server exist), or if you’re building a new Python web framework.2 If so, study the WSGI PEP, the docs for the standard library package wsgiref, and the archive of

A few WSGI concepts may be important to you, if you use lightweight frameworks (i.e., ones that match WSGI closely). WSGI is an interface, and that interface has two sides: the web-server/gateway side, and the application/framework side.

The framework side’s job is to provide a WSGI application object, a callable object (often the instance of a class with a __call__ special method, but that’s an implementation detail) respecting conventions in the PEP; and to connect the application object to the server by whatever means the specific server documents (often a few lines of code, or configuration files, or just a convention such as naming the WSGI application object application as a top-level attribute in a module). The server calls the application object for each incoming HTTP request, and the application object responds appropriately, so that the server can form the outgoing HTTP response and send it on—all according to said conventions. A framework, even a lightweight one, shields you from such details (except that you may have to instantiate and connect the application object, depending on the specific server).

WSGI Servers

An extensive list of servers and adapters you can use to run WSGI frameworks and applications (for development and testing, in production web setups, or both) is available online—extensive, but just partial. For example, it does not mention that Google App Engine’s Python runtime is also a WSGI server, ready to dispatch WSGI apps as directed by the app.yaml configuration file.

If you’re looking for a WSGI server to use for development, or to deploy in production behind, say, an nginx-based load balancer, you should be happy, at least on Unix-like systems, with Green Unicorn: pure Python goodness, supporting nothing but WSGI, very lightweight. A worthy (also pure Python and WSGI only) alternative, currently with better Windows support, is Waitress. If you need richer features (such as support for Perl and Ruby as well as Python, and many other forms of extensibility), consider the bigger, more complex uWSGI.3

WSGI also has the concept of middleware—a subsystem that implements both the server and application sides of WSGI. A middleware object “wraps” a WSGI application; can selectively alter requests, environments, and responses; and presents itself to the server as “the application.” Multiple layers of wrappers are allowed and common, forming a “stack” of middleware, offering services to the actual application-level code. If you want to write a cross-framework middleware component, then you will, indeed, need to become a WSGI expert.

Python Web Frameworks

For a survey of most Python web frameworks, see the Python wiki page. It’s authoritative, since it’s on the official website, and community curated, so it will stay up to date as time goes by. As of this writing, it lists and points to 56 frameworks4 that it identifies as “active,” plus many more it identifies as “discontinued/inactive.” In addition, it points to separate wiki pages about Python content management systems, web servers, and web components and libraries thereof.

Full-Stack Versus Lightweight Frameworks

Roughly speaking, Python web frameworks can be classified as being either full-stack (trying to supply all the functionality you may need to build a web application) or lightweight (supplying just the minimum you need as a handy interface to web serving itself, and letting you pick and choose your own favorite, unrelated components for tasks such as interfacing to databases, covered in “The Python Database API (DBAPI) 2.0”, and templating, covered in “Templating”—as well as other tasks covered by web components, as mentioned in the next section). Of course, like all taxonomies, this one is imprecise and incomplete, and requires value judgments; however, it’s one way to start making sense of those many dozens of Python web frameworks.

In this book, we cannot cover full-stack frameworks—each is far too vast (indeed, sometimes sprawling). Nevertheless, one of them might be the best approach for your specific applications, so we mention a few of the most popular ones, and recommend that you check out their websites that we link to.

When you use lightweight frameworks

By definition of “lightweight,” if you need any database, templating, or other functionality not strictly related to HTTP, you’ll be picking and choosing separate components for that purpose (we cover aspects of databases and templating in other chapters). However, the lighter-weight your framework, the more you may also want to use separate components for functionality “closer to home,” such as authenticating a user or maintaining state across web requests by a given user. Many WSGI middleware packages can help you with such tasks. Some excellent ones are quite focused—for example, Barrel for access control, Beaker for maintaining state in the form of lightweight sessions of several kinds, and so forth.

However, when we (the authors of this book) require good WSGI middleware for just about any purpose, almost invariably we first check Werkzeug, a collection of such components that’s amazing in breadth and quality. We don’t cover Werkzeug in this book (just as we don’t cover other middleware), but we recommend it highly.

A Few Popular Full-Stack Frameworks

By far the most popular full-stack framework is Django, which is vast and extensible. Django’s so-called applications are in fact reusable subsystems, while what’s normally called “an application,” Django calls a project. Django requires its own unique mindset, but offers vast power and functionality in return.

An excellent full-stack alternative is web2py, roughly as powerful, easier to learn, and well known for its dedication to backward compatibility (if it keeps up its great track record, any web2py application you code today will keep working indefinitely far in the future). Its documentation is outstanding.5

A third worthy contender is TurboGears, which starts out as a lightweight framework, but achieves “full-stack” status by integrating other, independent third-party projects for the various other functionalities needed in most web apps, such as database interfacing and templating, rather than designing its own. Another, somewhat philosophically similar, “light but rich” framework is Pyramid.

Some Popular Lightweight Frameworks

As mentioned, Python has multiple frameworks, including many lightweight ones. We cover four of the latter: Falcon, Flask, Bottle, and webapp2. In our coverage of each framework, we provide an example toy app that greets the users and reminds them of when they last visited the site, based on a lastvisit cookie. First, we show how to set the cookie in the main “greeter” function. However, an app would presumably want to set the lastvisit cookie no matter how the app was getting “visited.” Instead of repeating the cookie setting in each and every appropriate method, these frameworks let you easily factor out the code to respect the key design principle of DRY (“Don’t Repeat Yourself”). So, we also provide an example of how to factor out the code for this purpose in each framework.


Possibly the fastest (thus, by inference, lightest) Python web framework is Falcon. According to the benchmarks on its site, it runs 5 to 8 times faster than the most popular lightweight Python web framework, Flask, on both v2 and v3. Falcon is very portable, supporting Jython, or Cython for a further little speed-up, or PyPy for a huge boost—the latter making it, in all, 27 times faster than Flask. In addition to the project website, look at the sources on GitHub, the installation notes on PyPI, and the extensive docs. To run Falcon in Google App Engine locally on your computer (or on Google’s servers at, see Rafael Barrelo’s useful GitHub page.

The main class supplied by the falcon package is named API. An instance of falcon.API is a WSGI application, so a common idiom is a multiple assignment:

import falcon

api = application = falcon.API()

When you instantiate falcon.API, pass zero or more named parameters:


Content type used in responses unless otherwise specified; defaults to 'application/json; charset=utf-8'


A Falcon middleware object, or a list of such objects, covered in “Falcon middleware”


The class to use for requests; defaults to falcon.request.Request, but you might code a subclass of that class and use the subclass here


The class to use for responses; defaults to falcon.response.Response, but you might code a subclass of that class and use the subclass here


The class to use for routing; defaults to falcon.routing.CompiledRouter, not suitable to inherit from, but you could code your own router class, make it compatible by duck typing, and use your router class here

Once you have the api object, you can customize it in several ways, to handle errors and to add sinks (using regular expressions to intercept and dispatch a set of routes, for example by proxying to another site). We do not cover these advanced topics (nor custom request, response, and router types) in this book: the Falcon docs (particularly, as a reference, the Classes and Functions section) cover them well.

One customization method that you almost invariably do call on api, usually more than once, is necessary to add routing, and thus to get requests served:



uri_template is a string matching the URI to route; for example, '/' to route requests that ask for the root URL of the site. The template may include one or more field expressions—identifiers enclosed in braces ({})—in which case the responder methods of the corresponding resource must accept arguments named like those identifiers, in order, after the mandatory arguments for request and response.

resource is an instance of a Falcon resource class, as covered in “Falcon resources”. Note that you pass a specific instance, which gets reused to serve all requests to the given URI, not the class itself: be very careful in your coding, especially about using instance variables.

Falcon resources

A Falcon resource class is one that supplies methods, known as responder methods, whose names start with on_ followed by an HTTP verb in lowercase; for example, the method on_get responds to the most common HTTP verb, GET.

Each responder method normally has a signature such as:

def on_get(self, req, resp): ...

accepting the request object and the response object as arguments. However, when the URI template routing to the resource includes field expressions, then responder methods need to accept extra arguments with names matching the identifiers in the field expressions. For example, if you route to the resource by calling api.add_route('/foo/{bar}/{baz}', rsrc), then responder methods of the resource-class instance rsrc must have signatures such as:

def on_post(self, req, resp, bar, baz): ...

A resource does not have to supply responder methods for all HTTP verbs—if the resource is addressed by an HTTP verb it does not support (e.g., a POST to a route whose resource’s class has no on_post method), Falcon detects that, and responds to the invalid request with HTTP status '405 Method Not Allowed'.

Falcon does not supply any class for resource classes to inherit from: rather, resource classes rely entirely on duck typing (i.e., they just define responder methods with the appropriate names and signatures) to fully support Falcon.

Falcon request objects

The falcon.Request class supplies a large number of properties and methods, thoroughly documented in Falcon’s docs. The ones you’ll be using most often are property cookies, a dict mapping cookie names to values, and the methods get_header to get a header from the request (None, when the request had no such header), get_param to get a parameter from the request (None, when the request had no such parameter), and small variants such as get_param_as_int to get an int value for a request parameter that must be an integer.

Falcon response objects

The falcon.Response class supplies many properties and methods, thoroughly documented in Falcon’s docs. Usually, you’ll need to set many of the properties (except for ones controlling headers you’re okay with being absent or taking on default values), and, often, call many of the methods. Here are the properties:


Assign a Unicode string to encode in UTF-8 as the response body. If you have a bytestring for the body, assign it to data instead, for speed.


Assign to set the Cache-Control header; when you assign a list of strings, Falcon joins them with ', ' to produce the header value.


Assign to set the Content-Location header.


Assign to set the Content-Range header.


Assign to set the Content-Type header; a typical value you’d assign to resp.content_type might be, for example, 'text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15' when you’re setting to an HTML document encoded in ISO-8859-15 (defaults to api.media_type).


Assign a bytestring to use the bytes as the response body.


Assign to set the ETag header.


Assign to set the Last-Modified header.


Assign to set the Location header.


Assign to set the Retry-After header, typically in conjunction with setting resp.status to '503 Service Unavailable'.


Assign a status-line string, defaulting to '200 OK' (for example, set resp.status = '201 Created' if an on_post method creates a new entity—see RFC 2616 for all details on HTTP status codes and status lines).


Assign either a file-like object whose read method returns a string of bytes, or an iterator yielding bytestrings, when that’s a more convenient way for you to express the response body than assigning to resp.body or


Optionally, assign an int, the number of bytes in, when you assign the latter; Falcon uses it to set the Content-Length header (if not supplied, Falcon may use chunked encoding or other alternatives).


Assign to set the Vary header.

Lightweight frameworks: you must know what you’re doing!

You may have noticed that properly setting many of these properties requires you to understand HTTP (in other words, to know what you’re doing), while a full-stack framework tries to lead you by the hand and have you do the right thing without really needing to understand how or why it is right—at the cost of time and resources, and of accepting the full-stack framework’s conceptual map and mindset. (“You pays yer money and you takes yer choice”!) The authors of this book are enthusiasts of the knowledge-heavy, resources-light approach of lightweight frameworks, but we acknowledge that there is no royal road to web apps, and that others prefer rich, heavy, all-embracing full-stack frameworks. To each their own!

Back to falcon.Response instances, here are the main methods of an instance r of that class:

Table 20-1.  



Add a Link header to the response. Mandatory arguments are target, the target IRI for the link (Falcon converts it to a URI if needed), and rel, a string naming one of the many relations catalogued by IANA, such as 'terms-of-service' or 'predecessor-version'. The other arguments (pass each of them as a named argument, if at all) are rarely needed, and are documented in the Falcon docs and RFC 5988.

If you call r.add_link repeatedly, Falcon builds one Link header, with the various links you specify separated by commas.


r.append_header(name, value)

Set or append an HTTP header with the given name and value. If a header of such name is already present, Falcon appends the value to the existing one, separated by a comma; this works for most headers, but not for cookies—for those, use the set_cookie method instead.



Return the string value for the HTTP header with the given name, or None if no such header is present.


r.set_header(name, value)

Set an HTTP header with the given name and value. When a header with that name was already present, it’s replaced.



Set multiple HTTP headers as per set_header. headers is either an iterable of (name, value) pairs, or a mapping with name as the key, value as the corresponding value.



Remove the cookie named name from the response, if it’s there; also add to the response a Set-Cookie header asking the browser to remove the cookie from its cache, if the cookie is in that cache.

Falcon middleware

A Falcon middleware class is one that supplies one or more of three methods that examine, and potentially alter, incoming requests and outgoing responses. You pass in a list of instances of such classes as the middleware argument when you instantiate falcon.API, and those instances are given a chance to examine and alter all the incoming requests and outgoing responses. Multiple middleware class instances in the list get that chance in first-to-last order on incoming requests, then backward, last-to-first, on outgoing responses.

Falcon does not supply any class for middleware classes to inherit from: rather, middleware classes rely entirely on duck typing (i.e., they just define one or more of the three methods with appropriate name and signature). If a middleware class does not supply one or more of the three methods, Falcon treats its instances as if they supplied an empty implementation of the missing method(s), doing nothing.

The three methods Falcon middleware classes may supply are:



Called before routing; if it changes req, that may affect routing.



Called after routing, but before processing. resource may be None if routing could not find a resource matching the request.



Called after the responder method, if any, returns. resource may be None if routing could not find a resource matching the request.

Example 20-1 shows a simple Falcon example.

Example 20-1. A Falcon example
import datetime, falcon
one_year = datetime.timedelta(days=365)

class Greeter(object):
    def on_get(self, req, resp):
        lastvisit = req.cookies.get('lastvisit')
        now =
        newvisit = now.ctime()
        thisvisit = '<p>This visit on {} UTC</p>'.format(newvisit)
        resp.set_cookie('lastvisit', newvisit,
                         expires=now+one_year, secure=False)
        resp_body = [
            '<html><head><title>Hello, visitor!</title>'
        if lastvisit is None:
            '<p>Welcome to this site on your first visit!</p>',
            '<p>Please Refresh the web page to proceed</p>'))
            '<p>Welcome back to this site!</p>',
            '<p>You last visited on {} UTC</p>'.format(lastvisit),
        resp.content_type = 'text/html' = resp_body
        resp.stream_len = sum(len(x) for x in resp_body)

app = falcon.API()
greet = Greeter()
app.add_route('/', greet)

This Falcon example just shows how to use some of the fundamental building blocks that Falcon offers—the API, one resource class, and one instance, preparing the response (in this case, setting is the natural way, since we have prepared in resp_body a list of string pieces of the response body; resp.body = ''.join(resp_body) would also be okay). The example also shows how to maintain a minimal continuity of state among multiple interactions with the server from the same browser by setting and using a cookie.

If this app had multiple resources and responder methods, presumably it would want to set the lastvisit cookie no matter through which resource and method the app was getting “visited.” Here’s how to code an appropriate middleware class and instantiate falcon.API with an instance of said class:

class LastVisitSettingMiddleware(object):
    def process_request(self, req, resp):
        now =
        resp.set_cookie('lastvisit', now.ctime(),
                         expires=now+one_year, secure=False)

lastvisitsetter = LastVisitSettingMiddleware()

app = falcon.API(middleware=[lastvisitsetter])

You can now remove the cookie setting from Greeter.on_get, and the app will keep working fine.


The most popular Python lightweight framework is Flask. Although lightweight, it includes a development server and debugger, and explicitly relies on other well-chosen packages such as Werkzeug and jinja2 (both originally authored by Armin Ronacher, the author of Flask).

In addition to the project website, look at the sources on GitHub, the PyPI entry, and the docs. To run Flask in Google App Engine (locally on your computer, or on Google’s servers at, see L. Henriquez and J. Euphrosine’s GitHub page; or, for a somewhat richer and more structured approach, K. Gill’s GitHub page.

The main class supplied by the flask package is named Flask. An instance of flask.Flask, besides being a WSGI application itself, also wraps a WSGI application as its wsgi_app property. When you need to further wrap the WSGI app in some WSGI middleware, use the idiom:

import flask

app = flask.Flask(__name__)
app.wsgi_app = some_middleware(app.wsgi_app)

When you instantiate flask.Flask, always pass it as the first argument the application name (often just the __name__ special variable of the module where you instantiate it; if you instantiate it from within a package, usually in, __name__.partition('.')[0] works). Optionally, you can also pass named parameters such as static_folder and template_folder to customize where static files and jinja2 templates are found; however, that’s rarely needed—the default values (folders named static and templates, respectively, located in the same folder as the Python script that instantiates flask.Flask) make perfect sense.

An instance app of flask.Flask supplies more than 100 methods and properties, many of them decorators to bind functions to app in various roles, such as view functions (serving HTTP verbs on a URL) or hooks (letting you alter a request before it’s processed, or a response after it’s built; handling errors; and so forth).

flask.Flask takes few parameters at instantiation (and the ones it takes are not ones that you usually need to compute in your code), and it supplies decorators you’ll want to use as you define, for example, view functions. Thus, the normal pattern in flask is to instantiate app early, just as your application is starting up, so that the app’s decorators, and other methods and properties, are available as you def view functions and so on.

As there’s a single global app object, you may wonder how thread-safe it can be to access, mutate, and rebind app’s properties and attributes. No worry: they’re proxies to actual objects living in the context of a specific request, in a specific thread or greenlet. Never type-check those properties (their types are in fact obscure proxy types), and you’ll be fine; type checking is not a good idea in Python, anyway.

Flask also supplies many other utility functions and classes; often, the latter subclass or wrap classes from other packages to add seamless, convenient Flask integration. For example, Flask’s Request and Response classes add just a little handy functionality by subclassing the corresponding Werkzeug classes.

Flask request objects

The class flask.Request supplies a large number of properties, thoroughly documented in Flask’s docs. The ones you’ll be using most often are:


A dict with the cookies from the request


A string, the request’s body (for POST and PUT requests)


A MultiDict whose values are file-like objects, all files uploaded in the request (for POST and PUT requests), keys being the files’ names


A MultiDict with the request’s headers


A MultiDict with the request’s parameters (either from the query string or, for POST and PUT requests, from the form that’s the request’s body)

A MultiDict is like a dict except that it can have multiple values for a key. Indexing, and get, on a MultiDict instance m, return an arbitrary one of the values; to get the list of values for a key (an empty list, if the key is not in m), call m.getlist(key).

Flask response objects

Often, a Flask view function just returns a string (which becomes the response’s body): Flask transparently wraps an instance r of flask.Response around the string, so you don’t have to worry about the response class. However, sometimes you want to alter the response’s headers; in this case, in the view function, call r=flask.make_response(astring), alter MultiDict r.headers as you want, then return r. (To set a cookie, don’t use r.headers; rather, call r.set_cookie, with arguments as mentioned in set_cookie in Table 20-1.)

Some of Flask’s built-in integrations of other systems don’t require subclassing: for example, the templating integration implicitly injects into the jinja2 context the Flask globals config, request, session, and g (the latter being the handy “globals catch-all” object flask.g, a proxy in application context, on which your code can store whatever you want to “stash” for the duration of the request being served), and the functions url_for (to translate an endpoint to the corresponding URL, same as flask.url_for) and get_flashed_messages (to support the advanced Flask concept of flashed messages, which we do not cover in this book; same as flask.get_flashed_messages). Flask provides convenient ways for your code to inject more filters, functions, and values into the jinja2 context, without any subclassing.

Most of the officially recognized or approved Flask extensions (over 50 at the time of this writing) adopt similar approaches, supplying classes and utility functions to seamlessly integrate other popular systems with your Flask applications.

Flask also introduces some advanced concepts of its own, such as signals to provide looser dynamic coupling in a “pub/sub” pattern, and blueprints, offering a substantial subset of a Flask application’s functionality to ease refactoring large applications in flexible ways. We do not cover these advanced concepts in this book.

Example 20-2 shows a simple Flask example.

Example 20-2. A Flask example
import datetime, flask
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
app.permanent_session_lifetime = datetime.timedelta(days=365)
app.secret_key = b'xc5x8fxbcxa2x1dxebxb3x94;:dx03'

def greet():
    lastvisit = flask.session.get('lastvisit')
    now =
    newvisit = now.ctime()
    template = '''
      <html><head><title>Hello, visitor!</title>
      {% if lastvisit %}
        <p>Welcome back to this site!</p>
        <p>You last visited on {{lastvisit}} UTC</p>
        <p>This visit on {{newvisit}} UTC</p>
      {% else %}
        <p>Welcome to this site on your first visit!</p>
        <p>This visit on {{newvisit}} UTC</p>
        <p>Please Refresh the web page to proceed</p>
      {% endif %}
    flask.session['lastvisit'] = newvisit
    return flask.render_template_string(
      template, newvisit=newvisit, lastvisit=lastvisit)

This Flask example just shows how to use some of the many building blocks that Flask offers—the Flask class, a view function, and rendering the response (in this case, using render_template_string on a jinja2 template; in real life, templates are usually kept in separate files rendered with render_template). The example also shows how to maintain continuity of state among multiple interactions with the server from the same browser, with the handy flask.session variable. (The example might alternatively have mimicked Example 20-1 more closely, putting together the HTML response in Python code instead of using jinja2, and using a cookie directly instead of the session; however, real-world Flask apps do tend to use jinja2 and sessions by preference.)

If this app had multiple view functions, no doubt it would want to set lastvisit in the session no matter through which URL the app was getting “visited.” Here’s how to code and decorate a hook function to execute after each request:

def set_lastvisit(response):
    now =
    flask.session['lastvisit'] = now.ctime()
    return response

You can now remove the flask.session['lastvisit'] = newvisit statement from the view function greet, and the app will keep working fine.


Another worthy lightweight framework is Bottle. Bottle is implemented as a single file (of over 4,000 lines!). It has no dependencies beyond the standard library. Strictly speaking, Bottle requires no installation process: you can just download it to your current directory—for example, with curl --location -O,6 to get the latest development snapshot (although we recommend you install a stable release, as usual, with pip install bottle). Within that one .py file, Bottle supports both v2 and v3. It includes a web server useful for local development, and even a simple standalone template engine based on embedding Python in your templates (although it also lets you use jinja2 or another external template engine you have installed).

In addition to the project website, look at the source on GitHub. Bottle comes with adapters for many WSGI servers, including Google App Engine, but for a useful “skeleton” to run bottle on Google App Engine (locally on your computer, or on Google’s servers at, see L. Henriquez and J. Euphrosine’s GitHub page.

The main class supplied by the bottle package is named Bottle. An instance of bottle.Bottle, besides being a WSGI application itself, also wraps a WSGI application as its wsgi attribute. When you need to further wrap the WSGI app in some WSGI middleware, use the idiom:

import bottle

app = bottle.Bottle()
app.wsgi = some_middleware(app.wsgi)

When you instantiate bottle.Bottle, you can optionally pass the named parameters catchall and autojson (both default to True). When catchall is True, Bottle catches and handles all exceptions; pass it as False to let exceptions propagate (only useful when you wrap the WSGI app in some debugging middleware). When autojson is True, Bottle detects when a callback function returns a dict, and, in that case, serializes the dict with json.dumps as the response’s body, and sets the response’s Content-Type header to 'application/json'; pass autojson as False to let such dicts propagate (only useful when you wrap the WSGI app in some middleware dealing with them).

An instance app of bottle.Bottle supplies dozens of methods and properties, including decorators to bind functions to app in various roles, such as callback functions (serving HTTP verbs on given URLs) or hooks (letting you alter a request before it’s processed, or a response after it’s built). The normal pattern in bottle is to instantiate app early, as your application is starting up, so the app’s decorators, and other methods and properties, are available as you def callback functions and so on. Often, you don’t even need to instantiate bottle.Bottle explicitly: Bottle makes a “default application object” for you, and module-level functions delegate to the default application’s methods of the same name. When you want to access the default application object, call the function bottle.default_app. Relying on the default app is fine for small, simple web apps, although we recommend explicit instantiation as a more Pythonic style.

Bottle routing

To route incoming requests to callback functions, Bottle supplies the function route(path, method='GET', callback=None). You often use it as a decorator of the callback function, but, for flexibility, you also have the alternative of calling it directly and passing the callback function as the callback argument.

The method argument can be any HTTP method name ('GET', 'DELETE', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT') or a list of HTTP method names. Bottle also supplies functions that are synonyms of route but with a specified value for method—these functions are named like each HTTP method, lowercased (get, delete, patch, post, put).

path is a string matching the URI to route; for example, '/' to route requests that ask for the root URL of the site. The string may include one or more wildcards—identifiers enclosed in angle brackets <>—in which case the callback function must accept arguments named like those identifiers (when a path has no wildcards, Bottle calls the callback function it routes to without arguments). Each wildcard matches one or more characters of the URI, up to the first slash in the URI, excluded.

For example, when path is '/greet/<name>/first', and the URI string is '/greet/alex/first', the callback function must accept an argument named name, and Bottle calls the function with value 'alex' for that argument.

For even more flexibility, the wildcard’s identifier can be followed by a filter. For any identifier ident: <ident:int> matches digits and converts them to an int; <ident:float> matches digits and an optional dot and converts them to a float; <ident:path> matches characters including slashes (in a nongreedy way, if further parts follow); and <ident:re:pattern> matches the arbitrary regular expression pattern you indicate. Bottle even lets you code your own custom filters, although we do not cover this advanced subject in this book.

Bottle request objects

The bottle.Request class supplies a large number of properties, thoroughly documented in Bottle’s docs. The ones you’ll use most often are:


A seekable file-like object, the request’s body (for POST and PUT requests)


A FormsDict with the cookies from the request


A FormsDict whose values are file-like objects, all files uploaded in the request (for POST and PUT requests), keys being the files’ names


A WSGIHeaderDict with the request’s headers


A FormsDict with the request’s parameters (either from the query string, or, for POST and PUT requests, from the form that’s the body)

A FormsDict is like a dict except that it can have multiple values for a key. Indexing, and the method get, on a FormsDict instance f, return an arbitrary one of the values; to get the whole list of values for a key (possibly an empty list), call f.getall(key). A WSGIHeaderDict is like a dict except that it has str keys and values (bytes in v2, Unicode in v3) and keys are case-insensitive.

Signed cookies in bottle.request.cookies are not decoded: call bottle.request.get_cookie(key, secret) (which returns None when the cookie is missing or was not signed with the given secret string) to properly access a signed cookie in decoded form.

bottle.request is a thread-safe proxy to the request being processed.

Bottle response objects

Often, a Bottle callback function just returns a result: Bottle transparently wraps an instance r of bottle.Response around a bytestring body (prepared depending on the result’s type), so you don’t have to worry about the response class.

The result can be a bytestring (used as the body), a Unicode string (encoded as per Content-Type, utf8 by default), a dict (serialized with json.dumps—this also sets the content type to 'application/json'), a file-like object (anything with a read method), or any iterable whose items are (byte or Unicode) strings.

When the result is an instance of class HTTPError or HTTPResponse, this indicates an error, just like raising such an instance does (the difference between the two classes is that, when you return or raise an instance of HTTPError, Bottle applies an error handler, while instances of HTTPResponse bypass error handling).

When your callback function wants to alter the response’s headers, it can do so on bottle.response before returning the value for the response’s body.

bottle.response is a thread-safe proxy to the response being prepared.

To set a cookie, don’t use bottle.response.headers; rather, call bottle.response.set_cookie, with arguments as mentioned in set_cookie in Table 20-1, plus, optionally, a named argument secret=..., whose value is used to cryptographically sign the cookie: signing makes the cookie safe from tampering (although it does not hide its contents), and Bottle takes advantage of that to let you use an object of any type as the cookie’s value and serialize it with pickle (the pickle.dumps result bytestring must fit in the 4 KB cookie limit).

Bottle templating

Bottle supplies its own built-in Simple Templating System, which we do not cover in this book. However, using other templating engines, such as jinja2 (covered in “The jinja2 Package”) is also quite simple (provided that you have previously separately installed such engines in your Python installation or virtual environment).

By default, Bottle loads template files from either the current directory or its subdirectory ./views/ (you can change that by altering the list of strings bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH). To make a template object, call bottle.template: the first argument is either a template filename or a template string; every other positional argument is a dict cumulatively setting template variables, and so is every named argument, except, optionally, template_adapter=..., which lets you specify a template engine (defaulting to Bottle’s own “simple templating”). bottle.jinja2template is the same function, but specifies the jinja2 adapter.

Once you have a template object, you can call its render method to obtain the strings it renders to—or, more often, you just return the template object from a callback function to have Bottle use the template object to build the response’s body.

An even simpler way to use templating in a callback function is the decorator bottle.view (bottle.jinja2view, to use jinja2), which takes the same arguments as bottle.template: when a callback function is decorated this way, and the function returns a dict, then that dict is used to set or override template variables, and Bottle proceeds as if the function had returned the template.

In other words, the following three functions are equivalent:

import bottle

def a():
    t = bottle.template('tp.html', x=23)
    return t.render()

def b():
    t = bottle.template('tp.html', x=23)
    return t

def c():
    return {'x': 23}

If Bottle’s built-in functionality (plus all the extras you can build up for yourself by explicit use of standard library and third-party modules) isn’t enough, Bottle also lets you extend its own functionality via plug-ins. Bottle officially recognizes and lists over a dozen reusable third-party plug-ins, and also documents how to write your own personal plug-ins. We don’t cover Bottle plug-ins in this book.

Example 20-3 shows a simple Bottle example.

Example 20-3. A Bottle example
import datetime, bottle
one_year = datetime.timedelta(days=365)

def greet():
    lastvisit = bottle.request.get_cookie('lastvisit')
    now =
    newvisit = now.ctime()
    thisvisit = '<p>This visit on {} UTC</p>'.format(newvisit)
    bottle.response.set_cookie('lastvisit', newvisit,
    resp_body = ['<html><head><title>Hello, visitor!</title>'
    if lastvisit is None:
          '<p>Welcome to this site on your first visit!</p>',
          '<p>Please Refresh the web page to proceed</p>'))
          '<p>Welcome back to this site!</p>',
          '<p>You last visited on {} UTC</p>'.format(lastvisit),
    bottle.response.content_type = 'text/html'
    return resp_body

if __name__ == '__main__':

This Bottle example just shows how to use some of the many building blocks that Bottle offers—the default app object, one callback function, and one route, preparing the response (in this case, just returning a list of string pieces of the response body, which is, as often, a handy way to build things up). The example also shows how to maintain a minimal continuity of state among multiple interactions with the server from the same browser by setting and using a cookie.

If this app had multiple routes, no doubt it would want to set the lastvisit cookie no matter through which route the app was getting “visited.” Here’s how to code and decorate a hook function to execute after each request:

def set_lastvisit():
    now =
    bottle.response.set_cookie('lastvisit', now.ctime(),

You can now remove the bottle.response.set_cookie call from the callback function greet, and the app will keep working fine.


Last, but not least, is webapp2, which shares with Django and jinja2 the distinction of being bundled with Google App Engine (but of course, just like jinja2 and Django, can also perfectly well be used with other web servers). To install webapp2 with Google App Engine, see the main Quick Start guide; to install it independently of Google App Engine, see the alternative Quick Start guide. You can also examine the source code and the PyPI entry.

The main class supplied by webapp2 is named WSGIApplication. An instance of webapp2.WSGIApplication is a WSGI app, and you instantiate it with up to three named arguments: routes, a list of routing specifications; debug, a bool defaulting to False (pass as True to enable debugging mode); and config, a dict with configuration information for the application. Since routes is easier to express after you have defined the handlers you want to route to, the usual pattern in webapp2 is to instantiate the WSGI application at the end of the module.

webapp2 request objects

The webapp2.Request class (the current instance is available to your handler methods as self.request) supplies a large number of properties and methods, thoroughly documented in the webapp2 docs. The ones you’ll be using most often are three mappings: cookies, cookie names to values; headers, header names to values (case-insensitive); and params, request parameter names to values. Two handy methods are get (like params.get, but you can optionally pass the named argument allow_multiple=True to get a list of all values for the parameter) and get_all (like get with allow_multiple=True).

webapp2 response objects

The webapp2.Response class (the current instance is available to your handler methods as self.response) supplies a large number of properties and methods, thoroughly documented in the webapp2 docs. One you’ll use often is the mapping property headers, which you use to set the response headers; however, for the specific purpose of setting cookies, use, instead, the method set_cookie. To set response status, assign to status—for example, self.response.status = '404 Not Found'.

To build up the response body, you normally call the response’s write method (often more than once). Alternatively, assign to the attribute body a bytestring—or a Unicode string, which gets encoded as UTF-8, if the Content-Type header ends in ; charset=utf8 (or, equivalently, set the charset attribute to 'utf8').

webapp2 handlers

webapp2 handlers are classes extending webapp2.RequestHandler. Handlers define methods named like (the lowercase version of) HTTP methods, such as get and post. Such methods access the current request as self.request and prepare the response as self.response.

A handler may optionally override the dispatch method, which gets called before the appropriate method (such as get or post) is determined. This lets the handler optionally alter the request, do custom dispatching, and also (typically after delegating to the superclass’s dispatch) alter the resulting self.response. Such overriding is often done in a common base class: then, you inherit from that common base class in your actual handler classes.

webapp2 routes

webapp2 supplies a Route class for sophisticated routing needs. However, in the majority of cases, you can think of a route as just a pair (template,handler).

The template is a string that may include identifiers enclosed in angle brackets <>. Such angle-bracket components match any sequence of characters (up to a slash, /, excluded) and pass the substring as a named argument to the handler’s method.

Within the angle brackets, you might alternatively have a : (colon), followed by a regular expression pattern. In this case, the component matches characters per the pattern, and passes the substring as a positional argument to the handler’s method.

Lastly, within the angle brackets, you may have an identifier, then a : (colon), then a regular expression pattern. In this case, the component matches characters per the pattern, and passes the substring as a named argument to the handler’s method.

Positional arguments are passed only if no named ones are; if template has both kinds of components, the ones that would become positional arguments get matched, but their values are not passed at all to the handler’s method. For example, if the template is '/greet/<name>/<:.*>', the handler’s method is called with named argument name, and without any positional argument corresponding to the trailing part of the URI.

Handler methods routed to by a route whose template includes angle-bracket components must accept the resulting positional or named parameters.

The handler is normally a handler class as covered in “webapp2 handlers”. However, there are alternatives, of which the most frequently used one is to have handler be a string identifying the handler class, such as 'my.module.theclass'. In this case, the relevant module is not imported until the handler class is specifically needed: if and when it’s needed, webapp2 imports it on the fly (at most once).

webapp2 extras

The webapp2.extras package supplies several convenient modules to seamlessly add functionality to webapp2, covering authentication and authorization, integration with jinja2 and other templating engines, i18n, and sessions (with various possible backing stores) for easier maintenance of state than with just cookies.

Example 20-4 shows a simple webapp2 example.

Example 20-4. A webapp2 example
import datetime, webapp2
one_year = datetime.timedelta(days=365)

class Greeter(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        lastvisit = self.request.cookies.get('lastvisit')
        now =
        newvisit = now.ctime()
        thisvisit = '<p>This visit on {} UTC</p>'.format(newvisit)
        self.response.set_cookie('lastvisit', newvisit,
            '<html><head><title>Hello, visitor!</title>'
        if lastvisit is None:
              '<p>Welcome to this site on your first visit!</p>')
              '<p>Please Refresh the web page to proceed</p>')
              '<p>Welcome back to this site!</p>')
              '<p>You last visited on {} UTC</p>'.format(lastvisit))

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication(
    [('/', Greeter),

This webapp2 example just shows how to use some of the many building blocks that webapp2 offers—the app object, one handler, and one route, preparing the response (in this case, just writing to it). The example also shows how to maintain a minimal continuity of state among multiple interactions with the server from the same browser by setting and using a cookie.

If this app had multiple routes, no doubt it would want to set the lastvisit cookie no matter through which route the app was getting “visited.” Here’s how to code a base handler class (derive every handler from it!), have it override dispatch, and use the override to always set the needed cookie:

class BaseHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def dispatch(self):
        now =
        self.response.set_cookie('lastvisit', now.ctime(),

class Greeter(BaseHandler): ...

You can now remove the self.response.set_cookie call from Greeter.get, and the app will keep working fine.

1 One historical legacy is that, in CGI, a server provided the CGI script with information about the HTTP request to be served mostly via the operating system’s environment (in Python, that’s os.environ); to this day, interfaces between web servers and application frameworks rely on “an environment” that’s essentially a dictionary and generalizes and speeds up the same fundamental idea.

2 Please don’t. As Titus Brown once pointed out, Python is (in)famous for having more web frameworks than keywords. One of this book’s authors once showed Guido how to easily fix that problem when he was first designing Python 3—just add a few hundred new keywords—but, for some reason, Guido was not very receptive to this suggestion.

3 Installing uWSGI on Windows currently requires compiling it with cygwin.

4 Since Python has barely more than 30 keywords, you can see why Titus Brown pointed out that Python has more web frameworks than keywords.

5 Quora has a debate for and against web2py.

6 Or wget

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