Chapter 7. Core Built-ins and Standard Library Modules

The term built-in has more than one meaning in Python. In most contexts, a built-in means an object directly accessible to Python code without an import statement. “Python built-ins” shows the mechanism that Python uses to allow this direct access. Built-in types in Python include numbers, sequences, dictionaries, sets, functions (all covered in Chapter 3), classes (covered in “Python Classes”), standard exception classes (covered in “Exception Objects”), and modules (covered in “Module Objects”). “The io Module” covers the (built-in, in v2) file type, and “Internal Types” covers some other built-in types intrinsic to Python’s internal operation. This chapter provides additional coverage of core built-in types (in “Built-in Types”) and covers built-in functions available in the module builtins (named __builtins__ in v2) in “Built-in Functions”.

As mentioned in “Python built-ins”, some modules are known as “built-in” because they are an integral part of the Python standard library (even though it takes an import statement to access them), as distinguished from separate, optional add-on modules, also called Python extensions. This chapter covers some core built-in modules: namely, the modules sys in “The sys Module”, copy in “The copy Module”, collections in “The collections Module”, functools in “The functools Module”, heapq in “The heapq Module”, argparse in “The argparse Module”, and itertools in “The itertools Module”. Chapter 8 covers some string-related core built-in modules (string in “The string Module”, codecs in “The codecs Module”, and unicodedata in “The unicodedata Module”), and Chapter 9 covers re in “Regular Expressions and the re Module”.

Built-in Types

Table 7-1 covers Python’s core built-in types, such as int, float, dict, and many others. More details about many of these types, and about operations on their instances, are found throughout Chapter 3. In this section, by “number” we mean, specifically, “noncomplex number.”

Table 7-1. Core built-in types



Returns False if x evaluates as false; returns True if x evaluates as true. (See “Boolean Values”.) bool extends int: built-in names False and True refer to the only two instances of bool. These instances are also ints, equal to 0 and 1, respectively, but str(True) is 'True', str(False) is 'False'.



A mutable sequence of bytes (ints with values from 0 to 255), supporting the usual methods of mutable sequences, plus methods of str (covered in Table 7-1). When x is a str in v3, or a unicode instance in v2, you must also pass codec and may pass errors; the result is like calling bytearray(x.encode(codec,errors)). When x is an int, it must be >=0: the resulting instance has a length of x and each item is initialized to 0. When x conforms to the buffer interface, the read-only buffer of bytes from x initializes the instance. Otherwise, x must be an iterable yielding ints >=0 and <256, which initialize the instance. For example, bytearray([1,2,3,4])==bytearray(b'x01x02x03x04').



In v2, a synonym of str. In v3, an immutable sequence of bytes, with the same nonmutating methods, and the same initialization behavior, as bytearray. Beware: bytes(2) is b'x00x00' in v3, but '2' in v2!



Converts any number, or a suitable string, to a complex number. imag may be present only when real is a number, and in that case it is the imaginary part of the resulting complex number. See also “Complex numbers”.



Returns a new dictionary with the same items as x. (Dictionaries are covered in “Dictionaries”.) When x is a dict, dict(x) returns a shallow copy of x, like x.copy(). Alternatively, x can be an iterable whose items are pairs (iterables with two items each). In this case, dict(x) returns a dictionary whose keys are the first items of each pair in x, and whose values are the corresponding second items. In other words, when x is a sequence, c = dict(x) is equivalent to:

c = {}
for key, value in x: c[key] = value

You can call dict with named arguments, in addition to, or instead of, positional argument x. Each named argument becomes an item in the dictionary, with the name as the key: it might overwrite an item from x.



Converts any number, or a suitable string, to a floating-point number. See “Floating-point numbers”.



Returns a new frozen (i.e., immutable) set object with the same items as iterable seq. When seq is a frozen set, frozenset(seq) returns seq itself, like seq.copy(). See “Set Operations”.



Converts any number, or a suitable string, to an int. When x is a number, int truncates toward 0, dropping any fractional part. radix may be present only when x is a string: then, radix is the conversion base, between 2 and 36, with 10 as the default. radix can be explicitly passed as 0: the base is then 2, 8, 10, or 16, depending on the form of string x, just like for integer literals, as covered in “Integer numbers”.



Returns a new list object with the same items as iterable seq, in the same order. When seq is a list, list(seq) returns a shallow copy of seq, like seq[:]. See “Lists”.



x must be an object supporting the buffer interface (for example, bytes and bytearray do; in v3 only, so do array instances, covered in “The array Module”). memoryview returns an object m “viewing” exactly the same underlying memory as x, with items of m.itemsize bytes each (always 1, in v2); len(m) is the number of items. m can be indexed (returning, in v2, a str instance of length 1; in v3, an int) and sliced (returning another instance of memoryview “viewing” the appropriate subset of the same underlying memory). m is mutable if x is (but m’s size cannot be changed, so a slice assignment must be from a sequence of the same length as the slice getting assigned).

m supplies several read-only attributes and v3-only methods; see the online docs for details. Two useful methods available in both v2 and 3 are m.tobytes() (returns m’s data as an instance of bytes) and m.tolist() (returns m’s data as a list of ints).



Returns a new instance of object, the most fundamental type in Python. Direct instances of type object have no functionality: only use of such instances is as “sentinels”—that is, objects comparing != to any distinct object.



Returns a new mutable set object with the same items as the iterable object seq. When seq is a set, set(seq) returns a shallow copy of seq, like seq.copy(). See “Sets”.



Returns a slice object with the read-only attributes start, stop, and step bound to the respective argument values, each defaulting to None when missing. For positive indices, such a slice signifies the same indices as range(start,stop,step). The slicing syntax obj[start:stop:step] passes a slice object as the argument to the __getitem__, __setitem__, or __delitem__ method of object obj. It is up to obj’s class to interpret the slice objects that its methods receive. See also “Container slicing”.



Returns a concise, readable string representation of obj. If obj is a string, str returns obj. See also repr in Table 7-2 and __str__ in Table 4-1. In v2, synonym of bytes; in v3, equivalent to v2’s unicode.



Returns a super-object of object obj (which must be an instance of class cls or of any subclass of cls), suitable for calling superclass methods. Instantiate this built-in type only within a method’s code. See “Cooperative superclass method calling”. In v3, you can just call super(), without arguments, within a method, and Python automatically determines the cls and obj by introspection.



Returns a tuple with the same items as iterable seq, in order. When seq is a tuple, tuple returns seq itself, like seq[:]. See “Tuples”.



Returns the type object that is the type of obj (i.e., the most-derived, AKA leafmost, type of which obj is an instance). type(x) is the same as x.__class__ for any x. Avoid checking equality or identity of types: see Type checking: avoid it below.



(v2 only.) Returns the Unicode string object built by decoding byte-string string, just like string.decode(codec,errors). codec names the codec to use. If codec is missing, unicode uses the default codec (normally 'ascii'). errors, if present, is a string that specifies how to handle decoding errors. See also “Unicode”, particularly for information about codecs and errors, and __unicode__ in Table 4-1. In v3, Unicode strings are of type str.

Type checking: avoid it

Use isinstance (covered in Table 7-2), not equality comparison of types, to check whether an instance belongs to a particular class, in order to properly support inheritance. Checking type(x) for equality or identity to some other type object is known as type checking. Type checking is inappropriate in production Python code, as it interferes with polymorphism. Just try to use x as if it were of the type you expect, handling any problems with a try/except statement, as discussed in “Error-Checking Strategies”; this is known as duck typing.

When you just have to type-check, typically for debugging purposes, use isinstance instead. isinstance(x,atype), although in a more general sense it, too, is type checking, nevertheless is a lesser evil than type(x) is atype, since it accepts an x that is an instance of any subclass of atype, not just a direct instance of atype itself. In particular, isinstance is perfectly fine when you’re checking specifically for an ABC (abstract base class: see “Abstract Base Classes”); this newer idiom is known as goose typing.

Built-in Functions

Table 7-2 covers Python functions (and some types that in practice are only used as if they were functions) in the module builtins (in v2, __builtins__), in alphabetical order. Built-ins’ names are not reserved words. You can bind, in local or global scope, an identifier that’s a built-in name (although we recommend you avoid doing so; see the following warning). Names bound in local or global scope override names bound in built-in scope: local and global names hide built-in ones. You can also rebind names in built-in scope, as covered in “Python built-ins”.

Don’t hide built-ins

Avoid accidentally hiding built-ins: your code might need them later. It’s tempting to use, for your own variables, natural names such as input, list, or filter, but don’t do it: these are names of built-in Python types or functions. Unless you get into the habit of never hiding built-ins’ names with your own, sooner or later you’ll get mysterious bugs in your code caused by just such hiding occurring accidentally.

Several built-in functions work in slightly different ways in v3 than they do in v2. To remove some differences, start your v2 module with from future_builtins import *: this makes the built-ins ascii, filter, hex, map, oct, and zip work the v3 way. (To use the built-in print function in v2, however, use from __future__ import print_function.)

Most built-ins don’t accept named arguments

Most built-in functions and types cannot be called with named arguments, only with positional ones. In the following list, we specifically mention cases in which this limitation does not hold.

Table 7-2.  



Deprecated in modern Python; use, instead, importlib.import_module, covered in “Module Loading”.



Returns the absolute value of number x. When x is complex, abs returns the square root of x.imag**2+x.real**2 (also known as the magnitude of the complex number). Otherwise, abs returns -x if x is <0, x if x is >=0. See also __abs__, __invert__, __neg__, __pos__ in Table 4-4.



seq is any iterable (often a generator expression; see “Generator expressions”). all returns False when any item of seq is false; otherwise (including when seq is empty), all returns True. Like operators and and or, covered in “Short-Circuiting Operators”, all stops evaluating, and returns a result, as soon as the answer is known; in the case of all, this means that evaluation stops as soon as a false item is reached, but proceeds throughout seq if all of seq’s items are true. Here is a typical toy example of the use of all:

if all(x>0 for x in the_numbers):
    print('all of the numbers are positive')
    print('some of the numbers are not positive')



seq is any iterable (often a generator expression; see “Generator expressions”). any returns True if any item of seq is true; otherwise (including when seq is empty), any returns False. Like operators and and or, covered in “Short-Circuiting Operators”, any stops evaluating, and returns a result, as soon as the answer is known; in the case of any, this means that evaluation stops as soon as a true item is reached, but proceeds throughout seq if all of seq’s items are false. Here is a typical toy example of the use of any:

if any(x<0 for x in the_numbers):
    print('some of the numbers are negative')
    print('none of the numbers are negative')



v3 only, unless you have from future_builtins import * at the start of your v2 module. Like repr, but escapes all non-ASCII characters in the string it returns, so the result is quite similar to that of repr in v2.



Returns a binary string representation of integer x.



Returns True if obj can be called, and otherwise False. An object can be called if it is a function, method, class, type, or an instance of a class with a __call__ method. See also __call__ in Table 4-1.



Returns a string of length 1, a single character corresponding to integer code in Unicode (in v2, chr works only for code < 256; use unichr to avoid this limitation, and get a unicode instance of length 1). See also ord and unichr in this table.



Compiles a string and returns a code object usable by exec or eval. compile raises SyntaxError when string is not syntactically valid Python. When string is a multiline compound statement, the last character must be ' '. kind must be 'eval' when string is an expression and the result is meant for eval; otherwise, kind must be 'exec'. filename must be a string, used only in error messages (if any error occurs). See also eval in this table and “Compile and Code Objects”.



Removes the attribute name from obj. delattr(obj,'ident') is like del obj.ident. If obj has an attribute named name just because its class has it (as is normally the case, for example, with methods of obj), you cannot delete that attribute from obj itself. You may be able to delete that attribute from the class, if the metaclass lets you. If you can delete the class attribute, obj ceases to have the attribute, and so does every other instance of that class.



Called without arguments, dir returns a sorted list of all variable names that are bound in the current scope. dir(obj) returns a sorted list of names of attributes of obj, including ones coming from obj’s type or by inheritance. See also vars in this table.



Divides two numbers and returns a pair whose items are the quotient and remainder. See also __divmod__ in Table 4-4.



Returns a new iterator object whose items are pairs. For each such pair, the second item is the corresponding item in iterable, while the first item is an integer: start, start+1, start+2…. For example, the following snippet loops on a list L of integers, changing L in-place by halving every even value:

for i, num in enumerate(L):
    if num % 2 == 0:
        L[i] = num // 2



Returns the result of an expression. expr may be a code object ready for evaluation, or a string; if a string, eval gets a code object by internally calling compile(expr, '<string>', 'eval'). eval evaluates the code object as an expression, using the globals and locals dictionaries as namespaces. When both arguments are missing, eval uses the current namespace. eval cannot execute statements; it only evaluates expressions. Nevertheless, eval is dangerous unless you know and trust that expr comes from a source that you are certain is safe. See also “Expressions” and ast.literal_eval, covered in “Standard Input”.



In v3, like eval, but applies to any statement and returns None. In v2, exec works similarly, but it’s a statement, not a function. In either version, exec is dangerous unless you know and trust that statement comes from a source that you are certain is safe. See also “Statements”.



In v2, returns a list of those items of seq for which func is true. func can be any callable object accepting a single argument, or None. seq can be any iterable. When func is callable, filter calls func on each item of seq, just like the following list comprehension:

[item for item in seq if func(item)]

In v2, when seq is a string or tuple, filter’s result is also a string or tuple rather than a list. When func is None, filter tests for true items, just like:

[item for item in seq if item]

In v3, whatever the type of seq, filter returns an iterator, rather than a list (or other sequence type) as in v2; therefore, in v3, filter is equivalent to a generator expression rather than to a list comprehension.



Returns x.__format__(format_spec). See Table 4-1.



Returns obj’s attribute named by string name. getattr(obj, 'ident') is like obj.ident. When default is present and name is not found in obj, getattr returns default instead of raising AttributeError. See also “Object attributes and items” and “Attribute Reference Basics”.



Returns the __dict__ of the calling module (i.e., the dictionary used as the global namespace at the point of call). See also locals in this table.



Returns False when obj has no attribute name (i.e., when getattr(obj,name) raises AttributeError). Otherwise, hasattr returns True. See also “Attribute Reference Basics”.



Returns the hash value for obj. obj can be a dictionary key, or an item in a set, only if obj can be hashed. All objects that compare equal must have the same hash value, even if they are of different types. If the type of obj does not define equality comparison, hash(obj) normally returns id(obj). See also__hash__ in Table 4-1.



Returns a hexadecimal string representation of integer x. See also __hex__ in Table 4-4.



Returns the integer value that denotes the identity of obj. The id of obj is unique and constant during obj’s lifetime (but may be reused at any later time after obj is garbage-collected, so, don’t rely on storing or checking id values). When a type or class does not define equality comparison, Python uses id to compare and hash instances. For any objects x and y, identity check x is y is the same as id(x)==id(y), but more readable and better-performing.



In v2, input(prompt) is a shortcut for eval(raw_input(prompt)). In other words, in v2, input prompts the user for a line of input, evaluates the resulting string as an expression, and returns the expression’s result. The implicit eval may raise SyntaxError or other exceptions. input is rather user-unfriendly and inappropriate for most programs, but it can sometimes be handy for small experiments and small exploratory scripts. See also eval and raw_input in this table.

In v3, input is equivalent to v2’s raw_input—that is, it always returns a str and does no eval.



Ensures that string is held in a table of interned strings and returns string itself or a copy. Interned strings may compare for equality slightly faster than other strings because you can use operator is instead of operator == for such comparisons. However, garbage collection can never recover the memory used for interned strings, so interning strings can slow down your program by making it take up too much memory. We do not cover interned strings in this book. In v3, function intern is not a built-in: rather, it lives, more appropriately, in the module sys.



Returns True when obj is an instance of class cls (or of any subclass of cls); otherwise, it returns False. cls can be a tuple whose items are classes: in this case, isinstance returns True if obj is an instance of any of the items of cls; otherwise, it returns False. See also “Abstract Base Classes”.



Returns True when cls1 is a direct or indirect subclass of cls2; otherwise, it returns False. cls1 and cls2 must be classes. cls2 can also be a tuple whose items are classes. In this case, issubclass returns True when cls1 is a direct or indirect subclass of any of the items of cls2; otherwise, it returns False. For any class C, issubclass(C,C) returns True.


iter(obj) iter(func,sentinel)

Creates and returns an iterator, an object that you can repeatedly pass to the next built-in function to get one item at a time (see “Iterators”). When called with one argument, iter(obj) normally returns obj.__iter__(). When obj is a sequence without a special method __iter__, iter(obj) is equivalent to the generator:

def iter_sequence(obj):
    i = 0
    while True:
        try: yield obj[i]
        except IndexError: raise StopIteration
        i += 1

See also “Sequences” and __iter__ in Table 4-2.

When called with two arguments, the first argument must be callable without arguments, and iter(func,sentinel) is equivalent to the generator:

def iter_sentinel(func, sentinel):
    while True:
        item = func()
        if item == sentinel: raise StopIteration
        yield item

Don’t call iter in a for clause

As discussed in “The for Statement”, the statement for x in obj is exactly equivalent to for x in iter(obj); therefore, do not call iter in such a for statement: it would be redundant, and therefore bad Python style, slower, and less readable.

iter is idempotent. In other words, when x is an iterator, iter(x) is x, as long as x’s class supplies an __iter__ method whose body is just return self, as an iterator’s class should.



Returns the number of items in container, which may be a sequence, a mapping, or a set. See also __len__ in “Container methods”.



Returns a dictionary that represents the current local namespace. Treat the returned dictionary as read-only; trying to modify it may or may not affect the values of local variables, and might raise an exception. See also globals and vars in this table.



map calls func on every item of iterable seq and returns the sequence of results. When map is called with n+1 arguments, the first one, func, can be any callable object that accepts n arguments; all remaining arguments to map must be iterable. map repeatedly calls func with n arguments (one corresponding item from each iterable).

In v3, map returns an iterator yielding the results. For example, map(func, seq) is just like the generator expression (func(item) for item in seq). When map’s iterable arguments have different lengths, in v3, map acts as if the longer ones were truncated.

In v2, map returns a list of the results. For example, map(func, seq) is just like the list comprehension [func(item) for item in seq]. When map’s iterable arguments have different lengths, in v2, map acts as if the shorter ones were padded with None. Further, in v2 only, func can be None: in this case, each result is a tuple with n items (one item from each iterable).



Returns the largest item in the only positional argument s (s must then be iterable) or the largest one of multiple arguments. max is one of the built-in functions that you can call with named arguments: specifically, you can pass a key= argument, with the same semantics covered in “Sorting a list”. In v3 only, you can also pass a default= argument, the value to return if the only positional argument s is empty; when you don’t pass default, and s is empty, max raises ValueError.



Returns the smallest item in the only positional argument s (s must then be iterable) or the smallest one of multiple arguments. min is one of the built-in functions that you can call with named arguments: specifically, you can pass a key= argument, with the same semantics covered in “Sorting a list”. In v3 only, you can also pass a default= argument, the value to return if the only positional argument s is empty; when you don’t pass default, and s is empty, min raises ValueError.



Returns the next item from iterator it, which advances to the next item. When it has no more items, next returns default, or, when you don’t pass default, raises StopIteration.



Converts integer x to an octal string representation. See also __oct__ in Table 4-4.



Opens or creates a file and returns a new file object. In v3, open accepts many optional parameters, and, in v2, you can from io import open to override the built-in function open with one very similar to v3’s. See “The io Module”.



In v2, returns the ASCII/ISO integer code between 0 and 255 (inclusive) for the single-character str ch. When, in v2, ch is of type unicode (and always, in v3), ord returns an integer code between 0 and sys.maxunicode (inclusive). See also chr and unichr in this table.



When z is present, pow(x,y,z) returns x**y%z. When z is missing, pow(x,y) returns x**y. See also __pow__ in Table 4-4.

print(value, ..., sep=' ', end=' ', file=sys.stdout,

In v3, formats with str, and emits to stream file, each value, separated by sep, with end after all of them (then flushes the stream if flush is true). In v2, print is a statement, unless you start your module with from __future__ import print_function, as we highly recommend (and which we assume in every example in this book), in which case print works just as it does in v3.



In v2, returns a list of integers in arithmetic progression:

[start, start+step, start+2*step, ...]

When start is missing, it defaults to 0. When step is missing, it defaults to 1. When step is 0, range raises ValueError. When step is greater than 0, the last item is the largest start+i*step strictly less than stop. When step is less than 0, the last item is the smallest start+i*step strictly greater than stop. The result is an empty list when start is greater than or equal to stop and step is greater than 0, or when start is less than or equal to stop and step is less than 0. Otherwise, the first item of the result list is always start. See also xrange in this table.

In v3, range is a built-in type, a compact and efficient representation of the equivalent of a read-only list of integers in arithmetic progression; it is equivalent to v2’s range or xrange in most practical uses, but more efficient. If you do need specifically a list in arithmetic progression, in v3, call list(range(...)).



v2 only: writes prompt to standard output, reads a line from standard input, and returns the line (without ) as a string. When at end-of-file, raw_input raises EOFError. See also input in this table. In v3, this function is named input.



(In v3, function reduce is not a built-in: rather, it lives in the module functools.) Applies func to the items of seq, from left to right, to reduce the iterable to a single value. func must be callable with two arguments. reduce calls func on the first two items of seq, then on the result of the first call and the third item, and so on. reduce returns the result of the last such call. When init is present, it is used before seq’s first item, if any. When init is missing, seq must be nonempty. When init is missing and seq has only one item, reduce returns seq[0]. Similarly, when init is present and seq is empty, reduce returns init. reduce is thus roughly equivalent to:

def reduce_equivalent(func,seq,init=None):
    seq = iter(seq)
    if init is None: init = next(seq)
    for item in seq: init = func(init,item)
    return init

An example use of reduce is to compute the product of a sequence of numbers:

theprod = reduce(operator.mul, seq, 1)



Reloads and reinitializes the module object module, and returns module. In v3, function reload is not a built-in: rather, it lives in module imp in early versions of Python 3, importlib in current ones, 3.4, and later.



Returns a complete and unambiguous string representation of obj. When feasible, repr returns a string that you can pass to eval in order to create a new object with the same value as obj. See also str in Table 7-1 and __repr__ in Table 4-1.



Returns a new iterator object that yields the items of seq (which must be specifically a sequence, not just any iterable) in reverse order.



Returns a float whose value is number x rounded to n digits after the decimal point (i.e., the multiple of 10**-n that is closest to x). When two such multiples are equally close to x, round, in v2, returns the one that is farther from 0; in v3, round returns the even multiple. Since today’s computers represent floating-point numbers in binary, not in decimal, most of round’s results are not exact, as the online tutorial explains in detail. See also “The decimal Module”.



Binds obj’s attribute name to value. setattr(obj,'ident',val) is like obj.ident=val. See also built-in getattr covered in this table, “Object attributes and items”, and “Setting an attribute”.



Returns a list with the same items as iterable seq, in sorted order. Same as:

def sorted(seq,cmp=None,key=None,reverse=False):
    result = list(seq)
    return result

Argument cmp exists only in v2, not in v3; see cmp_to_key in Table 7-4. See “Sorting a list” for the meaning of the arguments; sorted is one of the built-in functions that’s callable with named arguments, specifically so you can optionally pass key= and/or reverse=.



Returns the sum of the items of iterable seq (which should be numbers, and, in particular, cannot be strings) plus the value of start. When seq is empty, returns start. To “sum” (concatenate) an iterable of strings, in order, use ''.join(iterofstrs), as covered in Table 8-1 and “Building up a string from pieces”.



v2 only: returns a Unicode string whose single character corresponds to code, where code is an integer between 0 and sys.maxunicode (inclusive). See also str and ord in Table 7-1. In v3, use chr for this purpose.



When called with no argument, vars returns a dictionary with all variables that are bound in the current scope (like locals, covered in this table). Treat this dictionary as read-only. vars(obj) returns a dictionary with all attributes currently bound in obj, as covered in dir in this table. This dictionary may be modifiable, depending on the type of obj.



v2 only: an iterable of integers in arithmetic progression, and otherwise similar to range. In v3, range plays this role. See range in this table.



In v2, returns a list of tuples, where the nth tuple contains the nth element from each of the argument sequences. zip must be called with at least one argument, and all arguments must be iterable. If the iterables have different lengths, zip returns a list as long as the shortest iterable, ignoring trailing items in the other iterable objects. See also map in this table and izip_longest in Table 7-5. In v3, zip returns an iterator, rather than a list, and therefore it’s equivalent to a generator expression rather than to a list comprehension.

The sys Module

The attributes of the sys module are bound to data and functions that provide information on the state of the Python interpreter or affect the interpreter directly. Table 7-3 covers the most frequently used attributes of sys, in alphabetical order. Most sys attributes we don’t cover are meant specifically for use in debuggers, profilers, and integrated development environments; see the online docs for more information. Platform-specific information is best accessed using the platform module, covered online, which we do not cover in this book.

Table 7-3.  


The list of command-line arguments passed to the main script. argv[0] is the name or full path of the main script, or '-c' if the command line used the -c option. See “The argparse Module” for one good way to use sys.argv.


'little' on little-endian platforms, 'big' on big-endian ones. See Wikipedia for more information on endianness.


A tuple of strings, the name of all the modules compiled into this Python interpreter.



In interactive sessions, the Python interpreter calls displayhook, passing it the result of each expression statement you enter. The default displayhook does nothing if value is None; otherwise, it preserves (in the built-in variable _), and displays via repr, value:

def _default_sys_displayhook(value):
    if value is not None:
        __builtins__._ = value

You can rebind sys.displayhook in order to change interactive behavior. The original value is available as sys.__displayhook__.


If true, Python does not write a bytecode file (with extension .pyc or, in v2, .pyo) to disk, when it imports a source file (with extension .py). Handy, for example, when importing from a read-only filesystem.



When an exception is not caught by any handler, propagating all the way up the call stack, Python calls excepthook, passing it the exception class, object, and traceback, as covered in “Exception Propagation”. The default excepthook displays the error and traceback. You can rebind sys.excepthook to change how uncaught exceptions (just before Python returns to the interactive loop or terminates) are displayed and/or logged. The original value is available as sys.__excepthook__.



If the current thread is handling an exception, exc_info returns a tuple with three items: the class, object, and traceback for the exception. If the current thread is not handling an exception, exc_info returns (None,None,None). To display information from a traceback, see “The traceback Module”.

Holding on to a traceback object can make some garbage uncollectable

A traceback object indirectly holds references to all variables on the call stack; if you hold a reference to the traceback (e.g., indirectly, by binding a variable to the tuple that exc_info returns), Python must keep in memory data that might otherwise be garbage-collected. Make sure that any binding to the traceback object is of short duration, for example with a try/finally statement (discussed in “try/finally”).



Raises a SystemExit exception, which normally terminates execution after executing cleanup handlers installed by try/finally statements, with statements, and the atexit module. When arg is an int, Python uses arg as the program’s exit code: 0 indicates successful termination, while any other value indicates unsuccessful termination of the program. Most platforms require exit codes to be between 0 and 127. When arg is not an int, Python prints arg to sys.stderr, and the exit code of the program is 1 (a generic “unsuccessful termination” code).


A read-only object whose attributes hold low-level details about the implementation of the float type in this Python interpreter. See the online docs for details.



Returns the reference count of object. Reference counts are covered in “Garbage Collection”.



Returns the current limit on the depth of Python’s call stack. See also “Recursion” and setrecursionlimit in this table.



Returns the size in bytes of obj (not counting any items or attributes obj may refer to), or default when obj does not provide a way to retrieve its size (in the latter case, when default is absent, getsizeof raises TypeError).


(v2 only.) The largest int in this version of Python (at least 2**31-1; that is, 2147483647). Negative ints can go down to -maxint-1, due to two’s complement representation. In v3, an int is of unbounded size (like a long in v2), so there is no “largest” int.


Maximum number of bytes in an object in this version of Python (at least 2**31-1; that is, 2147483647).


The largest codepoint for a Unicode character in this version of Python (at least 2**16-1, that is, 65535). In v3, always 1114111 (0x10FFFF).


A dictionary whose items are the names and module objects for all loaded modules. See “Module Loading” for more information on sys.modules.


A list of strings that specifies the directories and ZIP files that Python searches when looking for a module to load. See “Searching the Filesystem for a Module” for more information on sys.path.


A string that names the platform on which this program is running. Typical values are brief operating system names, such as 'darwin', 'linux2', and 'win32'. To check for Linux specifically, use sys.platform.startswith('linux'), for portability among Linux versions and between v2 and v3.

ps1, ps2

ps1 and ps2 specify the primary and secondary interpreter prompt strings, initially '>>> ' and '... ', respectively. These attributes exist only in interactive interpreter sessions. If you bind either attribute to a nonstring object x, Python prompts by calling str(x) on the object each time a prompt is output. This feature allows dynamic prompting: code a class that defines __str__ , then assign an instance of that class to sys.ps1 and/or sys.ps2. For example, to get numbered prompts:

>>> import sys
>>> class Ps1(object):
...   def __init__(self):
...     self.p = 0
...   def __str__(self):
...     self.p += 1
...     return '[{}]>>> '.format(self.p)
>>> class Ps2(object):
...   def __str__(self):
...     return '[{}]... '.format(sys.ps1.p)
>>> sys.ps1 = Ps1(); sys.ps2 = Ps2()
[1]>>> (2 +
[1]... 2)



Sets the limit on the depth of Python’s call stack (the default is 1000). The limit prevents runaway recursion from crashing Python. Raising the limit may be necessary for programs that rely on deep recursion, but most platforms cannot support very large limits on call-stack depth. More usefully, lowering the limit may help you check, during testing and debugging, that your program is gracefully degrading, rather than abruptly crashing with a RuntimeError, under situations of almost-runaway recursion. See also “Recursion” and getrecursionlimit in this table.

stdin, stdout, stderr

stdin, stdout, and stderr are predefined file-like objects that correspond to Python’s standard input, output, and error streams. You can rebind stdout and stderr to file-like objects open for writing (objects that supply a write method accepting a string argument) to redirect the destination of output and error messages. You can rebind stdin to a file-like object open for reading (one that supplies a readline method returning a string) to redirect the source from which built-in functions raw_input (v2 only) and input read. The original values are available as __stdin__, __stdout__, and __stderr__. File objects are covered in “The io Module”.


The maximum number of levels of traceback displayed for unhandled exceptions. By default, this attribute is not set (i.e., there is no limit). When sys.tracebacklimit is <=0, Python prints only the exception type and value, without traceback.


A string that describes the Python version, build number and date, and C compiler used. sys.version[:3] is '2.7' for Python 2.7, '3.5' for Python 3.5, and so on.

The copy Module

As discussed in “Assignment Statements”, assignment in Python does not copy the righthand-side object being assigned. Rather, assignment adds a reference to the righthand-side object. When you want a copy of object x, you can ask x for a copy of itself, or you can ask x’s type to make a new instance copied from x. If x is a list, list(x) returns a copy of x, as does x[:]. If x is a dictionary, dict(x) and x.copy() return a copy of x. If x is a set, set(x) and x.copy() return a copy of x. In each case, we think it’s best to use the uniform and readable idiom of calling the type, but there is no consensus on this style issue in the Python community.

The copy module supplies a copy function to create and return a copy of many types of objects. Normal copies, such as list(x) for a list x and copy.copy(x), are known as shallow copies: when x has references to other objects (either as items or as attributes), a normal (shallow) copy of x has distinct references to the same objects. Sometimes, however, you need a deep copy, where referenced objects are deep-copied recursively; fortunately, this need is rare, since a deep copy can take a lot of memory and time. The copy module supplies a deepcopy function to create and return a deep copy.



Creates and returns a shallow copy of x, for x of many types (copies of several types, such as modules, classes, files, frames, and other internal types, are, however, not supported). If x is immutable, copy.copy(x) may return x itself as an optimization. A class can customize the way copy.copy copies its instances by having a special method __copy__(self) that returns a new object, a shallow copy of self.



Makes a deep copy of x and returns it. Deep copying implies a recursive walk over a directed (not necessarily acyclic) graph of references. A special precaution is needed to reproduce the graph’s exact shape: when references to the same object are met more than once during the walk, distinct copies must not be made. Rather, references to the same copied object must be used. Consider the following simple example:

sublist = [1,2]
original = [sublist, sublist]
thecopy = copy.deepcopy(original)

original[0] is original[1] is True (i.e., the two items of original refer to the same object). This is an important property of original and anything claiming to “be a copy” must preserve it. The semantics of copy.deepcopy ensure that thecopy[0] is
is also True: the graphs of references of original and thecopy have the same shape. Avoiding repeated copying has an important beneficial side effect: it prevents infinite loops that would otherwise occur when the graph of references has cycles.

copy.deepcopy accepts a second, optional argument memo, a dict that maps the id of objects already copied to the new objects that are their copies. memo is passed by all recursive calls of deepcopy to itself; you may also explicitly pass it (normally as an originally empty dict) if you need to maintain a correspondence map between the identities of originals and copies.

A class can customize the way copy.deepcopy copies its instances by having a special method __deepcopy__(self, memo) that returns a new object, a deep copy of self. When __deepcopy__ needs to deep copy some referenced object subobject, it must do so by calling copy.deepcopy(subobject, memo). When a class has no special method __deepcopy__, copy.deepcopy on an instance of that class also tries calling the special methods __getinitargs__, __getnewargs__, __getstate__, and __setstate__, covered in “Pickling instances”.

The collections Module

The collections module supplies useful types that are collections (i.e., containers), as well as the abstract base classes (ABCs) covered in “Abstract Base Classes”. Since Python 3.4, the ABCs are in (but, for backward compatibility, can still be accessed directly in collections itself: the latter access will cease working in some future release of v3).

ChainMap (v3 Only)

ChainMap “chains” multiple mappings together; given a ChainMap instance c, accessing c[key] returns the value in the first of the mappings that has that key, while all changes to c only affect the very first mapping in c. In v2, you could approximate this as follows:

class ChainMap(collections.MutableMapping):
    def __init__(self, *maps):
        self.maps = list(maps)
        self._keys = set()
        for m in self.maps: self._keys.update(m)
    def __len__(self): return len(self._keys)
    def __iter__(self): return iter(self._keys)
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key not in self._keys: raise KeyError(key)
        for m in self.maps:
            try: return m[key]
            except KeyError: pass
    def __setitem__(self, key, value)
        self.maps[0][key] = value
    def __delitem__(self, key)
        del self.maps[0][key]
        self._keys = set()
        for m in self.maps: self._keys.update(m)

Other methods could be defined for efficiency, but this is the minimum set that MutableMapping requires. A stable, production-level backport of ChainMap to v2 (and early versions of Python 3) is available on PyPI and can therefore be installed like all PyPI modules—for example, by running pip install chainmap.

See the ChainMap documentation in the online Python docs for more details and a collection of “recipes” on how to use ChainMap.


Counter is a subclass of dict with int values that are meant to count how many times the key has been seen (although values are allowed to be <=0); it roughly corresponds to types that other languages call “bag” or “multi-set.” A Counter instance is normally built from an iterable whose items are hashable: c = collections.Counter(iterable). Then, you can index c with any of iterable’s items, to get the number of times that item appeared. When you index c with any missing key, the result is 0 (to remove an entry in c, use del c[entry]; setting c[entry] = 0 leaves entry in c, just with a corresponding value of 0).

c supports all methods of dict; in particular, c.update(otheriterable) updates all the counts, incrementing them according to occurrences in otheriterable. So, for example:

c = collections.Counter('moo')

leaves c['o'] giving 4, and c['f'] and c['m'] each giving 1.

In addition to dict methods, c supports three extra methods:



Yields, in arbitrary order, keys in c with c[key]>0, yielding each key as many times as its count.



Returns a list of pairs for the n keys in c with the highest counts (all of them, if you omit n) in order of decreasing count (“ties” between keys with the same count are resolved arbitrarily); each pair is of the form (k, c[k]) where k is one of the n most common keys in c.



Like c.update(iterable) “in reverse”—that is, subtracting counts rather than adding them. Resulting counts in c can be <=0.

See the Counter documentation in the online Python docs for more details and a collection of useful “recipes” on how to use Counter.


OrderedDict is a subclass of dict that remembers the order in which keys were originally inserted (assigning a new value for an existing key does not change the order, but removing a key and inserting it again does). Given an OrderedDict instance o, iterating on o yields keys in order of insertion (oldest to newest key), and o.popitem() removes and returns the item at the key most recently inserted. Equality tests between two instances of OrderedDict are order-sensitive; equality tests between an instance of OrderedDict and a dict or other mapping are not. See the OrderedDict documentation in the online Python docs for more details and a collection of “recipes” on how to use OrderedDict.


defaultdict extends dict and adds one per-instance attribute, named default_factory. When an instance d of defaultdict has None as the value of d.default_factory, d behaves exactly like a dict. Otherwise, d.default_factory must be callable without arguments, and d behaves just like a dict except when you access d with a key k that is not in d. In this specific case, the indexing d[k] calls d.default_factory(), assigns the result as the value of d[k], and returns the result. In other words, the type defaultdict behaves much like the following Python-coded class:

class defaultdict(dict):
    def __init__(self, default_factory, *a, **k):
        dict.__init__(self, *a, **k)
        self.default_factory = default_factory
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key not in self and self.default_factory is not None:
            self[key] = self.default_factory()
        return dict.__getitem__(self, key)

As this Python equivalent implies, to instantiate defaultdict you pass it an extra first argument (before any other arguments, positional and/or named, if any, to be passed on to plain dict). That extra first argument becomes the initial value of default_factory; you can access and rebind default_factory .

All behavior of defaultdict is essentially as implied by this Python equivalent (except str and repr, which return strings different from those they’d return for a dict). Named methods, such as get and pop, are not affected. All behavior related to keys (method keys, iteration, membership test via operator in, etc.) reflects exactly the keys that are currently in the container (whether you put them there explicitly, or implicitly via an indexing that called default_factory).

A typical use of defaultdict is to set default_factory to list, to make a mapping from keys to lists of values:

def make_multi_dict(items):
    d = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for key, value in items: d[key].append(value)
    return d

Called with any iterable whose items are pairs of the form (key,value), with all keys being hashable, this make_multi_dict function returns a mapping that associates each key to the lists of one or more values that accompanied it in the iterable (if you want a pure dict result, change the last statement into return dict(d)—this is rarely necessary).

If you don’t want duplicates in the result, and every value is hashable, use a collections.defaultdict(set), and add rather than append in the loop.



deque(seq=(), maxlen=None)

deque is a sequence type whose instances are “double-ended queues” (additions and removals at either end are fast). A deque instance d is a mutable sequence and can be indexed and iterated on (however, d cannot be sliced, only indexed one item at a time, whether for access, rebinding, or deletion). The initial items of d are those of seq, in the same order. d.maxlen is a read-only attribute: when None, d has no maximum length; when an int, it must be >=0, and d’s length is limited to d.maxlen (when too many items are added, items are silently dropped from the other side)—a useful data type to maintain “the latest N things seen,” also known in other languages as a ring buffer.

d supplies the following methods:



Appends item at the right (end) of d.



Appends item at the left (start) of d.



Removes all items from d, leaving it empty.



Appends all items of iterable at the right (end) of d.



Appends all items of iterable at the left (start) of d in reverse order.



Removes and returns the last (rightmost) item from d. If d is empty, raises IndexError.



Removes and returns the first (leftmost) item from d. If d is empty, raises IndexError.



Rotates d n steps to the right (if n<0, rotates left).


namedtuple is a factory function, building and returning a subclass of tuple whose instances’ items you can access by attribute reference, as well as by index.



typename is a string that’s a valid identifier (starts with a letter, may continue with letters, digits, and underscores; can’t be a reserved word such as 'class') and names the new type that namedtuple builds and returns. fieldnames is a sequence of strings that are valid identifiers and name the new type’s attributes, in order (for convenience, fieldnames can also be a single string with identifiers separated by spaces or commas). namedtuple returns a type: you can bind that type to a name, then use it to make immutable instances initialized with either positional or named arguments. Calling repr or str on those instances formats them in named-argument style. For example:

point = collections.namedtuple('point', 'x,y,z')
p = point(x=1,y=2,z=3)   # can build with named arguments
x, y, z = p              # can unpack like a normal tuple
if p.x < p.y:            # can access items as attributes
    print(p)             # formats with named argument
# prints point(x=1, y=2, z=3)

A namedtuple such as point and its instances such as p also supply attributes and methods (whose names start with an underscore only to avoid conflicts with field names, not to indicate they are in any way “private”):



Returns a dict whose keys are p’s field names, with values from p’s corresponding items.



Returns a tuple of field name strings, here ('x', 'y', 'z').



Returns a point instance with items initialized from iterable seq, in order (len(seq) must equal len(point._fields)).



Returns a copy of p, with 0 or more items replaced as per the named arguments.

For more details and advice about using namedtuple, see the online docs.

The functools Module

The functools module supplies functions and types supporting functional programming in Python, listed in Table 7-4.

Table 7-4.  



func must be callable with two arguments and return a number: <0 if the first argument is to be considered “less than” the second one, >0 if vice versa, 0 if the two arguments are to be considered equal (like the old cmp built-in function, deprecated in v2 and removed in v3, and the old cmp= named argument to sort and sorted). cmp_to_key returns a callable k suitable as the key= named argument to functions and methods such as sort, sorted, min, max, and so on. This is useful to convert programs using old-style cmp= arguments to new-style key= ones, which is required to use v3 and highly recommended in v2.


lru_cache(max_size=128, typed=False)

(v3 only; to use in v2, pip install Jason Coombs’ backport.) A memoizing decorator suitable for decorating a function whose arguments are all hashable, adding to the function a cache storing the last max_size results (max_size should be a power of 2, or None to have the cache keep all previous results); when the decorated function is called again with arguments that are in the cache, it immediately returns the previously cached result, bypassing the underlying function’s body code. When typed is true, arguments that compare equal but have different types, such as 23 and 23.0, are cached separately. For more details and examples, see the online docs.



func is any callable. partial returns another callable p that is just like func, but with some positional and/or named parameters already bound to the values given in a and k. In other words, p is a partial application of func, often also known (with debatable correctness, but colorfully) as a currying of func to the given arguments (named in honor of mathematician Haskell Curry). For example, say that we have a list of numbers L and want to clip the negative ones to 0; one way to do it is:

L = map(functools.partial(max, 0), L)

as an alternative to the lambda-using snippet:

L = map(lambda x: max(0, x), L)

and to the most concise approach, a list comprehension:

L = [max(0, x) for x in L]

functools.partial comes into its own in situations that demand callbacks, such as event-driven programming for GUIs and networking applications (covered in Chapter 18).

partial returns a callable with the attributes func (the wrapped function), args (the tuple of prebound positional arguments), and keywords (the dict of prebound named arguments, or None).



Like the built-in function reduce, covered in Table 7-2. In v3, reduce is not a built-in, but it’s still available in functools.


A class decorator suitable for decorating classes that supply at least one inequality comparison method, such as __lt__, and also supply __eq__. Based on the class’s existing methods, the class decorator total_ordering adds to the class all other inequality comparison methods, removing the need for you to add boilerplate code for them.



A decorator suitable for decorating functions that wrap another function wrapped (often nested functions within another decorator). wraps copies the __name__, __doc__, and __module__ attributes of wrapped on the decorated function, thus improving the behavior of the built-in function help, and of doctests, covered in “The doctest Module”.

The heapq Module

The heapq module uses min heap algorithms to keep a list in “nearly sorted” order as items are inserted and extracted. heapq’s operation is faster than calling a list’s sort method after each insertion, and much faster than bisect (covered in the online docs). For many purposes, such as implementing “priority queues,” the nearly sorted order supported by heapq is just as good as a fully sorted order, and faster to establish and maintain. The heapq module supplies the following functions:



Permutes alist as needed to make it satisfy the (min) heap condition:

  • for any i>=0

    • alist[i]<=alist[2*i+1] and

    • alist[i]<=alist[2*i+2]

  • as long as all the indices in question are < len(alist)

If a list satisfies the (min) heap condition, the list’s first item is the smallest (or equal-smallest) one. A sorted list satisfies the heap condition, but many other permutations of a list also satisfy the heap condition, without requiring the list to be fully sorted. heapify runs in O(len(alist)) time.



Removes and returns the smallest (first) item of alist, a list that satisfies the heap condition, and permutes some of the remaining items of alist to ensure the heap condition is still satisfied after the removal. heappop runs in O(log(len(alist))) time.



Inserts the item in alist, a list that satisfies the heap condition, and permutes some items of alist to ensure the heap condition is still satisfied after the insertion. heappush runs in O(log(len(alist))) time.



Logically equivalent to heappush followed by heappop, similar to:

def heappushpop(alist, item):
    heappush(alist, item)
    return heappop(alist)

heappushpop runs in O(log(len(alist))) time and is generally faster than the logically equivalent function just shown. heappushpop can be called on an empty alist: in that case, it returns the item argument, as it does when item is smaller than any existing item of alist.



Logically equivalent to heappop followed by heappush, similar to:

def heapreplace(alist, item):
    try: return heappop(alist)
    finally: heappush(alist, item)

heapreplace runs in O(log(len(alist))) time and is generally faster than the logically equivalent function just shown. heapreplace cannot be called on an empty alist: heapreplace always returns an item that was already in alist, not the item being pushed onto it.



Returns an iterator yielding, in sorted order (smallest to largest), the items of the iterables, each of which must be smallest-to-largest sorted.



Returns a reverse-sorted list with the n largest items of iterable seq (less than n if seq has fewer than n items); like sorted(seq, reverse=True)[:n] but faster for small values of n. You may also specify a key= argument, like you can for sorted.



Returns a sorted list with the n smallest items of iterable seq (less than n if seq has fewer than n items); like sorted(seq)[:n] but faster for small values of n. You may also specify a key= argument, like you can for sorted.

The Decorate-Sort-Undecorate Idiom

Several functions in the heapq module, although they perform comparisons, do not accept a key= argument to customize the comparisons. This is inevitable, since the functions operate in-place on a plain list of the items: they have nowhere to “stash away” custom comparison keys computed once and for all.

When you need both heap functionality and custom comparisons, you can apply the good old decorate-sort-undecorate (DSU) idiom (which used to be crucial to optimize sorting in old versions of Python, before the key= functionality was introduced).

The DSU idiom, as applied to heapq, has the following components:

  1. Decorate: Build an auxiliary list A where each item is a tuple starting with the sort key and ending with the item of the original list L.

  2. Call heapq functions on A, typically starting with heapq.heapify(A).

  3. Undecorate: When you extract an item from A, typically by calling heapq.heappop(A), return just the last item of the resulting tuple (which corresponds to an item of the original list L).

When you add an item to A by calling heapq.heappush(A, item), decorate the actual item you’re inserting into a tuple starting with the sort key.

This sequencing is best wrapped up in a class, as in this example:

import heapq

class KeyHeap(object):
    def __init__(self, alist, key):
        self.heap = [
            (key(o), i, o)
            for i, o in enumerate(alist)]
        self.key = key
        if alist:
            self.nexti = self.heap[-1][1] + 1
            self.nexti = 0

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.heap)

    def push(self, o):
            (self.key(o), self.nexti, o))
        self.nexti += 1

    def pop(self):
        return heapq.heappop(self.heap)[-1]

In this example, we use an increasing number in the middle of the decorated tuple (after the sort key, before the actual item) to ensure that actual items are never compared directly, even if their sort keys are equal (this semantic guarantee is an important aspect of the key= argument’s functionality to sort and the like).

The argparse Module

When you write a Python program meant to be run from the command line (or from a “shell script” in Unix-like systems or a “batch file” in Windows), you often want to let the user pass to the program, on the command line, command-line arguments (including command-line options, which by convention are usually arguments starting with one or two dash characters). In Python, you can access the arguments as sys.argv, an attribute of module sys holding those arguments as a list of strings (sys.argv[0] is the name by which the user started your program; the arguments are in sublist sys.argv[1:]). The Python standard library offers three modules to process those arguments; we only cover the newest and most powerful one, argparse, and we only cover a small, core subset of argparse’s rich functionality. See the online reference and tutorial for much, much more.



ArgumentParser is the class whose instances perform argument parsing. It accepts many named arguments, mostly meant to improve the help message that your program displays if command-line arguments include -h or --help. One named argument you should pass is description=, a string summarizing the purpose of your program.

Given an instance ap of ArgumentParser, prepare it by one or more calls to ap.add_argument; then, use it by calling ap.parse_args() without arguments (so it parses sys.argv): the call returns an instance of argparse.Namespace, with your program’s args and options as attributes.

add_argument has a mandatory first argument: either an identifier string, for positional command-line arguments, or a flag name, for command-line options. In the latter case, pass one or more flag names; an option often has both a short name (one dash, then a single character) and a long name (two dashes, then an identifier).

After the positional arguments, pass to add_argument zero or more named arguments to control its behavior. Here are the common ones:


What the parser does with this argument. Default: 'store', store the argument’s value in the namespace (at the name given by dest). Also useful: 'store_true' and 'store_false', making an option into a bool one (defaulting to the opposite bool if the option is not present); and 'append', appending argument values to a list (and thus allowing an option to be repeated).


A set of values allowed for the argument (parsing the argument raises an exception if the value is not among these); default, no constraints.


Value to use if the argument is not present; default, None.


Name of the attribute to use for this argument; default, same as the first positional argument stripped of dashes.


A short string mentioning the argument’s role, for help messages.


Number of command-line arguments used by this logical argument (by default, 1, stored as-is in the namespace). Can be an integer >0 (uses that many arguments and stores them as a list), '?' (one, or none in which case default is used), '*' (0 or more, stored as a list), '+' (1 or more, stored as a list), or argparse.REMAINDER (all remaining arguments, stored as a list).


A callable accepting a string, often a type such as int; used to transform values from strings to something else. Can be an instance of argparse.FileType to open the string as a filename (for reading if FileType('r'), for writing if FileType('w'), and so on).

Here’s a simple example of argparse—save this code in a file called

import argparse
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Just an example')
ap.add_argument('who', nargs='?', default='World')
ap.add_argument('--formal', action='store_true')
ns = ap.parse_args()
if ns.formal:
    greet = 'Most felicitous salutations, o {}.'
    greet = 'Hello, {}!'

Now, python prints Hello, World!, while python --formal Cornelia prints Most felicitous salutations, o Cornelia.

The itertools Module

The itertools module offers high-performance building blocks to build and manipulate iterators. To handle long processions of items, iterators are often better than lists, thanks to iterators’ intrinsic “lazy evaluation” approach: an iterator produces items one at a time, as needed, while all items of a list (or other sequence) must be in memory at the same time. This approach even makes it feasible to build and use unbounded iterators, while lists must always have finite numbers of items (since any machine has a finite amount of memory).

Table 7-5 covers the most frequently used attributes of itertools; each of them is an iterator type, which you call to get an instance of the type in question, or a factory function behaving similarly. See the itertools documentation in the online Python docs for more itertools attributes, including combinatoric generators for permutations, combinations, and Cartesian products, as well as a useful taxonomy of itertools attributes.

The online docs also offer recipes, ways to combine and use itertools attributes. The recipes assume you have from itertools import * at the top of your module; this is not recommended use, just an assumption to make the recipes’ code more compact. It’s best to import itertools as it, then use references such as it.something rather than the more verbose itertools.something.

Table 7-5.  



Yields items from the first argument, then items from the second argument, and so on until the end of the last argument, just like the generator expression:

(item for iterable in iterables for item 
in iterable)



Yields items from the iterables in the argument, in order, just like the genexp:

(item for iterable in iterables for item 
in iterable)


compress(data, conditions)

Yields each item from data corresponding to a true item in conditions, just like the generator expression:

(item for item, cond in zip(data, conditions) 
if cond)


count(start=0, step=1)

Yields consecutive integers starting from start, just like the generator:

def count(start=0, step=1):
    while True:
        yield start
        start += step



Yields each item of iterable, endlessly repeating items from the beginning each time it reaches the end, just like the generator:

def cycle(iterable):
    saved = []
    for item in iterable:
        yield item
    while saved:
        for item in saved: yield item



Drops the 0+ leading items of iterable for which func is true, then yields each other item, just like the generator:

def dropwhile(func,iterable):
    iterator = iter(iterable)
    for item in iterator:
        if not func(item):
            yield item
    for item in iterator: yield item



iterable normally needs to be already sorted according to key (None, as usual, standing for the identity function). groupby yields pairs (k,g), each pair representing a group of adjacent items from iterable having the same value k for key(item); each g is an iterator yielding the items in the group. When the groupby object advances, previous iterators g become invalid (so, if a group of items needs to be processed later, store somewhere a list “snapshot” of it, list(g)).

Another way of looking at the groups groupby yields is that each terminates as soon as key(item) changes (which is why you normally call groupby only on an iterable that’s already sorted by key).

For example, suppose that, given a set of lowercase words, we want a dict that maps each initial to the longest word having that initial (with “ties” broken arbitrarily):

import itertools as it, operator
def set2dict(aset):
    first = operator.itemgetter(0)
    words = sorted(aset, key=first)
    adict = {}
    for initial, 
        group in it.groupby(words, key=first):
        adict[initial] = max(group, key=len)
    return adict



Yields those items of iterable for which func is true, just like the genexp:

(item for item in iterable if func(item))

func can be any callable object that accepts a single argument, or None. When func is None, ifilter yields true items, just like the genexp:

(item for item in iterable if item)



Yields those items of iterable for which func is false, just like the genexp:

(item for item in iterable if not func(item))

func can be any callable accepting a single argument, or None. When func is None, ifilterfalse yields false items, just like the genexp:

(item for item in iterable if not item)



Yields the results of func, called with one argument from each of the iterables; stops when the shortest of the iterables is exhausted, just like the generator:

def imap(func,*iterables):
    iters = [iter(x) for x in iterables]
    while True: yield func(*(next(x) for x in iters))



Yields items of iterable, skipping the first start ones (default 0), until the stopth one excluded, advancing by steps of step (default 1) at a time. All arguments must be nonnegative integers (or None), and step must be >0. Apart from checks and optional arguments, it’s like the generator:

def islice(iterable,start,stop,step=1):
    en = enumerate(iterable)
    n = stop
    for n, item in en:
        if n>=start: break
    while n<stop:
        yield item
        for x in range(step): n, item = next(en)



Yields tuples with one corresponding item from each of the iterables; stops when the shortest of the iterables is exhausted. Just like imap(tuple,*iterables). v2 only; in v3, the built-in function zip, covered in Table 7-2, has this functionality.



Yields tuples with one corresponding item from each of the iterables; stops when the longest of the iterables is exhausted, behaving as if each of the others was “padded” to that same length with references to fillvalue.



Repeatedly yields item, just like the generator expression:

(item for x in range(times))

When times is absent, the iterator is unbounded, yielding a potentially infinite number of items, which are all the object item. Just like the generator:

def repeat_unbounded(item):
    while True: yield item



Yields func(*item) for each item in iterable (each item must be an iterable, normally a tuple), just like the generator:

def starmap(func,iterable):
    for item in iterable:
        yield func(*item)



Yields items from iterable as long as func(item) is true, then stops, just like the generator:

def takewhile(func,iterable):
    for item in iterable:
        if func(item):
            yield item



Returns a tuple of n independent iterators, each yielding items that are the same as those of iterable. The returned iterators are independent from each other, but they are not independent from iterable; avoid altering the object iterable in any way, as long as you’re still using any of the returned iterators.

We have shown equivalent generators and genexps for many attributes of itertools, but it’s important to remember the sheer speed of itertools types. To take a trivial example, consider repeating some action 10 times:

for _ in itertools.repeat(0, 10): pass

This turns out to be about 10 to 20 percent faster, depending on Python release and platform, than the straightforward alternative:

for _ in range(10): pass
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