Chapter 11. Persistence and Databases

Python supports several ways of persisting data. One way, serialization, views data as a collection of Python objects. These objects can be serialized (saved) to a byte stream, and later deserialized (loaded and re-created) back from the byte stream. Object persistence lives on top of serialization, adding features such as object naming. This chapter covers the Python modules that support serialization and object persistence.

Another way to make data persistent is to store it in a database (DB). One simple category of DBs are just file formats that use keyed access to enable selective reading and updating of relevant parts of the data. This chapter covers Python standard library modules that support several variations of such a file format, known as DBM.

A relational DB management system (RDBMS), such as PostgreSQL or Oracle, offers a more powerful approach to storing, searching, and retrieving persistent data. Relational DBs rely on dialects of Structured Query Language (SQL) to create and alter a DB’s schema, insert and update data in the DB, and query the DB with search criteria. (This book does not provide reference material on SQL. We recommend SQL in a Nutshell, by Kevin Kline [O’Reilly].) Unfortunately, despite the existence of SQL standards, no two RDBMSes implement exactly the same SQL dialect.

The Python standard library does not come with an RDBMS interface. However, many third-party modules let your Python programs access a specific RDBMS. Such modules mostly follow the Python Database API 2.0 standard, also known as the DBAPI. This chapter covers the DBAPI standard and mentions a few of the most popular third-party modules that implement it.

A DBAPI module that is particularly handy—because it comes with every standard installation of Python—is sqlite3, which wraps SQLite, “a self-contained, server-less, zero-configuration, transactional SQL DB engine,” which is the most widely deployed relational DB engine in the world. We cover sqlite3 in “SQLite”.

Besides relational DBs, and the simpler approaches covered in this chapter, there exist Python-specific object DBs such as ZODB, as well as many NoSQL DBs, each with Python interfaces. We do not cover advanced nonrelational DBs in this book.


Python supplies several modules to serialize (save) Python objects to various kinds of byte streams and deserialize (load and re-create) Python objects back from streams. Serialization is also known as marshaling, or as “formatting for data interchange.”

Serialization approaches span the range from (by now) language-independent JSON to (low-level, Python-version-specific) marshal, both limited to elementary data types, through richer but Python-specific pickle in addition to rich cross-language formats such as XML, YAMLprotocol buffers, and MessagePack.

In this section, we cover JSON and pickle. We cover XML in Chapter 23. marshal is too low-level to use in applications; should you need to maintain old code using it, refer to the online docs. As for protocol buffers, MessagePack, YAML, and other data-interchange/serialization approaches (each with specific advantages and weaknesses), we cannot cover everything in this book; we recommend studying them via the resources available on the web.

The json Module

The standard library’s json module supplies four key functions:


separators=(', ', ': '),encoding='utf-8',default=None,

dump writes the JSON serialization of object value to file-like object fileobj, which must be opened for writing in text mode, via calls to fileobj.write. In v3, each call to fileobj.write passes as argument a text (Unicode) string; in v2, it passes a plain (byte) string obtained with encoding encoding. Argument encoding is only allowed in v2: in v3, dump does not perform any text encoding.

When skipkeys is True (by default, it’s False), dict keys that are not scalars (i.e., are not of types bool, float, int, str, or None; in v2, also long and unicode) are silently skipped, instead of raising an exception. In any case, keys that are scalars are turned into strings (e.g., None becomes "null"): JSON only allows strings as keys in its mappings.

When ensure_ascii is True (as it is by default), all non-ASCII characters in the output are escaped; when it’s False, they’re output as is.

When check_circular is True (as it is by default), containers in value are checked for circular references, raising a ValueError exception if circular references are found; when it’s False, the check is skipped, and many different exceptions can get raised as a result (even a crash is possible).

When allow_nan is True (as it is by default), float scalars nan, inf, and -inf are output as their respective JavaScript equivalents, NaN, Infinity, -Infinity; when it’s False, the presence of such scalars raises a ValueError.

You can optionally pass cls in order to use a customized subclass of JSONEncoder (such advanced customization is rarely needed and we don’t cover it in this book); in this case, **kw gets passed in the call to cls which instantiates it. By default, encoding uses the JSONEncoder class directly.

When indent is an int>0, dump “pretty-prints” the output by prepending that many spaces to each array element and object member; when an int<=0, dump just inserts characters; when None, which is the default, dump uses the most compact representation. In v3 only, indent can be a str—for example, ' '—and in that case dump uses that string for indenting.

separators must be a pair (a tuple with two items), respectively the strings used to separate items, and keys from values. You can explicitly pass separators=(',',':') to ensure dump inserts no whitespace.

You can optionally pass default in order to transform some otherwise nonserializable objects into serializable ones;  default is a function, called with a single argument that’s a nonserializable object, and must return a serializable object or else raise ValueError (by default, the presence of nonserializable objects raises ValueError).

When sort_keys is True (by default, it’s False), mappings are output in sorted order of their keys; when it’s False, they’re output in whatever is their natural order of iteration (essentially random for dicts, but you could use a collections.OrderedDict to control iteration order).


allow_nan=True,cls=JSONEncoder,indent=None,separators=(' ', ': '),

dumps returns the string that’s the JSON serialization of object value—that is, the string that dump would write to its file-object argument. All arguments to dumps have exactly the same meaning as the arguments to dump.


JSON serializes just one object per file

JSON is not what is known as a framed format: this means it is not possible to call dump more than once in order to serialize multiple objects into the same file, nor later call load more than once to deserialize the objects, as would be possible with pickle. So, technically, JSON serializes just one object per file. However, you can make that one object be a list, or dict, which in turn can contain as many items as you wish.


load creates and returns the object v previously serialized into file-like object fileobj, which must be opened for reading in text mode, getting fileobj’s contents via a call to In v3, the call to must return a text (Unicode) string; in v2, it can alternatively return a plain (byte) string that gets decoded with encoding encoding. The argument encoding is only allowed in v2: in v3, load does not perform any text decoding.

The functions load and dump are complementary. In other words, a single call to load(f) deserializes the same value previously serialized when f’s contents were created by a single call to dump(v,f) (possibly with some alterations: e.g., all dictionary keys are turned into strings).

You can optionally pass cls in order to use a customized subclass of JSONDecoder (such advanced customization is rarely needed and we don’t cover it in this book); in this case, **kw gets passed in the call to cls, which instantiates it. By default, decoding uses the JSONDecoder class directly.

You can optionally pass object_hook or object_pairs_hook (if you pass both, object_hook is ignored and only object_pairs_hook is used), a function that lets you implement custom decoders. When you pass object_hook but not object_pairs_hook, then, each time an object is decoded into a dict, load calls object_hook with the dict as the only argument, and uses object_hook’s return value instead of that dict. When you pass object_pairs_hook, then, each time an object is decoded, load calls object_pairs_hook with, as the only argument, a list of the pairs of (key, value) items of the object, in the order in which they are present in the input, and uses object_pairs_hook’s return value; this lets you perform specialized decoding that potentially depends on the order of (key, value) pairs in the input.

parse_float, parse_int, and parse_constant are functions called with a single argument that’s a str representing a float, an int, or one of the three special constants 'NaN', 'Infinity', '-Infinity'; load calls the appropriate function each time it identifies in the input a str representing a number, and uses the function’s return value. By default, parse_float is float, parse_int is int, and parse_constant returns one of the three special float scalars nan, inf, -inf, as appropriate. For example, you could pass parse_float=decimal.Decimal to ensure that all numbers in the result that would normally be floats are instead decimals (covered in “The decimal Module”).



loads creates and returns the object v previously serialized into the string s. All argument to loads have exactly the same meaning as the arguments to load.

A JSON example

Say you need to read several text files, whose names are given as your program’s arguments, recording where each distinct word appears in the files. What you need to record for each word is a list of (filename, linenumber) pairs. The following example uses json to encode lists of (filename, linenumber) pairs as strings and store them in a DBM-like file (as covered in “DBM Modules”). Since these lists contain tuples, each containing a string and a number, they are within json’s abilities to serialize.

import collections, fileinput, json, dbm
word_pos = collections.defaultdict(list)
for line in fileinput.input():
    pos = fileinput.filename(), fileinput.filelineno()
    for word in line.split():
dbm_out ='indexfilem', 'n')
for word in word_pos:
    dbm_out[word] = json.dumps(word_pos[word])

(In v3 only, is a context manager, so we could indent the second for loop as the body of a statement with'indexfilem', 'n') as dbm_out: and omit the dbm_out.close(); however, the example, as coded, works in both v2 and v3, except that in v2, to ensure the example works across platforms, you’d import and use the module anydbm instead of the package dbm, and that also applies to the following example.) We also need json to deserialize the data stored in the DBM-like file indexfilem, as shown in the following example:

import sys, json, dbm, linecache
dbm_in ='indexfilem')
for word in sys.argv[1:]:
    if word not in dbm_in:
         print('Word {!r} not found in index file'.format(word),
    places = json.loads(dbm_in[word])
    for fname, lineno in places:
        print('Word {!r} occurs in line {} of file {}:'.format(
        print(linecache.getline(fname, lineno), end='') 

The pickle and cPickle Modules

The pickle and, in v2, cPickle modules supply factory functions, named Pickler and Unpickler, to generate objects that wrap file-like objects and supply Python-specific serialization mechanisms. Serializing and deserializing via these modules is also known as pickling and unpickling.

In v2 only, the difference between the modules is that, in pickle, Pickler and Unpickler are classes, so you can inherit from these classes to create customized serializer objects, overriding methods as needed. In cPickle, on the other hand, Pickler and Unpickler are factory functions that generate instances of non-subclassable types, not classes. Performance is much better with cPickle, but inheritance is not feasible. In the rest of this section, we’ll be talking about the module pickle, but everything applies to cPickle too. v3 only supplies pickle, which is quite fast and supplies Pickler and Unpickler as classes.

Serialization shares some of the issues of deep copying, covered in “The copy Module”. The pickle module deals with these issues in much the same way as the copy module does. Serialization, like deep copying, implies a recursive walk over a directed graph of references. pickle preserves the graph’s shape: when the same object is encountered more than once, the object is serialized only the first time, and other occurrences of the same object serialize references to that single value. pickle also correctly serializes graphs with reference cycles. However, this means that if a mutable object o is serialized more than once to the same Pickler instance p, any changes to o after the first serialization of o to p are not saved.

Don’t alter objects while their serialization is in progress

For clarity, correctness, and simplicity, don’t alter objects that are being serialized while serialization to a Pickler instance is in progress.

pickle can serialize with a legacy ASCII protocol or with one of a few compact binary ones. In v2, the ASCII protocol 0 is the default, for backward compatibility, but you should normally explicitly request binary protocol 2, the v2-supported protocol that’s most parsimonious of time and storage space. In v3, protocols range from 0 to 4, included; the default is 3, which is usually a reasonable choice, but you may explicitly specify protocol 2 (to ensure that your saved pickles can be loaded by v2 programs), or protocol 4, incompatible with earlier versions but with performance advantages for very large objects.

Always pickle with protocol 2 or higher

Always specify at least protocol 2. The size and speed savings can be substantial, and binary format has basically no downside except loss of compatibility of resulting pickles with truly ancient versions of Python.

When you reload objects, pickle transparently recognizes and uses any protocol that the Python version you’re currently using supports.

pickle serializes classes and functions by name, not by value. pickle can therefore deserialize a class or function only by importing it from the same module where the class or function was found when pickle serialized it. In particular, pickle can normally serialize and deserialize classes and functions only if they are top-level names for their module (i.e., attributes of their module). For example, consider the following:

def adder(augend):
    def inner(addend, augend=augend): return addend+augend
    return inner
plus5 = adder(5)

This code binds a closure to name plus5 (as covered in “Nested functions and nested scopes”)—a nested function inner plus an appropriate outer scope. Therefore, trying to pickle plus5 raises a pickle.PicklingError exception (in v2; just AttributeError in v3): a function can be pickled only when it is top-level, and the function inner, whose closure is bound to the name plus5 in this code, is not top-level but rather nested inside the function adder. Similar issues apply to pickling nested functions and nested classes (i.e., classes that are not top-level).

Functions and classes of pickle and cPickle

The pickle module (and, in v2 only, the module cPickle) exposes the following functions and classes:

dump, dumps


dumps returns a bytestring representing object value. dump writes the same string to the file-like object fileobj, which must be opened for writing. dump(v,f) is like f.write(dumps(v)). Do not pass the bin parameter, which exists only for compatibility with old versions of Python. The protocol parameter can be 0 (the default in v2, for compatibility reasons; ASCII output, slowest and bulkiest), 1 (binary output that’s compatible with very old versions of Python), or 2 (fastest and leanest in v2); in v3, it can also be 3 or 4. We recommend that, in v2, you always pass the value 2; in v3, pass 2 if you need the result to be compatible with v2, otherwise 3 (the v3 default) or 4. Unless protocol is 0 or (in v2) absent, implying ASCII output, the fileobj parameter to dump must be open for binary writing.

load, loads

load(fileobj) loads(s) in v2; in v3, loads(s,*,fix_imports=True,
encoding="ASCII", errors="strict")

The functions load and dump are complementary. In other words, a sequence of calls to load(f) deserializes the same values previously serialized when f’s contents were created by a sequence of calls to dump(v,f). load reads the right number of bytes from file-like object fileobj and creates and returns the object v represented by those bytes. load and loads transparently support pickles performed in any binary or ASCII protocol. If data is pickled in any binary format, the file must be open as binary for both dump and load. load(f) is like Unpickler(f).load().

loads creates and returns the object v represented by byte string s, so that for any object v of a supported type, v==loads(dumps(v)). If s is longer than dumps(v), loads ignores the extra bytes. Optional v3-only arguments fix_imports, encoding, and errors, are provided for handling v2-generated streams. See pickle.loads v3 docs.

Don’t unpickle untrusted data

Unpickling from an untrusted data source is a security risk; an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code.



Creates and returns an object p such that calling p.dump is equivalent to calling the function dump with the fileobj, protocol, and bin arguments passed to Pickler. To serialize many objects to a file, Pickler is more convenient and faster than repeated calls to dump. You can subclass pickle.Pickler to override Pickler methods (particularly the method persistent_id) and create your own persistence framework. However, this is an advanced issue and is not covered further in this book.



Creates and returns an object u such that calling the u.load is equivalent to calling function load with the fileobj argument passed to Unpickler. To deserialize many objects from a file, Unpickler is more convenient and faster than repeated calls to the function load. You can subclass pickle.Unpickler to override Unpickler methods (particularly method persistent_load) and create your own persistence framework. However, this is an advanced issue and is not covered further in this book.

A pickling example

The following example handles the same task as the json example shown earlier, but uses pickle instead of json to serialize lists of (filename, linenumber) pairs as strings:

import collections, fileinput, pickle, dbm
word_pos = collections.defaultdict(list)
for line in fileinput.input():
    pos = fileinput.filename(), fileinput.filelineno()
    for word in line.split():
dbm_out ='indexfilep','n')
for word in word_pos:
    dbm_out[word] = pickle.dumps(word_pos[word],2)

We can then use pickle to read back the data stored to the DBM-like file indexfilep, as shown in the following example:

import sys, pickle, dbm, linecache
dbm_in ='indexfilep')
for word in sys.argv[1:]:
    if word not in dbm_in:
         print('Word {!r} not found in index file'.format(word),
    places = pickle.loads(dbm_in[word])
    for fname, lineno in places:
        print('Word {!r} occurs in line {} of file {}:'.format(
        print(linecache.getline(fname, lineno), end='') 

In v2, in both examples, to ensure the code works across platforms, you’d import and use the module anydbm instead of the package dbm.

Pickling instances

In order for pickle to reload an instance x, pickle must be able to import x’s class from the same module in which the class was defined when pickle saved the instance. Here is how pickle saves the state of instance object x of class T and later reloads the saved state into a new instance y of T (the first step of the reloading is always to make a new empty instance y of T, except where we explicitly say otherwise in the following):

  • When T supplies the method __getstate__, pickle saves the result d of calling T.__getstate__(x).

  • When T supplies the method __setstate__, d can be of any type, and pickle reloads the saved state by calling T.__setstate__(y, d).

  • Otherwise, d must be a dictionary, and pickle just sets y.__dict__ = d.

  • Otherwise, when T supplies the method __getnewargs__, and pickle is pickling with protocol 2 or higher, pickle saves the result t of calling T.__getnewargs__(x); t must be a tuple.

  • pickle, in this one case, does not start with an empty y, but rather creates y by executing y = T.__new__(T, *t), which concludes the reloading.

  • Otherwise, by default, pickle saves as d the dictionary x.__dict__.

  • When T supplies the method __setstate__, pickle reloads the saved state by calling T.__setstate__ (y, d).

  • Otherwise, pickle just sets y.__dict__ = d.

All the items in the d or t object that pickle saves and reloads (normally a dictionary or tuple) must in turn be instances of types suitable for pickling and unpickling (AKA pickleable objects), and the procedure just outlined may be repeated recursively, if necessary, until pickle reaches primitive pickleable built-in types (dictionaries, tuples, lists, sets, numbers, strings, etc.).

As mentioned in “The copy Module”, the special methods __getnewargs__, __getstate__, and __setstate__ also control the way instance objects are copied and deep-copied. If a class defines __slots__, and therefore its instances do not have a __dict__, pickle does its best to save and restore a dictionary equivalent to the names and values of the slots. However, such a class should define __getstate__ and __setstate__; otherwise, its instances may not be correctly pickleable and copy-able through such best-effort endeavors.

Pickling customization with the copy_reg module

You can control how pickle serializes and deserializes objects of an arbitrary type by registering factory and reduction functions with the module copy_reg. This is particularly, though not exclusively, useful when you define a type in a C-coded Python extension. The copy_reg module supplies the following functions:



Adds fcon to the table of constructors, which lists all factory functions that pickle may call. fcon must be callable and is normally a function.



Registers function fred as the reduction function for type type, where type must be a type object. To save an object o of type type, the module pickle calls fred(o) and saves the result. fred(o) must return a tuple (fcon,t) or (fcon,t,d), where fcon is a constructor and t is a tuple. To reload o, pickle uses o=fcon(*t). Then, when fred also returned a d, pickle uses d to restore o’s state (when o supplies __setstate__, o.__setstate__(d); otherwise, o.__dict__.update(d)), as in “Pickling instances”. If fcon is not None, pickle also calls constructor(fcon) to register fcon as a constructor.

pickle does not support pickling of code objects, but marshal does. Here’s how you could customize pickling to support code objects by delegating the work to marshal thanks to copy_reg:

>>> import pickle, copy_reg, marshal
>>> def marsh(x): return marshal.loads, (marshal.dumps(x),)
>>> c=compile('2+2','','eval')
>>> copy_reg.pickle(type(c), marsh)
>>> s=pickle.dumps(c, 2)
>>> cc=pickle.loads(s)
>>> print eval(cc)

Using marshal makes your code Python-version-dependent

Beware using marshal in your code, as the preceding example does: marshal’s serialization can vary with every version of Python, so using marshal means you may be unable to load objects serialized with one Python version, with other versions.

The shelve Module

The shelve module orchestrates the modules pickle (or cPickle, in v2, when available), io (in v3; in v2, cStringIO when available, and otherwise StringIO), and dbm (and its underlying modules for access to DBM-like archive files, as discussed in “DBM Modules”; that’s in v3—anydbm in v2) in order to provide a simple, lightweight persistence mechanism.

shelve supplies a function open that is polymorphic to The mapping s returned by is less limited than the mapping a returned by a’s keys and values must be strings. s’s keys must also be strings, but s’s values may be of any pickleable types. pickle customizations (copy_reg, __getnewargs__, __getstate__, and __setstate__) also apply to shelve, as shelve delegates serialization to pickle.

Beware of a subtle trap when you use shelve with mutable objects: when you operate on a mutable object held in a shelf, the changes don’t “take” unless you assign the changed object back to the same index. For example:

import shelve
s ='data')
s['akey'] = list(range(4))
print(s['akey'])           # prints: [0, 1, 2, 3]
s['akey'].append(9)        # trying direct mutation
print(s['akey'])           # doesn't "take"; prints: [0, 1, 2, 3]

x = s['akey']              # fetch the object
x.append(9)                # perform mutation
s['akey'] = x              # key step: store the object back!
print(s['akey'])           # now it "takes", prints: [0, 1, 2, 3, 9]

You can finesse this issue by passing the named argument writeback=True when you call, but beware: if you do pass that argument, you may seriously impair the performance of your program.

A shelving example

The following example handles the same task as the earlier json and pickle examples, but uses shelve to persist lists of (filename,linenumber) pairs:

import collections, fileinput, shelve
word_pos = collections.defaultdict(list)
for line in fileinput.input():
    pos = fileinput.filename(), fileinput.filelineno()
    for word in line.split():
sh_out ='indexfiles','n')

We must use shelve to read back the data stored to the DBM-like file indexfiles, as shown in the following example:

import sys, shelve, linecache
sh_in ='indexfiles')

for word in sys.argv[1:]:
    if word not in sh_in:
         print('Word {!r} not found in index file'.format(word),
    places = sh_in[word]
    for fname, lineno in places:
        print('Word {!r} occurs in line {} of file {}:'.format(
        print(linecache.getline(fname, lineno), end='')

These two examples are the simplest and most direct of the various equivalent pairs of examples shown throughout this section. This reflects the fact that the module shelve is higher-level than the modules used in previous examples.

DBM Modules

DBM, a long-time Unix tradition, is a family of libraries supporting data files with pairs of strings (key,data), with fast fetching and storing of the data given a key, a usage pattern known as keyed access. Keyed access, while nowhere as powerful as the data-access functionality of relational DBs, imposes less overhead, yet may suffice for a given program’s needs. If DBM-like files are sufficient, you may end up with a program that is smaller and faster than one using a relational DB.

v3 organizes DBM support in Python’s standard library in a clean and elegant way: the package dbm exposes two general functions, and within the same package live other modules supplying specific implementations. v2’s support, while functionally equivalent, evolved over time in a less organized fashion, thus ending up in a less elegant arrangement, as a collection of top-level modules not organized into a package. This section briefly presents v3’s organization first, and then v2’s, with references from the latter back to the former to show equivalent functionality.

The v3 dbm Package

v3’s dbm package supplies the following two top-level functions:



Opens or creates the DBM file named by filepath (any path to a file) and returns a mapping object corresponding to the DBM file. When the DBM file already exists, open uses the function whichdb to determine which DBM submodule can handle the file. When open creates a new DBM file, it chooses the first available dbm submodule in the following order of preference: gnu, ndbm, dumb.

flag is a one-character string that tells open how to open the file and whether to create it, as shown in Table 11-1. mode is an integer that open uses as the file’s permission bits if open creates the file, as covered in “Creating a “file” Object with”.

Table 11-1. Flag values for
Flag Read-only? If file exists If file does not exist



open opens the file.

open raises error.



open opens the file.

open raises error.



open opens the file.

open creates the file.



open truncates the file.

open creates the file. returns a mapping object m with a subset of the functionality of dictionaries (covered in “Dictionary Operations”). m only accepts strings as keys and values, and the only non-special mapping methods m supplies are m.get, m.keys, and m.setdefault. You can bind, rebind, access, and unbind items in m with the same indexing syntax m[key] that you would use if m were a dictionary. If flag is 'r', m is read-only, so that you can only access m’s items, not bind, rebind, or unbind them. You can check if a string s is a key in m with the usual expression s in m; you cannot iterate directly on m, but you can, equivalently, iterate on m.keys().

One extra method that m supplies is m.close, with the same semantics as the close method of a “file” object. Just like for “file” objects, you should ensure m.close() is called when you’re done using m. The try/finally statement (covered in “try/finally”) is a good way to ensure finalization, but the with statement, covered in “The with Statement”, is even better than try/finally (you can use with, since m is a context manager).



Opens and reads the file specified by filename to discover which dbm submodule created the file. whichdb returns None when the file does not exist or cannot be opened and read. whichdb returns '' when the file exists and can be opened and read, but it is not possible to determine which dbm submodule created the file (typically, this means that the file is not a DBM file). If it can find out which module can read the DBM-like file, whichdb returns a string that names a dbm submodule, such as 'dbm.ndbm', 'dbm.dumbdbm', or 'dbm.gdbm'.

In addition to these two top-level functions, the v3 package dbm contains specific modules, such as ndbm, gnu, and dumb, which provide various implementations of DBM functionality, which you normally access only via the two top-level functions of the package dbm. Third-party packages can install further implementation modules in dbm.

The only implementation module of the dbm package that’s guaranteed to exist on all platforms is dumb. The dumb submodule of dbm has minimal DBM functionality and mediocre performance. dumb’s only advantage is that you can use it anywhere, since dumb does not rely on any library. You don’t normally import dbm.dumb: rather, import dbm, and let supply the best DBM module available, defaulting to dumb if nothing else is available on the current Python installation. The only case in which you import dumb directly is the rare one in which you need to create a DBM-like file guaranteed to be readable from any Python installation. The dumb module supplies an open function polymorphic to dbm’s.

v2’s dbm modules

v2’s anydbm module is a generic interface to any other DBM module. anydbm supplies a single factory function open, equivalent to v3’s

v2’s whichdb module supplies a single function, whichdb, equivalent to v3’s dbm.whichdb.

DBM implementation modules, in v2, are top-level ones, named dbm, gdbm, dumbdbm, and so forth, and otherwise paralleling v3 dbm submodules.

Examples of DBM-Like File Use

DBM’s keyed access is suitable when your program needs to record persistently the equivalent of a Python dictionary, with strings as both keys and values. For example, suppose you need to analyze several text files, whose names are given as your program’s arguments, and record where each word appears in those files. In this case, the keys are words and, therefore, intrinsically strings. The data you need to record for each word is a list of (filename, linenumber) pairs. However, you can encode the data as a string in several ways—for example, by exploiting the fact that the path separator string os.pathsep (covered in “Path-String Attributes of the os Module”) does not normally appear in filenames. (More solid, general, and reliable approaches to the issue of encoding data as strings are covered with the same example in “Serialization”.) With this simplification, the program that records word positions in files might be as follows, in v3:

import collections, fileinput, os, dbm
word_pos = collections.defaultdict(list)
for line in fileinput.input():
    pos = '{}{}{}'.format(
        fileinput.filename(), os.pathsep, fileinput.filelineno())
    for word in line.split():
sep2 = os.pathsep * 2
with'indexfile','n') as dbm_out:
    for word in word_pos:
        dbm_out[word] = sep2.join(word_pos[word])

We can read back the data stored to the DBM-like file indexfile in several ways. The following example accepts words as command-line arguments and prints the lines where the requested words appear, in v3:

import sys, os, dbm, linecache
dbm_in ='indexfile')
sep = os.pathsep
sep2 = sep * 2
for word in sys.argv[1:]:
    if word not in dbm_in:
         print('Word {!r} not found in index file'.format(word),
    places = dbm_in[word].split(sep2)
    for place in places:
        fname, lineno = place.split(sep)
        print('Word {!r} occurs in line {} of file {}:'.format(
        print(linecache.getline(fname, lineno), end='')

In v2, in both examples, import and use the module anydbm instead of the package dbm.

Berkeley DB Interfacing

v2 comes with the bsddb package, which wraps the Berkeley Database (also known as BSD DB) library if that library is installed on your system and your Python installation is built to support it. However, bsddb is deprecated in v2, and not present in v3, so we cannot recommend it. If you do need to interface to a BSD DB archive, we recommend instead the excellent third-party package bsddb3.

The Python Database API (DBAPI) 2.0

As we mentioned earlier, the Python standard library does not come with an RDBMS interface (except for sqlite3, covered in “SQLite”, which is a rich implementation, not just an interface). Many third-party modules let your Python programs access specific DBs. Such modules mostly follow the Python Database API 2.0 standard, also known as the DBAPI, as specified in PEP 249.

After importing any DBAPI-compliant module, call the module’s connect function with DB-specific parameters. connect returns x, an instance of Connection, which represents a connection to the DB. x supplies commit and rollback methods to deal with transactions, a close method to call as soon as you’re done with the DB, and a cursor method to return c, an instance of Cursor. c supplies the methods and attributes used for DB operations. A DBAPI-compliant module also supplies exception classes, descriptive attributes, factory functions, and type-description attributes.

Exception Classes

A DBAPI-compliant module supplies the exception classes Warning, Error, and several subclasses of Error. Warning indicates anomalies such as data truncation on insertion. Error’s subclasses indicate various kinds of errors that your program can encounter when dealing with the DB and the DBAPI-compliant module that interfaces to it. Generally, your code uses a statement of the form:

except module.Error as err:

to trap all DB-related errors that you need to handle without terminating.

Thread Safety

When a DBAPI-compliant module has a threadsafety attribute greater than 0, the module is asserting some level of thread safety for DB interfacing. Rather than relying on this, it’s usually safer, and always more portable, to ensure that a single thread has exclusive access to any given external resource, such as a DB, as outlined in “Threaded Program Architecture”.

Parameter Style

A DBAPI-compliant module has an attribute called paramstyle to identify the style of markers used as placeholders for parameters. Insert such markers in SQL statement strings that you pass to methods of Cursor instances, such as the method execute, to use runtime-determined parameter values. Say, for example, that you need to fetch the rows of DB table ATABLE where field AFIELD equals the current value of Python variable x. Assuming the cursor instance is named c, you could theoretically (but ill-advisedly) perform this task with Python’s string formatting:

c.execute('SELECT * FROM ATABLE WHERE AFIELD={!r}'.format(x))

Avoid SQL query string formatting: use parameter substitution

String formatting is not the recommended approach. It generates a different string for each value of x, requiring statements to be parsed and prepared anew each time; it also opens up the possibility of security weaknesses such as SQL injection vulnerabilities. With parameter substitution, you pass to execute a single statement string, with a placeholder instead of the parameter value. This lets execute parse and prepare the statement just once, for better performance; more importantly, parameter substitution improves solidity and security.

For example, when a module’s paramstyle attribute (described next) is 'qmark', express the preceding query as:

c.execute('SELECT * FROM ATABLE WHERE AFIELD=?', (some_value,))

The read-only string attribute paramstyle tells your program how it should use parameter substitution with that module. The possible values of paramstyle are:


The marker is %s, as in old-style string formatting (always with s: never use other type indicator letters, whatever the data’s type). A query looks like:

c.execute('SELECT * FROM ATABLE WHERE AFIELD=%s', (some_value,))

The marker is :name, and parameters are named. A query looks like:

c.execute('SELECT * FROM ATABLE WHERE AFIELD=:x', {'x':some_value})

The marker is :n, giving the parameter’s number, 1 and up. A query looks like:

c.execute('SELECT * FROM ATABLE WHERE AFIELD=:1', (some_value,))

The marker is %(name)s, and parameters are named. Always use s: never use other type indicator letters, whatever the data’s type. A query looks like:

c.execute('SELECT * FROM ATABLE WHERE AFIELD=%(x)s', {'x':some_value})

The marker is ?. A query looks like:

c.execute('SELECT * FROM ATABLE WHERE AFIELD=?', (x,))

When parameters are named (i.e., when paramstyle is 'pyformat' or 'named'), the second argument of the execute method is a mapping. Otherwise, the second argument is a sequence.

format and pyformat only accept type indicator s

The only valid type indicator letter for format or pyformat is s; neither accepts any other type indicator—for example, never use %d nor %(name)d. Use %s or %(name)s for all parameter substitutions, regardless of the type of the data.

Factory Functions

Parameters passed to the DB via placeholders must typically be of the right type: this means Python numbers (integers or floating-point values), strings (bytes or Unicode), and None to represent SQL NULL. There is no type universally used to represent dates, times, and binary large objects (BLOBs). A DBAPI-compliant module supplies factory functions to build such objects. The types used for this purpose by most DBAPI-compliant modules are those supplied by the modules datetime or mxDateTime (covered in Chapter 12), and strings or buffer types for BLOBs. The factory functions specified by the DBAPI are as follows:



Returns an object representing the given string of bytes as a BLOB.



Returns an object representing the specified date.



Returns an object representing the date s seconds after the epoch of module time, covered in Chapter 12. For example, DateFromTicks(time.time()) means “today.”



Returns an object representing the specified time.



Returns an object representing the time s seconds after the epoch of module time, covered in Chapter 12. For example, TimeFromTicks(time.time()) means “the current time of day.”



Returns an object representing the specified date and time.



Returns an object representing the date and time s seconds after the epoch of module time, covered in Chapter 12. For example, TimestampFromTicks(
is the current date and time.

Type Description Attributes

A Cursor instance’s attribute description describes the types and other characteristics of each column of the SELECT query you last executed on that cursor. Each column’s type (the second item of the tuple describing the column) equals one of the following attributes of the DBAPI-compliant module:

BINARY Describes columns containing BLOBs
DATETIME Describes columns containing dates, times, or both
NUMBER Describes columns containing numbers of any kind
ROWID Describes columns containing a row-identification number
STRING Describes columns containing text of any kind

A cursor’s description, and in particular each column’s type, is mostly useful for introspection about the DB your program is working with. Such introspection can help you write general modules and work with tables using different schemas, including schemas that may not be known at the time you are writing your code.

The connect Function

A DBAPI-compliant module’s connect function accepts arguments that depend on the kind of DB and the specific module involved. The DBAPI standard recommends that connect accept named arguments. In particular, connect should at least accept optional arguments with the following names:

database Name of the specific database to connect
dsn Data-source name to use for the connection
host Hostname on which the database is running
password Password to use for the connection
user Username for the connection

Connection Objects

A DBAPI-compliant module’s connect function returns an object x that is an instance of the class Connection. x supplies the following methods:



Terminates the DB connection and releases all related resources. Call close as soon as you’re done with the DB. Keeping DB connections open needlessly can be a serious resource drain on the system.



Commits the current transaction in the DB. If the DB does not support transactions, x.commit() is an innocuous no-op.



Returns a new instance of the class Cursor, covered in “Cursor Objects”.



Rolls back the current transaction in the DB. If the DB does not support transactions, x.rollback() raises an exception. The DBAPI recommends that, for DBs that do not support transactions, the class Connection supplies no rollback method, so that x.rollback() raises AttributeError: you can test whether transactions are supported with hasattr(x,'rollback').

Cursor Objects

A Connection instance provides a cursor method that returns an object c that is an instance of the class Cursor. A SQL cursor represents the set of results of a query and lets you work with the records in that set, in sequence, one at a time. A cursor as modeled by the DBAPI is a richer concept, since it’s the only way your program executes SQL queries in the first place. On the other hand, a DBAPI cursor allows you only to advance in the sequence of results (some relational DBs, but not all, also provide higher-functionality cursors that are able to go backward as well as forward), and does not support the SQL clause WHERE CURRENT OF CURSOR. These limitations of DBAPI cursors enable DBAPI-compliant modules to easily provide DBAPI cursors even on RDBMSes that provide no real SQL cursors at all. An instance of the class Cursor c supplies many attributes and methods; the most frequently used ones are the following:



Closes the cursor and releases all related resources.


A read-only attribute that is a sequence of seven-item tuples, one per column in the last query executed:

name, typecode, displaysize, internalsize, precision, 
scale, nullable

c.description is None if the last operation on c was not a SELECT query or returned no usable description of the columns involved. A cursor’s description is mostly useful for introspection about the DB your program is working with. Such introspection can help you write general modules that are able to work with tables using different schemas, including schemas that may not be fully known at the time you are writing your code.



Executes a SQL statement string on the DB with the given parameters. parameters is a sequence when the module’s paramstyle is 'format', 'numeric', or 'qmark', and a mapping when paramstyle is 'named' or 'pyformat'. Some DBAPI modules require the sequences to be specifically tuples.



Executes a SQL statement on the DB, once for each item of the given parameters. parameters is a sequence of sequences when the module’s paramstyle is 'format', 'numeric', or 'qmark', and a sequence of mappings when paramstyle is 'named' or 'pyformat'. For example, the statement:

c.executemany('UPDATE atable SET x=? '
              'WHERE y=?',(12,23),(23,34))

when paramstyle is 'qmark', is equivalent to—but faster than—the two statements:

c.execute('UPDATE atable SET x=12 WHERE y=23')

c.execute('UPDATE atable SET x=23 WHERE y=34')



Returns all remaining result rows from the last query as a sequence of tuples. Raises an exception if the last operation was not a SELECT query.



Returns up to n remaining result rows from the last query as a sequence of tuples. Raises an exception if the last operation was not a SELECT query.



Returns the next result row from the last query as a tuple. Raises an exception if the last operation was not a SELECT query.


A read-only attribute that specifies the number of rows fetched or affected by the last operation, or -1 if the module is unable to determine this value.

DBAPI-Compliant Modules

Whatever relational DB you want to use, there’s at least one (often more than one) Python DBAPI-compliant module downloadable from the Internet. There are so many DBs and modules, and the set of possibilities is so constantly shifting, that we couldn’t possibly list them all, nor (importantly) could we maintain the list over time. Rather, we recommend you start from the community-maintained wiki page, which has at least a fighting chance to be complete and up-to-date at any time.

What follows is therefore only a very short, time-specific list of a very few DBAPI-compliant modules that, at the time of writing, are very popular themselves, and interface to very popular open source DBs.


Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard way to connect to many different DBs, including a few not supported by other DBAPI-compliant modules. For an ODBC-compliant DBAPI-compliant module with a liberal open source license, use pyodbc; for a commercially supported one, mxODBC.


MySQL is a popular open source RDBMS, currently owned by Oracle. Oracle’s own “official” DBAPI-compliant interface to it is MySQL Connector/Python.


PostgreSQL is an excellent open source RDBMS. The most popular DBAPI-compliant interface to it is psycopg2.


SQLite is “a self-contained, server-less, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine,” which is the most widely deployed DB engine in the world—it’s a C-coded library that implements a DB within a single file, or even in memory for sufficiently small and transient cases. Python’s standard library supplies the package sqlite3, which is a DBAPI-compliant interface to SQLite.

SQLite has rich advanced functionality, with many options you can choose; sqlite3 offers access to much of that functionality, plus further possibilities to make interoperation between your Python code and the underlying DB even smoother and more natural. In this book, we don’t cover every nook and cranny of these two powerful software systems; we focus on the subset that is most commonly used and most useful. For a great level of detail, including examples and tips about best practices, see SQLite’s documentation and sqlite3’s online documentation. If you want a book on the subject, we recommend O’Reilly’s Using SQLite.

Package sqlite3 supplies the following functions:


connect(filepath, timeout=5.0, detect_types=0,
isolation_level='', check_same_thread=True,
factory=Connection, cached_statements=100, uri=False)

connect connects to the SQLite DB in the file named by filepath (creating it if necessary) and returns an instance of the Connection class (or subclass thereof passed as factory). To create an in-memory DB, pass ':memory:' as the first argument, filepath.

The uri argument can be passed only in v3; if True, it activates SQLite’s URI functionality, allowing a few extra options to be passed, along with the file path, via the filepath argument.

timeout is the number of seconds to wait, before raising an exception, if another connection is keeping the DB locked in a transaction.

sqlite3 directly supports only the SQLite native types: BLOB, INTEGER, NULL, REAL, and TEXT (any other type name is treated as TEXT unless properly detected and passed through a converter registered with the function register_converter, covered later in this section), converting as follows:

SQLite type Python type


buffer in v2, bytes in v3


int (or, in v2, long for very large values)






depends on the text_factory attribute of the Connection instance, covered later in this section; by default, unicode in v2, str in v3

To allow type name detection, pass as detect_types either of the constants PARSE_COLNAMES and PARSE_DECLTYPES, supplied by the sqlite3 package (or both, joining them with the | bitwise-or operator).

When you pass detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES, the type name is taken from the name of the column in the SELECT SQL statement that retrieves the column; for example, a column retrieved as foo AS [foo CHAR(10)] has a type name of CHAR.

When you pass detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES, the type name is taken from the declaration of the column in the original CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE SQL statement that added the column; for example, a column declared as foo CHAR(10) has a type name of CHAR.

When you pass detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES|sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES, both mechanisms are used, with precedence given to the column name when it has at least two words (the second word gives the type name in this case), falling back to the type that was given for that column at declaration (the first word of the declaration type gives the type name in this case).

isolation_level lets you exercise some control over how SQLite processes transactions; it can be '' (the default), None (to use autocommit mode), or one of the three strings 'DEFERRED', 'EXCLUSIVE', and 'IMMEDIATE'. The SQLite online docs cover the details of types of transactions and their relation to the various levels of file locking that SQLite intrinsically performs.

By default, a connection object can be used only in the Python thread that created it, to avoid accidents that could easily corrupt the DB due to minor bugs in your program; minor bugs are common in multithreaded programming. If you’re entirely confident about your threads’ use of locks and other synchronization mechanisms, and do need to reuse a connection object among multiple threads, you can pass check_same_thread=False: then, sqlite3 performs no checks, trusting your assertion that you know what you’re doing and that your multithreading architecture is 100% bug-free—good luck!

cached_statements is the number of SQL statements that sqlite3 caches in a parsed and prepared state, to avoid the overhead of parsing them repeatedly. You can pass in a value lower than the default 100 to save a little memory, or a larger one if your application uses a dazzling variety of SQL statements.



register_adapter registers callable as the adapter, from any object of Python type type, to a corresponding value of one of the few Python types that sqlite3 handles directly—int, float, str (in v3, also bytes; in v2, also buffer, long, unicode—also note that, in v2, a str must be encoded in 'utf-8'). callable must accept a single argument, the value to adapt, and return a value of a type that sqlite3 handles directly.



register_converter registers  callable as the converter, from any value identified in SQL as being of a type named typename (see parameter detect_types to function connect for an explanation of how the type name is identified), to a corresponding Python object. callable must accept a single argument, the string form of the value obtained from SQL, and return the corresponding Python object. The typename matching is case-sensitive.

In addition, sqlite3 supplies the classes Connection, Cursor, and Row. Each can be subclassed for further customization; however, this is an advanced issue that we do not cover further in this book. The Cursor class is a standard DBAPI cursor class, except for an extra convenience method executescript accepting a single argument, a string of multiple statements separated by ; (no parameters). The other two classes are covered in the following sections.

class sqlite3.Connection

In addition to the methods common to all Connection classes of DBAPI-compliant modules, covered in “Connection Objects”, sqlite3.Connection supplies the following methods and other attributes:



aggregate_class must be a class supplying two instance methods: step, accepting exactly num_param arguments, and finalize, accepting no arguments and returning the final result of the aggregate, a value of a type natively supported by sqlite3. The aggregate function can be used in SQL statements by the given name.



callable must accept two bytestring arguments (encoded in 'utf-8'), and return -1 if the first must be considered “less than” the second, 1 if it must be considered “greater than,” and 0 if it must be considered “equal,” for the purposes of this comparison. Such a collation can be named by the given name in a SQL ORDER BY clause in a SELECT statement.



func must accept exactly num_params arguments and return a value of a type natively supported by sqlite3; such a user-defined function can be used in SQL statements by the given name.



Call from any other thread to abort all queries executing on this connection (raising an exception in the thread using the connection).


A read-only attribute that’s the value given as isolation_level parameter to the connect function.



Returns an iterator that yields strings: the SQL statements that build the current DB from scratch, including both schema and contents. Useful, for example, to persist an in-memory DB to one on disk for future reuse.


A callable that accepts the cursor and the original row as a tuple, and returns an object to use as the real result row. A common idiom is x.row_factory=sqlite3.Row, to use the highly optimized Row class covered in “class sqlite3.Row”, supplying both index-based and case-insensitive name-based access to columns with negligible overhead.


A callable that accepts a single bytestring parameter and returns the object to use for that TEXT column value—by default, str in v3, unicode in v2, but you can set it to any similar callable.


The total number of rows that have been modified, inserted, or deleted since the connection was created.

class sqlite3.Row

sqlite3 supplies the class Row, which is mostly like a tuple but also supplies the method keys(), returning a list of column names, and supports indexing by a column name as an extra alternative to indexing by column number.

A sqlite3 example

The following example handles the same task as the examples shown earlier in the chapter, but uses sqlite3 for persistence, without creating the index in memory:

import fileinput, sqlite3
connect = sqlite3.connect('database.db')
cursor = connect.cursor()
cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Words '
               '(Word TEXT, File TEXT, Line INT)')
for line in fileinput.input():
    f, l = fileinput.filename(), fileinput.filelineno()
    cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO Words VALUES (:w, :f, :l)',
        [{'w':w, 'f':f, 'l':l} for w in line.split()])

We can then use sqlite3 to read back the data stored in the DB file database.db, as shown in the following example:

import sys, sqlite3, linecache
connect = sqlite3.connect('database.db')
cursor = connect.cursor()
for word in sys.argv[1:]:
    cursor.execute('SELECT File, Line FROM Words '
                   'WHERE Word=?', [word])
    places = cursor.fetchall()
    if not places:
         print('Word {!r} not found in index file'.format(word),
    for fname, lineno in places:
        print('Word {!r} occurs in line {} of file {}:'.format(
        print(linecache.getline(fname, lineno), end='') 
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