Chapter 15. Numeric Processing

You can perform some numeric computations with operators (covered in “Numeric Operations”) and built-in functions (covered in “Built-in Functions”). Python also provides modules that support additional numeric computations, covered in this chapter: math and cmath in “The math and cmath Modules”, operator in “The operator Module”, random in “The random Module”, fractions in “The fractions Module”, and decimal in “The decimal Module”. “The gmpy2 Module” also mentions the third-party module gmpy2, which further extends Python’s numeric computation abilities. Numeric processing often requires, more specifically, the processing of arrays of numbers, covered in “Array Processing”, focusing on the standard library module array and popular third-party extension NumPy.

The math and cmath Modules

The math module supplies mathematical functions on floating-point numbers; the cmath module supplies equivalent functions on complex numbers. For example, math.sqrt(-1) raises an exception, but cmath.sqrt(-1) returns 1j.

Just like for any other module, the cleanest, most readable way to use these is to have, for example, import math at the top of your code, and explicitly call, say, math.sqrt afterward. However, if your code includes many calls to the modules’ well-known mathematical functions, it’s permissible, as an exception to the general guideline, to use at the top of your code from math import *, and afterward just call sqrt.

Each module exposes two float attributes bound to the values of fundamental mathematical constants, e and pi, and a variety of functions, including those shown in Table 15-1.

Table 15-1.  

acos, asin, atan, cos, sin, tan


Returns the arccosine, arcsine, arctangent, cosine, sine, or tangent of x, respectively, in radians.

math and cmath

acosh, asinh, atanh, cosh, sinh, tanh


Returns the arc hyperbolic cosine, arc hyperbolic sine, arc hyperbolic tangent, hyperbolic cosine, hyperbolic sine, or hyperbolic tangent of x , respectively, in radians.

math and cmath



Like atan(y/x), except that atan2 properly takes into account the signs of both arguments. For example:

>>> import math
>>> math.atan(-1./-1.)
>>> math.atan2(-1., -1.)

When x equals 0, atan2 returns pi/2, while dividing by x would raise ZeroDivisionError.

math only



Returns float(i), where i is the lowest integer such that i>=x.

math only


The mathematical constant e (2.718281828459045).

math and cmath



Returns e**x.

math and cmath



Returns the error function of x as used in statistical calculations.

math only



Returns the absolute value of x.

math only



Returns the factorial of x. Raises ValueError when x is negative or not integral.

math only



Returns float(i), where i is the lowest integer such that i<=x.

math only



Returns the float r, with the same sign as x, such that r==x-n*y for some integer n, and abs(r)<abs(y). Like x%y, except that, when x and y differ in sign, x%y has the same sign as y, not the same sign as x.

math only



Returns the floating-point sum of the values in iterable to greater precision than sum.

math only



Returns a pair (m,e) with the “mantissa” (pedantically speaking, the significand) and exponent of x. m is a floating-point number, and e is an integer such that x==m*(2**e) and 0.5<=abs(m)<1, except that frexp(0) returns (0.0,0).

math only



Returns the greatest common divisor of x and y. When x and y are both zero, returns 0.

math only

v3 only



Returns sqrt(x*x+y*y).

math only



A floating-point positive infinity, like float('inf').

math only


isclose(x, y, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0)

Returns True when x and y are approximately equal, within relative tolerance rel_tol, with minimum absolute tolerance of abs_tol ; otherwise, returns False. Default is rel_tol within 9 decimal digits. rel_tol must be greater than 0. abs_tol is used for comparisons near zero: it must be at least 0.0. NaN is not considered close to any value (including NaN itself); each of -inf and inf is only considered close to itself. Except for behavior at +/- inf, isclose is like:

abs(x-y) <= max(rel_tol * max(abs(x), abs(y)), 

Don’t use == between floating-point numbers

Given the approximate nature of floating-point arithmetic, it rarely makes sense to check whether two floats x and y are equal: tiny variations in how each was computed can easily result in accidental, minuscule, irrelevant differences. Avoid x==y; use math.isclose(x, y).

math and cmath

v3 only



Returns True when x (in cmath, both the real and imaginary part of x) is neither infinity nor NaN; otherwise, returns False.

math and cmath

v3 only



Returns True when x (in cmath, either the real or imaginary part of x) is positive or negative infinity; otherwise, returns False.

math and cmath



Returns True when x (in cmath, either the real or imaginary part of x) is NaN; otherwise, returns False.

math and cmath



Returns x*(2**i) (i must be an int; when i is a float, ldexp raises TypeError).

math only



Returns the natural logarithm of x.

math and cmath



Returns the base-10 logarithm of x. Also, log2(x) (math only, v3 only) returns the base-2 logarithm of x.

math and cmath



Returns a pair (f,i) with fractional and integer parts of x, meaning two floats with the same sign as x such that i==int(i) and x==f+i.

math only



A floating-point “Not a Number” (NaN) value, like float('nan').

math only


The mathematical constant π, 3.141592653589793.

math and cmath



Returns the phase of x, as a float in the range (-π, π). Like math.atan2(x.imag, x.real). See “Conversions to and from polar coordinates” in the Python online docs.

cmath only



Returns the polar coordinate representation of x, as a pair (r, phi) where r is the modulus of x and phi is the phase of x. Like (abs(x), cmath.phase(x)). See “Conversions to and from polar coordinates” in the Python online docs.

cmath only



Returns x**y.

math only



Returns the square root of x.

math and cmath



Returns x truncated to an int.

math only

Always keep in mind that floats are not entirely precise, due to their internal representation in the computer. The following example shows this, and also shows why the new function isclose may be useful:

>>> f = 1.1 + 2.2 - 3.3  # f is intuitively equal to 0
>>> f==0
>>> f
>>> math.isclose(0,f,abs_tol=1e-15)  # abs_tol for near-0 comparison
>>> g = f-1
>>> g
-0.9999999999999996  # almost -1 but not quite
>>> math.isclose(-1,g)  # default is fine for this comparison
>>> isclose(-1,g,rel_tol=1e-15)  # but you can set the tolerances
>>> isclose(-1,g,rel_tol=1e-16)  # including higher precision

The operator Module

The operator module supplies functions that are equivalent to Python’s operators. These functions are handy in cases where callables must be stored, passed as arguments, or returned as function results. The functions in operator have the same names as the corresponding special methods (covered in “Special Methods”). Each function is available with two names, with and without “dunder” (leading and trailing double underscores): for example, both operator.add(a,b) and operator.__add__(a,b) return a+b. Matrix multiplication support has been added for the infix operator @, in v3,1 but you must (as of this writing) implement it by defining your own __matmul__(), __rmatmul__(), and/or __imatmul__(); NumPy, however, does support @ (but not yet @=) for matrix multiplication.

Table 15-2 lists some of the functions supplied by the operator module.

Table 15-2. Functions supplied by the operator module
Method Signature Behaves like


abs( a )

abs( a )


add( a , b )

a + b


and_( a , b )

a & b


concat( a , b )

a + b


contains( a , b )

b in a


countOf( a , b )

a .count( b )


delitem( a , b )

del a[b]


delslice( a , b , c )

del a[b:c]


div( a , b )

a / b


eq( a , b )

a == b


floordiv( a , b )

a // b


ge( a , b )

a >= b


getitem( a , b )

a [ b ]


getslice( a , b , c )

a [ b : c ]


gt( a , b )

a > b


indexOf( a , b )

a .index( b )

invert, inv

invert(a), inv(a)

~ a


is( a , b )

a is b


is_not( a , b )

a is not b


le( a , b )

a <= b


lshift( a , b )

a << b


lt( a , b )

a < b


matmul(m1, m2)

m1 @ m2


mod( a , b )

a % b


mul( a , b )

a * b


ne( a , b )

a != b


neg( a )

- a


not_( a )

not a


or_( a , b )

a | b


pos( a )

+ a


repeat( a , b )

a * b


rshift( a , b )

a >> b


setitem( a , b , c )

a [ b ]= c


setslice( a , b , c , d )

a [ b : c ]= d


sub( a , b )

a - b


truediv( a , b )

a/b # "true" div -> no truncation


truth( a )

not not a, bool(a)


xor( a , b )

a ^ b

The operator module also supplies two higher-order functions whose results are functions suitable for passing as named argument key= to the sort method of lists, the sorted built-in function, itertools.groupby(), and other built-in functions such as min and max.



Returns a callable f such that f(o) is the same as getattr(o,attr). The attr string can include dots (.), in which case the callable result of attrgetter calls getattr repeatedly. For example, operator.attrgetter('a.b') is equivalent to lambda o: getattr(getattr(o, 'a'), 'b').


When you call attrgetter with multiple arguments, the resulting callable extracts each attribute thus named and returns the resulting tuple of values.



Returns a callable f such that f(o) is the same as getitem(o,key).


When you call itemgetter with multiple arguments, the resulting callable extracts each item thus keyed and returns the resulting tuple of values.

For example, say that L is a list of lists, with each sublist at least three items long: you want to sort L, in-place, based on the third item of each sublist; with sublists having equal third items sorted by their first items. The simplest way:

import operator
L.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(2, 0))

Random and Pseudorandom Numbers

The random module of the standard library generates pseudorandom numbers with various distributions. The underlying uniform pseudorandom generator uses the Mersenne Twister algorithm, with a period of length 2**19937-1.

Physically Random and Cryptographically Strong Random Numbers

Pseudorandom numbers provided by the random module, while very good, are not of cryptographic quality. If you want higher-quality random numbers, you can call os.urandom (from the module os, not random), or instantiate the class SystemRandom from random (which calls os.urandom for you).



Returns n random bytes, read from physical sources of random bits such as /dev/urandom on older Linux releases. In v3 only, uses the getrandom() syscall on Linux 3.17 and above. (On OpenBSD 5.6 and newer, the C getrandom() function is now used.) Uses cryptographical-strength sources such as the CryptGenRandom API on Windows. If no suitable source exists on the current system, urandom raises NotImplementedError.

An alternative source of physically random numbers:

The random Module

All functions of the random module are methods of one hidden global instance of the class random.Random. You can instantiate Random explicitly to get multiple generators that do not share state. Explicit instantiation is advisable if you require random numbers in multiple threads (threads are covered in Chapter 14). Alternatively, instantiate SystemRandom if you require higher-quality random numbers. (See “Physically Random and Cryptographically Strong Random Numbers”.) This section documents the most frequently used functions exposed by module random:



Returns a random item from nonempty sequence seq.



Returns an int >=0 with k random bits, like randrange(2**k) (but faster, and with no problems for large k).



Returns a hashable and pickleable object S representing the current state of the generator. You can later pass S to function setstate to restore the generator’s state.



Advances the generator state as if n random numbers had been generated. This is faster than generating and ignoring n random numbers.


randint(start, stop)

Returns a random int i from a uniform distribution such that start<=i<=stop. Both end-points are included: this is quite unnatural in Python, so randrange is usually preferred.



Returns a random float r from a uniform distribution, 0<=r<1.



Like choice(range(start,stop,step)), but much faster.



Returns a new list whose k items are unique items randomly drawn from seq. The list is in random order, so that any slice of it is an equally valid random sample. seq may contain duplicate items. In this case, each occurrence of an item is a candidate for selection in the sample, and the sample may also contain such duplicates.



Initializes the generator state. x can be any hashable object. When x is None, and when the module random is first loaded, seed uses the current system time (or some platform-specific source of randomness, if any) to get a seed. x is normally an integer up to 27814431486575. Larger x values are accepted, but may produce the same generator state as smaller ones.



Restores the generator state. S must be the result of a previous call to getstate (such a call may have occurred in another program, or in a previous run of this program, as long as object S has correctly been transmitted, or saved and restored).



Shuffles, in place, mutable sequence alist.



Returns a random floating-point number r from a uniform distribution such that a<=r<b.

The random module also supplies several other functions that generate pseudorandom floating-point numbers from other probability distributions (Beta, Gamma, exponential, Gauss, Pareto, etc.) by internally calling random.random as their source of randomness.

The fractions Module

The fractions module supplies a rational number class called Fraction whose instances can be constructed from a pair of integers, another rational number, or a string. You can pass a pair of (optionally signed) integers: the numerator and denominator. When the denominator is 0, a ZeroDivisionError is raised. A string can be of the form '3.14', or can include an optionally signed numerator, a slash (/) , and a denominator, such as '-22/7'. Fraction also supports construction from decimal.Decimal instances, and from floats (although the latter may not provide the result you’d expect, given floats’ bounded precision). Fraction class instances have the properties numerator and denominator.

Reduced to lowest terms

Fraction reduces the fraction to the lowest terms—for example, f = Fraction(226, 452) builds an instance f equal to one built by Fraction(1, 2) . The numerator and denominator originally passed to Fraction are not recoverable from the built instance.

from fractions import Fraction
>>> Fraction(1,10)
Fraction(1, 10)
>>> Fraction(Decimal('0.1'))
Fraction(1, 10)
>>> Fraction('0.1')
Fraction(1, 10)
>>> Fraction('1/10')
Fraction(1, 10)
>>> Fraction(0.1)
Fraction(3602879701896397, 36028797018963968)
>>> Fraction(-1, 10)
Fraction(-1, 10)
>>> Fraction(-1,-10)
Fraction(1, 10)

Fraction also supplies several methods, including limit_denominator, which allows you to create a rational approximation of a float—for example, Fraction(0.0999).limit_denominator(10) returns Fraction(1, 10). Fraction instances are immutable and can be keys in dictionaries and members of sets, as well as being used in arithmetic operations with other numbers. See the fractions docs for more complete coverage.

The fractions module, in both v2 and v3, also supplies a function called gcd that works just like math.gcd (which exists in v3 only), covered in Table 15-1.

The decimal Module

A Python float is a binary floating-point number, normally in accordance with the standard known as IEEE 754 and implemented in hardware in modern computers. A concise, practical introduction to floating-point arithmetic and its issues can be found in David Goldberg’s essay What Every Computer Scientist Should Know about Floating-Point Arithmetic. A Python-focused essay on the same issues is part of the online tutorial; another excellent summary is also online.

Often, particularly for money-related computations, you may prefer to use decimal floating-point numbers; Python supplies an implementation of the standard known as IEEE 854, for base 10, in the standard library module decimal. The module has excellent documentation for both v2 and v3: there you can find complete reference documentation, pointers to the applicable standards, a tutorial, and advocacy for decimal. Here, we cover only a small subset of decimal’s functionality that corresponds to the most frequently used parts of the module.

The decimal module supplies a Decimal class (whose immutable instances are decimal numbers), exception classes, and classes and functions to deal with the arithmetic context, which specifies such things as precision, rounding, and which computational anomalies (such as division by zero, overflow, underflow, and so on) raise exceptions when they occur. In the default context, precision is 28 decimal digits, rounding is “half-even” (round results to the closest representable decimal number; when a result is exactly halfway between two such numbers, round to the one whose last digit is even), and the anomalies that raise exceptions are: invalid operation, division by zero, and overflow.

To build a decimal number, call Decimal with one argument: an integer, float, string, or tuple. If you start with a float, it is converted losslessly to the exact decimal equivalent (which may require 53 digits or more of precision):

from decimal import Decimal
df = Decimal(0.1)

If this is not the behavior you want, you can pass the float as a string; for example:

ds = Decimal(str(0.1))  # or, directly, Decimal('0.1')

If you wish, you can easily write a factory function for ease of experimentation, particularly interactive experimentation, with decimal:

def dfs(x):
    return Decimal(str(x))

Now dfs(0.1) is just the same thing as Decimal(str(0.1)), or Decimal('0.1'), but more concise and handier to write.

Alternatively, you may use the quantize method of Decimal to construct a new decimal by rounding a float to the number of significant digits you specify:

dq = Decimal(0.1).quantize(Decimal('.00'))

If you start with a tuple, you need to provide three arguments: the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative), a tuple of digits, and the integer exponent:

pidigits = (3, 1, 4, 1, 5)
Decimal((1, pidigits, -4))

Once you have instances of Decimal, you can compare them, including comparison with floats (use math.isclose for this); pickle and unpickle them; and use them as keys in dictionaries and as members of sets. You may also perform arithmetic among them, and with integers, but not with floats (to avoid unexpected loss of precision in the results), as demonstrated here:

>>> a = 1.1
>>> d = Decimal('1.1')
>>> a == d
>>> math.isclose(a, d)
>>> a + d
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 
  'decimal.Decimal' and 'float'
>>> d + Decimal(a) # new decimal constructed from a
Decimal('2.200000000000000088817841970') # whoops
>>> d + Decimal(str(a)) # convert a to decimal with str(a)

The online docs include useful recipes for monetary formatting, some trigonometric functions, and a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

The gmpy2 Module

The gmpy2 module is a C-coded extension that supports the GMP, MPFR, and MPC libraries, to extend and accelerate Python’s abilities for multiple-precision arithmetic (arithmetic in which the precision of the numbers involved is bounded only by the amount of memory available). The main development branch of gmpy2 supports thread-safe contexts. You can download and install gmpy2 from PyPI.

Array Processing

You can represent arrays with lists (covered in “Lists”), as well as with the array standard library module (covered in “The array Module”). You can manipulate arrays with loops; indexing and slicing; list comprehensions; iterators; generators; genexps (all covered in Chapter 3); built-ins such as map, reduce, and filter (all covered in “Built-in Functions”); and standard library modules such as itertools (covered in “The itertools Module”). If you only need a lightweight, one-dimensional array, stick with array. However, to process large arrays of numbers, such functions may be slower and less convenient than third-party extensions such as NumPy and SciPy (covered in “Extensions for Numeric Array Computation”). When you’re doing data analysis and modeling, pandas, which is built on top of NumPy, might be most suitable.

The array Module

The array module supplies a type, also called array, whose instances are mutable sequences, like lists. An array a is a one-dimensional sequence whose items can be only characters, or only numbers of one specific numeric type, fixed when you create a.

array.array’s advantage is that, compared to a list, it can save memory to hold objects all of the same (numeric or character) type. An array object a has a one-character, read-only attribute a.typecode, set on creation: the type code of a’s items. Table 15-3 shows the possible type codes for array.

Table 15-3. Type codes for the array module
typecode C type Python type Minimum size



str (length 1)

1 byte

(v2 only)




1 byte


unsigned char


1 byte


unicode char

unicode (length 1)

2 bytes

(4 if this Python is a “wide build”)




2 bytes


unsigned short


2 bytes




2 bytes


unsigned int


2 bytes




4 bytes


unsigned long


4 bytes


long long


8 bytes

(v3 only)


unsigned long long


8 bytes

(v3 only)




4 bytes




8 bytes


Note: 'c' is v2 only. 'u' is in both v2 and v3, with an item size of 2 if this Python is a “narrow build,” and 4 if a “wide build.” q and Q (v3 only) are available only if the platform supports C’s long long (or, on Windows, __int64) type.

The size in bytes of each item may be larger than the minimum, depending on the machine’s architecture, and is available as the read-only attribute a.itemsize. The module array supplies just the type object called array:



Creates and returns an array object a with the given typecode. init can be a string (a bytestring, except for typecode 'u') whose length is a multiple of itemsize: the string’s bytes, interpreted as machine values, directly initialize a’s items. Alternatively, init can be an iterable (of chars when typecode is 'c' or 'u', otherwise of numbers): each item of the iterable initializes one item of a.

Array objects expose all methods and operations of mutable sequences (as covered in “Sequence Operations”), except sort. Concatenation with + or +=, and slice assignment, require both operands to be arrays with the same typecode; in contrast, the argument to a.extend can be any iterable with items acceptable to a.

In addition to the methods of mutable sequences, an array object a exposes the following methods.2



Swaps the byte order of each item of a.



Reads n items, taken as machine values, from file object f and appends the items to a. Note that f should be open for reading in binary mode—for example, with mode 'rb'. When fewer than n items are available in f, fromfile raises EOFError after appending the items that are available.



Appends to a all items of list L.

fromstring, frombytes

a.fromstring(s) a.frombytes(s)

fromstring (v2 only) appends to a the bytes, interpreted as machine values, of string s. len(s) must be an exact multiple of a.itemsize. frombytes (v3 only) is identical (reading s as bytes).



Writes all items of a, taken as machine values, to file object f. Note that f should be open for writing in binary mode—for example, with mode 'wb'.



Creates and returns a list object with the same items as a, like list(a).

tostring, tobytes

a.tostring() a.tobytes()

tostring (v2 only) returns the string with the bytes from all items of a, taken as machine values. For any a, len(a.tostring())== len(a)*a.itemsize. f.write(a.tostring()) is the same as a.tofile(f). tobytes (v3 only), similarly, returns the bytes representation of the array items.

Extensions for Numeric Array Computation

As you’ve seen, Python has great support for numeric processing. However, third-party library SciPy and packages such as NumPy, Matplotlib, Sympy, IPython/Jupyter, and pandas provide even more tools. We introduce NumPy here, then provide a brief description of SciPy and other packages (see “SciPy”), with pointers to their documentation.


If you need a lightweight one-dimensional array of numbers, the standard library’s array module may often suffice. If you are doing scientific computing, advanced image handling, multidimensional arrays, linear algebra, or other applications involving large amounts of data, the popular third-party NumPy package meets your needs. Extensive documentation is available online; a free PDF of Travis Oliphant’s Guide to NumPy book is also available.

NumPy or numpy?

The docs variously refer to the package as NumPy or Numpy; however, in coding, the package is called numpy and you usually import it with import numpy as np. In this section, we use all of these monikers.

NumPy provides class ndarray, which you can subclass to add functionality for your particular needs. An ndarray object has n dimensions of homogenous items (items can include containers of heterogenous types). An ndarray object a has a number of dimensions (AKA axes) known as its rank. A scalar (i.e., a single number) has rank 0, a vector has rank 1, a matrix has rank 2, and so forth. An ndarray object also has a shape, which can be accessed as property shape. For example, for a matrix m with 2 columns and 3 rows, m.shape is (3,2).

NumPy supports a wider range of numeric types (instances of dtype) than Python; however, the default numerical types are: bool_, one byte; int_, either int64 or int32 (depending on your platform); float_, short for float64; and complex_, short for complex128.

Creating a NumPy Array

There are several ways to create an array in NumPy; among the most common are:

  • with the factory function np.array, from a sequence (often a nested one), with type inference or by explicitly specifying dtype

  • with factory functions zeros, ones, empty, which default to dtype float64, and indices, which defaults to int64

  • with factory function arange (with the usual start, stop, stride), or with factory function linspace (start, stop, quantity) for better floating-point behavior

  • reading data from files with other np functions (e.g., CSV with genfromtxt)

Here are examples of creating an array, as just listed:

import numpy as np

np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])  # from a Python list
array([1, 2, 3, 4])

np.array(5, 6, 7)  # a common error: passing items separately (they
                   # must be passed as a sequence, e.g. a list)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: only 2 non-keyword arguments accepted

s = 'alph', 'abet'  # a tuple of two strings
array(['alph', 'abet'], dtype='<U4')

t = [(1,2), (3,4), (0,1)]  # a list of tuples
np.array(t, dtype='float64')  # explicit type designation
array([[ 1.,  2.],
       [ 3.,  4.],
       [ 0.,  1.]]

x = np.array(1.2, dtype=np.float16)  # a scalar

np.zeros(3)  # shape defaults to a vector
array([ 0.,  0.,  0.])

np.ones((2,2))  # with shape specified
array([[ 1.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  1.]])

np.empty(9)  # arbitrary float64s
array([  4.94065646e-324,   9.88131292e-324,   1.48219694e-323,
         1.97626258e-323,   2.47032823e-323,   2.96439388e-323,
         3.45845952e-323,   3.95252517e-323,   4.44659081e-323])

array([[[0, 0, 0],
        [1, 1, 1],
        [2, 2, 2]],

       [[0, 1, 2],
        [0, 1, 2],
        [0, 1, 2]]])

np.arange(0, 10, 2)  # upper bound excluded
array([0, 2, 4, 6, 8])

np.linspace(0, 1, 5)  # default: endpoint included
array([ 0.  ,  0.25,  0.5 ,  0.75,  1.  ]) 
np.linspace(0, 1, 5, endpoint=False)  # endpoint not included
array([ 0. ,  0.2,  0.4,  0.6,  0.8])

import io
np.genfromtxt(io.BytesIO(b'1 2 3
4 5 6'))  # using a pseudo-file
array([[ 1.,  2.,  3.],
       [ 4.,  5.,  6.]])

with'x.csv', 'wb') as f:
np.genfromtxt('x.csv', delimiter=',')  # using an actual CSV file
array([[ 2.,  4.,  6.],
       [ 1.,  3.,  5.]])

Shape, Indexing, and Slicing

Each ndarray object a has an attribute a.shape, which is a tuple of ints. len(a.shape) is a’s rank; for example, a one-dimensional array of numbers (also known as a vector) has rank 1, and a.shape has just one item. More generally, each item of a.shape is the length of the corresponding dimension of a. a’s number of elements, known as its size, is the product of all items of a.shape (also available as property a.size). Each dimension of a is also known as an axis. Axis indices are from 0 and up, as usual in Python. Negative axis indices are allowed and count from the right, so -1 is the last (rightmost) axis.

Each array a (except a scalar, meaning an array of rank-0) is a Python sequence. Each item a[i] of a is a subarray of a, meaning it is an array with a rank one less than a’s: a[i].shape==a.shape[1:]. For example, if a is a two-dimensional matrix (a is of rank 2), a[i], for any valid index i, is a one-dimensional subarray of a that corresponds to a row of the matrix. When a’s rank is 1 or 0, a’s items are a’s elements (just one element, for rank-0 arrays). Since a is a sequence, you can index a with normal indexing syntax to access or change a’s items. Note that a’s items are a’s subarrays; only for an array of rank 1 or 0 are the array’s items the same thing as the array’s elements.

As for any other sequence, you can also slice a: after b=a[i:j], b has the same rank as a, and b.shape equals a.shape except that b.shape[0] is the length of the slice i:j (j-i when a.shape[0]>j>=i>=0, and so on).

Once you have an array a, you can call a.reshape (or, equivalently, np.reshape with a as the first argument). The resulting shape must match a.size: when a.size is 12, you can call a.reshape(3,4) or a.reshape(2,6), but a.reshape(2,5) raises ValueError. Note that reshape does not work in place: you must explicitly bind or rebind the array—that is, a = a.reshape(i,j) or b = a.reshape(i,j).

You can also loop on (nonscalar) a in a for, just as you can with any other sequence. For example:

for x in a:

means the same thing as:

for _ in range(len(a)):
    x = a[_]

In these examples, each item x of a in the for loop is a subarray of a. For example, if a is a two-dimensional matrix, each x in either of these loops is a one-dimensional subarray of a that corresponds to a row of the matrix.

You can also index or slice a by a tuple. For example, when a’s rank is >=2, you can write a[i][j] as a[i,j], for any valid i and j, for rebinding as well as for access; tuple indexing is faster and more convenient. Do not put parentheses inside the brackets to indicate that you are indexing a by a tuple: just write the indices one after the other, separated by commas. a[i,j] means the same thing as a[(i,j)], but the form without parentheses is more readable.

An indexing is a slicing when one or more of the tuple’s items are slices, or (at most once per slicing) the special form ... (also available, in v3 only, as Python built-in Ellipsis). ... expands into as many all-axis slices (:) as needed to “fill” the rank of the array you’re slicing. For example, a[1,...,2] is like a[1,:,:,2] when a’s rank is 4, but like a[1,:,:,:,:,2] when a’s rank is 6.

The following snippets show looping, indexing, and slicing:

a = np.arange(8)
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])

a = a.reshape(2,4)
array([[0, 1, 2, 3],
       [4, 5, 6, 7]])

array([[0, 1],
       [4, 5]])

for row in a:
[0 1 2 3]
[4 5 6 7]

for row in a:
    for col in row[:2]:  # first two items in each row

Matrix Operations in NumPy

As mentioned in “The operator Module”, NumPy implements the new3 operator @ for matrix multiplication of arrays. a1 @ a2 is like np.matmul(a1,a2). When both matrices are two-dimensional, they’re treated as conventional matrices. When one argument is a vector, you promote it to a two-dimensional array, by temporarily appending or prepending a 1, as needed, to its shape. Do not use @ with a scalar; use * instead (see the following example). Matrices also allow addition (using +) with a scalar (see example), as well as with vectors and other matrices (shapes must be compatible). Dot product is also available for matrices, using, a2). A few simple examples of these operators follow:

a = np.arange(6).reshape(2,3)  # a 2-d matrix
b = np.arange(3)               # a vector

array([[0, 1, 2],
       [3, 4, 5]])

a + 1    # adding a scalar
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [4, 5, 6]])

a + b    # adding a vector
array([[0, 2, 4],
       [3, 5, 7]])

a * 2    # multiplying by a scalar
array([[ 0,  2,  4],
       [ 6,  8, 10]])

a * b    # multiplying by a vector
array([[ 0,  1,  4],
       [ 0,  4, 10]])

a @ b    # matrix-multiplying by vector
array([ 5, 14])

c = (a*2).reshape(3,2)  # using scalar multiplication to create
c                       # another matrix
array([[ 0,  2],
       [ 4,  6],
       [ 8, 10]])

a @ c    # matrix multiplying two 2-d matrices
array([[20, 26],
       [56, 80]])

NumPy is rich enough to warrant books of its own; we have only touched on a few details. See the NumPy documentation for extensive coverage of its many features.


NumPy contains classes and methods for handling arrays; the SciPy library supports more advanced numeric computation. For example, while NumPy provides a few linear algebra methods, SciPy provides many more functions, including advanced decomposition methods, and also more advanced functions, such as allowing a second matrix argument for solving generalized eigenvalue problems. In general, when you are doing advanced numerical computation, it’s a good idea to install both SciPy and NumPy. also hosts the documentation for a number of other packages, which are integrated with SciPy and NumPy: Matplotlib, which provides 2D plotting support; Sympy, which supports symbolic mathematics; IPython, a powerful interactive console shell and web-application kernel (the latter now blossoming as the Jupyter project); and pandas, which supports data analysis and modeling (you can find the pandas tutorials here, and many books and other materials here). Finally, if you’re interested in Deep Learning, consider using the open source TensorFlow, which has a Python API.

1 Specifically in Python 3.5

2 Note that fromstring and tostring, in v2, are renamed to frombytes and tobytes in v3 for clarity—str in v2 was bytes; in v3, str is Unicode.

3 Since Python 3.5

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