Chapter 21. Email, MIME, and Other Network Encodings

What travels on a network are streams of bytes, also known in networking jargon as octets. Bytes can, of course, represent text, via any of several possible encodings. However, what you want to send over the network often has more structure than just a stream of text or bytes. The Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) and other encoding standards bridge the gap by specifying how to represent structured data as bytes or text. While often originally designed for email, such encodings are also used in the web and many other networked systems. Python supports such encodings through many library modules, such as base64, quopri, and uu (covered in “Encoding Binary Data as ASCII Text”), and the modules of the email package (covered in “MIME and Email Format Handling”).

MIME and Email Format Handling

The email package handles parsing, generation, and manipulation of MIME files such as email messages, Network News (NNTP) posts, HTTP interactions, and so on. The Python standard library also contains other modules that handle some parts of these jobs. However, the email package offers a complete and systematic approach to these important tasks. We suggest you use email, not the older modules that partially overlap with parts of email’s functionality. email, despite its name, has nothing to do with receiving or sending email; for such tasks, see the modules poplib and smtplib, covered in “Email Protocols”. email deals with handling MIME messages (which may or may not be mail) after you receive them, or constructing them properly before you send them.

Functions in the email Package

The email package supplies two factory functions that return an instance m of the class email.message.Message. These functions rely on the class email.parser.Parser, but the factory functions are handier and simpler. Therefore, we do not cover the email.parser module further in this book.



Builds m by parsing string s.



Builds m by parsing the contents of text file-like object f, which must be open for reading.

v3 only, also supplies two similar factory functions to build message objects from bytestrings and binary files:



Builds m by parsing bytestring s.



Builds m by parsing the contents of binary file-like object f, which must be open for reading.

The email.message Module

The email.message module supplies the class Message. All parts of the email package make, modify, or use instances of Message. An instance m of Message models a MIME message, including headers and a payload (data content). To create an initially empty m, call Message with no arguments. More often, you create m by parsing via the factory functions message_from_string and message_from_file of email, or by other indirect means such as the classes covered in “Creating Messages”. m’s payload can be a string, a single other instance of Message, or (for a multipart message) a list of other Message instances.

You can set arbitrary headers on email messages you’re building. Several Internet RFCs specify headers for a wide variety of purposes. The main applicable RFC is RFC 2822. An instance m of the Message class holds headers as well as a payload. m is a mapping, with header names as keys and header value strings as values.

To make m more convenient, the semantics of m as a mapping are different from those of a dict. m’s keys are case-insensitive. m keeps headers in the order in which you add them, and the methods keys, values, and items return lists of headers in that order. m can have more than one header named key: m[key] returns an arbitrary such header (or None when the header is missing), and del m[key] deletes all of them (it’s not an error if the header is missing).

To get a list of all headers with a certain name, call m.get_all(key). len(m) returns the total number of headers, counting duplicates, not just the number of distinct header names. When there is no header named key, m[key] returns None and does not raise KeyError (i.e., behaves like m.get(key)): del m[key] does nothing in this case, and m.get_all(key) returns an empty list. In v2, you cannot loop directly on m; loop on m.keys() instead.

An instance m of Message supplies the following attributes and methods that deal with m’s headers and payload.



Like m[_name]=_value, but you can also supply header parameters as named arguments. For each named argument pname=pvalue, add_header changes underscores to dashes, then appends to the header’s value a parameter of the form:

; pname="pvalue"

When pvalue is None, add_header appends only a parameter ';pname'.

When a parameter’s value contains non-ASCII characters, specify it as a tuple with three items, (CHARSET, LANGUAGE, VALUE). CHARSET names the encoding to use for the value, LANGUAGE is usually None or '' but can be set any language value per RFC 2231, and VALUE is the string value containing non-ASCII characters.



Returns the entire message as a string. When unixfrom is true, also includes a first line, normally starting with 'From ', known as the envelope header of the message. The class’s __str__ method is the same as as_string, but with unixfrom set to True in v2 only.



Adds payload, a message, to m’s payload. When m’s payload was None, m’s payload is now the single-item list [payload]. When m’s payload was a list of messages, appends payload to the list. When m’s payload was anything else, m.attach(payload) raises MultipartConversionError.


The attribute m.epilogue can be None or a string that becomes part of the message’s string-form after the last boundary line. Mail programs normally don’t display this text. epilogue is a normal attribute of m: your program can access it when you’re handling an m built by whatever means, and bind it when you’re building or modifying m.



Returns a list with all values of headers named name in the order in which the headers were added to m. When m has no header named name, get_all returns default.



Returns the string value of the boundary parameter of m’s Content-Type header. When m has no Content-Type header, or the header has no boundary parameter, get_boundary returns default.



Returns the list L of string values of parameter charset of m’s Content-Type headers. When m is multipart, L has one item per part; otherwise, L has length 1. For parts that have no Content-Type, no charset parameter, or a main type different from 'text', the corresponding item in L is default.



Returns m’s main content type: a lowercased string 'maintype' taken from header Content-Type. For example, when Content-Type is 'text/html', get_content_maintype returns 'text'. When m has no header Content-Type, get_content_maintype returns default.



Returns m’s content subtype: a lowercased string 'subtype' taken from header Content-Type. For example, when Content-Type is 'text/html', get_content_subtype returns 'html'. When m has no header Content-Type, get_content_subtype returns default.



Returns m’s content type: a lowercased string 'maintype/subtype' taken from header Content-Type. For example, when Content-Type is 'text/html', get_content_type returns 'text/html'. When m has no header Content-Type, get_content_type returns default.



Returns the string value of the filename parameter of m’s Content-Disposition header. When m has no Content-Disposition, or the header has no filename parameter, get_filename returns default.



Returns the string value of parameter param of m’s header header. Returns the empty string for a parameter specified just by name (without a value). When m has no header header, or the header has no parameter named param, get_param returns default.



Returns the parameters of m’s header header, a list of pairs of strings that give each parameter’s name and value. Uses the empty string as the value for parameters specified just by name (without a value). When m has no header header, get_params returns default.



Returns m’s payload. When m.is_multipart() is False, i must be None, and m.get_payload() returns m’s entire payload, a string or Message instance. If decode is true and the value of header Content-Transfer-Encoding is either 'quoted-printable' or 'base64', m.get_payload also decodes the payload. If decode is false, or header Content-Transfer-Encoding is missing or has other values, m.get_payload returns the payload unchanged.

When m.is_multipart() is True, decode must be false. When i is None, m.get_payload() returns m’s payload as a list. Otherwise, m.get_payload(i) returns the ith item of the payload, or raises TypeError if i<0 or i is too large.



Returns the envelope header string for m, or None when m has no envelope header.



Returns True when m’s payload is a list; otherwise, False.


Attribute m.preamble can be None or a string that becomes part of the message’s string form before the first boundary line. A mail program shows this text only if it doesn’t support multipart messages, so you can use this attribute to alert the user that your message is multipart and a different mail program is needed to view it. preamble is a normal attribute of m: your program can access it when you’re handling an m that is built by whatever means and bind, rebind, or unbind it when you’re building or modifying m.



Sets the boundary parameter of m’s Content-Type header to boundary. When m has no Content-Type header, raises HeaderParseError.



Sets m’s payload to payload, which must be a string or list or Message instances, as appropriate to m’s Content-Type.



Sets the envelope header string for m. unixfrom is the entire envelope header line, including the leading 'From ' but not including the trailing ' '.



Returns an iterator on all parts and subparts of m to walk the tree of parts depth-first (see “Recursion”).

The email.Generator Module

The email.Generator module supplies the class Generator, which you can use to generate the textual form of a message m. m.as_string() and str(m) may be sufficient, but Generator gives you more flexibility. You instantiate the Generator class with a mandatory argument and two optional arguments:


class Generator(outfp,mangle_from_=False,maxheaderlen=78)

outfp is a file or file-like object that supplies method write. When mangle_from_ is true, g prepends '>' to any line in the payload that starts with 'From ', in order to make the message’s textual form easier to parse. g wraps each header line, at semicolons, into physical lines of no more than maxheaderlen characters. To use g, call g.flatten:

g.flatten(m, unixfrom=False)

This emits m as text to outfp, like (but consuming less memory than) outfp.write(m.as_string(unixfrom)).

Creating Messages

The email package supplies modules with names that, in v2, start with 'MIME', each module supplying a subclass of Message named just like the module. In v3, the modules are in the subpackage email.mime, and the modules’ names are lowercase (for example, email.mime.text in v3, instead of email.MIMEText in v2). Although imported from different modules in v2 and v3, the class names are the same in both versions.

These classes make it easier to create Message instances of various MIME types. The MIME classes are as follows:


class MIMEAudio(_audiodata,_subtype=None,_encoder=None,

_audiodata is a bytestring of audio data to pack in a message of MIME type 'audio/_subtype'. When _subtype is None, _audiodata must be parseable by standard Python library module sndhdr to determine the subtype; otherwise, MIMEAudio raises TypeError. When _encoder is None, MIMEAudio encodes data as Base64, typically optimal. Otherwise, _encoder must be callable with one parameter m, which is the message being constructed; _encoder must then call m.get_payload() to get the payload, encode the payload, put the encoded form back by calling m.set_payload, and set m’s 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' header appropriately. MIMEAudio passes the _params dictionary of named-argument names and values to m.add_header to construct m’s Content-Type.


class MIMEBase(_maintype,_subtype,**_params)

Base class of all MIME classes, directly extends Message. Instantiating:

m = MIMEBase(main,sub,**parms)

is equivalent to the longer and less convenient idiom:

m = Message()


class MIMEImage(_imagedata,_subtype=None,_encoder=None,

Like MIMEAudio, but with main type 'image'; uses standard Python module imghdr to determine the subtype, if needed.


class MIMEMessage(msg,_subtype='rfc822')

Packs msg, which must be an instance of Message (or a subclass), as the payload of a message of MIME type 'message/_subtype'.


class MIMEText(_text,_subtype='plain',_charset='us-ascii',

Packs text string _text as the payload of a message of MIME type 'text/_subtype' with the given charset. When _encoder is None, MIMEText does not encode the text, which is generally optimal. Otherwise, _encoder must be callable with one parameter m, which is the message being constructed; _encoder must then call m.get_payload() to get the payload, encode the payload, put the encoded form back by calling m.set_payload, and set m’s 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' appropriately.

The email.encoders Module

The email.encoders module (in v3) supplies functions that take a non-multipart message m as their only argument, encode m’s payload, and set m’s headers appropriately. In v2, the module’s name is titlecase, email.Encoders.



Uses Base64 encoding, optimal for arbitrary binary data.



Does nothing to m’s payload and headers.



Uses Quoted Printable encoding, optimal for text that is almost but not fully ASCII (see “The quopri Module”).



Does nothing to m’s payload, and sets header Content-Transfer-Encoding to '8bit' when any byte of m’s payload has the high bit set; otherwise, to '7bit'.

The email.utils Module

The email.utils module (in v3) supplies several functions useful for email processing. In v2, the module’s name is titlecase, email.Utils.



pair is a pair of strings (realname,email_address). formataddr returns a string s with the address to insert in header fields such as To and Cc. When realname is false (e.g., the empty string, ''), formataddr returns email_address.



timeval is a number of seconds since the epoch. When timeval is None, formatdate uses the current time. When localtime is true, formatdate uses the local time zone; otherwise, it uses UTC. formatdate returns a string with the given time instant formatted in the way specified by RFC 2822.



Parses each item of L, a list of address strings as used in header fields such as To and Cc, and returns a list of pairs of strings (name,email_address). When getaddresses cannot parse an item of L as an address, getaddresses uses (None,None) as the corresponding item in the list it returns.



t is a tuple with 10 items. The first nine items of t are in the same format used in the module time, covered in “The time Module”. t[-1] is a time zone as an offset in seconds from UTC (with the opposite sign from time.timezone, as specified by RFC 2822). When t[-1] is None, mktime_tz uses the local time zone. mktime_tz returns a float with the number of seconds since the epoch, in UTC, corresponding to the instant that t denotes.



Parses string s, which contains an address as typically specified in header fields such as To and Cc, and returns a pair of strings (realname,email_address). When parseaddr cannot parse s as an address, parseaddr returns ('','').



Parses string s as per the rules in RFC 2822 and returns a tuple t with nine items, as used in the module time, covered in “The time Module” (the items t[-3:] are not meaningful). parsedate also attempts to parse some erroneous variations on RFC 2822 that widespread mailers use. When parsedate cannot parse s, parsedate returns None.



Like parsedate, but returns a tuple t with 10 items, where t[-1] is s’s time zone as an offset in seconds from UTC (with the opposite sign from time.timezone, as specified by RFC 2822), like in the argument that mktime_tz accepts. Items t[-4:-1] are not meaningful. When s has no time zone, t[-1] is None.



Returns a copy of string s, where each double quote (") becomes '"' and each existing backslash is repeated.



Returns a copy of string s where leading and trailing double-quote characters (") and angle brackets (<>) are removed if they surround the rest of s.

Example Uses of the email Package

The email package helps you both in reading and composing email and email-like messages (but it’s not involved in receiving and transmitting such messages: those tasks belong to different and separate modules covered in Chapter 19). Here is an example of how to use email to read a possibly multipart message and unpack each part into a file in a given directory:

import os, email

def unpack_mail(mail_file, dest_dir):
    ''' Given file object mail_file, open for reading, and dest_dir, a
        string that is a path to an existing, writable directory, 
        unpack each part of the mail message from mail_file to a 
        file within dest_dir.
    with mail_file:
        msg = email.message_from_file(mail_file)
    for part_number, part in enumerate(msg.walk()):
        if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
            # we'll get each specific part later in the loop,
            # so, nothing to do for the 'multipart' itself
        dest = part.get_filename()
        if dest is None: dest = part.get_param('name')
        if dest is None: dest = 'part-{}'.format(part_number)
        # In real life, make sure that dest is a reasonable filename
        # for your OS; otherwise, mangle that name until it is
        with open(os.path.join(dest_dir, dest), 'wb') as f:

And here is an example that performs roughly the reverse task, packaging all files that are directly under a given source directory into a single file suitable for mailing:

def pack_mail(source_dir, **headers):
    ''' Given source_dir, a string that is a path to an existing, 
        readable directory, and arbitrary header name/value pairs 
        passed in as named arguments, packs all the files directly 
        under source_dir (assumed to be plain text files) into a 
        mail message returned as a MIME-formatted string.
    msg = email.Message.Message()
    for name, value in headers.items():
        msg[name] = value
    msg['Content-type'] = 'multipart/mixed'
    filenames = next(os.walk(source_dir))[-1]
    for filename in filenames:
        m = email.Message.Message()
        m.add_header('Content-type', 'text/plain', name=filename)
        with open(os.path.join(source_dir, filename), 'r') as f:
    return msg.as_string()

rfc822 and mimetools Modules (v2)

The best way to handle email-like messages is with the email package. However, some other modules covered in Chapters 19 and 20, in v2 only, use instances of the class rfc822.Message or its subclass, mimetools.Message. This section covers the subset of these classes’ functionality that you need to make effective use, in v2, of the modules covered in Chapters 19 and 20.

An instance m of the class Message in either of these v2-only modules is a mapping, with the headers’ names as keys and the corresponding header value strings as values. Keys and values are strings, and keys are case-insensitive. m supports all mapping methods except clear, copy, popitem, and update. get and setdefault default to '' instead of None. The instance m also supplies convenience methods (e.g., to combine getting a header’s value and parsing it as a date or an address). For such purposes, we suggest you use the functions of the module email.utils (covered in “The email.utils Module”): use m just as a mapping.

When m is an instance of mimetools.Message, m supplies additional methods:



Returns m’s main content type, from header Content-Type, in lowercase. When m has no header Content-Type, getmaintype returns 'text'.



Returns the value of the parameter named param of m’s Content-Type.



Returns m’s content subtype, taken from Content-Type, in lowercase. When m has no Content-Type, getsubtype returns 'plain'.



Returns m’s content type, taken from Content-Type, in lowercase. When m has no Content-Type, gettype returns 'text/plain'.

Encoding Binary Data as ASCII Text

Several kinds of media (e.g., email messages) can contain only ASCII text. When you want to transmit arbitrary binary data via such media, you need to encode the data as ASCII text strings. The Python standard library supplies modules that support the standard encodings known as Base64, Quoted Printable, and UU.

The base64 Module

The base64 module supports the encodings specified in RFC 3548 as Base16, Base32, and Base64. Each of these encodings is a compact way to represent arbitrary binary data as ASCII text, without any attempt to produce human-readable results. base64 supplies 10 functions: 6 for Base64, plus 2 each for Base32 and Base16. The 6 Base64 functions are:


b64decode(s,altchars=None, validate=False)

Decodes Base64-encoded bytestring s, and returns the decoded bytestring. altchars, if not None, must be a bytestring of at least two characters (extra characters are ignored) specifying the two nonstandard characters to use instead of + and / (potentially useful to deal with URL-safe or filesystem-safe Base64-encoded strings). validate can be passed only in v3: when True, when s contains any bytes that are not valid in Base64-encoded strings, the call raises an exception (by default, such bytes are just ignored and skipped). Also raises an exception when s is improperly padded according to the Base64 standard.


b64encode(s, altchars=None)

Encodes bytestring s and returns the bytestring with the corresponding Base64-encoded data. altchars, if not None, must be a bytestring of at least two characters (extra characters are ignored) specifying the two nonstandard characters to use instead of + and / (potentially useful to deal with URL-safe or filesystem-safe Base64-encoded strings).



Like b64decode(s).



Like b64encode(s).



Like b64decode(s, '-_').



Like b64encode(s, '-_').

The four Base16 and Base32 functions are:



Decodes Base16-encoded bytestring s, and returns the decoded bytestring. When casefold is True, lowercase characters can be part of s and are treated like their uppercase equivalents; by default, when lowercase characters are present, the call raises an exception.



Encodes bytestring s and returns the byte string with the corresponding Base16-encoded data.


b32decode(s,casefold=False, map01=None)

Decodes Base32-encoded bytestring s, and returns the decoded bytestring. When casefold is True, lowercase characters can be part of s and are treated like their uppercase equivalents; by default, when lowercase characters are present, the call raises an exception. When map01 is None, characters 0 and 1 are not allowed in the input; when not None, it must be a single-character bytestring specifying what 1 is mapped to (lowercase 'l' or uppercase 'L'), while 0 is then always mapped to uppercase 'O'.



Encodes bytestring s and returns the bytestring with the corresponding Base32-encoded data.

In v3 only, the module also supplies functions to encode and decode the non-standard but popular encodings Base85 and Ascii85, which, while not codified in RFCs nor compatible with each other, can offer space savings of 15% by using larger alphabets for encoded bytestrings. See the online docs for details on those functions.

The quopri Module

The quopri module supports the encoding specified in RFC 1521 as Quoted Printable (QP). QP can represent any binary data as ASCII text, but it’s mainly intended for data that is mostly textual, with a small amount of characters with the high bit set (i.e., characters outside the ASCII range). For such data, QP produces results that are both compact and reasonably human-readable. The quopri module supplies four functions:



Reads the binary file-like object infile by calling infile.readline until end of file (i.e., until a call to infile.readline returns an empty string), decodes the QP-encoded ASCII text thus read, and writes the decoded data to binary file-like object outfile. When header is true, decode also decodes _ (underscores) into spaces (per RFC 1522).



Decodes bytestring s, which contains QP-encoded ASCII text, and returns the bytestring with the decoded data. When header is true, decodestring also decodes _ (underscores) into spaces.



Reads binary file-like object infile by calling infile.readline until end of file (i.e., until a call to infile.readline returns an empty string), encodes the data thus read in QP, and writes the encoded ASCII text to binary file-like object outfile. When quotetabs is true, encode also encodes spaces and tabs. When header is true, encode encodes spaces as _ (underscores).


encodestring(s,quotetabs =False,header=False)

Encodes bytestring s, which contains arbitrary bytes, and returns a bytestring with QP-encoded ASCII text. When quotetabs is true, encodestring also encodes spaces and tabs. When header is true, encodestring encodes spaces as _ (underscores).

The uu Module

The uu module supports the classic Unix-to-Unix (UU) encoding, as implemented by the Unix programs uuencode and uudecode. UU starts encoded data with a begin line, giving the filename and permissions of the file being encoded, and ends it with an end line. Therefore, UU encoding lets you embed encoded data in otherwise unstructured text, while Base64 encoding relies on the existence of other indications of where the encoded data starts and finishes. The uu module supplies two functions:



Reads the file-like object infile by calling infile.readline until end of file (i.e., until a call to infile.readline returns an empty string) or until a terminator line (the string 'end' surrounded by any amount of whitespace). decode decodes the UU-encoded text thus read and writes the decoded data to the file-like object outfile. When outfile is None, decode creates the file specified in the UU-format begin line, with the permission bits given by mode (the permission bits specified in the begin line, when mode is None). In this case, decode raises an exception if the file already exists.



Reads the file-like object infile by calling (45 bytes at a time, which is the amount of data that UU encodes into 60 characters in each output line) until end of file (i.e., until a call to returns an empty string). It encodes the data thus read in UU and writes the encoded text to the file-like object outfile. encode also writes a UU begin line before the encoded text and a UU end line after the encoded text. In the begin line, encode specifies the filename as name and the mode as mode.

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