Chapter 22. Structured Text: HTML

Most documents on the web use HTML, the HyperText Markup Language. Markup is the insertion of special tokens, known as tags, in a text document, to structure the text. HTML is, in theory, an application of the large, general standard known as SGML, the Standard General Markup Language. In practice, many documents on the web use HTML in sloppy or incorrect ways. Browsers have evolved heuristics over the years to compensate for this, but even so, it still happens that a browser displays a wrongly marked-up web page in weird ways (don’t blame the browser, if it’s a modern one: 9 times out of 10, the blame is on the web page’s author).

HTML1 is not suitable for much more than presenting documents on a browser. Complete, precise extraction of the information in the document, working backward from what most often amounts to the document’s presentation, often turns out to be unfeasible. To tighten things up, HTML tried evolving into a more rigorous standard called XHTML. XHTML is similar to traditional HTML, but it is defined in terms of XML, and more precisely than HTML. You can handle well-formed XHTML with the tools covered in Chapter 23. However, as of this writing, XHTML does not appear to have enjoyed overwhelming success, getting scooped instead by the (non-XML) newest version, HTML5.

Despite the difficulties, it’s often possible to extract at least some useful information from HTML documents (a task known as screen-scraping, or just scraping). Python’s standard library tries to help, in both v2 and v3, supplying the sgmllib, htmllib, and HTMLParser modules in v2, and the html package in v3, for the task of parsing HTML documents, whether this parsing is for the purpose of presenting the documents, or, more typically, as part of an attempt to extract (“scrape”) information. However, when you’re dealing with somewhat-broken web pages, the third-party module BeautifulSoup usually offers your last, best hope. In this book, we mostly cover BeautifulSoup, ignoring most of the Python’s standard library offerings “competing” with it.

Generating HTML, and embedding Python in HTML, are also reasonably frequent tasks. The standard Python library doesn’t support HTML generation or embedding, but you can use Python string formatting, and third-party modules can also help. BeautifulSoup lets you alter an HTML tree (so, in particular, you can build one up programmatically, even “from scratch”); an alternative approach is templating, supported, for example, by the third-party module jinja2, covered in “The jinja2 Package”.

The html.entities (v2: htmlentitydefs) Module

The html.entities module in Python’s standard library (in v2, the module is named htmlentitydefs) supplies a few attributes, all of them mappings. They come in handy whatever general approach you’re using to parse, edit, or generate HTML, including the BeautifulSoup package covered in “The BeautifulSoup Third-Party Package”.


A mapping from Unicode codepoints to HTML entity names. For example, entities.codepoint2name[228] is 'auml', since Unicode character 228, ä, “lowercase a with diaeresis,” is encoded in HTML as 'ä'.


In v3, a mapping from HTML entity names to Unicode equivalent single-character strings. For example, in v3, entities.entitydefs['auml'] is 'ä', and entities.entitydefs['sigma'] is 'σ'. In v2, the equivalence is limited to the Latin-1 (AKA ISO-8859-1) encoding, and HTML character references are used otherwise; therefore, in v2, htmlentitydefs.entitydefs['auml'] is 'xe4', and htmlentitydefs.entitydefs['sigma'] is 'σ'.

html5 (v3 only)

In v3 only, html5 is a mapping from HTML5 named character references to equivalent single-character strings. For example, entities.html5['gt;'] is '>' . The trailing semicolon in the key does matter—a few, but far from all, HTML5 named character references can optionally be spelled without a trailing semicolon, and, in those cases, both keys (with and without the trailing semicolon) are present in entities.html5.


A mapping from HTML entity names to Unicode codepoints. For example, entities.name2codepoint['auml'] is 228.

The BeautifulSoup Third-Party Package

BeautifulSoup lets you parse HTML even if it’s rather badly formedBeautifulSoup uses simple heuristics to compensate for likely HTML brokenness, and succeeds at this hard task with surprisingly good frequency. We strongly recommend BeautifulSoup version 4, also known as bs4, which supports both v2 and v3 smoothly and equally; we only cover bs4 in this book (specifically, we document version 4.5 of bs4).

Installing versus importing BeautifulSoup

You install the module, for example, by running, at a shell command prompt, pip install beautifulsoup4; but when you import it, in your Python code, use import bs4. If you have both v2 and v3, you may need to explicitly use pip3 to install to v3, and/or pip2 for v2.

The BeautifulSoup Class

The bs4 module supplies the BeautifulSoup class, which you instantiate by calling it with one or two arguments: first, htmltext—either a file-like object (which is read to get the HTML text to parse) or a string (which is the text to parse)—and next, an optional parser argument.

Which parser BeautifulSoup uses

If you don’t pass a parser argument, BeautifulSoup “sniffs around” to pick the best parser (you may get a warning in this case). If you haven’t installed any other parser, BeautifulSoup defaults to html.parser from the Python standard library (to specify that parser explicitly, use the string 'html.parser', which is the module’s name in v3; that also works in v2, where it uses the module HTMLParser). To get more control, say, to avoid the differences between parsers mentioned in the BeautifulSoup documentation, pass the name of the parser library to use as the second argument as you instantiate BeautifulSoup. Unless specified otherwise, the following examples use the default Python html.parser.

For example, if you have installed the third-party package html5lib (to parse HTML in the same way as all major browsers do, albeit slowly), you may call:

soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(thedoc, 'html5lib')

When you pass 'xml' as the second argument, you must have installed2 the third-party package lxml, mentioned in “ElementTree”, and BeautifulSoup parses the document as XML, rather than as HTML. In this case, the attribute is_xml of soup is True; otherwise, soup.is_xml is False. (If you have installed lxml, you can also use it to parse HTML, by passing as the second argument 'lxml').

>>> import bs4
>>> s = bs4.BeautifulSoup('<p>hello', 'html.parser')
>>> sx = bs4.BeautifulSoup('<p>hello', 'xml')
>>> sl = bs4.BeautifulSoup('<p>hello', 'lxml')
>>> s5 = bs4.BeautifulSoup('<p>hello', 'html5lib')
>>> print(s, s.is_xml)
<p>hello</p> False
>>> print(sx, sx.is_xml)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<p>hello</p> True
>>> print(sl, sl.is_xml)
<html><body><p>hello</p></body></html> False
>>> print(s5, s5.is_xml)
<html><head></head><body><p>hello</p></body></html> False

Differences between parsers in fixing invalid HTML input

In the example, the 'html.parser' tree builder inserts end-tag </p>, missing from the input. As also shown, other tree builders go further in repairing invalid HTML input, adding required tags such as <body> and <html>, to different extents depending on the parser.

BeautifulSoup, Unicode, and encoding

BeautifulSoup uses Unicode, deducing or guessing the encoding3 when the input is a bytestring or binary file. For output, the prettify method returns a Unicode string representation of the tree, including tags, with attributes, plus extra whitespace and newlines to indent elements, to show the nesting structure; to have it instead return a bytestring in a given encoding, pass it the encoding name as an argument. If you don’t want the result to be “prettified,” use the encode method to get a bytestring, and the decode method to get a Unicode string. For example, in v3:

>>> s = bs4.BeautifulSoup('<p>hello', 'html.parser')
>>> print(s.prettify())
>>> print(s.decode())
>>> print(s.encode())

(In v2, the last output would be just <p>hello</p>, since v2 does not use the b'...' notation to print bytestrings.)

The Navigable Classes of bs4

An instance b of class BeautifulSoup supplies attributes and methods to “navigate” the parsed HTML tree, returning instances of classes Tag and NavigableString (and subclasses of NavigableString: CData, Comment, Declaration, Doctype, and ProcessingInstruction—differing only in how they are emitted when you output them).

Navigable classes terminology

When we say “instances of NavigableString,” we include instances of any of its subclasses; when we say “instances of Tag,” we include instances of BeautifulSoup, since the latter is a subclass of Tag. We also call instances of navigable classes as elements or nodes in the tree.

Each instance of a “navigable class” lets you keep navigating, or dig for more information, with pretty much the same set of navigational attributes and search methods as b itself. There are differences: instances of Tag can have HTML attributes and children nodes in the HTML tree, while instances of NavigableString cannot (instances of NavigableString always have one text string, a parent Tag, and zero or more siblings, i.e., other children of the same parent tag).

All instances of navigable classes have attribute name: it’s the tag string for Tag instances, '[document]' for BeautifulSoup instances, and None for instances of NavigableString.

Instances of Tag let you access their HTML attributes by indexing, or get them all as a dict via the .attrs Python attribute of the instance.

Indexing instances of Tag

When t is an instance of Tag, a construct like t['foo'] looks for an HTML attribute named foo within t’s HTML attributes, and returns the string for the foo HTML attribute. When t has no HTML attribute named foo, t['foo'] raises a KeyError exception; just like on a dict, call t.get('foo', default=None) to get the value of the default argument, instead of an exception, when t has no HTML attribute named foo.

A few attributes, such as class, are defined in the HTML standard as being able to have multiple values (e.g., <body class="foo bar">...</body>); in these cases, the indexing returns a list of values—for example, soup.body['class'] would be ['foo', 'bar'] (again, you get a KeyError exception when the attribute isn’t present at all; use the get method, instead of indexing, to get a default value instead).

To get a dict that maps attribute names to values (or, in a few cases defined in the HTML standard, lists of values), use the attribute t.attrs:

>>> s = bs4.BeautifulSoup('<p foo="bar" class="ic">baz')
>>> s.get('foo')
>>> s.p.get('foo')
>>> s.p.attrs
{'foo': 'bar', 'class': ['ic']}

How to check if a Tag instance has a certain attribute

To check if a Tag instance t’s HTML attributes include one named 'foo', don’t use if 'foo' in t:—the in operator on Tag instances looks among the Tag’s children, not its attributes. Rather, use if 'foo' in t.attrs: or if t.has_attr('foo'):.

When you have an instance of NavigableString, you often want to access the actual text string it contains; when you have an instance of Tag, you may want to access the unique string it contains, or, should it contain more than one, all of them—perhaps with their text stripped of any whitespace surrounding it. Here’s how.

Getting an actual string

If you have a NavigableString instance s and you need to stash or process its text somewhere, without further navigation on it, call str(s) (or, in v2, unicode(s)). Or, use s.encode(codec='utf8') to get a bytestring, and s.decode() to get text (Unicode). These give you the actual string, without references to the BeautifulSoup tree impeding garbage collection (s supports all methods of Unicode strings, so call those directly if they do all you need).

Given an instance t of Tag, you can get its single contained NavigableString instance with t.string (so t.string.decode() could be the actual text you’re looking for). t.string only works when t has a single child that’s a NavigableString, or a single child that’s a Tag whose only child is a NavigableString; otherwise, t.string is None.

As an iterator on all contained (navigable) strings, use t.strings (''.join(t.strings) could be the string you want). To ignore whitespace around each contained string, use the iterator t.stripped_strings (it also skips strings that are all-whitespace).

Alternatively, call t.get_text()—it returns a single (Unicode) string with all the text in t’s descendants, in tree order (equivalently, access the attribute t.text). You can optionally pass, as the only positional argument, a string to use as a separator (default is the empty string ''); pass the named parameter strip=True to have each string stripped of whitespace around it, and all-whitespace strings skipped:

>>> soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup('<p>Plain <b>bold</b></p>')
>>> print(soup.p.string)
>>> print(soup.p.b.string)
>>> print(soup.get_text())
Plain bold
>>> print(soup.text)
Plain bold
>>> print(soup.get_text(strip=True))

The simplest, most elegant way to navigate down an HTML tree or subtree in bs4 is to use Python’s attribute reference syntax (as long as each tag you name is unique, or you care only about the first tag so named at each level of descent).

Attribute references on instances of BeautifulSoup and Tag

Given any instance t of a Tag, a construct like looks for the first tag foo within t’s descendants, gets a Tag instance ti for it, looks for the first tag bar within ti’s descendants, and returns a Tag instance for the bar tag.

It’s a concise, elegant way to navigate down the tree, when you know there’s a single occurrence of a certain tag within a navigable instance’s descendants, or when the first occurrence of several is all you care about, but beware: if any level of look-up doesn’t find the tag it’s looking for, the attribute reference’s value is None, and then any further attribute reference raises AttributeError.

Beware typos in attribute references on Tag instances

Due to this BeautifulSoup behavior, any typo you may make in an attribute reference on a Tag instance gives a value of None, not an AttributeError exception—so be especially careful!

bs4 also offers more general ways to navigate down, up, and sideways along the tree. In particular, each navigable class instance has attributes that identify a single “relative” or, in plural form, an iterator over all relatives of that ilk.

contents, children, descendants

Given an instance t of Tag, you can get a list of all of its children as t.contents, or an iterator on all children as t.children. For an iterator on all descendants (children, children of children, and so on), use t.descendants.

>>> soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup('<p>Plain <b>bold</b></p>')
>>> list( for t in soup.p.children)
[None, 'b']
>>> list( for t in soup.p.descendants)
[None, 'b', None]

The names that are None correspond to the NavigableString nodes; only the first of them is a child of the p tag, but both are descendants of that tag.

parent, parents

Given an instance n of any navigable class, its parent node is n.parent; an iterator on all ancestors, going up in the tree, is n.parents. This includes instances of NavigableString, since they have parents, too. An instance b of BeautifulSoup has b.parent None, and b.parents is an empty iterator.

>>> soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup('<p>Plain <b>bold</b></p>')

next_sibling, previous_sibling, next_siblings, previous_siblings

Given an instance n of any navigable class, its sibling node to the immediate left is n.previous_sibling, and the one to the immediate right is n.next_sibling; either or both can be None if n has no such sibling. An iterator on all left siblings, going leftward in the tree, is n.previous_siblings; an iterator on all right siblings, going rightward in the tree, is n.next_siblings (either or both iterators can be empty). This includes instances of NavigableString, since they have siblings, too. An instance b of BeautifulSoup has b.previous_sibling and b.next_sibling both None, and both of its sibling iterators are empty.

>>> soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup('<p>Plain <b>bold</b></p>')
>>> soup.b.previous_sibling, soup.b.next_sibling
('Plain ', None)

next_element, previous_element, next_elements, previous_elements

Given an instance n of any navigable class, the node parsed just before it is n.previous_element, and the one parsed just after it is n.next_element; either or both can be None when n is the first or last node parsed, respectively. An iterator on all previous elements, going backward in the tree, is n.previous_elements; an iterator on all following elements, going forward in the tree, is n.next_elements (either or both iterators can be empty). Instances of NavigableString have such attributes, too. An instance b of BeautifulSoup has b.previous_element and b.next_element both None, and both of its element iterators are empty.

>>> soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup('<p>Plain <b>bold</b></p>')
>>> soup.b.previous_element, soup.b.next_element
('Plain ', 'bold')

As shown in the previous example, the b tag has no next_sibling (since it’s the last child of its parent); however, as shown here, it does have a next_element—the node parsed just after it (which in this case is the 'bold' string it contains).

bs4 find... Methods (“Search Methods”)

Each navigable class in bs4 offers several methods whose names start with find, known as search methods, to locate tree nodes that satisfy conditions you specify.

Search methods come in pairs—one method of each pair walks all the relevant parts of the tree and returns a list of nodes satisfying the conditions, and the other one stops and returns a single node satisfying the conditions as soon as it finds it (or None when it finds no such node). So, calling the latter method is like calling the former one with argument limit=1 , and indexing the resulting one-item list to get its single item, but a bit faster and more elegant.

So, for example, for any Tag instance t and any group of positional and named arguments represented by ..., the following equivalence always holds:

just_one = t.find(...)
other_way_list = t.find_all(..., limit=1)
other_way = other_way_list[0] if other_way_list else None
assert just_one == other_way

The method pairs are:

find, find_all

b.find(...) b.find_all(...)

Searches the descendants of b, except that, if you pass as one of the named arguments recursive=False (available only for these two methods, not for other search methods), it searches b’s children only. These methods are not available on NavigableString instances, since they have no descendants; all other search methods are available on Tag and NavigableString instances.

Since find_all is frequently needed, bs4 offers an elegant shortcut: calling a tag is like calling its find_all method. That is, b(...) is the same as b.find_all(...).

Another shortcut, already mentioned in “Attribute references on instances of BeautifulSoup and Tag”, is that is like b.find('foo').find('bar').

find_next, find_all_next

b.find_next(...) b.find_all_next(...)

Searches the next_elements of b.

find_next_sibling, find_next_siblings

b.find_next_sibling(...) b.find_next_siblings(...)

Searches the next_siblings of b.

find_parent, find_parents

b.find_parent(...) b.find_parents(...)

Searches the parents of b.

find_previous, find_all_previous

b.find_previous(...) b.find_all_previous(...)

Searches the previous_elements of b.

find_previous_sibling, find_previous_siblings

b.find_previous_sibling(...) b.find_previous_siblings(...)

Searches the previous_siblings of b.

Arguments of search methods

Each search method has three optional arguments: name, attrs, and string. name and string are filters, as described later in this section; attrs is a dict, also described later in this section. In addition, find and find_all only (not the other search methods) can optionally be called with the argument recursive=False, to limit the search to children, rather than all descendants.

Any search method returning a list (i.e., one whose name is plural or starts with find_all) can optionally have the named argument limit, whose value, if passed, is an integer, putting an upper bound on the length of the list it returns.

After these optional arguments, each search method can optionally have any number of arbitrary named arguments, whose name can be any identifier (except the name of one of the search method’s specific arguments), while the value is a filter.

Search method arguments: filters

A filter is applied against a target that can be a tag’s name (when passed as the name argument); a Tag’s string or a NavigableString’s textual content (when passed as the string argument); or a Tag’s attribute (when passed as the value of a named argument, or in the attrs argument). Each filter can be:

A Unicode string

The filter succeeds when the string exactly equals the target

A bytestring

It’s decoded to Unicode using utf8, and then the filter succeeds when the resulting Unicode string exactly equals the target

A regular expression object (AKA RE, as produced by re.compile, covered in “Regular Expressions and the re Module”)

The filter succeeds when the search method of the RE, called with the target as the argument, succeeds

A list of strings

The filter succeeds if any of the strings exactly equals the target (if any of the strings are bytestrings, they’re decoded to Unicode using utf8)

A function object

The filter succeeds when the function, called with the Tag or NavigableString instance as the argument, returns True


The filter always succeeds

As a synonym of “the filter succeeds,” we also say, “the target matches the filter.”

Each search method finds the relevant nodes that match all of its filters (that is, it implicitly performs a logical and operation on its filters on each candidate node).

Search method arguments: name

To look for Tags whose name matches a filter, pass the filter as the first positional argument to the search method, or pass it as name=filter:

soup.find_all('b')  # or soup.find_all(name='b')
# returns all instances of Tag 'b' in the document
soup.find_all(['b', 'bah'])
# returns all instances of Tags 'b' and 'bah' in the document
# returns all instances of Tags starting with 'b' in the document
# returns all instances of Tags including string 'bah' in the document
def child_of_foo(tag):
  return tag.parent == 'foo'
# returns all instances of Tags whose parent's name is 'foo'

Search method arguments: string

To look for Tag nodes whose .string’s text matches a filter, or NavigableString nodes whose text matches a filter, pass the filter as string=filter:

# returns all instances of NavigableString whose text is 'foo'
soup.find_all('b', string='foo')
# returns all instances of Tag 'b' whose .string's text is 'foo'

Search method arguments: attrs

To look for tag nodes who have attributes whose values match filters, use a dict d with attribute names as keys, and filters as the corresponding values. Then, pass it as the second positional argument to the search method, or pass it as attrs=d.

As a special case, you can use, as a value in d, None instead of a filter; this matches nodes that lack the corresponding attribute.

As a separate special case, if the value f of attrs is not a dict, but a filter, that is equivalent to having an attrs of {'class': f}. (This convenient shortcut helps because looking for tags with a certain CSS class is a frequent task.)

You cannot apply both special cases at once: to search for tags without any CSS class, you must explicitly pass attrs={'class': None} (i.e., use the first special case, but not at the same time as the second one):

soup.find_all('b', {'foo': True, 'bar': None})
# returns all instances of Tag 'b' w/an attribute 'foo' and no 'bar'

Matching tags with multiple CSS classes

Differently from most attributes, a tag can have multiple values for its attribute 'class'. These are shown in HTML as a space-separated string (e.g., '<p class='foo bar baz'>...'), and in bs4 as a list of strings (e.g., t['class'] being ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']).

When you filter by CSS class in any search method, the filter matches a tag if it matches any of the multiple CSS classes of such a tag.

To match tags by multiple CSS classes, you can write a custom function and pass it as the filter to the search method; or, if you don’t need other added functionality of search methods, you can eschew search methods and instead use the method, covered in “bs4 CSS Selectors”, and go with the syntax of CSS selectors.

Search method arguments: other named arguments

Named arguments, beyond those whose names are known to the search method, are taken to augment the constraints, if any, specified in attrs. For example, calling a search method with foo=bar is like calling it with attrs={'foo': bar}.

bs4 CSS Selectors

bs4 tags supply the methods select and select_one, roughly equivalent to find_all and find but accepting as the single argument a string that’s a CSS selector and returning the list of tag nodes satisfying that selector, or, respectively, the first such tag node.

bs4 supports only a subset of the rich CSS selector functionality, and we do not cover CSS selectors further in this book. (For complete coverage of CSS, we recommend the book CSS: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition [O’Reilly].) In most cases, the search methods covered in “bs4 find... Methods (“Search Methods”)” are better choices; however, in a few special cases, calling select can save you the (small) trouble of writing a custom filter function:

def foo_child_of_bar(t):
    return'foo' and t.parent and'bar'
# returns tags with name 'foo' children of tags with name 'bar''foo < bar')
# exactly equivalent, with no custom filter function needed

An HTML Parsing Example with BeautifulSoup

The following example uses bs4 to perform a typical task: fetch a page from the web, parse it, and output the HTTP hyperlinks in the page. In v2, the code is:

import urllib, urlparse, bs4

f = urllib.urlopen('')
b = bs4.BeautifulSoup(f)

seen = set()
for anchor in b('a'):
    url = anchor.get('href')
    if url is None or url in seen: continue
    pieces = urlparse.urlparse(url)
    if pieces[0]=='http':

In v3, the code is the same, except that the function urlopen now lives in the module urllib.request, and the functions urlparse and urlunparse live in the module urllib.parse, rather than in the modules urllib and urlparse, respectively, as they did in v2 (covered in “URL Access”)—issues not germane to BeautifulSoup itself.

The example calls the instance of class bs4.BeautifulSoup (equivalent to calling its find_all method) to obtain all instances of a certain tag (here, tag '<a>'), then the get method of instances of the class Tag to obtain the value of an attribute (here, 'href'), or None when that attribute is missing.

Generating HTML

Python does not come with tools specifically meant to generate HTML, nor with ones that let you embed Python code directly within HTML pages. Development and maintenance are eased by separating logic and presentation issues through templating, covered in “Templating”. An alternative is to use bs4 to create HTML documents, in your Python code, by altering what start out as very minimal documents. Since these alterations rely on bs4 parsing some HTML, using different parsers affects the output, as covered in “Which parser BeautifulSoup uses”.

Editing and Creating HTML with bs4

You can alter the tag name of an instance t of Tag by assigning to; you can alter t’s attributes by treating t as a mapping: assign to an indexing to add or change an attribute, or delete the indexing—for example, del t['foo'] removes the attribute foo. If you assign some str to t.string, all previous t.contents (Tags and/or strings—the whole subtree of t’s descendants) are tossed and replaced with a new NavigableString instance with that str as its textual content.

Given an instance s of NavigableString, you can replace its textual content: calling s.replace_with('other') replaces s’s text with 'other'.

Building and adding new nodes

Altering existing nodes is important, but creating new ones and adding them to the tree is crucial for building an HTML document from scratch.

To create a new NavigableString instance, just call the class, with the textual content as the single argument:

s = bs4.NavigableString(' some text ')

To create a new Tag instance, call the new_tag method of a BeautifulSoup instance, with the tag name as the single positional argument, and optionally named arguments for attributes:

t = soup.new_tag('foo', bar='baz')
<foo bar="baz"></foo>

To add a node to the children of a Tag, you can use the Tag’s append method to add the node at the end of the existing children, if any:

<foo bar="baz"> some text </foo>

If you want the new node to go elsewhere than at the end, at a certan index among t’s children, call t.insert(n, s) to put s at index n in t.contents (t.append and t.insert work as if t was a list of its children).

If you have a navigable element b and want to add a new node x as b’s previous_sibling, call b.insert_before(x). If instead you want x to become b’s next_sibling, call b.insert_after(x).

If you want to wrap a new parent node t around b, call b.wrap(t) (which also returns the newly wrapped tag). For example:

print(t.string.wrap(soup.new_tag('moo', zip='zaap')))
<moo zip="zaap"> some text </moo>
<foo bar="baz"><moo zip="zaap"> some text </moo></foo> 

Replacing and removing nodes

You can call t.replace_with on any tag t: that replaces t, and all its previous contents, with the argument, and returns t with its original contents. For example:

soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(
       '<p>first <b>second</b> <i>third</i></p>', 'lxml')
i = soup.i.replace_with('last')
<html><body><p>first <b>second<i>third</i></b> last</p></body></html>

You can call t.unwrap() on any tag t: that replaces t with its contents, and returns t “emptied,” that is, without contents. For example:

empty_i = soup.i.unwrap()
<html><body><p>first <i><b>secondthird</b></i> last</p></body></html>

t.clear() removes t’s contents, destroys them, and leaves t empty (but still in its original place in the tree). t.decompose() removes and destroys both t itself, and its contents. For example:

<html><body><p>first <i></i> last</p></body></html>

Lastly, t.extract() removes t and its contents, but—doing no actual destruction—returns t with its original contents.

Building HTML with bs4

Here’s an example of how to use bs4’s tree-building methods to generate HTML. Specifically, the following function takes a sequence of “rows” (sequences) and returns a string that’s an HTML table to display their values:

def mktable_with_bs4(s_of_s):
  tabsoup = bs4.BeautifulSoup('<table>', 'html.parser')
  tab = tabsoup.table
  for s in s_of_s:
    tr = tabsoup.new_tag('tr')
    for item in s:
      td = tabsoup.new_tag('td')
      td.string = str(item)
  return tab

Here is an example use of the function we just defined:

example = (
  ('foo', 'g>h', 'g&h'),
  ('zip', 'zap', 'zop'),
# prints: 

Note that bs4 automatically “escapes” strings containing mark-up characters such as <, >, and &; for example, 'g>h' renders as 'g&gt;h'.


To generate HTML, the best approach is often templating. Start with a template, a text string (often read from a file, database, etc.) that is almost valid HTML, but includes markers, known as placeholders, where dynamically generated text must be inserted. Your program generates the needed text and substitutes it into the template.

In the simplest case, you can use markers of the form {name}. Set the dynamically generated text as the value for key 'name' in some dictionary d. The Python string formatting method .format (covered in “String Formatting”) lets you do the rest: when t is the template string, t.format(d) is a copy of the template with all values properly substituted.

In general, beyond substituting placeholders, you also want to use conditionals, perform loops, and deal with other advanced formatting and presentation tasks; in the spirit of separating “business logic” from “presentation issues,” you’d prefer it if all of the latter were part of your templating. This is where dedicated third-party templating packages come in. There are many of them, but all of this book’s authors, having used and authored some in the past, currently prefer jinja2, covered next.

The jinja2 Package

For serious templating tasks, we recommend jinja2 (available on PyPI, like other third-party Python packages, so, easily installable with pip install jinja2).

The jinja2 docs are excellent and thorough, covering the templating language itself (conceptually modeled on Python, but with many differences to support embedding it in HTML, and the peculiar needs specific to presentation issues); the API your Python code uses to connect to jinja2, and expand or extend it if necessary; as well as other issues, from installation to internationalization, from sandboxing code to porting from other templating engines—not to mention, precious tips and tricks.

In this section, we cover only a tiny subset of jinja2’s power, just what you need to get started after installing it: we earnestly recommend studying jinja2’s docs to get the huge amount of extra information they effectively convey.

The jinja2.Environment Class

When you use jinja2, there’s always an Environment instance involved—in a few cases you could let it default to a generic “shared environment,” but that’s not recommended. Only in very advanced usage, when you’re getting templates from different sources (or with different templating language syntax), would you ever define multiple environments—usually, you instantiate a single Environment instance env, good for all the templates you need to render.

You can customize env in many ways as you build it, by passing named arguments to its constructor (including altering crucial aspects of templating language syntax, such as which delimiters start and end blocks, variables, comments, etc.), but the one named argument you’ll almost always pass in real-life use is loader=....

An environment’s loader specifies where to load templates from, on request—usually some directory in a filesystem, or perhaps some database (you’d have to code a custom subclass of jinja2.Loader for the latter purpose), but there are other possibilities. You need a loader to let templates enjoy some of jinja2’s powerful features, such as template inheritance (which we do not cover in this book).

You can equip env, as you instantiate it, with custom filters, tests, extensions, and so on; each of those can also be added later, and we do not cover them further in this book.

In the following sections’ examples, we assume env was instantiated with nothing but loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader('/path/to/templates'), and not further enriched—in fact, for simplicity, we won’t even make use of the loader. In real life, however, the loader is almost invariably set; other options, seldom.

env.get_template(name) fetches, compiles, and returns an instance of jinja2.Template based on what env.loader(name) returns. In the following examples, for simplicity, we’ll actually use the rarely warranted env.from_string(s) to build an instance of jinja2.Template from (ideally Unicode, though a bytestring encoded in utf8 will do) string s.

The jinja2.Template Class

An instance t of jinja2.Template has many attributes and methods, but the one you’ll be using almost exclusively in real life is:



The context argument(s) are the same you might pass to a dict constructor—a mapping instance, and/or named arguments enriching and potentially overriding the mapping’s key-to-value connections.

t.render(context) returns a (Unicode) string resulting from the context arguments applied to the template t.

Building HTML with jinja2

Here’s an example of how to use a jinja2 template to generate HTML. Specifically, just like previously in “Building HTML with bs4”, the following function takes a sequence of “rows” (sequences) and returns an HTML table to display their values:

{% for s in s_of_s %}
  {% for item in s %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

def mktable_with_jinja2(s_of_s):
    env = jinja2.Environment(
    t = env.from_string(TABLE_TEMPLATE)
    return t.render(s_of_s=s_of_s)

The function builds the environment with option autoescape=True, to automatically “escape” strings containing mark-up characters such as <, >, and &; for example, with autoescape=True, 'g>h' renders as 'g&gt;h'.

The options trim_blocks=True and lstrip_blocks=True are purely cosmetic, just to ensure that both the template string and the rendered HTML string can be nicely formatted; of course, when a browser renders HTML, it does not matter whether the HTML itself is nicely formatted.

Normally, you would always build the environment with option loader=..., and have it load templates from files or other storage with method calls such as t = env.get_template(template_name). In this example, just in order to present everything in one place, we omit the loader and build the template from a string by calling method env.from_string instead. Note that jinja2 is not HTML- or XML-specific, so its use alone does not guarantee validity of the generated content, which should be carefully checked if standards conformance is a requirement.

The example uses only the two most common features out of the many dozens that the jinja2 templating language offers: loops (that is, blocks enclosed in {% for ... %} and {% endfor %}) and parameter substitution (inline expressions enclosed in {{ and }}).

Here is an example use of the function we just defined:

example = (
  ('foo', 'g>h', 'g&h'),
  ('zip', 'zap', 'zop'),
# prints: 

1 Except perhaps for its latest version (HTML5) when properly applied

2 The BeautifulSoup documentation provides detailed information about installing various parsers.

3 As explained in the BeautifulSoup documentation, which also shows various ways to guide or override BeautifulSoup’s guesses.

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