Chapter 23. Structured Text: XML

XML, the eXtensible Markup Language, is a widely used data interchange format. On top of XML itself, the XML community (in good part within the World Wide Web Consortium [W3C]) has standardized many other technologies, such as schema languages, namespaces, XPath, XLink, XPointer, and XSLT.

Industry consortia have defined industry-specific markup languages on top of XML for data exchange among applications in their respective fields. XML, XML-based markup languages, and other XML-related technologies are often used for inter-application, cross-language, cross-platform data interchange in specific industries.

Python’s standard library, for historical reasons, has multiple modules supporting XML under the xml package, with overlapping functionality; this book does not cover them all, so see the online documentation.

This book (and, specifically, this chapter) covers only the most Pythonic approach to XML processing: ElementTree, whose elegance, speed, generality, multiple implementations, and Pythonic architecture make it the package of choice for Python XML applications. For complete tutorials and all details on the xml.etree.ElementTree module, see the online docs and the website of ElementTree’s creator, Fredrik Lundh, best known as “the effbot.”1

This book takes for granted some elementary knowledge of XML itself; if you need to learn more about XML, we recommend the book XML in a Nutshell (O’Reilly).

Parsing XML from untrusted sources puts your application at risk for many possible attacks; this book does not cover this issue specifically, so see the online documentation, which recommends third-party modules to help safeguard your application if you do have to parse XML from sources you can’t fully trust. In particular, if you need an ElementTree implementation with safeguards against parsing untrusted sources, consider defusedxml.ElementTree and its C-coded counterpart defusedxml.cElementTree within the third-party package defusedxml.


Python and third-party add-ons offer several alternative implementations of the ElementTree functionality; the one you can always rely on in the standard library is the module xml.etree.ElementTree. In most circumstances, in v2, you can use the faster C-coded implementation xml.etree.cElementTree; in v3, just importing xml.etree.ElementTree gets you the fastest implementation available. The third-party package defusedxml, mentioned in the previous section of this chapter, offers slightly slower but safer implementations if you ever need to parse XML from untrusted sources; another third-party package, lxml, gets you faster performance, and some extra functionality, via lxml.etree.

Traditionally, you get whatever available implementation of ElementTree you prefer, by a statement such as:

from xml.etree import cElementTree as et

(or more than one such statement, with try...except ImportError: guards to discover what’s the best implementation available), then use et (some prefer the uppercase variant, ET) as the module’s name in the rest of your code.

ElementTree supplies one fundamental class representing a node within the tree that naturally maps an XML document, the class Element. ElementTree also supplies other important classes, chiefly the one representing the whole tree, with methods for input and output and many convenience ones equivalent to ones on its Element root—that’s the class ElementTree. In addition, the ElementTree module supplies several utility functions, and auxiliary classes of lesser importance.

The Element Class

The Element class represents a node in the tree that maps an XML document, and it’s the core of the whole ElementTree ecosystem. Each element is a bit like a mapping, with attributes that are a mapping from string keys to string values, and a bit like a sequence, with children that are other elements (sometimes referred to as the element’s “subelements”). In addition, each element offers a few extra attributes and methods. Each Element instance e has four data attributes, or properties:


A dict containing all of the XML node’s attributes, with strings, the attributes’ names, as its keys (and, usually, strings as corresponding values as well). For example, parsing the XML fragment <a x="y">b</a>c, you get an e whose e.attrib is {'x': 'y'}.

Avoid accessing attrib on Element instances, if feasible

It’s normally best to avoid accessing e.attrib when possible, because the implementation might need to build it on the fly when you access it. e itself, as covered later in this section, offers some typical mapping methods that you might otherwise want to call on e.attrib; going through e’s own methods allows a smart implementation to optimize things for you, compared to the performance you’d get via the actual dict e.attrib.


The XML tag of the node, a string, sometimes also known as “the element’s type.” For example, parsing the XML fragment <a x="y">b</a>c, you get an e with e.tag set to 'a'.


Arbitrary data (a string) immediately “following” the element. For example, parsing the XML fragment <a x="y">b</a>c, you get an e with e.tail set to 'c'.


Arbitrary data (a string) directly “within” the element. For example, parsing the XML fragment <a x="y">b</a>c, you get an e with e.text set to 'b'.

e has some methods that are mapping-like and avoid the need to explicitly ask for the e.attrib dict:



e.clear() leaves e “empty,” except for its tag, removing all attributes and children, and setting text and tail to None.


e.get(key, default=None)

Like e.attrib.get(key, default), but potentially much faster. You cannot use e[key], since indexing on e is used to access children, not attributes.



Returns the list of (name, value) tuples for all attributes, in arbitrary order.



Returns the list of all attribute names, in arbitrary order.


e.set(key, value)

Sets the value of attribute named key to value.

The other methods of e (including indexing with the e[i] syntax, and length as in len(e)) deal with all e’s children as a sequence, or in some cases—indicated in the rest of this section—with all descendants (elements in the subtree rooted at e, also known as subelements of e).

Don’t rely on implicit bool conversion of an Element

In all versions up to Python 3.6, an Element instance e tests as false if e has no children, following the normal rule for Python containers’ implicit bool conversion. However, it’s documented that this behavior may change in some future version of v3. For future compatibility, if you want to check whether e has no children, explicitly check if len(e) == 0:—don’t use the normal Python idiom if not e:.

The named methods of e dealing with children or descendants are the following (we do not cover XPath in this book: see the online docs):



Adds subelement se (which must be an Element) at the end of e’s children.



Adds each item of iterable ses (every item must be an Element) at the end of e’s children.


e.find(match, namespaces=None)

Returns the first descendant matching match, which may be a tag name or an XPath expression within the subset supported by the current implementation of ElementTree. Returns None if no descendant matches match. In v3 only, namespaces is an optional mapping with XML namespace prefixes as keys and corresponding XML namespace full names as values.


e.findall(match, namespaces=None)

Returns the list of all descendants matching match, which may be a tag name or an XPath expression within the subset supported by the current implementation of ElementTree. Returns [] if no descendants match match. In v3, only, namespaces is an optional mapping with XML namespace prefixes as keys and corresponding XML namespace full names as values.


e.findtext(match, default=None, namespaces=None)

Returns the text of the first descendant matching match, which may be a tag name or an XPath expression within the subset supported by the current implementation of ElementTree. The result may be an empty string '' if the first descendant matching match has no text. Returns default if no descendant matches match. In v3, only, namespaces is an optional mapping with XML namespace prefixes as keys and corresponding XML namespace full names as values.


e.insert(index, se)

Adds subelement se (which must be an Element) at index index within the sequence of e’s children.



Returns an iterator walking in depth-first order over all of e’s descendants. When tag is not '*', only yields subelements whose tag equals tag. Don’t modify the subtree rooted at e while you’re looping on e.iter.


e.iterfind(match, namespaces=None)

Returns an iterator over all descendants, in depth-first order, matching match, which may be a tag name or an XPath expression within the subset supported by the current implementation of ElementTree. The resulting iterator is empty when no descendants match match. In v3 only, namespaces is an optional mapping with XML namespace prefixes as keys and corresponding XML namespace full names as values.


e.itertext(match, namespaces=None)

Returns an iterator over the text (not the tail) attribute of all descendants, in depth-first order, matching match, which may be a tag name or an XPath expression within the subset supported by the current implementation of ElementTree. The resulting iterator is empty when no descendants match match. In v3 only, namespaces is an optional mapping with XML namespace prefixes as keys and corresponding XML namespace full names as values.



Removes the descendant that is element se (as covered in Identity tests, in Table 3-2).

The ElementTree Class

The ElementTree class represents a tree that maps an XML document. The core added value of an instance et of ElementTree is to have methods for wholesale parsing (input) and writing (output) of a whole tree, namely:

Table 23-1. Elementree instance parsing and writing methods



source can be a file open for reading, or the name of a file to open and read (to parse a string, wrap it in io.StringIO, covered in “In-Memory “Files”: io.StringIO and io.BytesIO”), containing XML text. et.parse parses that text, builds its tree of Elements as the new content of et (discarding the previous content of et, if any), and returns the root element of the tree. parser is an optional parser instance; by default, et.parse uses an instance of class XMLParser supplied by the ElementTree module (this book does not cover XMLParser; see the online docs).



file can be a file open for writing, or the name of a file to open and write (to write into a string, pass as file an instance of io.StringIO, covered in “In-Memory “Files”: io.StringIO and io.BytesIO”). et.write writes into that file the text representing the XML document for the tree that’s the content of et.

encoding should be spelled according to the standard—for example, 'iso-8859-1', not 'latin-1', even though Python itself accepts both spellings for this encoding. In v3 only, you can pass encoding as 'unicode' to output text (Unicode) strings, if file.write accepts such strings; otherwise, file.write must accept bytestrings, and that is the type of strings et.write outputs, using XML character references for characters not in the encoding—for example, with the default ASCII encoding, e with an acute accent, é, is output as &#233;.

You can pass xml_declaration as False to not have the declaration in the resulting text, as True to have it; the default is to have the declaration in the result only when encoding is not one of 'us-ascii', 'utf-8', or (v3 only) 'unicode'.

You can optionally pass default_namespace to set the default namespace for xmlns constructs.

You can pass method as 'text' to output only the text and tail of each node (no tags). You can pass method as 'html' to output the document in HTML format (which, for example, omits end tags not needed in HTML, such as </br>). The default is 'xml', to output in XML format.

In v3 only, you can optionally (only by name, not positionally) pass short_empty_elements as False to always use explicit start and end tags, even for elements that have no text or subelements; the default is to use the XML short form for such empty elements. For example, an empty element with tag a is output as <a/> by default, as <a></a> in v3 if you pass short_empty_elements as False.

In addition, an instance et of ElementTree supplies the method getrootet.getroot() returns the root of the tree—and the convenience methods find, findall, findtext, iter, and iterfind, each exactly equivalent to calling the same method on the root of the tree—that is, on the result of et.getroot().

Functions in the ElementTree Module

The ElementTree module also supplies several functions, described in Table 23-2.

Table 23-2.  



Returns an Element that, once inserted as a node in an ElementTree, will be output as an XML comment with the given text string enclosed between '<!--' and '-->'. XMLParser skips XML comments in any document it parses, so this function is the only way to get comment nodes.



Returns an Element that, once inserted as a node in an ElementTree, will be output as an XML processing instruction with the given target and text strings enclosed between '<?' and '?>'. XMLParser skips XML processing instructions in any document it parses, so this function is the only way to get processing instruction nodes.



Creates an Element with the given tag, attributes from dict attrib and others passed as named arguments in extra, and appends it as the rightmost child of Element parent; returns the Element it has created.



Parses XML from the text string and returns an Element. parser is an optional parser instance; by default, XML uses an instance of the class XMLParser supplied by the ElementTree module (this book does not cover class XMLParser; see the online docs).



Parses XML from the text string and returns a tuple with two items: an Element and a dict mapping id attributes to the only Element having each (XML forbids duplicate ids). parser is an optional parser instance; by default, XMLID uses an instance of the class XMLParser supplied by the ElementTree module (this book does not cover the XMLParser class; see the online docs).



Writes e, which can be an Element or an ElementTree, as XML to sys.stdout; it is meant only for debugging purposes.



Parses XML from the text string and returns an Element, just like the XML function just covered.



Just like fromstring(''.join(sequence)), but can be a bit faster by avoiding the join.



Returns True if e is an Element.



source can be a file open for reading, or the name of a file to open and read, containing an XML document as text. iterparse returns an iterator yielding tuples (event, element), where event is one of the strings listed in argument events (which must be 'start', 'end', 'start-ns', or 'end-ns'), as the parsing progresses and iterparse incrementally builds the corresponding ElementTree. element is an Element for events 'start' and 'end', None for event 'end-ns', and a tuple of two strings (namespace_prefix, namespace_uri) for event 'start-ns'. parser is an optional parser instance; by default, iterparse uses an instance of the class XMLParser supplied by the ElementTree module (this book does not cover class XMLParser; see the online docs).

The purpose of iterparse is to let you iteratively parse a large XML document, without holding all of the resulting ElementTree in memory at once, whenever feasible. We cover iterparse in more detail in “Parsing XML Iteratively”.



Just like the parse method of ElementTree, covered in Table 23-1, except that it returns the ElementTree instance it creates.



Registers the string prefix as the namespace prefix for the string uri; elements in the namespace get serialized with this prefix.



Returns a string with the XML representation of the subtree rooted at Element e. Arguments have the same meaning as for the write method of ElementTree, covered in Table 23-1.



Returns a list of strings with the XML representation of the subtree rooted at Elemente. Arguments have the same meaning as for the write method of ElementTree, covered in Table 23-1.

The ElementTree module also supplies the classes QName, TreeBuilder, and XMLParser, which we do not cover in this book. In v3 only, it also supplies the class XMLPullParser, covered in “Parsing XML Iteratively”.

Parsing XML with ElementTree.parse

In everyday use, the most common way to make an ElementTree instance is by parsing it from a file or file-like object, usually with the module function parse or with the method parse of instances of the class ElementTree.

For the examples in this chapter, we use the simple XML file found at; its root tag is 'breakfast_menu', and the root’s children are elements with the tag 'food'. Each 'food' element has a child with the tag 'name', whose text is the food’s name, and a child with the tag 'calories', whose text is the string representation of the integer number of calories in a portion of that food. In other words, a simplified representation of that XML file’s content of interest to the examples is:

    <name>Belgian Waffles</name>
    <name>Strawberry Belgian Waffles</name>
    <name>Berry-Berry Belgian Waffles</name>
    <name>French Toast</name>
    <name>Homestyle Breakfast</name>

Since the XML document lives at a WWW URL, you start by obtaining a file-like object with that content, and passing it to parse; in v2, the simplest way is:

import urllib
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

content = urllib.urlopen('')
tree = et.parse(content)

and similarly, in v3, the simplest way uses the request module:

from urllib import request
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

content = request.urlopen('')
tree = et.parse(content)

Selecting Elements from an ElementTree

Let’s say that we want to print on standard output the calories and names of the various foods, in order of increasing calories, with ties broken alphabetically. The code for this task is the same in v2 and v3:

def bycal_and_name(e):
  return int(e.find('calories').text), e.find('name').text

for e in sorted(tree.findall('food'), key=bycal_and_name):
  print('{} {}'.format(e.find('calories').text,

When run, this prints:

600 French Toast
650 Belgian Waffles
900 Berry-Berry Belgian Waffles
900 Strawberry Belgian Waffles
950 Homestyle Breakfast

Editing an ElementTree

Once an ElementTree is built (be that via parsing, or otherwise), it can be “edited”—inserting, deleting, and/or altering nodes (elements)—via the various methods of ElementTree and Element classes, and module functions. For example, suppose our program is reliably informed that a new food has been added to the menu—buttered toast, two slices of white bread toasted and buttered, 180 calories—while any food whose name contains “berry,” case-insensitive, has been removed. The “editing the tree” part for these specs can be coded as follows:

# add Buttered Toast to the menu
menu = tree.getroot()
toast = et.SubElement(menu, 'food')
tcals = et.SubElement(toast, 'calories')
tcals.text = '180'
tname = et.SubElement(toast, 'name')
tname.text = 'Buttered Toast'

# remove anything related to 'berry' from the menu
for e in menu.findall('food'):
    name = e.find('name').text
    if 'berry' in name.lower():

Once we insert these “editing” steps between the code parsing the tree and the code selectively printing from it, the latter prints:

180 Buttered Toast
600 French Toast
650 Belgian Waffles
950 Homestyle Breakfast

The ease of “editing” an ElementTree can sometimes be a crucial consideration, making it worth your while to keep it all in memory.

Building an ElementTree from Scratch

Sometimes, your task doesn’t start from an existing XML document: rather, you need to make an XML document from data your code gets from a different source, such as a CSV document or some kind of database.

The code for such tasks is similar to the one we showed for editing an existing ElementTree—just add a little snippet to build an initially empty tree.

For example, suppose you have a CSV file, menu.csv, whose two comma-separated columns are the calories and name of various foods, one food per row. Your task is to build an XML file, menu.xml, similar to the one we parsed in previous examples. Here’s one way you could do that:

import csv
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

menu = et.Element('menu')
tree = et.ElementTree(menu)

with open('menu.csv') as f:
    r = csv.reader(f)
    for calories, namestr in r:
        food = et.SubElement(menu, 'food')
        cals = et.SubElement(food, 'calories')
        cals.text = calories
        name = et.SubElement(food, 'name')
        name.text = namestr


Parsing XML Iteratively

For tasks focused on selecting elements from an existing XML document, sometimes you don’t need to build the whole ElementTree in memory—a consideration that’s particularly important if the XML document is very large (not the case for the tiny example document we’ve been dealing with, but stretch your imagination and visualize a similar menu-focused document that lists millions of different foods).

So, again, what we want to do is print on standard output the calories and names of foods, this time only the 10 lowest-calorie foods, in order of increasing calories, with ties broken alphabetically; and menu.xml, which for simplicity’s sake we now suppose is a local file, lists millions of foods, so we’d rather not keep it all in memory at once, since obviously we don’t need complete access to all of it at once.

Here’s some code that one might think would let us ace this task:

import heapq
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

# initialize the heap with dummy entries
heap = [(999999, None)] * 10

for _, elem in et.iterparse('menu.xml'):
    if elem.tag != 'food': continue
    # just finished parsing a food, get calories and name
    cals = int(elem.find('calories').text)
    name = elem.find('name').text
    heapq.heappush(heap, (cals, name))
for cals, name in heap:
    print(cals, name)

Simple but memory-intensive approach

This approach does indeed work, but it consumes just about as much memory as an approach based on a full et.parse would!

Why does the simple approach still eat memory? Because iterparse, as it runs, builds up a whole ElementTree in memory, incrementally, even though it only communicates back events such as (by default) just 'end', meaning “I just finished parsing this element.”

To actually save memory, we can at least toss all the contents of each element as soon as we’re done processing it—that is, right after the call to heapq.heappush, add elem.clear() to make the just-processed element empty.

This approach would indeed save some memory—but not all of it, because the tree’s root would end up with a huge list of empty children nodes. To be really frugal in memory consumption, we need to get 'start' events as well, so we can get hold of the root of the ElementTree being built—that is, change the start of the loop to:

root = None
for event, elem in et.iterparse('menu.xml'):
    if event == 'start':
        if root is not None: root = elem
    if elem.tag != 'food': continue  # etc. as before

and then, right after the call to heapq.heappush, add root.remove(elem). This approach saves as much memory as feasible, and still gets the task done!

Parsing XML within an asynchronous loop

While iterparse, used correctly, can save memory, it’s still not good enough to use within an asynchronous (async) loop, as covered in Chapter 18. That’s because iterparse makes blocking read calls to the file object passed as its first argument: such blocking calls are a no-no in async processing.

v2’s ElementTree has no solution to offer to this conundrum. v3 does—specifically, it offers the class XMLPullParser. (In v2, you can get this functionality if you use the third-party package lxml, thanks to lxml.etree.)

In an async arrangement, as covered in Chapter 18, a typical task is to write a “filter” component, which is fed chunks of bytes as they happen to come from some upstream source, and yields events downstream as they get fully parsed. Here’s how XMLPullParser lets you write such a “filter” component:

from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

def filter(events=None):
    pullparser = et.XMLPullParser(events)
    data = yield
    while data:
        for tup in pullparser.read_events():
            data = yield tup
    for tup in pullparser.read_events():
        data = yield tup

This assumes that filter is used via .send(chunk) calls to its result (passing new chunks of bytes as they are received), and yields (event, element) tuples for the caller to loop on and process. So, essentially, filter turns an async stream of chunks of raw bytes into an async stream of (event, element) pairs, to be consumed by iteration—a typical design pattern in modern Python’s async programming.

1 Alex is far too modest to mention it, but from around 1995 to 2005 both he and Fredrik were, along with Tim Peters, the Python bots. Known as such for their encyclopedic and detailed knowledge of the language, the effbot, the martellibot, and the timbot have created software of immense value to millions of people.

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