Lean Concepts, Tools, and Methods

Management’s reliance solely on Lean Six-Sigma Tools for organizational performance improvement is fool’s gold! Lean Six-Sigma Tools are not the answer; they are the instrument used to apply Lean Six Sigma Concepts.

Learn the Concepts…. Apply the Tools…. Get the Results.

—Richard Charron




Both Lean concepts and Lean tools are an integral part of LSS process improvement projects. Contrary to popular belief, Lean tools alone will not provide the results that are often attributed to Lean implementation programs. Several Lean concepts, when taken together, form a Lean operational philosophy, which is a primary requirement for successful Lean programs. In this chapter we present some basic Lean management concepts and then the most common Lean tools. (See Table 4.1.) When we apply Lean tools in pursuit of these concepts, a Lean organization emerges. If we endeavor to apply Lean tools in the absence of these Lean management concepts, process improvement projects often fall short of desired improvement expectations.

LSS concepts + LSS tools = Performance improvement


Glossary of Lean Concepts and Tools

Lean Concepts Just the Facts
Waste Anything in your processes that your customer is unwilling to pay for: extra space, time, materials quality issues, etc.
Value-added All activities that create value for the external customer.
No-value-added All activities that create no value for the external customer.
Business-value-added Activities that do not create value to the external customer, but are required to maintain your business operations.
Waste identification The primary fundamental Lean concept is the ability to see waste in your organization. This encompasses being able to readily identify the nine wastes and consistently manage to avoid these occurrences. More importantly, from a management standpoint, it means possessing the ability to proactively lead and mentor employees to conduct waste-free activities daily. To do this the Lean manager must master the concept of waste identification by understanding waste creation in all its forms.
Waste elimination The ability to apply Lean Six Sigma concepts and tools to eliminate identified wastes. This entails continuous learning of how to apply concepts and tools either independently or in groups to achieve process improvement results.
Standard work Standard work is a systematic way to complete value-added activities. Having standard work activities is a fundamental requirement of Lean Six Sigma organizations.
Value stream A conceptual path horizontally across your organization that encompasses the entire breadth of your external customer response activities. That is, anything that transpires from the time your organization realizes you have an external customer request until that external customer receives its product or service.
Value stream management A systematic and standardized management approach utilizing Lean Six Sigma concepts and tools. Value stream management results in an external customer-focused response to managing value-added activities.
Continuous flow The Holy Grail of manufacturing, often referred to as make one-move one. One-piece flow or continuous flow processing is a concept that means items are processed and moved directly from one processing step to the next, one piece at a time. One-piece flow helps to maximum utilization of resources, shorten lead times, and identify problems and communication between operations. During any process improvement activity, the first thing on your mind should be: “Is what I’m about to do going to increase flow?” Achieving continuous flow typically requires the least amount of resources (materials, labor, facilities, and time) to add value for the customer. Achieving continuous flow has been credited with the highest levels of quality, productivity, and profitability.
Pull systems Systems that only replenish materials consumed by external customer demand. These systems naturally guide purchasing and production activities, directing employees to only produce what the external customer is buying. The Kanban tool is used to achieve this Lean concept.
Point-of-use storage (POUS) Locating materials at the point of value-adding activities.
Quality @ source Building quality into value-adding processes as they are completed. This is in contrast to trying to “inspect in quality,” which only catches mistakes after they have been made. An effective quality @ source campaign can minimize or eliminate much of the expense associated with traditional quality control or quality assurance programs.
Takt time Takt time is the demand rate of your external customer for your products. It signifies how fast you have to make products to meet your customer demand. Once you calculate Takt time, you can effectively set your value-added processes to meet this customer demand. In essence, Takt time is used to pace lines in the production environments. Takt time is an essential component of cellular manufacturing.
Just-in-time (JIT) A concept that espouses materials sourcing and consumption to meet external customer demand. Properly executed, it helps to eliminate several wastes, including excess inventory, waiting, motion, and transportation.
Kaizen The Japanese term for improvement; continuing improvement involving everyone—managers and workers. In manufacturing Kaizen relates to finding and eliminating waste in machinery, labor, or production methods. Kaizen is a versatile and systematic approach to change + improve all processes. In virtually all Lean Six Sigma organizations the concept of Kaizen is practiced by all employees at all levels of the organization.
Materials, machines, manpower, methods, and measurements (5M’s) The five key process inputs. The pursuit of Lean Six Sigma is an exercise in the effective use of the 5M’s to achieve customer requirements and overall organization performance.
Lean accounting A method of accounting that is aligned horizontally across your organization with the value stream. Traditional costing structures can be a significant obstacle to Lean Six Sigma deployment. A value stream costing methodology simplifies the accounting process to give everyone real information in a basic understandable format. By isolating all fixed costs along with direct labor we can easily apply manufacturing resources as a value per square footage utilized by a particular cell or value stream. This methodology of factoring gives a true picture of cellular consumption to value-added throughput for each value stream company-wide. Now you can easily focus improvement Kaizen events where actual problems exist for faster calculated benefits and sustainability.
Lean supply chain The process of extending your Lean Six Sigma activities to your supply chain by partnering with suppliers to adopt one or more of the Lean concepts or tools.
Lean metric Lean metrics allow companies to measure, evaluate, and respond to their performance in a balanced way, without sacrificing the quality to meet quantity objectives, or increasing inventory levels to achieve machine efficiencies. The type of lean metric depends on the organization and can be of the following categories: financial performance, behavioral performance, and core process performance.
Toyota Production System The Toyota Production System is a technology of comprehensive production management. The basic idea of this system is to maintain a continuous flow of products in factories in order to flexibly adapt to demand changes. The realization of such production flow is called just-in-time production, which means producing only necessary units in a necessary quantity at a necessary time. As a result, the excess inventories and the excess workforce will be naturally diminished, thereby achieving the purposes of increased productivity and cost reduction.
Lean Tools Just the Facts
5S A methodology for organizing, cleaning, developing, and sustaining a productive work environment. Improved safety, ownership of work space, improved productivity, and improved maintenance are some of the benefits of the 5S program.
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) An effective tool to assess, control, and improve equipment availability, performance, and quality. This is especially important if there is a constraining piece of equipment.
Mistake (error) proofing Mistake proofing is a structured approach to ensure a quality and error-free manufacturing environment. Error proofing assures that defects will never be passed to the next operation. This tool drives the organization toward the concept of quality @ source.
Cellular manufacturing A tool used to produce your product in the least amount of time using the least amount of resources. When applying the cellular manufacturing tool, you group products by value-adding process steps, assess the customer demand rate (Takt time), and then configure the cell using Lean Six Sigma concepts and tools. This is a powerful tool to allow the use of many Lean concepts and tools together to achieve dramatic process improvements. (See cell example at the end of this chapter.)
Kanban A Kanban is a “signal” for employees to take action. It can be a card with instructions of what product to make in what quantity, a cart that needs to be moved to a new location, or the absence of a cart that indicates that an action needs to be taken to replenish a product. This is a fundamental tool used to establish a “more continuous flow.” Kanban is a simple parts-movement system that depends on cards and boxes/containers to take parts from one workstation to another on a production line. The essence of the Kanban concept is that a supplier or the warehouse should only deliver components to the production line as and when they are needed, so that there is no storage in the production area. Kanban can also be effective in Lean supply chain management.

In document intensive environments (e.g., medical devices, bio-pharma, healthcare, aviation industries, etc.) with government document management regulations such as Food & Drug Administration (FDA) or other federal agency, Kanban can be an effective tool to improve document flow by establishing which document to review or approve next.

Value stream mapping A process mapping technique that consists of a current state map describing initial conditions of a process and a future state map that defines an improved process. The current state map typically includes some descriptions of the 5M’s that will be targets for modifications in the future state.
Visual controls Visual controls are tools that tell employees “what to do next,” what actions are required. These often eliminate the need for complex standard operating procedures and promote continuous flow by eliminating conditions that would interrupt flow before it happens.
Single-minute exchange of dies (SMED) or quick changeover SMED is an approach to reduce output and quality losses due to changeovers. Quick changeover is a technique to analyze and reduce resources needed for equipment setup, including exchange of tools and dies.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) TPM is a maintenance program concept that brings maintenance into focus in order to minimize downtimes and maximize equipment usage. The goal of TPM is to avoid emergency repairs and keep unscheduled maintenance to a minimum. TPM programs are typically coupled with OEE activities, which identify where to focus your TPM activities.

In the early stages of your Lean journey, you should try to understand where you currently stand as an organization. Does the company have a strategic plan with high-level Lean measures that department and process-level measures roll up to? Does the organization have a Lean operational philosophy, starting at the executive management group, which flows down to the senior management group, department managers, and ultimately to associate employees? Does the organization understand the difference between the traditional organization and what it means to operate as a Lean organization?

In today’s business world, Lean is for everyone. It is a true operational philosophy that, to produce real sustainable results, must be adopted by employees at all levels of the organization. Also, a Lean operational philosophy can be used in just about any organization. Although Lean was originally defined and developed for the manufacturing community, today Lean or LSS initiatives can be found in almost every organization and every industry. For example, LSS is prominent in service organizations, manufacturing industries, government agencies, health care, and nonprofit organizations. Of course, each of these industries requires that we take a different look at how we apply the tools—not that we will be using tools differently, but how we will be applying those tools differently given the type of industry that we’re in and what it is we’re trying to achieve in terms of process improvement.

Basically, there are two management philosophies used in most organizations today. The first uses a traditional approach, while the second uses a Lean, LSS, or world-class approach. Understanding your organization’s current management philosophy goes a long way to helping you identifying which Lean concepts you may be lacking in and which Lean tools you want to apply within your organization. The remainder of this chapter presents an overview of both Lean concepts and Lean tools.



The term traditional organization is a term we use to describe a set of operational philosophies, policies, and behaviors that drive all daily activities that occur within your organization. We use the term traditional organization as a reference point to more clearly define what it means to be a Lean organization. By describing both traditional (non-Lean) and Lean philosophy and beliefs, you will develop some idea of where your organization currently stands. What is your current organizational operational philosophy? What are your collective beliefs as both individuals and the organization as a whole?

Table 4.2 depicts some of the basic operational philosophies and beliefs of both traditional and Lean organizations. We present this in a point-counterpoint format to try and give readers a good description of where it is they currently stand and where it is they’re trying to drive their organization to be.

Table 4.2 identifies a number of traditional organizational beliefs and their corresponding Lean organizational beliefs. During the organizational transformation from traditional organization to a Lean organization, one of the primary objectives of the LSS practitioner is to identify these traditional operational beliefs, next use the tools and techniques described in this handbook to remove those beliefs from the organization, and finally replace those beliefs with the Lean beliefs also shown in this table.

For example, let’s discuss one of the traditional beliefs and then present the corresponding Lean belief. In this example, we will compare and contrast the concepts of “management by head count” and “employees as needed.” Often in traditional organizations, managers use a concept called management by head count. In this environment the traditional manager only uses a very specific number of employees to complete certain components of the process that he/she is working with. What this means is that regardless of how many employees are needed to meet customer demand, the manager fixes the number of employees based upon another measure, usually labor dollars. This is done regardless of its impact on customer satisfaction or performance of the customer. Conversely, the Lean manager adds employees as needed to achieve the level of performance that the organization defined for the customer. In this environment, the Lean manager puts the voice of the customer first, and subsequently builds all of the required internal value-added activities to meet customer performance expectations.


Traditional versus Lean Operational Philosophies

Traditional Organization Lean organization
Functional focus Business focus
Management directs Managers teach
Delegate Support
Forecast driven Customer driven
Fear of failure Share success
Blame people Improvement opportunities
Heroes and goats Real teams
Us versus them Community
Results focus Process focus
Me (producer) You (customer)
Dedicated equipment Flexible equipment
Slow changeover Quick changeover
Narrow skills Multiskilled
Managers control Workers control
Pure production environment Learning environment
Supplier is enemy Supplier is ally
Guard information Share information
Customer as buyer Customer as resource
Management by head count Employees as needed
Volume lowers cost Analyze cost drivers
Internal focus External focus
Shallow process knowledge Deep process knowledge
Quality problem detection Quality problem prevention
Hierarchy Flat organization
Short-term thinking Balanced thinking
Worker accountability Executive accountability
Rewards = money Rewards = Pride, then money
Competition Cooperation
Complex Simple

The difference between these two concepts illustrates how easy it is for waste to be introduced into your operational processes when a management by head count philosophy is used. By using less than the number of employees that are required to meet customer performance, some or all of the traditional nine wastes are manifested in your organization. It is these operational wastes that drag down product quality, diminish employee productivity, and ultimately hinder company profitability. The impact that operational philosophy has on performance cannot be overstated. Everything we think, say, or do either creates value for the customer or creates waste.



A Lean operational philosophy is one that flows from an employee’s basic fundamental understanding of Lean concepts and beliefs, and should be spread across your organization until it becomes a living, breathing, daily method of operation for all your employees. The Lean operational philosophy is literally for everyone. In many organizations today trying to implement Lean, it is often viewed as a set of tools for process improvement.

However, Lean is a true operational philosophy, and in order for your organization to become a Lean organization, the philosophy needs to be embraced at the highest levels of your company. C-level employees need to have an equal and thorough understanding of what it means to be a Lean organization in order for your company to effectively become one. Lean beliefs and behaviors need to be exhibited on a daily basis by executive management, department management, supervisors, and associates alike.

Lean is certainly for everyone. An organization aspiring to become a Lean organization must therefore have a master plan to involve 100% of their employees in the transformation process. The concept is discussed in further detail in Chapter 5.



In order to effectively select and apply LSS tools to any process, the management team must have a basic understanding of Lean concepts as the driving force for a Lean operational philosophy. In the absence of this Lean operational philosophy, the random selection of process improvement tools will not yield the desired results that management hopes to achieve from its process improvement programs. In the remainder of this section, we discuss the dominant Lean management concepts that fundamentally guide effective LSS process improvement programs in your organization.


What is waste? Waste is typically defined as any activity that your customer is unwilling to pay for. It’s usually described in terms of value-added (VA) activities versus no-value-added (NVA) activities (discussed below). Throughout the literature you’ll find waste defined in terms of eight categories. These categories are overproduction, excess inventory, waiting, defects, extra processing, underutilized employees, motion, and transportation. All of our daily actions either add value from an external customer’s standpoint or create one or more of these wastes in our operation.

The primary objective of the LSS practitioner is to learn how to identify where these wastes occur, how they occur, and what root causes led to the waste being manifested in your operation. Once we understand what these wastes are and how to identify them, we can use very specific Lean concepts and tools to eliminate these wastes permanently from our operations.

Value-Added Activities

A value-added (VA) activity is basically any activity that the employee conducts that the external customer is willing to pay for. These activities are usually comprised as the process steps required to convert some raw materials into a modified and useful product for the customer. VA activities in service industries typically refer to any series of events that enhance an external customer experience or assist them with things that they could not ordinarily do alone. In order to decide whether an activity is value-added or not, try putting yourself in the shoes of your external customer. If you can effectively say that your external customer would want to pay for the activity that you’re about to conduct, then it’s probably a VA activity.

No-Value-Added Activities

No-value-added (NVA) activities are activities that do not contribute to meeting external customer requirements and could be eliminated without degrading the product or service function or the business, i.e., inspecting parts, checking the accuracy of reports, reworking a unit, rewriting a report, etc. There are two kinds of NVA activities:

  1. Activities that exist because the process is inadequately designed or the process is not functioning as designed. This includes movement, waiting, setting up for an activity, storing, and doing work over. These activities would be unnecessary to produce the output of the process, but occur because of poor-process design. Such activities are often referred to as part of poor-quality cost.
  2. Activities not required by the external customer or the process and activities that could be eliminated without affecting the output to the external customer, such as logging in a document.

It has been estimated that as much as 65% of all organizational activities and 95% of all lead time are consumed by employee NVA activities. This time and energy is consumed by an almost endless series of things that we build into our processes that the external customer has no use for. If what you’re about to do does not appear to be something that you would be willing to pay for as an external customer, then the activity should be questioned. Ultimately, all NVA activities should be targeted for elimination from your processes.

Business-Value-Added Activities

Since the 1980s there has been dialogue concerning numerous activities that are NVA, but which are often required in order to deliver your product or service to your customer. We classify these as business-value-added (BVA). These could include a range of internal activities, such as accounting or order processing to external requirements that could include government regulations (e.g., Food and Drug Administration) or third-party stakeholders. In a pure Lean environment it could be argued that there are only two possible options for all activities: (1) value-added activities (i.e., anything that is required to deliver your product or service for the customer) or (2) no-value-added activities (anything that is not required to deliver your product or service for the customer). Introducing terms such as business-value-added (BVA) only serves to cloud the issue by promoting the concept that “some waste is allowable.” How you choose to categorize and quantify VA and NVA activities is up to your organization. In most organizations it would be a major mistake to classify certain activities as NVA, such as activities related to the following: safety, personnel, accounts receivable, accounts payable, processing, payroll, environmental, legal, taxes, marketing, and many more of the activities required to run the business. Communicating to the people in these key processes within the organization that their work is NVA would destroy morale throughout the organization. We agree that the amount of effort and money spent in these areas should be minimized and waste should be removed from these important business-required processes, but the organization has to be aware of the legal requirements that are imposed upon the organization and of the commitments it has to its internal customers and its other stakeholders. Without living up to these commitments, the organization would not be able to meet its external customer requirements and expectations.

Waste Identification

Waste identification is the ability to see something that others cannot. In Lean we call this learning to see, a topic that was covered in detail in Chapter 3. It’s not that Lean practitioners see any better or worse than we do; it’s that they see differently and are viewing the organization with a different set of beliefs and preconditions. Waste identification is an ongoing process in an LSS organization. We are constantly learning to see waste and understand how waste is manifested. Our view of how waste negatively impacts our product quality or performance from a customer standpoint changes forever once we begin learning to see.

This process of waste identification using both Lean concepts and Lean tools can be used in two ways. First, waste can be identified using qualitative techniques, which means using a technique that doesn’t necessarily require that we measure anything. This is the primary fundamental strength of the Lean portion of LSS. An example of this qualitative method is identifying the waste from a Lean management concept, such as point of use storage (POUS) or quality of the source. For example, once we understand the Lean concept of POUS, we can readily see areas in our organization where the concept may be applied for materials, tools, instrumentation, paperwork, or other necessary components used in the VA process. More importantly, you begin to see the management philosophy that resulted in poor-material storage to begin with.

Second, waste can be identified using quantitative data techniques. Quantitative techniques require that we use some form of measurement on a particular process to identify where the waste is occurring. This approach can be used on many waste identification activities, and it is a fundamental strength of the Six Sigma portion of LSS.

Waste Elimination

Once we have identified one or more of the wastes, we are in a position to begin to select Lean concepts or Lean tools to apply to that waste in order to eliminate it from our processes. At first glance, waste elimination appears to be a simple application of Lean tools in a given situation. However, it’s not quite that easy. Much of the waste introduced into our organizational processes stems not from a simple flaw in the process itself; however, it stems from a management belief or operational philosophy regarding the control of all of our process inputs. As we will discuss later in this handbook, the key process inputs are materials, machinery, manpower, methods, and measurements. Our operational beliefs on managing these controlling-process inputs ultimately define how much waste there will be in our operation, where it will be located, what needs to be done to eliminate this waste, and what tools we will need to use to eliminate the wastes.

Developing a successful plan for waste elimination encompasses effective waste identification coupled with a Lean concept or tool selection and deployment. These activities are continuously conducted within the structure of a Lean management system where managers both support and encourage Lean practitioners to take the improvement actions.

There are three fundamental steps that must be followed in order to conduct a successful program using an LSS philosophy. These steps are so fundamental that each has been given its own chapter in this LSS handbook.

Value Stream

The value stream refers collectively to all those things required for your organization to produce perceived value for the customer. It includes materials, manpower, facilities, suppliers, or vendors; in essence, it includes everything that goes into creating an effective product or service that your customers are willing to pay for. The value stream contains all VA and NVA waste activities. A central activity for the Lean practitioner is to better understand all value stream components, both VA and NVA alike.

Visualizing the value stream is an integral complement of conducting any LSS process improvement program. There are several ways that a Lean practitioner can attempt to visualize the value stream. For example, to visualize a facility layout, the Lean practitioner can prepare a value stream map that identifies all the process steps, materials, equipment, facilities, employees, and activities required to add value for the customer. It can also include the measurements of time or output on those activities.

In a service industry environment defining the value stream is equally important. For example, the value stream in a service industry is probably composed of a series of steps that need to be effectively taken by employees. They may or may not contain materials and equipment as is traditional with manufacturing operations. Much of the value stream can be composed of information management, documentation management, or activity management. Therefore, when trying to identify VA and NVA activities in the service environment, our challenge is to identify what activities need to be conducted, who needs to conduct those activities, and what accessories are required in order to provide a good service that the customer has defined.

When trying to define the value stream of a government agency or nonprofit organization, it can be even more complex than with the service industry organization or with the manufacturer. For example, nonprofit organizations are typically restricted by what kind of activities they can conduct, and rarely have the resources associated with the service industry organization or a manufacturing facility. As a consequence, the identification process of the value stream may be more cumbersome and not quite as defined.

Government agencies can have even more complex value streams. Whether it is a county, state, or federal government agency, there can often be a significant number of stakeholders that all have an influence on the operation of the value stream. Each of these stakeholders may have a completely different view of what value is from their perspective. As a consequence, the challenge for the Lean practitioner in identifying the value stream, of which the activities are VA and NVA, and defining the process improvement projects to improve the value stream becomes more complex.

In these types of situations it’s often required that you break the value stream down into a number of connecting processes. In complex situations like this, whether at the service industry, government industry, or government agency, value stream management becomes a critical complement of any process improvement activity. Having said this, value stream identification and management have been effectively applied over the last several years in government agencies. For example, the Navy, Air Force, and Army LSS programs have been underway for the past 10 years. Having witnessed some of the significant cost reductions in these government agencies, the federal government is now considering trying to apply LSS to other federal government agencies.

Value Stream Management

Value stream management consists of a comprehensive approach to managing all aspects of value creation for the customer. A visual representation (value stream map(s)) of your entire value stream is created by identifying all activities required from the point that the customer initiates contact with your organization until the customer finally receives your product or service. This visual representation typically includes all the activities required for you to produce value from a customer standpoint. Throughout the visual representation the Lean practitioner endeavors to quantify how those activities are currently conducted in an effort to devise a methodology to improve those activities.

Consequently, how your organization defines your value stream is how you elect to develop partnerships and relationships with your vendors, the operational philosophy you have within your facility, and the methods with which you go about transferring your VA product or service to your customer, and how you measure performance; these are all defined as value stream management. An effective value stream management program, particularly for complex service industry organizations and government agencies or even simple manufacturing processes, typically requires the use of visual value stream mapping.

Continuous Flow

Establishing continuous flow is often not as easy as it might sound. The ultimate objective of establishing continuous flow is to link all of your VA steps seamlessly together, allowing no opportunities for downtime between steps. These steps could be automated manufacturing, manual assembly, general administrative tasks, warehousing, or shipping and distribution. In a service industry environment, the steps could include order processing, service delivery, interaction with the customer, or other VA activities.

Continuous flow has been referred to as the “Holy Grail” in manufacturing or service delivery. This is primarily because continuous flow refers to the state in which the VA entity flows from the point of inception to delivery to the customer. It is commonly accepted that once the organization achieves continuous flow, it achieves the highest level of product quality, productivity, and ultimately company profitability.

Continuous flow is important because once it has been established, it eliminates one of the primary wastes—the waste of waiting. Since up to 95% of all lead time can be waste, the importance of the concept of flow to reduce time to the customer cannot be overstated. The creation of flow eliminates the waste of waiting and ultimately decreases product cost.

Pull Systems

A pull system is one that is set up to respond directly to customer demand. The concept is that your organization will not expend any resources until a customer has placed demand on one or more of your VA products or services. For example, in a build-to-stock environment of a company that produces products A, B, and C, as the customer places orders and these products are consumed from your finished goods inventory, your production facility begins to replenish these orders based upon this external customer demand.

Similarly, within your organization sequential process steps can be described as “suppliers” and “customers.” As one process step (customer) consumes materials from the previous process step (supplier) this signals the supplier to replenish those materials that have been consumed. This process flows back through your organization to your incoming raw materials. In a true pull system all raw material purchases would be tied directly to customer demand. Pull systems work in conjunction with continuous flow to help organizations align all of their internal VA activities with customer expectations. Because this is such a powerful concept, some organizations start with focusing on only one thing—“making the product flow” at the demand of the customer.

Point of Use Storage

Point of use storage (POUS) is a term that we use to describe how we deal with our materials and tools that we use to add value for our customers. It is a concept that is exactly as it’s described—POUS means putting those materials or tools where they are used by your value-adding employees. Applying this concept, we can eliminate a number of wastes or NVA activities. For example, if we have materials that we need for a particular step in a process located in a warehouse several hundred feet from where they are used, we need to use resources in order to move those materials to the point at which they are used. This adds cost to your product or service but no value from a customer standpoint. Moreover, in this example, a material that is located a great distance away from where it is actually used introduces the wastes of waiting, motion, transportation, and extra processing into our process, just to retrieve it and move it to the point at which we choose to create value for our customer. The concept of POUS is a very powerful waste identification and elimination concept. It can be used in almost every environment in some shape or form.

Quality at the Source

Most every organization today uses some form of quality program to assure acceptable product quality for the customer. Typically this requires inspections or reviews of product or service quality. Unfortunately, one cannot inspect in quality; you can only identify that which you failed to make up to customer requirements. In the application of Lean concepts we strive to achieve “quality of the source,” which is a term that’s used to refer to producing quality at each individual VA step. The primary focus of quality at the source is to assure that we do not pass along a defect to the next step in a process. Similarly to the concept of POUS, quality of the source can be used at virtually every step in a process.

It is particularly important to use quality at the source when dealing with information management. Poor quality of information is a significant source of waste in many organizations today. Inaccurate information passed across an organization introduces virtually all nine wastes to varying degrees. Here are a few simple examples. Has order processing entered all of the specific information required to process an order effectively for your customer? Can your order be processed defect-free and delivered in 100% compliance with your customer specifications? If not, you could benefit from quality at the source in this process.

When considering a new process, process revision, or revised facility layout, quality at the source should be an integral part of that process. As with other Lean concepts, there is a Lean tool, mistake proofing, that supports this effort and is often used to achieve quality at the source.


Just-in-time (JIT) is a concept that’s used to describe the just-in-time delivery of all services or materials to the next process in your VA process. The objective of JIT is to make sure that we minimize the amount of materials that we have in our possession at any point in time. Many organizations have business measures based upon inventory dollars or inventory turns. The concept of JIT was instituted to minimize the waste of excess inventory and the negative cash flows of inventory carrying costs.

In a JIT environment the universe of inventory is examined in detail with the ultimate target on minimizing inventory costs. Non-Lean organizations carry significant amounts of raw materials inventory, often measured in days’, weeks’, or even months’ supplies. Typical world-class organizations carry much less inventory, with some inventory supplies being delivered to their operations in 2- to 4-hour increments.

How much inventory we have, how we purchased this inventory, how we receive and store this inventory, how we move our inventory around a facility—these all impact whether or not we are using JIT philosophy. All inventory represents cost for your organization. The greater your inventory levels, the greater your inventory carrying cost will be, and as a consequence, this cost will have to be reflected either in your product price or in decreased profitability.


The term Kaizen has been described several ways. Kai means “change,” while zen means “for the better.’ Another translation would be “change” plus “improve.” Kaizen is most commonly described as continuous improvement. Kaizen is the foundation of all Lean or LSS process improvement initiatives. Kaizen can be conducted individually, as a part of a process improvement team, or as a response to process troubleshooting. These three fundamental applications of Kaizen are present and readily observable in all LSS organizations. A detailed description of the application of Kaizen concepts is presented and discussed in Chapter 5.

Regardless of whether you conduct Kaizen individually, as a team, or in process troubleshooting, applying Kaizen for process improvement requires several activities. First, one must be able to look at and take apart the current process. Second, you must be able to analyze all the elements of that process. Finally, based upon this analysis, you must be able to define an improved set of steps in the process that you were investigating.

While much of the literature today refers to Kaizen as a tool (and many organizations use Kaizen events as a sole tool for improvement activities), Kaizen is the single most important LSS operational philosophy. It is clearly the most underlying fundamental concept required for successful and sustainable process improvement. The ability to deploy Kaizen in any of its forms is a primary requisite to becoming an LSS manager. To this end, Lean practitioners actively engage all employees at all levels of the organization to practice Kaizen on a daily basis.

5M’s—Materials, Machines, Manpower, Methods, and Measurements

The 5M’s—materials, machines, manpower, methods, and measurements—represent categories of process input variables. In every organization each category is composed of several key process input variables. The sum of all the key process input variables contained in each of these categories can be used to provide an accurate description of your value stream. Understanding the nature of each of these categories allows the Lean practitioner to accurately describe the component of your organizational processes and how each component influences the quality of product or service delivery for your customer.

Key Process Input Variables (KPIVs)

Fundamental key process input variables (KPIVs) are in essence composed of all the resources required to add value for your customers. More effective use of resources is typically a target of organizational process improvement programs. For example, under the category of materials, one can identify a series of questions that may require analysis in any process improvement project. Some of these questions may include:

  • Which raw materials are needed?
  • How much of each of these raw materials is needed?
  • When were these materials purchased?
  • How much of each material is purchased?
  • How would these materials be packaged by my supplier?
  • How often do I take delivery of each material?
  • How are the materials transported to my facility?
  • Where will the materials be stored within my facility?
  • When and how will the materials be transported to the VA location?
  • How are they consumed in our value-adding processes?

Key Process Output Variables (KPOVs)

Key process output variables (KPOVs) is basically another term used to describe output measures that you want from your processes. Usually KPOVs are measures or specifications that your customer has placed upon you for service or product delivery. For example, one customer may want a certain or specific on-time delivery of your product or service, say, within two business days of order. Another KPOV could be defined as some aspect of product specification.

KPOV can be either internally focused (designed to achieve an internal organizational measure) or externally focused (designed to meet some functional requirements set for you by the customer). LSS organizations attempt to focus KPOVs on attributes that are defined by the customer. Although a few internally focused measures may be desirable, great care must be taken not to have too many of these in your internal processes. Internally focused measures tend to drive organizations to take their eye off customer requirements. This is a common mistake of traditional organizations that typically develop a large number of KPOVs that are internally focused, and as a consequence, leads them to situations where they produce poor-quality product for their customers.



In this section we describe the most common Lean tools used in industry today and the fundamental nature of each tool. We discuss the purpose of the tool, when it is used, and some of the important aspects of why this tool is an essential component of your Lean transformation process. These sections are not meant to be comprehensive in nature. There are many Lean tool books that provide both in-depth descriptions and the methods of applying these tools.

As stated earlier, Lean is an operational philosophy, and in reality, there are a relatively small number of Lean tools. The real power in applying Lean tools is in coupling this effort with one of the previously described Lean concepts. One of the largest misconceptions in American management today is that Lean tools in and of themselves will produce significant productivity improvements. Applying Lean tools solely as tools does not yield the process improvement that many organizations are attempting to achieve or that are typically associated with true Lean initiatives. An overview of the prominent Lean tools is presented in the remainder of this section.

5S Workplace Organization and Standardization

Just the Facts

The most fundamental of all the Lean tools is 5S Workplace Organization and Standardization. The concept of 5S Workplace Organization and Standardization was presented in the book entitled Five Pillars of the Visual Workplace, by Hiroyuki Hirano.* Workplace Organization and Standardization is a fundamental building block of any LSS organization. As described in the Lean concepts section, the Holy Grail in any process is continuous flow. If a process is poorly organized or not standardized, it is very difficult to establish continuous flow. This is one reason most organizations begin an implementation of Lean with the fundamental introduction to 5S Workplace Organization and Standardization. There are many case studies in the literature that cite the importance of 5S to their Lean initiatives. Moreover, an effective 5S program is a prerequisite to applying Lean tools, and achieving sustainable meaningful results.

The purpose of 5S is to arrive at a safe, neat, orderly workplace where everything required to perform for your customer is readily accessible by your employees. Implementing 5S Workplace Organization and Standardization results in a commonsense work area with an organized sequence of activities required in your value-added processes.

5S Means Action

5S Workplace Organization and Standardization programs are comprised of five phases of activities. Each of these five phases is required if your organization is to successfully implement a 5S program.

  • Sort: The first S is sort. Sort means just that; you select a target area and sort through everything that is in that area. The objective is to eliminate anything that is not needed. That means you are trying to leave only the bare essentials that are required for the VA steps in that area.

    At first glance this may seem like a very easy thing to do. However, once you begin this process of sorting, you will quickly find that there are a large number of things in any given area that are wanted but probably not needed. Because this is common in most organizations, a procedure has been established to help with the sorting process. This procedure is referred to as red tagging.

    Note: It is very important that the red tag is used to indicate that the item is “wanted but not needed” and is readily differentiated (size, shape, and shade of red) from the red tag used on rejected parts.

    Red tagging is a concept whereby employees sort through everything that is located in the target area. When conducting red tagging, a few simple questions are used to decide whether or not what you’ve identified is needed or not. Is this item needed? If so, where should it be located? Also, what quantity of this item is needed? During this process you will run across a large number of items that you’re not sure what to do with. These items should be “red tagged.” A red tag is nothing more than a tag that identifies critical information about the item, such as what the item is, where it was found, what date you found it, reason it was tagged, and possible disposition for the item. Once red tagged, the item is moved to the red tag area, where it is reviewed by a supervisor or manager for proper disposition.

  • Set-in-order: Once the sorting is completed, you are ready for set-in-order. The process of setting items in order of use is very simple in concept; however, it requires discipline on the part of the user to identify exactly where all VA materials should be stored and how they should be prepared for use in everyday activities. The act of setting items in order by its very nature requires that the Lean practitioner standardize the work area. Care should be taken during this process to consider all employee interactions. For example, one should consider the workforce, such as: Are the employees right-handed or left-handed? Are there possible disabled or handicapped employees, and how do we set-in-order for the employee that may be color blind? These are critical factors for set-in-order.

    Once completed, it should be visibly obvious to all where every tool, material, fixture, or other items used in the VA process are to be stored. This process of standardizing the workplace makes it easier for multiple employees to use the same work area and complete VA activities in a standardized fashion.

  • Shine: With sort and set-in-order completed, the next objective is to make sure that the entire area is completely clean. Shine is another simple activity; it just requires that you clean an area and make it ready for use. Typically, there are two valuable components of the shine activity. First, make sure that the entire area is clean and swept; this includes floors, aisles, and any areas in or around where VA activities need to be conducted. Second, owner’s shine has to do with the removal of dust or dirt or grime from any of the floors, workbenches, tables, computer areas, and office equipment that are in use on a daily basis. Adding the discipline of shine to your 5S program requires that you really take a close look at everything that is used in the VA process. The result of this is that once completed, everything in or around the work area is in a state of readiness for use whenever it’s needed.

    The importance of shine cannot be overstated. Organizations that fail to do a thorough shine process inevitably regress to a less organized, less productive work space. The planning process should become a fundamental component of our everyday activities. In order to make the shine activity a standard part of your operational procedures, one may choose to look at it similarly to that of personal hygiene. Few, if any of us, would consider leaving for work in the morning without performing any one of a number of various activities required to make ourselves personally ready for our day, i.e., taking a shower, brushing our teeth, and fixing our hair. This kind of philosophy needs to be adopted during the shine campaign in your organization. It must be daily. It must be routine. It must be a part of who the organization is.

    Another reason that the shine campaign is so important is that defects are often hidden in a clumsy, dirty, dusty, dark, or otherwise unclean environment. Many of the defects that we produce are often tied to an unclean work area. The cleaning process also affords the employee time to take a closer look at all of those items—materials, tools, computers etc.—that we use during the VA process. This type of inspection allows us to identify potential problems before they become too serious and result in poor-quality products or services for our customers.

  • Standardize: The concept of standardize is a little different from the concepts of sort, set-in-order, and shine. Standardize requires a different thought process and is a technique that is used to define the consistent application of sort, set-in-order, and shine activities. Standardize is the difference between a sporadic, once-in-a-while approach to workplace organization and a systematic, continuous, and routine approach to maintaining your work space. Organizations that do not put the fourth S—standardize—in place and do not make standardize a daily habit revert back to old habits, and as a consequence, the workplace is never maintained in a state of readiness.

    Standardize is the phase where companies begin to falter. The reason for this is that we have many activities that happen on a daily basis that we would consider not standard in our workplace. That means there are many things that happened only once in a while or only today or only this week. The result is that materials that are often used or excess supplies required for a one-time event begin to creep into our work spaces. When we apply standardize on a daily basis, it forces us to take action on these one-time events, that is, to change the uncontrolled “happen” event into the controlled or standardized “occur” event. How often have you heard yourself say: “I’ll just put this here” or “This is just for today” or “We never really do this, but I have to do it this way this afternoon.” Each of these thought processes results in the breakdown of standardize and the circumvention of sort, set-in-order, and shine philosophies.

    Ultimately, the essence of standardize is to prevent any work area from returning to its original disorganized state. This is typically accomplished by using standardized tools, such as checklists or check sheets, cleaning schedules, and a visual map of what the area should look like. These tools typically identify all the activities required to effectively complete sort, set-in-order, shine, and standardize on a daily basis.

  • Sustain: The fifth S is sustain. If your organization is to be successful at maintaining an effective 5S program, you must develop the discipline to keep sustain alive in your organization on a daily basis. This means allowing the time, energy, effort, and resources required to maintain your 5S program. Sustain is nothing more than making a habit of sort, set-in-order, shine, and standardize activities. It is basically demonstrating that your organization is committed to a company culture that accepts nothing less than a daily active 5S Workplace Organization and Standardization program. Many organizations make it through the first four S’s, yet lack the commitment to make it a part of their core daily activities. As soon as the sustain efforts dwindle or falter, your organization will revert back to its previous disorganized environment.
Common Omissions When Implementing 5S

The 5S Workplace Organization and Standardization tool is for everyone everywhere in the organization all the time. It is both a concept and a tool encompassing an everyday way of life in your organization. The strength of the tool is that it can be started small; by that we mean that it can be used to improve small areas of your organization independently. Ultimately, the entire organization should be implementing 5S to the point where it is part of the organizational DNA. Unfortunately, efforts commonly falter at the standardize and sustain phases. In many organizations a casual walk-through exposes the remnants of past failed attempts to embrace and adopt this, the simplest of Lean tools. A list of 10 common omissions from 5S programs is listed below. These are implementation aspects to keep in mind when adopting a 5S Workplace Organization and Standardization program.

  1. Not including the entire facility, inside and out. This includes every space—office, parking lot, hall, work space, closet, storage area, warehouse, break room, bathroom, copy center, call center, distribution facility, company vehicles, etc.
  2. Not including the entire staff. If anywhere in your organization the mind set of “5S is for someone else” is present, your 5S program will not be successful.
  3. Abandoning the 5S effort before all required 5S activities are in your organizational DNA and are a visible, daily, and cyclic set of commonly re-occurring activities.
  4. Not allowing employee time for complete 5S understanding and implementation.
  5. Not allowing employee time for regularly scheduled 5S activities to be conducted at certain points in the day or night, daily, weekly, and/or monthly.
  6. Not investing in required housekeeping and standardization tools—cleaning materials, visual control indicators, or standard location markers.
  7. Not documenting 5S activities. Many companies go through an initial 5S program, and because the concepts and activities are simple in nature, they do not document and standardize the processes. Checklists, cleaning schedules, visual maps, before and after photos, and visual controls are all essential components of 5S documentation.
  8. Not having 5S standard work for all associates, managers, and executives. That’s right—managers and executives. It is commonly recognized that today manager standard work is essential for 5S success.
  9. Not setting up a 5S visual workplace display that shows the entire company’s participation in the 5S program and is a living evolving display of ongoing 5S activities company-wide.
  10. Not encouraging, supporting, acknowledging, and rewarding employee participation for ongoing creative 5S activities.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Just the Facts

Overall equipment effectiveness is a tool that was developed predominantly for the manufacturing sector. It was created to measure equipment effectiveness in companies that use equipment to add value or create products for customers. This tool is perfectly suited for this outcome. However, the strength of this tool conceptually reaches far beyond equipment and can be applied in many nonmanufacturing environments. In addition to its application in a manufacturing environment, we will also show how to modify the OEE calculation to be used in nonmanufacturing environments.

The primary purpose of OEE is to measure how effective your VA equipment usage is. In a manufacturing environment OEE is also a secondary measure of productivity. OEE is often used as a foundation for evaluating the Total Productive Maintenance programs and deciding where to apply your maintenance dollars to receive the greatest improvement impact on equipment reliability. A well-run OEE measurement system can also be used as a foundation for assessing new capital equipment acquisitions.

Although OEE is an effective tool, as with all measures, there is one caveat here. The concept of optimizing equipment utilization at the expense of other key process inputs, such as materials or manpower, was a common mistake when OEE was first introduced, and is still present today. In an environment where salaries were low and equipment costs were high, it was easy to fall into the trap of requiring employees to be chained to equipment to achieve high productivity levels. An LSS environment mandates that we balance the proper amounts of materials (to reduce inventory), equipment (to meet customer demand), and utilization of the human factor (to be flexible to changing customer requirements). This synergy of process inputs demonstrates effective use of Lean concepts and tools and reinforces that we maintain a true process focus. It also provides a foundation that steers us away from the common misuses of LSS tools.

How to Use OEE

The use of OEE relies on three direct measurements of your equipment and the products produced by your equipment. These are equipment availability, equipment performance, and product quality. In essence, the objective of OEE is to identify and quantify equipment-related losses that decrease productivity. Once identified, these loss areas are targets for Kaizen.

  • Equipment availability: Equipment availability is a measure of equipment readiness when your organization needs equipment to add value. This is basically composed of scheduled operating time minus any downtime losses that occur during that scheduled operating time. The result of the equipment availability analysis is the actual time that your equipment was running. This is often referred to as runtime or uptime.

    Availability = Uptime/Scheduled operating time

  • Equipment performance: Once the runtime has been established, we can look at equipment performance. Equipment performance is defined as your target output for equipment running at maximum speed minus any speed losses that occur during operation. The result of equipment performance analysis is your actual output.

    Performance = Actual output/Target output

  • Product quality: Product quality is a measure of your good product divided by actual (total) output. The result is your good product output.

    Quality = Good products/Actual output

    OEE (%) = Availability × Performance × Quality

Applying OEE in Nonmanufacturing Environments

The concept of overall equipment effectiveness can also be used in nonmanufacturing environments. To use the OEE calculation in nonmanufacturing environments all one needs to do is replace the middle term equipment with the term value-added. This gives us overall value-added effectiveness (OVAE). We can now define OEE in terms of OVAE.

  • Value-adding availability: Every organization today conducts some form of VA activities for their customers. In order to complete the OVAE, your organization must define an element that adds value for your customers. This could be in the form of the number of process inputs that add value. For example, this could be the number of employees available in a service industry environment. In the health care industry this could be the number of nursing staff available in a specific wing of the hospital. In a call center this could be the number of call center representatives available to take incoming calls. The VA availability component of OVAE is therefore:

    VA availability = Working time/Scheduled time

  • Value-adding performance: Value-adding performance can be defined as your actual service delivery output divided by your target service delivery output. Similarly to in an equipment environment, VA employees run into a number of speed-related delivery losses during their daily activities. The VA performance component of OVAE is therefore:

    VA performance = Actual service delivery output/Target service delivery output

  • Product or service quality: Whether you are delivering a product or a service to your customer, the quality of that product or service can be measured. Service delivery defects can be described as actual service output divided by good service output. The service quality component of OVAE is therefore:

Service quality = Good service output/Actual service output

OVAE (%) = VA availability × VA performance × Service quality

Mistake Proofing

Just the Facts

Mistake proofing* is a tool that is used to minimize or eliminate errors and their subsequent defects in any process. No matter how hard we try, whenever we put together materials, machinery, manpower, and methods, we are bound to make some errors. These errors produce unwanted defects for our customers. The art of mistake proofing endeavors to eliminate mistakes where they occur by redefining activities and developing techniques to mitigate the defect before it happens.

So what is the purpose of conducting mistake proofing in our organization? Why would you want to eliminate mistakes from occurring in our organization? First, eliminating mistakes basically means that we are improving performance for customers, helping to generate customer satisfaction, and ultimately customer loyalty to purchase our product or service in the future. One way to look at mistake proofing is as a program to guarantee future income for your organization.

Another critical reason to conduct mistake proofing is that mistakes introduce additional cost to your product or service. Every time a mistake occurs, additional actions need to be taken before you can deliver your product or service to your customer, all of which add cost and no value from the customer standpoint. Many of these mistakes detract from company profitability but are not accounted for in everyday productivity monitoring systems.

Another factor is that every time a mistake occurs, resources are used. That means that lowering the number of mistakes in your organization will inherently be lowering how many resources are required by your organization at any point in time. This further decreases the overall cost of your product or service.

How to Use Mistake Proofing

Mistake proofing is typically applied using some variation of the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. It is primarily a tool to help your organization achieve the Lean concept of quality at the source. In its most basic form your objective is to isolate any process step or task during the Do-Check portion of the PDCA cycle. Achieving an effective check at the point of execution is critical to assuring that no error, mistake, or defect is produced at any individual process step and passed along to the next VA step.

One way to achieve this is by applying the concept of “negative analysis.”* This technique is used to identify and define what can go wrong in a process, and subsequently designing a process that will not allow a mistake to occur. The analysis includes observations and investigations of the interactions between materials, manpower, and equipment during the process. Creative, “no-mistake” solutions are developed as a result of the negative analysis.

Mistake proofing can be used wherever there is an interaction between two entities during a process step. Some examples include interaction between two employees, an employee-customer or employee-supplier interaction, an employee and a piece of equipment, an employee-material activity, an employee-method step, or during any measurement activity. For example, an office environment example of mistake proofing may be something as simple as setting the fields of an order entry form so that an inaccurate piece of data could not be entered.

With the ever-increasing accuracy and speed of digital photography, even high-speed manufacturing processes (e.g., stamping) are able to inspect and record, via digital photograph, products that are produced at thousands of pieces per minute. As soon as a manufactured piece is out of a predefined visual specification range, the machine is stopped. Prior to this type of technology, thousands of pieces would’ve been stamped, creating a tremendous number of defects at a substantial cost to the manufacturer. This type of mistake proofing technology virtually eliminates the need in many instances for tedious and expensive quality control checks.

Cellular Manufacturing

Just the Facts

Cellular manufacturing is best described as a Lean tool that is used to make the best use of resources during your VA activities. These resources typically include raw materials, manpower, equipment, and facilities. Manufacturing cells are most effective when there is a known steady demand for your product or service and products can be grouped by common VA steps. With customer demand known, you are able to sequence the flow of materials in your facility and apply the necessary manpower and equipment to best deliver your product. Creating a cell typically requires that we tie together all manual and semiautomatic (equipment) VA steps with the ultimate goal of making all of the VA steps and consequently your product flow at the demand of the customer.

As with all manufacturing process improvement tools, the primary purpose of cellular manufacturing is to enhance customer satisfaction and improve organizational profitability. A well-designed manufacturing cell can provide several positive outputs for both company and customer:

  • Decrease lead time to your customer
  • Improve product quality
  • Decrease total inventory required and inventory carrying costs
  • Minimize labor content as a percent of product cost

Since the inception of cellular manufacturing and one-piece flow concepts, it has been generally accepted that manufacturing cells produce the highest-quality products, allow for the highest productivity, and ultimately produce the highest profitability when compared with traditional in-line manufacturing processes.

How to Create Manufacturing Cells

The application of manufacturing cells draws together the use of several Lean concepts previously discussed. These include point of use storage (POUS), quality at the source, just-in-time (JIT), Kanban, and facility layout (i.e., process flow layout, not a function department layout), to name a few. The objective in cell design is to identify and eliminate as much NVA time and activities as possible from the current process by organizing all VA activities in the best sequence.

There are five key steps to the successful design and implementation of a cell.


Step 1: Group products. The first step in cell design is to understand your product groupings. To do this, you must first construct a list of products and then identify all the process steps required by each product. It’s usually easiest if you just make a matrix with product types on one axis and process steps on the other. After checking off which process steps are required by each product, it is easy to identify and group products by their respective process steps. After your products have been grouped, you can undergo the task of creating specific cells to manufacture or assemble all the products in each group.

Step 2: Measure demand (calculate Takt time). Once the products have been grouped, we must now calculate or measure the demand rate of each product. The demand rate is just the rate at which your customer requires that you produce your product or provide your service. The demand rate is the amount of working time available divided by the number of units sold and is typically reported as units per hour or activities per day. Understanding the demand rate of your customer is a critical prerequisite to designing a cell. Cells typically work best when the demand rate is somewhat constant. If your demand rate is erratic or unpredictable, you will need to consider adding a visual control supermarket along with your cell design.

Step 3: Chart current work sequence. For each product you must next chart your current work sequence. This is typically accomplished using a time observation chart to document each element of the work sequence and record the time to complete each work sequence element. This time observation process is an essential complement of deconstructing work activities and then re-assembling them back into a new and balanced continuous flow work sequence.

Step 4: Combine work and balance process. Once you have accurately recorded times for each element in the work sequence, you are now in a position to combine some work elements and balance the process to achieve the correct demand rate or output for the customer. This is accomplished by grouping elements to achieve the time that is less than or equal to the demand rate. For example, if the calculated demand rate is 10 minutes per unit for a specific product, then each individual element in the work sequence must be 10 minutes or less to complete. The closer you get each individual element to 10 minutes, the more continuous and smooth your work product flow will be. Work sequence balancing is not an exact science, but with some analysis of your time observation chart you will clearly be able to recognize significant disruptions in work flow associated with unbalanced work element times.

Step 5: Create new cell work sequence. After completion of steps 1 to 4, you are now in a position to create a completely new work cell sequence. During this step you complete a work flow layout that includes all materials and equipment manpower required to complete the work sequence. The primary objectives are to (1) simplify material flow by integrating process elements, (2) minimize material handling, and (3) make use of people for 100% of the demand rate time. In essence, your goal is to tie together and establish continuous flow of each work element. How you sequence these is dependent upon the actual work elements; however, it is best achieved by using one of the known successful cell configurations. The most common include the U-cell and S-cell configurations.


Just the Facts

Kanban* is the Japanese word for “card” or “sign,” whose function is to relay information along with materials that tell employees exactly what to produce at any given point in your process. Most VA processes have a significant number of process steps. The beauty of Kanban is that it connects a series of process steps in a fashion that allows continuous flow. As we discussed earlier in this chapter, continuous flow is the Holy Grail of any process. Kanban is a critical tool to establishing flow in a process.

The purpose of using Kanban in a process is to regulate the flow of information and materials between employees by connecting sequential VA process steps. Kanban systems allow you to define the exact quantities of products that are required to meet your customer demand. The benefit of this system is that you produce only what the customer requested, therefore eliminating any tendency for overproduction, one of the nine wastes.

How to Use Kanban

Kanban is used as an information-inventory control system by two sequential steps in the process. It can be used by steps that are directly adjacent to each other, those that are separated by great distances, or between different types of equipment at varying stages of your VA process. The Kanban signal system answers the question of “what to do next” that is required by employees to achieve high levels of productivity. One caveat is that Kanban typically only works well within stable demand environments. With the relatively stable demand, order points and order quantities within successive steps of the process can be defined. These are the foundation of a Kanban system.

Typically, a Kanban card identifying product name, photo, requesting department, and quantity desired is shuttled between the consumer of the product and the producer of the product.

Kanban is also a very powerful supply chain tool. It can and is being effectively used to make the supplier-customer materials management process more effective up and down the supply chain. Kanban containers are common tools between world-class organizations managing materials to meet customer demand.

Another method of Kanban signals is with vendor-managed inventory scheduling. This typically has a supplier being granted secured access to the customers’ information management system to monitor the real-time direct consumption of products. At prespecified points of consumption the supplier is signaled to prepare and ship product. This practice is becoming more common as companies strive to decrease lead times and inventories by taking advantage of global information sharing technologies. World-class companies are partnering through technology to create value for each other in ways not possible just 10 years ago.

Value Stream Mapping

Just the Facts

Value stream mapping (VSM) is a technique that’s used to develop a visual representation of all the activities required for you to add value for your customer. It’s typically conducted in a two-step process. The first step is to construct a current state map. In the current state you review every single activity that’s currently being conducted in order to provide your product or service for your customers. The current state map is used to give a fairly accurate definition and description of what your organization currently does for your customer. This is critical for your organization to begin to understand the weaknesses of your current process and to identify what needs to be improved to improve performance for your customer. During the creation of the current state map, identify on the map as many of the nine wastes as possible, indicating where these wastes are present. Once a current state process map has been completed and significant waste throughout the process is identified, the second step of the VSM program can be completed, which is preparing a future state map.

The future state map defines and outlines a visual representation of how you want your organization to perform at some point in the future. It typically endeavors to describe an ideal state, that is, a state in which you identified and eliminated a significant amount of waste that existed in your current state map.

There are many software packages available today for VSM. Some are simple icon-based systems to help with preparation of current state and future state visual maps. Others are more complex and allow for the inclusion of many process variables, such as materials, employees, and cycle times and/or lead times. The most complex allow for computer process model development and sophisticated simulations of “what if” process change scenarios of selected process variables. Regardless of the complexity of your selected VSM solution, all options can allow you to significantly improve your processes using the VSM techniques.

Managing with Maps

Using VSMs to manage improvement activities is an effective way to organize, prioritize, deploy, and manage improvement activities. Using a technique called managing with maps is an effective approach to tie process performance acceleration and align organizational objectives from strategic plans to tactical improvement plans. In The Organizational Alignment Handbook, we describe the seven phases of the organizational alignment cycle.* The managing with maps technique would be developed and deployed in phases I, II, and VI. A brief overview of using managing with maps to align and manage organizational objectives is given below. Each view would require the preparation of current state and future state views at each level in the organization. These maps are used as the primary improvement management tools.

  • Strategic view: The strategic view VSM shows a complete view of the value stream from customer contact to customer receipt of product or service. It identifies high-level process steps and includes key departments, high-level performance measures that all lower-level measures will roll up to. This map should allow all employees to see how their participation supports the organization’s strategic objectives. It also identifies high-level improvement initiatives targeted for the map time period.
  • Department view: The department view VSM shows a complete view of the value stream within a department. It identifies department-level process steps and assigns key department measures. These maps encompass resources coming into or being used within the department and all the VA products or services exiting the department. It identifies Kaizen activities or continuous improvement team activities.
  • Process view: The process view VSM shows a complete view of each process within a department. It identifies detailed views of each process and assigns key department measures to each process. These maps encompass resources coming into or being used within each process and all the VA products or services exiting the process. It identifies Kaizen activities or continuous improvement team activities, current state performance, and future state targets for improvement.
  • Measure view: The measure view VSM shows a complete view of all measures within a process. It identifies specific measures of various process steps and allows for monitoring and aligning multiple measures of a process. Using this technique allows for measurement management and eliminates conflicting measures within a process. This is particularly important in complex systems or regulated environments such as health care or medical products manufacturing.

Using the management with maps approach allows complete organizational alignment. It provides a mechanism for measurement roll-up from the most specific process step measurement to department objectives, and ultimately to strategic initiatives. These VSMs are a powerful visual management and communication tool.

Visual Controls

Just the Facts

Visual controls are simple signals that show at a glance what needs to be done. They are simplifications of systems that, when implemented effectively, require no communication between employees in order to signal what action should be taken. Think about that for a second—no communication! No e-mail, no information management system interaction, no phone interaction, no reading standard operating procedures or good manufacturing practices. These are all no-value-adding, time-robbing activities that the customer is unwilling to pay for.

Some visual control examples that describe necessary actions are where a material should be moved, what raw material or sub-assembly should be replenished, which orders need to be entered, which patients should be waited on first, etc.

How to Use Visual Controls

Visual controls are becoming more and more prevalent in many organizations. In multilingual environments visual controls can eliminate the need for translations. In organizations where employees may have handicaps, such as color blindness, for example, visual controls using geometric shapes can be incorporated into work instructions.

The visual control example in Table 4.3 will assist you in developing visual controls in virtually any environment. The table puts together control type, purpose, and several examples of common controls. This is a powerful tool for process improvement. Now that you have been introduced to them, look for aspects of your processes that would benefit from visual controls.



Throughout this chapter we have described a series of the most common but powerful Lean concepts and Lean tools used in process improvement activities. In this section we will present an example that demonstrates the proper application of the Lean operational philosophy, which combines the Lean concepts and tools described in this chapter. The synergy, strength, and power of coupling a Lean operational philosophy and Lean tools to effectively organize key input variables (5M’s) are demonstrated in this example. Remember, only by managing inputs can we improve outputs. When looking to harness the power of LSS, endeavor to use as many of the concepts and tools as possible along your process.


Visual Control Examples

Type Purpose Description
Items or parts Identify the correct item or part Signboards, photos, labels
Locations Identify the correct location Color coding, numbering, tape outlines
Quantities Show the proper quantity Min-max levels, container quantities
Methods Describe the method Standard procedures, visual work instructions, charts
Exception tags Indicate special conditions or abnormalities Read tags, repair tags, quarantine signs
Andon signals Signal employee action Visual flashing or rotating lights, bells, or buzzers
Kanban Control materials movements Card, containers, or empty spaces signaling production is required
Performance measurement displays Visually show performance versus target Safety, quality, or productivity performance measures
Defect displays Make visible common problems Board or table showing defective raw materials, tooling, or paperwork
Personnel boards Show current availability or assignments Availability (in/out), assignment department, or location

Several Lean concepts or tools described in this chapter were used in unison in the composite U-cell case study described below. The term composite U-cell simply means we joined two U-cells to establish continuous flow for the production of the entire finished product. This example also shows both creativity and innovation that can be achieved to arrive at simple solutions that deliver powerful process improvements. The following 13 Lean concepts and tools were used in the composite U-cell case study.

  1. Continuous flow
  2. Kaizen
  3. Pull systems
  4. Cell design
  5. 5S Workplace Organization and Standardization
  6. Standardized work
  7. Visual materials controls
  8. Visual work instructions
  9. Kanban
  10. Mistake proofing
  11. Point of use storage (POUS)
  12. Quality at the source
  13. Facility layout

Composite U-Cell Case Study

  • Situation: A manufacturer of complex medical instrumentation was producing approximately 45 blood dialysis units/week operating two shifts in an enclosed electrostatic discharge (ESD) room. The company was regularly receiving orders for 60 units/week. There was no room for expansion, and the company was restricted to assembly in the current assembly area. The challenge was to implement process improvements and achieve 60 units/week with the existing staff, assembly area, and test equipment. Previous attempts to increase production beyond the 45 units/week level had resulted in significant quality problems and an actual reduction in output.
  • Cell design activities: The Kaizen continuous improvement team created a “first of its kind” composite U-cell using the five-step cell design process. The composite cell is actually two cells operating in unison. Cell design for each cell included product grouping, Takt time, line balancing, work sequencing, and facility layout for a total of 38 workstations, over 50 assembly and test employees, and the assembly of over 4,000 parts.
  • How the composite cell operates: Raw materials flow from the outside of each cell toward the inside of each cell via a series of sub-assembly workstations. Simultaneously, each major component, hydraulics assembly and chassis assembly, flows in the U-shaped pattern on the inside of each cell, consuming sub-assemblies along the way. Final assembly of the hydraulics and chassis takes place at the work center between the cells as the last assembly step before transferring the final product to testing.
Lean Six Sigma Concepts and Tools Used
  • Kaizen teams were used as the primary change management tool for cell design and implementation.
  • The Kaizen and you method was used by individual employees for bench improvements along with 5S Workplace Organization and Standardization.
  • During each cell design, the teams utilized continuous flow, pull systems, visual controls and instructions, standardized work, POUS, quality at the source, Kanban, mistake proofing, and facility layout.
  • During cell “try-storms” workbench layouts were designated, and POUS and materials flows were established with replenishment occurring as materials were consumed using visual controls and Kanban cards and containers quantities.
  • Quality @ the source and mistake proofing were incorporated into employee sub-assemblies activities. Two space visual controls located on the sub-assembly work center regulated materials flow within the cells. As the hydraulics assembly consumes each series of sub-assemblies, workers at each sub-assembly bench were signaled to replenish these parts.
  • Well-defined Takt time assured continuous flow throughout each cell.
  • Final assembly and testing proceeded without errors and sub-assembly rework that had previously hindered productivity.

Figure 4.1 shows details of the final composite U-cell layout, which includes raw materials’ storage on the exterior of the cells, sub-assembly workstations, employee deployment, final assembly cart progression, and in-process and final test stations.



Composite U-cell layout. Economic impacts: Over a 60-day period the continuous improvement teams designed and implemented the integrated U-cells. The results were that the initial production rate of 45 units/week was successfully increased to 60 units/week with greatly improved product quality. This represents a 33% increase in productivity using the same floor space, number of employees, and existing test equipment.



There are four key LSS learning points to take away from this chapter. The true LSS manager or practitioner integrates these four characteristics into his/her daily beliefs and activities to achieve performance improvement.

  • Learn to “see” waste. Waste is almost everywhere in your organization. Increase your understanding of what causes each of the nine wastes. Wherever any of the 5M’s interact, there is waste potential. Notice the activities revolving around VA processes. Focus on materials, machinery, methods, man/woman power, and measurements. These inputs are source points for all waste creation.
  • Embrace the power of observation—stop and watch the process. Taiichi Ohno was famous for demanding observation of the process by his employees, so much so that he would draw a circle on the floor and make shop floor managers stand in it and observe the process until they identified and understood where the waste was. These events could last hours with Ohno’s intermittent checks to see if managers could identify the waste. His learning objective was a simple one: You cannot improve a process when you cannot see what to improve or where to improve.
  • Learn the LSS concepts and apply the LSS tools. Begin to better understand the range of LSS concepts and how they interact with each other. Understand the warning signs that a traditional operational philosophy is at work and contributing to waste. These are typically starting points for process improvement projects. Apply the tools and monitor their effects on performance measures. Remember, LSS is a learning process. The more you use the tools, the better you will get at effectively improving processes.

Use the concepts and tools in groups to achieve enhanced performance improvement. Using LSS concepts and tools in groups can result in significant performance improvement. Revisit the composite U-cell case study as an example of grouping concepts and tools.



* Hiroyuki Hirano, Five Pillars of the Visual Workplace, Productivity, Inc. Portland, OR, 1995.

* Mistake-Proofing for Operators, Shop Floor Series, Productivity Press, New York, 1996.

* Business Process Improvement: The Breakthrough Strategy for Total Quality, Productivity, and Competitiveness, McGraw-Hill, 1991.

* Kanban for the Shop Floor, Shop Floor Series, Productivity Press, New York, 2002.

* H. James Harrington, Frank Voehl, The Organizational Alignment Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2012.

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