State-Feedback Nonlinear HH-Control for Continuous-Time Systems

In this chapter, we discuss the nonlinear HH sub-optimal control problem for continuous-time affine nonlinear systems using state-feedback. This problem arises when the states of the system are available, or can be measured directly and used for feedback. We derive sufficient conditions for the solvability of the problem, and we discuss the results for both time-invariant (or autonomous) systems and time-varying (or nonautonomous) systems, as well as systems with a delay in the state. We also give a parametrization of all full-information stabilizing controllers for each system. Moreover, understanding the state-feedback problem will facilitate the understanding of the dynamic measurement-feedback problem which is discussed in the subsequent chapter.

The problem of robust control in the presence of modelling errors and/or parameter variations is also discussed. Sufficient conditions for the solvability of this problem are given, and a class of controllers is presented.

5.1    State-Feedback HH-Control for Affine Nonlinear Systems

The set-up for this configuration is shown in Figure 5.1, where the plant is represented by an affine causal state-space system defined on a smooth n-dimensional manifold χ ⊆ ℜn in local coordinates x = (x1,…, xn):



where xXX is the state vector, uUU ⊆ ℜp is the p-dimensional control input, which belongs to the set of admissible controls U,wWU,wW is the disturbance signal, which belongs to the set W2([t0,),r)WL2([t0,),Rr) of admissible disturbances, the output y ∈ ℜn is the states-vector of the system which is measured directly, and z ∈ ℜs is the output to be controlled. The functions f:XV(X),g1:Xn×r(X),g2:Xn×p(X),h1:Xs,andk12:Xp×m(X)f:XV(X),g1:XMn×r(X),g2:XMn×p(X),h1:XRs,andk12:XMp×m(X) are assumed to be real C-functions of x. Furthermore, we assume without loss of generality that x = 0 is a unique equilibrium point of the system with u = 0, w = 0, and is such that f(0) = 0, h1(0) = 0. We also assume that the system is well defined, i.e., for any initial state x(t0) ∈ XX and any admissible input u(t) ∈ UU, there exists a unique solution x(t, t0, x0, u) to (5.1) on [t0, ) which continuously depends on the initial conditions, or the system satisfies the local existence and uniqueness theorem for ordinary differential-equations [157].

Again Figure 5.1 also shows that for this configuration, the states of the plant are accessible and can be directly measured for the purpose of feedback control. We begin with the definition of smooth-stabilizability and also recall the definition of 2L2-gain of the system Σa.


Feedback Configuration for State-Feedback Nonlinear HH -Control

Definition 5.1.1 (Smooth-stabilizability). The nonlinear system Σa (or simply [f, g2]) is locally smoothly-stabilizable if there exists a C0-function F : UUXX → ℜp, F (0) = 0, such that ˙xx˙ = f(x)+g2(x)F (x) is locally asymptotically stable. The system is smoothly-stabilizable if U = XX.

Definition 5.1.2 The nonlinear system Σa is said to have locally 2L2-gain from w to z in UXX, less than or equal to γ, if for any x0UU and fixed u, the response z of the system corresponding to any wWW satisfies:


for some bounded C0 function β : U → ℜ such that β(0) = 0. The system has 2L2-gainγ if the above inequality is satisfied for all xXX, or U =XX.

Since we are interested in designing smooth feedback laws for the system to make it asymptotically or internally stable, the requirement of smooth-stabilizability for the system will obviously be necessary for the solvability of the problem before anything else. The suboptimal state-feedback nonlinear HH-control or local disturbance-attenuation problem with internal stability, can then be formally defined as follows.

Definition 5.1.3 (State-Feedback Nonlinear HH (Suboptimal)-Control Problem (SFBNLHICP)). The state-feedback ℌ suboptimal control or local disturbance-attenuation problem with internal stability for the system Σa, is to find a static state-feedback control function of the form



for some smooth function α depending on x and possibly t only, such that the closed-loop system:



has, for all initial conditions x(t0) ∈ N, locally 2L2-gain from the disturbance signal w to the output z less than or equal to some prescribed number γ > 0 with internal stability, or equivalently, the closed-loop system achieves local disturbance-attenuation less than or equal to γ with internal stability.

Internal stability of the system in the above definition means that all internal signals in the system, or trajectories, are bounded, which is also equivalent to local asymptotic-stability of the closed-loop system with w = 0 in this case.

Remark 5.1.1 The optimal problem in the above definition is to find the minimum γ > 0 for which the 2L2-gain is minimized. This problem is however more difficult to solve.

One way to measure the 2L2-gain (or with an abuse of the terminology, HH-norm) of the system (5.1), is to excite it with a periodic input wTW, where WWW is the subspace of periodic continuous-time functions (e.g., a sinusoidal signal), and to measure the steady-state output response zss(.) corresponding to the steady-state state response xss(.). Then the 2L2-gain can be calculated as




Returning now to the SFBNLHICP, to derive sufficient conditions for the solvability of this problem, we apply the theory of differential games developed in Chapter 2. It is fairly clear that the problem of choosing a control function u(.) such that the 2L2-gain of the closed-loop system from w to z is less than or equal to γ > 0, can be formulated as a two-player zero-sum differential game with u the minimizing player’s decision, w the maximizing player’s decision, and the objective functional:



subject to the dynamical equations (5.1) over a finite time-horizon T > t0.

At this point, we separate the problem into two subproblems; namely, (i) achieving local disturbance-attenuation and (ii) achieving local asymptotic-stability. To solve the first problem, we allow w to vary over all possible disturbances including the worst-case disturbance, and search for a feedback control function u:X×Uu:X×RU depending on the current state information, that minimizes the objective functional J(., .) and renders it nonpositive for all w starting from x0 = 0. By so doing, we have the following result.

Proposition 5.1.1 Suppose for γ = γ there exists a locally defined feedback-control function u : N × ℜ → ℜp, 0 ∈ NXX, which is possibly time-varying, and renders J(., .) nonpositive for the worst possible disturbance w WW (and hence for all wWW) for all T > 0. Then the closed-loop system has locally 2L2-gain ≤ γ.



To derive the sufficient conditions for the solvability of the first sub-problem, we define the value-function for the game V : XX × [0, T ] → ℜ as


and apply Theorem 2.4.2 from Chapter 2. Consequently, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 5.1.1 Consider the SFBNLHICP problem as a two-player zero-sum differential game with the cost functional (5.4). A pair of strategies (u (x, t), w (x, t)) provides, under feedback information structure, a saddle-point solution to the game such that


if the value-function V is C1 and satisfies the HJI-PDE (HJIE):



Next, to find the pair of feedback strategy (u, w ) that satisfies Isaac’s equation (5.5), we form the Hamiltonian function H:TX×U×WH:TX×U×WR for the problem:



and search for a unique saddle-point (u, w ) such that



for each (u, w) and each (x, p), where p is the adjoint variable.

Since the function H(., ., ., .) is C2 in both u and w, the above problem can be solved by applying the necessary conditions for an unconstrained optimization problem. However, the only problem that might arise is if the coefficient matrix of u is singular. This more general problem will be discussed in Chapter 9. But in the meantime to overcome this problem, we need the following assumption.

Assumption 5.1.1 The matrix


is nonsingular for all xXX.

Under the above assumption, the necessary conditions for optimality for u and w provided by the minimum (maximum) principle [175] are


for all (u, w). Application of these conditions gives





Moreover, since by assumption R(.) is nonsingular and therefore positive-definite, and γ > 0, the above equilibrium-point is clearly an optimizer of J(u, w). Further, we can write





and the notation ‖aQ stands for aTQa for any a ∈ ℜn, Q ∈ ℜn×n. Substituting u and w in turns in (5.10) show that the saddle-point conditions (5.7) are satisfied.

Now assume that there exists a C1 positive-semidefinite solution V : XX → ℜ to Isaac’s equation (5.5) which is defined in a neighborhood N of the origin, that vanishes at x = 0 and is time-invariant (this assumption is plausible since H(., ., ., .) is time-invariant). Then the feedbacks (u, w) necessarily exist, and choosing


in (5.10) yields the identity:


Finally, notice that for u = u and w = w, the above identity yields


which is exactly the right-hand-side of (5.5), and for this equation to be satisfied, V(.) must be such that



The above condition (5.11) is the time-invariant HJIE for the disturbance-attenuation problem. Integration of (5.11) along the trajectories of the closed-loop system with α(x)=u(x,VTx(x))α(x)=u(x,VTx(x)) (independent of t!) starting from t = t0 and x(t0) = x0, to t = T > t0 and x(T ) yields


This means J(u, w) is nonpositive for all wWW, and consequently implies the 2L2-gain of the system is less than or equal to γ. This also solves part (i) of the state-feedback suboptimal HH-control problem. Before we consider part (ii) of the problem, we make the following simplifying assumption.

Assumption 5.1.2 The output vector h1(.) and weighting matrix k12(.) are such that




for all xXX. Equivalently, we shall henceforth write z=[h1(x)u]z=[h1(x)u] under this assumption.

Remark 5.1.2 The above assumption implies that there are no cross-product terms in the performance or cost-functional (5.4), and the weighting on the control is unity.

Under the above assumption 5.1.2, the HJIE (5.11) becomes



and the feedbacks (5.8), (5.9) become





Thus, the above condition (5.12) together with the associated feedbacks (5.13), (5.14) provide a sufficient condition for the solvability of the state-feedback suboptimal HH problem on the infinite-time horizon when T → ∞.

On the other hand, let us consider the finite-horizon problem as defined by the cost functional (5.4) with T < ∞. Assuming there exists a time-varying positive-semidefinite C1 solution V : XX × ℜ → ℜ to the HJIE (5.5) such that


then substituting in (5.8), (5.9) and the HJIE (5.5) under the Assumption 5.1.2, we have





where V satisfies the HJIE



Therefore, the above HJIE (5.17) gives a sufficient condition for the solvability of the finite-horizon suboptimal HH control problem and the associated feedbacks.

Let us consider an example at this point.

Example 5.1.1 Consider the nonlinear system with the associated penalty function


The HJIE (5.12) corresponding to this system and penalty function is given by


Let γ = 1 and choose


Then we see that the HJIE is solved with V(x)=12(x21+x22)V(x)=12(x21+x22) which is positive-definite. The associated feedbacks are given by


It is also interesting to notice that the above solution V to the HJIE (5.12) is also a Lyapunov-function candidate for the free system: ˙x1=x2,˙x2=x112x32.x˙1=x2,x˙2=x112x32.

Next, we consider the problem of asymptotic-stability for the closed-loop system (5.3), which is part (ii) of the problem. For this, let


where V(.) is a smooth positive-semidefinite solution of the HJIE (5.12). Then differentiating V along the trajectories of the closed-loop system with w = 0 and using (5.12), we get


where use has been made of the HJIE (5.12). Therefore, ˙VV˙ is nonincreasing along trajectories of the closed-loop system, and hence the system is stable in the sense of Lyapunov. To prove local asymptotic-stability however, an additional assumption on the system will be necessary.

Definition 5.1.4 The nonlinear system Σa is said to be locally zero-state detectable if there exists a neighborhood UXX of x = 0 such that, for all x(t0) ∈ UU, if z(t) ≡ 0, u(t) ≡ 0 for all tt0, it implies that limtx(t,t0,x0,u)=0limtx(t,t0,x0,u)=0. It is zero-state detectable if U = XX.

Thus, if we assume the system Σa to be locally zero-state detectable, then it is seen that for any trajectory of the system x(t) ∈ UU such that ˙V(x(t))0V˙(x(t))0 for all tts for some tst0, it is necessary that u(t) ≡ 0 and z(t) ≡ 0 for all tts. This by zero-state detectability implies that limtx(t)=0.limtx(t)=0. Finally, since x = 0 is the only equilibrium-point of the system in UU, by LaSalle’s invariance-principle, we can conclude local asymptotic-stability.

The above result is summarized as the solution to the state-feedback HH sub-optimal control problem (SFBNLHICP) in the next theorem after the following definition.

Definition 5.1.5 A nonnegative function V : XXℜ is proper if the level set V−1([0, a]) = {xXX|0 ≤ V (x) ≤ a} is compact for each a > 0.

Theorem 5.1.2 Consider the nonlinear system Σa and the SFBNLHICP for the system. Assume the system is smoothly-stabilizable and locally zero-state detectable in NXX. Suppose also there exists a smooth positive-semidefinite solution to the HJIE (5.12) in N. Then the control law



solves the SFBNLHICP locally in N. If in addition Σa is globally zero-state detectable and V is proper, then u solves the problem globally.

Proof: The first part of the theorem has already been proven in the above developments. For the second part regarding global asymptotic-stability, note that, if V is proper, then V is a global solution of the HJIE (5.11), and the result follows by application of LaSalle’s invariance-principle from Chapter 1 (see also the References [157, 268]). □

The existence of a C2 solution to the HJIE (5.12) is related to the existence of an invariant-manifold for the corresponding Hamiltonian system:





It can be seen then that, if V is a C2 solution of the Isaacs equation, then differentiating H (x, p) in (5.11) with respect to x we get


and since the Hessian matrix


is symmetric, it implies that the submanifold



is invariant under the flow of the Hamiltonian vector-field XHγXHγ, i.e.,


The above developments have considered the SFBNLHICP from a differential games perspective. In the next section, we consider the same problem from a dissipative point of view.

Remark 5.1.3 With p=VTx(x)p=VTx(x), for some smooth solution V ≥ 0 of the HJIE (5.12), the disturbance w=1γ2g1(x)VTx(x),xXw=1γ2g1(x)VTx(x),xX is referred to as the worst-case disturbance affecting the system. Hence the title “worst-case” design for HH-control design.

Let us now specialize the results of Theorem 5.1.2 to the linear system



where F ∈ ℜn×n, G1 ∈ ℜn×r, G2 ∈ ℜn×p, and H1 ∈ ℜm×n are constant matrices. Also, let the transfer function wz be Tzw, and assume x(0) = 0. Then the HH-norm of the system from w to z is defined by


We then have the following corollary to the theorem.

Corollary 5.1.1 Consider the linear system (5.21) and the SFBNLHICP for it. Assume (F, G2) is stabilizable and (H1, F) is detectable. Further, suppose for some γ > 0, there exists a symmetric positive-semidefinite solution P ≥ 0 to the algebraic-Riccati equation (ARE):



Then the control law


solves the SFBNLHICP for the system Σl, i.e., renders its HH-norm less than or equal to a prescribed number γ > 0 and (FG2GT2P)(FG2GT2P) is asymptotically-stable or Hurwitz.

Remark 5.1.4 Note that the assumptions (F, G2) stabilizable and (H1, F ) detectable in the above corollary actually guarantee the existence of a symmetric solution P ≥ 0 to the Riccati equation (5.22) [292]. Moreover, any solution P = PT ≥ 0 of (5.22) is stabilizing.

Remark 5.1.5 Again, the assumption (H1, F) detectable in the corollary can be replaced by the linear equivalent of the zero-state detectability assumption for the nonlinear case, which is


This condition also means that the system does not have a stable unobservable mode on the jω-axis.

The converse of Corollary 5.1.1 also holds, and is stated in the following theorem which is also known as the Bounded-real lemma [160].

Theorem 5.1.3 Assume (H1, F) is detectable and let γ > 0. Then there exists a linear feedback-control


such that the closed-loop system (5.21) with this feedback is asymptotically-stable and has 2L2-gainγ if, and only if, there exists a solution P ≥ 0 to (5.22). In addition, if P = PT ≥ 0 is such that


where σ(.) denotes the spectrum of (.), then Tzw<γTzw<γ.

5.1.1    Dissipative Analysis

In this section, we reconsider the SFBNLHICP for the affine nonlinear system (5.1) from a dissipative system’s perspective developed in Chapter 3 (see also [131, 223]). In this respect, the first part of the problem (subproblem (i)) can be regarded as that of finding a static state-feedback control function u = α(x) such that the closed-loop system (5.3) is rendered dissipative with respect to the supply-rate


and a suitable storage-function. For this purpose, we first recall the following definition from Chapter 3.

Definition 5.1.6 The nonlinear system (5.1) is locally dissipative with respect to the supply-rate s(w,z)=12(γ2w2z2)s(w,z)=12(γ2w2z2), if there exists a storage-function V : NXX → ℜ+ such that for any initial state x(t0) = x0N, the inequality



is satisfied for all w2L2[t0, ∞), where x1 = x(t1, t0, x0, u).

Remark 5.1.6 Rewriting the above dissipation-inequality (5.23) as (since V ≥ 0)


and allowing t1 → ∞, it immediately follows that dissipativity of the system with respect to the supply-rate s(w, z) implies finite 2L2-gainγ for the system.

We can now state the following proposition.

Proposition 5.1.2 Consider the nonlinear system (5.3) and the the SFBNLHICP using static state-feedback control. Suppose for some γ > 0, there exists a smooth solution V ≥ 0 to the HJIE (5.12) or the HJI-inequality:



in NXX. Then, the control function (5.18) solves the problem for the system in N.

Proof: The equivalence of the solvability of the HJIE (5.12) and the inequality (5.24) has been shown in Chapter 3. For the local disturbance-attenuation property, rewrite the HJ-inequality as



Integrating now the above inequality from t = t0 to t = t1 > t0, and starting from x(t0), we get


where z=[h1(x)u]z=[h1(x)u]. Hence, the system is locally dissipative with respect to the supply-rate s(w, z), and consequently by Remark 5.1.6 has the local disturbance-attenuation property. □

Remark 5.1.7 Note that the inequality (5.25) is obtained whether the HJIE is used or the HJI-inequality is used.

To prove asymptotic-stability for the closed-loop system, part (ii) of the problem, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 5.1.4 Consider the nonlinear system (5.3) and the SFBNLHICP. Suppose the system is smoothly-stabilizable, zero-state detectable, and the assumptions of Proposition 5.1.1 hold for the system. Then the control law (5.18) renders the closed-loop system (5.3) locally asymptotically-stable in N with w = 0 and therefore solves the SFBNLHICP for the system locally in N. If in addition the solution V ≥ 0 of the HJIE (or inequality) is proper, then the system is globally asymptotically-stable with w = 0, and the problem is solved globally.

Proof: Substituting w = 0 in the inequality (5.25), it implies that ˙V(t)0V˙(t)0 and the system is stable. Further, if the system is zero-state detectable, then for any trajectory of the system such that ˙V(x(t))0V˙(x(t))0, for all tts for some tst0, it implies that z(t) ≡ 0, u* (t) ≡ 0, for all tts, which in turn implies that limt→∞ x(t) = 0. The result now follows by application of Lasalle’s invariance-principle. For the global asymptotic-stability of the system, we note that if V is proper, then V is a global solution of the HJI-inequality (5.24), and the result follows by applying the same arguments as above. □

We consider another example.

Example 5.1.2 Consider the nonlinear system defined on the half-space N12={x=x1>12x2}N12={x=x1>12x2}


The HJI-inequality (5.24) corresponding to this system for γ=2γ=2 is given by


Then, it can be checked that the positive-definite function


globally solves the above HJI-inequality in N with γ=2γ=2. Moreover, since the system is zero-state detectable, then the control law


asymptotically stabilizes the system over N12N12.

Next, we investigate the relationship between the solvability of the SFBNLHICP for the nonlinear system Σa and its linearization about x = 0:



where F=fx(0)ϵn×n,G1=g1(0)ϵn×r,G2=g2(0)ϵn×p,H1=fx(0),andūϵp,ˉxϵn,ˉwϵr. A number of interesting results relating the 2-gain of the linearized system Σl and that of the system ˉΣa can be concluded [264]. We summarize here one of these results.

Theorem 5.1.5 Consider the linearized system ˉΣl, and assume the pair (H1, F ) is detectable [292]. Suppose there exists a state-feedback ˉu=Kˉx for some p × n matrix K, such that the closed-loop system is asymptotically-stable and has 2-gain from ˉwtoˉz less than γ > 0. Then, there exists a neighborhood O of x = 0 and a smooth positivesemidefinite function V:O that solves the HJIE (5.12). Furthermore, the control law u=g2(x)VTx(x) renders the 2-gain of the closed-loop system (5.3) less than or equal to γ in O.

We defer a full study of the solvability and algorithms for solving the HJIE (5.12) which are crucial to the solvability of the SFBNLHICP, to a later chapter. However, it is sufficient to observe that, based on the results of Theorems 5.1.3 and 5.1.5, it follows that the existence of a stabilizing solution to the ARE (5.22) guarantees the local existence of a positive-semidefinite solution to the HJIE (5.12). Thus, any necessary condition for the existence of a symmetric solution P ≥ 0 to the ARE (5.22) becomes also necessary for the local existence of solutions to (5.11). In particular, the stabilizability of (F, G2) is necessary, and together with the detectability of (H1, F ) are sufficient. Further, it is well known from linear systems theory and the theory of Riccati equations [292, 68] that the existence of a stabilizing solution P = P T to the ARE (5.22) implies that the two subspaces


are complementary and the Hamiltonian matrix


does not have imaginary eigenvalues, where X(ˉHγ) is the stable eigenspace of ˉHγ. Translated to the nonlinear case, this requires that the stable invariant-manifold M of the Hamiltonian vector-field XHγ through (x,VTx(x))=(0,0) (which is of the form (5.20)) to be n-dimensional and tangent to X(ˉHγ):=span[Ip]at(x,VxT)=(0,0), and the matrix ˉHγ corresponding to the linearization of Hγ does not have purely imaginary eigenvalues. The latter condition is referred to as being hyperbolic and this situation will be regarded as the noncritical case. Thus, the detectability of (H1, F ) excludes the condition that ˉHγ has imaginary eigenvalues, but this is not necessary. Indeed, the HJIE (5.12) can also have smooth solutions in the critical case in which the Hamiltonian matrix ˉHγ is nonhyperbolic. In this case, the manifold M is not entirely the stable-manifold, but will contain a nontrivial center-stable manifold.

Proof: (of Theorem 5.1.5): By Theorem 5.1.3 there exists a solution P ≥ 0 to (5.22). It follows that the stable invariant manifold M is tangent to X(ˉHγ) at (x, p) = (0, 0). Hence, locally about x = 0, there exists a smooth solution V to the HJIE (5.12) satisfying 2Vx2(0)=P. In addition, since FG2GT2P is asymptotically-stable, the vector-field fg2gT2Vx is asymptotically-stable. Rewriting the HJIE (5.12) as


it implies by the Bounded-real lemma (Chapter 3) that locally about x = 0, V 0 and the closed-loop system has 2-gain ≤ γ for all wW such that x(t) remains in O. □

In the next section, we discuss controller parametrization.


Controller Parametrization for FI-State-Feedback Nonlinear H -Control

5.1.2    Controller Parametrization

In this subsection, we discuss the state-feedback H controller parametrization problem which deals with the problem of specifying a set (or all the sets) of possible state-feedback controllers that solves the SFBNLHICP for the system (5.1) locally.

The basis for the controller parametrization we discuss is the Youla (or Q)-parametrization for all stabilizing controllers for the linear problem [92, 195, 292] which has been extended to the nonlinear case [188, 215, 214]. Although the original Youla-parametrization uses coprime factorization, the modified version presented in [92] does not use coprime-factorization. The structure of the prametrization is shown in Figure 5.2. Its advantage is that it is given in terms of a free parameter which belongs to a linear space, and the closed-loop map is affine in this free parameter. Thus, this gives an additional degree-of-freedom to further optimize the closed-loop maps in order to achieve other design objectives.

Now, assuming Σa is smoothly-stabilizable and the disturbance signal w2[0, ) is fully measurable, also referred to as the full-information (FI) structure, then the following proposition gives a parametrization of a family of full-information controllers that solves the SFBNLHICP for Σa.

Proposition 5.1.3 Assume the nonlinear system Σa is smoothly stabilizable and zero-state detectable. Suppose further, the disturbance signal is measurable and there exists a smooth (local) solution V ≥ 0 to the HJIE (5.12) or inequality (5.24) such that the SFBNLHICP is (locally) solvable. Let G denote the set of finite-gain (in the 2 sense) asymptotically-stable (with zero input and disturbances) input-affine nonlinear plants, i.e.,

G{Σa|Σa(u=0,w=0)isasymptotically-stable and has2gainγ}.

Then, the set



is a paremetrization of all FI-state-feedback controllers that solves (locally) the SFBNLHICP for the system Σa.

Proof: Apply uKFI to the system Σa resulting in the closed-loop system:



If Q = 0, then the result follows from Theorem 5.1.2 or 5.1.4. So assume Q ≠ 0, and since QG,rQ(ww)2[0,). Let V ≥ 0 be a (local) solution of (5.12) or (5.24) in N for some γ > 0. Then, differentiating this along a trajectory of the closed-loop system, completing the squares and using (5.12) or (5.24), we have



Now, integrating the above inequality (5.29) from t = t0 to t = t1 > t0, starting from x(t0) and using the fact that


we get



This implies that the closed-loop system (5.28) has 2-gain ≤ γ from w to z. Finally, the part dealing with local asymptotic-stability can be proven as in Theorems 5.1.2, 5.1.4. □

Remark 5.1.8 Notice that the set G can also be defined as the set of all smooth inputaffine plants Q : rv with the realization



where ξX,a:XV(X),b:Xn×p,c:Xm are smooth functions, with a(0) = 0, c(0) = 0, and such that there exists a positive-definite function φ:X+ satisfying the bounded-real condition:


5.2    State-Feedback Nonlinear H Tracking Control

In this section, we consider the traditional state-feedback tracking, model-following or servomechanism problem. This involves the tracking of a given reference signal which may be any one of the classes of reference signals usually encountered in control systems, such as steps, ramps, parabolic or sinusoidal signals. The objective is to keep the error between the system output y and the reference signal arbitrarily small. Thus, the problem can be treated in the general framework discussed in the previous section with the penalty variable z representing the tracking error. However, a more elaborate design scheme may be necessary in order to keep the error as desired above.

The system is represented by the model (5.1) with the penalty variable



while the signal to be tracked is generated as the output ym of a reference model defined by



xm ∈ ℜ l, fm : ℜl → V (ℜl), hm : ℜl → ℜ m and we assume that this system is completely observable [212]. The problem can then be defined as follows.

Definition 5.2.1 (State-Feedback Nonlinear H (Suboptimal) Tracking Control Problem (SFBNLHITCP)). Find if possible, a static state-feedback control function of the form



NoX, Nm ⊂ ℜl, for some smooth function αtrk, such that the closed-loop system (5.1), (5.34), (5.33) has, for all initial conditions starting in No × Nm neighborhood of (0, 0), locally 2-gain from the disturbance signal w to the output z less than or equal to some prescribed number γ > 0 and the tracking error satisfies limt→∞{yym} = 0.

To solve the above problem, we follow a two-step procedure:

Step 1: Find a feedforward-control law u=u(x,xm) so that the equilibrium point x = 0 of the closed-loop system



is exponentially stable, and there exists a neighborhood U = No × Nm of (0, 0) such that for all initial conditions (x0, xm0) ∈ U the trajectories (x(t), xm(t)) of





To solve this step, we seek for an invariant-manifold


and a control law u=αf(x,xm) such that the submanifold Mθ is invariant under the closed-loop dynamics (5.36) and h1(θ(xm(t))) − hm(xm(t)) ≡ 0. Fortunately, there is a wealth of literature on how to solve this problem [143]. Under some suitable assumptions, the following equations give necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of this problem:





where ˉu(xm)=αf(θ(xm),xm).

The next step is to design an auxiliary feedback control v so as to drive the system onto the above submanifold and to achieve disturbance-attenuation as well as asymptotic tracking. To formulate this step, we consider the combined system



and introduce the following change of variables


υ =  uˉu(xm).






Similarly, we redefine the tracking error and the new penalty variable as


Step 2: Find an auxiliary feedback control υ=υ(ξ,xm) so that along any trajectory (ξ(t), xm(t)) of the closed-loop system (5.40), the 2-gain condition


is satisfied for some function κ, for all wW, for all T < ∞ and all initial conditions (ξ(t0), xm0) in a neighborhood ˉNo × Nm of the origin (0, 0). Moreover, if ξ(t0) = 0 and w(t) 0, then we may set υ(t)0 to achieve perfect tracking.

Clearly, the above problem is now a standard state-feedback H-control problem, and the techniques discussed in the previous sections can be employed to solve it. The following theorem then summarizes the solution to the SFBNLHITCP.

Theorem 5.2.1 Consider the nonlinear system (5.1) and the SFBNLHITCP for this system. Suppose the control law u=u(x,xm) and invariant-manifold Mθ can be found that solve Step 1 of the solution to the tracking problem. Suppose in addition, there exists a smooth solution Ψ:ˉNo×Nm,Ψ(ξ,xm)0 to the HJI-inequality



Then the SFBNLHITCP is locally solvable with the control laws u = ˉu and


Moreover, if Ψ is proper with respect to ξ (i.e., if Ψ(ξ, xm) → ∞ when ξ → ∞) and the system is zero-state detectable, then limt →∞ ξ(t) = 0 also for all initial conditions (ξ(t0),xm0)ˉN0×Nm.

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