


ACE, see Area control error

Action value, 155

AGC, see Automatic generation control

AI, see Artificial intelligence

ANN, see Artificial neural networks

Approximate inference, 184

Area control error (ACE), 40

Bayesian network, 175

closed-loop system, 197

control action and, 232

dynamic controller, 28

FNN controller, 112

fuzzy logic controller, 40

genetic algorithm, 50

limits, 79

performance index, 236

PI controller, 225

PID controller, 43

power fluctuation and, 186

restriction, 234

restructured power systems, 79

RL-based controllers, 153

signal, 159

signal definition, 126, 186

step load disturbances, 255

system frequency and, 21

Artificial intelligence (AI), 149, 175

Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 46, 95, 152, see also Neural-network-based AGC design

Automatic generation control (AGC), 1136

area control error, 21, 28

Bayesian-network, see Bayesian-network-based AGC approach

blackouts, 17

communication between control units, 13

control area, 24

droop, 17, 25

dynamic controller, 19

dynamic performance analysis, 26

emergency control, 16, 17

energy management system, 11

frequency control mechanism, 20

frequency response model, 2431

area interface, 2728

droop characteristic, 25

generation-load model, 27

generation rate constraint, 2930

participation factor, 29

speed governor dead-band, 30

spinning reserve, 29

time delays, 3031

fundamental changes, 8

fuzzy logic, see Fuzzy logic, AGC systems and

generation rate constraint, 30

genetic algorithm, see Genetic algorithm, application of in AGC synthesis

human machine interface, 12

hydraulic amplifier, 19

intelligent, see Intelligent AGC

load-frequency control, 21

load shedding, 21, 22

local area network, 12

modern power system, 1115

multiagent systems, see Multiagent systems, AGC design using

neural network, see Neural-network-based AGC design

power system frequency control, 1523

emergency control, 2123

primary control, 1819

supplementary control, 1921

primary control, 16, 18

proportional-integral controller, 19

remote site control center, 14

remote terminal units, 11

renewable energy sources, see Renewable energy sources,; AGC systems concerning

restructured power systems, see Restructured power systems, AGC in

secondary control, 16

security control, supervisory control and data acquisition, 11

shared load shedding, 23

speed changer, 19

speed regulation, 25

summary, 35

supplementary control, 16, 19

tertiary control concept, 17

three-control area power system example, 3135

turbine-governor dynamics, 34

under-frequency load shedding, 16

wide area network, 15

Automatic voltage regulators (AVRs), 57

AVRs, see Automatic voltage regulators



energy storage (BES), 38

redox flow, 59

Bayesian network (BN), 257

multiagent system, 50, 152

toolbox (BNT), 194, 259

Bayesian-network-based AGC approach, 173206

acyclic graph, 177

algorithm classes, 177

application results, 195203

real-time laboratory experiment, 200203

thirty-nine-bus test system, 195200

approximate inference, 184

area control error, 186

artificial intelligence, 175

Bayesian networks toolbox, 194

Bayesian statistical techniques, 176

binary variables, 181

blackout phenomenon, 179

chain rule, 180

conditional probability table, 177

conditioned probability distribution, 178

digital signal processing board, 200

directed acyclic graph, 177178

evidence, 177, 183

exact inference, 184

Gibbs sampling, 184

graphical modeling, 176, 189

implementation methodology, 193195

BN construction, 193194

parameter learning, 194195

incomplete data sets, 176

joint probability distribution, 177

load-generation imbalance, 191

long-term control problem, 200

Markov assumptions, 180

Markov chain Monte Carlo, 184

Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, 184

modeling variables, 188

Monte Carlo sampling, 184

network inference, 176

observed evidence, 183

occurrence of disturbance, 192

overview, 174184

BNs at a glance, 175177

graphical model example, 179182

graphical models and representation, 177179

inference, 182184

learning, 184

performed laboratory experiment, 201

pitch angle controls, 197

posterior probability, 190

probabilistic inference, 194

probabilistic knowledge, 175

probability tables, 197

probability theory, 178

proposed intelligent control scheme, 187192

BN structure, 188190

control framework, 187188

estimation of amount of load change, 190192

reinforcement learning, 195

renewable energy technology, 173

root node, 179

severe test scenario, 202

summary, 204

system frequency deviation, 192

system inertia, 191

system load, 183

tie-line power deviations, 185, 193

tie-line power flows, 179

variable speed wind turbines, 200

wind farm, 185187, 200

frequency control and wind turbines, 185186

generalized ACE signal, 186187

wind power generation, 195

wind turbine generators, 173, 185

BDI agents, see Belief-desire-intention agents

Belief-desire-intention (BDI) agents, 151

Bellman equation, 100, 155

BES, see Battery energy storage

BN, see Bayesian network

BNT, see Bayesian network toolbox


Case study, see Intelligent power system operation and control

Centralized AGC market, 81

Chain rule, 180

Cognitive control systems, 99

Compulsory provision, 8788

Conditional probability table (CPT), 177

Conditioned probability distribution (CPD), 178

Controller, dynamic, supplementary feedback to, 28

CPD, see Conditioned probability distribution

CPT, see Conditional probability table

Crossover operator, 243


DAG, see Directed acyclic graph

Defuzzification, 42, 213

Deliberative control, 152

Denormalization factor, 44

DFIG, see Double-fed induction generator

Diesel unit, 269

Digital signal processing (DSP) board, 200

Directed acyclic graph (DAG), 177178

Dispersed power sources, isolated systems with, see Frequency regulation, isolated systems with dispersed power sources

DOF controller, see Dynamic output feedback controller

Double-fed induction generator (DFIG), 135, 209

DSP board, see Digital signal processing board

Dynamic output feedback (DOF) controller, 253


ECS, see Energy capacitor system

EMS, see Energy management system

Energy capacitor system (ECS), 51, 58, 263

Energy capacitor system, frequency regulation using, 229240

calculated performance index, 236

control signal, restriction of, 231

current stored energy, 231

evaluation of frequency regulation performance, 236239

excessive control action, 239

frequency regulation performance, 238

load change, 234

load-frequency control, 234

MATLAB/Simulink environment, 229

monitored area control error, 230

performance index, 236

proposed control scheme, 230233

prevention of excessive control action (type III), 232

restriction of control action (type I), 231

restriction of control action (type II), 232

simulation results, 234235

stored energy level, 235

study system, 233

summary, 239

target stored energy, 231

tie-line power change, 230

Energy management system (EMS), 79

application layer, 11, 12

communication, 13

restructured power systems, 79

Energy storage systems (ESSs), 55

ESSs, see Energy storage systems

Exact inference, 184

Exchanges market, 81


Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), 79, 82

FERC, see Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

FFC, see Flat frequency control

Fitness function, 241

Flat frequency control (FFC), 264

FLC, see Fuzzy logic controller

Flexible neural networks (FNNs), 95, 104107

artificial, 95, 96

flexible neurons, 104105

learning algorithms, 105107

learning process, 105

momentum terms, 119

supplementary frequency controllers, 120

Flexible sigmoid functions (FSFs), 104

FNNs, see Flexible neural networks

Frequency regulation, energy capacitor system, 229240

evaluation of frequency regulation performance, 236239

proposed control scheme, 230233

prevention of excessive control action (type III), 232

restriction of control action (type I), 231

restriction of control action (type II), 232

simulation results, 234235

study system, 233

summary, 239

Frequency regulation, isolated systems with dispersed power sources, 263277

automatic generation control, 263

control agents, 266

diesel unit, 269

energy capacitor systems, 263

experimental laboratory system, 267

experimental results, 268276

external commercial power source, 268

feedback control system, 264, 265

flat frequency control, 264

laboratory system, 266268

load change scenarios, 276

monitoring agents, 266

multiagent-based AGC system, 264266

conventional AGC on diesel unit, 264

coordinated AGC on ECS and diesel unit, 264266

proportional-integral control loop, 264

start-up process, 268

summary, 276

supervisor agent, 266

FSFs, see Flexible sigmoid functions

Fuzzy logic, 151152

Fuzzy logic, AGC systems and, 207228

area control error, 211

centroid method, 224

double-fed induction generator, 209

fuzzification, 42, 223

fuzzy logic control block, 207

fuzzy rule base, 223

load changes, 215, 216

mamdani type inference system, 222

MATLAB/Simulink environment, 208, 225

membership functions, 222

nuclear units, 208

participation factor, 213

polar-information-based fuzzy logic AGC, 211220

control of regulation margin, 217220

polar-information-based fuzzy logic control, 211215

simulation results, 215220

trunk line power control, 215217

power system stabilizer, 209

product method, 224

PSO-based fuzzy logic AGC, 220226

AGC design methodology, 222224

application results, 224226

particle swarm optimization, 220221

PSO algorithm for setting of membership functions, 224

study systems, 207211

control areas with subareas, 207208

thirty-nine-bus power system, 208211

summary, 227

switching surface, 211

tie-line power deviation, 213

tie-line power regulation, 227

trunk line power, 214, 215

wind turbines, 227

Fuzzy logic controller (FLC), 40

application, 8

parameter adjustment, 42

prototype, 7

stabilization control, 7

structure possibilities, 39


Generation participation matrix (GPM), 89

Generation rate constraint (GRC), 30, 244

AGC simulator, 208

automatic generation control, 30

Bayesian networks, 197

control scheme, 49

dynamic frequency response model, 244

genetic algorithm, 244

system nonlinearities, 37

Genetic algorithm, application of in AGC synthesis, 241262

Bayesian network toolbox, 259

bilinear matrix inequalities, 254

closed-loop response, 255

condition then action, 243

conventional controllers, optimal tuning of, 244247

application to AGC design, 249252

multiobjective optimization, 248249

crossover, 242, 243

double vector, 250

dynamic output feedback controller, 253

fitness function, 241, 250

flowchart, 242

generation rate constraint, 244

genotypes, 249

governor set point, 258

learning algorithm, 243

learning process, 255259

application example, 258259

BN-based AGC design, 257258

multiobjective GA, 248252

mutation, 242

noisy cost functions, 259

one-point crossover, 243

overview, 242243

control systems, 243

mechanism, 242243

parameter learning, 257

Pareto-optimal solutions, 248

reinforcement learning, 257

roulette-wheel selection method, 244

selection, 242, 243

speed governor dead-band, 246

static output feedback, 252

summary, 259

system response, 247, 260

tracking robust performance index, 252255

AGC synthesis, 254255

mixed H2/H, 252253

mixed H2/H SOF design, 253254

training data matrix, 258

Gibbs sampling, 184

Governor dead-band, 30

GPM, see Generation participation matrix

GRC, see Generation rate constraint

Gridwise, 61


High voltage direct current (HVDC) 38

HMI, see Human machine interface

Human machine interface (HMI), 12

HVDC, see High voltage direct current

Hydraulic amplifier, 19


IEDs, see Intelligent electronic devices

If-then rules, 42, 151

Independent power producers (IPPs), 95

Inertia constant, 132

Inference engine

definition, 40

if-then rules, 42

Intelligent AGC, 3775, see also Automatic generation control

adaptive fuzzy controllers, 42

automatic voltage regulators, 57

backpropagation, 47

battery energy storage, 38

combined and other intelligent techniques in AGC, 5154

defuzzification, 42

denormalization factor, 44

deregulated environment, AGC in, 5455

distributed generation, 60

dropping system, 62

energy capacitor system, 51, 58

energy storage systems, 55

fault ride-through capability of generation resources, 57

fuel rack position control, 54

fuzzification, 42

fuzzy logic AGC, 3944

fuzzy logic controller, 4042

generator governor and excitation systems, 57

genetic-algorithm-based AGC, 4750

if-then rules, 42

inference engine, 40

definition, 40

if-then rules, 42

information technology, 65

interconnection procedures, 65

Kharitonov’s theorem, 38

knowledge management, 39

knowledge rule base, 42

learning algorithm, 44

least mean squares procedure, 47

linear matrix inequalities, 38

lookup table, 42

Lyapunov stability theory, 38

membership functions, 42


AGC and, 6063

grid codes, 65

multiagent-based AGC, 5051

neuro-fuzzy and neural-networks-based AGC, 4447

normalization, 42

parametric uncertainty, 38

particle swarm optimization, 53

pole placement technique, 38

power system stabilizers, 57

proportional-integral-derivative controller, 40

protective relaying and special protection schemes, 57

Q-parameterization, 38

quantitative feedback theory, 38

redox flow batteries, 59

renewable energy options, AGC and, 5560

new technical challenges, 5758

present status and future prediction, 5657

recent achievements, 5860

renewable energy sources, 38, 39, 55

Riccati equation approaches, 38

scope for future work, 6366

coordination between regulation powers of DGs/RESs and conventional generators, 64

development of effective intelligent control schemes for contribution of DGs/RESs, 64

improvement of computing techniques and measurement technologies, 6465

improvement of modeling and analysis tools, 63

revision of existing standards, 6566

update/definition of new grid codes, 65

updating of deregulation policies, 66

use of advanced communication and information technology, 65

self-tuning fuzzy controller, 42

simulated annealing, 39

sliding mode control, 49

solar energy, 56

structured singular value theory, 38

summary, 6667

superconductivity magnetic energy storage, 38

system nonlinearities, 27

tie-line control, 62

transmission system operator, 54, 66

variable renewable power, 58

variable structure control, 49

vertically integrated utility, 54

virtual power plants, 62

Ziegler–Nichols tuning rules, 47

Intelligent electronic devices (IEDs), 11, 14

Intelligent power system operation and control (Japan case study), 19

application of intelligent methods to power systems, 23

application to power system control and restoration, 68

fault diagnosis, 6

restoration, 67

stabilization control, 78

application to power system planning, 36

expansion planning of distribution systems, 34

load forecasting, 45

maintenance scheduling, 6

unit commitment, 5

automatic generation control, fundamental changes, 8

distribution systems, expansion planning of, 3

estimation error, daily power demand, 5

fault types, 6, 7

future implementations, 8

fuzzy logic controllers, 7

hybrid unit, scheduling types, 6

intelligent system applications

areas of, 2

objectives, 3

problems for future extension, 8

intelligent techniques, applied, 2

Japanese electric utilities, 1, 2, 9

mathematical models, 1

power demand, 5

power system stabilizer, 7

summary, 9

thermal generators, 5

weekly load forecasting, 4

Intelligrid, 61

IPPs, see Independent power producers


Kharitonov’s theorem, 38


acquisition, 6

-based expert systems, 1

Bayesian network, 173, 177, 193

domain, 151

experimental, 101

expert, 184

genetic algorithm, 248, 255

inference and, 182

insufficient, 37

management, 39

probabilistic, 175

rule base, 42


LAN, see Local area network


algorithm, step size of, 157

ANN, 96

automata algorithm, 157

Bayesian networks, 184

flexible neural networks, 105

genetic algorithm, 243, 255259

application example, 258259

BN-based AGC design, 257258

gradient descent algorithm, 47

neural networks, 44

offline, 100

parameter, 177, 194

Q-, 155

reinforcement, 152

adaptive critical control, 102

genetic algorithm, 257

multiagent, 50, 154, 195

neural networks, 99, 100

stochastic multistage decision problem, 53

speed, 159, 162

LFC, see Load-frequency control

Linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), 38, 55

LMIs, see Linear matrix inequalities

Load-frequency control (LFC), 21, 83

automatic generation control, 21

bilateral AGC scheme, 107

deregulated environment, 54

restructured power systems, 83

simulation results, 234

Local area network (LAN), 12

Lyapunov stability theory, 38


Market clearing price (MCP), 85

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), 184

Markov decision process (MDP), 154

MATLAB/Simulink environment, 208, 225, 229

MCMC, see Markov chain Monte Carlo

MCP, see Market clearing price

MDP, see Markov decision process

Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, 184

Model predictive controller (MPC), 101

Monte Carlo sampling, 184

MPC, see Model predictive controller

Multiagent systems, AGC design using, 149171

action value, 155

agent for β estimation, 165169

area control error, 153, 159

artificial intelligence, 149

artificial neural networks, 152

autonomy, 150

Bayesian networks, 152

belief-desire-intention agents, 151

Bellman’s equation, 155

closed-loop system, 164

control layer, 153

deliberative control, 152

dimensionality, 149

environment, 150

estimator agent, 165, 167

exploration policy, 158

fuzzy logic, 151152

if-then rules, 151

individual fitness, 163

inference, 151

information structure constraints, 149

input variable, 158

intelligent inference, 151

interfacing layer, 153

layered agent structures, 151

learning automata algorithm, 157

learning speed, 162

Markov decision process, 154

message handling layer, 151

multiagent reinforcement-learning-based AGC, 153161

application to thirty-nine-bus test system, 158161

area control agent, 156

multiagent reinforcement learning, 154155

RL algorithm, 156158

multiagent system, 149153

nonlinearity, 149

problem domain, 151

processing/modeling layer, 153

proportional-integral controllers, 164

pursuit algorithm, 157

Q-function, 155

reactive control, 152

reasoning, 151

recursive least squares algorithm, 168

reinforcement learning, 152

reward matrix, 158

sliding manifold, 152

step size of learning algorithm, 157

summary, 169

symbolic representation, 151

training set, 157

uncertainty, 149

uniform probability distribution, 157

using GA to determine actions and states, 161164

application to three-control area power system, 163164

finding individual’s fitness and variation ranges, 162163

value function, 154


NERC, see North American Electric

Reliability Council Network inference, 176

Neural-network-based AGC design, 95122

ANN-based control systems, 97104

ANNs in control systems, 100104

fundamental element, 9798

learning and adaptation, 99100

application examples, 113119

single-control area, 115116

three-control area, 117119

area control error, 112

artificial FNNs, 96

artificial neural networks, 95

backpropagation learning algorithm, 99

Bellman equation, 100

bilateral AGC scheme and modeling, 107109

bilateral AGC scheme, 107108

dynamical modeling, 108109

cognitive control systems, 99

direct analytic computation, 99

droop characteristic, 109

error function procedure, 105

error gradient, 106

experimental knowledge, 101

feedback control applications, 100

feedback systems, components, 99

feedforward networks, 101

flexible neural network, 95, 104107

flexible neurons, 104105

learning algorithms, 105107

flexible sigmoid functions, 104

FNN-based AGC system, 110113

hidden layer, 106, 111

independent power producers, 95

intelligent control design, 117

intelligent systems, 99

learning algorithm 107

model predictive controller, 101

multiextremum optimization problems, 104

neoadaptive systems, 99

neuron, mathematical model of, 98

offline learning, 100

open-loop ANN, 104

overview, 9597

perceptron, 98

plant identification, structures for, 102

proportional-integral controller, 96

recurrent networks, 101

recursive update techniques, 99

root mean squares error, 111

sampling time, 116

sigmoid function parameters, 105

sigmoid unit function, 110

simulation scenarios, system response, 116

speed governor, 109

stabilizing coefficient, 107

summary, 119120

supplementary control unit, 96

system output error, 112

tracking errors, 113

uniform random number, 115

Neuro-fuzzy control, 42, 44

Normalization, 42

North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC), 21, 29, 77, 143

Nuclear plants, 30

Nuclear units

areas of operation, 233

power generation from, 208


Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), 79

Offline learning, 100

One-point crossover, 243

ORNL, see Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Pareto-optimal solutions, 248

Particle swarm optimization (PSO), 53

Perceptron, 98

PI controller, see Proportional-integral controller

PID controller, see Proportional-integral-derivative controller

Pole placement technique, 38

Pool market, 81

Power system stabilizer (PSS), 7, 57, 133

Probabilistic inference, 194

Proportional-integral (PI) controller, 31, 164

fuzzy-based, 43

multiagent systems, 159

neural networks, 96

parameters., 250

supplementary control, 19

Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller, 40

PSO, see Particle swarm optimization

PSS, see Power system stabilizer

Pursuit algorithm, 157


Q-function, 155

Q-parameterization, 38

Quantitative feedback theory, 38


Reactive control, 152

Recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm, 168

Redox flow (RF) batteries, 59

Reinforcement learning, 152

adaptive critical control, 102

genetic algorithm, 257

multiagent, 50, 154, 195

neural networks, 99, 100

stochastic multistage decision problem, 53

Remote terminal units (RTUs), 11

Renewable energy sources (RESs), 8, 38

AGC and, 39, 55, 123

Bayesian networks, 173

deregulated environment, 95

frequency regulation in interconnected networks, 263

intelligent AGC, 38

restructured power systems, 79

Renewable energy sources, AGC systems concerning, 123148

ACE signal definition, 126

aggregation techniques, 144

central generating units, 145

double-fed induction generators, 135

drooping characteristic, 124, 130

emergency frequency control and

RESs, 138142

frequency drop, 136

frequency response analysis, 128131

generator response, 134

governor-turbine model, 124

grid codes, 144

induction generator, 139

inertia constant, 132

intelligent system infrastructures, 145

interconnection procedures, 142

key issues and new perspectives, 142146

further research needs, 144146

need for revision of performance standards, 142144

load disturbance, 124, 129

power system inertia, lack of, 137

power system stabilizer, 133

proportional-integral controller, 131

RES power variation, 123

simulation study, 131137

nine-bus test system, 131133

thirty-nine-bus test system, 133137

solar isolation, 131

standards redesign, 143

static compensator, 139

step load disturbance, 136

summary, 146

system dynamical model, Jacobian, 133

system inertia, 132

tie-line power changes, 126

turbine-governor parameters, 124

under-frequency load shedding, 138

updated AGC frequency response model, 124128

wind generation, output, 141

wind turbines

compatibility, 143

generators, 135

pitch control, 127

wind velocity, 131

RESs, see Renewable energy sources

Restructured power systems, AGC in, 7794

AGC configurations and frameworks, 7984

configurations, 7982

frameworks, 8284

AGC markets, 8486

AGC response and updated model, 8692

AGC model and bilateral contracts, 8991

AGC system and market operator, 8689

need for intelligent AGC markets, 9192

area control error, 79

availability price, 85

bilateral contracts, 88

capacity components, 85

centralized AGC market, 81

compulsory provision, 8788

control area in new environment, 7779

control block, 83

decentralized AGC market, 81

energy dispatch, 86

energy management system, 79

energy markets, 92

exchanges market, 81

fixed allowance, 85

frequency control, 79

generation participation matrix, 89

hierarchical scheme, 84

independent-system operators, 78

load following, 79

load-frequency control, 83

market clearing price, 85

market failure, 86

opportunity cost components, 85

participation factors, 87

payment of opportunity cost, 86

pluralistic scheme, 84

pool market, 81

price-based AGC market, 85

price for kinetic energy, 85

renewable energy sources, 79

scheduling, 79

self-procurement, 88

spot market, 88

summary, 92

synchronous area, 83

tendering, 88

transmission system operators, 83

utilization components, 85

utilization frequency payment, 86

utilization payment, 86

RF batteries, see Redox flow batteries

Riccati equation approaches, 38

RLS algorithm, see Recursive least squares algorithm

Root node, 179

Roulette-wheel selection method, 244

RTUs, see Remote terminal units


SA, see Simulated annealing

SCADA, see Security control, supervisory control and data acquisition

Security control, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), 11

energy management system, 11

fast communication, 145

major elements, 12

power system control via, 64

renewable energy sources, 143

standards, 15

Self-tuning fuzzy controller, 42

SFPs, see Sigmoid function parameters

Sigmoid function parameters (SFPs), 105, 116

Simulated annealing (SA), 39

Sliding manifold, 152

Sliding mode control (SMC), 49

SmartGrids, 61

SMC, see Sliding mode control

SMES, see Superconductivity magnetic energy storage

SOF, see Static output feedback

Solar energy, 56, 123, 131

Speed changer, 19

Speed governor dead-band, 30

Spinning reserve, 29

Static output feedback (SOF), 252

Structured singular value theory, 38

Superconductivity magnetic energy storage (SMES), 38


Target stored energy, 231

Tertiary control concept, 17

Thirty-nine-bus test system, 195200

Tie-line power deviations, 185, 193

Transmission system operators (TSOs), 54, 83

Trunk line power control, 215217

TSOs, see Transmission system operators

Turbine-governor dynamics, 34


UCTE, see Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity

UFLS, see Under-frequency load shedding

Under-frequency load shedding (UFLS), 16

automatic generation control, 16

delays, 59

disconnected loads, 18

frequency decline and, 139

load-generation imbalance and, 16

L-step, 24

strategy guideline, 22

Uniform random number (URN), 115, 119, 250

Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity (UCTE), 17, 22, 142

URN, see Uniform random number


Variable speed wind turbines (VSWTs)

inertia, 59, 137

wind farm, 200

Variable structure control (VSC), 49

Vertically integrated utility, 54

Virtual power plants (VPPs), 62

VPPs, see Virtual power plants

VSC, see Variable structure control

VSWTs, see Variable speed wind turbines


WAN, see Wide area network

WF, see Wind farm

Wide area network (WAN), 15

Wind farm (WF), 200

AGC with, 174, 185

automatic generation control system for, 59

output power, 135, 159, 197

power fluctuations, 59, 209

thirty-nine-bus test system, 133, 195

variable speed wind turbines, 200

Wind power

dynamic influence of, 59

geographical spreading of, 60

Wind turbine generators (WTGs), 185

WTGs, see Wind turbine generators


Ziegler–Nichols tuning rules, 47

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