



1 Intelligent Power System Operation and Control: Japan Case Study

1.1 Application of Intelligent Methods to Power Systems

1.2 Application to Power System Planning

1.2.1 Expansion Planning of Distribution Systems

1.2.2 Load Forecasting

1.2.3 Unit Commitment

1.2.4 Maintenance Scheduling

1.3 Application to Power System Control and Restoration

1.3.1 Fault Diagnosis

1.3.2 Restoration

1.3.3 Stabilization Control

1.4 Future Implementations

1.5 Summary


2 Automatic Generation Control (AGC): Fundamentals and Concepts

2.1 AGC in a Modern Power System

2.2 Power System Frequency Control

2.2.1 Primary Control

2.2.2 Supplementary Control

2.2.3 Emergency Control

2.3 Frequency Response Model and AGC Characteristics

2.3.1 Droop Characteristic

2.3.2 Generation-Load Model

2.3.3 Area Interface

2.3.4 Spinning Reserve

2.3.5 Participation Factor

2.3.6 Generation Rate Constraint

2.3.7 Speed Governor Dead-Band

2.3.8 Time Delays

2.4 A Three-Control Area Power System Example

2.5 Summary


3 Intelligent AGC: Past Achievements and New Perspectives

3.1 Fuzzy Logic AGC

3.1.1 Fuzzy logic Controller

3.1.2 Fuzzy-based Pi (PiD) Controller

3.2 Neuro-Fuzzy and Neural-Networks-Based AGC

3.3 Genetic-Algorithm-Based AGC

3.4 Multiagent-Based AGC

3.5 Combined and Other Intelligent Techniques in AGC

3.6 AGC in a Deregulated Environment

3.7 AGC and Renewable Energy Options

3.7.1 Present Status and Future Prediction

3.7.2 New Technical Challenges

3.7.3 Recent achievements

3.8 AGC and Microgrids

3.9 Scope for Future Work

3.9.1 improvement of Modeling and analysis Tools

3.9.2 Develop effective intelligent Control Schemes for Contribution of Dgs/ReSs in the agC issue

3.9.3 Coordination between Regulation Powers of Dgs/ReSs and Conventional generators

3.9.4 improvement of Computing Techniques and Measurement Technologies

3.9.5 Use of advanced Communication and information Technology

3.9.6 Update/Define New grid Codes

3.9.7 Revising of existing Standards

3.9.8 Updating Deregulation Policies

3.10 Summary


4 AGC in Restructured Power Systems

4.1 Control Area in New Environment

4.2 AGC Configurations and Frameworks

4.2.1 AGC Configurations

4.2.2 AGC Frameworks

4.3 AGC Markets

4.4 AGC Response and an Updated Model

4.4.1 AGC System and Market Operator

4.4.2 AGC Model and Bilateral Contracts

4.4.3 Need for Intelligent AGC Markets

4.5 Summary


5 Neural-Network-Based AGC Design

5.1 An Overview

5.2 ANN-Based Control Systems

5.2.1 Fundamental Element of ANNS

5.2.2 Learning and Adaptation

5.2.3 ANNS in Control Systems

5.3 Flexible Neural Network

5.3.1 Flexible Neurons

5.3.2 Learning Algorithms in an FNN

5.4 Bilateral AGC Scheme and Modeling

5.4.1 Bilateral AGC Scheme

5.4.2 Dynamical Modeling

5.5 FNN-Based AGC System

5.6 Application Examples

5.6.1 Single-Control area

5.6.2 Three-Control area

5.7 Summary


6 AGC Systems Concerning Renewable Energy Sources

6.1 An Updated AGC Frequency Response Model

6.2 Frequency Response Analysis

6.3 Simulation Study

6.3.1 Nine-bus Test System

6.3.2 Thirty-Nine-bus Test System

6.4 Emergency Frequency Control and RESs

6.5 Key Issues and New Perspectives

6.5.1 Need for Revision of Performance Standards

6.5.2 Further Research Needs

6.6 Summary


7 AGC Design Using Multiagent Systems

7.1 Multiagent System (MAS): An Introduction

7.2 Multiagent Reinforcement-Learning-Based AGC

7.2.1 Multiagent Reinforcement learning

7.2.2 area Control agent

7.2.3 Rl algorithm

7.2.4 application to a Thirty-Nine-bus Test System

7.3 Using GA to Determine Actions and States

7.3.1 Finding individual’s Fitness and Variation Ranges

7.3.2 application to a Three-Control area Power System

7.4 An Agent for β Estimation

7.5 Summary


8 Bayesian-Network-Based AGC Approach

8.1 Bayesian Networks: An Overview

8.1.1 BNs at a Glance

8.1.2 Graphical Models and Representation

8.1.3 A Graphical Model Example

8.1.4 Inference

8.1.5 Learning

8.2 AGC with Wind Farms

8.2.1 Frequency Control and Wind Turbines

8.2.2 Generalized ACE Signal

8.3 Proposed Intelligent Control Scheme

8.3.1 Control Framework

8.3.2 BN Structure

8.3.3 Estimation of Amount of Load Change

8.4 Implementation Methodology

8.4.1 BN Construction

8.4.2 Parameter Learning

8.5 Application Results

8.5.1 Thirty-Nine-Bus Test System

8.5.2 A Real-Time Laboratory Experiment

8.6 Summary


9 Fuzzy Logic and AGC Systems

9.1 Study Systems

9.1.1 Two Control Areas with Subareas

9.1.2 Thirty-Nine-Bus Power System

9.2 Polar-Information-Based Fuzzy Logic AGC

9.2.1 Polar-Information-Based Fuzzy Logic Control1, 2

9.2.2 Simulation Results Trunk Line Power Control Control of Regulation Margin

9.3 PSO-Based Fuzzy Logic AGC

9.3.1 Particle Swarm Optimization

9.3.2 AGC Design Methodology

9.3.3 PSO Algorithm for Setting of Membership Functions

9.3.4 Application Results

9.4 Summary


10 Frequency Regulation Using Energy Capacitor System

10.1 Fundamentals of the Proposed Control Scheme

10.1.1 Restriction of Control action (Type I)

10.1.2 Restriction of Control action (Type II)

10.1.3 Prevention of excessive Control action (Type III)

10.2 Study System

10.3 Simulation Results

10.4 Evaluation of Frequency Regulation Performance

10.5 Summary


11 Application of Genetic Algorithm in AGC Synthesis

11.1 Genetic Algorithm: An Overview

11.1.1 GA Mechanism

11.1.2 GA in Control Systems

11.2 Optimal Tuning of Conventional Controllers

11.3 Multiobjective GA

11.3.1 Multiobjective Optimization

11.3.2 application to agC Design

11.4 GA for Tracking Robust Performance Index

11.4.1 Mixed H2/H

11.4.2 Mixed H2/H SOF Design

11.4.3 AGC Synthesis Using GA-Based Robust Performance Tracking

11.5 GA in Learning Process

11.5.1 GA for Finding Training Data in a BN-Based AGC Design

11.5.2 Application Example

11.6 Summary


12 Frequency Regulation in Isolated Systems with Dispersed Power Sources

12.1 Configuration of Multiagent-Based AGC System

12.1.1 Conventional agC on Diesel Unit

12.1.2 Coordinated agC on the eCS and Diesel Unit

12.2 Configuration of Laboratory System

12.3 Experimental Results

12.4 Summary



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