Chapter 1

Introduction to iOS Performance Optimization

This chapter will introduce general information about the book, including the following:

  • Who this book will best serve
  • The topics this book will cover
  • The general structure and style of the book

A New Era of Smartphone

There are currently hundreds of thousands of iOS applications on the market and hundreds of millions of iOS users, making this a big market for any company or developer to explore. This market has been growing for many years and will keep growing in the next few years, as will the need for interesting and powerful applications. If you have a good idea for a new app, you need to make sure that the idea is implemented well; this includes creating a good user experience. Because of the unique technical limits of the Smartphone environment, good performance is a must for your application. People want an app that responds quickly to their interactions, one that can compute data and visualize it immediately.

Why Performance Matters

Performance is not just about algorithms, data structure, and memory. It's about making people feel that the application responds to any interaction as fast as possible. Therefore, performance optimization in your iPhone application is important. Users have to feel that they are interacting with real agents that receive their command and execute it almost immediately. What if you tap a button and two long seconds later, you see the effect. Are you happy with this performance? If you're not happy, your users are probably even more frustrated.

Of course, you can shift much of your storage and processing into the cloud where there are thousands of servers that can compute and return the result quickly. However, it's not enough to just put all your data and every computation into the cloud. Network data transfers are tricky and your users will still probably need to wait for couple of seconds before their data arrives.

Whether you are a game developer or a general application developer, you are likely to experience difficulties in improving the performance of your applications.

Who Should Use This Book?

This book is written mainly for beginner and intermediate iPhone developers who already know basic iPhone programming. If you're a performance lover and want to create an application on this new platform that is responsive and market-ready as well as innovative, this book is for you. Even advanced iOS developers can benefit from this book.

If you intend to go deeply into the Smartphone application programming world, this book teaches you enough so that you can apply what you know with iOS to Android and Windows Phone environment.

My Teaching Style

I believe that the learn-by-doing principle is the best way for a programmer to develop skills. This book is based on that idea. I discuss general and deep practices that stem directly from around two years of iPhone development experience and many years of Java development experience and training. The problems that I put before you will help you to avoid or fix many of your performance mistakes in iPhone development. I have chosen these problems basedonexperience and research into the issues popular on forums and social networks(such asStack Overflow). I've identified common pitfalls and provide the information you need to avoid these errors.

The book is a combination of three things: basic concepts, story illustrations, and sample source code. Instead of just supplying an adhoc tool for your specific problem, I hope to provide you with strong skills to use in your daily iPhone programming life. I employ different approaches to communicating concepts: sometimes an image is worth a thousand of words, some concepts are best explained by sample code, and some require those thousand words.

One of the best ways to start learning about performance is to develop a cool application that you love. This practical experience will teach you more than some non-realistic and very forgettable examples.

You don't need to know a lot about Cocoa Touch Framework because I explain the basic syntax and classes that you'll need to improve your application's performance. Each chapter consists of a separate topic, some of which may already be familiar to you. You can also use this book as a general reference; whenever you have a specific problem, you can look it up and read about the solution.

Every chapter follows a simple format: a short overview about what that chapter delivers followed by the main sections and subsections. Each chapter concludes with a summary that helps consolidate your knowledge and reminds you of the important lessons, followed by some basic and realistic exercises so that you can have fun practicing what you just learned.

What Do You Need?

As an iOS developer, you need a Mac OS with Xcode installed. There is a free Xcode version from the iOS Developer Account, or you can download it directly from Apple Mac AppStore. You also need a copy of this book plus all of the sample code, which you can download from the Apress website. The sample projects were well tested on Xcode 4.2, with ARC turned on, so you can run my sample projects in that environment without any concern.

You can and should run every example to understand more about the illustrated concepts. There are some short blocks of code that aren't associated with any project; you should run that code, too.

How to Use This Book

Although the chapters are not closely related, reading the book from beginning to end will ensure that you have a solid knowledge of iPhone performance, optimization skills, and techniques. There may be some dependencies and references between chapters. The later chapters were written with the assumption that you have read or know about some previous chapters.

I also recommend reading each chapter from beginning to end. Each chapter opens with a quick conceptual introduction to the topic; then theory and practical iPhone samples are combined to help you to understand the topic thoroughly.

You should read the summary section carefully because it reminds you of the key knowledge that you should retain. I also recommend finishing all of the exercises as these will help cement your new knowledge.

An Overview of the Book

This book contains a good mix of basic concepts plus practical knowledge, techniques, and tips that will help you to be successful in the competitive iOS development world. The book's nine chapters cover nine different approaches to solving performance problems in iOS development.

  • Chapter 2: The introduction to a range of tools and instruments so that you  know how and when to use them. Many developers don't use these tools correctly because they simply don't know that they exist.
  • Chapter 3: As an iOS developer, you will definitely use TableView in almost all of your projects, from trivial ones to complex ones, to display a list of data or options. The problem with the architecture of UITableView is that when you start customizing it, the scrolling performance suffers. You will definitely have this issue, even if in a subtle way. This chapter gives you a list of tools and techniques to improve your TableView scrolling.
  • Chapter 4: You may believe that most performance issues can be solved using cloud computing and by simply adding more servers to your system. Even if that's true, network data transfer will always be an issue. Data transfer will remain a bottleneck for years. You should understand how to cache data locally and in memory with a limited environment like iOS.
  • Chapter 5: Data structures and algorithms in the iOS development environment are similar and different than in other environments. You have a high level of support from the framework with many basic data structures like arrays, sets, and dictionaries. For some tasks, you can simply put it to the cloud, but for other tasks, especially gathering and processing data to make a good visualization, you still need to depend on the iOS environment.
  • Chapter 6: Improving the performance of the application also means making the application respond to users' interaction faster. This means not blocking the main UI thread. Multithreading can help—not just to improve the user responsiveness but also to improve the general performance of your application. Multithreading is a difficult topic for any platform, and you will learn it here through a range of illustrations, examples, and clear explanation.
  • Chapter 7: With the release of a new tool to make memory management automatic, developers now can take advantage of it to avoid common memory problems like memory leaks and crash. This chapter focuses on how you can best use your memory, and when you should load data in and unload data out of your memory. It also covers the new Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) mechanism of the new SDK to make sure you can understand and use it correctly.
  • Chapter 8: With iOS 4 and above, all applications can take advantage of multitasking to improve the user experience. In fact, it's not actually multitasking but rather a fast app-switching mechanism (applications can't run in background) with some special background processing. This chapter will help you understand what features the iOS will support and what tasks you can process and run in background.
  • Chapter 9: In many iPhone applications, you don't need to use any C/C++ code to implement features. However, when you actually need it, especially for library integration, you will be in serious trouble. You may not need to write your whole application in C/C++ but you do need to understand how these languages work for any necessary troubleshooting.
  • Chapter 10: By now you should have a complete picture of all the different aspects of iPhone performance. You will definitely consider porting your application to Android and Windows Phone soon, so in this final chapter, I give you the whole picture on similarities between performance problems in iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. This will help to smooth your learning experience for new platforms.

Source Code

You should download the sample source code from the book's page on the Apress web site ( and try it on your own.

Contact the Author

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] or visit my web site at I shall be happy to have a chat about iPhone performance problems.

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