
All case studies and personal Maps cited in this book are based on real people and actual events; however, to preserve privacy and confidentiality, all have been anonymised. We would like to thank all those clients who have taught us so much about themselves, their businesses and how far Maps can help boost them and their performances.

In similar vein we would also like to thank all the licensees of Motivational Maps – over 400 worldwide – and especially our Senior Practitioners: Susannah and Heath, Kate, Jane, Mark, and Akeela who keep the flame full and burning.

Behind the scenes James Watson and Rob Breeds have provided invaluable support and advice and we are very grateful.

Linda E. Sale, the artist and Managing Director of Motivational Maps Ltd, has to be thanked for support and faith in the creation of this work so far reaching it cannot really be described; but what can be described is the fact that all the Figures in this book, and the cover illustration too, are her work. We are truly grateful – and in awe of her abilities.

Joy Bemrose for contributing to our research; all errors, are of course ours.


1 Mapping Motivation, James Sale, Gower (2016).

2 “A map is not the territory it represents, but, if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness.” - Alfred Korzybski, Science and Sanity (1933). This expression subsequently became a major principle underpinning Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), whose application we consider in much more detail in Chapter 4 of this book.

3 For example, Face Validity testing - which asks users of the Motivational Map to rate its accuracy - records a 95 per cent accuracy rating.

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