

accident virals 116

Acevedo, Angel 150

activist movements: armchair activism (clicktivism) 133134; hashtag use 21; on Reddit 29

Adobe Premiere 168

advertising/advertisers: on blogs 228; on BuzzFeed 182; cookies use 54; corporate viral videos 124, 134136; embedded content 182; on Facebook 15; on Instagram 42; native 182, 252; social video 136

advertorial 181182, 247

“Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That!” (2012) 138139

algorithm 247

Allocca, Kevin 123

“alpha” channel 74

“ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, The” 134

alternative television 185

Amazon Prime 186

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 55, 247

America’s Funniest Home Videos 118119

Amyot, Brian 150

analytics 247; YouTube 184, 238239

animal viral videos 116117

Annoying Orange 183184

anonymity: anonymous users 247; on 4chan 3031; online personal brand 197; on Reddit 2829

Anonymous 31, 247

Apache Software Foundation 66

API see application programming interface

“‘Apparently’ This Kid Is Awesome, Steals the Show During Interview” (2014) 116

application programming interface (API) 247

Arab Spring 21

armchair activism (clicktivism) 133134

ASCII see American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Ask Me Anything (AMA) discussions 28

Astley, Rick 100101

attention span 115116

Audacity 36, 232

audio 3637; compression 75; editing software 232; multimedia storytelling 167; podcast recording 231232

Audio Video Interleaved (AVI) 76, 248

“Auto Keyboard Cat” 99

Auto-tune 172173, 247

Auto-tune the News 172

AVI see Audio Video Interleaved

Avid Media Composer 168

Awkwardness (2010) 152


baby videos 115116

“Back Dorm Boys Lip-sync of I Want It That Way” (2006) 122

Bad Lip Reading 175

bait-and-switch 100

Barnett, Rob 180

“Battle at Kruger” (2007) 117

“Beast with a Billion Eyes, The” (2010) 23

beat sheet 158

“Bed Intruder Song, The” (2010) 138139, 172

Berle, Milton 145

Berners-Lee, Tim 50, 51, 55

Bertke, Nick 174

beta person (male) 151157, 248

Betas 186

Between Two Ferns 181, 182

big data 60, 7779, 248, 252; reading 79

binary language 55, 248

Binders Full of Women 8586, 87, 108

Bitcasa 80 79, 248

bits 55

blogs: advertisers 228; audience cultivation 228; comments 227; creation 220228; credits 227; design 224225; educational 223; interest/discussion generation 222223; key ingredients 221; keywords 225; links 226; media content 227; opinions 226; pictures 227; post length 226; post titles 225; professional 227228; regular publication 225; as revenue stream 228; starting out 225227; subject selection 221223; video 227; visually driven 227; writing 223225 see also WordPress

blooper reels 118

<body> tag 63, 65

Boedigheimer, Dane 183

boyd, danah 910, 1112, 207, 215

BradLand Manifesto (1999) 32

branded entertainment 145; definition 248, 255; identification 181182; YouTube personalities 161

brands: on Facebook 1617

broadband 248

Brown, Reggie 44

browser 5051, 248; choice of 51; website display 6263

“Bubbles Girl” meme 106

BuzzFeed: advertising 182; communities 11; content 12

byte 55


Cabrera, John 185

cache 54

camera: smartphones 7374, 76; video recording 167

cascading style sheets (CSSs) 50, 55, 65, 248

CBR compression see constant bit rate (CBR) compression

CD-ROM 146

Chad Vader: Day shift manager 151, 155, 156

Chapman, Mark 147148

“Charlie Bit My Finger” 113

chat room (“electronic cave”) 146

#CheersToSochi 103

“Cheer Up Keanu Day” 106

Chen, Steve 148

children, viral videos 116

Chrome Experiments 71

citizen journalism 72, 248

clicktivism (armchair activism) 133134

client-side code 63

cloud, the 7781, 248; data existence times 79; file storage 80

cloud computing see cloud, the

CMOS chip see complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) chip

CMS see content management system 65

codecs 76, 248

Cognitive Surplus (2010) 10, 11

collabs (collaborations) 159, 248

collective conscious: “KONY 2012” video 130; viral videos 117

Collective Digital Studio 186187

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee 185

comedy and sketch vlog 162

Comic Con 38

communities: digital environment and 14; online see online communities; social media 910, 1517; traditional 9

complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) chip 58, 248

compression 249

computer 50; deleted data 80

concept maps 216, 217

condensed words 92

constant bit rate (CBR) compression 75

Content ID 176

content management system (CMS) 27, 249

control panel (cPanel) 6668, 249

convergence 1314, 249

Convergence Culture (2006) 1011

cookies 54, 249; disabled 54

cooking vlogs 164165

Cops 145

copyright: complaints 174175; definition 177; issues avoidance 177178; legislation 170171, 171172; material modification 177; music creation 174175; owner’s choices on YouTube 176; remixes 170171; YouTube 25

“cord-cutters”/cord cutting 144, 249

#CosbyMeme 103

cPanel (control panel) 6668, 249

“Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger, The (Original Narration by Randall)” (2011) 129

Creative Commons 178

creativity: online environment 948, 244245; short-form 40; Snapchat 4445; sound 3637; writing 3234

creators 37, 249

cross-posting 212, 249

CSSs see cascading style sheets

CSS3 7

cyberbullying 138


data: false equivalents 81; forms 60; invisible 57; manipulation detection 81; movement through experiment 5860; reading 81; tracking 80; visible 57; worldwide travel 5860

Dawkins, Richard 86

Dawson, Shane 144, 162

Day, Felicia 155156

DeSouza, Veronica 8586

developer 249

developer tools 6566

digital compression 73

digital environment, communities and 14

digital files 7276; pictures 74; shareable file types 74; sound 75; video see video files see also individual file types

digital footprint 207209; creation 244; definition 249; exercise 209; maintaining 239240; search engines 208

digital media personal review 205206

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) 170171

“Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants” (2001) 67, 61

digital photography 58

digital platform 179

digital rights management (DRM) 124

“D> in a Box” (2009) 122

directories (folder) 249

“Disaster Girl” 104105

discrete cosine transform 74

divs 71, 249

DNS see domain name server

doge 9596

Dogecoin 97

Dogecoin car 97

doge memes 9596, 148, 249; expansion 96

doge speak 9596, 249

domain names 52, 64, 249; resellers 52

domain name server (DNS) 59, 64, 249

Doom 146

dot-com 247

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog 156157

“Dramatic Chipmunk” (2007) 119120

DRM see digital rights management

Dropbox 80


“Eagle Picks up a Baby” (2012) 137

“Easter egg” 97

Easy to Assemble 182

editing: multimedia storytelling 167168; podcasts 232; software 168; YouTube videos 167168

“electronic cave” (chat room) 146

11/22/63 186

embed 250

emojis 90, 250

emoticons 90

employers: discretionary online content 203; LinkedIn use 235; name searches 201203; online data, assumptions made on 202203; personal website visits 216217

Entertainment Asylum 147

entertainment vlog 161162

“Epic Halloween Prank” 5

Epic Meal Time 184

Everything is a Remix 170

Everything is Miscellaneous 7778

“Evolution of Dance, The” (2006) 119

exchangeable image file (EXIF) 58, 73, 250; image data analysis 77


Facebook 1517; active use 17; advertisers 15; brands on 1617; friend algorithms 15; friend lists 201; games 1617; grammar 212; groups 1617; Instagram acquisition 42; as marketing/visibility tool 212; online personal branding 212; pages 1617; photo tagging process 77; posts 17; privacy settings 17, 201, 215; profile photograph 207208; as resource 240; sharing algorithms 17; think first, post second 240

Facebook Obsession, The 16

fail videos 99, 116

Fairey, Shepard 131

Fair Use 171172, 176, 177, 250 see also copyright

Fallon, Jimmy 175

fandom 1314, 26, 3334, 250

fan fiction 32, 33; feedback 1213; ship the characters 3334, 255

feedback 1213

Ferguson, Kirby 169170

Ferrell, Will 180181

files, on the web 5758

Final Cut for Mac 168

Flickr 35, 80

folder (directories) 249

follower 250

fonts 66

#foodporn 41, 42

Forsberg, Sara 180, 181

Founder’s Fund 30

4chan 3031, 247; anonymity 3031; categories 30; deep and dark communities 31; memes 92; random discussion board 31

Frank, Ze 122

friend 15

friending 15

“front page of the Internet” see Reddit

frozen-motion meme photo 104

Funny or Die 180181


Galifinakis, Zach 181, 182

gaming communities 3132

“Gangnam Style” 113114

GarageBand 36, 232

geeks 38

General Public License (GPL) 67

“Generation Like” 161

GIF 7475, 250

Gilbertson, Ashley 3435

GoDaddy 52

Godin, Seth 119

Goffman, Erving 210

Google: results personalization 238; YouTube Purchase 2007 2425

Google Analytics 80, 239, 250 109

Google Drive 80

Google Plus 238

Graham, Brad 32

“Great Firewall of China” 107

Green, Hank 184

Gregory Brothers 172

Grossman, Lev 23

Grumpy Cat meme 107

Guild, The 155156

Guy Fawkes masks 31, 250


hacktivist movements 31, 250

hair-style tutorial vlog 164

Hansen, Brad 173

Harding, Matt 127

“Harlem Shake” 176

Harris, Josh 147

Hart, Hannah 160

“hash” mark see hashtag(s)

hashtag(s): definition 247, 250; history of 1920; on Instagram 4142; political/protest movement use 21; public purpose content 238; society and 22; on Tumblr 25; usage 2022

hashtag memes 103

“hat-tip” (h/t) 212

haul vlog 164

<head> 63

Hecox, Ian Andrew 163

Helbig, Grace 160, 180

#HelloFuture 18

Here Comes Everybody (2008) 9

Hermida, Alfred 5

hero’s journey (monomyth) 132133

hexadecimal color 66

Homestar Runner 147148

Hootsuite 17

hosting 53, 64, 250

House of Cards 186

H+: The digital series 185

HTC “Quietly Brilliant” advertising campaign 134135

HTML see hypertext markup language

HTML5 7, 56, 7071, 250; additional benefits 71

http (hypertext transfer protocol) 53

HTTP cookie see cookies

Hulu 186

“Humans of New York” 34

Hurley, Chad 148

Hyperion (1990) 14

hypermedia 250

hypertext 6061, 250

hypertext markup language (HTML) 5051, 55; bracket systems 56; online resources 65; style additions 6465; tags 56

hypertext transfer 5354

hypertext transfer protocol (http) 53


ICANN see Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

“Ideavirus” 119

identity dynamics 207

image forums 3031

image macros 8990, 9092, 251; format 91; making/creating 93

images: online branding 212213

Imgur 35

“I’m on a Boat (ft. T-Pain)” (2009) 122

iMovie 168

index.html file 64

information age 14

Instagram 34, 4042; advertisers 42; digital filter 41; Facebook’s acquisition of 42; hashtags 4142; online personal branding 212213; square photo capture 41; terms of service 42; upgrade 42

intellectual property 170, 174

Internet: growth of 49; physical objects and 8182; as résumé 200 see also web

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 52, 251

Internet Explorer 51

Internet people 118; embarrassing themselves 120121; originals 119123 see also vloggers; YouTubers

Internet Protocol (IP) address 52, 54, 251

Internet service provider (ISP) 251

Invisible Children 129, 133

IP address see Internet Protocol (IP) address

iPhone: video camera 76; YouTube videos 22

ISP see Internet service provider

It’s Complicated: The Social lives of networked teens (2013) 910, 1112


Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook (2013) 212

#Jan25 21

Javascript 55, 251

Jenkins, Henry 1011, 194

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) 7374, 251

jQuery 55, 70, 251

jump cuts 167168, 251

juxtaposition image meme 104, 251


Kalina, Noah 98

Karim, Jawed 148

“Keyboard Cat” 99

keywords, blogs 225

Khan, Salman 3940

Khan Academy 3840

Kimmel, Jimmy 124, 137138

kitty pidgin (lolspeak) 88, 93, 251

Kjellberg, Felix 162163 8788, 98

Kolb, Jennifer 16

“KONY 2012” 123, 129134; collective conscious 130; criticism 133; experiment 130131; storytelling structure 132133

Kotsko, Adam 152

Kreisinger, Elisa (Pop Culture Pirate) 176

Kulash, Damian 124125

Kutiel, Ophir (Kutiman) 174

Kyncl, Robert 165166


Laipply 119

landing page 251

Late Show with Jimmy Fallon, The 175

“Lazy Sunday” 122

Lee, Ahree 98

“Leeroy Jenkins” (2006) 120

Leibniz, Gottfried 55

Lessig, Lawrence 170171, 178

“Let’s Play” (LP) vlog 162163

Lieber, Kevin 165

“Like a Boss” (2012) 122

LinkedIn 234237; connections 236; cover photograph 236; education background 237; endorsements 236237; following companies 235; groups 237; job position 236; profile picture 236; recommendation feature 237; starting your profile 236237; summary 235; top skills 236; work experience 236

Lizzie Bennet Diaries, The 184185

Lolcat Bible 93, 9495

lolcats 8889, 9091, 251

lolspeak see kitty pidgin

lonelygirl15 183

Lonely Island 122

lorem ipsum 68

loss aversion 177

lossless compression 73

lossy compression 73


Mabe, Tom 5

machine cinema (machinima) 171172, 251

McConnell, Christine 6

McKay, Adam 180181

“McKayla is Not Impressed” meme 105106

Maker Faire 37

Makers 37, 251252

“Makers Movement” 37, 251252

Maker Studios 186

makeup demonstration vlogs 163164

Marbles, Jenna 161162

mash-ups 173, 252

mask see domain names

massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) 3132, 252

MCNs see multichannel networks

“Me at the Zoo” (2005) 148

media: convergence 1314; definition 1

meme(s) 4, 85112, 244; as business 107; classic memes updated 99; as culture 108109; definition 8688, 98, 252; environment 97; language 9297; with meaning 102103; of online world 104; pranks as 100101; in real life 101103; research into 8788; sharing 193; sociocultural significance 107108; source checking 109; technology and access trends 9899; trolls and 92; viral video vs. 99; visual 9798

meme factory 92 93

meme generators 93

Messina, Chris 1920

metadata 57, 252

microblogging 252

microenvironment 252

microphone 167

Milonakis, Andy 121

.min.js file 70

MMORPGs see massively multiplayer online role-playing games

modem 58

monomyth see hero’s journey

Moore, Gordon 77, 252

Moore’s Law 77, 252

Morenstein, Harley 184

Morris, Laina 194, 206207

Morrison, Brad 138

Mosaic 51

Mota, Bethany 164

Mourey, Jenna 161162

.mov files 76

Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) 7374, 75

MP3 75

MP4 file type 75, 76

MPEG see Moving Picture Experts Group

MPEG-4 75

multichannel networks (MCNs) 186187, 252

multimedia storytelling 143191, 244; award shows 178; broadband video hosting 148149; business of 178179; case studies 150157; create and participate 165169; early 146147; editing 167168; ever-evolving environment 143144; getting started 167; new land of 149; new narrative programming 150; prehistory 145; self-production 151; sense of humor 168169; 2000–2005 147148; web as outlet 157158; web series creation 157158; writing 168

Murphy, Bobby 44

Murthy, Dhiraj 1819

My Damn Channel 160, 180

My Drunk Kitchen: A guide to eating, drinking, and going with your gut 163

“My Drunk Kitchen” 163

#myNYPD 103

Myst 146


Namecheap 52

name searches: by employers 201203

native advertising 182, 252 see also branded entertainment

natural disasters 1819

Neistat, Casey 206

nerds 38

“Nerdy Nummies” 165

Nest Thermostat 8182

Netflix 144, 179, 186

Netscape 51

networked individualism 97

new and digital media: creation 2; definition 12, 252

“New Narrative Programming in the Digital Space” 143

Nexus browser 51

Ngram viewer 78

Nike Fuelband 8182

non-fiction communities 252

not safe for work (NSFW) 30, 252

NowThisNews 3435

NSFW see not safe for work


Oakley, Tyler 144, 159, 161

Obama, Barack 105, 106, 182

Occupy Wall Street 21, 252

OK Go case study 123, 124129; “A Million Ways” 125126; “End Love” 127; “Get Over it” 124; “Here if Goes Again” 126127; Hungry Ghosts (2014) 128; independence 127129; “I Won’t Let You Down” 128129; “Needing/Getting” 128, 129; Oh No 125126; open minds 126127; support 127129; “The Writing’s on the Wall” 128; “This Too Shall Pass” 127, 128; “White Knuckles” 127; “WTF” 127

Old Spice Guy 124, 134135; “Interneterventions” 135; “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” 135

One True Pairing (OTP) 3334, 253

online audience 253

online brand see online personal brand

online communities 9, 243; deep/dark 31; definition 253; funding 30; gaming 3132; invasion of privacy 14; non-fiction 252; as outlets 10; participation 244; participation rules 13; photography 34; understanding 12; user-generated 2729 see also social media; individual communities

online environment: content creation 12; creativity in 948; participation in 1114

online identity 199200, 253; dynamics 207; persistence 207; public 203204; replicability 207; scalability 207; searchability 207; type, decisions on 203204 see also online personal brand

online participant 253

online personal brand 193242; anonymous 197; awareness 198199; clean-up exercise 204205; connecting with others 214215; constant creation 239240; content creation 215217; creation 206207; definition 196, 253; discovery exercise 197198; identity type decisions 203204; ideology 196; LinkedIn use see LinkedIn; negative 200201; privacy 196; public you 203; success measurement 238239; think first, post second 240, 245; understanding 200201; who you already are in digital space 203205; your name as product 197198

online résumé 233234; activities 234; education information 233234; email address hyperlink 233; professional experience 234; related courses 234; skills 234; work experience 234

open collaboration 253

open source 6667, 215, 253

Orange is the New Black 186

OTP see One True Pairing

“Overly Attached Girlfriend” meme 194

owling 101


Padilla, Anthony 163

Pansino, Rosanna 165

Parnell, Chris 122

parody/sketch/comedy vlog 163

participation theory 194

PBS Digital Studios 185

PBS Idea Channel 185

PBS Off Book 185

“Pepper Spraying Cop” meme 108

permalinks 69, 253

personal online brand see online personal brand

PewDiePie 162163

Phan, Michelle 164

Philosoraptor 91

#photo 34

photo-a-day projects 98

photo fad 253

#photog 34

photography apps 35

photos 3435; embedding feature 35; quality and sharing 35 see also pictures

PHP 55, 64, 69, 253

physical memes 253

Picasa 80

pictures 74; in blogs 227; online branding 212213; on personal home page 218, 219

Pinterest boards 213

pitch document 158

planking 101, 102103

platform 253 99

plug-ins 232, 253

PNGs 74

podcasts 228232; audio recording 231232; creation 228232; definition 253; description of 232; design 229; editing 232; guest interaction 231; interviews 229, 231232; posting on website 232; pre-production 229230; show closing 230231; show opening 230

Pogo 174; copyright complaints 174175

political issues 245

Pop Culture Pirate see Elisa Kreisinger

pop-culture vlog 161

popular culture 254

“Pork and Beans” (2009) 123

posts: audience viewing 199; blog articles 224225; definition 254; on Facebook 199; inappropriate content 210; social media management 210; think first, post second 240, 245; on Tumblr 26; WordPress 224225

“Prancing Cera” 106

pranks, as memes 100101

Prensky, Marc 67, 61

Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, The (1956) 210

privacy settings: Facebook 17, 201, 215; sharing 196; social media 200, 201

profile 254

profile picture: Facebook 207208; LinkedIn 236

programming 7

programming languages: development 5556; where to learn 62 see also individual languages

Project Chanology 31

prosumer 38, 254 147

Psy 113114

<p>tag 6465

public brand (public identity) 254

public content 201

public identity (public brand) 254

public sociality 207

Python 6162

Q 93

“Quiet: We live in public” 147


Ragtag Productions 150

Ramsay, Franchesca 164

“Rapper’s Delight” 175

raster graphic image formats 74

RAW file 74, 254

Raza, Ghyslain 120121, 138

reaction GIF 75

reblogging 254

Rebney, Jack 118

recuts 173174

Reddit 2729; activists 29; anonymity 2829; Ask Me Anything discussions 28; debate forum 28; moderation 28; threads 28; topic exchange 29; user voting 2728

Reddit Gifts 29

Red vs Blue 171

“Re-examining the Remix” 170171

remix culture 144, 169170; participation 169170

remixes/remixing 170171; copyright 170171, 171172, 174175, 176177; copyright issues avoidance 177178; create and participate 178; definition 254; Fair Use 171172; fundamental changes 177; legally 170; music creation 174175; new content 177; savvy edits 175; for social commentary 176; styles 171176 see also individual styles

remix memes 104107

résumé: online see online résumé

retweet 18, 254

Reynolds, Alyssa 224, 225

“Rick Roll” 100101, 254

Rooster Teeth 171

root directory 53

Roper, Jack 165

router 58

Ruby on Rails 6162

Rugnetta, Mike 185

Russell, Gavin 131

Russell, Jack 130131


“Sad Keanu” 106

Samberg, Andy 122

Saturday Night Live 122

Schaefer, Jessica 221, 222

Schmoyoho channel 172173

science and education vlogs 165

search engine optimization (SEO) 237238; blog post titles 225; definition 254; website title 217218; YouTube 238

Secret Santa subreddit 29

Seinfeld, Jerry 185

selfie 42, 254

Selfish Gene, The 86

Sequoia Capital 30

server farm 53

server-side code 64

7-bit programming language 55

share/sharing: common interest/viewpoint 195; definition 193196, 254; exercise 195; privacy setting 196; social media environment 195196; as “two-way” interaction 194

sharing pubic 7276

Shiba Confessions 95

ship (relationship) 3334, 255

Shirky, Clay 6, 9, 10, 11, 38

“Shoes” (2007) 122

short-form creativity 40

short-form video capture 42

Short Message Service (SMS; text messages) 92, 255

Simmon, Dan 14

Singer, Bryan 185

#6SECFILMS competition 4344

Sloan, Matt 151

smartphone camera 7374

smileys 90

Smosh 163

Snapchat 40, 4445, 79; creativity 4445; privacy 44

“Sneezing Baby Panda, The” (2006) 116117 109

social commentary 255

social distribution 185

social media: communities 910, 1517; cross-posting 212, 249; definition 215; invasion of privacy 14; links 7879; management see social media management; natural disasters 1819; privacy 200, 201, 215; scalability 210; sharing 195196; terms of service 201 see also individual types

social media feed 195

social media management 200, 209214; grammar 211212; image branding 212213; number of profiles 213; posts 210; regular use 213; tagging 213214; video branding 212213

social media policies 211

“Social Privacy in Networked Publics: Teens’ attitudes, practice and strategies” (2011) 207

social video advertising 136

societal issues 245

Softaculous software installer 6768, 255

sound 3637; file types 75 see also audio

SoundCloud 37, 232, 255

source code 62, 63

Spiegel, Evan 44

“Spirit of Christmas, The” 119

“Spock is Not Impressed” meme 106

sponsored content see branded entertainment

Spot, The 146

Spotify 36

square photo capture 41

Stanton, Brandon 34

“Star Wars Kid” (2006) 120121, 138

Stevens, Michael 165

Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) 29, 215, 255

storytellers 3

storytelling: multimedia see multimedia storytelling; structure 132133; traditional 132; transmedia 13

“Strutting Leo” 106

Su, Bernie 184

subreddits 28

“Success Kid” 92

Sullivan, Liam 122

“Superbowl is Gay, The” (2002) 121

“Susan Boyle’s First Audition” (2009) 132


tagging 213214, 255

tags: definition 255; Facebook photos 77; HTML 56; public purpose content 238; WordPress 225226

“Tank Man” 107, 108

tastemaker effect 123

TCP (transmission control protocol) 58, 255

“Tebowing” meme 101

television: alternative 185; companion programming 179; made for the web 179; model 145; pilot episode 158; show production process 157158; web series vs. 186

terms of service 4

“Terrible Mall Commercial” (2014) 137

text messages (Short Message

Service) 92, 255

themes 255

theme vlog 163

Thiel, Peter 30

3D printing 247

Throwback Thursday (#tbt) 4142

ThruYou 174

thumbnail, viral videos 116

TIFFs 74

<title> 63

tracking pixels 54

trailer recuts 173174

transmedia 255

transmedia storytelling 13

transmission control protocol (TCP) 58, 255

troll memes 92

trolls 255; on 4chan 31; memes and 92

tropes 99, 255

Tsapelas, Steven 150 187

Tumblog 26

Tumblr 2526; GIF usage 75; posts 26

TweetDeck 17

tweets 18; modifying 212; sharing 212

20 under 20 program 30

29 Years Old and Hearing Myself for the 1st Time!” (2011) 139

“Twerking Fail” 124

twerking videos 137

Twitter 1719; communities 11; community participation 1718; corporate engagement 18; as creative platform 19; following 18; grammar 212; online personal branding 212; promoted communities 18; quote tweet feature 212; researching communities 18; as resource 240; retweeting 18, 254; trending topics 18; tweets see tweets

Twitter: Digital media and society series (2012) 1819

Twittering the News: The emergence of ambient journalism 5

txtspk 92


under-30 crowd 159

United States Copyright Act 1976 Part 17 Section 106 171172

Universal Character Set Transformation Format (UTF-8) 56

Unruly Media 136

un-tagging 214

“Upception” 173

URL (uniform resource locator): definition 255; LinkedIn 236; PHP 69; profile pages 197198; shorteners 79 see also domain names

user creative expression 32

user-generated communities 2729

user-generated content (UGC) 37

users, anonymous 247


Vanerchuk, Gary 212

variable bit rate (VBR) compression 75

Vasquez, Bear 123

Vaudeville Hook 99

VBR see variable bit rate (VBR) compression

venture capitalism 30, 255256

Vernallis, Carol 115

Vevo music player 121

video 3536; in blogs 227; file types see video files; online branding 212213; participation 3536, 167; on personal website 219; viral see viral videos see also YouTube

video artifacting 76

video files 7576; compression 7576; resolution 76; size 76

Video Game High School 183, 186

Vimeo 36

Vine 40, 4244; online personal branding 212213; short-form video capture 42; stop motion videos 43; temporal continuity 43

viral activism 133134

Viral Factory 136

viral seeding 136, 256

Viral Video Chart 136

viral videos 5, 113141, 244; attention span 115116; attention to detail 137138; case studies 114, 123135; characteristics 123; children 116; collective conscious 117; corporate advertising campaigns 124, 134136; definition 113; emotional impact 117; exploitation 138139; history 118119; hoaxes 136139; intentional creation 123; memes vs. 99; out of context 129; people embarrassing themselves 120121; professional 123135; reasons to go viral 123124; recipe 115117; research 137138; savvy use 139; shareability 117; sharing 113, 114, 139; societal issues 138139; successes 136139; supported 127129; tastemaker effect 123; thumbnail 116; unpredictability 116117; weirdness 119120; why we watch 115116 see also individual examples

visual language 8992

vlog(s) 36; definition 256; tutorial 163165; types 161163

vloggers 22, 143144, 160163; making a living 165166; persistence and learning 169 see also YouTubers

Vsauce channels 165


W3C Schools online 6566

Walking Dead, The 13

web: files on 5758; history 5051; physical properties 5860 see also Internet

web channels 179182; early sites 179180

web characters, writing 150151

web code 6061; “as alien language” 6266; understanding, importance of 6162

web cookie see cookies

web languages 5557, 243

web literacy 4983, 243; becoming literate 71; useful websites 71

webpages, appearance on screen 5257

web series: creation 157158; high-end 182186; homegrown 183184; niche 183; professionally produced 183, 184185; television vs. 186 see also multimedia storytelling

website(s): blog creation see blogs; color 66; concept maps 216, 217; customizations 66; fonts 66; future goals description 218; home page creation 217220; hosting 53, 64; interests description 218; personal 199, 216217; personal pictures 218, 219; podcast creation see podcasts; responsive theme 219; style 6465; themes 218; traffic monitoring 239; usage plan 218; video section 219

web television 179

Weinberger, David 7778

We Need Girlfriends case study 150155; beta person 152; characters 151; script 152154

Whedon, Joss 156157, 179

“Where the Hell is Matt” (2008) 127

Wi-Fi 58

wildcards 78, 79

Windows Movie Maker 168

“Winnebago Man” 118

Wix 61

WordPress 2627; attributes 69; basics 6869; blog creation 26; categories feature 27; comments 27, 69; content management system 27; installation 6768; keywords 225; landing page 69; media management 69; open-ware free version 2627; permalinks 69; photo captioning 227; PHP 64; plug-ins 232; post articles 224225; posts in categories 225; signing into 68; tags 225226; themes 68

World of Warcraft 3132

“Worst Twerk Fail EVER – Girl catches fire!” (2013) 137, 138

Writers Guild of America strike: 1987 145; 2007 143, 149, 155, 156

writing 3234


Xbox One 81


Yonda, Aaron 151

“You” campaigns 134135

You Suck at Photoshop 180

YouTube 5, 2223; analytics 184, 238239; audience retention chart 238239; average use 25; channels 24; collabs (collaborations) 159, 248; comments 168169; community of 2324; Content ID 176; copyright issues 25; create and participate 165169; creators 159; as a culture 149; editing 167168; evolution of 149; growth of 148149; guidelines 23; launch 148; making a living on 165166; music videos 3637; as network 187; Partner Program 149, 165166, 186; personalities see vloggers; YouTubers; playlists 121; purchase by Google 2425; real time viewing figures 184, 238; sharing platforms report 239; Top 100 videos 121; “What to watch” 25; writing for 168

YouTube: Online video and participatory culture (2009) 194

YouTube Creators Playbook 184, 256

YouTube Editor 168, 256

YouTubers 159160; brand sponsorship 161; patience 169; profile sharing 186; tutorial vlogs 163165


Zakarin, Scott 146

Zobel, Craig 147148

“Zombie Kid Likes Turtles” (2007) 116

Zuckerberg, Mark 15

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