Finite ON–OFF Multirate Loss Models

In this chapter we consider ON–OFF multirate loss models of quasi‐random arriving calls with fixed bandwidth requirements. In‐service calls do not constantly keep their assigned bandwidth but alternate between transmission periods (ON) and idle periods (OFF). As we discussed in Chapter , ON–OFF loss models can be used for the analysis of the call‐level behavior of bursty traffic. The finite ON–OFF multirate loss models are based on the EnMLM (see Chapter ); their recurrent form facilitates their computer implementation.

9.1 The Finite ON–OFF Multirate Loss Model

9.1.1 The Service System

In the finite ON–OFF multirate loss model (f‐ON–OFF), we consider a link of capacity images b.u. that accommodates images service‐classes of ON–OFF‐type calls. Calls of a service‐class images come from a finite source population images. The mean arrival rate of service‐class images idle sources is images, where images is the number of in‐service sources of service‐class images in state images state ON, images state OFF) and images is the arrival rate per idle source. A call of service‐class images requires images b.u. and competes for the available bandwidth of the system under the CS policy. If the images b.u. are available then the call enters the system in state ON, otherwise the call is blocked and lost, and the occupied link bandwidth is characterized as real. The capacity images, named real (real link), corresponds to state ON.

At the end of an ON‐period a call of service‐class k releases the images b.u. and may begin an OFF‐period with probability images, or depart from the system with probability images. While the call is in state OFF, it seizes fictitious images b.u. of a fictitious link of capacity images. The fictitious capacity images corresponds to state OFF. The call holding time of a service‐class k call in state ON or OFF is exponentially distributed with mean images.

At the end of an OFF‐period the call returns to state ON with probability 1 (i.e., the call cannot leave the system from state OFF), while re‐requesting images b.u. When images b.u. are always available for that call in state ON, i.e., no blocking occurs while returning to state ON. When images, and there is available bandwidth in the link, i.e., if images (where images is the occupied real link bandwidth), the call returns to state ON and a new burst begins; otherwise, burst blocking occurs and the call remains in state OFF for another period. A new service‐class k call is accepted in the system with images b.u. if it meets the constraints of (5.1) and (5.2).

Based on (5.1) and (5.2), the state space images of all possible states images (where images is the occupied bandwidth of the fictitious link) is given by (5.3). In terms of images, the CAC is identical to that of the ON–OFF multirate loss model (see Section 5.1.1).

9.1.2 The Analytical Model Steady State Probabilities

To describe the analytical model in the steady state we present the following notations 1:

  • images: the vector of the number of in‐service service‐class k calls in state images state ON, images state OFF)
  • images,
  • images
  • images: a vector that shows a service‐class k call transition from state OFF to ON
  • images: a vector that shows a service‐class k call transition from state ON to OFF

images the offered traffic‐load to state i from service‐class k; it is determined by:


where images is the total arrival rate of service‐class k calls to state i and is given by:


images is the external arrival rate of service‐class k calls to state i determined by:


images is the images and is given by (5.5a) and (5.5b).

Figure 9.1 shows the state transition rates of the f‐ON–OFF model (in equilibrium).

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 9.1 The state transition diagram of the f‐ON–OFF model.

Assuming the existence of LB between adjacent states, the following LB equations are extracted from the state transition diagram of Figure 9.1:


where images, images, images, images, and images are the probability distributions of the corresponding states images, images.

Equations (9.4b) and (9.4c) describe the balance between the rates of a new call arrival of service‐class k and the corresponding departure from the system, while (9.4a) and (9.4d) refer to the ON–OFF alternations of a service‐class k call. Based on the LB assumption, the probability distribution images has a PFS which satisfies (9.4a)–(9.4d) and has the form [ 1]:


where images is the normalization constant.

We now define by images the b.u. held by a service‐class k call in state images according to (5.10). We also define a images matrix images whose elements are the values of images and let images be the images row of images, where images. In addition, let images with images where the occupied bandwidth images of link images real link, images fictitious link) is given by (5.11).

Having found an expression for images and since the CS policy is a coordinate convex policy (see Section I.12, Example I.30), the probability images can be expressed by [ 1]:


where images while images, and images images.

Consider now the set of states images whereby the occupied real and fictitious link bandwidths are exactly j images and j images, respectively. Then, the probability images (links occupancy distribution) is denoted as in (5.13).

Summing (9.6) over images we have:


The LHS of (9.7) is written as: images. Since images we continue by using the following change of variables:


Thus the LHS of ( 9.7) can be written as:


where images, and images. The first term of (9.8) is equal to images, while the second term is written as:


where images is the expected value of images given images.

By substituting the “new” first and second terms in ( 9.8), we have:


The RHS of ( 9.7) can be written as:


for images and images.

Combining (9.9) and (9.10), we have:


Multiplying both sides of (9.11) by images and summing over images, we have [ 1]:


The estimator images in (9.12) is not known. To determine it, we use a lemma initially proposed in [2] for the determination of a similar estimator in the EnMLM. According to the lemma, two stochastic systems with (i) the same traffic description parameters images and (ii) exactly the same set of states are equivalent, since they result in the same CBP. The purpose is therefore to find a new stochastic system in which we can determine the estimator images. By choosing the bandwidth requirements of calls of all service‐classes and the capacities images in the new stochastic system according to the criteria (i) conditions (a) and (b) are valid and (ii) each state has a unique occupancy images, then each state images can be reached only via state images. Thus, the estimator images and ( 9.12) can be written as (for images):


Equation (9.13) is the two‐dimensional recursive formula used for the determination of images. The images can be calculated in terms of an arbitrary images under the normalization condition of images. Although ( 9.13) is simple, it cannot be used for the determination of images unless an equivalent system (mentioned above) is defined by enumeration and processing of the system's state space. The following example reveals the problems that can arise when one tries to use ( 9.13) prior to the state space enumeration and processing, and how these problems can be overcome.

Before we proceed with the determination of the various performance measures, we show the relationship between the f‐ON–OFF model and the EnMLM. These models are equivalent in the sense that they provide the same TC probabilities and CBP, when:

  1. images (i.e., when state OFF does not exist) for each service‐class images. In that case the calculation of images can be done via (6.27).
  2. images and images. Then we can determine the mean holding time, images, of a service‐class k call of the f‐ON–OFF model via (5.20). In that case, the f‐ON–OFF model is equivalent to the EnMLM with traffic parameters, images and images determined by (5.20). TC Probabilities, CBP, and Utilization

The following performance measures can be determined based on ( 9.13):

  • The TC probabilities of service‐class images, via the formula [ 1]:
    where images.
  • The CBP (or CC probabilities) of service‐class images, via ( 9.14) but for a system with images traffic sources.
  • The link utilization, images, via (5.19) where images. BBP

To illustrate the idea behind the formula for the BBP determination we consider Example 9.3.

Multiplying images by the corresponding images and the service rate in state OFF images, we obtain the rate whereby service‐class images OFF calls would depart from the burst blocking state if it were possible. By summing these rates over the burst blocking state‐space images we obtain the summation images.

By normalizing it (taking into account the whole state space images), we obtain the following formula for the BBP calculation:


where images and images are calculated by ( 9.13).

Thus, (9.15) can be seen as the normalized rate of service‐class k OFF calls by which OFF calls would depart from the burst blocking states if it were possible.

For the record, the BBP of each service‐class in Example 9.3 are images and images, while the corresponding simulation results (with 95% confidence interval) are images and images.

9.2 Generalization of the f‐ON–OFF Model to include Service‐classes with a Mixture of a Finite and an Infinite Number of Sources

Consider a link with a pair of capacities images and images, accommodating images service‐classes of finite ON–OFF sources (quasi‐random input) and images service‐classes of infinite ON–OFF sources (random–Poisson input). Then, the calculation of the link occupancy distribution is done by the combination of ( 9.13) and (5.17) [3]:


Such a mixture of service‐classes does not destroy the accuracy of the model. The TC probabilities calculation can be done via ( 9.14), while the BBP calculation can be done via ( 9.15) for the service‐classes of finite population and via (5.39) for the service‐classes of infinite population.

9.3 Applications

An interesting application of the f‐ON–OFF model has been proposed in [4], where the OCDMA PON architecture of Figure 9.5 with images ONUs is considered.

Diagram from PO-SC pointing to ONU #1, ONU #2, ONU #3, and to OLT via upstream direction indicating receivers and transmitters and back to PO-SC via downstream direction.

Figure 9.5 A basic configuration of an OCDMA PON.

All ONUs are connected to the OLT through a passive optical splitter/combiner (PO‐SC). The PO‐SC is responsible for collecting data from all ONUs and transmitting them to the OLT (upstream direction), as well as for broadcasting data from the OLT to the ONUs (downstream direction). The analysis of [ 4] concentrates on the upstream direction; however, it can also be applied to the downstream direction. Users that are connected to an ONU alternate between active and passive (silent) transmission periods. The PON uses images codewords, which have the same length images and the same weight images, while the auto‐correlation images and cross‐correlation images parameters are defined according to the desired BER at the receiver. The PON supports images service‐classes which are differentiated via the parallel mapping technique. Under this technique, the OLT assigns images codewords to a service‐class images call for the entire duration of the call. More precisely, during the holding time of a service‐class images call the data bits of this call are grouped per images bits and transmitted in parallel in each bit period. One codeword is used to encode bit “1”, while data bit “0” is not encoded. Thus, the call uses a number of these images codewords in each bit period and this number is equal to the number of data bits “1” that are transmitted during a bit period. In this way, the complex procedure of assigning codewords in each data bit period is avoided. Furthermore, since images bits are transmitted in each data bit period, the data rate of service‐class images is images, where images is the basic data rate of a single codeworded call.

When a single codeword is assigned to an active user (active call), the received power of this call at the OLT is denoted by images (images corresponds to the received power per bit, for a specific value of the BER [5]). Since the PON supports multiple service‐classes of different data rates, a number of single codewords is assigned to each service‐class, therefore the received power images of an active call of service‐class images is proportional to images, since images data bits are simultaneously transmitted for service‐class images during a bit period, therefore:


The connection establishment between the end‐user and the OLT is based on a three‐way handshake (request/ACK/confirmation). Calls of service‐class images arrive at ONU images from a finite number of traffic sources images; the total number of service‐class images traffic sources in the PON is images. The mean call arrival rate of service‐class images is images, where images is the arrival rate per idle source, while images and images are the numbers of service‐class images calls in the PON in the active and passive states, respectively. Calls that are accepted for service start an active period and may remain in the active state for their entire duration, or alternate between active and passive periods. During an active period, a burst of data is sent to the OLT, while no data transmission occurs throughout a passive period. When a service‐class images call is transferred from the active to the passive state the total number of in‐service codewords is reduced by images. When a passive call attempts to become active, it re‐requests the same number of codewords (but not necessarily the same codewords) as in the previous active state. If the total number of codewords in use does not exceed a maximum threshold (the PON capacity), the call begins a new active period, otherwise burst blocking occurs and the call remains in the passive state for another period. At the end of an active period, the call is transferred to the passive state with probability images or departs from the system (the connection is terminated) with probability images. The active and passive periods of service‐class images calls are exponentially distributed with mean images (images indicates active state, images indicates passive state).

In OCDMA systems, an arriving call should be blocked, after the new call acceptance, if the noise of all in‐service calls is increased above a predefined threshold; this noise is called multiple access interference (MAI). We differentiate the MAI from other forms of noise (thermal, fiber‐link, beat, and shot noise). The thermal noise and fiber link noise are typically modeled as Gauss distributions images and images, respectively, while the shot noise is modeled as a Poisson process images [6]. The beat noise is modeled as a Gauss distribution images [7]. According to the central limit theorem, we can assume that the total additive noise is modeled as a Gauss distribution images, considering that the number of noise sources in the PON is relatively large. Therefore, the total interference images caused by the thermal, the fiber‐link, the beat, and the shot noise is modeled as a Gauss distribution with mean images and variance images.

Upon a call arrival at an ONU, a CAC located at the OLT decides on its acceptance or rejection according to the total received power at the OLT. More precisely, the CAC estimates the total received power (together with the power of the new call); if it exceeds a maximum threshold images, the call is blocked and lost. The maximum received power is calculated based on the worst case scenario that all images data bits transmitted in parallel are “1”, in order to ensure that the BER will never increase above the desired value. The value of images is also determined by the desired BER at the receiver [ 5]. This condition is expressed by the following relation:


The summation in (9.18) refers to the received power of all in‐service active calls of all images service‐classes multiplied by the average probability of interference images. This probability is a function of the weight images, the length images, and the maximum cross‐correlation parameter images of the codewords, as well as of the hit probabilities between two codewords of different users. Specifically, the hit probabilities images of getting images hits during a bit period out of the maximum cross‐correlation value images are given by [8]:


where the factor images is due to the fact that data bit “0” is not encoded. In the case of images, the percentage of the total power of a data bit that interferes with a bit of the new call is images, since 1 out of images “1” of the codewords may interfere. In this case images. When images, the probability of interference is given by:


The condition expressed by ( 9.18) is also examined at the receiver, when a passive call tries to become active. Based on ( 9.18), we define the LBP images that a service‐class images call is blocked due to the presence of the additive noise, when the number of in‐service active calls is images, as:




Assuming that the total additive noise images follows a Gauss distribution images, the variable images follows a Gauss distribution images too. Therefore, the RHS of (9.22) is the CDF of the Gauss variable images and is denoted as images:


where images is the well‐known error function.

By using ( 9.22) and (9.23), we can calculate images of service‐class images calls by substituting images:


Now, let images be the capacity of the (real) shared link, which is the PON capacity. This is discrete because it is expressed by the total number of codewords, which could be assigned to the PON users. When a call is transferred to a passive state, it is assumed that a number of fictitious codewords are assigned to it from a total number of fictitious codewords images. That is, each passive call is accommodated in a fictitious shared link of fictitious discrete capacity images [9]. The number of codewords assigned to a passive call is equal to the number of codewords assigned to the call at the active state.

To show the role of the fictitious system in call admission, let images be the number of codewords of all active calls and images be the number of codewords of all passive calls:


If an arriving call is not blocked because of local blocking, then the CAC works as follows, taking into account the hard blocking conditions of (5.1) and (5.2). Let images be the set of all permissible states of the whole system (real and fictitious links), then the occupancy distribution of images, denoted by images, is given by a two‐dimensional approximate recursive formula, which is similar to ( 9.13):


where images and images for the real and the fictitious link, respectively, and images is the occupied capacity of the system, given by:




9.4 Further Reading

Due to the relationship between the f‐ON–OFF model and the EnMLM (see Section, the f‐ON–OFF model can be extended to include various characteristics of the EnMLM extensions (see, e.g., Chapter ). Thus, the interested reader may actually study extensions of the EnMLM and consider as a candidate model the f‐ON–OFF model, especially when the combination of call blocking and burst blocking is necessary.


  1. 1 I. Moscholios, M. Logothetis and M. Koukias, An ON–OFF multirate loss model of finite sources. IEICE Transactions on Communications, E90‐B(7):1608–1619, July 2007.
  2. 2 G. Stamatelos and J. Hayes, Admission control techniques with application to broadband networks. Computer Communications, 17(9):663–673, September 1994.
  3. 3 I. Moscholios, M. Logothetis and M. Koukias, An ON–OFF multi‐rate loss model with a mixture of service‐classes of finite and infinite number of sources. Proceedings of IEEE ICC, Seoul, Korea, May 2005.
  4. 4 J. Vardakas, I. Moscholios, M. Logothetis and V. Stylianakis, Performance analysis of OCDMA PONs supporting multi‐rate bursty traffic. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61(8):3374–3384, August 2013.
  5. 5 C.‐S. Weng and J. Wu, Optical orthogonal codes with nonideal cross correlation. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 19(12):1856–1863, December 2001.
  6. 6 W. Ma, C. Zuo and J. Lin, Performance analysis on phase‐encoded OCDMA communication system. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 20(5):798–803, May 2002.
  7. 7 X. Wang and K. Kitayama, Analysis of beat noise in coherent and incoherent time‐spreading OCDMA. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 22(19):2226–2235, October 2004.
  8. 8 H.‐W. Chen, G.‐C. Yang, C.‐Y. Chang, T.‐C. Lin and W. C. Kwong, Spectral efficiency study of two multirate schemes for asynchronous optical CDMA. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 27(14):2771–2778, July 2009.
  9. 9 J. Vardakas, I. Moscholios, M. Logothetis and V. Stylianakis, On code reservation in multi‐rate OCDMA passive optical networks. Proceedings of IEEE CSNDSP, Poznan, Poland, July 2012.
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