Chapter 35
Service Operation Processes: Request Fulfilment


  • ✓  Request fulfilment is discussed in terms of its
    • Purpose
    • Objectives
    • Scope
    • Value
    • Policies
    • Principles and basic concepts
    • Process activities, methods, and techniques
    • Triggers, inputs, outputs, and interfaces
    • Critical success factors and key performance indicators
    • Challenges
    • Risks

 The service operation process we’ll cover in this chapter is request fulfilment. This is the process for handling requests for standard services, equipment, or information. ITIL uses the expression service request to describe all those repeat, low-risk change/information requests that occur in any environment.

There is no absolute definition as to what will be classed as a request because this may vary from organization to organization. Many may, in fact, be small changes, falling under the definition of standard changes because they require a change to the configuration management system, such as equipment relocation or the installation of additional software. Service requests occur frequently, at a low cost, with an understood low risk. Examples of service requests that are not standard changes could include a password reset or information requests. Service requests are usually handled by a service desk, without a requirement for an RFC to be submitted.

The definition used by ITIL is “a formal request from a user for something to be provided—for example, a request for information or advice, to reset a password or to install a workstation for a new user.”

Service requests relate to small-scale, clearly defined, and low-risk activities, such as the provision of a single workstation or supply of a toner cartridge. An important feature of what ITIL calls service requests is that they represent things that the service provider will be asked for repeatedly. They are all opportunities to provide the user with something they have asked for, and the request fulfilment process is used to handle them.

Many service requests require a change—the installation of a workstation, for example. If you think back to your Foundation studies, you may remember standard changes, which are low-risk, simple, preauthorized changes. The only changes that can be handled by the request fulfilment process are those for which a standard change exists. Be careful here though—not all standard changes are implemented through request fulfilment, and not all service requests involve standard changes. Requests for information or advice also fall within the scope of request fulfilment.

Purpose and Objectives

Request fulfilment is the process responsible for managing the lifecycle of all service requests from the users. The process has five objectives:

  • To maintain customer and user satisfaction through efficient and professional handling of all service requests. We’ve learned that ensuring satisfaction involves not only meeting objective targets, but also the human aspects—treating requesters with respect, keeping them informed of progress, and so on.
  • To provide a way for the user to make a request. This is normally through a web portal but the service desk could be used.
  • To provide a way for users to find out what standard services are available to them and how they can request them. It can be surprising that, particularly in a large organization, users aren’t even aware of everything the service provider can do for them.
  • To source and deliver the tangible components of service—hardware, software, licenses, and so on.
  • To assist with general information, complaints, or comments. So, the process should not only provide a means to submit a question, it should also ensure that the user gets a satisfactory response.

Request fulfilment provides an efficient way to supply standard equipment to users, once an item has been assessed and accepted as compatible with the infrastructure. The provision of such equipment can be preapproved and handled as a standard change. It can be added as a service within the service catalog, and all future requests of this type can be handled through this process. This encourages the users to request the standard equipment and software because it is the easiest and fastest to obtain. This is beneficial to IT because the equipment has been assessed as supportable and compatible with the infrastructure.


The scope of request fulfilment will vary from one organization to another; it can include any requests that can be standardized and used where the organization has agreed to use it. Each request should be broken into agreed activities, each with a documented procedure. The procedures are then used to build the request models.

ITIL calls all these service requests; they are all opportunities to provide the user with something they have asked for, such as information, advice, a standard change, or access to an IT service (such as resetting a password or providing standard IT services for a new user), and as mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, the request fulfilment process is used to handle them.

ITIL Service Operation publication suggests that other sorts of requests, such as requests for building maintenance, may be handled together with IT requests. Take a moment to consider the advantages/disadvantages of this approach:

  • Similar handling for both
  • Expands single point of contact
  • De-skills the (usually service desk) job

It will be up to each organization to decide and document which service requests it will handle through the request fulfilment process and which will have to go through other processes, such as business relationship management (BRM) processes for dealing with requests for new or changed services.

Value to the Business

The request fulfilment process benefits the business in a number of ways.

First, it improves the productivity of the business by giving its staff quick and effective access to the services they need to do their jobs. By providing a straightforward means of having its requests fulfilled, business staff can remain productive. Centralization encourages consistency and efficiency. Bureaucracy and delay is reduced, thus reducing the cost of fulfilment. Second, the process provides an efficient way to handle requests, again reducing bureaucracy. A formal process implies the centralization of sourcing and purchasing, enabling the service provider to standardize the hardware and software used, therefore reducing support costs. Central purchasing through approved suppliers can also reduce costs through economies of scale.

The standardized nature of request fulfilment means that it is an obvious candidate for self-help. Although not essential, automating the process with a self-help front end enables the requester to interface directly with the process and thus speeds up the fulfilment process. Typically, users can access a list of possible requests on a company external website or intranet. This ensures that the user provides all the necessary information and can be informed as to expected lead times (defined in the SLA).

Automation can simplify the logging of requests. It can also automate the fulfilment process, without the intervention of the service desk if there is a direct interface into the necessary systems. An example of such automated fulfilment is when you request and receive a password reset from an Internet shopping site such as Amazon, without any human intervention. Financial approval of requests can also be automated, with the request being sent to the appropriate budget holder for approval or rejection before fulfilment.

Next, we consider the policies, principles, and basic concepts of the request fulfilment process. Let’s start with policies.


In this section, we’ll consider some of the policies that support effective request fulfilment.

Policy: Process flows should be defined for each service request. The first policy is that a process flow should be defined for the entire lifecycle of each service request. This will ensure that requests are satisfied effectively, efficiently, and consistently. Service designers should include new requirements for standard services in their design efforts.

Policy: Process should be owned by a single function. A second policy is that there should be a single function that owns all service requests. This does not mean that there should be a single function for fulfilling the requests. Rather, the central function will monitor progress of requests and take action should progress be slow. This central function will also provide requesters with updates on progress where appropriate. Often the service desk takes this role.

Policy: Standard change process to be used where a change to a configuration item is involved. Another policy is that if a request involves a change to a configuration item, then it must be implemented by a standard change. In other words, request fulfilment must follow normal change management procedures.

Policy: All service requests to be handled by a single system. The fourth policy is that service requests should be handled by a single system. The parallel here is with incident management and the service desk.

Policy: All service requests to be authorized. Policy five states that all requests must be authorized before they are fulfilled. Many requests incur costs, such as the purchase of hardware or a software license, and those costs must be authorized.

Policy: All service requests to be prioritized according to business criteria. The next policy, policy six, is that the activity needed to fulfil a request must align with the needs and objectives of the business. In other words, each request must be prioritized using business criteria. Here is another parallel with incident management.

Policy: Users must be able to submit requests and obtain updates easily. The last policy that we will discuss is that users must have a clear means of submitting a request and of getting an update on progress. This could be the single point of contact that is provided by the service desk for incidents. For request fulfilment, the point of contact could be the service desk or the web portal.

Principles and Basic Concepts

Many organizations use their existing incident management process (and tools) to handle service requests because key steps are often the same. In each case, the following questions need to be answered:

  • Can the service desk deal with this?
  • Would this impact negatively on incident handling?
  • If not the service desk, who can deal with this?
  • What are the timescales/agreed service levels?
  • Is the user satisfied?

Separation of Requests and Incidents

Some organizations separate requests from incidents because incidents are unplanned and unwanted; a major aim of service management is to reduce the number of incidents, through improved design, problem management, and continual service improvement. In contrast, there may be a policy of increasing the number of items that can be dealt with through the request fulfilment process. The targets for incidents and requests may be very different: requests often have specified lead times, which are dependent on other factors (such as the user not being given access until they have attended a training course), whereas with incidents, the aim is to resolve each one as quickly as possible. Where there are a significant number of requests to be fulfilled, a separate process with a different record type should be used. This allows the service provided to be monitored and reported on in a more appropriate way than using incident reporting. Also, it is likely incidents will be given priority over requests, resulting in requests not meeting SLA targets because fixes take precedence. Similarly, if dealing with requests has an impact on incident resolution, the customer will be dissatisfied.

Request Models

The process needed to fulfil a request will vary depending upon exactly what is being requested, but it can usually be broken down into a set of activities that have to be performed. For each request, these activities should be documented into a request model. You encountered models when we studied incident management in Chapter 34, “Service Operation Processes: Incident and Problem Management.” In this case, a request model defines how to handle a particular, frequently occurring request.

The model should define the sequence of actions that must be performed, who will perform them, and the required timescales for each of the steps as well as for the fulfilment of the complete request. Any escalation paths that may be required should also be included.

Menu Selection

The effectiveness of request fulfilment is hugely enhanced if it is supported by a software tool, and probably a tool that is web based. Such a tool should be provided with a menu of available services from which the user is able to select. The provision of all the required information can be enforced by using mandatory fields and providing drop-down lists of possible options. In addition, the tool should set the user expectations by showing lead times, costs, and so on.

Where organizations are already offering a self-help IT support capability to the users, it makes sense to combine this with a request fulfilment system as described.

Specialist web tools to offer this type of “shopping basket” experience can be used together with interfaces directly to the backend integrated ITSM tools used to manage the request fulfilment activities.

Request Status Tracking

The owner of requests must be able to track them through their lifecycle and report progress to the requester where appropriate. Each organization will choose the appropriate statuses for its needs, but let’s consider the most common statuses that are used:

  • Draft indicates that a request is being prepared for submission. For whatever reason, at the moment the requester is unable or unwilling to submit the request.
  • In Review indicates a request that has been authorized but is now under review by the relevant fulfilment team. They could be planning a desktop installation, for example.
  • Suspended indicates that fulfilment activity has been suspended. This may be because the fulfilment group is waiting for action or information from the requester.

The other common statuses—Waiting Authorization, Rejected, Cancelled, In Progress, Completed, and Closed—are self-explanatory.

Prioritizing and Escalating Requests

All service requests should be prioritized based on a standard set of criteria. This can be done by considering the impact and urgency of a request, as with incident management. Alternatively, an organization might have set lead times for different request types.

There are a variety of reasons for escalating a request. Perhaps the obvious one is that a request might not be fulfilled within agreed timescales. Escalation might also be required if the process is being misused by the business. For example, the relocation of up to five workstations might be a service request but more than five would require the submission of a change request. Some managers in the business might try to get around this limitation by submitting several requests, each for five workstations but amounting to a large number in total. The request owner should be on the alert for this and escalate in the agreed manner.


As you’ve seen, many requests will incur a cost that must be approved. Some requests will have a standard charge—a software license or a standard workstation, for example. In other cases, the fulfilment group must establish the cost in the context of what exactly has to be done, as with an equipment move, for example. The role within the business responsible for approving the spend should be identified within the request model. Financial approval can be automated, and it may take place before the request is seen by the service desk. Requests for standard cost items may be routed to the approver before arriving at the desk.

Sometimes other types of approval are needed. These may include compliance with the organization’s policies, especially as regards information security, or technical approval to confirm that the request will work with the infrastructure. Request fulfilment must have the ability to define and check such approvals where needed. Procedures for obtaining required approvals should be included as part of the request fulfilment models to save time in processing the service request.

Coordination of Fulfilment Activity and Closure of the Request

A request, including fulfilment, can be handled in many ways. Some requests can be automated—password resets, for example. Where human intervention is needed, the request can be fulfilled by a dedicated fulfilment group, by the technical support teams, by suppliers, or by a combination of these. Remember, though, that ownership of requests should remain with one team—usually the service desk, unless a dedicated request team exists.

The service desk should monitor and chase progress and keep users informed throughout, regardless of the actual fulfilment source.

When the service request has been fulfilled, it must be referred back to the service desk for closure. The service desk should go through a closure process that checks to see whether the user is satisfied with the outcome.

Process Activities, Methods, and Techniques

Take a look at the process flow shown in Figure 35.1. Although you do not need to know the process flow in detail for the exam, an understanding of what is involved in fulfilling service requests will help you understand its objectives.

Image described by surrounding text.

Figure 35.1 Request fulfilment process flow

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First we will look at the process flow and then discuss the high-level activities.

The diagram shows the complete request fulfilment process flow. You can see that it includes logging, categorizing, and prioritizing a request as you would an incident. It also includes some activities that are specific to this process. The request is logged and validated, categorized, and prioritized. Any necessary authorizations are then obtained, and the request is reviewed to ascertain who will fulfil it. The appropriate request model is then executed, and finally, the request is closed, with the requester’s agreement. We’ll look at each of these steps in turn.

Receiving the Request

The first activity is receiving the request. Most service requests are received either from the web portal or at the service desk, but they could come in by other routes, such as email or even as requests for change (RFCs). From the point of view of the service provider, the preferred route is through the web portal because this will reduce the calls to the service desk. Not all incoming requests will in fact be service requests; they could be incidents or change requests, in which case they must be routed to the appropriate process.

Logging the Request

When a request is received, it should be logged and allocated a unique reference number, and all necessary information should be recorded. The web portal should be designed to help the requester provide the necessary information. The request record should be updated as necessary as the request proceeds through its lifecycle with date and time stamping to maintain a track of what happened and when.

Validating the Request

The request is examined to confirm that it is valid; this includes making sure the request is within the scope of the IT services being offered. The web portal may help by restricting what can be logged to the available types of service requests. These tools ensure that the source of the request is valid and that only valid types of request are issued. Any requests that are invalid should be returned to the requester with an explanation; for example, the requested service might not be provided by the service provider.

Categorizing the Request

Categorizing the request will enable future analysis and reporting. As with the categorization of incidents, some thought should be given to the system employed. Requests could be categorized in a number of ways. For example, they could be categorized by activity, such as password reset or software installation. Another example is categorizing by the function that will fulfil the request.

Prioritizing the Request

Prioritization will be in line with business need, taking into account the impact and urgency of the request. A model such as was described previously for the prioritization of incidents could also be used here.

Authorizing the Request

We discussed the need for all requests to be authorized as one of the request policies. The degree of rigor needed here depends very much on the type of request. Requests that cannot be authorized should be returned to the requester.

Fulfilling the Request

After a request has been authorized, it is reviewed by the service desk and the appropriate fulfilment function is determined. In some cases, this will be the service desk itself; in others it might be a dedicated fulfilment team or even a supplier.

The request is then fulfilled by performing the actions specified in the appropriate request model. The request model can take a number of forms. In many organizations, it will simply be described in a written document; in others, a workflow tool will be used.

Completion and Closure of the Request

When the request has been fulfilled, it can be closed. Usually there will be a two-stage closure: the first stage simply records that, so far as the service provider is concerned, the fulfilment actions are complete; the second stage is the final closure, which should be performed only after consulting the requester.

If the service performed is chargeable, then at this point the appropriate charging mechanism is triggered. This might be sending a bill or registering a recharge. The service desk should check that the request documentation is up-to-date and that it is correctly categorized before final closure. Any updates to the CMS need to have been completed. This is also the time to conduct a satisfaction survey.

Triggers, Inputs, Outputs, and Interfaces

ITIL requires that every process should have a trigger and inputs to and outputs from the process activities. Each process will also have interfaces with a number of other processes.


As previously explained, the request fulfilment process is triggered when a user submits a request. As you have seen, this may be directly to the service desk or via the web portal, where they can choose from a list of possible requests.


The main input to the process is a request from the user. As you’ve seen, this can come by a variety of routes, each with its own format of information. Another significant input is the authorization form that may be required for some requests. Some requests may be logged as RFCs. Some requests will be for information, whereas others are for standard goods or services to be supplied.


The following list includes examples of outputs from the process:

  • Requests that have been authorized or rejected and those that are cancelled.
  • Some requests may be rerouted as incidents. For example, a user requests a new laptop because their current machine keeps crashing. This could be rerouted to resolve the fault and thus save unnecessary expenditure on new equipment.
  • Status reports may be output from the process.
  • Where a standard change is required, an RFC may be raised.
  • Some requests may be routed as changes because they are asking for nonstandard products or applications and need to be approved for use within the organization.
  • The request should be updated as it is fulfilled.
  • When the request is completed, the output will be a fulfilled request, which should then be closed.
  • The final output is the update to the CMS when standard changes have been made.


Examples of primary interfaces with request fulfilment are as follows:

Financial Management for IT Services Some requests may be chargeable, and financial approval may be required.

Service Catalog Management The services that can be requested should be listed in the service catalog.

Release and Deployment Management This will interface with request fulfilment when the request concerns the automatic deployment of new or upgraded components. In such cases, the release is predefined, built, and tested and deployed upon request.

Service Asset and Configuration Management The CMS will need to be updated following any changes that may have been made as part of fulfilment activities. Where appropriate, software license checks/updates will also be necessary.

Change Management Where a change is required to fulfil a request, it will need to be logged as an RFC and progressed through change management.

Incident and Problem Management As discussed, requests may be handled using the incident management process. Where appropriate, it will be necessary to relate service requests issued by IT to any incidents or problems that created the need for the requests.

Access Management This process may be involved with request fulfilment activities to ensure that those making requests are authorized to do so in accordance with the information security policy. Request fulfilment can act as the input to the access management process in relation to the creation and deletion of accounts.

Critical Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators

There are several possible critical success factors (CFSs) for request fulfilment, each of which will have key performance indicators (KPIs) to show whether the CSF is being achieved. Before we look at the CSFs and KPIs, we should take a minute to understand what these terms mean:

  • A critical success factor, or CSF, is a high-level statement of what a process must achieve if it is to be judged a success. Normally, a process would have only three or four CSFs. A CSF cannot be measured directly; that’s what key performance indicators are for.
  • A key performance indicator, or KPI, is a metric that measures some aspect of a CSF. Each CSF will have three or four associated KPIs.

Here are some examples of CSFs and KPIs for request fulfilment:

  • Critical success factor: “Requests must be fulfilled in an efficient and timely manner that is aligned to agreed service level targets for each type of request.”

    Possible associated KPIs for this CSF are as follows:

    • The mean elapsed time for handling each type of service request
    • The number and percentage of service requests completed within agreed target times

      The first KPI relates to the requirement to fulfil requests in a timely manner and the second to meeting agreed targets. You may be able to think of other KPIs.

  • Critical success factor: “Only authorized requests should be fulfilled.”

    This could be measured by the following KPIs:

    • The percentage of service requests fulfilled that were appropriately authorized
    • The number of incidents related to security threats from request fulfilment activities
  • Critical success factor: “User satisfaction must be maintained.”

    The following examples would be relevant KPIs for this CSF:

    • The level of user satisfaction with the handling of service requests (as measured in some form of satisfaction survey)
    • The total number of incidents related to request fulfilment activities
    • The size of current backlog of outstanding service requests


There are some common challenges encountered when implementing and running a request fulfilment process:

  • Ensuring that the scope of the process is clearly defined by documenting the type of requests that will or will not be handled by this process and which requests need to go to change management.
  • Providing an effective portal that will encourage users to submit requests there rather than calling the service desk. Clear targets must be agreed with the business for each type of request. These targets will be documented in the service level agreement.
  • Reaching agreement with the business on where, when, and how authorization should be sought. It’s important to adhere to normal budgetary controls in place within the organization.
  • Agreeing on the costs for fulfilling requests, specifying whether they are to be recharged, and ensuring that service requests do not violate the information security policy.
  • Providing the required level of information regarding the types of available requests in an easily accessible format, usually as part of the service catalog.
  • Providing a documented request model with a predefined process flow for each of the services being requested to ensure that all requests follow a predefined standard fulfilment procedure.
  • Making sure all service requests made through the web portal are processed in a timely manner to ensure customer satisfaction. Regular customer satisfaction surveys should be carried out.


There are five common risks faced by the request fulfilment process:

  • A poorly defined or communicated scope will mean that users and IT staff will be unclear as to what the process will and won’t handle.
  • A poorly defined or implemented web portal will not be used. Users will continue to call the service desk and a major benefit of the process will be lost.
  • Poorly designed or insufficiently resourced back-office fulfilment activities will mean that the process will not operate effectively or efficiently. Targets will not be met, backlogs will build up, and customer satisfaction will plummet.
  • Inadequate monitoring capability will prevent metrics from being gathered, and as a result, performance won’t be managed.
  • Users may be reluctant to use a web-based tool if it is a new concept to the organization.


This chapter explored the next process in the service operation stage, request fulfilment. We discussed the key ITIL concepts of service requests and how the request fulfilment process can save time and money in expediting simple user requirements.

We examined the process in depth, covering its purpose, objectives, scope, and value. We considered its policies, principles, activities, and basic concepts and how its success might be measured. We also discussed what factors might work against a successful implementation.

Exam Essentials

Understand the purpose, objectives, and scope of request fulfilment. Request fulfilment provides an efficient means of delivering services to customers, with low-risk requests and a defined fulfilment process. It can include IT and non-IT requests and be accessed through a self-help web portal.

Know how request fulfilment benefits the customer and the IT department. It provides the customer with an easy, efficient means of requesting services and enables the requests to be fulfilled by service desk and second-line staff with minimum bureaucracy.

Understand the use of request models. Because requests have a predefined fulfilment process, they are very well suited to the use of request models, which can be programmed into the service management toolset.

Understand the need for technical and financial approval. Although some requests are preauthorized, there may be occasions when authorizations are required. The usual corporate financial controls still apply, so the budget holder may need to approve, for example, the purchase of equipment. Technical authorization may be necessary as a confirmation that the request is compatible with the user’s existing equipment.

Understand the use of a web portal and menu selection in implementing an efficient user interface. Request fulfilment can be greatly enhanced by providing the equivalent of an online shop, complete with “Add to Cart” facility. Users are familiar with this approach through Internet shopping, and it reduces the need for data entry at the service desk.

Review Questions

You can find the answers to the review questions in the appendix.

  1. The request fulfilment process is suitable for which of the following?

    1. All requests, including RFCs
    2. Only requests that have been approved by the CAB
    3. Emergency requests for change, because the process will ensure a fast implementation
    4. Common, low-risk requests with a documented fulfilment procedure
  2. Requests may be fulfilled by which of the following?

    1. Service desk staff
    2. Second-line staff
    3. Service level manager
    4. Business relationship manager
      1. 1 and 2
      2. All of the above
      3. 1 and 3
      4. 2 and 3
  3. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

    1. Requests need to be authorized by the CAB.
    2. Requests need to be authorized by the budget holder when an expense will be incurred.
    3. Requests need to be authorized by technical management when technical compatibility is an issue.
    4. Requests which involve a change should be primarily preauthorized standard changes.
  4. Which of the following could be defined as a service request?

    1. “Is the service available on weekends?”
    2. “How do I get training on this application?”
    3. “I need this application changed to include a web interface.”
    4. “We have a new member of staff starting. Can you set them up on the system?”
      1. All of the above
      2. 3 and 4
      3. 1, 2, and 3
      4. 1, 2, and 4
  5. Which of the following is the best description of a service request?

    1. A standard change
    2. A request from a user for information, for advice, for a standard change, or for access to an IT service
    3. An RFC
    4. The procurement process
  6. Which of the following is NOT one of the objectives of the request fulfilment process?

    1. To provide a way for users to make requests through the service desk or web portal
    2. To provide a way for users to find out what standard services are available to them and how they can request them
    3. To assist with general information, complaints, or comments
    4. To understand and minimize the level of risk involved
  7. Which of the following statements about request fulfilment are TRUE?

    1. The request fulfilment process and tools can be used for non-IT requests.
    2. The service desk should handle all requests, IT and others.
    3. A web portal can be a useful front end for users to access all types of service requests with automated authorization. Requests may then be forwarded to the appropriate department for resolution.
    4. A service catalog can be used to publicize the services available through the request process.
      1. 1, 2, and 4
      2. All of the above
      3. 1, 3, and 4
      4. 2 and 3
  8. Requests can be handled using the incident management process rather than a separate request process. Which of the following statements about this approach is FALSE?

    1. It will always be more efficient to have a single process for incidents and requests.
    2. Reporting of trends may be confusing if requests are logged using the incident process.
    3. Incidents are time driven, whereas requests are more concerned with ensuring that all steps are carried out, and there may be a set lead time imposed for different request types, so each incident and request needs to be handled differently.
    4. The steps taken to log, assess, assign, and complete requests are exactly the same as those taken when managing incidents; if the number of requests is low, it can be easier to use a single process.
      1. 1 and 2
      2. 1 only
      3. 2 and 3
      4. 2 only
  9. Which of the following process does NOT have an interface with request fulfilment?

    1. Service level management
    2. Access management
    3. Financial management
    4. Demand management
  10. Which of the following is a possible risk for the request process?

    1. The budget for equipment purchase may be overspent due to multiple service requests for new devices.
    2. Users may try to use the request process to avoid the scrutiny of change management.
    3. The configuration management system might get out of step with the new and changed items being provided by the request process.
    4. Unnecessary items might be purchased when spare items are already in stock.
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