Chapter 23
Service Transition Processes: Transition Planning and Support and Change Management


  • ✓  Transition planning and support and change management are discussed in terms of
    • Purpose
    • Objectives
    • Scope
    • Value
    • Policies
    • Principles and basic concepts
    • Process activities, methods, and techniques
    • Triggers, inputs, outputs, and interfaces
    • Critical success factors and key performance indicators
    • Challenges
    • Risks

 The syllabus covers the managerial and supervisory aspects of service transition processes. It excludes the day-to-day operation of each process and the details of the process activities, methods, and techniques as well as its information management. More detailed process operation guidance is covered in the intermediate service capability courses. More detail on the courses included in the ITIL exam framework can be found at Each process is considered from the management perspective. That means at the end of this section of the book, you should understand those aspects that would be required to understand each process and its interfaces, oversee its implementation, and judge its effectiveness and efficiency.

Transition Planning and Support

The transition process involves many functional and process areas. All activities must be coordinated if the transition is to be successful.


It is the job of the transition planning and support process to ensure that the multiple plans that are required for a successful transition are consistent and coordinated; it is also responsible for coordinating resources for which there may be competing demands.

Transition planning and support ensures that the strategy and design as declared in the service design package (SDP) are delivered successfully into operations. Throughout this activity, the goal is to minimize and mitigate against the risk of failure and disruption.


The objectives of this process are concerned with ensuring that the purpose and goals are achieved in a consistent and repeatable manner through the production of comprehensive plans that ensure effective and efficient transition into the live environment.

The following list includes specific objectives:

  • Planning and coordinating all of the transition resources to ensure that the requirements specified in service strategy and encoded in service design are delivered in service operation; in particular, this involves coordinating activities across projects, suppliers, and service teams where required.
  • Coordinating activities across projects, suppliers, and service teams where required.
  • Establishing new or changed services into supported environments within the predicted cost, quality, and time estimates.
  • Establishing new or modified management information systems and tools, technology and management architectures, service management processes, and measurement methods and metrics to meet requirements established during the service design stage of the lifecycle.
  • Ensuring the adoption of a common framework of standard reusable processes and supporting systems.
  • Helping customer and business change projects align their activities with service transition by providing clear and comprehensive plans.

Risk management is an important part of transition planning, and process objectives include identifying, managing, and controlling risks to reduce the likelihood of failure and disruption. It ensures that all service transition issues, risks, and deviations are reported to the appropriate stakeholders and decision-makers.

The objectives of the process can be summarized as monitoring and improving the performance of the service transition lifecycle stage.


The scope of transition planning and support includes the maintenance of service transition policies, standards, and models for use in each transition. Every major change or new service must be guided through all the service transition processes, and transition planning and support ensures that this is carried out successfully. Of course there may be many transitions taking place, so transition planning and support is responsible for prioritizing conflicting resource requirements and coordinating the efforts needed to manage multiple simultaneous transitions.

Other activities within the scope of transition planning and support include planning the transition budget and resources needed and identifying opportunities for improving the performance of transition planning and support activities. It also ensures that service transition is coordinated with program and project management, service design, and service development activities.

It is important to note that transition planning and support is not responsible for detailed planning of the build, test, and deployment of individual changes or releases; these are part of change management and release and deployment management.

Value to the Business

Change can be disruptive and get in the way of the business achieving its aims. Properly planned and managed changes, however, will deliver the benefits the business wants, without disruption. This means that a large number of releases can be implemented. Release planning ensures that the IT plans for implementing changes are aligned with the customer, supplier, and business change project plans.

Policies, Principles, and Basic Concepts

Now we turn our attention to the basic concepts that support effective planning for service transition. The first of these is the service design package. You should remember from your foundation or other intermediate studies that the SDP is produced as a key output of service design.

The Service Design Package

The SDP includes a great deal of information required by the service transition team. This includes the service charter, which details the expected utility and warranty, as well as the outline budgets and timescales. The service specification, service models, and architectural design required to deliver the new or changed service are also included, along with details of any constraints. In preparation, each new or changed service release is defined and its design documented. The SDP will contain a detailed description of how the service components will be assembled and integrated into a release package. The release and deployment plans and the service acceptance criteria are also included. Service design packages will be created (or updated) for all major changes.

The Service Transition and Release Policies

Transition planning and support will make use of the service transition and release policies. In Chapter 22, “Service Transition Principles,” we looked at transition policies in more detail. We shall look at policies specific to each of the service transition processes in the following chapters.

The release policy should be defined for one or more services and include numbering and naming conventions for different release types, the roles and responsibilities at each stage, and the expected frequency of releases.

The policy will include the requirement to deploy software from the definitive media library and the criteria for choosing and grouping changes into a release. Details of how the build, installation, and release distribution shall be automated will also be part of the policy.

Other elements of a release policy include details of what is required to capture and verify a release configuration baseline. The exit and entry criteria and authority for acceptance of the release into each stage and into each environment should be detailed together with the criteria and authorization to exit the early life support phase and complete the handover of the service to the service operation functions.

An example of a responsibility matrix for an organization that supports client/server applications is shown in Figure 23.1. Such a matrix will help to identify gaps and overlaps, and typical roles can be planned for the future. Study it, and if you can, try to imagine what one for your own organization might look like.

Figure 23.1 Example of a responsibility matrix for release points during service transition

Copyright © AXELOS Limited 2010. All rights reserved. Material is reproduced under license from AXELOS.

It is useful to define different types of releases; this helps set expectations. A typical example is categorizing releases as major, minor, and emergency. Typically, major releases may be defined as those containing large areas of new functionality, which may be to replace temporary fixes to problems with a permanent fix. A major release supersedes all preceding minor upgrades, releases, and emergency fixes. Minor releases may be defined as those containing small enhancements and fixes, some of which may replace earlier emergency fixes. A minor upgrade or release usually supersedes all preceding emergency fixes.

Finally, emergency releases would normally contain corrections to a small number of known errors or sometimes a high-priority enhancement.

The release policy will specify the frequency of releases and the criteria for an emergency release. Emergency releases should be kept to a minimum, so the service provider must always balance the need for regular enhancements and the risk and disruption these may cause. However, releases that are too spaced out will lead inevitably to more emergency changes.

All releases should have a unique identifier that can be used by service asset and configuration management.

Here is an example of a naming convention:

  • The format is AA_n.n.n.
  • Characters before the underscore identify the service.
  • Characters after the underscore identify the specific release.
  • Each major release will increment the first number.
  • Characters to the right of decimal points represent successively minor releases.

Using those conventions, consider the name EW_2.3:

  • The service is EW.
  • The first number after the underscore is 2, signifying that this is major release 2.
  • The next number is 3, meaning this is the third minor release applied to major release 2.
  • Another minor release applied to major release 2 would be numbered EW_2.4.
  • If instead an emergency release is required, it would be EW_2.3.1.
  • A new major release would be numbered EW_3.0.
  • A minor release applied to release 3 would be EW_3.1.

Process Activities, Methods, and Techniques

In the following sections, we will consider the high-level management activities, methods, and techniques for the transition planning and support process. You need to understand the basic flow and activities, but you don’t need to know the details of these activities or understand the details of specific methods and techniques; these aspects are covered in the Release, Control, and Validation Intermediate Capability course.

Transition Strategy

Each organization should choose an approach to service transition that suits their particular requirements. Organizations vary in the type of services they offer and the size of their operation. Their approach may be flexible or risk averse, and this will influence their choices regarding how frequently they wish to deploy a new release. So each organization needs to develop its own service transition strategy. This will define the overall approach to transition and the allocation of resources.

The strategy will cover the purpose, goals, and objectives of service transition for the organization and the context in which it operates. It will define what is within and outside the scope of transition and include any restrictions under which the organization has to operate (for example, standards or agreements or legal, regulatory, or contractual requirements). It will identify the various organizations and stakeholders involved in transition, such as third parties, strategic partners, suppliers and service providers, customers, and users. The organizational structure of service transition will be explored (we look at this in more detail in Chapter 28, “Organizing for Service Transition”).

The transition strategy will define the transition policies, processes, and practices, including interfaces between the process and the service provider. There are other processes and methodologies being used during transition, such as program and project management; the strategy will define how these should interact. The roles and responsibilities of those involved will be defined, together with the methods to be used for resource planning and estimation activities.

The policies and processes will include those for preparing for transition, such as evaluation of training requirements and how changes and releases are to be authorized. The aim is to create a robust, effective reusable process so the organization’s experience, expertise, tools, knowledge, and so forth can be reused.

The service transition strategy defines entry and exit criteria for each release stage and for stopping or restarting transition activities. It specifies the criteria for judging the success or failure of the transition.

It also identifies the requirements and content of the new or changed service and where and when the transition is to take place. It defines what is to be in each release, what the contents of the SDP should be, and requirements for environments to be used. It includes the planning and management of environments (for example, commissioning and decommissioning equipment).

The transition strategy will assign roles and responsibilities. This would include who is able to authorize changes, for example. If any training is required, it would be arranged for those needing it, together with any other knowledge transfer activities, such as drawing up FAQs.

The whole approach to service transition will be defined in the transition strategy. This would include a transition model covering each of the service transition lifecycle stages. The approach to managing changes and assets will be defined, including the baseline, evaluation, configuration audit and verification points, and the points where change authorization is needed. Any defined change windows would also be listed.

The strategy should explain the approach to how the estimation of resources and costs should be carried out and the steps that should be taken when preparing for a transition. The methods used to evaluate and authorize changes and plan the various stages of the release—including build, test, deployment, and early life support—should be described, together with a description of how errors should be handled, corrected, and controlled.

The strategy should also cover the management and control aspects of recording, progress monitoring, and reporting. Finally, details should be given regarding how the service performance will be measured, and the KPIs and improvement targets should be described.

The transition strategy should define the deliverables from transition activities, including mandatory and optional documentation for each stage and the expected format for each document. This documentation will include plans and reports and documentation for transition, change management, service asset and configuration management, releases, testing, builds, and so on.

As with any project, the key milestones will be described with the required budget and funding.

Service Transition Lifecycle Stages

The SDP will define the lifecycle stages of the transition. These stages will usually include acquiring and testing CIs and components and carrying out the build and test and service release test stages. The SDP also ensures that everything is in place for the new or changed service through a service operational readiness test. The remaining lifecycle stages will be the deployment and early life support of the service and the postimplementation review and closure. Remember, for each stage there will be exit and entry criteria and a list of mandatory deliverables.

Prepare for Service Transition The next stage is to prepare for service transition. It is important to ensure that everything required for the transition has been considered prior to the start of the transition process. All of the required input deliverables must be available and complete, and the RFCs must be scheduled for the deployment. The CMS must be updated with the baseline information, and everything must be checked before permission is granted to proceed.

Planning and Coordinating Service Transition A service transition plan describes the work environment, infrastructure, tasks, and activities required to release and deploy a release into the test environments and into production.

The plan will usually include a schedule of milestones, handover and delivery dates, and a list of the activities and tasks to be performed. The staffing, resource requirements, budgets, and timescales at each stage are detailed, and any issues and risks to be managed are listed in issue and risk registers. Finally, all plans should include lead times and contingency. The plan should be built as information becomes available. Use a service transition model, amended as required, and allocate and schedule the required resources.

Integrated Planning Good planning and management are essential for successful deployment of a release. In reality, there is not just one plan but a series of interlocking plans, which need to be integrated to be successful. Transition plans need to be linked to lower-level plans such as release build and test plans. The linked plans are then integrated with the change schedule and release and deployment management plans. Careful planning at the start will help with successful resource allocation, utilization, budgeting, and accounting.

The overall service transition plan should include the key activities to acquire the release components and package the release as well as build, test, deploy, evaluate, and proactively improve the service through early life support. It will also include the activities to build and maintain the service and the IT infrastructure, the systems and environments, and the measurement system to support the transition activities.

Adopting Program and Project Management Best Practices The plans for an individual service transition must be integrated with plans for other transitions taking place at the same time, using industry best practices for project and program management. At this point, it may become apparent that the required date is not feasible; reprioritize other work if required to free up the resources needed. Liaise with change management and release and deployment management throughout because changes made to the plan will impact those areas too.

Multiple releases and deployments should be managed as a program, with each significant deployment run as a project, typically using a framework such as PRINCE2 or the guidance in the PMBOK Guide. The actual deployment may be carried out by dedicated operations staff, by a team brought together for the purpose, and/or by external suppliers.

Significant deployments are complex projects in their own right. Planning needs to consider the people, application, hardware, software, documentation, and knowledge elements; this will mean subdeployments for each of these.

Review of the Plan All service transition and release and deployment plans should be reviewed. A possible checklist of what to review would include the following items:

  • A contingency allowance has been made for unplanned costs or delays.
  • The plans include an allowance for varying lead times.
  • Plans are complete, up-to date, and authorized.
  • Release dates and deliverables are defined.
  • Cost and other impacts are considered and risks managed.
  • CIs have been checked for compatibility.
  • Changes in circumstance are reflected in amendments to the plan.
  • People are ready for the deployment.
  • The release is in line with the SDP.

Transition Process Support Service transition should provide support for all stakeholders to enable them to understand and follow the service transition framework of processes and supporting systems and tools. Support may be given to all stakeholders and should help them to follow the process correctly. Identifying subject matter experts from outside the service transition team may be helpful in the future. It’s important to remember that project managers are not always aware of ITIL best practices, so transition planning and support needs to provide support in this area.

Transition planning and support should provide administrative support for managing service transition changes and work orders, issues, risks, and deviations. It should support the tools and service transition processes and monitor the service transition performance, identifying possible improvements to be input into continual service improvement. Any changes affecting the baseline configuration items will be controlled through change management.

Managing communication throughout a service transition is essential. Communication plans should include a clear definition of the objectives of communication and all the relevant stakeholders. The content and frequency of communication for each type of stakeholder may vary at different stages of the transition. The appropriate communications channel for different stakeholders should be chosen; possible channels include newsletters, posters, emails, reports, and presentations. The plan should also define how successful communication will be measured.

Plans and progress should be communicated and made available to relevant stakeholders. The list of stakeholders is in the SDP; this list should be updated as required.

Service transition activities should be monitored to ensure that the transition is proceeding according to plan. The actual transitions should be compared to the integrated service transition plans and release and change schedules. The progress of each transition should be monitored periodically, especially at milestone or baseline points. Management reports on the status of each transition will identify any significant variances so that action can be taken. As transitions are being deployed into a live and changing environment, it is to be expected that periodic adjustments will be required to the plans to suit the new situation.

Triggers, Inputs, Outputs, and Interfaces

The trigger for planning a single transition is an authorized request for change. Longer-term planning may be triggered by receipt of a change proposal from service portfolio management.

The service design package is the principle input. It contains the release package definition and design specification, the test and deployment plans, and the service acceptance criteria (or SAC). Key inputs to transition planning and support come from the service design stage of the lifecycle in the form of a service design package. It is common for some design work to actually be carried out by personnel who work within service transition teams, especially in the areas of release build and test and release deployment. Key inputs to this SDP will come from service level management, information security management, IT service continuity management, availability management, and capacity management.

The outputs are the transition strategy and an integrated set of service transition plans.

Transition planning and support has interfaces with almost every other area of service management. These include demand management, which should provide long-term information about likely resource requirements. The service portfolio management process should engage transition planning and support to provide input to their planning and decision-making and will also submit a change proposal to trigger longer-term planning within transition planning and support.

Business relationship management will help to manage appropriate two-way communication with customers. Supplier management will work during the service transition to ensure that appropriate contracts are in place. All service transition processes are coordinated by transition planning and support, so service transition planning and support must have interfaces with change management, SACM, release and deployment management, service validation and testing, change evaluation, and knowledge management. Pilots, the handover, and early life support must be coordinated with the service operation functions.

Technical management and application management will provide the personnel needed to carry out many aspects of service transition, for example, to review changes or plan deployments.

There are also interfaces with project and program management teams, which have to work very closely with transition planning and support and with customers who must be involved in many aspects of service transition.

Critical Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators

Here we look at some sample critical success factors (CSFs) for transition planning. Each sample CSF is followed by a small number of typical key performance indicators (KPIs) that support it. Each organization should develop KPIs that are appropriate for its level of maturity, its CSFs, and its particular circumstances.

Achievement against KPIs should be monitored and used to identify opportunities for improvement, which should be logged in the CSI register for evaluation and possible implementation.

The following list includes examples of critical success factors and key performance indicators for transition planning and support:

  • Critical success factor: “Understanding and managing the trade-offs between cost, quality, and time.”
    • KPI: An increase in the number of implemented releases that meet the customer’s agreed requirements in terms of cost, quality, scope, and release schedule (expressed as a percentage of all releases)
    • KPI: A reduced variation of actual versus predicted scope, quality, cost, and time
  • Critical success factor: “Understanding and managing risks of failure and disruption.”
    • KPI: A reduction in number of issues, risks, and delays
    • KPI: Improved service transition success rates
  • Critical success factor: “Managing conflicting demands for shared resources.”
    • KPI: Increased project and service team satisfaction with the service transition practices
    • KPI: A reduced number of issues caused by conflicting demands for shared resources


Managing and coordinating the many stakeholders involved in a project is the biggest challenge for transition planning and support, especially because these relationships may not be hierarchical and so require careful negotiation.

Delays and test failures may cause delays, leading to the challenge of coordinating and prioritizing many new or changed services.

Finally, there is the challenge of understanding the risks and issues for each project in order to proactively manage resource planning.


One risk to transition planning is that the process will become entirely reactive. There is also the risk that long-term planning will be insufficient due to poor information from demand management and service portfolio management. Poor relationships with project and program teams may result in sudden and unexpected service transition requirements. There is also the possibility that resource constraints may cause a delay to one transition, therefore causing delays to subsequent transitions. Finally, there may be insufficient information to prioritize conflicting requirements.

Change Management

The one constant we can be sure of in IT management is that there will always be a need to change what we have. IT does not stand still, and whether changes are made to take advantage of new technology or because the business requirement has evolved, effective service management depends on being able to implement changes without disruption to the services being provided. Changes may be proactive, such as just described—improving or expanding the service—or they may be a reaction to errors or changing circumstances. We need to manage these changes to minimize the risk to services while ensuring that users and customers are fully prepared.

ITIL’s change management guidance can be scaled to fit organizations of all sizes, and of all types.

The Purpose of Change Management

The purpose of the change management process is to control the lifecycle of all changes, enabling beneficial changes to be made with minimum disruption to IT services.

The Objective of Change Management

The objective of change management is to facilitate the changes that the business requires, thus ensuring that services continue to align with the business needs. This means satisfying the customer’s changing business requirements while avoiding incidents, disruption, and rework. Change management seeks to optimize overall business risk. Optimizing risk may mean avoiding a risk completely, but it also includes consciously accepting a risk because of the potential benefit.

Responding to requests for change entails an assessment of risk, impact, resource requirements, and business benefit. The risk of not implementing the change should be considered also, as well as any risks that the change might introduce. It is essential to maintain the balance between the need for change and the impact of that change.

This means that the process is also responsible for managing the interfaces between the service lifecycle stages, ensuring the quality of the inputs and outputs.

Another objective of change management is to ensure that all changes are thoroughly understood. This means that they must be recorded, evaluated, prioritized, planned, tested, implemented, documented, and reviewed in a controlled manner. Change management also ensures that all changes to configuration items are recorded in the configuration management system.

The Scope of Change Management

The ITIL definition of a change is “the addition, modification, or removal of anything that could have an effect on IT services.” This means that the scope of change management includes changes to all architectures, processes, tools, metrics, and documentation as well as changes to IT services and other configuration items. Changing any of these could have an effect on the IT service, so change management ensures that we understand what we are changing and the potential impact of that change.

The scope of change management is defined by each organization, but it usually includes changes to all CIs across the whole service lifecycle, including both physical and virtual assets. Changes to any of the five aspects of service design are also in scope, including changes to service solutions; management information systems and tools; technology and management architectures required to provide the services; the processes needed to design, transition, operate, and improve the services; and the measurement systems, methods, and metrics used to measure it.

It is for each organization to decide exactly what lies outside the scope of its own change management process, such as changes with wider impact, like those to departmental organization, policies, or business operations, for example. It should be noted that such changes would involve requests for change (RFCs) later to cater to the service changes that would follow as a consequence. Operational changes such as component repairs may also be excluded.

Figure 23.2 illustrates a typical scope for the service change management process for an IT department. It shows how the process interfaces with the business and suppliers at strategic, tactical, and operational levels. It shows the interfaces with internal service providers and also with those external service providers where there are shared assets that need to be under change management.

Diagram shows business, service provider, and supplier are related through service operations, service portfolio, and IT services management that are operational, tactical, and strategic changes respectively.

Figure 23.2 Scope of change management and release and deployment management for services

Copyright © AXELOS Limited 2010. All rights reserved. Material is reproduced under license from AXELOS.

Service change management interfaces with business change management (to the left in the diagram) and with the supplier’s change management (to the right). The supplier in this case may be an external supplier, using its own change management process, or a project team using project change mechanisms.

The service portfolio defines current, planned, and retired services, and it therefore helps those involved to understand the potential impact of changes on current services. Changes may originate from different areas of the lifecycle. Strategic changes come as proposals from service strategy and service portfolio management, while changes to a service come from service design, continual service improvement, service level management, and service catalog management. Corrective changes are also implemented to resolve faults and will originate from incident and problem management.

Remember, change management is not responsible for coordinating the various service management processes to ensure the smooth implementation of projects. This is carried out by transition planning and support.

The Value of Change Management to the Business

Next, we consider the value that change management provides to the business. Consider your own organization. How would the business be impacted by poor IT change management? What benefits are gained by the introduction of good change management, and how would you explain this to the business?

Availability of a service is a key warranty aspect; without a reliable service, the business will not achieve the benefits the service is designed to deliver. Protecting this aspect, ensuring that changes do not disrupt the service, is a major benefit of implementing change management. Good change management enables the service provider to add value to the business by implementing beneficial changes while protecting existing services. It ensures that changes meet the business requirements while optimizing the costs of change. By providing auditable evidence of how changes are managed, the adherence of the organization to governance, legal, contractual, and regulatory requirements can be shown. This is also helpful where the service provider needs evidence of adherence to best practice processes in order to pass audits for ISO/IEC 20000 or ISO/IEC 38500 standards.

Change management will reduce the number of failed changes, minimizing disruption and rework. When the process is enforced, the number of unauthorized changes should decrease, ensuring that only well-planned and understood changes are implemented. This, in turn, should reduce disruption and time spent resolving change-related incidents. By ensuring that changes are well managed, with the right balance of control without unnecessary bureaucracy, the service provider should be able to deliver accurate estimates of the time and cost required for a change and to track and implement changes promptly to meet business timescales. Change management ensures that risks associated with changes are understood and mitigated where possible. Emergency changes are kept to a minimum and availability is maximized.

Effective change management is essential for any organization as the reliance on complex IT services becomes more widespread. Taking the time to analyze the impact of business change on IT, and an IT change on the business, is essential, as is communication with those affected and accurate records of actions taken. It enables the service provider to meet business needs and costs in a timely and controlled manner and ensures that changes comply with governance standards; by controlling change, service providers are able to accurately predict costs and assess risks.

Despite the effort made, some disruption resulting from changes is inevitable; efficiently handling any incidents or problems caused by the change should keep this to a minimum. Indeed, considerable cost savings and efficiencies can be gained from well-planned changes and releases.

Change Management Policies, Principles, and Basic Concepts

The following sections set out basic concepts within change management that support its effective execution.


Laying down the principles behind the change process in one or more policy documents will help staff understand the seriousness with which this process is taken by senior management, and this, in turn, will help build a culture where change management is taken seriously and the agreed process is followed. This will increase the success rate of changes and releases, which will help build credibility for the process and reduce attempts to bypass it.

Ensuring adherence to best practice in this area can be challenging because pressure to meet deadlines and to cut costs encourages the cutting of corners by reducing testing and training. The existence of published policies will help such pressures to be resisted; this may even include a decision not to implement a required change due to these policies having been ignored.

Let’s look now at some of the possible policies supporting change management that an organization might adopt. The aim of these policies is to encourage zero tolerance for unauthorized changes. The process must align with business, project, and stakeholder change management processes to be effective. IT is not responsible for the business change process but should ensure that the IT process aligns to the business needs. Other policies are as follows:

  • All changes must create business value, and the business benefits must be measured and reported.
  • Prioritization of changes should follow the guidance laid down regarding innovation versus preventive versus detective versus corrective changes.
  • Accountability and responsibilities for changes are laid down throughout the service lifecycle.
  • Segregation of duty controls ensures that, for example, the person agreeing, the success of a test is not the person doing the testing.
  • A single focal point for changes helps to minimize conflicting changes and potential disruption to supported environments.

Here are some other possible policies supporting change management that an organization might adopt:

  • Work with access management to ensure people who are not authorized to make changes do not have access to supported environments.
  • Work with other processes such as service asset and configuration management to detect unauthorized changes, and incident management to identify change-related incidents.
  • Ensure that changes are implemented at suitable times, by specifying change windows and then enforcing them.
  • Evaluate the risk of all changes that impact service.
  • Measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the process.

Design and Planning Considerations

The design of a robust change management process should include any legislative or regulatory requirements that may exist within the organization. It should also consider the organizational roles and responsibilities required to ensure effective management of the process, along with the dependencies and relationships with other service management processes. Measurement is a key characteristic of any process, and suitable measures should be included to ensure that the process is working effectively. All of these aspects should be fully documented to ensure understanding of the complete process, including how changes are to be classified and authorized. Identification and classification of changes would include the change document identifiers to be used, the types of change documents required, templates for change documentation, and the expected content. The approach to prioritization of changes using impact and urgency should be specified, including the roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities.

Other design requirements for change management processes are as follows:

  • Organizational roles and responsibilities such as those for independent testing and formal evaluation of change
  • Change authorization levels and escalation rules and the composition of the CAB and ECAB
  • Details of how changes should be planned and communicated to stakeholders
  • How changes may be grouped into releases or change windows and the detailed procedures for raising, assessing, evaluating, and verifying changes
  • Identification of dependencies and clashes between changes
  • The interfaces with other service management processes, especially the provision of information to service asset and configuration management
  • The measurement and reporting of changes

The change management process should be planned in conjunction with release and deployment management and service asset and configuration management. This helps the service provider evaluate the impact of the change on the current and planned services and releases.

Types of Change Requests

A change request is a formal communication seeking an alteration to one or more configuration items. This may be a request for change (RFC) document, or the request may be made by a call to the service desk or as a result of a project initiation document. Major changes may require a change proposal, which is created by the service portfolio management process. The procedures for different types of change should be appropriate for each type; minor changes should not require a lot of documentation. Similarly, the levels of authorization required should be appropriate for each level of change.

There are three different types of service changes:

  • Many changes can be categorized as standard changes. These are low risk, relatively common, and follow a defined procedure. As a result, they do not need to be assessed each time they are requested; instead these changes are preauthorized.
  • Emergency changes must be implemented as soon as possible—for example, to resolve a major incident or implement a security patch. These are normally defined as changes where the risk of not carrying out the change is greater than the risk of implementing it.
  • All other changes are defined as normal changes.

Changes may be categorized as major, significant, and minor, depending on the cost and risk involved. This categorization may be used to identify an appropriate change authority.

As much use as possible should be made of devolved authorization, both through the standard change procedure and through the authorization of minor changes by change management staff.

Changes, RFCs, and Change Records

The terms change, change record, and RFC are often used inconsistently. The ITIL core guidance defines these terms as follows:

  • Change: The addition, modification, or removal of anything that could have an effect on IT services, including changes to architectures, processes, tools, metrics, and documentation as well as changes to IT services and other configuration items.
  • Change record: A record containing the lifecycle of a single change and referencing the affected configuration items (CIs). A change record is created for every request received and may be stored in the configuration management system or elsewhere in the service knowledge management system.
  • Request for change (RFC): A formal proposal for a change to be made. It may be recorded on paper or electronically.

RFCs are used only to submit requests; they are not used to communicate the decisions of change management or to document the details of the change. A change record contains all the required information about a change, including information from the RFC, and is used to manage the lifecycle of that change.

Change Models and Workflows

A change model predefines how to handle a particular type of change; this can then be programmed into the support tool to manage the change, ensuring that every such change is handled in this way. Models are useful for common changes and also those requiring specialized handling, such as emergency changes that may need different authorization and may have to be documented retrospectively or any changes that require specific sequences of testing and implementation.

Change models are especially useful for standard changes resulting from service requests.

The change model would normally include the steps to be carried out to handle the change, including handling issues and unexpected events. The model would list the steps in chronological order, with dependencies or concurrent steps, and the responsibility for each step would be defined. Timescales and thresholds for completion of the actions and any escalation procedures are also included. The support tools used can then automate many of these aspects.

Change Proposals

Major changes that involve significant cost, risk, or organizational impact will usually be initiated through the service portfolio management process. Before the new or changed service is chartered, it is reviewed for its potential impact. Authorization of the change proposal does not authorize implementation of the change but allows the service to be chartered so that service design activity can commence.

The proposal contains a high-level description of the change, including utility and warranty levels and the business outcomes it supports. The full business case and an outline schedule for design and implementation of the change are the remaining contents.

When the change proposal is authorized, the change schedule is updated to include the proposed change. RFCs will then be used in the normal way to request authorization for specific changes.

Standard Changes (Preauthorized)

As previously discussed, standard changes are preauthorized by change management, and a documented procedure is followed to deliver a specific change. Every standard change should have a change model defining how it should be handled. Many standard changes are triggered by the request fulfilment process and may be directly recorded and passed for action by the service desk.

The crucial elements of a standard change include a defined trigger to initiate the change and a series of tasks that are well known, documented and proven, and preauthorized. Budgetary approval will be preauthorized or within the control of the change requester. Crucially, the risk involved in implementing the change is usually low and always well understood. A change model is usually associated with each standard change.

Standard changes should be identified early on when the change management process is being built. This helps avoid unnecessarily high levels of administration leading to staff resistance to the process.


All changes must include a plan for dealing with failure; this plan must itself be tested. Understanding the remediation options helps in the assessment of the risk associated with the change—if a simple back-out is possible, the risk is reduced. Change plans should include decision points for when remediation is required and sufficient time for it to be carried out.

Change Management Process Activities, Methods, and Techniques

As stated at the start of this chapter, the specific details of the methods and techniques are covered in the intermediate service capability courses, specifically the Release, Control, and Validation course and syllabus. The Service Transition exam syllabus considers only the management recommendations existing within the workflow. Managing changes effectively requires a number of activities to be addressed:

  • Planning and controlling changes, ensuring that the schedule for implementing changes is appropriate
  • Communicating the changes to stakeholders with the right information at the right time
  • Ensuring that those with authority to authorize or make decisions about changes are the most appropriate people, with the necessary authority levels

We have already mentioned the importance of ensuring that remediation plans are in place. Measuring and controlling change is also essential to protect the live environment, as is understanding the impact of changes. Finally, providing management information through reporting helps to identify weaknesses in the process that may be addressed through continual service improvement.

Typical activities in managing individual changes include creating and recording the RFC and then reviewing it so that incomplete or wrongly routed changes can be identified and filtered out. The change is assessed and evaluated, and the appropriate change authority identified. A decision is made regarding who should be involved in the CAB for this change. The change is evaluated in terms of its business justification, impact, cost, benefits, risks, and predicted performance, and a request is submitted to the change evaluation process. The change is then authorized or rejected and the stakeholders informed, especially the initiator. If the change is approved, the implementation is planned, coordinated, reviewed, and closed. The documentation (for example, baselines and evaluation reports and the document listing the lessons learned) is collated in the SKMS. When all actions are completed, the change is closed.

NB information is gathered throughout the process; it is stored in the SKMS, recorded in the CMS, and reported.

In Figure 23.3, you can see an example of a normal change, such as a change to the service provider’s services, applications, or infrastructure. You can see how the status of the change changes. As the change progresses, information about it and the configuration items involved is updated.

Flow diagram shows process steps such as creation, record, and review of RFC, change assessment and evaluation, authorize and coordinate change build and test, authorize and coordinate change deployment et cetera.

Figure 23.3 Example of a process flow for a normal change

Copyright © AXELOS Limited 2010. All rights reserved. Material is reproduced under license from AXELOS.

In this example, authorization will be required for both the activities of building and testing the change, as well as to separate authorization for the activity of change deployment. For other changes, there may be additional authorization steps, such as to authorize change design or change development.

Change Authorities

Each change must be authorized by a change authority. The change authority could be a particular role, person, or group of people; for example, the security manager role may be required to authorize certain categories of change, or the authorization of each support team leader may be required. The levels of authorization are dependent upon the type, size, risk, and potential business impact of the change. Where changes affecting several sites in a large enterprise are planned, there may need to be authorization by a higher-level change authority such as a global CAB or the board of directors.

Depending on the culture of the organization, there may be many or few layers of authorization, and there may be delegated authority dependent on preagreed parameters.

An example of a change authorization hierarchy is shown in Figure 23.4. Each organization should formally document its own change authorization hierarchy, which may be very different to the example shown here. All change authorities should be documented in the CMS.

Diagram shows five levels of change authorization such as local authorization, change manager, CAB or ECAB, IT management board, and business executive board along with associated level of risk or impact.

Figure 23.4 Example of a change authorization model

Copyright © AXELOS Limited 2010. All rights reserved. Material is reproduced under license from AXELOS.

In this example, if change assessment at level 2, 3, or 4 detects higher levels of risk, the authorization request is escalated to the appropriate higher level for the assessed level of risk. The use of delegated authority from higher levels to local levels must be accompanied by trust in the judgement of those lower levels. The level at which change is authorized should rest where accountability for accepting risk and remediation exist. Should disputes arise over change authorization or rejection, there should be a right of appeal to the higher level. Changes that have been rejected should be formally reviewed and closed.

Standard Deployment

Figure 23.5 and Figure 23.6 show the equivalent process flow for some examples of standard changes.

Flow diagram shows process steps such as generic change request, creation and review of RFC, assessment and evaluation of RFC, authorization and schedule change, coordinate change implementation et cetera.

Figure 23.5 Example of a process flow for a standard deployment request

Copyright © AXELOS Limited 2010. All rights reserved. Material is reproduced under license from AXELOS.

Flow diagram shows process steps such as RFC creation, change implementation, review and close change record, and update change and configuration information in CMS.

Figure 23.6 Example of a process flow for a standard operational change request

Copyright © AXELOS Limited 2010. All rights reserved. Material is reproduced under license from AXELOS.

After a change has been built and tested and the deployment procedure has been used successfully one or more times, it may be appropriate to use a standard deployment request change model for future deployments of the same change. This is much simpler than the full change management process flow. You can see an example of a process flow for this kind of standard change in Figure 23.5.

Some very low-risk changes may be delegated to service desk or other service operation staff as a change authority. The change model for this kind of standard change may be very simple, as shown in Figure 23.6.

Triggers, Inputs, Outputs, and Interfaces

Next we will consider the triggers for the change management process, the inputs required, the outputs produced, and the interfaces change management shares with other processes.


Let’s look first at some examples of triggers for the change management process. Remember, changes can be triggered from all stages of the lifecycle.

Strategic Triggers

First we will examine changes triggers that are an output of strategy. Strategy may require changes to achieve specific objectives while minimizing costs and risks. There is no such thing as cost-free and risk-free strategic plans or initiatives; we can only try to minimize these. Let’s look at some examples of programs and initiatives that implement strategic changes.

Legal, regulatory, policy, or standards changes may require changes to services, as would organizational changes. Changes may result from an analysis of business, customer, and user activity patterns. Adding new services or updates to the service, customer, or contract portfolios or changing the sourcing model would also require the service provider to carry out changes. Finally, there are always new advancements in technology; the service provider may want to take advantage of them.

Changes to the services to be offered through the service portfolio and changes to the current services in the service catalog will trigger the change management process. These could include changes to service packages, service definitions or characteristics or to utility, warranty, or service levels, or capacity and resource requirements. Any changes to costs, service assets, or acceptance criteria could also trigger the process. Take a minute to consider all of these examples of possible triggers and consider the possible impact of each; it is the responsibility of change management to manage the possible impact while ensuring that the benefits are realized.

Operational Changes

Many requests from users result in operational changes; these could include a request for a password reset, a request for access, or a request to move an IT asset. These types of changes will often be managed as standard changes by the request fulfilment process.

Service operation functions will also implement changes via the normal and standard change procedures. They may be corrective, such as rebooting a server or restarting an application, or preventative, such as applying a service pack, which may prevent possible incidents. In either case, they may impact a shared service.

The final trigger comes from CSI and concerns changes to deliver continual service improvement. As a result of CSI actions, a requirement for a change may be identified. CSI may identify improvements in, for example, technology, processes, and documentation that are required to deliver an improvement in the service. These changes will be raised as RFCs, and their implementation could have unintended negative effects on service provision and on other CSI initiatives. They therefore need to be managed to minimize the risk.


Here are some examples of inputs to the change management process:

  • Service charters for new or significantly changed services
  • Change requests, change proposals, change records, and authorized changes
  • Business information from the organization’s business and IT strategy, plans and financial plans, and information on the business’s current and future requirements
  • Business impact analysis, providing information on the impact, priority, and risk associated with each service or changes to service requirements
  • The service portfolio, including the service catalog and the business requirements for new or changed services in terms of service packages and service options
  • Governance requirements
  • Corporate, legal, and regulatory policies and requirements
  • Test results, test reports, and evaluation reports


Change management has the following outputs:

  • Rejected or approved RFCs
  • The change to the services, service, or infrastructure resulting from the approved RFCs
  • New, changed, or disposed assets or configuration items (for example, baseline, service package, release package)
  • A revised change schedule and projected service outage, authorized change plans, decisions, and actions
  • Change documents, records, and reports.


There are several interfaces between change management and other individual processes. Any process may be affected by a change, and so a feature of change management is the need for collaboration between diverse areas. It is important to identify clear boundaries, dependencies, and rules on how these interfaces will operate.

Change management works closely with the other transition processes. For example, it works with transition planning and support to ensure that there is a coordinated overall approach to managing service transitions and with service asset and configuration management to ensure that all changes to CIs are logged. The process must also be tightly integrated with change evaluation, with clear agreement on which types of change will be subject to formal change evaluation and the necessary time set aside for this. The evaluation report will be used by the CAB to help decision-making. The implementation of the change may also require an interface with release and deployment management.

When a proposed change could have an impact on other parts of the organization, the change management process must interface with business change processes and business project management. The service portfolio management process will submit change proposals to change management before chartering new or changed services in order to ensure that potential conflicts for resources or other issues are identified. Any process that could affect or be affected by a change must therefore interface with the change management process. The problem management process will be a source of many changes as fixes to faults are implemented. There are several major connections between change management and the following processes:

  • Financial management
  • Business relationship management
  • Strategy management
  • Service validation and testing
  • Service level management
  • Availability, capacity, continuity, and security (the “warranty” processes)

Each of these can be the source of a change or be affected by a change.

Critical Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators

Each organization should develop key performance indicators (KPIs) that are appropriate for its level of maturity, its CSFs, and its particular circumstances.

Achievement against KPIs should be monitored and used to identify opportunities for improvement, which should be logged in the CSI register for evaluation and possible implementation.

KPIs must be meaningful and SMART (that is, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) and as such, should enable management to make timely and accurate actionable decisions. KPIs show whether the CSF is being achieved. For example, the achievement of the CSF “Responding to business and IT requests for change that will align the services with the business needs while maximizing value” could be measured by KPIs showing an increased percentage of changes that meet the customer’s agreed requirements or that deliver benefits of change (measured by the “value of improvements made” and “negative impacts prevented”) that exceed the costs of change. Other relevant KPIs would be a reduction in the backlog of change requests and the average time taken to implement a change falling within SLA targets.

Additional examples are available in the ITIL Service Transition core volume.


The major challenge for change management is ensuring that all changes are recorded and managed so that no change circumvents the process. The challenge of convincing staff of the importance of the process is mitigated if senior management support is visibly present. It can also be difficult to persuade staff that change management facilitates changes rather than hampering or delaying them and adds value by helping changes happen faster and with higher success rates. If these challenges in convincing staff of the value of the process are met, the number of unauthorized changes will be reduced.

Another common challenge for organizations is to move away from simple change authorization, when RFCs are considered only just before changes are about to go live, and toward complete change management, where they are assessed and planned from earlier in the lifecycle. Larger organizations may also find it challenging to obtain agreement for the required levels of change authority and to communicate effectively between these levels.


Risks to change management include, primarily, a lack of commitment to the change management process. This may be a lack of commitment from the business (such as a lack of business sponsorship), from IT management (such as a lack of IT management sponsorship), or from IT staff (leading to changes circumventing the process).

Other risks include insufficient assessment of changes, with a tick-the-box attitude, which allows changes to be made without a full assessment and unnecessary delays to implementation of changes. This is often due to excessive bureaucracy. These risks, if they occur, encourage the lack of commitment to the process. There may be pressure from the business or projects to cut corners, leading to insufficient time or resources for assessment. Finally, the interfaces with other processes may be poorly defined, causing confusion.


This chapter explored the first two processes in the service transition stage, transition planning and support and change management. By ensuring that the introduction of a new or changed service is carefully planned and coordinated with any other changes taking place, using the transition planning and support process, service providers can reduce the risk of the change disrupting other operational services. The change management process ensures that the implications of changes are examined to an appropriate level, balancing the need to understand the possible impact and risk, without overburdening the process with unnecessary reviews of repeat low-risk changes. Change management ensures that changes are authorized and agreed, contain a remediation plan, and, in the case of an emergency, can be expedited through the emergency change process.

We examined how these processes interact and the importance of these processes to the business and to the IT service provider.

Exam Essentials

Understand the purpose and objectives of transition planning and support. It is important for you to be able to explain the purpose and objectives of this process. The process is there to ensure a successful transition by ensuring that plans are coordinated and resources are provided as required.

Understand the importance of the transition planning and release policy and typical contents of such a policy. Be able to explain how the release policy helps ensure a successful transition. Make sure you can list the main contents of such a policy, including numbering conventions, roles and responsibilities at each stage, use of the DML, prioritization, baselining, and the frequency of each type of release.

Understand the purpose and objectives of change management. Be able to explain how the change management process controls the lifecycle of all changes, enabling beneficial changes to be made with minimum disruption to the business.

Explain the different types of change and when they would be used. Understand that not all changes require the same level of oversight and that even when change is desirable, it may not be possible. Be able to define and explain the differences between normal, standard, and emergency change.

Be able to explain when a change proposal would be required. A change proposal is needed only if the change has a major impact on the business in terms of risk, cost, or resources.

Be able to explain why the members of the CAB may vary from change to change. Understand the role of the CAB and the importance of having the appropriate stakeholders approve each change.

Understand the critical success factors and key performance indicators for each of the processes. Measurement of each process is an important part of understanding whether it is successful or requires improvement.

Review Questions

You can find the answers to the review questions in the appendix.

  1. Which of these activities is out of scope for transition planning and support?

    1. Planning the budget and resources needed
    2. Improving the performance of transition planning and support activities
    3. Detailed planning of the build, test, and deployment of individual changes or releases
    4. Coordinating service activities with program and project management, service design, and service development activities
  2. Which of these would be a valid start point for the change management process?

    1. Request for change
    2. Service desk call
    3. Project initiation document
    4. Change proposal
      1. 1, 2, and 4
      2. 1, 3, and 4
      3. All of the above
      4. 1 and 4 only
  3. Which of these is NOT a valid type of change, according to ITIL?

    1. Emergency
    2. Urgent
    3. Normal
    4. Standard
  4. Which of the following is NOT true about KPIs?

    1. They should be meaningful.
    2. They should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound).
    3. They describe an element that is necessary for an organization or project to achieve its mission.
    4. They help management make timely and accurate actionable decisions.
  5. Which of the following is the correct definition of a release package?

    1. A set of configuration items that will be built, tested, and deployed together
    2. A group of components of a service that are normally released together
    3. One or more changes to an IT service that are built, tested, and deployed together
    4. A repeatable way of dealing with a particular category of release
  6. Which if these is the best description of the purpose of the transition planning and support process?

    1. To provide overall planning and coordination of resources for service transition
    2. To provide coordination for all change management activities
    3. To provide planning for all designs in the service lifecycle
    4. To provide planning for operational activities during release management
  7. Which option is NOT a recommended part of a release policy?

    1. A unique identification structure or naming convention to ensure that releases can be easily identified and tracked
    2. Definitions of the roles and responsibilities required for the management of the release throughout all its stages
    3. Definition of the configuration management database naming convention
    4. Use of the definitive media library for all software asset releases
  8. The change advisory board (CAB) should contain relevant stakeholders; the membership of the ECAB is different from the CAB. Which of the following stakeholders would be appropriate members of an ECAB?

    1. Customer
    2. Representative of application support team
    3. Senior IT manager
    4. Representative of desktop support team
    5. Senior technical manager
    6. Representative of network support team
    7. Service desk manager
      1. All of the above
      2. 2, 4, and 6 only
      3. 3, 5, and 7 only
      4. 1, 3, and 5 only
  9. Which of the following statements about the relationship between transition planning and project management is INCORRECT?

    1. Service transition should adopt program and project management best practice.
    2. Simple transitions may not require any project management.
    3. Multiple releases and deployments should be managed as a program, with each significant deployment run as a project.
    4. Where unavoidable, transition planning should interface with project management; however, project management is a different framework, so to avoid confusion, this should happen only exceptionally.
  10. Which of these statements about transition planning and support is/are correct?

    1. Transition planning and support identifies and manages risks in accordance with the risk management framework adopted by the organization.
    2. Transition planning and support ensures that repeatable processes are adopted by all engaged in the transition.
      1. 1 only
      2. 2 only
      3. Both
      4. Neither
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