
  1. Active funds and active management
  2. Active risk
  3. All Weather approach See also Risk parity
  4. Alternative investments
  5. Asset allocation
    1. about
    2. balanced portfolio. See Balanced portfolio
    3. and economic outcomes
    4. neutral
    5. 60/40 conventional mix of stocks and bonds. See 60/40 conventional portfolio
  6. Asset classes
    1. analyzing, method for
    2. bonds. See Bonds
    3. cash. See Cash
    4. commodities. See Commodities
    5. customizing
    6. cyclical nature of
    7. economic bias See also specific asset classes
    8. economic growth, impact of See also Economic growth
    9. and economic machine, need for understanding
    10. excess returns above cash. See Excess returns above cash
    11. inflation, impact of See also Inflation
    12. private equity
    13. real estate. See Real estate
    14. return of cash
    15. returns versus exposure to varying economic climates
    16. stocks. See Stocks
    17. total returns
    18. Treasuries. See Treasuries
    19. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS). See Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
    20. volatility See also Volatility
  8. Balance See also Balanced portfolio
    1. conventional portfolios (60/40 stocks/bonds)
    2. good balance
    3. imbalance
    4. importance of
    5. new perspective on See also Balanced portfolio lens (balanced portfolio perspective)
    6. stable returns
    7. true portfolio balance
    8. and volatility See also Volatility
  9. Balanced portfolio
    1. active managers, use of
    2. active risk
    3. asset classes, selecting
    4. asset classes, weighting
    5. cause-effect relationships. See Cause-effect relationships
    6. commodities, role of
    7. conceptual framework
    8. confidence in investing strategy
    9. economic portfolios
    10. as efficient starting point
    11. excess returns above cash
    12. future cash rate, shifts in
    13. gradual shift to
    14. historical returns
    15. implementing
    16. index funds, use of
    17. and interest rates
    18. long-term returns
    19. neutral asset allocation
    20. outperforming
    21. process for balancing
    22. purpose of
    23. rebalancing advantage
    24. returns compared to 60/40 portfolio
    25. risk appetite, shifts in
    26. rolling returns
    27. and shifts in economic environment See Economic environment, shifts in
    28. stable growth
    29. stocks, role of
    30. total return, factors impacting See also Economic bias; Volatility
    31. Treasuries, role of
    32. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), role of
    33. true portfolio balance
    34. underperformance periods
    35. volatility See also Volatility
  10. Balanced portfolio lens (balanced portfolio perspective)
    1. commodities
    2. 60/40 portfolio analysis
    3. stocks
    4. Treasuries
    5. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
    6. use of
  11. Bear markets
  12. Bonds
    1. corporate
    2. credit ratings
    3. economic bias
    4. emerging markets
    5. excess returns above cash
    6. foreign sovereign bonds
    7. global
    8. municipal
    9. Treasuries See Treasuries
    10. volatility
  13. Bridgewater Associates
  14. Bull markets
  15. Business cycles
  16. Buy and hold approach to investing
  18. Cash
    1. excess returns. See Excess returns above cash
    2. excluded in balanced portfolio
    3. future cash returns. See Future cash rates, shifts in expectations of
    4. return of
  19. Cause-effect relationships
    1. between economic shifts and asset class returns See also Economic environment, shifts in
    2. between unexpected shifts in growth and inflation
  20. Central banks See also Federal Reserve (the Fed)
  21. Commercial real estate. See Real estate
  22. Commodities
    1. about
    2. balanced portfolio perspective
    3. conventional thinking, flaws in
    4. conventional view
    5. economic bias
    6. and economic growth
    7. excess returns above cash
    8. futures contracts
    9. futures price
    10. index funds
    11. and inflation
    12. and interest rates
    13. investing in
    14. percentage of in balanced portfolio
    15. return-to-risk ratio
    16. and rising economic growth
    17. risk
    18. risk premium
    19. role of in balanced portfolio
    20. and shifts in economic environment
    21. spot price
    22. types of
    23. volatility
  23. Conventional thinking on asset allocation
    1. commodities
    2. stocks
    3. Treasuries
    4. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
  24. Conventional thinking on asset allocation, flaws in
    1. commodities
    2. 60/40 asset allocation
    3. stocks
    4. Treasuries
    5. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
  25. Core bond index
  26. Corporate bonds
  27. Correlation of conventional portfolio performance to stock market
  28. Credit
    1. deleveraging process
    2. long-term debt cycle
    3. and short-term business cycle
    4. as source of spending
  29. Credit crisis of
  30. Credit ratings
  31. Credit risk
  33. Dalio, Ray
  34. Debt
    1. deleveraging process
    2. long-term debt cycle
    3. United States
  35. Deflation
  36. Deleveraging process
  37. Depressions
  38. Diversification
  40. Economic bias. See also Economic growth; Inflation
    1. and balanced portfolio
    2. bonds
    3. commodities
    4. and conventional thinking
    5. corporate bonds
    6. emerging markets
    7. global bonds
    8. global stocks
    9. hedge funds
    10. municipal bonds
    11. private equity
    12. real estate
    13. stocks
    14. Treasuries
    15. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
  41. Economic environment, shifts in. See also Economic growth; Inflation
    1. about
    2. asset classes, impact on See also specific asset classes
    3. cash, impact on
    4. and cause-effect relationship with asset class returns
    5. and commodities
    6. and corporate bonds
    7. and diversifiable risk
    8. and excess returns above cash
    9. growth, unexpected changes in. See Economic growth
    10. inflation, unexpected changes in. See Inflation
    11. and interest rates See also Interest rates
    12. neutralizing See also Neutral asset allocation (strategic asset allocation)
    13. and return of cash
    14. returns, reasons for impact on
    15. and 60/40 conventional portfolio
    16. and stocks
    17. and Treasuries
    18. and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
    19. unexpected
    20. and volatility of returns
    21. and weighting asset classes in balanced portfolio
  42. Economic growth
    1. and asset allocation See also Balanced portfolio
    2. and commodities
    3. and corporate bonds
    4. diversifiable risk
    5. and economic bias
    6. and emerging market bonds
    7. and global bonds
    8. and global stocks
    9. and hedge funds
    10. and private equity
    11. and real estate investment
    12. and 60/40 asset allocation
    13. and stocks
    14. and Treasuries
    15. and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
  43. Economic machine
    1. about
    2. and balance, importance of
    3. Bridgewater Associates research on
    4. deleveraging process
    5. economic outcomes and asset allocation
    6. economy as machine
    7. long-term debt cycle
    8. money, effect of printing
    9. short-term business cycles
    10. template for
  44. Emerging market bonds
  45. Emerging markets
  46. Equities. See Stocks
  47. Excess returns above cash
    1. and asset class returns See also specific asset classes
    2. balanced portfolio
    3. bonds
    4. commodities
    5. and economic environment See also Economic environment, shifts in, shifts in
    6. factors impacting
    7. and future cash rates, shifts in expectations of See also Future cash rates, shifts in expectations of
    8. and risk appetite, shifts in See also Risk appetite, shifts in
    9. risk premium
    10. stocks
    11. Treasuries
    12. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
    13. and volatility
  48. Extreme outcomes
  50. Fear and greed
  51. Federal Reserve (the Fed)
    1. and inflation
    2. and interest rates
    3. money, printing
    4. role of
    5. Treasuries, purchase of
  52. Financial assets
  53. Foreign sovereign bonds
  54. Future cash rates, shifts in expectations of
  55. Futures contracts
  56. Futures price
  58. Global bonds
  59. Global stocks
  60. Great Depression
  61. Gross domestic product (GDP)
  63. Hedge funds
  64. Hyperinflation
  66. Index funds
  67. Inflation
    1. and asset allocation See also Balanced portfolio
    2. and commodities
    3. and corporate bonds
    4. diversifiable risk
    5. and economic bias
    6. and emerging market bonds
    7. and global bonds
    8. and global stocks
    9. and hedge funds
    10. hyperinflation
    11. and interest rates
    12. and printing money
    13. and private equity
    14. and real estate investment
    15. risk
    16. and 60/40 asset allocation
    17. and stocks
    18. and Treasuries
    19. and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
  68. Interest rates
    1. and balanced portfolio performance
    2. bonds
    3. cash
    4. and commodities
    5. Federal Reserve setting of
    6. future cash rates, shifts in expectations of See also Future cash rates, shifts in expectations of
    7. and inflation
    8. and stocks
    9. and Treasuries
    10. and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
  69. Intermediate-term bonds (core bonds)
  70. Investors
    1. common mistakes made by
    2. confidence
    3. fear and greed
    4. portfolio objective
  72. Leverage and deleveraging process
  73. Long-term debt cycle
  74. Long-term Treasuries See also Treasuries
  76. Market predictions
  77. Market prices
  78. Market timing
  79. Money, printing
  80. Municipal bonds
  82. Neutral asset allocation (strategic asset allocation)
  84. Private equity
  86. Real assets See also Commodities; Real estate
  87. Real estate
  88. Recessions
  89. Recovery time
  90. Return-to-risk ratio
  91. Returns
    1. cash
    2. excess returns above cash. See Excess returns above cash
    3. and future cash rates, unexpected changes in. See Future cash rates, shifts in expectations of
    4. per unit of risk
    5. and risk appetite. See Risk appetite, shifts in
    6. total returns
    7. volatility. See Volatility
  92. Risk See also Volatility
    1. active risk
    2. appetite. See Risk appetite, shifts in
    3. balance
    4. commodities
    5. corporate bonds
    6. currency risk
    7. diversifiable See also Economic environment, shifts in
    8. emerging market bonds
    9. future cash rates. See Future cash rates, shifts in expectations of
    10. inflation
    11. and investment strategies
    12. nondiversifiable
    13. and return
    14. return-to-risk ratio
    15. shifts in economic environment. See Economic environment, shifts in
    16. stocks
    17. Treasuries
    18. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
    19. of underperformance
  93. Risk appetite, shifts in
  94. Risk parity
  95. Risk premium See also Excess returns above cash
  97. Short-term Treasuries See also} Treasuries
  98. 60/40 conventional portfolio
    1. analysis of through balanced portfolio lens
    2. asset allocation
    3. correlation to stock market performance
    4. and economic bias
    5. and economic environment, shifts in
    6. and economic growth
    7. excess returns above cash
    8. flaws in thinking about
    9. imbalance
    10. and inflation
    11. and interest rates
    12. returns, historical
    13. returns compared to balanced portfolio
    14. stocks
    15. Treasuries
  99. Spending
  100. Spot price
  101. Stagflation
  102. Stock market
    1. attention paid to
    2. bear markets
    3. bull markets
    4. correlation of conventional portfolio performance to stock market
    5. cycles
  103. Stocks
    1. balanced portfolio perspective
    2. cause-effect relationship between unexpected shifts in growth and inflation
    3. conventional thinking, flaws in
    4. conventional view on portfolio allocation
    5. correlation of conventional portfolio performance to stock market
    6. and deflation
    7. economic bias
    8. and economic growth
    9. excess returns above cash
    10. global
    11. inclusion of in most portfolios
    12. index funds. See Index funds
    13. and inflation
    14. and interest rates
    15. and investor emotions
    16. percentage of in balanced portfolio
    17. private equity
    18. return-to-risk ratio
    19. risk
    20. role of in balanced portfolio
    21. and shifts in economic environment See also} Economic environment, shifts in
    22. and shifts in risk appetite
    23. in 60/40 portfolio. See 60/40 conventional portfolio
    24. stock market cycles
    25. subsets
    26. underperformance
    27. volatility
  105. Tax consequences
    1. active management
    2. index funds
    3. municipal bonds
  106. TIPS. See Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
  107. Total returns
  108. Treasuries
    1. balanced portfolio perspective
    2. conventional perspective on
    3. conventional thinking, flaws in
    4. credit risk
    5. and deflation
    6. diversification benefits of
    7. duration
    8. economic bias
    9. and economic growth
    10. excess returns above cash
    11. Federal Reserve purchase of
    12. and inflation
    13. interest rates
    14. intermediate-term (core bonds)
    15. long-term
    16. maturity, holding to
    17. percentage of in balanced portfolio
    18. restructuring
    19. returns
    20. risk
    21. role of in balanced portfolio
    22. and shifts in economic environment See also} Economic environment, shifts in
    23. and shifts in risk appetite
    24. short-term
    25. in 60/40 portfolio. See 60/40 conventional portfolio
    26. TIPS compared
    27. volatility
    28. yields
  109. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
    1. balanced portfolio perspective
    2. conventional thinking on
    3. and decreasing economic growth
    4. and deflation
    5. described
    6. economic bias
    7. and economic growth
    8. excess returns above cash
    9. and inflation
    10. maturity, holding to
    11. percentage of in balanced portfolio
    12. risk
    13. role of in balanced portfolio
    14. and shifts in economic environment
    15. Treasuries compared
    16. use of
    17. volatility
  111. Underperformance
    1. balanced portfolio
    2. risk of
    3. stocks
  112. United States debt ratios
  114. Volatility
    1. asset classes
    2. and balance
    3. balanced portfolio
    4. bonds
    5. commodities
    6. corporate bonds
    7. emerging market bonds
    8. and excess returns above cash See also} Excess returns above cash
    9. global bonds
    10. global stocks
    11. hedge funds
    12. municipal bonds
    13. private equity
    14. real estate
    15. reasons for See also Economic environment, shifts in; Future cash rates, shifts in expectations of; Risk appetite, shifts in
    16. stocks
    17. Treasuries
    18. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
    19. weighted
  116. Zero sum game
  1. active management
  2. active risk
  3. commodity futures
  4. trading securities as
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