Chapter 13

Understanding Server Administration

In This Chapter
Administering Linux servers
Communicating with servers over networks
Setting up logging locally and remotely
Monitoring server systems

Although some system administration tasks are needed even on a desktop system (installing software, setting up printers, and so on) many new tasks appear when you set up a Linux system to act as a server. That's especially true if the server you configure is made public to anyone on the Internet, where you can be overloaded with requests from good guys, while needing to be constantly on guard against attacks from bad guys.

Dozens of different kinds of servers are available for Linux systems. Most servers serve up data to remote clients, but others serve the local system (such as those that gather logging messages or kick off maintenance tasks at set times using the cron facility). Many servers are represented by processes that run continuously in the background and respond to requests that come to them. These processes are referred to as daemon processes.

As the name implies, servers exist to serve. The data they serve can include web pages, files, database information, e-mail, and lots of other types of content. As a server administrator, some of the additional challenges to your system administration skills include the following:

  • Remote access—To use a desktop system, you typically sit at its console. Server systems, by contrast, tend to be housed in racks in climate-controlled environments under lock and key. More often than not, once the physical computers are in place, most administration of those machines is done using remote access tools. Often, no graphical interface is available, so you must rely on command-line tools to do such things as remote login, remote copying, and remote execution. The most common of these tools are built on the Secure Shell (SSH) facility.
  • Diligent security—To be useful, a server needs to be able to accept requests for content from remote users and systems. Unlike desktop systems, which can simply close down all network ports that allow incoming requests for access, a server must make itself vulnerable by allowing some access to its ports. That's why it is important as a server administrator to open ports to services that are needed and lock down ports that are not needed. You can secure services using tools such as iptables (firewall), TCP wrappers (to allow and deny service access), and Security Enhanced Linux (to limit the resources a service can access from the local system).
  • Continuous monitoring—Although you typically turn off your laptop or desktop system when you are not using it, servers usually stay on 24x7, 365 days per year. Because you don't want to sit next to each server and continuously monitor it personally, you can configure tools to monitor each server, gather log messages, and even forward suspicious messages to an e-mail account of your choice. You can enable system activity reporters to gather data around the clock on CPU usage, memory usage, network activity, and disk access.

In this chapter, I lay out some of the basic tools and techniques you need to know to administer remote Linux servers. You learn to use SSH tools to access your server securely, transfer data back and forth, and even launch remote desktops or graphical applications and have them appear on your local system. You learn to use remote logging and system activity reports to continuously monitor system activities.

Starting with Server Administration

Whether you are installing a file server, web server, or any of the other server facilities available with Linux systems, many of the steps required for getting the server up and running are the same. Where server setup diverges is in the areas of configuration and tuning. In later chapters, I describe specific servers and how they differ. In each of the server-related chapters that follow this chapter, you'll go through the same basic steps for getting that server started and available to be used by your clients:

Step 1: Install the server

Although most server software does not come pre-installed on the typical Linux system, any general purpose Linux system will offer the software packages needed to supply every major type of server available.

Sometimes multiple software packages associated with a particular type of server are gathered together in Package Groups (sometimes called Package Collections). Other times, you just need to install the server packages you want individually. Here are some server package categories in Fedora and some of the packages available in each category:

  • System Logging Server—The rsyslog service allows the local system to gather log messages delivered from a variety of components on the system. It can also act as a remote logging server, gathering logging messages sent from other logging servers. (The rsyslog service is described later in this chapter.)
  • Print Server—The Common UNIX Printing Service (cups package) is used most often to provide print server features on Linux systems. Packages that provide graphical administration of CUPS (system-config-printer) and printer drivers (foomatic, hpijs, and others) are also available when you install CUPS. (See Chapter 16. “Configuring a Print Server.”)
  • Web Server—The Apache (httpd package) web server is the software that is used most often to serve web pages (HTTP content). Related packages include modules to help serve particular types of content (Perl, Python, PHP, and SSL connections). Likewise, there are packages of related documentation (httpd-manual), tools for monitoring web data (webalizer), and tools for providing web proxy services (squid). (See Chapter 17, “Configuring a Web Server.”)
  • FTP Server—The Very Secure FTP daemon (vsftpd package) is the default FTP server used in Fedora and RHEL. Other FTP server packages include proftpd and pure-ftpd. (See Chapter 18, “Configuring an FTP Server.”)
  • Windows File Server—Samba (samba package) allows a Linux system to act as a Windows file and print server. (See Chapter 19, “Configuring a Windows File Sharing (Samba) Server.”)
  • NFS—Network File System (NFS) is the standard Linux and UNIX feature for providing shared directories to other systems over a network. The nfs-utils package provides NFS services and related commands. (See Chapter 20, “Configuring an NFS File Server.”)
  • Mail Server—These types of packages enable you to configure e-mail servers, sometimes referred to as a Mail Transport Agent (MTA) server. You have several choices of e-mail servers, including sendmail (default in Fedora), postfix (default in RHEL), and exim. Related packages, such as dovecot, allow the mail server to deliver e-mail to clients.
  • Directory Server—Packages in this category provide remote and local authentication services. These include Kerberos (krb5-server), LDAP (openldap-servers), and NIS (ypserv).
  • DNS Server—The Berkeley Internet Name Domain service (bind) provides the software needed to configure a server to resolve host names into IP addresses.
  • Network Time Protocol Server—The ntpd package provides a service you can enable to sync up your system clock with clocks from public or private NTP servers.
  • SQL Server—The PostgreSQL (postgresql and postgresql-server packages) service is an object-relational database management system. Related packages provide PostgreSQL documentation and related tools. The MySQL (mysql and mysql-server packages) service is another popular open source SQL database server.

Step 2: Configure the server

Most server software packages are installed with a default configuration that leans more toward security than immediate full use. Here are some things to think about when you set out to configure a server.

Using configuration files

Most Linux servers are configured using plain text files in the /etc directory (or subdirectories). Often there is a primary configuration file; sometimes there is a related configuration directory in which files ending in .conf can be pulled into the main configuration file.

The httpd package (Apache web server) is an example of a server package that has a primary configuration file and a directory where other configuration files can be dropped in and be included with the service. The main configuration file in Fedora and RHEL is /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. The configuration directory is /etc/httpd/conf.d.

After installing httpd and related packages, you will see files in the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory that were placed there by different packages: mod_ssl, mod_perl, and so on. This is a way that add-on packages to a service can have their configuration information enabled in the httpd server, without the package trying to run a script to edit the main httpd.conf file.

The one downside to plain-text configuration files is that you don't get the kind of immediate error checking you get when you use graphical administration tools. You either have to run a test command (if the service includes one) or actually try to start the service to see if there is any problem with your configuration file.

Instead of using vi to edit configuration files, use vim instead. Using the vim command can help you catch configuration file errors as you are editing.
The vim command knows about the formats of many configuration files (passwd, httpd.conf, fstab, and others). If you make a mistake and type an invalid term or option in one of those files, or break the format somehow, the color of the text will change. For example, in /etc/fstab, if you changed the option defaults to default, the word's color would change from green to black.

Checking the default configuration

Most server software packages in Fedora and RHEL are installed with minimal configuration and lean more toward being secure than totally useful out of the box. Some Linux distributions ask you, while installing a software package, such things as the directory you want to install it in or the user account you want to manage it.

Because RPM packages are designed to be installed unattended, the person installing the package has no choice on how it is installed. The files are installed in set locations, specific user accounts are enabled to manage it, and when you start the service, it might well offer limited accessibility. You are expected to configure the software after the package is installed to make the server fully functional.

Two examples of servers that are installed with limited functionality are mail servers (sendmail or postfix packages) and DNS servers (bind package). Both of these servers are installed with default configurations and start up on reboot. However, both also only listen for requests on your localhost. So, until you configure those servers, people who are not logged in to your local server cannot send mail to that server or use your computer as a public DNS server.

Step 3: Start the server

Most services you install in Linux are configured to start up when the system boots, then run continuously, listening for requests for its service, until the system is shut down. There are two major facilities for managing services: systemd (used now by Ubuntu and Fedora) and System V init scripts (used by Red Hat Enterprise Linux at least through RHEL 6.x).

Regardless of which facility is used on your Linux system, it is your job to do such things as set whether or not you want the service to come up when the system boots and to start, stop, and reload the service as needed (possibly to load new configuration files or temporarily stop access to the service). Commands for doing these tasks are described in Chapter 15, “Starting and Stopping Services”.

Most, but not all, services are implemented as daemon processes. Here are a few things you should know about those processes:

  • User and group permissions—Daemon processes often run as users and groups other than root. For example, httpd runs as apache and ntpd runs as the ntp user. The reason for this is that if someone cracks these daemons, they would not have permissions to access files beyond what that service can access.
  • Daemon configuration files—Often, a service will have a configuration file for the daemon stored in the /etc/sysconfig directory. This is different than the service configuration file in that its job is often just to pass arguments to the server process itself, rather than configure the service. For example, options you set in the /etc/sysconfig/rsyslogd file are passed to the rsyslogd daemon when it starts up. So you can tell the daemon, for example, to output additional debugging information or accept remote logging messages. See the man page for the service (for example, man rsyslogd) to see what options are supported.
  • Port numbers—Packets of data go to and from your system over network interfaces through ports for each supported protocol (UDP, TCP, ICMP, and so on). Most standard services have specific port numbers the daemons listen to and that clients connect to. Unless you are trying to hide the location of a service, you typically don't change the ports that a daemon process listens on. When you go to secure a service, you must make sure the port to the service is open on the firewall (see Chapter 25, “Securing Linux on a Network,” for information on iptables firewalls). Also, if you do change a port the service is listening on, and SELinux is in enforcing mode, SELinux may prevent the daemon from listening on that port (see Chapter 24, “Enhancing Linux Security with SELinux,” for more information on SELinux).

One reason for changing port numbers on a service is “security by obscurity.” For example, the sshd service is a well-known target for people trying to break into a system by guessing logins and passwords on TCP port 22.
I have heard of people changing their Internet-facing sshd service to listen on some other port number (perhaps some unused, very high port number). Then they tell their friends or colleagues to log into their machine from ssh by pointing to this other port. The idea is that port scanners looking to break into a system might be less likely to scan the normally unused port.

Not all services run continuously as daemon processes. Some services run on demand using the xinetd super server. Other services just run once on start-up and exit. Still others will run only a set number of times, being launched when the crond daemon sees that the service was configured to run at the particular time.

Of the services just mentioned, the on-demand services are the primary way of running always available (if not always running) services. On-demand services don't run continuously listening for requests. Instead, their services are registered with the xinetd daemon. When requests come to the xinetd daemon for a service, at that time, the xinetd launches the requested service and hands the request off to that service.

The advantage of the xinetd daemon is that you can have fewer daemon processes running and consuming memory and process slots. The xinetd super server (originally called inetd when it was created in the early days of UNIX) came about in a time when memory was very expensive, so freeing up space by only launching rarely used services on demand made sense. Because the amount of memory consumed by a daemon process is not that big a deal anymore, you may notice that most xinetd services are older services (such as telnet and tftp).

For more information on starting services as regular services or on-demand (xinetd) services, refer to Chapter 15, “Starting and Stopping Services”).

Step 4: Secure the server

Opening your system to allow remote users to access it over the network is not a decision you should take lightly. There are crackers all over the world running programs to scan for vulnerable servers they can take over for their data or their processing power. Luckily, there are measures you can put in place on Linux systems to protect your servers and services from attacks and abuse.

Some common security techniques are described in the following sections. These and other topics are covered in more depth in Part V, “Learning Linux Security Techniques.”

Password protection

Good passwords and password policies are the first line of defense in protecting a Linux system. If someone can log in to your server via ssh as the root user with a password of foobar, expect to be cracked. A good technique is to disallow direct login by root and require every user to log in as a regular user and then use su or sudo to become root.

You can also use the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) facility to adjust the number of times someone can have failed login attempts before blocking access to that person. PAM also includes other features for locking down authentication to your Linux server. For a description of PAM, see Chapter 23, “Understanding Advanced Linux Security.”


The iptables firewall service can track and respond to every packet coming from and going to network interfaces on your computer. Using iptables, you can drop or reject every packet making requests for services on your system, except for those few that you have enabled. Further, you can tell iptables to only allow service requests from certain IP addresses (good guys) or not allow requests from other addresses (bad guys).

In each of the server chapters coming up, I describe what ports need to be open to allow access to services. Descriptions of how iptables works are included in Chapter 25, “Securing Linux on a Network.”

TCP Wrappers

Using the /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files, you can allow or deny access to those services that have the TCP Wrappers features enabled (libwrap). Access can be allowed or denied based on IP address or host name. Descriptions of TCP Wrappers are contained in Chapter 25.


Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and other Linux distributions come with the Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) feature included and in Enforcing mode. Although the default targeted mode doesn't have much impact on most applications you run in Linux, it has a major impact on most major services.

A major function of SELinux is to protect the contents of your Linux system from the processes running on the system. In other words, SELinux makes sure that a web server, FTP server, Samba server, or DNS server can access only a restricted set of files on the system (as defined by file contexts) and allow only a restricted set of features (as defined by Booleans).

Details about how to use SELinux are contained in Chapter 24, “Enhancing Linux Security with SELinux.”

Security settings in configuration files

Within the configuration files of most services are values you can set to further secure the service. For example, for file servers and web servers, you can restrict access to certain files or data based on username, hostname, IP address of the client, or other attributes.

Step 5: Monitor the server

Because you can't be there to monitor every service every minute, you need to put monitoring tools in place to watch your servers for you, then make it easy for you to find out when something needs attention. Some of the tools you can use to monitor your servers are described in the sections that follow.

Configure logging

Using the rsyslog service (rsyslogd daemon), you can gather critical information and error conditions into log files about many different services. By default, log messages from applications are directed into log files in the /var/log directory. For added security and convenience, log messages can also be directed to a centralized server, providing a centralized location to view and manage logging.

Several different software packages are available to work with rsyslog and manage log messages. The logwatch feature scans your log files each night and sends critical information gathered from those files to an e-mail account of your choice. The logrotate feature backs up log files into compressed archives once the logs reach a certain size or pass a set amount of time since the previous backup.

The features for configuring and managing system logging are described in the “Configuring System Logging” section later in this chapter.

Run system activity reports

The sar facility (which is enabled by the sysstat package) can be configured to watch activities on your system, such as memory usage, CPU usage, disk latency, network activities, and other resource drains. By default, the sar facility is launched every few minutes, day and night, to gather data. Viewing that data later can help you go back and figure out where and when demand is spiking on your system. The sar facility is described in the “Checking System Resources with sar” section later in this chapter.

Keep system software up to date

As security holes are discovered and patched, you must make sure that the updated software packages containing those patches are installed on your servers. Again, with mission-critical servers, the safest and most efficient way is to use subscribed Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems for your servers, and then deploy security-related package updates to your system as soon as they are released and tested.

To keep your personal server and desktop systems up-to-date, you can use the PackageKit Add/Remove Software window to check for updates. You can also use the yum command to check for and install all packages that are available for your RHEL or Fedora systems (type yum update).

Check the filesystem for signs of crackers

To check your filesystem for possible intrusion, you can run commands such as rpm -V to check if any commands, document files, or configuration files that have been tampered with on your system. For more information on rpm -V, refer to the description of rpm -V in Chapter 10, “Getting and Managing Software.”

Now that you have an overview of how Linux server configuration is done, the next sections of this chapter focus on the tools you need to access, secure, and maintain your Linux server systems.

Managing Remote Access with the Secure Shell Service

The Secure Shell tools are a set of client and server applications that allow you to do basic communications between client computers and your Linux server. The tools include ssh, scp, sftp, and many others. Because communication is encrypted between the server and the clients, these tools are more secure than similar, older tools. For example, instead of using older remote login commands such as telnet or rlogin, you could use ssh. The ssh command can also replace older remote execution commands, such as rsh. Remote copy commands, such as rcp, can be replaced with secure commands such as scp and rsync.

With Secure Shell tools, both the authentication process and all communications that follow are encrypted. Communications from telnet and the older “r” commands expose passwords and all data to someone sniffing the network. Today, telnet and similar commands should be used only for testing access to remote ports or doing other tasks that don't expose your private data.

For a deeper discussion of encryption techniques, refer to Chapter 23, “Understanding Advanced Linux Security.”

Most Linux systems include secure shell clients, and many include the secure shell server as well. If you are using the Fedora or RHEL distribution, for example, the client and server software packages that contain the ssh tools are openssh, openssh-clients, and openssh-server packages, as follows:

# yum list installed | grep ssh
openssh.i686           5.8p2-25.fc16      @updates
openssh-clients.i686   5.8p2-25.fc16      @updates
openssh-server.i686    5.8p2-25.fc16      @updates

On Ubuntu, only the openssh-clients package is installed. It includes the functionality of the openssh package. If you need the server installed, use the sudo apt-get install openssh-server command.

$ sudo dpkg --list | grep  openssh
ii  openssh-client  1:5.8p1-7ubuntu1
  secure shell (SSH) client, for secure
 access to remote machines
$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Starting the openssh-server service

Linux systems that come with the openssh-server package already installed often are not configured for it to start automatically. Managing Linux services (see Chapter 15, “Starting and Stopping Services”) can be very different depending on the different distributions. Table 13.1 shows the commands to use, in order to ensure the ssh server daemon, sshd, is up and running on a Linux system.

Table 13.1 Commands to Determine sshd Status

Distribution Command to Determine sshd Status
RHEL chkconfig --list sshd
Fedora systemctl status sshd.service
Ubuntu status ssh

If sshd is not currently running, you can start it by issuing one of the commands listed in Table 13.2. These commands need root privileges in order to work.

Table 13.2 Commands to Start sshd

Distribution Command to Start sshd
RHEL service sshd start
Fedora systemctl start sshd.service
Ubuntu service ssh start

The commands in Table 13.2 will only start the ssh service. They will not configure it to start automatically at boot. To make sure the server service is set up to start automatically, you will need to use one of the commands in Table 13.3 using root privileges.

Table 13.3 Commands to Start sshd at Boot

Distribution Command to Start sshd at Boot
RHEL chkconfig sshd on
Fedora systemctl enable sshd.service
Ubuntu update-rc.d ssh defaults

When you install openssh-server on Ubuntu, the sshd daemon is configured to start automatically at boot. Therefore, you may not need to run the command in Table 13.3 for your Ubuntu server.

To manage services on an older Fedora distribution, use the chkconfig command for both starting the ssh service and to ensure it will start at boot.

Modify your netfilter/iptables firewall settings to allow the openssh-client to access port 22 (firewalls are covered in Chapter 25, “Securing Linux on a Network”). Once the service is up and running and the firewall is properly configured, you should be able to use ssh client commands to access your system via the ssh server.

It is best to use a TCP Wrapper with ssh services. TCP Wrappers are covered in Chapter 25, “Securing Linux on a Network.”

Any further configurations for what the sshd daemon is allowed to do are handled in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. At a minimum, change the PermitRootLogin setting from yes to no. This will stop anyone from remotely logging in as root.

# grep PermitRootLogin /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin no

Once you have changed the sshd_config file, restart the sshd service. After that point, if you use ssh to log in to that system from a remote client, you must do so as a regular user, and then use su or sudo to become the root user.

Using SSH client tools

Many tools for accessing remote Linux systems have been created to make use of the SSH service. The most frequently used of those tools is the ssh command, which can be used for remote login and remote execution, and other tasks. Commands such as scp and rsync can copy one or more files at a time between SSH client and server systems. The sftp command provides an FTP-like interface for traversing a remote filesystem and getting and putting files between the systems interactively.

By default, all the SSH-related tools authenticate using standard Linux usernames and passwords, all done over encrypted connections. However, SSH also supports key-based authentication, which can be used to configure passwordless authentication between clients and SSH servers (as described in the “Using key-based (passwordless) authentication” section later in this chapter).

Using ssh for remote login

Use the ssh command from another Linux computer to test that you are able to log in to the Linux system running your sshd service. The ssh command is one you will use often to access a shell on the servers you are configuring.

Try logging in to your Linux server from another Linux system using the ssh command. (If you don't have another Linux system, you can simulate this by typing localhost instead of the IP address and logging in as a local user.) The following is an example of remotely logging in to johndoe's account on

$ ssh [email protected]
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is a4:28:03:85:89:6d:08:fa:99:15:ed:fb:b0:67:55:89.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password: *********

If this is the very first time you have logged in to that remote system using the ssh command, the system will ask you to confirm that you want to connect. Type yes and press Enter. Then when prompted, type the user's password.

When you type yes to continue, you accept the remote host's public key. At that point, the remote host's public key is downloaded to the client in the client's ∼/.ssh/known_hosts file. Now, data exchanged between these two systems can be encrypted and decrypted using RSA asymmetric encryption (see Chapter 23, “Understanding Advanced Linux Security”).

Once you are logged in to the remote system, you can begin typing shell commands. The connection functions like a normal login. The only difference is that the data is encrypted as it travels over the network.

When you are all done, type exit to end the remote connection. The connection will be closed and you will be returned to the command prompt on your local system. (If the local shell doesn't return after you exit the remote shell, typing . usually will close the connection.)

$ exit
Connection to closed.

Once you have remotely connected to a system, a file in your local system subdirectory, ∼.ssh/known_hosts, will exist. This file contains the public key of the remote host along with its IP address. Your server's public and private keys are stored in the /etc/ssh directory.

$ ls .ssh
$ cat .ssh/known_hosts ssh-rsa

Any later attempts by this user to contact the server at will be authenticated using this stored key. If the server should change its key (which happens if the operating system is reinstalled), attempts to ssh to that system result in a refused connection and dire warnings that you may be under attack. If the key has indeed changed, to be able to ssh to that address again, just remove the host's key (the whole line) from your know_hosts file and you will be able to download the new key.

Using ssh for remote execution

Besides logging into a remote shell, the ssh command can be used to execute a command on the remote system and have the output returned to the local system. Here is an example:

$ ssh [email protected] hostname
[email protected]'s password: **********

In the example just shown, the hostname command runs as the user johndoe on the Linux system located at IP address The output of the command is the name of the remote host (in this case, which appears on the local screen.

If you run a remote execution command with ssh that includes options or arguments, be sure to surround the whole remote command line in quotes. Keep in mind that if you refer to files or directories in your remote commands, relative paths are interpreted in relation to the user's home directory. For example:

$ ssh [email protected] "cat myfile"
[email protected]'s password: **********
This is the contents of the myfile file located in johndoe's home directory.

The ssh command just shown goes to the remote host located at and runs the cat myfile command as the user johndoe. This causes the contents of the myfile file from that system to be displayed on the local screen.

Another type of remote execution you can do with ssh is X11 forwarding. If X11 forwarding is enabled on the server (X11Forwarding yes is set in the /etc/sshd/sshd_config file), you can run graphical applications from the server securely over the SSH connection using ssh -X. For a new server administrator, this means that, if there are graphical administration tools installed on a server, you can run those tools without having to sit at the console. For example:

$ ssh -X [email protected] system-config-date
[email protected]'s password: **********

After running this command, you are prompted for the root password. After that, the Date/Time Properties window appears, ready for you to change the current date and time. Just close the window when you are done and the local prompt returns. You can do this for any graphical administration tool or just regular X applications (such as the gedit graphical editor, so you don't have to use vi).

If you want to run several X commands and don't want to have to reconnect each time, you can use X11 forwarding directly from a remote shell as well. Put them in the background and you can have several remote X applications running on your local desktop at once. For example:

$ ssh -X [email protected]
[email protected]'s password: **********
$ system-config-network &
$ gedit &
$ exit

After you have finished using the graphical applications, close them as you would normally. Then type exit, as shown in the preceding code, to leave the remote shell and return to your local shell.

Copying files between systems with scp and rsync

The scp command is similar to the old UNIX rcp command for copying files to and from Linux systems, except all communications are encrypted. Files can be copied from the remote system to the local system or local to remote. You can also copy files recursively through a whole directory structure, if you choose.

The following is an example of using the scp command to copy a file called memo from the home directory of the user chris to the /tmp directory on a remote computer:

$ scp /home/chris/memo [email protected]:/tmp
[email protected]'s password: ***************
memo       100%|****************|  153   0:00

You must enter the password johndoe. Once the password is accepted, the file is copied to the remote system successfully.

You can do recursive copies with scp using the -r option. Instead of a file, pass a directory name to the scp command and all files and directories below that point in the filesystem are copied to the other system.

$ scp [email protected]:/usr/share/man/man1/ /tmp/
[email protected]'s password: ***************
volname.1.gz                              100%  543     0.5KB/s   00:00 
mtools.1.gz                               100% 6788     6.6KB/s   00:00 
roqet.1.gz                                100% 2496     2.4KB/s   00:00 

As long as the user johndoe has access to the files and directories on the remote system and the local user is able to write to the target directory (both are true in this case), the directory structure from /usr/share/man/man1 down is copied to the local /tmp directory.

The scp command can be used to back up files and directories over a network. However, if you compare scp to the rsync command, you see that rsync (which also works over SSH connections) is a better backup tool. Try running the scp command shown previously to copy the man1 directory (you can simulate the command using localhost instead of the IP address, if you only have one accessible Linux system). Now type the following on the system you copied the files to:

$ ls -l /usr/share/man/man1/batch* /tmp/man1/batch*
-rw-r--r--.1 johndoe johndoe 2628 Apr 15 15:32 /tmp/man1/batch.1.gz
lrwxrwxrwx.1 root root 7 Feb 14 17:49 /usr/share/man/man1/batch.1.gz -> at.1.gz 

Next, run the scp command again and list the files again:

$ scp [email protected]:/usr/share/man/man1/ /tmp/
[email protected]'s password: ***************
$ ls -l /usr/share/man/man1/batch* /tmp/man1/batch*
-rw-r--r--.1 johndoe johndoe 2628 Apr 15 15:40 /tmp/man1/batch.1.gz
lrwxrwxrwx.1 root root 7 Feb 14 17:49 /usr/share/man/man1/batch.1.gz -> at.1.gz

The output of those commands tells you a few things about how scp works:

  • Attributes lost—Permissions or date/time stamp attributes were not retained when the files were copied. If you were using scp as a backup tool, you would probably want to keep permissions and time stamps on the files if you needed to restore the files later.
  • Symbolic links lost—The batch.1.gz file is actually a symbolic link to the at.1.gz file. Instead of copying the link, scp follows the link and actually copies the file. Again, if you were to restore this directory, batch.1.gz would be replaced by the actual at.1.gz file instead of a link to it.
  • Copy repeated unnecessarily—If you watched the second scp output, you would notice that all files were copied again, even though the exact files being copied were already on the target. The updated modification date confirms this. By contrast, the rsync can determine that a file has already been copied and not copy the file again.

The rsync command is a better network backup tool because it can overcome some of the shortcomings of scp just listed. Try running an rsync command to do the same action scp just did, but with a few added options:

$ rm -rf /tmp/man1/
$ rsync -avl [email protected]:/usr/share/man/man1/ /tmp/
[email protected]'s password: ***************
sending incremental file list
man1/Mail.1.gz -> mailx.1.gz
$ rsync -avl [email protected]:/usr/share/man/man1/ /tmp/
[email protected]'s password: ***************
sending incremental file list
sent 42362 bytes  received 13 bytes  9416.67 bytes/sec
total size is 7322223  speedup is 172.80
$ ls -l /usr/share/man/man1/batch* /tmp/man1/batch*
lrwxrwxrwx.1 johndoe johndoe 7 Feb 14 17:49 /tmp/man1/batch.1.gz -> at.1.gz
lrwxrwxrwx.1 root root 7 Feb 14 17:49 /usr/share/man/man1/batch.1.gz -> at.1.gz

After removing the /tmp/man1 directory, you run an rsync command to copy all the files to the /tmp/man1 directory, using -a (recursive archive ), -v (verbose), and -l (copy symbolic links). Then run the command immediately again and notice that nothing is copied. The rsync command knows that all the files are there already, so it doesn't copy them again. This can be a tremendous savings of network bandwidth for directories with gigabytes of files where only a few megabytes change.

Also, notice from the output of ls -l that the symbolic links have been preserved on the batch.1.gz file and so has the date/time stamp on the file. If you need to restore those files later, you can put them back exactly as they were.

This use of rsync is good for backups. But what if you wanted to mirror two directories, making the contents of two directory structures exactly the same on two machines? The following commands illustrate how to create an exact mirror of the directory structure on both machines, using the directories shown with the previous rsync commands.

First, on the remote system, copy a new file into the directory being copied:

# cp /etc/services /usr/share/man/man1

Next, on the local system, run rsync to copy across any new files (in this case, just the directory and the new file, services):

$ rsync -avl [email protected]:/usr/share/man/man1 /tmp
[email protected]'s password: 
sending incremental file list

After that, go back to the remote system and remove the new file:

$ sudo rm /usr/share/man/man1/services 

Now, on the local system, run rsync again and notice that nothing happens. At this point the remote and local directories are different because the local system has the services file and the remote doesn't. That is correct behavior for a backup directory (you want to have files on the backup in case something was removed by mistake). However, if you want the remote and local directories to be mirrored, you would have to add the --delete option. The result is that the services file is deleted on the local system, making the remote and local directory structures in sync.

$ rsync -avl /usr/share/man/man1 localhost:/tmp
[email protected]'s password: *************** 
sending incremental file list
$ rsync -avl --delete [email protected]:/usr/share/man/man1 /tmp
[email protected]'s password: *************** 
sending incremental file list
deleting man1/services

Interactive copying with sftp

If you don't know exactly what you want to copy to or from a remote system, you can use the sftp command to create an interactive FTP-style session over the SSH service. Using sftp, you can connect to a remote system over SSH, change directories, list directory contents, and then (given proper permission) get files from and put files on the server.

The following example shows the user johndoe connecting to

$ sftp [email protected]
Connecting to
[email protected]'s password: ***************

At this point, you can begin an interactive FTP session. You can use get and put commands on files as you would with any FTP client, but with the comfort of knowing you are working on an encrypted and secure connection. Because the FTP protocol passes usernames, passwords, and data in clear text, using sftp over SSH, if possible, is a much better alternative for allowing your users to interactively copy files from the system.

Using key-based (passwordless) authentication

If you are using SSH tools to connect to the same systems throughout the day, you might find it inconvenient to be typing your password over and over again. Instead of using password-based authentication, SSH allows you to set up key-based authentication to use instead. Here's how it works:

  • You create a public key and a private key.
  • You guard the private key, but copy the public key across to the user account on the remote host to which you want to do key-based authentication.
  • With your keys copied to the proper locations, you use any SSH tools to connect to the user account on the remote host, but instead of asking you for a password, the remote SSH service compares the public key and the private key and allows you access if the two keys match.

When you create the keys, you are given the option to add a passphrase to your private key. If you decide to add a passphrase, even though you don't need to enter a password to authenticate to the remote system, you still need to enter your passphrase to unlock your private key. If you don't add a passphrase, you can communicate using your private/public key pairs in a way that is completely passwordless. However, if someone should get hold of your private key, they could act as you in any communication that required that key.

The following procedure demonstrates how a local user named chris can set up key-based authentication to a remote user named johndoe at IP address If you don't have two Linux systems, you can simulate this by using two user accounts on your local system. I start by logging in as the local user named chris and typing the following to generate my local public/private key pair:

$ ssh-keygen 
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/chris/.ssh/id_rsa): <ENTER>
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): <ENTER>
Enter same passphrase again: <ENTER>
Your identification has been saved in /home/chris/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/chris/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
bf:06:f8:12:7f:f4:c3:0a:3a:01:7f:df:25:71:ec:1d [email protected]
The key's randomart image is:

I accepted the default RSA key (DSA keys are also allowed), and then pressed Enter twice to have a blank passphrase associated with the key. As a result, my private key (id_rsa) and public key ( are copied to the .ssh directory in johndoe's home directory. The next step is to copy that key over to a remote user, so I can use key-based authentication each time I connect to that user account with ssh tools:

 $ ssh-copy-id -i ∼/.ssh/ [email protected]
[email protected]'s password: 
Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh '[email protected]'", 
and check in:
to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting.

When prompted, I entered johndoe's password. With that accepted, the public key belonging to chris is copied to the authorized_keys file in johndoe's .ssh directory. Now, the next time chris tries to connect to johndoe's account, the SSH connection is authenticated using those keys. Because no passphrase is put on the private key, no passphrase is required to unlock that key when it is used.

 [chris]$ ssh [email protected]
Last login: Sun Apr 15 10:12:22 2012 from

With the keys in place, chris could now use ssh, scp, rsync, or any other SSH-enabled command to do key-based authentication. Using these keys, for example, an rsync command could go into a cron script and automatically back up johndoe's home directory every night.

Configuring System Logging

With the knowledge of how to access your remote server using SSH tools, you can log in to the server and set up some of the services needed to make sure it's running smoothly. System logging is one of the basic services configured for Linux to keep track of what is happening on the system.

The rsyslog service (rsyslogd daemon) provides the features to gather log messages from software running on the Linux system and direct those messages to local log files, devices, or remote logging hosts. Configuration of rsyslog is similar to the configuration of its predecessor, syslog. However, rsyslog allows you to add modules to more specifically manage and direct log messages.

Enabling system logging with rsyslog

Most of the files in the /var/log directory are maintained by the rsyslog service. The rsyslogd daemon is the system logging daemon. It accepts log messages from a variety of other programs and writes them to the appropriate log files. This is better than having every program write directly to its own log file because it enables you to centrally manage how log files are handled.

Configuring rsyslogd to record varying levels of detail in the log files is possible. It can be told to ignore all but the most critical messages, or it can record every detail.

The rsyslogd daemon can even accept messages from other computers on your network. This remote logging feature is particularly handy because it enables you to centralize the management and review of the log files from many systems on your network. There is also a major security benefit to this practice.

With remote logging, if a system on your network is broken into, the cracker cannot delete or modify the log files because those files are stored on a separate computer. It is important to remember, however, that those log messages are not, by default, encrypted. Anyone tapping into your local network can eavesdrop on those messages as they pass from one machine to another. Also, although the cracker may not be able to change old log entries, he or she can affect the system such that any new log messages should not be trusted.

Running a dedicated loghost, a computer that serves no other purpose than to record log messages from other computers on the network, is not uncommon. Because this system runs no other services, it is unlikely that it will be broken into. This makes it nearly impossible for crackers to completely erase their tracks.

Understanding the rsyslog.conf file

The /etc/rsyslog.conf file is the primary configuration file for the rsyslog service. If you have used the older syslog facility, you will notice that the rules section is the same in both files. So, the way you define which type of messages get logged and where they are logged to is exactly the same; however, the configuration files are different related to the use of modules in rsyslog.conf.

In the /etc/rsyslog.conf file, a Modules section lets you include or not include specific features in your rsyslog service. The following is an example of the modules section of /etc/rsyslog.conf in Fedora:

$ModLoad imuxsock # provides support for local system logging (logger command)
$ModLoad imklog   # provides kernel logging support (previously done by rklogd)
#$ModLoad immark  # provides --MARK-- message capability
# Provides UDP syslog reception
#$ModLoad imudp
#$UDPServerRun 514
# Provides TCP syslog reception
#$ModLoad imtcp
#$InputTCPServerRun 514

Entries beginning with $ModLoad load the modules that follow. Modules that are currently disabled are preceded by a pound sign (#). The imuxsock module is needed to accept messages from the local system (it should not be commented out—preceded by a pound sign—unless you have a specific reason to do so). The imklog module logs kernel messages.

Modules not enabled by default include the immark module, which allows --MARK-- messages to be logged (used to indicate that a service is alive). The imudp and imtcp modules and related port number entries are used to allow the rsyslog service to accept remote logging messages and are discussed in more detail in the “Setting up and using a loghost with rsyslogd” section.

Most of the work done in the /etc/rsyslog.conf configuration file involves modifying the RULES section. The following is an example of some of the rules in the RULES section of the /etc/rsyslog.conf file (note that in Ubuntu, you need to look in the /etc/rsyslog.d directory for this configuration information):

#### RULES ####
# Log anything (except mail) of level info or higher.
# Don't log private authentication messages!
*.info;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none                /var/log/messages
# The authpriv file has restricted access.
authpriv.*                                              /var/log/secure
# Log all the mail messages in one place.
mail.*                                                  -/var/log/maillog
# Log cron stuff
cron.*                                                  /var/log/cron

Rules entries come in two columns. In the left column are designations of what messages are matched; the right column shows where matched messages go. Messages are matched based on facility (mail, cron, kern, and so on) and priority (starting at debug, info, notice and up to crit, alert, and emerg), separated by a dot (.). So matches all messages from the mail service that are info level and above.

As for where the messages go, most messages are directed to files in the /var/log directory. You can, however, direct messages to a device (such as /dev/console) or a remote log host (such as The at sign (@) indicates that the name that follows is the name of the loghost.

The first entry in the preceding example shows that info level messages from all services (*) are matched by that rule, with the exception of messages from mail, authpriv, and cron services (which are excluded with the word none). All of those matched messages are directed to the /var/log/messages file.

The mail, authpriv (authentication messages), and cron (cron facility messages) services each have their own log files, as listed in the columns to their right. To understand the format of those and other log files, the format of the /var/log/messages file is described next.

Understanding the messages log file

Because of the many programs and services that record information to the messages log file, understanding the format of this file is important. You can get a good early warning of problems developing on your system by examining this file. Each line in the file is a single message recorded by some program or service. Here is a snippet of an actual messages log file:

Feb 25 11:04:32 toys network: Bringing up loopback interface:  succeeded
Feb 25 11:04:35 toys network: Bringing up interface eth0:  succeeded
Feb 25 13:01:14 toys vsftpd(pam_unix)[10565]: authentication failure;
      logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost=  user=chris
Feb 25 14:44:24 toys su(pam_unix)[11439]: session opened for
      user root by chris(uid=500)

The messages in the /var/log/messages file are divided into five main parts. From left to right, they are:

  • The date and time that the message was logged
  • The name of the computer from which the message came
  • The program or service name to which the message pertains
  • The process number (enclosed in square brackets) of the program sending the message
  • The actual text message

Take another look at the preceding file snippet. In the first two lines, you can see that the network was restarted. The next line shows that the user named chris tried and failed to get to the FTP server on this system from a computer at address (he typed the wrong password and authentication failed). The last line shows chris using the su command to become root user.

By occasionally reviewing the messages and secure files, it's possible to catch a cracking attempt before it is successful. If you see an excessive number of connection attempts for a particular service, especially if they are coming from systems on the Internet, you may be under attack.

Setting up and using a loghost with rsyslogd

To redirect your computer's log files to another computer's rsyslogd, you must make changes to both the local and remote rsyslog configuration file, /etc/rsyslog.conf. Become root using the su - command and then open the /etc/rsyslog.conf file in a text editor (such as vi).

On the client side

To send the messages to another computer (the loghost) instead of a file, start by replacing the log file name with the @ character followed by the name of the loghost. For example, to direct the output of messages that are being sent to the messages, secure, and maillog log files to a loghost as well, add the bolded lines to the messages file:

# Log anything (except mail) of level info or higher.
# Don't log private authentication messages!
*.info;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none;cron.none  /var/log/messages
*.info;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none;cron.none  @loghost
# The authpriv file has restricted access.
authpriv.*                                /var/log/secure
authpriv.*                                @loghost
# Log all the mail messages in one place.
mail.*                                     -/var/log/maillog
mail.*                                    @loghost

The messages will now be sent to the rsyslogd running on the computer named loghost. The name “loghost” was not an arbitrary choice. Creating such a hostname and making it an alias to the actual system acting as the loghost is customary. That way, if you ever need to switch the loghost duties to a different machine, you need to change only the loghost alias; you do not need to re-edit the syslog.conf file on every computer.

On the loghost side

The loghost that is set to accept the messages must listen for those messages on standard ports (514 UDP, although it can be configured to accept messages on 514 TCP as well). Here is how you would configure the Linux loghost that is also running the rsyslog service:

  • Edit the /etc/sysconfig/rsyslog file on the loghost system and uncomment the lines that enable the rsyslogd daemon to listen for remote log messages. Uncomment the first two lines to enable incoming UDP log messages on port 514 (default); uncomment the two lines after that to allow messages that use TCP protocol (also port 514):
$UDPServerRun 514
$InputTCPServerRun 514
  • Open your firewall (iptables) to allow new messages to be directed to your loghost. (See Chapter 25, “Securing Linux on a Network,” for a description of how to open specific ports to allow access to your system.)
  • Restart the rsyslog service (service rsyslog restart or systemctl restart rsyslog.service).
  • If the service is running, you should be able to see that the service is listening on the ports you enabled (UDP and/or TCP ports 514). Run the netstat command as follows to see that the rsyslogd daemon is listening on IPv4 and IPv6 ports 514 for both UDP and TCP services:
# netstat -tupln | grep 514
tcp      0    0*   LISTEN     25341/rsyslogd 
tcp      0    0 :::514        :::*        LISTEN     25341/rsyslogd 
udp      0    0*              25341/rsyslogd 
udp      0    0 :::514        :::*                   25341/rsyslogd 

Watching logs with logwatch

The logwatch service runs in most Linux systems that do system logging with rsyslog. Because logs on busy systems can become very large over time, it doesn't take long for there to be too many messages for a system administrator to watch every message in every log.

What logwatch does is gather messages once each night that look like they might represent a problem, put them in an e-mail message, and send it to any e-mail address the administrator chooses. To enable logwatch all you have to do is install the logwatch package.

The logwatch service runs from a cron job (01logwatch) placed in /etc/cron.daily. The /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf file holds local settings. The default options used to gather log messages are set in the /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf file.

Some of the default settings define the location of log files (/var/log), location of the temp directory (/var/cache/logwatch), and the recipient of the daily logwatch e-mail (the local root user). Unless you expect to log in to the server to read logwatch messages, you probably want to change the MailTo setting in the /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf file:

MailTo = [email protected]

Look in /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf for other settings to change (such as detail level or the time range for each report). Then make your additions to /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf as mentioned.

When the service is enabled (which it is just by installing the logwatch package), you will see a message each night in the root user's mailbox. When you are logged in as root, you can use the old mail command to view the root user's mailbox:

# mail
Heirloom Mail version 12.4 7/29/08.  Type ? for help.
"/var/spool/mail/root": 2 messages 2 new
>N  1 [email protected]  Sun Apr 15 04:02 45/664   "Logwatch for abc (Linux)"
    2 [email protected]  Sun Apr 16 04:02 45/664   "Logwatch for abc (Linux)"
& 1
& x

In mail, you should see e-mail messages from logwatch run each day (here at 4:02 a.m.). Type the number of the message you want to view and page through it with the spacebar or line-by-line by pressing Enter. Type x to exit when you are done.

The kind of information you see includes kernel errors, installed packages, authentication failures, and malfunctioning services. Disk space usage is reported, so you can see if your storage is filling up. Just by glancing through this logwatch message, you should get an idea if sustained attacks are underway or if some repeated failures are taking place.

Checking System Resources with sar

The System Activity Reporter (sar) is one of the oldest system monitoring facilities created for early UNIX systems—predating Linux by a few decades. The sar command itself can display system activity continuously, at set intervals (every second or two) and display it on the screen. It can also display system activity data that was gathered earlier.

The sar command is part of the sysstat package. By installing sysstat and enabling the sysstat service, your system immediately begins gathering system activity data that can be reviewed later using certain options to the sar command. The data gathering is done by a crontab configuration file (/etc/cron.d/sysstat) that is launched at regular intervals. Take a look at what that file contains:

# cat /etc/cron.d/sysstat
# Run system activity accounting tool every 10 minutes
*/10 * * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa1 -S DISK 1 1
# 0 * * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa1 -S DISK 600 6 &
# Generate a daily summary of process accounting at 23:53
53 23 * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa2 -A

The first uncommented line runs the sa1 -S DISK 1 1 command every 10 minutes. This sa1 command gathers disk and other activity information just once (one time at a one second interval) and copies it to the /var/log/sa/sa?? file, where ?? is replaced by the current day. The sa2 -A command gathers all data gathered to this point in the day (at 11:23 p.m.) and places that in the /var/log/sa/sar?? file, where ?? is replaced by the current day.

To read the data in the sa?? and sar?? files, you can use some of the following sar commands:

# sar -u | less
Linux 2.6.32-220.7.1.el6.x86_64 (mybox) 04/17/2012 _x86_64_  (4 CPU)
12:00:01 AM     CPU   %user   %nice  %system %iowait  %steal  %idle
12:10:01 AM     all    6.48    0.00     0.82    0.59    0.00  92.12
12:20:01 AM     all    6.50    0.00     0.78    0.82    0.00  91.91

The -u option shows CPU usage. By default, the output starts at midnight on the current day, and then shows how much processing time is being consumed by different parts of the system. The output continues to show the activity every 10 minutes until the current time is reached.

To see disk activity output, run the sar -d command. Again, output comes in 10-minute intervals starting at midnight.

# sar -d | less
Linux 2.6.32-220.7.1.el6.x86_64 (mybox)      04/17/2012      _x86_64     (4 CPU)
12:00:01 AM   DEV   tps rd_sec/s wr_sec/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz  await  svctm %util
12:10:01 AM dev8-0   1.39 0.24    18.49    13.44    0.04      27.01  16.77 2.34
12:10:01 AM dev253- 02.59 0.24    18.49     7.24    0.04      15.81   9.04 2.34
12:10:01 AM dev253-1 0.97 0.24     7.69     8.14    0.02      19.95  17.25 1.68

If you want to run sar activity reports live, you can do that by adding counts and time intervals to the command line. For example:

# sar -n DEV 5 2
Linux 2.6.32-220.7.1.el6.x86_64 (cnegus.csb)    04/17/2012    _x86_64_   (4 CPU)
11:19:36 PM IFACE rxpck/s txpck/s  rxkB/s  txkB/s rxcmp/s txcmp/s  rxmcst/s
11:19:41 PM    lo    5.42    5.42    1.06    1.06    0.00    0.00      0.00
11:19:41 PM  eth0    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00      0.00
11:19:41 PM wlan0    1.00    1.00    0.10    0.12    0.00    0.00      0.00
11:19:41 PM  pan0    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00      0.00
11:19:41 PM  tun0    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00      0.00
Average:    IFACE rxpck/s txpck/s  rxkB/s  txkB/  rxcmp/s txcmp/s  rxmcst/s
Average:       lo    7.21    7.21    1.42   1.42     0.00    0.00      0.00
Average:     eth0    0.00    0.00    0.00   0.00     0.00    0.00      0.00
Average:    wlan0    4.70    4.00    4.81   0.63     0.00    0.00      0.00
Average:     pan0    0.00    0.00    0.00   0.00     0.00    0.00      0.00
Average:     tun0    3.70    2.90    4.42   0.19     0.00    0.00      0.00

With the -n Dev example just shown, you can see how much activity came across the different network interfaces on your system. You can see how many packets were transmitted and received and how many KB of data were transmitted and received. In that example, samplings of data were taken every 5 seconds and repeated twice.

Refer to the sar, sa1, and sa2 man pages for more information on how sar data can be gathered and displayed.

Checking System Space

While logwatch can give you a daily snapshot of space consumption on your system disks, the df and du commands can help you immediately see how much disk space is available. The following sections show examples of those commands.

Displaying system space with df

You can display the space available in your filesystems using the df command. To see the amount of space available on all the mounted filesystems on your Linux computer, type df with no options:

$ df
Filesystem  1k-blocks     Used  Available  Use%   Mounted on
/dev/sda3    30645460  2958356   26130408   11%   /
/dev/sda2       46668     8340      35919   19%   /boot

This example output shows the space available on the hard disk partition mounted on the / (root) directory (/dev/sda1) and /boot partition (/dev/sda2). Disk space is shown in 1KB blocks. To produce output in a more human-readable form, use the -h option:

$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used  Avail  Use%   Mounted on
/dev/sda3              29G  2.9G    24G   11%   /
/dev/sda2              46M  8.2M    25M   19%   /boot

With the df -h option, output appears in a friendlier megabyte or gigabyte listing. Other options with df enable you to do the following:

  • Print only filesystems of a particular type (-t type)
  • Exclude filesystems of a particular type (-x type)
  • Include filesystems that have no space, such as /proc and /dev/pts (-a)
  • List only available and used inodes (-i)
  • Display disk space in certain block sizes (--block-size=#)

Checking disk usage with du

To find out how much space is being consumed by a particular directory (and its subdirectories), use the du command. With no options, du lists all directories below the current directory, along with the space consumed by each directory. At the end, du produces total disk space used within that directory structure.

The du command is a good way to check how much space is being used by a particular user (du /home/user1) or in a particular filesystem partition (du /var). By default, disk space is displayed in 1KB block sizes. To make the output friendlier (in kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes), use the -h option as follows:

$ du -h /home/jake
114k    /home/jake/httpd/stuff
234k    /home/jake/httpd
137k    /home/jake/uucp/data
701k    /home/jake/uucp
1.0M    /home/jake

The output shows the disk space used in each directory under the home directory of the user named jake (/home/jake). Disk space consumed is shown in kilobytes (k) and megabytes (M). The total space consumed by /home/jake is shown on the last line. Add the –s option to see total disk space used for a directory and its subdirectories.

Finding disk consumption with find

The find command is a great way to find file consumption of your hard disk using a variety of criteria. You can get a good idea of where disk space can be recovered by finding files that are over a certain size or were created by a particular person.

You must be root user to run this command effectively, unless you are just checking your personal files. If you are not root user, there will be many places in the filesystem that you will not have permission to check. Regular users can usually check their own home directories but not those of others.

In the following example, the find command searches the root filesystem (/) for any files owned by the user named jake (-user jake) and prints the filenames. The output of the find command is organized in a long listing in size order (ls -ldS). Finally, that output is sent to the file /tmp/jake. When you view the file /tmp/jake (for example, less /tmp/jake), you will find all the files that are owned by the user jake listed in size order. Here is the command line:

# find / -xdev -user jake -print | xargs ls -ldS > /tmp/jake

The -xdev option prevents filesystems other than the selected filesystem from being searched. This is a good way to cut out a lot of junk that may be output from the /proc filesystem. It can also keep large remotely mounted filesystems from being searched.

Here's another example, except that instead of looking for a user's files, we're looking for files larger than 100 kilobytes (-size +100k):

# find / -xdev -size +100k -print | xargs ls -ldS > /tmp/size

You can save yourself a lot of disk space by just removing some of the largest files that are no longer needed. In this example, you can see that large files are sorted by size in the /tmp/size file.


While many different types of servers are available with Linux systems, the basic procedure for installing and configuring a server is essentially the same. The normal course of events is to install, configure, start, secure, and monitor your servers. Basic tasks that apply to all servers include using networking tools (particularly SSH tools) to log in, copy files, or execute remote commands.

Because an administrator can't be logged in watching servers all the time, tools for gathering data and reviewing the log data later are very important when administering Linux servers. The rsyslog facility can be used for local and remote logging. The sar facility gathers live data or plays back data gathered earlier at 10-minute intervals. To watch disk space, you can run df and du commands.

Although it is easy to set up networking to reach your servers in simple, default cases, more complex network configuration requires a knowledge of networking configuration files and related tools. The next chapter describes how to set up and administer networking in Linux.


The exercises in this section cover some of the basic tools for connecting to and watching over your Linux servers. As usual, there are often several ways to accomplish the tasks here. So don't worry if you don't go about the exercises in the same way as shown in the answers, as long as you get the same results. If you are stuck, solutions to the tasks are shown in Appendix B.

Some of the exercises assume you have a second Linux system available that you can log into and try different commands. On that second system, you need to make sure that the sshd service is running, that the firewall is open, and that ssh is allowed for the user account you are trying to login to (root is often blocked by sshd).

If you have only one Linux system, you can create an additional user account and simply simulate communications with another system by connecting to the name localhost instead. For example:

# useradd joe
# passwd joe
# ssh joe@localhost
1. Using the ssh command, log in to another computer (or the local computer) using any account you have access to. Enter the password when prompted.
2. Using remote execution with the ssh command, display the contents of a remote /etc/system-release file and have its contents displayed on the local system.
3. Use the ssh command to use X11 forwarding to display a gedit window on your local system; then save a file on the remote user's home directory.
4. Recursively copy all the files from the /usr/share/selinux directory on a remote system to the /tmp directory on your local system in such a way that all the modification times on the files are updated to the time on the local system when they are copied.
5. Recursively copy all the files from the /usr/share/logwatch directory on a remote system to the /tmp directory on your local system in such a way that all the modification times on the files from the remote system are maintained on the local system.
6. Create a public/private key pair to use for SSH communications (no passphrase on the key), copy the public key file to a remote user's account with ssh-copy-id, and use key-based authentication to log in to that user account without having to enter a password.
7. Create an entry in /etc/rsyslog.conf that stores all authentication messages (authpriv) info level and higher into a file named /var/log/myauth. From one terminal, watch the file as data comes into it, and in another terminal, try to ssh into your local machine as any valid user, with a bad password.
8. Use the du command to determine the largest directory structures under /usr/share, sort them from largest to smallest, and list the top ten of those directories in terms of size.
9. Use the df command to show the space that is used and available from all the filesystems currently attached to the local system, but exclude any tmpfs or devtmpfs filesystems.
10. Find any files in the /usr directory that are more that 10MB in size.
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