Coal gasification processes for synthetic liquid fuel production

J.G. Speight    CD&W Inc., Laramie, WY, USA


The gasification of coal is the conversion of coal to produce combustible. Depending on the type of gasifier and the operating conditions, gasification can be used to produce a fuel gas that is suitable for several applications. Coal gasification for electric power generation enables the use of a technology common in modern gas-fired power plants – the use of combined cycle technology to recover more of the energy released by burning the fuel. This chapter discusses the influence of physical process parameters and the effect of coal type on coal conversion as an important part of any process where coal is used as a feedstock.


Coal types and properties

Gas products

Products and product quality

Chemicals production

9.1 Introduction

The chemical conversion of coal to gaseous products was first used to produce gas for lighting and heat in the United Kingdom more than 200 years ago. The gasification of coal or a derivative (i.e., char produced from coal) is, essentially, the conversion of coal (by any one of a variety of processes) to produce combustible gases (Calemma & Radović, 1991; Fryer & Speight, 1976; Garcia & Radović, 1986; Kristiansen, 1996; Radović & Walker, 1984; Radović, Walker, & Jenkins, 1983; Speight, 2008). With the rapid increase in the use of coal from the fifteenth century onward (Nef, 1957; Taylor & Singer, 1957), it is not surprising that the concept of using coal to produce a flammable gas became commonplace (Elton, 1958).

Depending on the type of gasifier (e.g., air-blown, enriched oxygen-blown) and the operating conditions (Chapter 2), gasification can be used to produce a fuel gas that is suitable for several applications. Coal gasification for electric power generation enables the use of a technology common in modern gas-fired power plants – the use of combined cycle technology to recover more of the energy released by burning the fuel.

As a very general rule of thumb, optimum gas yields and gas quality are obtained at operating temperatures of ~ 595-650 °C (1100-1200 °F). A gaseous product with a higher heat content (Btu/ft.3) can be obtained at lower system temperatures but the overall yield of gas (determined as the fuel-to-gas ratio) is reduced by the unburned char fraction.

9.2 Coal types and properties

The influence of physical process parameters and the effect of coal type on coal conversion is an important part of any process where coal is used as a feedstock, especially with respect to coal combustion and coal gasification (Speight, 2013a,2013b). The reactivity of coal generally decreases with increase in rank (from lignite to subbituminous coal to bituminous coal anthracite). Furthermore, the smaller the particle size, the more contact area between the coal and the reaction gases, thereby causing faster reaction. For medium-rank coal and low-rank coal, reactivity increases with an increase in pore volume and surface area, but these factors have no effect on reactivity for coals having carbon content > 85% w/w. In fact, in high rank coals, pore sizes are so small that the reaction is diffusion controlled.

The volatile matter produced by the coal during thermal reactions varies widely for the four main coal ranks and is low for high rank coals (such as anthracite) and higher for increasingly low rank coals (such as lignite) (Speight, 2013a,2013b). The more reactive coals produce higher yields of gas and volatile products as well as lower yields of char. Thus, for high-rank coals, the utilization of char within the gasifier is much more of an issue than with lower-rank coal. However, the ease with which they are gasified leads to high levels of tar in the gaseous products, which makes gas clean-up more difficult.

The mineral matter content of the coal does not have much impact on the composition of the gas product. Gasifiers may be designed to remove the produced ash in solid or liquid (slag) form (Chapter 2). In fluidized- or fixed-bed gasifiers, the ash is typically removed as a solid, which limits operational temperatures in the gasifier to well below the ash melting point. In other designs, particularly slagging gasifiers, the operational temperatures are designed to be above the ash-melting temperature. The selection of the most appropriate gasifier is often dependent on the melting temperature and/or the softening temperature of the ash and the type of coal that is to be used at the facility.

In fact, coal that displays caking, or agglomerating, characteristics when heated (Speight, 2013a) are not usually amenable to use as feedstock for gasification processes that employ fluidized-bed or moving-bed reactors; in fact, caking coal is difficult to handle in fixed-bed reactors. Pretreatment of the caking coal by a mild oxidation process (typically consisting of low-temperature heating of the coal in the presence of air or oxygen) destroys the caking characteristics of the coal.

High-moisture content of the feedstock lowers internal gasifier temperatures through evaporation and the endothermic reaction of steam and char. Usually, a limit is set on the moisture content of coal supplied to the gasifier, which can be met by coal-drying operations if necessary. For a typical fixed-bed gasifier and moderate rank and ash content of the coal, this moisture limit in the coal is on the order of 35% w/w. Fluidized-bed and entrained-bed gasifiers have a lower tolerance for moisture, limiting the moisture content to ~ 5-10% w/w of the coal feedstock. Oxygen supplied to the gasifiers must be increased with an increase in mineral matter content (ash production) or moisture content in the coal.

With regard to the maceral content, differences have been noted between the different maceral groups with inertinite being the most reactive. In more general terms of the character of the coal, gasification technologies generally require some initial processing of the coal feedstock with the type and degree of pre-treatment a function of the process and/or the type of coal. For example, the Lurgi process will accept lump coal (1 inch [25 mm] to 28 mesh), but it must be non-caking coal with the fines removed. The caking, agglomerating coals tend to form a plastic mass in the bottom of a gasifier and subsequently plug up the system, thereby markedly reducing process efficiency.

With some coal feedstocks, the higher the amounts of volatile matter produced in the early stages of the gasification process, the higher the heat content of the product gas. In some cases, the highest gas quality may be produced at the lowest temperatures, but when the temperature is too low, char oxidation reaction is suppressed and the overall heat content of the product gas is diminished.

Coals of the western United States tend to have lower heating values, lower sulfur contents, and higher moisture content relative to bituminous coals from the eastern United States. The efficiency loss associated with high moisture and ash content coals is more significant for slurry-feed gasifiers. Consequently, dry-feed gasifiers, such as the Shell gasifier, may be more appropriate for low-quality coals. There is also the possibility that western coals can be combined with petroleum coke in order to increase the heating value and decrease the moisture content of the gasification feedstock.

9.3 Gas products

The products from the gasification of coal may be of low-, medium-, or high-heat content (high-Btu) as dictated by the process as well as by the ultimate use for the gas (Chapter 1) (Anderson & Tillman, 1979; Argonne, 1990; Baker & Rodriguez, 1990; Bodle & Huebler, 1981; Cavagnaro, 1980; Fryer & Speight, 1976; Lahaye & Ehrburger, 1991; Mahajan & Walker, 1978; Matsukata, Kikuchi, & Morita, 1992; Probstein & Hicks, 1990). Furthermore, variation in coal quality has an impact on the heating value of the product gas as well as the conditions in the gasifier (i.e., temperature, heating rate, pressure, and residence time) (Speight, 2013a,2013b).

The gasification process involves two distinct stages: (1) coal devolatilization followed by (2) char gasification, which is specific to the conditions of the reaction. Both stages have an effect on the yield and quality of the product gas.

Depending on the type of coal being processed and the analysis of the gas product desired, pressure also plays a role in product definition (Speight, 2013a). In fact, some (or all) of the following processing steps will be required: (1) pre-treatment of the coal (if caking is a problem); (2) primary gasification of the coal; (3) secondary gasification of the carbonaceous residue from the primary gasifier; (4) removal of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and other acid gases; (5) shift conversion for adjustment of the carbon monoxide/hydrogen mole ratio to the desired ratio; and (6) catalytic methanation of the carbon monoxide/hydrogen mixture to form methane. If high-heat content (high-Btu) gas is desired, all of these processing steps are required because coal gasifiers do not yield methane in the concentrations required (Cusumano, Dalla Betta, & Levy, 1978; Mills, 1969).

9.3.1 Coal devolatilization

Devolatilization occurs when the coal is heated above 400 °C (750 °F). During this period, the coal structure is altered, producing solid char, tars, condensable liquids, and light gases. The devolatilization products formed in an inert gas atmosphere are very different from those in an atmosphere containing hydrogen at elevated pressure. After devolatilization, char then gasifies at a lower rate. The specific reactions that take place during this second stage depend on the gasification medium.

After the rate of devolatilization has passed a maximum, another reaction occurs in which the semi-char is converted to char primarily through the evolution of hydrogen. In a hydrogen atmosphere at elevated pressure, additional yields of methane or other low molecular weight gaseous hydrocarbon can result during the initial coal gasification stage from reactions such as (1) direct hydrogenation of coal or semi-char because of active intermediate formed in coal structure after coal pyrolysis, and (2) the hydrogenation of other gaseous hydrocarbons, oils, tars, and carbon oxides.

9.3.2 Char gasification

Char gasification occurs as the char reacts with gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and steam (H2O) to produce carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2):



The resulting gas (producer gas or synthesis gas) may be more efficiently converted to electricity than is typically possible by direct combustion of coal. Also, corrosive ash elements such as chloride and potassium may be refined out by the gasification process, allowing high temperature combustion of the gas from otherwise problematic coal feedstocks.

Although the devolatilization reaction is completed in short order (typically in seconds) at elevated temperatures, the subsequent gasification of the char is much slower, requiring minutes or hours to obtain significant conversion under practical conditions. In fact, reactor design for commercial gasification processes is largely dependent on the reactivity of the char.

The reactivity of char produced in the pyrolysis step depends on the nature of the parent coal; it increases with oxygen content of the parent coal but decreases with carbon content. In general, char produced from low-rank coal is more reactive than char produced from high-rank coal. The reactivity of char from low-rank coal may be influenced by catalytic effect of mineral matter in char. In addition, as the carbon content of coal increases, the reactive functional groups present in coal decrease and the coal substance becomes more aromatic and cross-linked in nature (Speight, 2013a). Therefore, char obtained from high-rank coal contains a lesser number of functional groups and a higher proportion of aromatic and cross-linked structures, which reduce reactivity. The rate of gasification of the char decreases as the process temperature increases due to the decrease in active surface area of char. So, a change of char preparation temperature may change the chemical nature of char, which in turn may change the gasification rate (Johnson, 1979; Penner, 1987; Speight, 2013a).

9.3.3 Gasification chemistry

Coal gasification occurs under reducing conditions – coal (in the presence of steam and oxygen at high temperature and moderate pressure) is converted to a mixture of product gases. The chemistry of coal gasification is but can be conveniently (and simply) represented by the following reactions:


si2_e  (9.1)


si3_e  (9.2)


si4_e  (9.3)


si5_e  (9.4)


si6_e  (9.5)


si7_e  (9.6)

Reactions (9.1) and (9.2) are exothermic oxidation reactions and provide most of the energy required by the endothermic gasification reactions (9.3) and (9.4). The oxidation reactions occur very rapidly, completely consuming all of the oxygen present in the gasifier, so that most of the gasifier operates under reducing conditions. Reaction (9.5) is the water-gas shift reaction, where water (steam) is converted to hydrogen. This reaction is used to alter the hydrogen/carbon monoxide ratio when synthesis gas is the desired product, such as for use in Fischer-Tropsch processes. Reaction (9.6) is favored by high pressure and low temperature and is therefore important mainly in lower temperature gasification systems. Methane formation is an exothermic reaction that does not consume oxygen and so it increases the efficiency of the gasification process and the final heat content of the product gas. Overall, ~ 70% of the heating value of the product gas is associated with the carbon monoxide and hydrogen, but this can be higher depending on the gasifier type (Chapter 2; Chadeesingh, 2011).

Depending on the gasifier technology employed and the operating conditions (Chapter 2), significant quantities of water, carbon dioxide, and methane can be present in the product gas, as well as a number of minor and trace components. Under the reducing conditions in the gasifier, most of the organically bound sulfur in the coal feedstock is converted to hydrogen sulfide (H2S), but a small amount (3-10% w/w) is converted to carbonyl sulfide (COS). Organically bound nitrogen in the coal feedstock is generally converted to gaseous nitrogen (N2), but small amounts of ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) are also formed. Any chlorine in the coal (which typically originates from tine in the coal seam) is converted to hydrogen chloride (HCl) with some chlorine present in the particulate matter (fly ash). Trace elements, such as mercury and arsenic, are released during gasification and partition among the different phases, such as fly ash, bottom ash, slag, and product gas.

9.3.4 Other process options Hydrogasification

Not all high-heat content (high-Btu) gasification technologies depend entirely on catalytic methanation. In fact, a number of gasification processes use hydrogasification – that is, the direct addition of hydrogen to coal under pressure to form methane (Anthony & Howard, 1976).



The hydrogen-rich gas for hydrogasification can be manufactured from steam by using the char that leaves the hydrogasifier. Appreciable quantities of methane are formed directly in the primary gasifier and the heat released by methane formation is at a sufficiently high temperature to be used in the steam-carbon reaction to produce hydrogen, which then requires less oxygen to produce heat for the steam-carbon reaction. Catalytic gasification

Catalysts are commonly used in the chemical and petroleum industries to increase reaction rates, sometimes making certain previously unachievable products possible (Hsu & Robinson, 2006; Speight, 2002, 2007). Use of appropriate catalysts not only reduces reaction temperature but it also improves the gasification rates. In addition, catalysts also reduce tar formation (McKee, 1981; Shinnar, Fortuna, & Shapira, 1982). Catalysts can also be used to favor or suppress the formation of certain components in the gaseous product. For example, in the production of synthesis gas (mixtures of hydrogen and carbon monoxide), methane is also produced in small amounts. Catalytic gasification can be used either to promote or to suppress methane formation.

Alkali metal salts of weak acids, such as potassium carbonate (K2CO3), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), potassium sulfide (K2S), and sodium sulfide (Na2S) can catalyze steam gasification of coal. Catalyst amounts on the order of 10-20% w/w potassium carbonate (K2CO3) will lower bituminous coal gasifier temperatures from 925 °C (1695 °F) to 700 °C (1090 °F), and the catalyst can be introduced to the gasifier impregnated on coal or char.

Ruthenium-containing catalysts are used primarily in the production of ammonia. It has been shown that ruthenium catalysts provide 5 to 10 times higher reactivity rates than other catalysts. However, ruthenium quickly becomes inactive due to its necessary supporting material, such as activated carbon, which is used to achieve effective reactivity. However, during the process, the carbon is consumed, thereby reducing the effect of the ruthenium catalyst.

Disadvantages of catalytic gasification include increased materials costs for the catalyst itself (often rare metals), as well as diminishing catalyst performance over time. Catalysts can be recycled, but their performance tends to diminish with age or by poisoning. The relative difficulty in reclaiming and recycling the catalyst can also be a disadvantage. For example, the potassium carbonate catalyst can be recovered from spent char with a simple water wash, but some catalysts may not be so accommodating. In addition to age, catalysts can also be diminished by poisoning. On the other hand, many catalysts are sensitive to particular chemical species that bond with the catalyst or alter it in such a way that it no longer functions. Sulfur, for example, can poison several types of catalysts, including palladium and platinum. Plasma gasification

Plasma is a high-temperature, highly ionized (electrically charged) gas capable of conducting electrical current. Plasma technology has a long history of development and has evolved into a valuable tool for engineers and scientists who need to use very high temperatures for new process applications (Kalinenko et al., 1993; Messerle & Ustimenko, 2007). Human-made plasma is formed by passing an electrical discharge through a gas such as air or oxygen (O2). The interaction of the gas with the electric arc dissociates the gas into electrons and ions, and causes its temperature to increase significantly, often (in theory) exceeding 6000 °C (10,830 °F).

Plasma technology has the following potential benefits over a typical coal gasification plant: (1) greater feedstock flexibility enabling coal, coal fines, mining waste, lignite, and other opportunity fuels (such as biomass and municipal solid waste) to be used as fuel without the need for pulverizing; (2) air blown and thus an oxygen plant is not required; (3) high conversion (> 99%) of carbonaceous matter to synthesis gas; (3) absence of tar in the synthesis; (4) capable of producing high-heating value synthesis gas suitable for use in a combustion turbine operation; (5) no char, ash, or residual carbon; (6) only producing a glassy slag with beneficial value; (7) high thermal efficiency; and (8) low carbon dioxide emissions.

In the process, the gasifier is heated by a plasma torch system located near the bottom of the gasifier. The coal feedstock is charged into the vertical gasifier (refractory-lined or water-cooled) at atmospheric pressure. A superheated blast of air, which may be enriched with oxygen, is provided to the bottom of the gasifier, at the stoichiometric amount required for gasification. The amount of air fed is such that the superficial velocity of the upward flowing gas is low, and the pulverized feedstock can be fed directly into the reactor. Additional air and/or steam can be provided at different levels of the gasifier to assist with pyrolysis and gasification. The temperature of the syngas leaving the top of the gasifier is maintained above 1000 °C (1830 °F). At this temperature, tar formation is eliminated.

9.3.5 Process optimization

The output and quality of the gas produced is determined by the equilibrium established when the heat of oxidation (combustion) balances the heat of vaporization and volatilization plus the sensible heat (temperature rise) of the exhaust gases. The quality of the outlet gas (BTU/ft.3) is determined by the amount of volatile gases (such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, water, carbon dioxide, and methane) in the gas stream.

In a gasifier, the coal particle is exposed to high temperatures generated from the partial oxidation of the carbon. As the particle is heated, any residual moisture (assuming that the coal has been pre-fired) is driven off and further heating of the particle begins to drive off the volatile gases. Discharge of these volatiles will generate a wide spectrum of hydrocarbons ranging from carbon monoxide and methane to long-chain hydrocarbons comprising tars, creosote, and heavy oil. At temperatures above 500 °C (930 °F), the conversion of the coal to char and ash is completed. In most of the early gasification processes, this was the desired by-product, but for gas generation the char provides the necessary energy to effect further heating. Typically, the char is contacted with air or oxygen and steam to generate the product gases.

Gasification of coal/char in a carbon dioxide atmosphere can be divided into two stages. The first stage is due to pyrolysis (removal of moisture content and devolatilization), which is comparatively at lower temperature and the second stage is char gasification by different oxygen/carbon dioxide mixtures at high temperature. In nitrogen and carbon dioxide environments from room temperature to 1000 °C (1830 °F), the mass loss rate of coal pyrolysis in nitrogen is lower than that of carbon dioxide due to the difference in properties of the bulk gases. The gasification process of pulverized coal in the oxygen/carbon dioxide environment is almost the same as compared with that in oxygen/nitrogen at the same oxygen concentration, but this effect is little bit delayed at high temperature. This may be due to the lower rate of diffusion of oxygen through carbon dioxide and the higher specific heat capacity of carbon dioxide. However, with the increase of oxygen concentration, the mass loss rate of coal also increases and hence it shortens the burnout time of coal. The optimum value oxygen/carbon dioxide ratio for the reaction of oxygen with the functional group present in the coal sample was found to be about 8%.

The combination of pyrolysis and gasification process can be the unique and fruitful technique, as it can save the prior use of gasifying medium and the production of fresh char simultaneously in one process. With the increase of heating rate, coal particles are faster heated in a short period of time and burned in a higher temperature region, but the increase in heating rate has almost no substantial effect on the combustion mechanism of coal. The increase of heating rate causes a decrease in activation energy value (Irfan, 2009).

9.4 Products and product quality

The products of coal gasification are varied insofar as the gas composition varies with the type of coal and the gasification system employed. Furthermore, the quality of gaseous product(s) must be improved by removal of any pollutants such as particulate matter and sulfur compounds before further use, particularly when the intended use is a water-gas shift or methanation (Cusumano et al., 1978; Probstein & Hicks, 1990; Speight, 2013a,2013b).

9.4.1 Low Btu gas

Low Btu gas (low-heat content gas) is the product when the oxygen is not separated from the air and, as a result, the gas product invariably has a low-heat content (150-300 Btu/ft3). Several important chemical reactions (Table 9.1), and a host of side reactions, are involved in the manufacture of low-heat content gas under the high temperature conditions employed. Low Btu gas (low-heat content gas) contains several components (Table 9.2). In medium-heat content gas, the H2/CO ratio varies from 2:3 to ~ 3:1, and the increased heating value correlates with higher methane and hydrogen content, as well as with lower carbon dioxide content.

Table 9.1

Coal gasification reactions

2C + O2 arrow.png; 2CO

C + O2 arrow.png; CO2

C + CO2 arrow.png; 2CO

CO + H2arrow.png; CO2 + H2 (shift reaction)

C + H2arrow.png; CO + H2 (water-gas reaction)

C + 2H2 arrow.png; CH4

2H2 + O2 arrow.png; 2H2O

CO + 2H2 arrow.png; CH3OH

CO + 3H2 arrow.png; CH4 + H2O (methanation reaction)

CO2 + 4 H2 arrow.png; CH4 + 2H2O

C + 2H2arrow.png; 2H2 + CO2

2C + H2 arrow.png; C2H2

CH4 + 2H2arrow.png; CO2 + 4H2

Table 9.2

Coal gasification products

Low-Btu gas (150-300 Btu/scf)Around 50% nitrogen, with smaller quantities of combustible H2 and CO, CO; and trace gases, such as methane
Medium-Btu gas (300-550 Btu/scf)Predominantly CO and H2, with some incombustible gases and sometimes methane
High-Btu gas (980-1080 Btu/scf)Almost pure methane

The nitrogen content of low-heat content gas ranges from somewhat less than 33% v/v to slightly more than 50% v/v and cannot be removed by any reasonable means, which limits the applicability of the gas to chemical synthesis. Two other noncombustible components, water and carbon dioxide, further lower the heating value of the gas. Water can be removed by condensation, and carbon dioxide by relatively straightforward chemical means.

The two major combustible components are hydrogen and carbon monoxide; the hydrogen/carbon monoxide ratio varies from ~ 2:3 to about 3:2. Methane may also make an appreciable contribution to the heat content of the gas. Of the minor components, hydrogen sulfide is the most significant and the amount produced is, in fact, proportional to the sulfur content of the feed coal. Any hydrogen sulfide present must be removed by one, or more, of several available on-stream commercial processes (Speight, 2007, 2013a, 2014).

9.4.2 Medium Btu gas

Medium Btu gas (medium-heat content gas) has a heating value in the range 300-550 Btu/ft3, and the composition is much like that of low-heat content gas, except that there is virtually no nitrogen. The primary combustible gases in medium-heat content gas are hydrogen and carbon monoxide (Kasem, 1979).

Medium-heat content gas is considerably more versatile than low-heat content gas; as with low-heat content gas, medium-heat content gas may be used directly as a fuel to raise steam, or used through a combined power cycle to drive a gas turbine, with the hot exhaust gases employed to raise steam. Medium-heat content gas, however, is especially amenable to synthesizing methane by methanation, higher hydrocarbons by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, methanol, and a variety of synthetic chemicals (Chadeesingh, 2011; Davis and Occelli, 2010).

The reactions used to produce medium-heat content gas are the same as those employed for low-heat content gas synthesis, with the major difference being the application of a nitrogen barrier, such as the use of pure oxygen, to keep diluent nitrogen out of the system.

9.4.3 High Btu gas

High Btu gas (high-heat content gas) is essentially pure methane and often referred to as synthetic natural gas (SNG) (Kasem, 1979; Speight, 1990, 2013a). However, to qualify as a synthetic natural gas, a product must contain at least 95% methane, and the energy content of synthetic natural gas is 980-1080 Btu/ft3. The commonly accepted approach to the synthesis of high-heat content gas is the catalytic reaction of hydrogen and carbon monoxide.



During this process, the hydrogen is usually present in slight excess to ensure that the toxic carbon monoxide is reacted; this small quantity of hydrogen will lower the heat content to a small degree.

The carbon monoxide/hydrogen reaction is somewhat inefficient as a means of producing methane because the reaction liberates large quantities of heat. In addition, the methanation catalyst is troublesome and prone to poisoning by sulfur compounds, and the decomposition of metals can destroy the catalyst. Thus, hydrogasification may be employed to minimize the need for methanation.



The product of hydrogasification is not pure methane. Additional methanation is required after hydrogen sulfide and other impurities are removed.

9.4.4 Methane

Several exothermic reactions may occur simultaneously within a methanation unit (Seglin, 1975). A variety of metals have been used as catalysts for the methanation reaction, and the most common, and to some extent the most effective, methanation catalysts appear to be nickel and ruthenium, with nickel being the most widely used (Cusumano et al., 1978; Seglin, 1975; Tucci & Thompson, 1979; Watson, 1980). The synthesis gas must be desulfurized before the methanation step, because sulfur compounds will rapidly deactivate (poison) the catalysts (Cusumano et al., 1978). A problem may arise when the concentration of carbon monoxide is excessive in the stream to be methanated. Large amounts of heat must be removed from the system to prevent high temperatures and deactivation of the catalyst by sintering as well as the deposition of carbon (Cusumano et al., 1978). So, to eliminate carbon deposition, process temperatures should be maintained below 400oC (750 °F).

9.4.5 Hydrogen

Hydrogen is also produced by coal gasification (Johnson, Yang, & Ogden, 2007). Although several gasifier types exist (Chapter 2), entrained-flow gasifiers are considered most appropriate for producing both hydrogen and electricity from coal. This is because they operate at temperatures high enough (~ 1500 °C, 2730 °F) to enable high carbon conversion and prevent downstream fouling from tars and other residuals.

In the process, the coal undergoes three processes in its conversation to synthesis gas. The first two processes, pyrolysis and combustion, occur very rapidly. In pyrolysis, char is produced as the coal heats up and the volatiles are released. In the combustion process, the volatile products and some of the char react with oxygen to produce various products (primarily carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide) and the heat required for subsequent gasification reactions. Finally, in the third process – gasification – the coal char reacts with steam to produce hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO).







The resulting syngas is ~ 63% v/v carbon monoxide, 34% v/v hydrogen, and 3% v/v carbon dioxide. At the gasifier temperature, the ash and other coal mineral matter liquefy and exit at the bottom of the gasifier as slag, a sand-like inert material that can be sold as a co-product to other industries (such as the road-building industry). The synthesis gas exits the gasifier at high pressure and high temperature and must be cooled prior to the syngas cleaning stage.

Although processes that use the high temperature to raise high-pressure steam are more efficient for electricity production (Speight, 2013b), full-quench cooling, by which the synthesis gas is cooled by the direct injection of water, is more appropriate for hydrogen production and provides the necessary steam to facilitate the catalytic water gas shift reaction:



Unlike pulverized coal combustion plants in which expensive emissions control technologies are required to scrub contaminants from large volumes of flue gas, smaller and less expensive emissions control technologies are appropriate for coal gasification plants because the clean-up occurs in the syngas. The synthesis gas is at high pressure and contains contaminants at high partial pressures, which facilitates gas cleaning.

As with other processes, the characteristics of the coal feedstock (e.g., heating value and ash, moisture, and sulfur content) have a substantial impact on plant efficiency and emissions. As a result, the cost of producing hydrogen from coal gasification can vary substantially, depending on the proximity to appropriate coal types.

9.4.6 Other products

There is a series of products that are called by older (even archaic) names that should also be mentioned here for clarification: (1) producer gas, (2) water gas, (3) town gas, and (4) synthetic natural gas.

Producer gas is a low-Btu gas obtained from a coal gasifier (fixed-bed) when air instead of oxygen is introduced into the fuel bed. The composition of the producer gas is ~ 28% v/v carbon monoxide, 55% v/v nitrogen, 12% v/v hydrogen, and 5% v/v methane with some carbon dioxide.

Water gas is a medium-Btu gas that is produced by the introduction of steam into the hot fuel bed of the gasifier. The composition of the gas is ~ 50% v/v hydrogen and 40% v/v carbon monoxide with small amounts of nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

Town gas is a medium-Btu gas that is produced in the coke ovens and has the following approximate composition: 55% v/v hydrogen, 27% v/v methane, 6% v/v carbon monoxide, 10% v/v nitrogen, and 2% v/v carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide can be removed from the gas by catalytic treatment with steam to produce carbon dioxide and hydrogen.

Synthetic natural gas (SNG) is methane obtained from the reaction of carbon monoxide or carbon with hydrogen. Depending on the methane concentration, the heating value can be in the range of high-Btu gases.

9.5 Production of chemicals

The coal carbonization industry was established initially as a means of producing coke, but a secondary industry emerged (in fact, became necessary) to deal with the secondary or by-products (namely, gas, ammonia liquor, crude benzole, and tar) produced during carbonization (Table 9.3; Speight, 2013a).

Table 9.3

Products (% w/w) from coal carbonization

ProductLow TemperatureHigh Temperature
Light oils2.00.5

Source: Speight, 2013a.

9.5.1 Coal tar chemicals

Coal tar is a black or dark brown liquid or a high-viscosity semi-solid that is one of the by-products formed when coal is carbonized. Coal tars are complex and variable mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phenols, and heterocyclic compounds. Because of its flammable composition, coal tar is often used for fire boilers in order to create heat. They must be heated before any heavy oil flows easily.

By comparison, coal tar creosote is a distillation product of coal tar and consists of aromatic hydrocarbons, anthracene, naphthalene, and phenanthrene derivatives. At least 75% of the coal tar creosote mixture is PAHs. Unlike the coal tars and coal tar creosotes, coal tar pitch is a residue produced during the distillation of coal tar. The pitch is a shiny, dark brown to black residue that contains PAHs and their methyl and poly-methyl derivatives, as well as heteronuclear aromatic compounds.

Primary distillation of crude tar produces pitch (residue) and several distillate fractions, the amounts and boiling ranges of which are influenced by the nature of the crude tar (which depends on the coal feedstock) and the processing conditions. For example, in the case of the tar from continuous vertical retorts, the objective is to concentrate the tar acids (phenol derivatives, cresol derivatives, and xylenol derivatives) into carbolic oil fractions. On the other hand, the objective with coke oven tar is to concentrate the naphthalene and anthracene components into naphthalene oil and anthracene oil, respectively.

The first step in refining benzole is steam distillation, which is employed to remove compounds boiling below benzene. To obtain pure products, the benzole can be distilled to yield a fraction containing benzene, toluene, and xylene(s). Benzene is used in the manufacture of numerous products, including nylon, gammexane, polystyrene, phenol, nitrobenzene, and aniline. On the other hand, toluene is a starting material in the preparation of saccharin, trinitrotoluene, and polyurethane foams. The xylenes present in the light oil are not always separated into the individual pure isomers because xylene mixtures can be marketed as specialty solvents. Higher boiling fractions of the distillate from the tar contain pyridine bases, naphtha, and coumarone resins. Other tar bases occur in the higher boiling range and these are mainly quinoline, iso-quinoline, and quinaldine.

Pyridine has long been used as a solvent in the production of rubber chemicals and textile water-repellant agents, and in the synthesis of drugs. The derivatives 2-benzylpyridine and 2-aminopyridine are used in the preparation of antihistamines. Another market for pyridine is in the manufacture of the non-persistent herbicides diquat and paraquat. Alpha-picoline (2-picoline; 2-methylpryridine) is used for the production of 2-vinylpyridine, which, when co-polymerized with butadiene and styrene, produces a used as a latex adhesive that is used in the manufacture of car tires. Other uses are in the preparation of 2-beta-methoxyethylpyridine (known as Promintic, an anthelmintic for cattle) and in the synthesis of a 2-picoline quaternary compound (Amprolium), which is used against coccidiosis in young poultry. Beta-picoline (3-picoline; 3-methylpryridine) can be oxidized to nicotinic acid, which, with the amide form (nicotinamide), belongs to the vitamin B complex; both products are widely used to fortify human and animal diets. Gama-picoline (4-picoline; 4-methylpyridine) is an intermediate in the manufacture of isonicotinic acid hydrazide (Isoniazide), which is a tuberculostatic drug. And 2,6-Lutidine (2,6-dimethylpyridine) can be converted to dipicolinic acid, which is used as a stabilizer for hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid.

Solvent naphtha and heavy naphtha are the mixtures obtained when the 150-200 °C (300-390 °F) fraction, after removal of tar acids and tar bases, is fractionated. These naphtha fractions are used as solvents.

The tar-acid-free and tar-base-free coke-oven naphtha can be fractionated to give a narrow-boiling fraction (170-185 °C; 340-365 °F) containing coumarone and indene. This is treated with strong sulfuric acid to remove unsaturated components and is then washed and re-distilled. The concentrate is heated with a catalyst (such as a boron fluoride/phenol complex) to polymerize the indene and part of the coumarone. Unreacted oil is distilled off and the resins obtained vary from pale amber to dark brown in color. They are used in the production of flooring tiles and in paints and polishes.

Naphthalene and several tar acids are the important products extracted from volatile oils from coal tar. It is necessary to first extract the phenolic compounds from the oils and then to process the phenol-depleted oils for naphthalene recovery.

Tar acids are produced by extraction of the oils with aqueous caustic soda at a temperature sufficient to prevent naphthalene from crystallizing. The phenols react with the sodium hydroxide to give the corresponding sodium salts an aqueous extract known variously as crude sodium phenate, sodium phenolate, sodium carbolate, or sodium cresylate. The extract is separated from the phenol-free oils that are then taken for naphthalene recovery.

Naphthalene is probably the most abundant component in high-temperature coal tars. The primary fractionation of the crude tar concentrates the naphthalene into oils which, in the case of coke-oven tar, contain the majority (75-90% w/w) of the total naphthalene. After separation, naphthalene can be oxidized to produce phthalic anhydride, which is used in the manufacture of alkyd and glyptal resins and plasticizers for polyvinyl chloride and other plastics.

The main chemical extracted on the commercial scale from the higher-boiling oils (b.p. 250 °C, 480 °F) is crude anthracene. The majority of the crude anthracene is used in the manufacture of dyes after purification and oxidation to anthraquinone.

Creosote is the residual distillate oils obtained when the valuable components, such as naphthalene, anthracene, tar acids, and tar bases, have been removed from the corresponding fractions. Creosote is a brownish-black/yellowish-dark green oily liquid with a characteristic sharp odor, obtained by the fractional distillation of crude coal tars. The approximate distillation range is 200-400 °C (390-750 °F). The chemical composition of creosotes is influenced by the origin of the coal and also by the nature of the distilling process. As a result, the creosote components are rarely consistent in their type and concentration.

As a corollary to this section where the emphasis has been on the production of bulk chemicals from coal, a tendency-to-be-forgotten item must also be included. That is the mineral ash from coal processes. Coal minerals are a very important part of the coal matrix; it offers the potential for the recovery of valuable inorganic materials (Speight, 2013a). However, there is another aspect of the mineral content of coal that must be addressed, and it relates to the use of the ash as materials for roadbed stabilization, landfill cover, cementing (due to the content of pozzolanic materials), and wall construction.

9.5.2 Fischer-Tropsch chemicals

Fischer-Tropsch chemicals are those chemicals produced by conversion of the synthesis gas mixture (carbon monoxide, CO, and hydrogen, H2) to higher molecular weight liquid fuels and other chemicals (Chadeesingh, 2011; Penner, 1987; Speight, 2013a). In principle, syngas can be produced from any hydrocarbon feedstock. These include natural gas, naphtha, residual oil, petroleum coke, coal, and biomass.

The synthesis of hydrocarbons from carbon monoxide and hydrogen (the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis) is a procedure for the indirect liquefaction of coal (Anderson, 1984; Dry & Erasmus, 1987). This process is the only coal liquefaction scheme currently in use on a relatively large commercial scale. South Africa is currently using the Fischer-Tropsch process on a commercial scale in their SASOL (South Africa) complex, although Germany produced roughly 156 million barrels of synthetic petroleum annually using the Fischer-Tropsch process during the Second World War. Fischer-Tropsch process

In the Fischer-Tropsch process, coal is converted to gaseous products at temperatures in excess of 800 °C (1470 °F), and at moderate pressures, to produce synthesis gas.



In practice, the FT reaction is generally carried out at temperatures in the range 200-350 °C (390-660 °F) and at pressures of 75-4000 psi; the hydrogen/carbon monoxide ratio is usually at ca. 2.2:1 or 2.5:1. Because up to three volumes of hydrogen may be required to achieve the next stage of the liquids production, the synthesis gas must then be converted by means of the water-gas shift reaction to the desired level of hydrogen after which the gaseous mix is purified (acid gas removal, etc.) and converted to a wide variety of hydrocarbons.





These reactions result primarily in low- and medium-boiling aliphatic compounds; present commercial objectives are focused on the conditions that result in the production of n-hydrocarbons as well as olefins and oxygenated materials (Speight, 2013a). Fischer-Tropsch catalysts

Catalysts play a major role in syngas conversion reactions. For hydrocarbon and synthesis of higher molecular weight alcohols, dissociation of carbon monoxide is a necessary reaction condition. For methanol synthesis, the carbon monoxide molecule remains intact. Hydrogen has two roles in catalytic syngas synthesis reactions. In addition to being a reactant needed for hydrogenation of carbon monoxide, it is commonly used to reduce the metalized synthesis catalysts and activate the metal surface. A variety of catalysts can be used for the Fischer-Tropsch process, but the most common are the transition metals cobalt, iron, and ruthenium. Nickel can also be used, but it tends to favor methane formation (methanation).

Cobalt-based catalysts are highly active, although iron may be more suitable for low-hydrogen-content synthesis gases such as those derived from coal due to its promotion of the water-gas-shift reaction. In addition to the active metal, the catalysts typically contain a number of promoters, such as potassium and copper.

Group 1 alkali metals (including potassium) are poisons for cobalt catalysts but are promoters for iron catalysts. Catalysts are supported on high-surface-area binders/supports such as silica, alumina, and zeolites (Spath & Dayton, 2003). Cobalt catalysts are more active for FT synthesis when the feedstock is natural gas. Natural gas has a high hydrogen to carbon ratio, so the water-gas shift is not needed for cobalt catalysts. Iron catalysts are preferred for lower-quality feedstocks such as coal or biomass. Unlike the other metals used for this process (Co, Ni, Ru), which remain in the metallic state during synthesis, iron catalysts tend to form a number of phases, including various oxides and carbides during the reaction. Control of these phase transformations can be important in maintaining catalytic activity and preventing breakdown of the catalyst particles.

Fischer-Tropsch catalysts are sensitive to poisoning by sulfur-containing compounds. The sensitivity of the catalyst to sulfur is greater for cobalt-based catalysts than for their iron counterparts. Promoters also have an important influence on activity. Alkali metal oxides and copper are common promoters, but the formulation depends on the primary metal, iron versus cobalt (Spath & Dayton, 2003). Alkali oxides on cobalt catalysts generally cause activity to drop severely, even with very low alkali loadings. C5 + and carbon dioxide selectivity increase, wherease methane and C2 to C4 selectivity decrease. In addition, the olefin to paraffin ratio increases. Product distribution

The product distribution of hydrocarbons formed during the Fischer-Tropsch process follows an Anderson-Schulz-Flory distribution (Spath & Dayton, 2003):



where Wn = the weight fraction of hydrocarbon molecules containing n carbon atoms, and α = the chain growth probability or the probability that a molecule will continue reacting to form a longer chain. In general, α is largely determined by the catalyst and the specific process conditions.

According to the preceding equation, methane will always be the largest single product; however, by increasing α close to one, the total amount of methane formed can be minimized compared to the sum of all of the various long-chained products. Therefore, for production of liquid transportation fuels it may be necessary to crack the Fischer-Tropsch longer chain products.

It has been proposed that zeolites or other catalyst substrates with fixed-sized pores can restrict the formation of hydrocarbons longer than some characteristic size (usually n < 10). This would tend to drive the reaction to minimum methane formation without producing the waxy products.

9.6 Advantages and limitations

The production of gas from coal has been a vastly expanding area of coal technology for power generation. In reality, it is another form of coal-fired power generation in which coal is used as the feedstock to produce the hot gases to drive the turbines. As with combustion processes, coal characteristics such as rank, mineral matter, particle size, and reaction conditions are all recognized as having a bearing on the outcome of the gasification process – not only in terms of gas yields but also on gas properties (Hanson, Patrick, & Walker, 2002; Massey, 1974).

Coal gasification technology offers the poly-generation co-production of electric power, liquid fuels, chemicals, hydrogen, and from the syngas generated from gasification. Chemical gasification plants based on entrained flow, and more specifically on moving-bed technologies, are currently operating all over the world, with the biggest plants located in South Africa (SASOL) (Speight, 2008, 2013a). In addition, gasification is an important step of the indirect liquefaction of coal for production of liquid fuels (Speight, 2008, 2013a). Another advantage is the ability of the gasifier technology to accommodate feedstock other than coal either separately or as a blend with coal (Speight, 2013a,2013b).

One of the major environmental advantages of coal gasification is the opportunity to remove impurities such as sulfur. Mercury, and soot before burning the fuel, using readily available chemical engineering processes. In addition, the ash produced is in a vitreous or glass-like state that can be recycled as concrete aggregate – unlike pulverized coal combustion plants that generate ash that must be landfilled, potentially contaminating groundwater.

The increased efficiency of the “combined cycle” for electrical power generation results in a 50% decrease in emissions of carbon dioxide compared to conventional coal plants. To develop economical methods of carbon sequestration, which is the removal of carbon dioxide from combustion by-products to prevent its release to the atmosphere, coal gasification units could be modified to further reduce their climate change impact because a large part of the carbon dioxide generated can be separated from the synthesis gas before combustion.

However, coal gasification, while providing a route to deriving energy from coal which facilitates the removal of ash and sulfur, has two major disadvantages: (1) the process consumes large quantities of water, especially significant in arid western states where some of the largest coal reserves are located, and (2) the process is less efficient than direct combustion. Some reactors provide limited optimization of either process efficiency or water consumption. Performance optimization is both application- and site-specific, and the choice of a coal gasification system depends to a large extent on the requirements and locations of the end-use markets.


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