

2B+D, 301

5-4-3 rule, 229

10 Gigabit Ethernet

10GBaseER/EW, 235

10GBaseLR/LW, 235

10GBaseSR/SW, 234

10GBaseT, 236

10Base2, 228–229

10BaseFL, 230

10BaseT, 229

100BaseT4, 231

100BaseTX, 231

568A standard, 77

568B standard, 77

802.11 standards, 252–254

802.1X, 272–273

1000BaseT, 234

1000BaseX, 232–233



accountability, 568

authentication, 562

biometrics, 565

multifactor, 565–566

password policies, 562–563

password strength, 563–564

tokens, 565

authorization, 566

RADIUS, 568–569

TACACS+, 570

access control, 268

access methods, 223

CSMA/CA, 225

CSMA/CD, 224–225

token passing, 226

accountability, 568

ACLs (access control lists), 540–541

action plan, creating, 403–404

ad hoc wireless networks, 27

ad hoc wireless topology, 48

adapter teaming, 363

address classes, 189–190

address resolution, DNS, 160–161

entry types, 162

practical implementation of, 163

address translation, NAT, 210–211

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), 307

advanced switch features

PoE, 106

port authentication, 107

port mirroring, 106

trunking, 106

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 271

agents (SNMP), 165

AH (authentication header), 549

antivirus software, 590–591

APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing), 192

application layer (OSI model), 334

application logs, 501

application-layer firewalls, 537

applying service packs, 594–595

APs (access points), 246–247

beacons, 259–260

configuring, 260–262

coverage, troubleshooting, 266–267

OSI layer of operation, 337

security, 273

site surveys, 265

SSIDs, 247

archive bit, 369

ARP, 156–157

arp ping utility, 447–448

arp utility, 445–447


association process, 262

asymmetric encryption, 571

AT commands, 119, 306

ATM, 298–299

attacks, 587, 590

DoS, 587–589

preventing, 590–591

attenuation, 64, 410

authentication, 263, 269, 562

biometrics, 565

Kerberos, 572–573

multifactor, 565–566

password policies, 562–563

password strength, 563–564

tokens, 565

authorization, 269, 566


backups, 368

best practices, 373–374

differential backups, 370

full backups, 369

incremental backups, 370

methods, comparing, 371

offsite storage, 372–373

rotation schedules, 371

bandwidth, 63, 223, 312

bandwidth shapers, 130–131

baseband transmission, 227

baselines, 487–488

baud rate, 120

beacons, 259–260

binary numbering system, 188

biometrics, 530–531, 565

blind patching, 594

BNC connectors, 228

bonding, 226

BOOTP, 191

bps rate, 120

BRI (Basic Rate Interface), 301

bridges, 110

implementing, 111–114

OSI layer of operation, 336

broadband, 228, 309, 313

broadcast addresses, 193

brouters, 116

BSA, 248

BSS (Basic Service Set), 47, 248

buffering, 333

bus topology, 41–42

butt sets, 512


cable certifiers, 505–506

cable Internet access, 310–312

cable modems, 310

cable testers, 509


coaxial, 69–70

crossover, 78

fiber-optic, 70–72

horizontal, 81–82

loopback, 80

purchasing, 230

rollover, 80

standards, 77

straight-through, 78

troubleshooting, 407–411

twisted-pair, 67–68

verifying installation, 87–88

vertical, 82

caching engines, 381–382

call-waiting, troubleshooting, 305

CANs (Controller Area Networks), 27

capturing statistics, 488

CAs (certificate authorities), 577–578

categories of twisted-pair cable, 67

centralized computing, 33

certificates, 575

CAs, 577–578

trusts, 576–577

channels, 254–257

checksums, 329

chromatic dispersion, 64

CIDR (classless inter-domain routing), 193

circuit switching, 290, 330

circuit-level firewalls, 537

class=X switch, 463

client/server networking model, 30–33

client computers, 32

servers, 31

coaxial cable, 69–70

cold sites, 375

cold spares, 375

cold swapping, 375

collisions, 410

command-line tools

arp, 445–447

arp ping, 447–448

dig, 464, 466

host, 466

ifconfig, 460–461

ipconfig, 457–460

mtr, 445

nbtstat, 455–456

netstat, 448–454

nslookup, 461–464

ping, 432–433

error messages, 437–439

switches, 434–435

troubleshooting procedures, 435–436

route, 466–467

traceroute, 439–445

communities (SNMP), 166


backup methods, 371

LANs and WANs, 27

malware types, 586

component baselines, 488

configuration documentation, 490


APs, 260–262

wireless networking, 263

connecting to hotspots, 315–316

connection speed

modems, 119

troubleshooting, 305–306

connection-oriented protocols, 151, 332

connectionless protocols, 333

connectivity, troubleshooting, 413–415


F-Type, 73

fiber, 74

IEEE 1394, 75

RJ, 72

RS-232 standard, 74

USB, 76

content switches, 127–128

count to infinity, 207

coverage (APs), troubleshooting, 266–267

cross connects, 81

crossover cabling, 78

crosstalk, 63, 409

cryptography, 571

CSMA/CA (carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance), 225

CSMA/CD (carrier sense multiple access/collision detection), 224–225

CSU/DSU (channel service unit/data service unit), 133

cut-through switching, 105


DAC (discretionary access control), 579

data link layer (OSI model), 329

data rate, 63, 251

datagram packet switching, 289–290

DCE (data communication equipment), 295

DDoS attacks, 587–589

decapsulation, 327

decentralized networking, 29

dedicated local bandwidth, 312

default gateways, 194

delivery mechanisms for malware, 583–584

demarcation point, 86–87

development of TCP/IP, 148

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 167–170, 191

DHCP servers, 126–127

DHSS, 258

dial-up Internet access, 303–305

differential backups, 370

dig utility, 464–466

directional wireless antennas, 250

disaster recovery

backup methods, 368

best practices, 373–374

comparing, 371

differential backups, 370

full backups, 369

GFS rotation, 371

incremental backups, 370

offsite storage, 372–373

cold sites, 375

hot sites, 376

sites, 375

warm sites, 376

disk mirroring, 355

distance-vector routing protocols, 206–208

distributed computing, 33

distributed parity, 358

DMZ (demilitarized zone), 538

DNAT (Destination Network Address Translation), 211

DNS (Domain Name System), 159–160

entry types, 162

practical implementation of, 163

DNS records, 463

DNS servers, 129–130

documentation, 480

baselines, 487–488

configuration documentation, 490

network diagrams, 484

logical network documentation, 486–487

physical network documentation, 484–485

policies, 488–489

procedures, 489–490

regulations, 491

wiring schematics, 481–483

domain names, 161

DoS attacks, 587–589

drop cable, 42

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), 307–310

DTE (data terminal equipment), 295

DUAL (Diffusing Update Algorithm), 208

dynamic addressing, 191

dynamic WEP, 270


echo, troubleshooting, 410

EGPs (exterior gateway protocols), 209

EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), 208

EMI (electromagnetic interference), 62, 409

encapsulation, 327

encryption, 263, 269, 545

enforcing password history, 563

error detection, 329

escalation procedures, 403, 417–418

ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), 549

ESS (Extended Service Set), 47, 248

ESSID (Extended Service Set ID), 248

Ethernet standards

10Base2, 228–229

10BaseFL, 230

10BaseT, 229

10GBaseER/EW, 235

10GBaseLR/LW, 235

10GBaseSR/SW, 234

10GBaseT, 236

100BaseFX, 231

100BaseT4, 231

100BaseTX, 231

1000BaseT, 234

1000BaseX, 232–233


F-Type connectors, 73

Fast Ethernet, 231

fault tolerance, 290, 351–353

link redundancy, 363

RAID, 353, 362

level, selecting, 361–362

RAID 0, 354–355

RAID 1, 355–358

RAID 5, 358–360

RAID 10, 360

server clustering, 367–368

standby servers, 366–367

UPSs, 364–366

FDM (frequency-division multiplexing), 228

FEXT (far-end crosstalk), 409

FHSS (Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum), 257

fiber connectors, 74

fiber-optic cable, 70–72

firewalls, 125–126, 532–534

application-layer firewalls, 537

circuit-level firewalls, 537

DMZs, 538

network layer, 536–537

purpose of, 534–535

stateful/stateless, 536

FireWire, 75

flow control, 333

fox and hound, 508

FQDNs (fully-qualified domain names), 161

fractional subnetting, 196

fractional T, 297

Fraggle attacks, 588

Frame Relay, 293–295

freestanding devices, 109

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 151

full backups, 369

full-duplex transmission, 66, 103–104


gain value, 249

gateways, 117–118

gathering information, 397–399

GFS rotation, 371

Gigabit Ethernet

1000BaseT, 234

1000BaseX, 232–233


half-duplex transmission, 65, 103

half-open connections, 150

hardware, troubleshooting, 411–412

hardware RAID, 362

hardware room best practices, 531–532

hierarchical name tree, 166

hierarchical star topology, 43

high-bandwidth applications

video applications, 379

VoIP, 378–379

history logs, 502

hold-down timers, 206

horizontal cross connect, 81–82

host addresses, 188

host command, 466

host-based firewalls, 533

hot sites, 376

hot spare drives, 360

hot spares, 374

hot swapping, 360, 374

hotfixes, 595

hotspots, 315–316

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), 154

HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure), 154

hubs, 100–102

indicator lights, 109

managed, 109–110

OSI layer of operation, 336

ports, 107

hybrid networks, 33

hybrid switches, 108

hybrid topologies, mesh, 51

Hz (Hertz), 254


ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 156

IDCs (insulation displacement connectors), 84


IPv6 addresses, 201–202

TCP/IP port numbers, 173–175

identifying problems, 399–400, 402

IDF (intermediate distribution frame), 85

IEEE 802 standards, 221

access methods, 223

CSMA/CA, 225

CSMA/CD, 224–225

token passing, 226

bonding, 226

speed, 223

IEEE 802.3 standards

10Base2, 228–229

10BaseFL, 230

10BaseT, 229

10GBaseER/EW, 235

10GBaseLR/LW, 235

10GBaseSR/SW, 234

10GBaseT, 236

100BaseFX, 231

100BaseT4, 231

100BaseTX, 231

1000BaseT, 234

1000BaseX, 232–233

IEEE 802.11 standards, 252–253

802.11n, 254

channels, 255–257

IEEE 802.1X, 272–273

IEEE 1394 standard, 75

ifconfig utility, 460–461

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol), 158

IGPs (interior gateway protocols), 209

implementing bridges, 111–114

incremental backups, 370

independent routing, 288

indicator lights, 109

infrastructure wireless topology, 47


media, 65

NICs, 123–124

interference, 62–63, 264–265

Internet access, 24, 285

cable, 310–312

DSL, 307–310

POTS, 303–307

satellite, 313–314

internetworks, 25

IP (Internet Protocol), 149

ipconfig command, 255

ipconfig utility, 457–460

IPS/IDS, 128, 539


AH, 549

ESP, 549

transmission modes, 550

IPv4 addressing, 188, 198

APIPA, 192

BOOTP, 191

broadcast addresses, 193

CIDR, 193

classes, 189–190

default gateways, 194

dynamic addressing, 191

private addresses, 199–200

private IP addressing, 200

public IP addressing, 200

static addressing, 191

subnet masks, 190

subnetting, 195–198

IPv6 addressing, 201

address types, 202

addresses, identifying, 201–202

IPX/SPX (Internet Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange), 146

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), 299–301

isotropic antenna, 249

iwconfig command, 255


Kerberos authentication, 572–573

keys, 269

L2TP (Layer 2 Transport Protocol), 548

LAN-to-LAN internetworking, 34

LANs, 25, 41

laser standards, 232

latency, 105

latency-sensitive applications

video applications, 379

VoIP, 378–379

Layer 1 (OSI model), 328–329

Layer 2 (OSI model), 329

Layer 3 (OSI model), 330–331

Layer 4 (OSI model), 332–333

Layer 5 (OSI model), 333

Layer 6 (OSI model), 333–334

Layer 7 (OSI model), 334

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 158

least privilege concept, 580

linear bus topology, 41–42

link redundancy, 363–364

link-state routing protocols, 208–209

load balancing, 129, 381

load testing, 498

lock and key access, 529

logging, 499, 503

application logs, 501

history logs, 502

security logs, 500–501

system logs, 502

logical network documentation, 486–487

logical security, 532

logical standards, 61

logical topologies, 41

long wavelength laser, 232

loopback cables, 80

LSAs (link-state advertisements), 208


MAC (mandatory access control), 578

MAC address-based VLANs, 39

MAC addresses, 103, 186–187

MAC filtering, 540

malware, 582


DoS, 587–589

preventing, 590–591

distribution, 583–584

payloads, 584

Trojan horses, 586

types of, comparing, 586

viruses, 585–586

worms, 586

man-in-the-middle attacks, 548, 564

managed switches, 109–110

managing processor failures, 368

MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks), 27

MDF (main distribution frame), 85

MDI (medium-dependent interface), 107

MDI-X (medium-dependent interface-crossover), 107, 311



categories, 67–68

coaxial, 69–70

fiber-optic, 70-72

twisted-pair, 67–68


F-Type, 73

fiber, 74

IEEE 1394, 75

RJ, 72

RS-232 standard, 74

USB, 76

data transmission rates, 63

installing, 65

interference, 62–63

length, 63–64

media converters, 124–125

media testers

multimeters, 511

OTDRs, 510

TDRs, 510

memory failures, 368

mesh topology, 45–47

mesh wireless topology, 50

message switching, 290–291, 330

metrics, 205

MIBs (management information bases), 165–166

MIMO (multiple input multiple output), 254

MMF (multi-mode fiber), 71

modems, 118–119

AT commands, 306

cable modems, 310

connection speeds, 119

troubleshooting, 306–307

monitoring the network

load testing, 498

logging, 499

application logs, 501

history logs, 502

log management, 503

security logs, 500–501

system logs, 502

performance testing, 498

port scanners, 495–498

stress testing, 499

throughput testing, 493–495

MSAU (multistation access unit), 45

mtr utility, 445

multicast addresses, 203

multicasting, 158

multifactor authentication, 565–566

multifunction network devices, 129

multilayer switches, 127

multimeters, 511


NAT (Network Address Translation), 210–211

nbtstat utility, 455–456

NetBEUI (NetBIOS Extended User Interface), 146

netstat utility, 448, 450–454

network access control

DAC, 579

MAC, 578

RBAC, 579

network access security

ACLs, 540–541

port blocking/filtering, 541–542

network addresses, 188

network administrators, responsibilities of, 527

network devices

bandwidth shapers, 130–131

bridges, 110–114

content switches, 127–128

CSUs/DSUs, 133

DHCP servers, 126–127

DNS servers, 129–130

firewalls, 125–126, 532–533

application-layer, 537

circuit-level, 537

DMZs, 538

network layer, 536–537

purpose of, 534–535

stateful/stateless, 536

gateways, 117–118

hubs, 100–102

indicator lights, 109

managed, 109–110

IPS/IDS, 128

LED indicators, 122

load balancers, 129

media converters, 124–125

modems, 118–119

multifunction network devices, 129

multilayer switches, 127

NICs, 120–124

OSI layer operation, 336–337

proxy servers, 131–133

repeaters, 110

routers, 114–117

switches, 102–103

full-duplex connections, 104

indicator lights, 109

managed, 109–110

PoE, 106

port authentication, 107

port mirroring, 106

switching methods, 105

trunking, 106

troubleshooting, 411–412

network diagrams

logical network documentation, 486–487

physical network documentation, 484–485

network layer (OSI model), 330–331

network layer firewalls, 537

network management, 492–493

network optimization

caching engines, 381–382

load balancing, 381

QoS, 377–380

network qualification testers, 512

network-based firewalls, 533

networking tools

butt sets, 512

cable certifiers, 505–506

cable testers, 509

media testers

multimeters, 511

OTDRs, 510

TDRs, 510

network qualification testers, 512

protocol analyzers, 509

punchdown tools, 505

snips, 504

temperature monitors, 506–507

toner probes, 508

voltage event recorders, 506

wire crimpers, 504

wire strippers, 504

wireless detectors, 512


client/server networking model, 30–33

demarcation point, 86–87

peer-to-networking model, 28–30

VLANs, 36–37

MAC address-based, 39

membership, 37

port-based, 38

segmentation, 40

VPNs, 35–36

newsgroups, 157

NEXT (near-end crosstalk), 409

NICs (network interface cards), 120–121

installing, 123–124

LED indicators, 122

OSI layer of operation, 337

NID (Network Interface Device), 87

NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), 158

nslookup utility, 461–464

NTP (Network Time Protocol), 157


OCx (Optical Carrier) levels, 298

OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing), 258

offsite backup storage, 372–373

omnidirectional wireless antennas, 250

operating systems

server patches, 595–596

service packs, 593–595

OSI model

application layer, 334

data link layer, 329

network layer, 330-331

physical layer, 328–329

presentation layer, 333–334

session layer, 333

transport layer, 332–333

OSI reference model, 326

devices, layer of operation, 336–337

encapsulation, 327

OTDRs (optical time-domain reflectometers), 510

overlapping channels, 255


packet switching, 288, 330

datagram packet switching, 289–290

virtual-circuit packet switching, 289

packets, 328

PADs (packet assemblers/disassemblers), 293

PANs (Personal Area Networks), 27

partial-octet subnetting, 196

password attacks, 589

passwords, 562–564

patch panels, 83, 505

payloads (malware), 584

peer-to-peer networking model, 28–30


testing, 498

uptime, 350–352

physical layer (OSI model), 328–329

physical media, 61

physical network documentation, 484–485

physical security, 528–529

biometrics, 530–531

hardware room best practices, 531–532

lock and key access, 529

PIN access, 530

swipe cards, 530

physical topologies, 41

PIN access, 530

ping, 156, 432–433

error messages, ping command, 437–439

switches, 434–435

troubleshooting procedures, 435–436

Ping of Death, 588

PKI (public key infrastructure), 573–574

certificates, 575

CAs, 577–578

trusts, 576–577

plenum cables, 65

PoE (Power over Ethernet), 106

polarization, 251

policies, 488–489

POP3/IMAP4, 155

port authentication, 107

port blocking/filtering, 541–542

port mirroring, 106

port numbers, identifying, 173–175

port scanners, 495–498

port speeds, setting, 415

port-based VLANs, 38

ports, 107

POTS (plain-old telephone service), 303–304

connection speed, troubleshooting, 305–306

modems, troubleshooting, 306–307

PPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet), 544

PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 543–544

PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol), 547

presentation layer (OSI model), 333–334


attacks, 590–591

routing loops, 207

PRI (Primary Rate Interface), 301

private address ranges, 199–200

private addressing, 200

private CAs, 577

private networks, 198, 286–287

probable cause, establishing, 402

probe requests, 260

probe responses, 260

procedures, 489–490

processor failures, managing, 368

protocol analyzers, 509

protocol suites, 146


connection-oriented, 332

connectionless, 333

on receiving device, 147

routable, 204–205

routing protocols, 205

distance-vector, 206–208

link-state, 208–209

on sending device, 147

proxy servers, 131–133

PSTN (public switched telephone network), 284

PtMP (Point-to-Multipoint Protocol) wireless topology, 50

PtP (Peer-to-Peer) wireless topology, 48

public CAs, 577

public IP addressing, 200

public networks, 198, 286

Internet, 285

PSTN, 284

punchdown tools, 84–85, 505


QoS, 377–380

rack-mount devices, 109

RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service), 272, 568–569

RADSL (Rate-Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line), 308

RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks), 353

level, selecting, 361–362

RAID 0, 354–355

RAID 1, 355–358

RAID 5, 358–360

RAID 10, 360

RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol), 156–157

rate adaptive DSL, 308

ratings of wireless antennas, 249

RBAC (role-based access control), 579

RBAC (rule-based access control), 579

reassociation, 262

recovery sites

cold sites, 375

hot sites, 376

warm sites, 376

regulations, 491

remote access protocols

PPP, 543–544

RRAS, 542

SLIP, 543

remote authentication protocols, 580–581

remote control protocols, 550

repeaters, 110

reserved IPv6 addresses, 204

responsibilities of network administrators, 527

RF channels, 254–257

RFB (remote frame buffer) protocol, 550

RFCs (Requests For Comments), 148

RG-6 cables, 73

RG-59 cables, 73

ring topology, 44

RIPv2, 208

RJ connectors, 72

rollover cables, 80

routable protocols, 204–205

route command, 466–467

route selection, 331

routers, 114–117, 336

routing loops, 207

routing protocols, 205

distance-vector, 206, 208

link-state, 208–209

RRAS (Routing and Remote Access Service), 542

RS-232 standard, 74

RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol), 171


satellite Internet access, 313–314

SCP (Service Control Point), 158

SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line), 307

secure protocols, 581



accountability, 568

authentication, 562–566

authorization, 566

RADIUS, 568–569

TACACS+, 570

ACLs, 540–541

authentication, Kerberos, 572–573

broadband, 313

cryptography, 571

firewalls, 532–533

application-layer, 537

circuit-level, 537

DMZs, 538

network layer, 536–537

purpose of, 534–535

stateful/stateless, 536

hardware room best practices, 531–532

IPS/IDS, 128, 539


AH, 549

ESP, 549

transmission modes, 550

logical security, 532

network access control

DAC, 579

MAC, 578

RBAC, 579

physical security, 528

biometrics, 530–531

lock and key access, 529

PIN access, 530

swipe cards, 530

PKI, 573–578

port blocking/filtering, 541–542

wireless networks, 268–269

802.1X, 272–273

APs, 273

TKIP, 271–272

WEP, 270

WPA, 270–271

security logs, 500–501

segmentation, 40

selecting RAID level, 361–362

server clustering, 367–368

server failover, 366

server farms, 381

server patches, 595–596

servers, troubleshooting, 394–395

service packs, 593–595

session layer (OSI model), 333

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), 152–153

shared bandwidth, 312

short wavelength laser, 232

shorts, troubleshooting, 410

signal regeneration, 64


baseband, 227

broadband, 228

simplex transmission, 65

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), 170

site local addresses, 203

site surveys, 265

SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol), 543

SMF (single mode fiber), 71

Smurf attacks, 588

SNAT (Source Network Address Translation), 211

snips, 504

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 153, 163–164

agents, 165

communities, 166

management systems, 165

MIBs, 165–166

social engineering, 589

software gateways, 117

software RAID, 362


documenting, 406–407

implementing, 404–406

SONET (Synchronous Optical Networking), 297–298

source-route bridges, 114

speed of IEEE 802 networks, 223

spread spectrum

DHSS, 258

FHSS, 257

OFDM, 258

technologies, comparing, 258

SSH (Secure Shell), 152

SSIDs (Service Set IDs), 247, 263

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) VPNs, 546

STA (Spanning Tree Algorithm), 112

stackable devices, 109

standby servers, 366–367

star topology, 42, 44

stateful/stateless firewalls, 536

static addressing, 191

static WEP, 270

store-and-forward switching, 291

STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), 67, 114

straight-through cabling, 78

stress testing, 499

subnet masks, 188–190

subnetting, 195–198, 331

SVCs (switched virtual circuits), 289

swipe cards, 530

switches, 102–103

advanced features, 106–107

arp command, 446

content, 127–128

full-duplex connections, 104

indicator lights, 109

managed, 109–110

multilayer, 127

OSI layer of operation, 336

ports, 107

switching, 105

circuit switching, 290

message switching, 290–291

packet switching, 288–290

symmetric encryption, 546, 571

SYN flooding, 150, 588

system baselines, 488

system logs, 502


T-carrier lines, 295

T1/E1/J1, 296–297

T3 lines, 297

TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus), 570

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 149–150

TCP/IP, 171, 337, 339–340

ARP, 156–157

development of, 148

DHCP, 167–170

DNS, 159–161

entry types, 162

practical implementation of, 163

FTP, 151

HTTP, 154

HTTPS, 154

ICMP, 156

IGMP, 158

IP, 149

LDAP, 158

MAC addresses, 186–187

NNTP, 158

NTP, 157

POP3/IMAP4, 155

port numbers, identifying, 173–175

RARP, 156–157

RTP, 171

SCP, 158

SFTP, 152–153

SIP, 170

SNMP, 153, 163–164

agents, 165

communities, 166

management systems, 165

MIBs, 165–166

SSH, 152

TCP, 149–150

Telnet, 155

TFTP, 153

TLS, 170

UDP, 150

TCP/IP filtering, 540

TDM (time-division multiplexing), 227

TDRs (time-domain reflectometers), 510

Telnet, 155

temperature monitors, 506–507

termination, 87–88

TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 153

thin client computing, 550


testing, 493–495

versus data rate, 251

timeouts, 150

TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol), 271–272

TLS (Transport Layer Security), 170

token passing, 226

tokens, 565

toner probes, 508

tools. See networking tools


bus, 41–42

hybrid, 51

mesh, 45, 47

ring, 44

star, 42–44


ad hoc, 48

infrastructure wireless, 47

mesh wireless, 50

PtMP wireless, 50

PtP wireless, 48

traceroute utility, 439–445

tracert command, 441–443

traffic shaping, 379–380

translational bridges, 114

transmission range, 246

transparent bridges, 114

transport layer (OSI model), 332–333

traps, 164

Trojan horses, 586


action plan, creating, 403–404

AP coverage, 266–267

connectivity, 413–415

DSL, 309–310

escalation procedures, 403, 417–418

general considerations, 395–396

identifying affected areas, 399–402

information gathering, 397–399

infrastructure hardware, 411–412

Internet access

cable Internet, 311–312

POTS, 304–307

satellite Internet access, 314

probable cause, establishing, 402

servers, 394–395

solution, documenting, 406–407

solution, implementing, 404–406

VLANs, 416–417

wireless networks

incorrect configurations, 420–421

interference, 264–265

signals, 418–420

wiring, 407–411

workstations, 394–395

trunking, 106

trusts, 576–577

tunneling, 34, 545

L2TP, 548

PPTP, 547

twisted-pair cable, 67–68

two-way satellite systems, 314

type 110 punchdown block, 84–85

type 66 punchdown block, 84–85


UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 150

unicast addresses, 203

UPSs (uninterruptible power supplies), 364–366

uptime, 350–352

USB connectors, 76

UTP (unshielded twisted pair), 67


V standards, 120

verifying wiring installation, 87–88

vertical cross connect, 81–82

video applications, 379

virtual-circuit packet switching, 289

viruses, 585–586

VLANs (virtual LANs), 36

MAC address-based, 39

membership, 37

port-based, 38

segmentation, 40

troubleshooting, 416–417

VNC (virtual network computing), 550

VoIP, 378–379

voltage event recorders, 506

VPN concentrators, 546

VPNs (virtual private networks), 35–36, 285, 545–546


WANs, 27

ATM, 298–299

circuit switching, 290

Frame Relay, 293–295

ISDN, 299–300

BRI, 301

PRI, 301

message switching, 290–291

packet switching, 288–289

datagram packet switching, 289–290

virtual-circuit packet switching, 289

SONET, 297–298

T-carrier lines, 295

T1/E1/J1, 296–297

T3, 297

X.25, 293

war driving, 257

warm sites, 376

warm swapping, 375

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), 270

windowing, 333

wire crimpers, 504

wire strippers, 504

wireless antennas

directional, 250

omnidirectional, 250

polarization, 251

ratings, 249

wireless detectors, 512

wireless networking


configuring, 260–262

site surveys, 265

association process, 262

authentication process, 263

beacons, 259–260

IEEE 802.11 standards, 252–254

incorrect configurations, troubleshooting, 420–421

interference, troubleshooting, 264–265

RF channels, 254–257

security, 268–269

802.1X, 272–273

APs, 273

configuring, 263

TKIP, 271–272

WEP, 270

WPA, 270–271

signals, troubleshooting, 418–420

spread spectrum

DHSS, 258

FHSS, 257

OFDM, 258


ad hoc wireless, 48

infrastructure wireless, 47

mesh, 50

PtMP wireless, 50

PtP wireless, 48

troubleshooting checklist, 267–268

war driving, 257

WirelessMAN specification, 253

wiring, troubleshooting, 407–411

wiring closets, 85

wiring schematics, 481–483

WISP (wireless Internet service provider), 315

WLANs (wireless LANs), 315

APs, 246–247

wireless antennas

directional, 250

omnidirectional, 250

ratings, 249

workstations, troubleshooting, 394–395

worms, 586

WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), 270–271

WWANs (wireless wide area networks), 315–316


X.25, 293

Zeroconf (Zero Configuration), 193

zombies, 587

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