

Accessibility, 64

accessing browser history, 130

accessories (Bluetooth), pairing Palm Pre with, 133


adding to Messaging application, 154–155

App Catalog accounts, setting up, 202–203

doubleTwist accounts, 171–172

email accounts

adding automatically, 140

adding manually, 141–142

corporate accounts, 89–90, 143–144

editing, 145–146

Exchange accounts, 52

Facebook accounts

changing password for, 195

configuring, 194

removing, 195

Gmail accounts, 42–43

Google accounts, 52

IM accounts, adding to Messaging application, 154–155

online accounts, adding data with, 41

Palm Profile accounts, 52

phone accounts, 83

Photobucket accounts

changing password for, 195

configuring, 194

removing, 195

Synergy accounts, 87–89

activating Pre, 4

Add An Account button, 42, 88, 154, 194, 202

Add An Account screen, 140–143

Add Bookmark button, 126

Add Call button, 77

Add Device button, 133

Add IM Account button, 163

Add Ringtone button, 58

Add Task button, 104

Add Task List button, 104

Add To Contacts button, 79, 95

Add To Existing button, 95

Add To Launcher button, 72, 127

Address Book, importing Palm Desktop data into, 49

addresses, mapping, 114–115

Advanced Gestures, 65

Airplane Mode

enabling Wi-Fi or Bluetooth in, 213

turning on/off, 212

All Calls button, 73

All Flagged view (email), 139

All Inboxes button, 147

Amazon MP3 icon, 176

Amazon MP3 Store

adding purchases to iTunes, 178

purchasing music from, 176–177

answering calls, 74–75

Application menu commands, 17

applications. See also specific applications

deleting, 207

finding, 204


manual application installation, 239

with Palm OS emulation, 235


adding accounts to, 154–155

explained, 153

organizing in Launcher, 208

Palm App Catalog

deleting applications, 207

explained, 202

finding applications, 204

purchasing applications, 205

setting up App Catalog accounts, 202–203

updating applications, 206

purchasing, 205

reading reviews of, 205

rearranging in Quick Launcher, 209

updating, 206


adding to calendar, 112–113

reminders, 117

viewing, 114

Assign button, 191

Assign To Contact button, 94


photos to contacts, 191

speed dial keys, 70–71

Attach Photo button, 99, 161

attaching files to email, 150

audio. See music

automatically adding email accounts, 140

Automatically Import Music button, 178


back cover, 8

backing up data, 45–47

batteries, 9

battery life, extending, 222


enabling in Airplane Mode, 213

hands-free headsets, 81–82

pairing Palm Pre with Bluetooth accessories, 133

pairing Palm Pre with Bluetooth hands-free systems, 134–135

bookmarking web pages, 126

browsing web pages

multiple web pages, 128

single web pages, 124–126

buddies (Messaging), 156–158

buttons. See specific buttons


applications, 205

music from Amazon MP3 store, 176–177



adding, 39–41

adding Google Weather to, 116–117

configuring, 110–111


adding, 112–113

mapping addresses in, 114–115

reminders, 117

viewing, 114

explained, 107

viewing, 108–109

Call button, 67, 77

Call Log, 73–74

caller info, saving, 79–80

calls, 66

answering, 74–75

dialing contacts

with Call Log, 73–74

with Contacts app, 70

with Launcher Favorites, 72

from Launcher or card view, 69

from messages and web pages, 74

with phone, 69

with speed dial keys, 70–71

dialing with dial pad, 67

dialing with keyboard, 68

entering numbers during calls, 77

hands-free headsets, 81–82

missed calls, returning, 74

redialing last number called, 73

saving caller info, 79–80

three-way conference calls, 77–78

using apps while on calls, 81

camera. See also photos

explained, 187

flash, 188

taking photos with, 188

Camera button, 188

camera lens, 8

card view, dialing contacts from, 69

Center button, 7

Change Login Settings button, 146

Change Password button, 195

Change Wallpaper button, 65, 215


contacts, 98–99

country/region setting, 214–215

Facebook/Photobucket passwords, 195

language setting, 213–214

wallpaper, 215

Class (Palm OS emulator)

explained, 234–235

HotSync, 236–238

installing Palm applications, 235

manual application installation, 239

cleaning screen, 221

Clear Cache button, 132

Clear Cookies button, 132

Clear History button, 132


browser cache, 132

browser history, 132

cookies, 132

completed tasks

deleting, 107

marking tasks as complete, 106

composing email, 148–149

conference calls, 77–78


Airplane Mode, 212–213

calendar, 110–111

country/region, 214–215

email, 139

Facebook/Photobucket accounts, 194

language setting, 213–214

Messaging application, 163

password protection, 217

phone settings, 56

Phone Preferences, 61

Phone Preferences options, 61–64

Screen & Lock preferences card, 65–66

Sounds and Ringtones preferences card, 57–60

screen and lock settings, 215–216

sounds/ringtones, 218–219

web browser, 131–132

connecting to Internet


pairing Palm Pre with Bluetooth accessories, 133

pairing Palm Pre with Bluetooth hands-free systems, 134–135

web browser

accessing browsing history, 130

bookmarking web pages, 126

browsing web page, 124–128

configuring, 131–132

sharing web links, 129

Wi-Fi networks, 122–123

Connections menu commands, 17


adding, 39–41

from email, 95–96

manually, 93–94

assigning photos to, 191

changing, 98–99

corporate contacts, finding, 148

deleting, 97


with Call Log, 73–74

with Contacts app, 70

with Launcher Favorites, 72

from Launcher or card view, 69

from messages and web pages, 74

with phone, 69

with speed dial keys, 70–71

launching Contacts application, 92

searching, 25–27, 91

Synergy feature

adding corporate email on Palm Pre, 89–90

adding Synergy accounts, 87–89

explained, 86–87

Contacts application. See contacts

conversations (Messaging), 156–158


clearing, 132

enabling/disabling, 131

copying files to Pre, 32–36

corporate contacts, finding, 148

corporate email accounts, adding, 89–90, 143–144

country, changing, 214–215

custom ringtones, 58


Airplane Mode, 212–213

country/region, 214–215

explained, 211

language, 213–214

password protection, 217

screen and lock settings, 215–216

sounds/ringtones, 218–219


data transfer. See transferring data to Pre

Date & Time icon, 102

dates, setting, 102–103

Day view (calendar), 108

Delete All Profiles contact, 97

Delete Application button, 207

Delete button, 68

Delete Contact button, 97

Delete Other Profiles contact, 97


applications, 207

contacts, 97

ringtones, 60

tasks, 107

dial pad, 67



with Call Log, 73–74

with Contacts app, 70

with Launcher Favorites, 72

from Launcher or card view, 69

from messages and web pages, 74

with phone, 69

with speed dial keys, 70–71

with dial pad, 67

with keyboard, 68

Dialing Shortcuts button, 62

directions, mapping, 115


Airplane Mode, 212

cookies, 131

JavaScript, 132

pop-up windows, 131

Dismiss button, 117

documents, copying to Pre, 32–36

Done button, 228

doubleTwist, 169

accounts, creating, 171–172


on Mac OS X, 171

on Windows, 170

synchronizing music, 172–173

synchronizing video, 174–175

Download button, 223

Download For button, 205

downloading webOS updates, 223


earpiece, 6

editing email accounts, 145–146


adding contacts from, 95–96

attaching files to, 150

composing, 148–149

configuring, 139

email accounts

adding automatically, 140

adding manually, 141–142

corporate accounts, 89–90, 143–144

editing, 145–146

Gmail accounts, 42–43

Email screen, 138

emailing memos, 119

mail main screen, 147

marking as unread, 151

moving to folders, 151

reading, 150–151

sending photos via, 192

Email application. See email

Email Memo button, 119


Airplane Mode, 212

cookies, 131

JavaScript, 132

pop-up windows, 131

Show Contact Matches, 68

End Call button, 75, 78

entering numbers during calls, 77


adding to calendar, 112–113

reminders, 117

viewing, 114

EverythingPre website, 229

Exchange accounts, 52, 143–144

Export command (File menu), 48

Export dialog, 48


Palm Desktop for Mac data, 48–49

photos to desktop computer

manually, 199

with iPhoto, 197

with Windows autoPlay wizard, 199

extending battery life, 222



changing password for, 195

configuring accounts, 194

removing accounts, 195

uploading photos to, 193

Favorites (Launcher), 72

File menu commands

Export, 48

Import, 49

files, attaching to email, 150


applications, 204

contacts, 91

corporate contacts, 148

music, 179–180

First Day of Week button, 110

first-time setup, 227–228

flash, 8

Flash button, 188


100PALM, 198

moving email to, 151


Gesture area, 7, 12


Advanced Gestures, 65

defined, 10

explained, 10–21

gesture LEDs, 7

Get Mail button, 146

Gmail accounts, 42–43

Google accounts, 52

Google Maps, 114–115

Google Weather, 116–117


hands-free headsets, 81–82

hands-free systems, 134–135

headset jack, 8

headsets, 81–82

help, 229

History button, 130

HotSync, 236–238


iCal, importing Palm Desktop data into, 49


Launcher, 21

Add to Contacts, 79

Date & Time, 102

Paper Clip, 150

Screen Lock, 10

status icons, 9

Wi-Fi icon, 122

IM (Instant Messaging), 154–157

Import command (File menu), 49

Import dialog, 49

Import Export Wizard, 46–47

Import iTunes Playlists button, 173


Palm Desktop data, 49

photos to desktop computer

manually, 199

with iPhoto, 197

with Windows autoPlay wizard, 199

Innocell 1350 Extended Life Battery, 9

Install Now button, 223



manual application installation, 239

with Palm OS emulation, 235


on Mac OS X, 171

on Windows, 170

webOS updates, 223

Instant Messaging (IM), 154–157

Internet, connecting to


pairing Palm Pre with Bluetooth accessories, 133

pairing Palm Pre with Bluetooth hands-free systems, 134–135

web browser

accessing browsing history, 130

bookmarking web pages, 126

browsing web pages, 124–128

configuring, 131–132

sharing web links, 129

Wi-Fi networks, 122–123

iPhoto, importing photos with, 197


adding Amazon MP3 music to, 178

overview, 33, 166

synchronizing music, 167

synchronizing photos, 196

synchronizing video, 168–169, 183


JavaScript, enabling/disabling, 132

Key Pad button, 77

keyboard, 6, 21–25, 68

language, changing, 213–214

Language button, 214

Launcher, 21

adding web pages to, 127

dialing contacts from, 69

Favorites, 72

launching Contacts application, 92

LEDs, gesture LEDs, 7

lists, Task Lists, 103–105

lock settings, changing, 215–216

locking Pre, 10–11


Mac OS X

doubleTwist installation, 171

importing photos

manually, 199

with iPhoto, 197

with Windows autoPlay wizard, 199

Mail Preferences screen, 145


battery, 222

cleaning screen, 221

webOS updates

downloading and installing, 223

first-time setup, 227–228

troubleshooting, 224–226

manually adding email accounts, 141–142

manually installing applications, 239

Mark as Unread button, 151

Mark/Space Missing Sync for Palm Pre, 37


email as unread, 151

tasks as complete, 106

Media Sync button, 167, 196


creating, 118–119

emailing, 119

explained, 117

Merge button, 78

Messaging application

adding accounts to, 154–155

buddies, 156–158

configuring, 163

conversations, 156–158

dialing from messages, 74

explained, 153

MMS (Multimedia Message Service) messages

receiving, 162

sending, 160–161

SMS (Short Message Service) messages

receiving, 162

sending, 159–160

sending messages, 78–79

microphone, 6

Missed Calls button, 73

missed calls, returning, 74

Missing Sync, 37, 165–166

MMS (Multimedia Message Service) messages

receiving, 162

sending, 160–161, 193

MobileMe, 37

Month view (Calendar), 108

More From This Author button, 185

Move to Folder button, 151


copying to Pre, 32–36

playing, 184–185

synchronizing, 165–166

with doubleTwist, 174–175

with iTunes, 168–169, 183

YouTube videos

playing, 184–185

searching YouTube for related material, 182

moving email to folders, 151

Multimedia Message Service. See MMS

multiple web pages, browsing, 128


adding to iTunes, 178

copying to Pre, 32–36

finding, 179–180

playing, 180

purchasing, 176–177

searching YouTube for related material, 182

synchronizing, 165–166

with doubleTwist, 172–173

with iTunes, 33, 167

Music Player

finding music, 179–180

limitations of, 182

playing music, 180

playing podcasts, 181

searching YouTube for related material, 182


Network Settings, 64

networks (Wi-Fi), connecting to, 122–123

New Card button, 128

New Photo button, 98

notes. See memos

numbers, entering during calls, 77


100PALM folder, 198

online accounts, adding data with, 41


applications in Launcher, 208

applications in Quick Launcher, 209

Outlook data, backing up, 46–47


Page button, 130


Palm Pre with Bluetooth accessories, 133

Palm Pre with Bluetooth hands-free systems, 134–135

Palm App Catalog

deleting applications, 207

explained, 202

finding applications, 204

purchasing applications, 205

setting up App Catalog accounts, 202–203

updating applications, 206

Palm Data Transfer Assistant, 44–45, 50–51

Palm Desktop for Mac data, exporting, 48–49

Palm Music Assistant, 178

Palm OS emulator (Classic)

explained, 234–235

HotSync, 236–238

installing Palm applications, 235

manual application installation, 239

Palm Pixi, 233–234

Palm Pixi Plus, 233–234

Palm Pre Community websites, 229

Palm Pre Plus, 232 website, 229

Palm Profile accounts, 52

Palm website, 229

Paper Clip icon, 150


Facebook/Photobucket passwords, changing, 195

password protection, 217

phone account, managing, 83

phone calls, 66

dialing contacts

with Call Log, 73–74

with Contacts app, 70

with Launcher Favorites, 72

from Launcher or card view, 69

from messages and web pages, 74

with phone, 69

with speed dial keys, 70–71

dialing with dial pad, 67

dialing with keyboard, 68

Phone Preferences, 61–64

phone settings, 56

Phone Preferences, 61–64

Screen & Lock preferences card, 65–66

Sounds and Ringtones preferences card, 57–60


changing password for, 195

configuring accounts, 194

removing accounts, 195

uploading photos to, 193


assigning to contacts, 191

changing Facebook or Photobucket passwords, 195

configuring photos applications, 194

copying to Pre, 32–36

exporting to desktop computer

with iPhoto, 197

manually, 199

with Windows autoPlay wizard, 199

removing Facebook or Photobucket accounts, 195

sending via email, 192

sending via MMS (Multimedia Message Service), 193

setting as wallpaper, 192

sharing, 190

synchronizing with iTunes, 196

taking, 188

uploading to Facebook or Photobucket, 193

viewing, 189–190

Pixi, 233–234

Pixi Plus, 233–234

Play button, 58


music, 180

podcasts, 181

video, 184–185

Pocket Mirror, 37

podcasts, listening to, 181

pop-up windows, enabling/disabling, 131

Power button, 6

Pre Central website, 229

Pre Plus, 232

Preferred Roaming List, 64

preparing data for transfer to Pre, 45–47

Purchase button, 205


applications, 205

music from Amazon MP3 store, 176–177

Purge Completed button, 107


Quick Launcher, organizing applications in, 13, 208–209


application reviews, 205

email, 150–151

rearranging applications in Launcher, 208–209


MMS (Multimedia Message Service) messages, 162

SMS (Short Message Service) messages, 162

redialing last number called, 73

region, changing, 214–215

Related Videos button, 185

reminders (event), 117

Remove Account button, 146, 163

removing Facebook/Photobucket accounts, 195

Reset Voicemail Count feature, 64

returning missed calls, 74

Reviews button, 205

reviews of applications, reading, 205

Ringer On/Off switch, 6


changing, 218–219

custom ringtones, 58

deleting, 60

setting, 57–60


Save As New button, 95

saving caller info, 79–80

screen, cleaning, 221

Screen & Lock button, 215

Screen & Lock preferences card, 65–66

Screen Lock icon, 10

screen settings, changing, 215–216


contacts, 91

Palm App Catalog, 204

Universal Search feature, 25–27

YouTube for related material, 182

Secure Unlock, 11, 66, 217

Send button, 119, 192


messages, 78–79

MMS (Multimedia Message Service) messages, 160–161

SMS (Short Message Service) messages, 159–160


via email, 192

via MMS (Multimedia Message Service), 193

Set As High Priority button, 149

Set Flag button, 151

Set Wallpaper button, 192, 216

Share button, 129, 185, 205

Share Via Email button, 192

Share Via MMS button, 193


photos, 190

web links, 129

Short Message Service (SMS) messages. See SMS messages

Show Contact Matches feature, 61, 68

Show Email button, 146

Shuffle All button, 179–180

Sign In To My Profile button, 227

Simple PIN button, 217

SMS (Short Message Service) messages

receiving, 162

sending, 159–160

Snooze button, 117


changing, 218–219

setting, 57–60

Sounds & Ringtones preferences card, 57–60

speaker, 8

speed dial, 70–71

status icons, 9

storing imported data, 52

Submit button, 203

Sync button, 167–169

Sync Photos feature, 196


explained, 37

HotSync, 236–238

music, 165–166

with doubleTwist, 172–173

with iTunes, 33, 167

photos with iTunes, 196

video, 165–166

with doubleTwist, 174–175

with iTunes, 168–169, 183

Synergy, 38–39

adding corporate email on Palm Pre, 89–90

adding Synergy accounts, 87–89

explained, 86–87

System Alert button, 163

system sounds, setting, 57–60

System Sounds button, 59


Task Lists, 103–105


adding, 39–41

creating, 103–105

deleting, 107

explained, 103

marking as complete, 106

Task Lists, 103–105

Test Java button, 224

Text Message button, 185

three-way conference calls, 77–78

throwing, 14

thumb drives, using Pre as, 33–36

time, setting, 102–103

Time Format button, 102

touchscreen, 7

Touchstone, 232

transferring data to Pre

backing up and preparing data for transfer, 45–46

Outlook data, 46–47

Palm Desktop for Mac data, 48–49

calendars, 39–41

contacts, 39–41

Gmail accounts, 42–43

online accounts, 41

Palm Data Transfer Assistant, 44–45, 50–51

storing imported data, 52

tasks, 39–41

Trash Can button, 190

troubleshooting webOS updates, 224–226

TTY/TDD (text telephone) feature, 64

Turn Off After button, 65

turning on/off

Airplace Mode, 212

Secure Unlock feature, 11


Universal Search feature, 25–27

unlocking Pre, 10–11


application updates, 206

webOS updates

downloading and installing, 223

first-time setup, 227–228

troubleshooting, 224–226

Updates button, 223

Upload button, 193

uploading photos to Facebook or Photobucket, 193

USB Drive button, 33

USB Drive mode, 33–36

Use This Dialing Prefix button, 62


Vibrate button, 60


copying to Pre, 32–36

playing, 184–185

synchronizing, 165–166

with doubleTwist, 174–175

with iTunes, 168–169, 183

YouTube videos

playing, 184–185

searching YouTube for related material, 182

Videos button, 184–185


calendar, 108–109

photos, 189–190

views (calendar), 108

Voice Network button, 63

volume buttons, 6

Volume slider, 59



changing, 215

setting photos as, 192

Weather (Google), 116–117

web browser

accessing browsing history, 130

bookmarking web pages, 126

browsing web pages

multiple web pages, 128

single web pages, 124–126

configuring, 131–132

sharing web links, 129

web pages

adding to Launcher, 127

bookmarking, 126


multiple web pages, 128

single web pages, 124–126

dialing from, 74

Palm Pre resources, 229

sharing as web links, 129

webOS updates

downloading and installing, 223

first-time setup, 227–228

troubleshooting, 224–226

websites. See web pages

Week view (calendar), 108

When I Dial button, 62

Wi-Fi icon, 122

Wi-Fi networks

connecting to, 122–123

enabling Wi-Fi in Airplace Mode, 213

Windows, doubleTwist installation, 170

wizards, Import Export Wizard, 46–47

writing email, 148–149


Your Messaging account screen, 154


playing videos, 184–185

searching for related material, 182

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