Appendix D. Crash Course in Objective-C

Objective-C is an object-oriented programming language used by Apple primarily for programming Mac OS X and iPhone applications. It is an extension to the standard ANSI C language and hence it should be an easy language to pick up if you are already familiar with the C programming language. This appendix assumes that you already have some background in C programming and focuses on the object-oriented aspects of the language. If you are coming from a Java or .NET background, many of the concepts should be familiar to you; you just have to understand the syntax of Objective-C and in particular pay attention to the section on memory management.

Objective-C source code files are contained in two types of files:

  • .h — header files

  • .m — implementation files

For the discussions that follow, assume that you have created a View-based Application project using Xcode and added an empty class named SomeClass to your project.


If you observe the content of the SomeClass.h file, you will notice that at the top of the file is an #import statement:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface SomeClass : NSObject {



The #import statement is known as a preprocessor directive. In C and C++, you use the #include preprocessor directive to include a file's content with the current source. In Objective-C, you use the #import statement to do the same, except that the compiler ensures that the file is included at most only once. To import a header file from one of the frameworks, you specify the header filename using angle brackets (<>) in the #import statement. To import a header file from within your project, you use the "and" characters, as in the case of the SomeClass.m file:

#import "SomeClass.h"

@implementation SomeClass



In Objective-C, you will spend a lot of time dealing with classes and objects. Hence it is important that you understand how classes are declared and defined in Objective-C.


To declare a class, you use the @interface compiler directive, like this:

@interface SomeClass : NSObject {


This is done in the header file (.h) and the class declaration contains no implementation. The preceding code declares a class named SomeClass, and this class inherits from the base class named NSObject.


While you typically put your code declaration in an .h file, you can also put it inside an .m if need be. This is usually done for small projects.


NSObject is the root class of most Objective-C classes. It defines the basic interface of a class and contains methods common to all classes that inherit from it. NSObject also provides the standard memory management and initialization framework used by most objects in Objective-C as well as re. ection and type operations.

In a typical View Controller class, the class inherits from the UIViewController class, such as in the following:

@interface HelloWorldViewController : UIViewController {



To implement a class declared in the header file, you use the @implementation compiler directive, like this:

#import "SomeClass.h"

@implementation SomeClass


This is done in a separate file from the header file. In Objective-C, you define your class in an .m file. Note that the class definition ends with the @end compiler directive.


As mentioned earlier, you can also put your declaration inside an .m file. Hence, in your .m file you would then have both the @interface and @implementation directives.


If your class references another class defined in another file, you need to import the header file of that file before you can use it. Consider the following example where you have defined two classes — SomeClass and AnotherClass. If you are using an instance of the AnotherClass from within SomeClass, you need to import the AnotherClass.h file, as in the following code snippet:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "AnotherClass.h"

@interface SomeClass : NSObject {
    //---an object from AnotherClass---
    AnotherClass *anotherClass;


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import "SomeClass.h"

@interface AnotherClass : NSObject {



However, if within AnotherClass you want to create an instance of SomeClass, you will not be able to simply import SomeClass.h in AnotherClass, like this:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "AnotherClass.h"

@interface SomeClass : NSObject {
    AnotherClass *anotherClass;


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "SomeClass.h" //---cannot simply import here---

@interface AnotherClass : NSObject {
    SomeClass *someClass;  //---using an instance of SomeClass---


Doing so results in circular inclusion. To prevent that, Objective-C uses the @class compiler directive as a forward declaration to inform the compiler that the class you specified is a valid class. You usually use the @class compiler directive in the header file, and in the implementation file you can use the @import compiler directive to tell the compiler more about the content of the class that you are using.

Using the @class compiler directive, the program now looks like this:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class AnotherClass;  //---forward declaration---

@interface SomeClass : NSObject {
    AnotherClass *anotherClass;


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class SomeClass;     //---forward declaration---

@interface AnotherClass : NSObject {
    SomeClass *someClass;



Another notable reason to use forward declaration where possible is that it will reduce your compile times because the compiler does not need to traverse as many included header files and their includes, etc.

Class Instantiation

To create an instance of a class, you typically use the alloc keyword (more on this in the Memory Management section) to allocate memory for the object and then return it to a variable of the class type:

SomeClass *someClass = [SomeClass alloc];

In Objective-C, you need to prefix an object name with the * character when you declare an object. If you are declaring a variable of primitive type (such as float, int, CGRect, NSInteger, and so on), the * character is not required. Here are some examples:

CGRect frame;   //---CGRect is a structure---
 int number;     //---int is a primitive type---
 NSString *str   //---NSString is a class

Besides specifying the returning class type, you can also use the id type, like this:

id someClass = [SomeClass alloc];
 id str;

The id type means that the variable can refer to any type of objects and hence the * is implicitly implied.


Fields are the data members of objects. For example, the following code shows that SomeClass has three fields — anotherClass, rate, and name:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class AnotherClass;

@interface SomeClass : NSObject {
    AnotherClass *anotherClass;
    float rate;
    NSString *name;


Access Privileges

By default, the access privilege of all fields is @protected. However, the access privilege can also be @public or @private. The following list shows the various access privileges:

  • @private — visible only to the class that declares it

  • @public — visible to all classes

  • @protected — visible only to the class that declares it as well as to inheriting classes

Using the example shown in the previous section, if you now try to access the fields in SomeClass from another class, such as in AnotherClass, you will not be able to see them:

SomeClass *someClass = [SomeClass alloc];
someClass->rate = 5;              //---rate is declared protected---
someClass->name = @"Wei-Meng Lee";  //---name is declared protected---


Observe that to access the fields in a class directly, you use the -> operator.

To make the rate and name visible outside the class, modify the SomeClass.h file by adding the @public compiler directive:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class AnotherClass;

@interface SomeClass : NSObject {
    AnotherClass *anotherClass;
    float rate;
    NSString *name;


The following two statements would now be valid:

someClass->rate = 5;              //---rate is declared protected---
someClass->name = @"Wei-Meng Lee";  //---name is declared protected---

Although you can access the fields directly, doing so goes against the design principles of object-oriented programming's rule of encapsulation. A better way is to encapsulate the two fields you want to expose in properties. Refer to the "Properties" section later in this appendix.


Methods are functions that are defined in a class. Objective-C supports two types of methods — instance methods and class methods.

Instance methods can be called only using an instance of the class. Instance methods are prefixed with the minus sign (-) character.

Class methods can be invoked directly using the class name and do not need an instance of the class in order to work. Class methods are prefixed with the plus sign (+) character.


In some programming languages, such as C# and Java, class methods are known as static methods.

The following code sample shows SomeClass with three instance methods and one class method declared:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class AnotherClass;

@interface SomeClass : NSObject {
    AnotherClass *anotherClass;
    float rate;
    NSString *name;

//---instance methods---
-(void) doSomething;
-(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str;
-(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str withAnotherPara:(float) value;

//---class method---
+(void) alsoDoSomething;


The following shows the implementation of the methods that were declared in the header file:

#import "SomeClass.h"

@implementation SomeClass

-(void) doSomething {
    //---implementation here---
-(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str {
    //---implementation here---
-(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str withAnotherPara:(float) value {
    //---implementation here---
+(void) alsoDoSomething {
    //---implementation here---


To invoke the three instance methods, you first need to create an instance of the class and then call them using the instance created:

SomeClass *someClass = [SomeClass alloc];
[someClass doSomething];
[someClass doSomething:@"some text"];
[someClass doSomething:@"some text" withAnotherPara:9.0f];

Class methods can be called directly using the class name, as the following shows:

[SomeClass alsoDoSomething];

In general, you create instance methods when you need to perform some actions that are related to the particular instance of the class (that is, the object). For example, suppose you defined a class that represents the information of an employee. You may expose an instance method that allows you to calculate the overtime wage of an employee. In this case, you use an instance method because the calculation involves data specific to a particular employee object.

Class methods, on the other hand, are commonly used for defining helper methods. For example, you might have a class method called GetOvertimeRate: that returns the rates for working overtime. As all employees get the same rate for working overtime (assuming this is the case for your company), then there is no need to create instance methods and thus a class method will suffice.

The next section shows how to call methods with a varying number of parameters.

Message Sending (Calling Methods)

In Objective-C, you use the following syntax to call a method:

[object method];

Strictly speaking, in Objective-C you do not call a method; you send a message to an object. The message to be passed to an object is resolved during runtime and is not enforced at compile time. This is why the compiler does not stop you from running your program even though you may have misspelled the name of a method. It does try to warn you that the target object may not respond to your message, though, because the target object will simply ignore the message. Figure D-1 shows the warning by the compiler when one of the parameters for the UIAlertView's initializer is misspelled (the cancelButtonsTitle: should be cancelButtonTitle:).


For the ease of understanding, I use the more conventional term of "calling a method" to refer to Objective-C's message sending mechanism.

Figure D-1

Figure D.1. Figure D-1

Using the example from the previous section, the doSomething method has no parameter:

-(void) doSomething {
    //---implementation here---

Therefore, you can call it like this:

[someClass doSomething];

If a method has one or more inputs, you call it using the following syntax:

[object method:input1];                        //---one input---
[object method:input1 andSecondInput:input2];  //---two inputs---

The interesting thing about Objective-C is the way you call a method with multiple inputs. Using the earlier example:

-(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str withAnotherPara:(float) value {
    //---implementation here---

The name of the preceding method is doSomething:withAnotherPara:.

It is important to note the names of methods and to differentiate those that have parameters from those that do not. For example, doSomething refers to a method with no parameter, whereas doSomething: refers to a method with one parameter, and doSomething:withAnotherPara: refers to a method with two parameters. The presence or absence of colons in a method name dictates which method is invoked during runtime. This is important when passing method names as arguments, particularly when using the @selector (discussed in the Selectors section) notation to pass them to a delegate or notification event.

Method calls can also be nested, as the following example shows:

NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello World"];

Here, you first call the alloc class method of the NSString class and then call the initWithString: method of the returning result from the alloc method, which is of type id, a generic C type that Objective-C uses for an arbitrary object.

In general, you should not nest more than three levels because anything more than that makes the code difficult to read.


Properties allow you to expose your fields in your class so that you can control how values are set or returned. In the earlier example (in the Access Privileges section), you saw that you can directly access the fields of a class using the --> operator. However, this is not the ideal way and you should ideally expose your fields as properties.

Prior to Objective-C 2.0, programmers had to declare methods to make the fields accessible to other classes, like this:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class AnotherClass;

@interface SomeClass : NSObject {
    AnotherClass *anotherClass;
    float rate;
    NSString *name;

//---expose the rate field---
-(float) rate;                         //---get the value of rate---
-(void) setRate:(float) value;         //---set the value of rate

//---expose the name field---
-(NSString *) name;                   //---get the value of name---
-(void) setName:(NSString *) value;   //---set the value of name---


These methods are known as getters and setters (or sometimes better known as accessors and mutators). The implementation of these methods may look like this:

#import "SomeClass.h"

@implementation SomeClass

-(float) rate {
    return rate;

-(void) setRate:(float) value {
    rate = value;

-(NSString *) name {
    return name;

-(void) setName:(NSString *) value {
    [value retain];
    [name release];
    name = value;


To set the value of these properties, you need to call the methods prefixed with the set keyword:

SomeClass *sc = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
[sc setRate:5.0f];
[sc setName:@"Wei-Meng Lee"];

Alternatively, you can use the dot notation introduced in Objective-C 2.0:

SomeClass *sc = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
sc.rate = 5; = @"Wei-Meng Lee";

To obtain the values of properties, you can either call the methods directly or use the dot notation in Objective-C 2.0:

NSLog([sc name]); //---call the method---
NSLog(;   //---dot notation

To make a property read only, simply remove the method prefixed with the set keyword.

Notice that within the setName: method, you have various statements using the retain and release keywords. These keywords relate to memory management in Objective-C; you learn more about them in the "Memory Management" section, later in this appendix.

In Objective-C 2.0, you don't need to define getters and setters in order to expose fields as properties. You can do so via the @property and @synthesize compiler directives. Using the same example, you can use the @property to expose the rate and name fields as properties, like this:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class AnotherClass;

@interface SomeClass : NSObject {
    AnotherClass *anotherClass;
    float rate;
    NSString *name;

@property float rate;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *name;


The first @property statement defines rate to be a property. The second statement defines name as a property as well, but it also specifies the behavior of this property. In this case, it indicates the behavior as retain and nonatomic, which you learn more about in the section on memory management later in this appendix. In particular, nonatomic means that the property is not accessed in a thread-safe manner. This is alright if you are not writing multi-threaded applications. Most of the time, you will use the retain and nonatomic combination when declaring properties.

In the implementation file, rather than define the getter and setter methods, you can simply use the @synthesize keyword to get the compiler to automatically generate the getters and setters for you:

#import "SomeClass.h"

@implementation SomeClass
@synthesize rate, name;


As shown, you can combine several properties using a single @synthesize keyword. However, you can also separate them into individual statements:

@synthesize rate;
@synthesize name;

You can now use your properties as usual:

//---setting using setRate---
[sc setRate:5.0f];
[sc setName:@"Wei-Meng Lee"];

//---setting using dot notation---
sc.rate = 5; = @"Wei-Meng Lee";

NSLog([sc name]); //---using the name method
NSLog(;   //---dot notation

To make a property read only, use the readonly keyword. The following statement makes the name property read only:

@property (readonly) NSString *name;


When you create an instance of a class, you often initialize it at the same time. For example, in the earlier example (in the Class Instantiation section), you had this statement:

SomeClass *sc = [[SomeClass alloc] init];

The alloc keyword allocates memory for the object, and when an object is returned, the init method is called on the object to initialize the object. Recall that in SomeClass, you do not define a method named init. So where does the init method come from? It is actually defined in the NSObject class, which is the base class of most classes in Objective-C. The init method is known as an initializer.

If you want to create additional initializers, you can define methods that begin with the init word. (The use of the init word is more of a norm than a hard-and-fast rule.)

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class AnotherClass;

@interface SomeClass : NSObject {
    AnotherClass *anotherClass;
    float rate;
    NSString *name;

-(void) doSomething;
-(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str;
-(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str withAnotherPara:(float) value;
+(void) alsoDoSomething;

- (id)initWithName:(NSString *) n;
- (id)initWithName:(NSString *) n andRate:(float) r;

@property float rate;
@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *name;


The preceding example contains two additional initializers: initWithName: and initWithName:andRate:. You can provide the implementations for the two initializers as follows:

#import "SomeClass.h"
@implementation SomeClass
@synthesize rate, name;

- (id)initWithName:(NSString *) n
    return [self initWithName:n andRate:0.0f];

- (id)initWithName:(NSString *) n andRate:(float) r
    if (self = [super init]) { = n;
        self.rate = r;
    return self;

-(void) doSomething {

-(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str {

-(void) doSomething:(NSString *) str withAnotherPara:(float) value {

+(void) alsoDoSomething {


Note that in the initWithName:andRate: initializer implementation, you first call the init initializer of the super (base) class so that its base class is properly initialized, which is necessary before you can initialize the current class:

- (id)initWithName:(NSString *) n andRate:(float) r
    if (self = [super init]) {
    return self;

The rule for defining an initializer is simple: If a class is initialized properly, it should return a reference to self (hence the id type). If it fails, it should return nil.

For the initWithName: initializer implementation, notice that it calls the initWithName:andRate: initializer:

- (id)initWithName:(NSString *) n
    return [self initWithName:n andRate:0.0f];

In general, if you have multiple initializers, each with different parameters, you should chain them by ensuring that they all call a single initializer that performs the call to the super class's init initializer. In Objective-C, the initializer that performs the call to the super class's init initializer is called the designated initializer.


As a general guide, the designated initializer should be the one with the greatest number of parameters.

To use the initializers, you can now call them during instantiation time:

SomeClass *sc1 = [[SomeClass alloc] initWithName:@"Wei-Meng Lee" andRate:35];
SomeClass *sc2 = [[SomeClass alloc] initWithName:@"Wei-Meng Lee"];


Memory management in Objective-C programming (especially for iPhone) is a very important topic that every iPhone developer needs to be aware of. As do all other popular languages, Objective-C supports garbage collection, which helps to remove unused objects when they go out of scope and hence releases memory that can be reused. However, because of the severe overhead involved in implementing garbage collection, the iPhone does not support garbage collection. This leaves you, the developer, to manually allocate and de-allocate the memory of objects when they are no longer needed.

This section discusses the various aspects of memory management on the iPhone.

Reference Counting

To help you allocate and de-allocate memory for objects, the iPhone OS uses a scheme known as reference counting to keep track of objects to determine whether they are still needed or can be disposed of. Reference counting basically uses a counter for each object, and as each object is created, the count increases by 1. When an object is released, the count decreases by 1. When the count reaches 0, the memory associated with the object is reclaimed by the OS.

In Objective-C, a few important keywords are associated with memory management. The following sections take a look at each of them.


The alloc keyword allocates memory for an object that you are creating. You have seen it in almost all exercises in this book. An example is as follows:

NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"];

In this example, you are creating an NSString object and instantiating it with a default string. When the object is created, the reference count of that object is 1. Because you are the one creating it, the object belongs to you, and it is your responsibility to release the memory when you are done with it.


See the "release" section for information on how to release an object.

So how do you know when an object is owned, and by whom? Consider the following example:

NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"];
NSString *str2 = str;

In this example, you use the alloc keyword for str, so you own str. Therefore, you need to release it when you no longer need it. However, str2 is simply pointing to str, so you do not own str2, meaning that you need not release str2 when you are done using it.


Besides using the alloc keyword to allocate memory for an object, you can also use the new keyword, like this:

NSString *str = [NSString new];

The new keyword is functionally equivalent to

NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] init];

As with the alloc keyword, using the new keyword makes you the owner of the object, so you need to release it when you are done with it.


The retain keyword increases the reference count of an object by 1. Consider the previous example:

NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"];
NSString *str2 = str;

In that example, you do not own str2 because you do not use the alloc keyword on the object. When str is released, the str2 will no longer be valid.


How do you release str2, then? Well, it is autoreleased. See the "Convenience Method and Autorelease" section for more information.

If you want to make sure that str2 is available even if str is released, you need to use the retain keyword:

NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"];
NSString *str2 = str;
[str2 retain];
[str release];

In the preceding case, the reference count for str is now 2. When you release str, str2 will still be valid. When you are done with str2, you need to release it manually.


As a general rule, if you own an object (using alloc or retain), you need to release it.


When you are done with an object, you need to manually release it by using the release keyword:

NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"];

// what you want with the object...

[str release];

When you use the release keyword on an object, it causes the reference count of that object to decrease by 1. When the reference count reaches 0, the memory used by the object is released.

One important aspect to keep in mind when using the release keyword is that you cannot release an object that is not owned by you. For example, consider the example used in the previous section:

NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"];
NSString *str2 = str;
[str release];
[str2 release];  //---this is not OK as you do not own str2---

Attempting to release str2 will result in a runtime error because you cannot release an object not owned by you. However, if you use the retain keyword to gain ownership of an object, you do need to use the release keyword:

NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello"];
NSString *str2 = str;
[str2 retain];
[str release];
[str2 release];  //---this is now OK as you now own str2---

Recall earlier that in the section on properties, you defined the setName: method, where you set the value of the name field:

-(void) setName:(NSString *) value {
    [value retain];
    [name release];
    name = value;

Notice that you first had to retain the value object, followed by releasing the name object and then finally assigning the value object to name. Why do you need to do that as opposed to the following?

-(void) setName:(NSString *) value {
    name = value;

Well, if you were using garbage collection, the preceding statement would be valid. However, because iPhone OS does not support garbage collection, the preceding statement will cause the original object referenced by the name object to be lost, thereby causing a memory leak. To prevent that leak, you first retain the value object to indicate that you wish to gain ownership of it; then you release the original object referenced by name. Finally, assign value to name:

[value retain];
    [name release];
    name = value;

Convenience Method and Autorelease

So far, you learned that all objects created using the alloc or new keywords are owned by you. Consider the following case:

NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", 4];

In this statement, do you own the str object? The answer is no, you don't. This is because the object is created using one of the convenience methods — static methods that are used for allocating and initializing objects directly. In the preceding case, you create an object but you do not own it. Because you do not own it, you cannot release it manually. In fact, objects created using this method are known as autorelease objects. All autorelease objects are temporary objects and are added to an autorelease pool. When the current method exits, all the objects contained within it are released. Autorelease objects are useful for cases in which you simply want to use some temporary variables and do not want to burden yourself with allocations and de-allocations.

The key difference between an object created using the alloc (or new) keyword and one created using a convenience method is that of ownership, as the following example shows:

NSString *str1 = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%d", 4];
[str1 release]; //---this is ok because you own str1---

NSString *str2 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", 4];
[str2 release]; //---this is not ok because you don't own str2---
//---str2 will be removed automatically when the autorelease pool is activated---

If you want to take ownership of an object when using a convenience method, you can do so using the retain keyword:

NSString *str2 = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", 4] retain];

To release the object, you can use either the autorelease or release keyword. You learned earlier that the release keyword immediately decreases the reference count by 1 and that the object is immediately de-allocated from memory when the reference count reaches 0. In contrast, the autorelease keyword promises to decrease the reference count by 1, not immediately, but sometime later. It is like saying, "Well, I still need the object now, but later on I can let it go." The following code makes it clear:

NSString *str = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", 4] retain];
[str autorelease];  //you don't own it anymore; still available
NSlog(str);         //still accessible for now


After you have autoreleased an object, do not release it anymore.

Note that the statement

NSString *str2 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", 4];

has the same effect as

NSString *str2 = @"4";

Although autorelease objects seem to make your life simple by automatically releasing objects that are no longer needed, you have to be careful when using them. Consider the following example:

for (int i=0; i<=99999; i++){
    NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", i];

You are creating an NSString object for each iteration of the loop. Because the objects are not released until the function exits, you may well run out of memory before the autorelease pool can kick in to release the objects.

One way to solve this dilemma is to use an autorelease pool, as discussed in the next section.

Autorelease Pools

All autorelease objects are temporary objects and are added to an autorelease pool. When the current method exits, all the objects contained within it are released. However, sometimes you want to control how the autorelease pool is emptied, rather than wait for it to be called by the OS. To do so, you can create an instance of the NSAutoreleasePool class, like this:

for (int i=0; i<=99999; i++){
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    NSString *str1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", i];
    NSString *str2 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", i];
    NSString *str3 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", i];
    [pool release];

In this example, for each iteration of the loop, an NSAutoreleasePool object is created, and all the autorelease objects created within the loop — str1, str2, and str3 — go into it. At the end of each iteration, the NSAutoreleasePool object is released so that all the objects contained within it are automatically released. This ensures that you have at most three autorelease objects in memory at any one time.


You have learned that by using the alloc or the new keyword, you own the object that you have created. You have also seen how to release the objects you own using the release or autorelease keyword. So when is a good time for you to release them?

As a rule of thumb, you should release the objects as soon as you are done with them. So if you created an object in a method, you should release it before you exit the method. For properties, recall that you can use the @property compiler directive together with the retain keyword:

@property (retain, nonatomic) NSString *name;

Because the values of the property will be retained, it is important that you free it before you exit the application. A good place to do so is in the dealloc method of a class (such as a View Controller):

-(void) dealloc {
    [ release];   //---release the name property---
    [super dealloc];

The dealloc method of a class is fired whenever the reference count of its object reaches 0. Consider the following example:

SomeClass *sc1 = [[SomeClass alloc] initWithName:@"Wei-Meng Lee" andRate:35];
// something here...
[sc1 release];  //---reference count goes to 0; dealloc will be called---

The preceding example shows that when the reference count of sc1 goes to 0 (when the release statement is called), the dealloc method defined within the class will be called. If you do not define this method in the class, its implementation in the base class will be called.

Memory Management Tips

Memory management is a tricky issue in iPhone programming. Although there are tools that you can use to test for memory leaks, this section presents some simple things you can do to detect memory problems that might affect your application.

First, ensure that you implement the didReceiveMemoryWarning method in your View Controller:

- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
    //---insert code here to free unused objects---
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];

The didReceiveMemoryWarning method will be called whenever your iPhone runs out of memory. You should insert code in this method so that you can free resources/objects that you do not need.

In addition, you should also handle the applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning: method in your application delegate:

- (void)applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning:(UIApplication *)application
    //---insert code here to free unused objects---
    [[ImageCache sharedImageCache] removeAllImagesInMemory];

In this method, you should stop all memory-intensive activities, such as audio and video playback. You should also remove all images cached in memory.


In Objective-C, a protocol declares a programmatic interface that any class can choose to implement. A protocol declares a set of methods, and an adopting class may choose to implement one or more of its declared methods. The class that defines the protocol is expected to call the methods in the protocols that are implemented by the adopting class.

The easiest way to understand protocols is to examine the UIAlertView class. As you have experienced in the various chapters in this book, you can simply use the UIAlertView class by creating an instance of it and then calling its show method:

UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
                             message:@"This is an alert view"
    [alert show];

The preceding code displays an alert view with one button — OK. Tapping the OK button automatically dismisses the alert view. If you want to display additional buttons, you can set the otherButtonTitles: parameter like this:

UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
                             message:@"This is an alert view"
                             otherButtonTitles:@"Option 1", @"Option 2", nil];

The alert view now displays three buttons — OK, Option 1, and Option 2. But how do you know which button was tapped by the user? You can determine this by handling the relevant method(s) that will be fired by the alert view when the buttons are clicked. This set of methods is defined by the UIAlertViewDelegate protocol. This protocol defines the following methods:

  • alertView:clickedButtonAtIndex:

  • willPresentAlertView:

  • didPresentAlertView:

  • alertView:willDismissWithButtonIndex:

  • alertView:didDismissWithButtonIndex:

  • alertViewCancel:

If you want to implement any of the methods in the UIAlertViewDelegate protocol, you need to ensure that your class, in this case the View Controller, conforms to this protocol. A class conforms to a protocol using angle brackets (<>), like this:

@interface UsingViewsViewController : UIViewController
 <UIAlertViewDelegate>{  //---this class conforms to the UIAlertViewDelegate
                         // protocol---


To conform to more than one delegate, separate the protocols with commas, such as <UIAlertViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource>.

After the class conforms to a protocol, you can implement the method in your class:

- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView
clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {

    NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", buttonIndex]);



In Objective-C, a delegate is just an object that has been assigned by another object as the object responsible for handling events. Consider the case of the UIAlertView example that you have seen previously:

UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
                             message:@"This is an alert view"

The initializer of the UIAlertView class includes a parameter called the delegate. Setting this parameter to self means that the current object is responsible for handling all the events fired by this instance of the UIAlertView class. If you don't need to handle events fired by this instance, you can simply set it to nil:

UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
                             message:@"This is an alert view"

If you have multiple buttons on the alert view and want to know which button was tapped, you need to handle the methods defined in the UIAlertViewDelegate protocol. You can either implement it in the same class in which the UIAlertView class was instantiated (as shown in the previous section), or create a new class to implement the method, like this:

@implementation SomeClass

- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView
clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {

    NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", buttonIndex]);



To ensure that the alert view knows where to look for the method, create an instance of SomeClass and then set it as the delegate:

SomeClass *myDelegate = [[SomeClass alloc] init];

UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
                         message:@"This is an alert view"
                         otherButtonTitles:@"Option 1", @"Option 2", nil];
[alert show];


In Objective-C, a selector is the name used to select a method to execute for an object. It is used to identify a method. You have seen the use of a selector in some of the chapters in this book. Here is one of them:

//---create a Button view---
    CGRect frame = CGRectMake(10, 50, 300, 50);
    UIButton *button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
    button.frame = frame;
    [button setTitle:@"Click Me, Please!" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
button.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[button addTarget:self action:@selector(buttonClicked:)

The preceding code shows that you are dynamically creating a UIButton object. In order to handle the event (for example, the Touch Up Inside event) raised by the button, you need to call the addTarget:action:forControlEvents: method of the UIButton class:

[button addTarget:self action:@selector(buttonClicked:)

The action: parameter takes in an argument of type SEL (selector). In the preceding code, you pass in the name of the method that you have defined — buttonClicked: — which is defined within the class:

-(IBAction) buttonClicked: (id) sender{

Alternatively, you can create an object of type SEL and then instantiate it by using the NSSelectorFromString function (which takes in a string containing the method name):

NSString *nameOfMethod = @"buttonClicked:";
SEL methodName = NSSelectorFromString(nameOfMethod);

The call to the addTarget:action:forControlEvents: method now looks like this:

[button addTarget:self action:methodName


When naming a selector, be sure to specify the full name of the method. For example, if a method name has one or more parameters, you need to add a ":" in the sector, such as:

NSString *nameOfMethod = @"someMethod:withPara1:andPara2:";


Because Objective-C is an extension of C, it is common to see C functions interspersed throughout your Objective-C application. C functions use the parentheses () to pass in arguments for parameters.


A category in Objective-C allows you to add methods to an existing class without the need to subclass it. You can also use a category to override the implementation of an existing class.


In some languages (such as C#), a category is known as a an extension method.

As an example, imagine that you want to test whether a string contains a valid email address. You can add an isEmail method to the NSString class so that you can call the isEmail method on any NSString instance, like this:

NSString *email = @"[email protected]";
if ([email isEmail])

To do so, you can simply create a new class file and code it as follows:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

//---NSString is the class you are extending---
@interface NSString (stringUtils)

//---the method you are adding to the NSString class---
- (BOOL) isEmail;


Basically, it looks the same as declaring a new class except that it does not inherit from any other class. The stringUtils is a name that identifies the category you are adding, and you can use any name you want.

Next, you need to implement the method(s) you are adding:

#import "Utils.h"
@implementation NSString (Utilities)

- (BOOL) isEmail
    NSString *emailRegEx =

NSPredicate *regExPredicate = [NSPredicate
                                  predicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@",

    return [regExPredicate evaluateWithObject:self];



The code for validating an email address using regular expression is adapted from

You can then test for the validity of an email address using the newly added method:

NSString *email = @"[email protected]";
if ([email isEmail])
    NSLog(@"Valid email");
     NSLog(@"Invalid email");


In this appendix, you had an overview of the Objective-C language. Although it did not offer comprehensive coverage of the language, it presented sufficient information for you to get started in iPhone programming.

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