part 2

Finding the leader inside you

‘Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.’

Lao Tzu, ancient Chinese philosopher

Beware the boss with messianic complex

Luke Johnson

‘I do whatever the f–k I want.’ This is a remark by the world’s richest restaurateur, a billionaire called Tilman Fertitta, as quoted in Forbes magazine recently. Does it reflect a widespread belief among successful entrepreneurs?

Unquestionably, self-determination matters a lot to them. At a recent gathering of business high-flyers, I conducted a survey of their chief motivations. Rather than wealth, power or fame, the most important driver among these self-made men and women was almost uniformly the desire for autonomy.

Certainly if you are your own boss, no one can fire you. For plenty of entrepreneurs, from Michael Bloomberg down, getting the sack was the spark to start their own show: they all vow that being given the boot will never happen to them again.

Wealthy entrepreneurs can also wear what they want, be late and get away with it, buy their way out of trouble, take a year’s holiday, retire early or carry on until they drop, shut their business, sell it, give it away, put their name over the door or stick their picture up in every branch – as the founder of PizzaExpress once wanted to do (my partner and I convinced him it wasn’t such a good idea).

If you possess a major business, such ownership gives you the power to make all the corporate decisions you ever fancy. By contrast, public company chief executives have to convince a board to back them, and sometimes take matters to a shareholder vote. They are in essence hired hands. Indeed, being the chief executive of a large corporation is a precarious job – the average incumbent lasts only six years in the post.

There are exceptions – Steve Jobs was one. All the profiles of him since his death describe what an autocrat he was, and how he could bully subordinates and even dictate to customers. But his remarkable achievements at Apple allowed him to get away with such seemingly unreasonable behaviour. Of course, private companies still have other stakeholders, even if all the shares are controlled by one individual. There are staff, suppliers, customers and probably lenders.

Some entrepreneurs give the impression they don’t care a fig about any of them. I know one near-billionaire who appears to treat everyone like dirt – and not suffer for it. He brushes off the lawsuits and rows, and seems to grow richer and more arrogant with each deal. Yet because he has the magic touch, everyone he comes into contact with tolerates his coarseness.

Politicians give the impression of holding power, but they are very temporary custodians, and once they step down or are voted out of public office, all their influence disappears. Moreover, their every move is supervised by civil servants, and watched like a hawk by the media. Generally speaking, those in public life have very restricted freedom.

Sometimes dictators spring up, and a few cling to power for extended periods. But almost all, like Muammer Gaddafi, come to a sticky end because their hegemony is illegal and gained through force. Eventually the citizens revolt and overthrow tyrants.

By contrast, tycoons create empires through commercial flair (or perhaps inheritance), and in any event their possessions and dominance – once amassed – are protected by civil law.

Many seemingly invincible entrepreneurs are lord of all they survey in the office, but second-in-command at home. They think they can do whatever they want, but actually their spouse calls the shots about domestic matters, family – and often more.

My view has always been that we all answer to someone – be it the bank, a partner, regulators – indeed, the list can be a long one. Anyone who imagines they have total independence from the rest of society is delusional.

Perhaps while in uniform, all of those at the top have moments when they imagine they are god – be they generals, surgeons or corporate chieftains. But unless they are sociopaths – which some entrepreneurs probably are – then any momentary lapse into a messianic complex will soon be corrected.

In my experience, leaders who lack conscience and suffer from excessive self-confidence end up in trouble. Business is a collaborative art that requires persuasion and negotiation. As the Greeks knew, nemesis awaits those who are afflicted by hubris.

Image Source: Johnson, L. (2012) Beware the boss with messianic complex, Financial Times, 11 September, p. 83. © The Financial Times Limited 2012. All Rights Reserved.

‘Mastering yourself is true power’ – and this is even truer for anyone determined to unlock their leadership potential. Leaders set things in motion because of who they are. Leadership is, first and foremost, rooted in a deep sense of self-awareness that is expressed in day-to-day attitudes and behaviours in the workplace. It is also essential to assess the fit with the intrinsic culture of the organisation.

Part 1 provided a high-level overview of the rich historical context of leadership and complemented that with an exploration of the desirable attributes of tomorrow’s leaders.

This second part focuses solely on the personal dimensions of aspiring leaders. It provides a comprehensive view of what is needed in order to find the leader inside you by successively analysing the following key aspects:

  • Self-awareness This is the most important element if you are to develop the level of empathy required to become both an effective and authentic leader. A deep understanding of who you are, rooted in the deep layers of your life story, will give you insights into your strengths, weaknesses and biases. The greater your understanding, the better you will be able to relate to and influence others. Different methods and techniques to reach an adequate level of self-awareness are presented (see Chapter 3).
  • Self-confidence Self-confidence plays a critical role in establishing yourself as someone who is not only respected and listened to but also inspiring. Gaining self-confidence is not an easy exercise. It requires the development of a strong feeling of self-worth, by means of reprogramming yourself, shifting perspectives and how you filter information. You will also need to understand your fears and find ways to overcome them (see Chapter 4).
  • Your leadership ‘brand’ This means how you convey your identity and is a way to communicate what is powerful, inspiring and effective about your leadership, at every level of the organisation and externally. Developing your leadership brand requires you to clearly define what you want to be known for, always bearing in mind your authenticity. It asks for you to ‘walk the talk’ and consistently demonstrate in your behaviours what you stand for. Finally, it asks you to build your charisma and gravitas by being aware of how you carry yourself and how you communicate (see Chapter 5).
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