
2D animation, 1, 4, 133

Aardman animations, 47, 98, 104, 129, 137, 160

Acting skills, 99, 12930, 137

Action shots, 11213, 11822

Actors, 99100

Adverts, 15860

America see United States/Britain differences

Animal movements, 3, 110, 1258

Animatics, 435, 99

Animation software, 1315

Animation UK, 163

Anticipation, 116, 11820, 132, 1334


ball and socket, 48, 6670

covering, 80, 81

flexibility, 46, 48

wire, 525

ASIFA (International Animated Film Association), 199

Attaching models to set, 58, 59, 84, 889

Audiences filling in the blanks, 134

Backdrops, 91, 945 Balance, 112

Ball and socket armatures, 48, 6670

Balls, movement, 237

Bar charts, 19, 29

Berry, Paul, 64, 161

Birds, 126, 128

Black Wrap (Rosco foil), 96, 151 Blinking, 1345

Blue/green screen technique, 143, 147

Bob the Builder, 401, 102, 1045, 1601

Body language, 4, 104, 105, 108, 130

Brisk Tea (Rocky)

commercials, 424, 71, 92, 96, 100, 15960

Britain see United States/Britain differences

BTV Pro software, 14, 171

Buildings, 901

Business cards, 1645

CAD see Computer aided design Camcorders, 12


angles and shots, 368, 113

light proofing, 1401

movement, 15, 1423

technical information, 1012, 19, 13941

video, 1213, 1412

Cartoon conventions, 1, 4, 1334

Cartoon (European Association of Animation Film), 166, 199

CGI see Computer–generated images


see also Models

acting, 12930, 137

comedy, 1324

faces, 3, 478, 1034, 1345

histories, 34

inanimate objects, 212, 1301

life, 1, 234

secondary, 135

simplicity, 47, 1312

subtle animation, 1357

voices, 98, 99

Chicken Run, 136, 1613

Children's TV series, 158

Chroma key, 143, 147

Clay see Modelling clay; Plasticine

Claymation see Plasticine

Cleanliness, 51, 81

Climpex, 95, 97

Clokey Productions, 50, 158


making, 612, 823

movement, 121, 149, 150

texture stamps, 72

Cockle, Jackie, 1601

College courses, 157, 158, 163, 164, 1939


filming, 139, 140

grading, 9, 154

models, 812

Comedy, 1325

Commercials, 15860

Commissioning editors, 1656

Composition of frames, 36

Computer aided design (CAD), 69, 86

Computer software:

contacts, 171

editing, 17

frame grabbing, 1315

sound, 1012

Computer–generated images (CGI), 2, 6, 166

Contacts, 1718

Continuity, 36, 38

Cook, Luis, 47, 160

Copyrights, 1556

Cosgrove Hall Films, 467, 64, 889, 1056, 158, 161


equipment, 1819

post production, 9, 154

professional studios, 159

Costumes see Clothing

Courses, 157, 158, 163, 164, 1939

‘Crawling’ fabric/fur, 82

Creature Comforts, 98, 136

Credits, 156

Depth of field, 86, 139, 140

Dialogue, 98108

animatics, 45, 99

bar charts, 19, 29

body language, 104, 105, 108

dope sheets, 19, 279, 45, 1012

lip sync, 47, 65, 1028

‘live’, 98

model movements, 47, 65

recording, 1718, 1001

voices, 48, 99, 101

Digital audio tape (DAT), 156

Digital video (DV), 9, 13, 1819

Directories, 1634

Dope sheets (X–sheets), 19, 279, 45, 1012

Double exposures, 146

Double frame recording, 22

Drawing movement, 11011

Dressing models see Clothing


editors, 34, 150, 154

equipment, 17

post production, 9, 17, 68, 15367

pre production, 34, 434

Electrical equipment, 145

Emphatic movements, 28, 121

England see United States/Britain differences

English clay, 501, 80

Equipment, 820, 1415, 1718

Establishing shots, 36

European animation, 2, 3, 46

European Association of Animation Film (Cartoon), 166, 199

Exercises, 2131

Explosions, 1478

Eyes, 478, 56, 58, 1345


dressing models, 61, 823

movement, 121, 150

props, 91, 95

texture stamps, 72


characterisation, 3, 478, 1034, 1345

consistency, 162

lip sync, 47, 65, 1038

wrinkles, 72

Falling objects, 27, 28, 118

Feature films, 1613

Feet, 53, 5860

Festivals, 164, 165, 17992

Filling in the blanks, 134

Film Fair, 163


formats, 912, 18

loading, 141

processing, 139, 140, 151, 1734

suppliers, 1723

Films, feature, 1613

Final checks, 1501

Financing professional work, 166

Fire, animating, 147

Firewire interface, 13, 14, 19

Flagging lights, 151

Flight, 126, 128

Flocking, 90

Flowing action, 1201


latex, 61, 745, 7682

snip foam, 61

upholstery, 61, 81

urethane, 90

Fog, 150

Foil (Rosco/Black Wrap), 96, 151

Foley recording, 155

Follow through movements, 121


digital, 9, 13, 1819, 156

film, 912, 18

video, 9, 1213, 1412, 164

Frame capture software, 1315

Frame count, 223

Framethief software, 14, 171

Fur, 82, 90

Gaffer tape (duct tape), 16, 19

Gates, 10, 19


film, 910, 18

tracking movement, 149

Glass sheets, 1467

Glossaries, 19, 834, 96, 1512

Go–motion, 124

Gobos, 91, 934

Grammar of shots, 358

Green/blue screen technique, 143, 147


flocking, 90

making, 567

movement, 121, 133

Hands, models, 28, 53, 567

Hard moulds, 71, 746

Harryhausen, Ray, 5, 46, 82

Harvest Films, 162, 163

Heads, camera movement, 15

Heads of models, 53, 556, 103

see also Faces, Mouths, Eyes

Health and safety, 1445

Hilligoss, Nick, 8690

Hittle, Tim, 21, 136

HOT Animation, 401, 102, 1045, 158, 1601

Idea development, 323

Inanimate objects, giving character, 212, 1301

Interiors, 85, 91, 92

International Animated Film Association (ASIFA), 199

Jackson, Gary, 5262

Joints, 68

see also Armature

K&S tubing, 53, 63

‘Keep it simple’, 47, 1312

Kits, armatures, 67

Laboratories, 139, 140, 151, 1734

Landscapes, 8991, 945, 150

Latex foam, 61, 745, 7682

Leroy, Guionne, 137, 162

Life drawing, 11011

Lifting, 11516

Light meters, 139, 152


equipment, 1617, 1512

sets, 91, 92, 94

suppliers, 173

technical information, 13940, 1434, 145

Lip sync, 47, 65, 1038

Loose Moose, 424, 645, 71, 100, 15960

Lord, Pete, 28, 30, 11314, 129

LunchBox Sync, 1415, 19, 171

Mackinnon, Ian, 645

Mackinnon & Saunders, 645, 71, 72, 889, 103, 159

Magazines, 163

Magnets, 58, 59, 84, 889

MagPie Pro software, 1012, 171

Maquettes (sculpts), 65, 712

Matchboxes, 22, 28


models, 4852, 63, 65, 834

props, 95, 96

sets, 8891, 967

Matting, 146, 152

Milliput, 567, 95

Mime, 130

Mirrors, 72, 107, 109

Modelling clay, 4952

see also Chicken Run; Morph; Wallace and Gromit

bouncing balls, 246

hands, 28, 567

heads, 556, 104, 162

mould sealing, 80, 81

press moulding, 76

prop making, 95

sculpt making, 71

suppliers, 175

types, 501, 71


armatures, 46, 48, 525, 6670

attaching to floor, 589, 84

casting, 7181

characterisation, 1, 2, 469, 12937

design, 468, 645

dressing, 612, 823

lip sync, 47, 65, 1038

making your own, 4863, 678, 7183

maquettes (sculpts), 65, 712

moving, 10928

planning, 489, 67, 723

professional companies, 646, 6970, 72, 82

Morph character, 4, 30, 4950


casting, 7680

clay models, 50, 51

hard, 746

sculpts, 712

soft, 71, 76

Mouths, 47, 65, 1038, 162

Movement, 2331, 10928

animals, 3, 110, 1258

anticipation/action/reaction, 11822

balls, 237

basics, 234

blurring, 1245, 150

cameras, 15, 142

copying real life, 3, 114

joints, 68

model design, 489

planning, 2731

sets, 89

timing, 11314

walking and running, 1225

weight, 11518

Multiple characters, 135

Music, 1556

Muybridge, Eadweard, 110

Neodymium (rare earth) magnets, 589, 84, 889

Newitt, Jeff, 4, 8, 130, 154, 163, 167

Organizations, 154, 1989

Painting models, 812

Palethorpe, Ange, 159

Park, Nick, 3, 345, 46, 48, 98, 162

Pastiline, 71

Perception Video Recorder (PVR), 1314

Performance, 1, 212, 12937

Perspective, 91, 945

Pixillation, 5

Plan drawings, 356


animatics, 435

camera shots, 359

idea/script/treatment, 325

models, 489, 67, 723

movements, 2731

storyboards, 3943

Plaster moulds, 745

Plasticine, 4952

see also Chicken Run; Modelling clay; Morph; Wallace and Gromit

bouncing balls, 246

hands, 28, 567

heads, 556, 104, 162

press moulding, 76

Plots, 323

Post production:

costs, 9, 154

editing, 9, 17, 68, 15367

sound, 17, 1556

Pre production:

editing, 34, 434

sound, 99100

Price, Loyd, 64, 161

Production sequence, 7


animation studios, 142, 15767

model making, 646, 6970, 72, 82

set making, 86

voice–overs, 99

Props, 85, 89, 90, 91, 95

Publications, 1634, 16970

Pugh, Sue, 64

Puppets see Models

Purves, Barry, 64, 114, 124, 153, 161

Pushing, 117

Rain, 148

Rare earth (neodymium) magnets, 589, 84, 889

Reactions to movement, 11820

Real life, animation differences, 3, 114

Recording sound, 1718, 1001, 155

Registration, 19

Relaxed poses, 112, 137

Release agents, 76

Replacement parts, 47, 65, 73, 103, 150, 162

Resin moulds, 746

Rigging, 956, 123

Rigging points, 68

Rigging stand, 68, 70

Rocky (Brisk Tea) commercials, 424, 71, 92, 100, 15960

Rosco foil (Black Wrap), 96, 151

Running, 1245

Rushes, 153

Russ, Cat, 5262

S–Video connection, 12, 14, 19

Saunders, Peter, 467

Scaffolding rigs, 95

Scale, 48, 868

ScaryCat Studio, 5262, 74, 112113, 11520, 124, 1334

Scott, Anthony, 1489

Scripts, 325

Sculpts (maquettes), 65, 712

Secondary characters, 135

Series work, 158, 1601

Sets, 8597

backdrops, 91, 945

bases, 889

design, 38, 40, 45, 858

interiors, 85, 91

landscapes, 8991, 945, 150

movement, 89

scale, 868

shifting, 9

Shadows, 91, 934, 143

Shoes, 5960

Showreels, 164

Silicone models, 57, 745, 81

Silicone moulds, 76

Simplicity, 47, 1312

Single frame recording, 10, 19, 22


movement speed, 116

scale, 48, 868

Skin texture, 72, 73

Smoke, 150

Snip foam, 61

Snow, 1489

Soft moulds, 71, 76


animation/frame grabbing, 1315

editing/sound, 17, 1012

Sound, 98108

breakdown, 1012, 1068

editing, 17

planning, 38

post production, 17, 1556

pre production, 99100

recording, 1718, 1001, 155

scratch dialogue track, 45

synchronization, 1534

Special effects, 14550, 155

Speed, 116, 1245, 150

Stability of equipment, 15, 88

Stereotyped characteristics, 130

Stillness, 135, 1367

Stop Motion Pro software, 14, 171

Story development, 3245

Storyboards, 3943

‘Stretch and squash’, 4, 24, 25, 26, 27, 133

Subtlety, 1357

Suppliers, 1718

‘Take’ comic reaction, 133

Teamwork, 161, 1623

Telecine processing, 10, 20, 139, 140

Temperature, 51, 89, 94

Texture stamps, 72, 73

Thomas, Trey, 157

Tie–down model attachment, 58, 59, 88, 89

Timecode, 1534


comic, 1324

movements, 11314, 1234

single or double frame, 223

stopwatch, 16, 23, 114

Tippett Studio, 56, 71

Tools, 1516, 67, 834

Training, 157, 158, 163, 164, 1939

Treatments, 35

Trees, 8990, 150

Tripods, 15

Trnka, Jiri, 2, 3, 46

TV series, 158, 1601, 1656

TV specials, 162

Undercuts, moulding, 723, 75

United States/Britain differences

armatures, 66

attachment methods, 59

modelling clay, 51, 80

use of gauges, 149

video standards, 164

Upholstery foam, 61, 81

Urethane foam, 90

USB interface, 12, 14, 20


assist, 12

formats, 9, 1213, 141, 164, 165

studying movement, 110, 119

Visualizations, 35, 423

Voices, 48

Walking, 1228

Wallace and Gromit, 34, 345, 48, 104, 137, 150

Water, 148, 149

Weather, 14850

Webcams, 13

Websites, 17, 101, 164, 165, 17192


of characters, 24

distribution in models, 112

falling objects, 118

lifting objects, 11516

pushing, 117

speed of movement, 115, 116

transference, 122

Wind, 150

Windows, 85, 901

Wire armatures, 525

X–sheets (dope sheets), 19, 279, 45, 1012

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