7. Doodlz App


In this chapter you’ll:

Image Detect when the user touches the screen, moves a finger across the screen and removes a finger from the screen.

Image Process multiple touches so the user can draw with multiple fingers at once.

Image Use a SensorManager and the accelerometer to detect motion events.

Image Use an AtomicBoolean object to allow multiple threads to access a boolean value in a thread-safe manner.

Image Use a Paint object to specify the color and width of a line.

Image Use Path objects to store each line’s data and use a Canvas to draw each line into a BitMap.

Image Create a menu and display menu items on the action bar.

Image Use Android 4.4’s immersive mode to enable the user to draw on the entire screen.

Image Use Android 4.4’s printing framework and the Android Support Library class PrintHelper to enable the user to print a drawing.

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