Hour 19. Advanced Interactions Using jQuery UI Interaction Widgets

What You’ll Learn in This Hour:

Image Implementing drag-and-drop functionality

Image Making elements and children resizable

Image How to select multiple page elements using a bounding box

Image Creating sortable tables, lists, and containers

A special set of jQuery UI widgets are intended to provide generalized interactions for various elements. These widgets allow you to make elements draggable and droppable and provide sorting, box selection, and resize functionality to elements.

The jQuery UI interaction widgets can be attached to elements to provide a rich set of predefined interactions. The following sections cover the different interaction widgets and how to implement them in your web pages.

Introducing jQuery UI Interactions

All jQuery UI interactions are based on two main components—the jQuery.widget factory and the mouse widget. The jQuery.widget factory provides the base functionality for all widgets including creation, disabling, enabling, and option settings. The mouse widget provides the base mouse interactions with the widget that captures mouse events and allows the widgets to interact with them.

Reviewing the jQuery.widget Factory

The jQuery.widget factory defines an interface that is used by all jQuery UI widgets. The options, methods, and events of the factory are available to all widgets. Table 19.1 lists the methods and events defined in the factory and available in all widgets.


TABLE 19.1 Methods and Events Available on All jQuery UI Widgets

You can get more information about the jQuery.widget factory at http://api.jqueryui.com/jQuery.widget/.

Understanding the Mouse Interaction Widget

The mouse interaction widget is automatically applied to all widgets. Typically, you will not need to interact with it much. However, it does expose a few options that are very useful at times. Those options are the following:

Image cancel—Cancels interaction for specific elements. For example, to cancel mouse interactions for elements with class="label" in the #item1, you would use

$( "#item1" ).mouse( "option", "cancel", ".label" );

Image delay—Delays the time after the mousedown event occurs before the interaction takes place. For example, to add a 1-second delay for mouse interactions on #item2, you would use

$( "#item2" ).mouse( "option", "delay", 1000 );

Image distance—Specifies the distance in pixels the mouse must travel after the mousedown event occurs before the interaction should start. For example, to set the distance to 10 pixels for mouse interactions on #item3, you would use

$( "#item3" ).mouse( "option", "distance", 10 );

Using the Drag-and-Drop Widgets

Now that you have reviewed the widget interface and the mouse interaction widget, you are ready to look at some of the most common jQuery UI widgets—the draggable and droppable widgets. These widgets are designed to work in tandem.

You can define one element to be draggable and then another to be droppable. When draggable elements are dropped on droppable widgets, you can apply JavaScript and jQuery code to provide whatever interaction for the user you would like.

Dragging Elements with the Draggable Widget

The draggable widget defines an element as draggable by holding down the mouse and moving it. This allows you to move the element to whatever position on the screen you would like.

The draggable widget will handle scrolling elements and provides several options to control the look and feel while dragging. Table 19.2 describes the more common draggable options. The following shows an example of attaching the draggable widget to an element with the cursor and opacity options:

$("#img1").draggable({cursor:"move", opacity:.5});


TABLE 19.2 Common Draggable Widget Options

The draggable widget also provides the additional events so handlers can be attached to the element when dragging starts, is in progress, and stops. Table 19.3 lists the events that you can access on draggable items. The following shows an example of adding a dragstop event to apply a bounce effect when the item is dropped:

$("#drag1").draggable({cursor:"move", opacity:.5});
$("#drag1").on("dragstop", function(){$(this).effect("bounce", 1000); });


TABLE 19.3 Draggable Widget Events

Creating Drop Targets with the Droppable Widget

The droppable widget defines an element as a valid drop container usable by draggable items. This enables you to provide interactions between elements using simple mouse controls.

The droppable widget allows you to specify an accept function that can process the information about the event, such as mouse coordinates as well as the draggable item involved. Table 19.4 describes the more common droppable options. The following shows an example of attaching the droppable widget to an element and specifying the tolerance level:

$("#div1"). droppable ({tolerance:"touch"});


TABLE 19.4 Common Droppable Widget Options

The droppable widget also provides the additional events so handlers can be attached to the element when dragging and dropping. Table 19.5 lists the events that you can access on droppable items. The following shows an example of adding a dropactivate event to apply a shake effect when a droppable item is activated by a drag start:

$("#drop1").on("dropactivate", function(){$(this).effect("shake", 1000); });


TABLE 19.5 Droppable Widget Events

Resizing Elements Using the Resizable Widget

A frequent request for users is the capability to define the size and shape of images, lists, tables, and so on. The resizable widget provides the capability to easily resize an image with mouse controls. This allows users to resize page elements as they desire.

The resizable widget attaches several handle controls to the page elements that interact with the mouse to resize the elements. You can also resize other elements at the same time.

Table 19.6 describes the more common resizable options. The following shows an example of attaching the resizable widget to an element and specifying the aspectRatio as true:

$("#div1"). resizable ({aspectRatio:true});


TABLE 19.6 Common Resizable Widget Options

The resizable widget also provides the additional events so handlers can be attached to the element when resizing. Table 19.7 lists the events that you can access on resizable items. The following shows an example of adding a resizestop event to apply a pulsate effect when a resizable item has finished being resized:

$("#resize1"). resizable ({aspectRatio:true });
$("#resize1").on("dropactivate", function(){$(this).effect("pulsate"); });


TABLE 19.7 Resizable Widget Events

Applying the Selectable Widget

Another frequent request for users is the capability to easily select multiple items on a page using a bounding box. The selectable widget provides that functionality by allowing the user to draw a box, or “lasso,” around selectable children inside the selectable element using the mouse. Items inside the box are selected in the list.

Table 19.8 describes the more common selectable options. The following shows an example of attaching the selectable widget to an element and specifying the tolerance as fit:

$("#ul1"). selectable ({tolerance:"fit"});


TABLE 19.8 Common Selectable Widget Options

The selectable widget also provides the additional events so handlers can be attached to the selectable element or its children when changing the selection. Table 19.9 lists the events that you can access on selectable items.

Each of the selectable events will pass the event object along with a ui object that will have a value for each of the events representing the selectable element. For example, the following code adds a selectableselected event to an element and then accesses the selected attribute:

$("#list1").on("selectableselected ", function(e, ui){ ui.selected.effect("shake"); });


TABLE 19.9 Selectable Widget Events


The .ui-selecting class is appended to child elements that are currently being selected. After a child element is selected, the .ui-selected class will be appended. This allows you to define some basic styles in CSS without having to add/remove classes in the selectable event handlers.

Sorting Elements with the Sortable Widget

One of the coolest interactions provided by jQuery UI is the sortable widget. The sortable widget allows you to drag and reposition the order of HTML elements that are flowing together in a list, table, or just inside a container.

The sortable widget repositions the other elements as you drag an item. You can also link sortable containers together so that you can drag an item from one sortable container to another.

Table 19.10 describes the more common sortable options. The following shows an example of attaching a sortable widget to an element and specifying the tolerance as fit:



TABLE 19.10 Common Sortable Widget Options


To sort table rows using sortable, you need to make <tbody> sortable, not <table>.

The sortable widget also provides the additional events so handlers can be attached to the sortable element or its children when sorting. Table 19.11 lists the events that you can access on selectable items.


TABLE 19.11 Sortable Widget Events


jQuery UI will add the .ui-sortable-helper class to the helper element being sorted. You can define your own settings in the CSS for the helper class to control the look while moving the element in the sortable.

Each of the sortable events will pass the event object along with a ui object that will have the following values attached to it:

Image helper—jQuery object representing the helper object being dragged.

Image item—jQuery object representing the actual object being sorted.

Image offset{top, left} object for the current offset.

Image originalPosition{top, left} object for the original position.

Image position{top, left} object for the current position.

Image sender—Sortable object that the item is being dragged from when dragging from one sortable to another.

For example, the following code connects #list1 to #list2 and then adds a sortreceived event that will add a pulsate effect on both the sender and recipient:

$("#list1").on("sortreceived", function(e, ui){
  $(this).effect("pulsate "); });


Using interaction widgets, you can easily provide some advanced features to your web pages. In this hour, you created some drag-and-drop elements by making some elements draggable and others droppable using jQuery UI draggable and droppable widgets.

Adding the selectable widget allowed you to draw a bounding box or lasso around multiple items. You used the resizable widget to make a container such as a <div> resizable. You also resized the content inside.

Finally, you learned how to implement the sortable widget to sort items in a <div> and <tbody>. Elements from sortable containers can also be dragged from one container to another.


Q. Is it possible to create a custom interaction widget?

A. Yes. Using the jQuery UI jquery.widget factory, you can create a custom widget and provide whatever functionality in the prototype that you need.

Q. Is there a way to prevent mouse events from occurring on elements inside an item extended with a jQuery UI widget?

A. Yes. The following code cancels mouse events for items in an element #myList that have class="notSelectable":

$("#myList").mouse({ cancel:".notSelectable"});


The workshop consists of a set of questions and answers designed to solidify your understanding of the material covered in this hour. Try to answer the questions before looking at the answers.


1. When making an item draggable, what option should you use to keep the original in place while dragging?

2. What droppable event will be triggered when a draggable item is ready to be dropped in it?

3. True or False: It is not possible to keep a fixed ratio when using the resizable widget on an image.

4. Is there a way to limit what items are selected by the selectable widget?

Quiz Answers

1. Set helper to "clone" or another DOM object.

2. dropover

3. False. You can set the aspectRatio option to set a fixed ratio.

4. Yes. Use the filter option.


1. Open the code in Listing 19.3 and add a resize handler for the #resize2 handler. Change the font-size attribute based on the width and height the element is resized to.

2. Open the code in Listing 19.5 and modify the #sortTable element so that it connects with #sorter2. You will need to remove the axis restriction and change the width of #sort2 to handle the additional width.

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