9 Creating and Modifying Charts


When you’re ready to share data with others, a worksheet might not be the most effective way to present the information. A page full of numbers, even if attractively formatted, can be hard to understand and perhaps a little boring. Microsoft Excel makes it easy to create and modify charts so that you can effectively present your information. A chart is a visual representation of selected data in your worksheet. Whether you turn numbers into a bar, line, pie, surface, or bubble chart, patterns become more apparent. For example, the trend of annual rising profits becomes powerful in a line chart. A second line showing diminishing annual expenses creates an instant map of the success of a business.

A well-designed chart draws the reader’s attention to important data by illustrating trends and highlighting significant relationships between numbers. Excel generates charts based on data and chart type you select. Excel makes it easy to select the best chart type, design elements, and formatting enhancements for any type of information.

Once you create a chart, you may want to change your chart type to see how your data displays in a different style. You can move and resize your chart, and even draw on your chart to highlight achievements. Other formatting elements are available to assure a well-designed chart.

Understanding Chart Terminology


Choosing the Right Type of Chart

When you create a chart in Excel, you can choose from a variety of chart types. Each type interprets data in a slightly different way. For example, a pie chart is great for comparing parts of a whole, such as regional percentages of a sales total, while a column chart is better for showing how different sales regions performed throughout a year. Although there is some overlap, each chart type is best suited for conveying a different type of information.

When you generate a chart, you need to evaluate whether the chart type suits the data being plotted, and whether the formatting choices clarify or overshadow the information. Sometimes a colorful 3-D chart is just what you need to draw attention to an important shift; other times, special visual effects might be a distraction.




Creating a Chart

A chart provides a visual, graphical representation of numerical data. Charts add visual interest and useful information represented by lines, bars, pie slices, or other markers. A group of data values from a worksheet row or column of data makes up a data series. Each data series has a unique color or pattern on the chart. Titles on the chart, horizontal (x-axis), and vertical (y-axis) identify the data. Gridlines are horizontal and vertical lines to help the reader determine data values in a chart. When you choose to place the chart on an existing sheet, rather than on a new sheet, the chart is called an embedded object. You can then resize or move it just as you would any graphic object.

Insert and Create a Chart

image Select the data you want to use to create a chart.

image Click the Insert tab.

image Use one of the following methods:

image Basic Chart Types. Click a chart button (Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, Scatter, Other Charts) in the Charts group, and then click the chart type you want.

image All Chart Types. Click the Charts Dialog Box Launcher, click a category in the left pane, click a chart, and then click OK.

A chart appears on the worksheet as an embedded chart.

Did You Know?

Embedded charts are beneficial. A chart sheet is beneficial when you want to view or print a chart or PivotChart report separately from worksheet data or a PivotTable report.



Move a Chart to Another Worksheet

image Click the chart you want to modify.

image Click the Design tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Move Chart button.

image Use one of the following methods:

image To move the chart to a chart sheet, click the New sheet option, and then type a new name for the chart tab.

image To move the chart to another worksheet as an embedded object, click the Object in option, and then select the worksheet you want.

image Click OK.

Did You Know?

You can quickly create a default chart. Select the data you want to use for the chart, and then press F11 to create a chart on a new sheet, or press Alt+F1 to create an embedded chart on the active worksheet.

You can set the default chart. In the Insert Chart dialog box, select the chart type and chart subtype you want to set as the default, and then click Set As Default Chart.

You can edit the contents of chart text. To edit the contents of a title, click the chart or axis title. To edit the contents of a data label, double-click the data label. Click to place the insertion, and then make changes.



Editing a Chart

Editing a chart means altering any of its features, from data selection to formatting elements. For example, you might want to use more effective colors or patterns in a data series. To change a chart’s type or any element within it, you must select the chart or element. When a chart is selected, handles are displayed around the window’s perimeter, and chart tools become available on the Design, Layout, and Format tabs. As the figure below illustrates, you can point to any object or area on a chart to see what it is called. When you select an object, its name appears in the Chart Objects list box on the Ribbon, and you can then edit it. A chart consists of the following elements.

image Data markers. A graphical representation of a data point in a single cell in the datasheet. Typical data markers include bars, dots, or pie slices. Related data markers constitute a data series.


image Legend. A pattern or color that identifies each data series.

image X-axis. A reference line for the horizontal data values.

image Y-axis. A reference line for the vertical data values.

image Tick marks. Marks that identify data increments.

Editing a chart has no effect on the data used to create it. You don’t need to worry about updating a chart if you change worksheet data because Excel automatically does it for you. The only chart element you might need to edit is a data range. If you decide you want to plot more or less data in a range, you can select the data series on the worksheet, as shown in the figure below, and then drag the outline to include the range you want in the chart.


Moving and Resizing a Chart

You can move or resize an embedded chart after you select it. If you’ve created a chart as a new sheet instead of an embedded object on an existing worksheet, the chart’s size and location are fixed by the sheet’s margins. You can change the margins to resize or reposition the chart. If you don’t like the location, you can move the embedded chart off the original worksheet and onto another worksheet. When resizing a chart downward, be sure to watch out for legends and axis titles.

Move an Embedded Chart

image Select a chart you want to move.

image Position the mouse pointer over a blank area of the chart, and then drag the pointer to move the outline of the chart to a new location.

image Release the mouse button.


Resize an Embedded Chart

image Select a chart you want to resize.

image Position the mouse pointer over one of the handles.

image Drag the handle to the new chart size.

image Release the mouse button.

See Also

See “Modifying Picture Size” on page 202 for information on how to size a chart using different methods.


Selecting Chart Elements

Chart elements are the individual objects that make up a chart, such as an axis, the legend, or a data series. The plot area is the bordered area where the data are plotted. The chart area is the area between the plot area and the chart elements selection box. Before you can change or format a chart element, you need to select it first. You can select a chart element directly on the chart or use the Chart Elements list arrow on the Ribbon. When you select a chart, handles (small white circles) display around the window’s perimeter, and chart tools become available on the Design, Layout, and Format tabs. When you select an element in a chart, the name of the object appears in the Chart Elements list, which indicates that you can now edit it.

Select a Chart Element

image Select the chart you want to change.

image Click the Format or Layout tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Chart Elements list arrow.

image Click the chart element you want to select.

When a chart object is selected, selection handles appear.

TIME SAVER To select a chart object, click a chart element directly in the chart.

Did You Know?

You can enlarge a chart object to select if. Increase the zoom percentage to enlarge your view before using the mouse pointer to select chart objects.


Changing a Chart Type

Your chart is what your audience sees, so make sure to take advantage of Excel’s pre-built chart layouts and styles to make the chart appealing and visually informative. Start by choosing the chart type that is best suited for presenting your data. There are a wide variety chart types, available in 2-D and 3-D formats, from which to choose. For each chart type, you can select a predefined chart layout and style to apply the formatting you want. If you want to format your chart beyond the provided formats, you can customize a chart. Save your customized settings so that you can apply that chart formatting to any chart you create. You can change the chart type for the entire chart, or you can change the chart type for a selected data series to create a combination chart.

Change a Chart Type for an Entire Chart

image Select the chart you want to change.

image Click the Design tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Change Chart Type button.

image Click the chart type you want.

image Click OK.

Did You Know?

You can reset chart formatting. Click the chart you want to reset, click the Format tab under Chart Tools, and then click the Reset To Match Style button.

You can delete a chart. Click the chart object, and then press Delete.



Change a Chart Type of a Single Data Series

image Select the data series in a chart you want to change.

You can only change the chart type of one data series at a time.

image Click the Design tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Change Chart Type button.

image Click the chart type you want.

image Click OK.



Changing a Chart Layout and Style

Excel’s pre-built chart layouts and styles can make your chart more appealing and visually informative. Start by choosing the chart type that is best suited for presenting your data. There are a wide variety chart types, available in 2-D and 3-D formats, from which to choose. For each chart type, you can select a predefined chart layout and style to apply the formatting you want. If you want to format your chart beyond the provided formats, you can customize a chart. Save your customized settings so that you can apply that chart formatting to any chart you create.

Change a Chart Layout or Style

image Select the chart you want to change.

image Click the Design tab under Chart Tools.

image To change the chart layout, click the scroll up or down arrow, or click the More list arrow in the Chart Layouts group to see variations of the chart type.

image Click the chart layout you want.

Did You Know?

You can record macros with chart elements. When you use the macro recorder with charts, it now records formatting changes to charts and other objects (New!).



Apply a Chart Style

image Select the chart you want to change.

image Click the Design tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the scroll up or down arrow, or click the More list arrow in the Chart Styles group to see color variations of the chart layout.

image Click the chart style you want.



Formatting Chart Elements

Before you can format a chart element, you need to select it first. You can select a chart element directly on the chart or use the Chart Elements list arrow on the Ribbon. After you select a chart element, you can use the Format Selection button to open the Format dialog box, where you can change formatting options, including number, fill, border color and styles, shadow, 3-D format, and alignment. Formatting options vary depending on the selected chart element. In the same way you can apply shape fills, outlines, and effects to a shape, you can also apply them to elements and shapes in a chart.

Format a Chart Object

image Select the chart element you want to modify.

image Click the Format tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Format Selection button.

image Select the options you want. The available options vary depending on the chart.

Some common formatting option categories in the left pane include the following:

image Numberto change number formats.

image Fill to remove or change the fill color, either solid, gradient, picture, or texture.

image Border Color or Styles to remove or change the border color and styles, either solid or gradient line.

image Shadow to change shadow options, including color, transparency, size, blur, angle, and distance.

image 3-D Format to change 3-D format options, including bevel, depth, contour, and surface.

image Alignment to change text alignment, direction, and angle.

image Click Close.



Apply a Shape Style to a Chart Object

image Select the chart element you want to modify.

image Click the Format tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Shape Fill, Shape Outline, or Shape Effects button, and then click or point to an option.

image Fill. Click a color, No Fill, or Picture to select an image, or point to Gradient, or Texture, and then select a style.

image Outline. Click a color or No Outline, or point to Weight, or Dashes, and then select a style.

image Effects. Point to an effect category (Preset, Shadow, Reflection, Glow, Soft Edges, Bevel, or 3-D Rotations), and then select an option.

Did You Know?

You can quickly access chart formatting options. Double-click a chart element to open a formatting dialog box (New!).


Changing Chart Gridlines and Axes

You can change the chart display by showing axis or gridlines with different measurements. An axis is a line bordering the chart plot area used as a reference for measurement. Chart axes are typically ξ (vertical or value), y (horizontal or category), and ζ (only for 3-D charts). If axis titles or scales are too long and unreadable, you might want to change the angle to make titles fit better in a small space, or change the interval between tick marks and axis labels to display with a better scale. Tick marks are small lines of measurement similar to divisions on a ruler on an axis. Gridlines are horizontal and vertical lines you can add to help the reader determine data point values in a chart. There are two types of gridlines: major and minor. Major gridlines occur at each value on an axis, while minor gridlines occur between values on an axis. Use gridlines sparingly and only when they improve the readability of a chart.

Change Chart Gridlines

image Select the chart element you want to modify.

image Click the Layout tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Gridlines button, point to Primary Horizontal Gridlines, Primary Vertical Gridlines, or Depth Gridlines (3-D charts) and then click any of the following options:

image None

image Major Gridlines

image Minor Gridlines

image Major & Minor Gridlines

image To select custom chart gridlines options, click the Gridlines button, and then do one of the following:

image Point to Primary Horizontal Gridlines, and then click More Primary Horizontal Gridlines Options.

image Point to Primary Vertical Gridlines, and then click More Primary Vertical Gridlines Options.

image Point to Depth Gridlines, and then click More Depth Gridlines Options.


Change Chart Axes

image Select the chart element you want to modify.

image Click the Layout tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Axes button, point to Primary Horizontal Axis, and then click any of the following options:

image None

image Show Left to Right Axis

image Show Axis without labeling

image Show Right to Left Axis

image Click the Axes button, point to Primary Vertical Axis, and then click any of the following options:

image None

image Show Default Axis

image Show Axis in Thousands

image Show Axis in Millions

image Show Axis in Billions

image Show Axis with Log Scale

image Click the Axes button, point to Depth Axis (3-D charts), and then click any of the following options:

image None

image Show Default Axis

image Show Axis without labeling

image Show Reverse Axis

image To select custom chart axes options, click the Axes button, and then do one of the following:

image Point to Primary Horizontal Axis, and then click More Primary Horizontal Axis Options.

image Point to Primary Vertical Axis, and then click More Primary Vertical Axis Options.

image Point to Depth Axis, and then click More Depth Axis Options.



Changing Chart Titles

The layout of a chart typically comes with a chart title, axis titles, and a legend. However, you can also include other elements, such as data labels, and a data table. You can show, hide, or change the positions of these elements to achieve the look you want. The chart title typically appears at the top of the chart. However, you can change the title position to appear as an overlap text object on top of the chart. When you position the chart title as an overlay, the chart is resized to the maximum allowable size. In the same way, you can also reposition horizontal and vertical axis titles to achieve the best fit in a chart. If you want a more custom look, you can set individual options using the Format dialog box.

Change Chart Title

image Select the chart you want to modify.

image Click the Layout tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Chart Titles button, and then click one of the following:

image None to hide the chart title.

image Centered Overlay Title to insert a title on the chart without resizing it.

image Above Chart to position the chart title at the top of the chart and resize it.

image More Title Options to set custom chart title options.

image Double-click the text box to place the insertion point, and then modify the text.

Did You Know?

You can link a chart or axis title to a worksheet cell. On the chart, click the chart or axis title you want to link, click in the formula bar, type an equal sign (=), select the worksheet cell that contains the data or text you want to display in the chart, and then press Enter.


Change Chart Axis Titles

image Select the chart you want to modify.

image Click the Layout tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Axis Titles button, point to Primary Horizontal Axis Title, and then click any of the following options:

image None to hide the axis title.

image Title Below Axis to display the title below the axis.

image Click the Axis Titles button, point to Primary Vertical Axis Title, and then click any of the following options (to show or hide):

image None to hide the axis title.

image Rotated Title to display the axis title rotated.

image Vertical Title to display the axis title vertical.

image Horizontal Title to display the axis title horizontal.

image To select custom chart axis titles options, click the Axis Titles button, and then do one of the following:

image Point to Primary Horizontal Axis Title, and then click More Primary Horizontal Axis Title Options.

image Point to Primary Vertical Axis Title, and then click More Primary Vertical Axis Title Options.

image To change title text, double-click the text box to place the insertion point, and then modify the text.



Changing Chart Labels

A legend is a set of text labels that helps the reader connect the colors and patterns in a chart with the data they represent. Legend text is derived from the data series plotted within a chart. You can rename an item within a legend by changing the text in the data series. If the legend chart location doesn’t work with the chart type, you can reposition the legend at the right, left, top or bottom of the chart or overlay the legend on top of the chart on the right or left side. Data labels show data values in the chart to make it easier for the reader to see, while a Data table shows the data values in an associated table next to the chart. If you want a customized look, you can set individual options using the Format dialog box.

Change the Chart Legend

image Select the chart you want to modify.

image Click the Layout tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Legend button, and then click one of the following:

image None to hide the legend.

image Show Legend at Right to display and align the legend on the right.

image Show Legend at Top to display and align the legend at the top.

image Show Legend at Left to display and align the legend on the left.

image Show Legend at Bottom to display and align the legend at the bottom.

image Overlay Legend at Right to position the legend on the chart on the right.

image Overlay Legend at Left to position the legend on the chart on the left.

image More Legend Options to set custom legend options.


Change Chart Data Labels

image Select the chart you want to modify.

image Click the Layout tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Data Labels button, and then click one of the following:

image None to hide data labels.

image Show to display data labels centered on the data points.

image More Data Label Options to set custom data label options.

The available options vary depending on the select chart.


Show or Hide a Chart Data Table

image Select the chart you want to modify.

image Click the Layout tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Data Table button, and then click one of the following:

image None to hide a data table.

image Show Data Table to show the data table below the chart.

image Show Data Table with Legend Keys to show the data table below the chart with legend keys.

image More Data Table Options to set custom data table options.


Pulling Out a Pie Slice

A pie chart is an effective and easily understood chart type for comparing parts that make up a whole entity, such as departmental percentages of a company budget. You can call attention to individual pie slices that are particularly significant by moving them away from the other pieces, or exploding the pie. Not only will this make a visual impact, it will also restate the values you are graphing.

Explode a Pie Slice

image Select a pie chart.

image To explode a single slice, double-click to select the pie slice you want to explode.

image Drag the slice away from the pie.

image Release the mouse button.

Did You Know?

You can select a pie slice to make it stand out. Because a pie chart has only one data series, clicking any slice selects the entire data series. Click a second time to select a specific slice.


Undo a Pie Explosion

image Select a pie chart.

image Drag a slice toward the center of the pie.

image Release the mouse button.


Formatting Chart Data Series

If you want to further enhance a chart, you can insert a picture in a chart so that its image occupies a bar or column. You can use the Format Selection button to open the Format dialog box and change Fill options to format a chart data series with a solid, gradient, picture, or texture fill. In addition, you can also change a chart data series with a border color, border style, shadow, and 3-D formats, which include bevel, depth, contour, and surface styles.

Format a Chart Data Series

image Select the chart series you want to modify.

image Click the Format tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Format Selection button.

image Select the options you want:

image Series Options to change the gap width and depth (for 3-D charts), or series overlap (for 2-D charts).

image Shape to change the shape to a box, pyramid, cone, or cylinder (for 3-D charts).

image Fill to remove or change the fill, either solid color, gradient, picture, or texture.

image Border Color or Styles to remove or change the border color and styles, either solid or gradient line.

image Shadow to change shadow options, including color, transparency, size, blur, angle, and distance.

image 3-D Format to change 3-D format options, including bevel, depth, contour, and surface.

image Click Close.



Formatting Chart Text

Objects such as chart and axis titles, data labels, and annotated text are referred to as chart text. To make chart text more readable, you can use formatting tools on the Home or Format tabs to change the text font, style, and size. For example, you might decide to change your chart title size and alignment, or change your axis text color. If you want to change the way text appears, you can also rotate text to a diagonal angle or vertical orientation. On the Format tab under Chart Tools, you can apply WordArt and Shape Styles to chart text.

Format Chart Text

image Select the chart that contains the text you want to change.

image Select the text object in the chart you want to format.

If you want to select only a portion of the text, click the text object again to place the insertion point, and then select the part of the text you want to format.

image Click the Format tab under Chart Tools, and then click the WordArt or Shape Style you want.

image Click the Home tab.

image In the Font group, select any combination of options: Font, Font Size, Increase Font Size, Decrease Font Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Fill Color, or Font Color.

image In the Alignment group, select any combination of alignment options.

TIMESAVER To quickly format chart text, right-click the text, and then click a formatting button on the Mini-Toolbar.

image To set custom text formatting options, click the Font or Alignment Dialog Box Launcher.



Formatting Line and Bar Charts

If you’re using a line or bar chart, you can add trendlines, series lines, drop lines, high-low lines, up/down bars, or error bars with different options to make the chart easier to read. Trendlines are graphical representations of trends in data that you can use to analyze problems of prediction. For example, you can add a trendline to forecast a trend toward rising revenue. Series lines connect data series in 2-D stacked bar and column charts. Drop lines extend a data point to a category in a line or area chart, which makes it easy to see where data markers begin and end. High-low lines display the highest to the lowest value in each category in 2-D charts. Stock charts are examples of high-low lines and up/down bars. Error bars show potential error amounts graphically relative to each data marker in a data series. Error bars are usually used in statistical or scientific data.

Format Line and Bar Charts

image Select the line or bar chart you want to modify.

image Click the Layout tab under Chart Tools.

image In the Analysis group, click any of the following:

image Trendline to remove or add different types of trendlines: Linear, Exponential, Linear Forecast, and Two Period Moving Average.

image Lines to hide Drop Lines, High-Low Lines or Series Lines, or show series lines on a 2-D stacked Bar/Column Pie or Pie or Bar of Pie chart.

image Up/Down Bars to hide Up/Down Bars, or show Up/Down Bars on a line chart.

image Error Bars to hide error bars or show error bars with using Standard Error, Percentage, or Standard Deviation.


Changing the Chart Background

Format the background of a chart by showing or hiding the chart wall or floor with a default color fill, or by changing the 3-D view of a chart. The plot area is bounded by the axes, which includes all data series. The chart wall is the background, and the chart floor is the bottom in a 3-D chart. The 3-D view allows you to change the rotation of a 3-D chart using the x-, y-, or z-axis, and apply a 3-D perspective to the chart.

Change the Chart Background

image Select the chart element you want to modify.

image Click the Layout tab under Chart Tools.

image Click any of the following buttons:

image Plot Area to show or hide the plot area.

image Chart Wall to show or hide the chart wall with the default color fill.

image Chart Floor to show or hide the chart floor with the default color fill.

image 3-D Rotation to change the 3-D viewpoint of the chart.

In the Format Chart Area dialog box, click 3-D Rotation or 3-D Format in the left pane, select the 3-D options you want, and then click Close.



Enhancing a Chart

If you want to further enhance a chart, you can insert a picture, shape or text annotation to add visual appeal. In the same way you insert a picture, shape, or text box into a worksheet, you can insert them into a chart. The Picture, Shapes, and Text Box button are available on the Layout tab under Chart Tools.

Insert a Picture, Shape, or Text

image Select the chart element you want to modify.

image Click the Layout tab under Chart Tools.

image Use any of the following:

image Picture. Click the Picture button, select a picture, and then click Insert.

image Shapes. Click the Shapes button, click a shape, and then drag to draw the shape.

image Text Box. Click the Text Box button, drag to create a text box, and then type the text you want.

image Use the Format tab under Drawing Tools to format the shape or text box.

Did You Know?

You can edit shape text. Right-click the shape or text object, click Edit Text, modify the text, and then click outside the object to deselect it.

You can convert a chart to a picture. Select the chart, click the Home tab, click the Copy button, click the Paste button arrow, point to As Picture, and then click Paste As Picture. Instead of using Paste As Picture, you can use Paste Special to paste a chart as a picture with a specific graphic format, such as PNG, JPEG, GIF, Enhanced Metafile, or Bitmap.



Editing Chart Data

You can edit chart data in a worksheet one cell at a time, or you can manipulate a range of data. If you’re not sure what data to change to get the results you want, use the Edit Data Source dialog box to help you. In previous versions, you were limited to 32,000 data points in a data series for 2-D charts. Now you can have as much as your memory to store (New!). You can work with data ranges by series, either Legend or Horizontal. The Legend series is the data range displayed on the axis with the legend, while the Horizontal series is the data range displayed on the other axis. Use the Collapse Dialog button to temporarily minimize the dialog to select the data range you want. After you select your data, click the Expand Dialog button to return back to the dialog box.

Edit Data in the Worksheet

image In the worksheet, use any of the following methods to edit cell contents:

image To replace the cell contents, click the cell, type the data you want to enter in the cell. It replaces the previous entry.

image To edit the cell content, double-click the selected cell where you want to edit.

Press Delete or Backspace to delete one character at a time, and then type the new data.

image Press Enter to move the insertion point down one row or press Tab to move the insertion point right to the next cell.

Did You Know?

You can plot data series from rows or columns. Select the chart, click the Design tab under Chart Tools, and then click the Switch Row/Column button. This switches between plotting the data series in a chart from worksheet rows or from columns.


Edit the Data Source

image Click the chart you want to modify.

image Click the Design tab.

image Click the Select Data button on the Design tab under Chart Tools.

image In the Select Data Source dialog box, use any of the following:

IMPORTANT Click the Collapse Dialog button to minimize the dialog, so you can select a range in the worksheet. Click the Expand Dialog button to maximize it again.

image Chart data range. Displays the data range in the worksheet of the plotted chart.

image Switch Row/Column. Click to switch plotting the data series in the chart from rows or columns.

image Add. Click to add a new Legend data series to the chart.

image Edit. Click to make changes to a Legend or Horizontal series.

image Remove. Click to remove the selected Legend data series.

image Move Up and Move Down. Click to move a Legend data series up or down in the list.

image Hidden and Empty Cells. Click to plot hidden worksheet data in the chart and determine what to do with empty cells.

image Click OK.



Adding and Deleting a Data Series

Many components make up a chart. Each range of data that comprises a bar, column, or pie slice is called a data series; each value in a data series is called a data point. The data series is defined when you select a range on a worksheet and then open the Chart Wizard. But what if you want to add a data series once a chart is complete? Using Excel, you can add a data series by using the Design tab under Chart Tools, or using the mouse. As you create and modify more charts, you might also find it necessary to delete or change the order of one or more data series. You can delete a data series without re-creating the chart.

Add a Data Series Quickly

image Click the chart you want to modify.

image Click the Design tab under Chart Tools, and then click the Select Data button.

image Click Add.

image Enter a data series name, specify the data series range, and then click OK.

image Click OK.



Delete a Data Series

image Click the chart you want to modify.

image Click the Design tab under Chart Tools, and then click the Select Data button.

image Click the data series you want to delete.

image Click Remove.

image Click OK.


Change a Data Series

image Click the chart you want to modify.

image Click the Design tab under Chart Tools, and then click the Select Data button.

image Click the series name you want to change.

image Click Edit.

image Click the Collapse Dialog button to change the series name or values, make the change, and then click the Expand Dialog button.

image Click OK.

image Click OK.


Change Data Series Order

image Click the chart you want to modify.

image Click the Design tab under Chart Tools, and then click the Select Data button.

image Click the series name you want to change.

image To switch data series position, click the Switch Row/Column button.

image To reorder the data series, click the Move Up or Move Down button.

image Click OK.


Saving a Chart Template

A chart template file (.crtx) saves all the customization you made to a chart for use in other workbooks. You can save any chart in a workbook as a chart template file and use it to form the basis of your next workbook chart, which is useful for standard company financial reporting. Although you can store your template anywhere you want, you may find it handy to store it in the Templates/Charts folder that Excel and Microsoft Office uses to store its templates. If you store your design templates in the Templates/Charts folder, those templates appear as options when you insert or change a chart type using My Templates. When you create a new chart or want to change the chart type of an existing chart, you can apply a chart template instead of re-creating it.

Create a Custom Chart Template

image Click the chart you want to save as a template.

image Click the Design tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Save As Template button.

image Make sure the Charts folder appears in the Save in box.

Microsoft Office templates are typically stored in the following location:

Windows 7 or Vista. C:/Users/your name/AppData/Microsoft/Roaming/Templates/Charts

Windows XP. C:/Documents and Settings/your name/Application Data/Microsoft/Templates/Charts

image Type a name for the chart template.

image Click Save.



Apply a Chart Template

image Use one of the following methods:

image New chart. Click the Insert tab, and then click the Charts Dialog Box Launcher.

image Change chart. Select the chart you want to change, click the Design tab under Chart Tools, and then click the Change Chart Type button.

image In the left pane, click Templates.

image Click the custom chart type you want.

image Click OK.

Did You Know?

You can set a chart as the default. If you use the same chart template over and over again, you can set a chart as the default when creating a new chart. In the Chart Type dialog box, click Template in the left pane, select the chart you want to use, click Set As Default Chart, and then click Cancel.


Managing Chart Templates

If you no longer need a chart template, you can use the Chart Type dialog box to access and manage chart templates files (.crtx). You can click the Manage Templates button to open the Charts folder and move, copy, or delete chart templates. Microsoft Office stores chart template files in the Charts folder, so all Office programs can use them. When you store templates in the Charts folder, those templates appear as options when you insert or change a chart type using My Templates. So, if you no longer need a chart template, you can move it from the Charts template folder for later use or you can permanently delete it from your computer.

Move or Delete a Custom Chart Template

image Select a chart.

image Click the Design tab under Chart Tools.

image Click the Change Chart Type button.

TIMESAVER To open the Chart Types dialog box, you can click the Charts Dialog Box Launcher on the Insert tab.

image Click Manage Templates.

The Charts folder opens.

Windows 7 or Vista. C:/Users/your name/AppData/Microsoft/Roaming/Templates/Charts

Windows XP. C:/Documents and Settings/your name/Application Data/Microsoft/Templates/Charts

image To move a chart template file from the Charts folder, drag it to the folder where you want to store it, or right-click the file and use the Cut and Paste commands.

image To delete a chart template file, right-click it, and then click Delete.

image When you’re done, click the Close button.

image Click Cancel in the Change Chart Type dialog box.



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