Chapter 3. Why Good Design Matters
Many of today's businesses rely on their database systems for accurate, up-to-date information. Without those repositories of mission-critical data, most businesses are unable to perform their normal daily transactions, much less create summary reports that help management make strategic corporate decisions. To be useful, the data in a database must be accurate, complete, and organized in such a way that data can be retrieved when needed and in the format desired.
Well-written database application programs—whether they execute locally, run over a local area network, or feed information to a Web site—are fundamental to timely and accurate data retrieval. However, without a good underlying database design, even the best program cannot avoid problems with inaccurate and inconsistent data.

Effects of Poor Database Design

To make it a bit clearer why the design of a database matters so much, let's take a look at a business that has a very bad design and the problems that the poor design brings. The business is named Antique Opticals and DVDs (called Antique Opticals for short by its regular customers).
Note: Remember the definition of a database that was presented in Chapter 1. As you will see, the data storage used by Antique Opticals and DVDs isn't precisely a database.
Back in the early 1980s, when most people were just discovering videotapes, Mark Watkins and Emily Stone stumbled across a fledgling technology known as the laser disc. There were several competing formats, but by 1986 the industry had standardized on a 12-inch silver platter on which either 30 or 60 minutes of video and audio could be recorded. Although the market was still small, it was at that time that Watkins and Stone opened the first incarnation of their business, originally named Lasers Only, to sell and rent laser discs. Some of its income came from sales and rentals directly from its single retail store, but the largest part of its revenue came from mail-order sales.
The appearance of DVDs in 1995 put a quick end to the release of new laser discs. The last new title was released in 2000, but the number of new titles had decreased significantly even before that time. Watkins and Stone saw their business dwindling rapidly in the late 1990s. They soon realized that if they were to stay in business, they had to change their merchandise focus. Laser discs were now the “antiques” of the optical media world, with DVDs—and most recently Blu-ray high-definition discs—the current technology.
Antique Opticals and DVDs now sells and rents DVDs and Blu-ray discs from the retail store. It also sells used laser discs that it purchases from individuals. The company has a primitive Web site for mail-order sales. The current catalog is updated weekly and uploaded to the site, where users place orders. However, the catalog is not integrated with any live data storage. An employee must take the order from the Web site and then shop for the customer. As a result, customers occasionally do not receive their entire order when ordered items have been sold at the retail store. This is particularly true in the case of used laser discs, where the quantity in stock is rarely more than one per title.
In 1990, when the store began its mail-order business, Watkins created a “database” to handle the orders and sales. Customers were (and still are) enticed to order titles before the official release date by offering a 15 to 20 percent discount on preorders. (All titles are always discounted 10 percent from the suggested retail price.) The mail-order database (which has evolved into today's Web order database) therefore needed to include a way to handle backorders so that preordered items could be shipped as soon as they came into the store.
At the time we visit Antique Opticals, it is still using the software that Watkins created. The primary data entry interface is a form like that in Figure 3-1. Customer numbers are created by combining the customer's zip code, the first three letters of his or her last name, and a three-digit sequence number. For example, if Stone lives in zip code 12345 and she is the second customer in that zip code with a last name beginning with STO, then her customer number is 12345STO002. The sequence numbers ensures that no two customer numbers will have the same number.
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Figure 3-1
The data entry form used by Antique Opticals and DVDs for their mail-order business.
When a new title comes into the store, an employee searches the database to find all those who have preordered that title. The employee prints a packing slip from the stored data and then places an X in the “item shipped” check box.
At first glance, Antique Opticals' software seems pretty simple and straightforward. So it should work just fine, right? (This is assuming we ignore the issue of integration with the Web site.) Well, it worked fine for a while, but as the business expanded, problems began to arise.

Unnecessary Duplicated Data and Data Consistency

The Antique Opticals database has a considerable amount of unnecessary duplicated data. For example, a customer's name, address, and phone number are duplicated for every item the customer orders; a merchandise item's title is duplicated every time the item is ordered.
What is the problem with this duplication? When you have duplicated data in this way, the data should be the same throughout the database. In other words, every order for a given customer should have the same name, address, and phone number, typed exactly the same way. Every order for a single title should have the exact same title, typed exactly the same way. We want the duplicated data to be consistent throughout the database.
As the database grows larger, this type of consistency is very difficult to maintain. Most business-oriented database software is case sensitive, in that it considers upper- and lowercase letters to be different characters. In addition, no one is a perfect typist. A difference in capitalization or even a single mistyped letter will cause database software to consider two values to be distinct.
When an Antique Opticals employee performs a search to find all the people who have ordered a specific title, the database software will retrieve only those orders that match the title entered by the employee exactly. For example, assume that a movie named Summer Days is scheduled to be released soon. In some orders, the title is stored correctly as “Summer Days,” but in others it is stored as “summer days” or even “sumer days.” When an employee searches for all the people to whom the movie should be shipped, the orders for “summer days” and “sumer days” will not be retrieved. Those customers will not receive their orders, causing disgruntled customers and probably lost business.
The current Antique Opticals software has no way to ensure that duplicated data are entered consistently. There are, however, two solutions. The first is to eliminate as much of the duplicated data as possible. (As you will see, it is neither possible nor desirable to eliminate all of it.) The second is to provide some mechanism for verifying that when data must be duplicated, they are entered correctly. A well-designed database will do both.
Note: Unnecessary duplicated data also take up extra disk space, but given that disk space is relatively inexpensive today, that isn't a major reason for getting rid of redundant data.

Data Insertion Problems

When operations first began, the Lasers Only staff generated the catalog of forthcoming titles by hand. By 1995, however, Stone realized that this was a very cumbersome process and thought it would be much better if the catalog could be generated from the database. “Why not get a list of forthcoming titles from the database and have a database program generate the entire catalog?” Stone discovered, however, that it could not be done from the existing database, for two reasons.
First, the database did not contain all of the information needed for the catalog, in particular a synopsis of all the content of the disc. This problem could be remedied by adding that information to the database, but doing so would only exacerbate the problem with unnecessary duplicated data if the company were to include the summary with every order. If the summary was included only once, how would the company know which order contained the summary?
Second, and by far more important, there is no way to enter data about a title unless someone has ordered it. This presents a very large Catch-22. The company couldn't insert data about a title unless it had been ordered at least once, but customers won't know that it is available to be ordered without seeing it in the catalog. But the catalog can't contain data about the new title until someone can get the data into the database, and that can't happen until the title has been ordered.
Note: This problem is more formally known as an “insertion anomaly,” and you will learn about it more formally throughout this book.
Antique Opticals solved the problem by creating a second database for forthcoming titles from which the catalog can be generated. Unfortunately, the second database produced problems of its own, in particular because it introduced yet another source of duplicated data. The catalog database and the orders database do not communicate to verify that duplicated data are consistent, creating another potential source of errors in the orders database.

Data Deletion Problems

Antique Opticals also has problems when it comes to deleting data. Assume, for example, that a customer orders only one item. After the order has been processed, the item is discontinued by the manufacturer. Antique Opticals therefore wants to delete all references to the item from its database because the item is no longer available.
When the orders containing the item are deleted, information about any customer who has ordered only that item is also deleted. No other orders remain in the database for that customer. Antique Opticals will be unable to e-mail that customer any more catalogs and must hope that the customer visits the Web site without being contacted by the company. A very real potential exists that Antique Opticals has lost that individual as a customer.
Note: This problem is more formally known as a “deletion anomaly.” It, too, will be discussed in greater depth throughout this book.

Meaningful Identifiers

The Antique Opticals orders database has another major problem: those customer numbers. It is very tempting to code meaning into identifiers, and it usually works well until the values on which the identifiers are based change.
Consider what happens when an Antique Opticals customer moves. The person's customer number must change. At that point, there will be orders for the same customer with two different customer numbers in the same database.
If a customer who has moved since first ordering from the store calls and asks for a list of all items he or she has on order, the first thing the employee who answers the telephone does is ask the customer for his or her customer number. The customer, of course, provides the current value, which means that anything ordered under the old customer number will be missed during a search. The customer may assume that titles ordered under the old customer number are not on order. As a result, the customer may place another order, causing two copies of the same item to be shipped. Antique Opticals is then faced with another disgruntled customer who has to go to the trouble of returning the duplicate and getting the second charge removed from his or her credit card.
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